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Exact solutions with noncommutative symmetries in

Einstein and gauge gravity
Sergiu I. Vacarua兲
Instituto de Matematicas y Fisica Fundamental, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Cientificas, Calle Serrano 123, Madrid 28006, Spain
共Received 27 July 2004; accepted 22 December 2004; published online 21 March 2005兲

We present new classes of exact solutions with noncommutative symmetries con-

structed in vacuum Einstein gravity 共in general, with nonzero cosmological con-
stant兲, five-dimensional 共5D兲 gravity and 共anti兲 de Sitter gauge gravity. Such solu-
tions are generated by anholonomic frame transforms and parametrized by generic
off-diagonal metrics. For certain particular cases, the new classes of metrics have
explicit limits with Killing symmetries but, in general, they may be characterized
by certain anholonomic noncommutative matrix geometries. We argue that different
classes of noncommutative symmetries can be induced by exact solutions of the
field equations in commutative gravity modeled by a corresponding moving real
and complex frame geometry. We analyze two classes of black ellipsoid solutions
共in the vacuum case and with cosmological constant兲 in four-dimensional gravity
and construct the analytic extensions of metrics for certain classes of associated
frames with complex valued coefficients. The third class of solutions describes 5D
wormholes which can be extended to complex metrics in complex gravity models
defined by noncommutative geometric structures. The anholonomic noncommuta-
tive symmetries of such objects are analyzed. We also present a descriptive account
how the Einstein gravity can be related to gauge models of gravity and their non-
commutative extensions and discuss such constructions in relation to the Seiberg–
Witten map for the gauge gravity. Finally, we consider a formalism of vielbeins
deformations subjected to noncommutative symmetries in order to generate solu-
tions for noncommutative gravity models with Moyal 共star兲 product. © 2005
American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.1869538兴

In the last 15 years much effort has been made to elaborate a consistent formulation of
noncommutative gravity theory generalizing the standard Einstein theory but up to now the prob-
lem is quite difficult to approach 共see, for instance, Refs. 1–8 for details related to existing
models兲. The proposed theories are for the spaces with Euclidean signatures, and, in general, result
in models of complex gravity in noncommutative spaces provided with complex and/or nonsym-
metric metrics and anholonomic frames. There were also derived some effective noncommutative
gravity models from string/brane theory, by considering quantum group structures and/or by
proposing noncommutative gaugelike generalizations of gravity.
In this paper, we pursue the idea that noncommutative geometric structures are present in the
Einstein, five-dimensional 共in brief, 5D兲 gravity and gauge gravity models. Such noncommutative
symmetries are emphasized if the anholonomic moving frames9–12 are introduced into consider-
ation. This hidden noncommutativity is nontrivial for various classes of generic off-diagonal
metrics admitting effective diagonalizations by anholonomic transforms with associated nonlinear
connection structure.13–19 The metrics may be subjected to the condition to define exact solutions

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of the vacuum field equations with certain possible extensions to matter sources. The noncommu-
tative anhlonomic geometries can be derived even from the commutative general relativity theory
and admit a natural embedding into different models of complex noncommutative gravity. The
metric and frame 共vielbein兲 coefficients corresponding to off-diagonal solutions depend on two,
three or four variables and define space–times with associated noncommutative symmetries. Such
classes of exact solutions are very different from the well-known examples of metrics with Killing
symmetry 共like the Schwarzschild or Kerr–Newmann solutions; see a detailed analysis in Ref. 20兲.
Our aim is to prove, by constructing and analyzing three classes of exact solutions, that certain
noncommutative geometric structures can be defined in the framework of the Einstein 共in general,
with the cosmological term兲 and 5D gravity. We emphasize classes of anholonomic real and
complex deformations of metrics possessing associated noncommutative symmetries. Contrary to
other approaches to noncommutative gravity and field interactions theory elaborated by substitut-
ing the commutative algebras of functions with noncommutative algebras and/or by postulating
any complex noncommutative relations for coordinates, we try to derive noncommutative struc-
tures from associated symmetries of metrics and frames subjected to anholonomy relations. We
shall propose a classification of such space–times and state a method of complexification of exact
solutions preserving the noncommutative symmetry for black hole and wormhole metrics in real
and complex gravity.
The study of anholonomic noncommutative symmetries of gravitational field interactions is
more involved in the moving frame formalism conventionally adapted to equivalent redefinitions
of the Einstein equations as Yang–Mills equations for nonsemisimple gauge groups like in the
Poincare gauge gravity.21,22 This construction has direct generalizations to various type of gauge
gravity models with nondegenerate metrics in the total bundle spaces, in both commutative and
noncommutative forms.23–29,6 The connection between the general relativity theory and gauge
gravity models is emphasized in order to apply and compare with a set of results from noncom-
mutative gauge theory.
Among our static solutions we find geometries having a structure as have Schwarzschild,
Reissner–Nordstrem, and 共anti兲 de Sitter spaces but with the coefficients redefined 共with certain
polarization constants兲 with respect to anholonomic real/complex frames which make possible
definition of such objects in noncommutative models of gravity. There are equally interesting
applications to black hole physics, quantum gravity, and string gravity.
Next, the emerged anholonomic noncommutative symmetries of off-diagonal metrics pre-
scribe explicit rules of deformation the solutions on small noncommutative parameters and con-
nect the results to quantum deformations of gravity and gauge models. So, even a generally
accepted version of noncommutative gravity theory has been not yet formulated, we know how to
generate particular classes of real and complex stable metrics with noncommutative symmetries
and possessing properties very similar to the usual black hole and wormhole solutions. In particu-
lar, we present a systematic procedure for constructing exact solutions both in commutative and
noncommutative gravity models, to define black hole and wormhole objects with noncommutative
symmetries and quantum corrections. We are able to investigate the physical properties of such
objects subjected to certain classes of anholonomic and/or quantum deformations.
The paper is organized as follows.
We begin in Sec. II with a brief introduction into the geometry of space–times provided with
anholonomic frame structure and associated nonlinear connections. Such geometries are charac-
terized by corresponding anholonomy relations induced by nonlinear connection coefficients re-
lated to certain off-diagonal metric components. This also induces a corresponding noncommuta-
tive space–time structure.
In Sec. III, we illustrate that such noncommutative anholonomic geometries can be associated
even to real space–times and that a simple realization holds within the algebra for complex
matrices. We emphasize that a corresponding noncommutative differential calculus can be derived
from the anholonomy coefficients deforming the structure constants of the related Lie algebras.
Section IV is devoted to a rigorous analysis of two classes of static black ellipsoid solutions
关the first and second type metrics defining, respectively, four-dimensional 共4D兲 vacuum Einstein

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and induced by cosmological constant configurations兴. We prove that such metrics can be com-
plexified in order to admit associated complex frame/nonlinear connection structures inducing
noncommutative matrix geometries and show how analytic extensions of such real and complexi-
fied space–times can be constructed.
In Sec. V, a class of 5D wormhole solutions with anisotropic elliptic polarizations is consid-
ered for the 5D gravity. We argue that such generic off-diagonal metrics may be also complexified
as to preserve the wormhole configurations being additionally characterized by complex valued
coefficients for the associated nonlinear connection. Such objects possess the same noncommuta-
tive symmetry for both types of real and complex solutions.
Section VI is a discussion of how the Einstein gravity and its higher dimension extensions can
be incorporated naturally into commutative and noncommutative gauge models. A new point is
that the proposed geometric formalism is elaborated in order to include anholonomic complex
In Sec. VII, we define the Seiberg–Witten map for the de Sitter gauge gravity and state a
prescription how the exact solutions possessing anholonomic noncommutative symmetries can be
adapted to deformations via star products with noncommutative relations for coordinates.
We conclude and discuss the results in Sec. VIII. For convenience, we summarize the neces-
sary results from Refs. 13–19 and 30–32 in Appendixes A–C and state some definitions on “star”
products and enveloping algebras in Appendix D.


We consider a 共n + m兲-dimensional space–time manifold Vn+m provided with a 共pseudo兲 Rie-
mannian metric g = 兵g␮␯其 and denote the local coordinates u = 共x , y兲, or in component form, u␣
= 共xi , y a兲, where the greek indices are conventionally split into two subsets, x = 兵xi其 and y = 兵y a其,
labelled, correspondingly, by italic indices of type i , j , k , . . . = 1 , 2 , . . . , n, and a , b , . . .
= 1 , 2 , . . . , m. In general, the geometric objects on such space–times may possess some nontrivial
Killing symmetries 共the Killing case is emphasized by the condition LXg = 0, where LX is the Lie
derivative with respect to a vector field X on Vn+m, see, for instance, Ref. 20兲 or some deforma-
tions of such symmetries, for instance, by frame transforms. The space–times may have some
additional frame structures with associated nonlinear connection, bundle structure, and even non-
trivial torsions being adapted to the frame structure.
We shall define our constructions for a general metric ansatz of type

g = g␮␯␦u␮ 丢 ␦u␯ = gij共xk兲dxi 丢 dx j + hab共xk, v兲␦y a 丢 ␦y b 共1兲

with respect to a locally adapted basis 关dx , ␦y 兴, where the Einstein’s summation rule is applied
i a

and by v we emphasize the dependence on a so-called anisotropic coordinate from the set 兵y a其.
The local basis

e关N兴 = ␦␮ = ␦u␮ = 关dxi, ␦y a兴 = 关dxi,dy a = dy a + Nai 共xk, v兲dxi兴 共2兲

共called to be N-elongated; we shall provide an additional index 关N兴 if necessary to distinguish such
objects兲 is dual to the local basis

e␣关N兴 = ␦a =

␦u a = 冋

i =
⳵x ⳵x

i − Ni 共x , v兲
a k ⳵ ⳵
⳵ya ⳵yb
. 册 共3兲

We consider an off-diagonal metric ansatz for 共1兲 having the components

ĝ␣␤ = 冋 gij + Nai Nbj hab Nej hae

Nei hbe hab
册 . 共4兲

So, we can write equivalently g = ĝ␣␤ du␣ du␤ if the metric is rewritten with respect to the local
dual coordinate basis du␮ = 关dxi , dy a兴, the dual to ⳵ / ⳵u␣ = 关⳵ / ⳵xi , ⳵ / ⳵y b兴 共defined correspondingly
by usual partial derivatives and differentials兲.

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A very surprising fact is that the off-diagonal metric ansatz 共4兲 for dimensions n + m = 3 , 4 , 5
and certain imbedding of such configurations in extra dimension 共super兲 spaces results in com-
pletely integrable systems of partial differential equations 共see details in Refs. 13–19 with a review
of results in Refs. 30 and 31 and Theorems 1–3 in Appendix B兲. In this paper, we shall consider
that any metric 共4兲, or equivalently 共1兲 and frames 共vielbeins兲 共2兲 and 共3兲, parametrizes an exact
solution of the Einstein equations in a commutative gravity theory.
Let us state the main geometric properties of space–times provided with off-diagonal metrics
which can be effectively diagonalized with respect to the N-elongated frames 共2兲 and 共3兲.
共1兲 Such space–times are characterized by certain anholonomic frame relations 共anholonomy

关N兴␥ 关N兴
e␣关N兴e␤关N兴 − e␤关N兴e␣关N兴 = w␣␤ e␥ 共5兲
with some nontrivial anholonomy coefficients w␣␤ computed as

wkij = 0, wkaj = 0, wkab = 0, wcab = 0,

wabj = − wa jb = ⳵bNaj , waij = − ⍀aij = ␦iNaj − ␦ jNai 共6兲

共we shall omit the label 关N兴 if this will not result in any confusion; as a matter of principle,
we can consider arbitrary anholonomy coefficients not related to any off-diagonal metric
terms兲. If the values w␣␤ do not vanish, it is not possible to diagonalize the metric 共4兲 by
any coordinate transforms: such space–times are generic off diagonal. The holonomic frames
共in particular the coordinate ones兲 consist of a subclass of vielbeins with vanishing an-
holonomy coefficients.
共2兲 To any frame 共vielbein兲 transform defined by the coefficients of e␣关N兴 decomposed with
respect to usual coordinate frames, we can associate a nonlinear connection structure 共in
brief, N connection兲 N with the coefficients 兵Naj 其 关in global form the N connection was
defined in Ref. 33 by developing previous ideas from Finsler geometry,9–12,34–36 investigated
in details for vector bundle spaces in Refs. 37 and 38; see also Refs. 13–19 and 30–32 on
definition of such objects in 共pseudo兲 Riemannian and Riemann–Cartan–Weyl geometry or
on superspaces兴. Here we note that the N-connection structure is characterized by its curva-
ture 共N curvature兲 ⍀ = 兵⍀aij其 with the coefficients computed as in 共6兲. The well-known class of
linear connections is to be distinguished as a particular case when Naj 共x , y兲 = ⌫ajb共x兲y b. On
共pseudo兲 Riemannian spaces, the N connection is a geometric object completely defined by
anholonomic frames when the vielbein transforms e␣关N兴 are parametrized explicitly via certain
values 共Nai , ␦ij , ␦ab兲, where ␦ij and ␦ab are the Kronecker symbols, like in 共3兲.
共3兲 The N coefficients define a conventional global horizontal–vertical 共in brief, h – v兲 splitting of
space–time Vn+m into holonomic–anholonomic subsets of geometrical objects labeled by h
components with indices i , j , . . . and v components with indices a , b , . . .; see details in Refs.
13–19 and 30–32. The necessary formulas for the h – v decompositions of the curvature,
Ricci and Einstein tensors are contained in Appendix A.
共4兲 Such generic “off-diagonal” space–times may be characterized by the so-called canonical
N-adapted linear connection ⌫关c兴 = 兵Li jk , Labk , Ci jc , Cabc其 satisfying the metricity condition
D␥关c兴g␣␤ = 0 and being adapted to the h – v distribution. The coefficients of ⌫关c兴 are

Li jk = 21 gin共␦kgnj + ␦ jgnk − ␦ng jk兲,

Labk = ⳵bNak + 21 hac共␦khbc − hdc⳵bNdk − hdb⳵cNdk 兲, 共7兲

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Ci jc = 21 gik⳵cg jk, Cabc = 21 had共⳵chdb + ⳵bhdc − ⳵dhbc兲,

where ␦k = ␦ / ⳵xk and ⳵c = ⳵ / ⳵y a; they are constructed from the coefficients 共and their partial
derivatives兲 of the metric and N connection. This connection is an anholonomic deformation
共by N coefficients兲 of the Levi–Civita connection.
共5兲 The torsion of the connection ⌫关c兴 is defined 共for simplicity, we omit the label 关c兴兲

T␣␤␥ = ⌫␣␤␥ − ⌫␣␥␤ + w␣␤␥ , 共8兲

with h – v components
T.jk = T jki = Lijk − Likj = 0 in the canonical case,

T.bc a
= S.bc a
= Cbc a
− Ccb =0 in the canonical case, 共9兲

T.ja = 0, T jai = − Taji = − Cija, Ta.ij = − ⍀aij, a a
= − = ⳵bNai −
The nonvanishing components of torsion are induced as an anholonomic frame effect which
is obtained by vielbien transforms 共2兲 and 共3兲 even for a 共pseudo兲 Riemannian metric 共4兲. In
this paper, we shall also consider some nontrivial torsion structures existing in extra dimen-
sion gravity.
共6兲 By straightforward calculations with respect to the frames 共2兲 and 共3兲 共see for instance, Refs.
39 and 40兲 we can compute the coefficients of the Levi–Civita connection ⵜ, i.e., ⌫␣␤␥
关N兴 关N兴 关ⵜ兴␶
= g共e␣ , ⵜ␥e␤ 兲 = g␣␶⌫␤␥ , satisfying the metricity condition ⵜ␥g␣␤ = 0 for g␣␤ = 共gij , hab兲,
⌫␣␤␥ = 21 共e␤关N兴g␣␥ + e␥关N兴g␤␣ − e␣关N兴g␥␤ + g␣␶w␶␥␤ + g␤␶w␶␣␥ − g␤␶w␶␤␣兲.
Using the values 共6兲 and 共3兲, we can write

⌫␤␥ 再
= Li jk,Labk +
⳵Nak i
1 ik a
b ,C jc + g ⍀ jkhca,C bc .
冎 共10兲

Comparing the coefficients of ⌫关c兴 and ⌫关ⵜ兴, we conclude that both connections have the
same coefficients with respect to the N-adapted frames 共2兲 and 共3兲 if and only if ⳵Nak / ⳵y b
= 0 and ⍀ajk = 0.
共7兲 The ansatz of type 共4兲 have been largely used in Kaluza–Klein theories 共see, for instance,
Refs. 41–43兲. For the corresponding compactifications, the coefficients Nai may be associated
to the potential of certain gauge fields but, in general, they belong to some noncompactified
metric and vielbein gravitational fields. There were elaborated general methods for construct-
ing exact solutions without compactification and arbitrary Nai in various types of gravity

Any ansatz of type 共4兲 with the components satisfying the conditions of the Theorems 1–3
from Appendix B define a new class of exact solutions, vacuum and nonvacuum ones, in three-
through five-dimensional gravity parametrized by generic off-diagonal metrics with the coeffi-
cients depending on two, three or even four variables. These solutions can be constructed in
explicit form by using corresponding boundary and symmetry conditions following the so-called
anholonomic frame method elaborated and developed in Refs. 13–19, 30, and 31 共for instance,
they can describe black elipsoid/tori configurations, two- through three-dimensional solitonic–
spinor–dilaton interactions, polarized wormhole/flux tube solutions, locally anisotropic Taub NUT
space–times and so on兲.
Perhaps, by using the anholonomic frame method, we can construct the most general known
class of exact solutions in Einstein gravity and its extra dimension and string generalizations.
From a formal point of view, we can use superpositions of anholonomic maps in order to construct
integral varieties of the Einstein equations with the metric/frame coefficients being functions of
necessary smooth class depending on arbitrary number of variables but parametrized as products

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of functions depending on one, two, three, and four real, or some complex, variables with real and
complex valued functions. The physical meaning of such classes of solutions should be stated
following explicit physical models. We note that the bulk of the well-known black hole and
cosmological solutions 共for instance, the Schwarzschild, Kerr–Newman, Reissner–Nordström, and
Friedmann–Roberston–Walker solutions兲 are with metrics being diagonalizable by coordinate
transforms and depending only on one variable 共radial or timelike兲, with imposed spherical or
cylindrical symmetries and subjected to the conditions of Killing symmetry being asymptotically
In general, the solutions with anholonomic configurations do not possess Killing symmetries
共for instance, they are not restricted by “black hole uniqueness theorems,” proved for Killing
space–times satisfying corresponding asymptotic conditions, see details and references in Ref. 20兲
but have new properties like the 共1兲–共7兲 stated above. There is a subclass of off-diagonal solutions
resulting in corresponding limits into the well-known asymptotically flat space–times, or with
共anti兲 de Sitter symmetries.13–19,30,31 We are interested to investigate possible symmetries of such
non-Killing exact solutions.
The purpose of the next section is to prove that the space–times with a nontrivial anholonomic
and associated N-connection structure possess a natural noncommutative symmetry.


We shall analyze two simple realizations of noncommutative geometry of anholonomic frames
within the algebra of complex k ⫻ k matrices, M k共IC, u␣兲 depending on coordinates u␣ on space–
time Vn+m connected to complex Lie algebras SL 共k , IC兲 and SUk. We shall consider matrix valued
functions of a necessary smooth class derived from the anholonomic frame relations 共5兲 共being
similar to the Lie algebra relations兲 with the coefficients 共6兲 induced by off-diagonal metric terms
in 共4兲 and by N-connection coefficients Nai . We shall use algebras of complex matrices in order to
have the possibility for some extensions to complex solutions. Usually, for commutative gravity
models, the anholonomy coefficients w␣␤ are real functions but in Sec. VII we shall consider also
complex space–times related to noncommutative gravity.3–5
We start with the basic relations for the simplest model of noncommutative geometry realized
with the algebra of complex 共k ⫻ k兲 noncommutative matrices,44, M k共IC兲. An element M
苸 M k共IC兲 can be represented as a linear combination of the unit 共k ⫻ k兲 matrix I and 共k2 − 1兲
Hermitian traceless matrices q␣㛮 with the underlined index ␣㛮 running values 1 , 2 , . . . , k2 − 1, i.e.,

M = ␣I + 兺 ␤␣q␣
for some constants ␣ and ␤␣. It is possible to choose the basis matrices q␣ satisfying the relations

1 ␥ i ␥
q␣q␤㛮 = ␳␣␤㛮 I + Q␣␤q␥ − f ␣␤㛮 q␥ , 共11兲
k 㛮 2
where i2 = −1 and the real coefficients satisfy the properties
␥ ␥ ␥ ␥ ␥ ␥
Q␣␤ = Q␤␣, Q␥␤ = 0, f ␣␤㛮 = −f ␤㛮 ␣, f ␥␣ = 0
㛮 㛮 㛮

with f ␥␣␤㛮 being the structure constants of the Lie group SL 共k , IC兲 and the Killing–Cartan metric
tensor ␳␣␤ = f ␶␣␥ f ␥␶␤. The interior derivatives ⳵ˆ ␥ of this algebra can be defined as
㛮 㛮

⳵ˆ ␥q␤㛮 = ad共iq␥兲q␤㛮 = i关q␥,q␤㛮 兴 = f ␣㛮 ␥␤㛮 q␣ . 共12兲

Following the Jacobi identity, we obtain

⳵ˆ ␣⳵ˆ ␤㛮 − ⳵ˆ ␤㛮 ⳵ˆ ␣ = f ␥␣␤㛮 ⳵ˆ ␥ . 共13兲

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Our idea is to construct a noncommutative geometry starting from the anholonomy relations
of frames 共5兲 by adding to the structure constants f ␥␣␤㛮 the anholonomy coefficients w␣␥ 共6兲. Such
deformed structure constants consist from N-connection coefficients Ni and their first partial
derivatives, i.e., they are induced by some off-diagonal terms in the metric 共4兲 being a solution of
the gravitational field equations. We note that there is a rough analogy between formulas 共13兲 and
共5兲 because the anholonomy coefficients do not satisfy, in general, the condition w␶␣ = 0. There is
also another substantial difference, the anholonomy relations are defined for a manifold of dimen-
sion n + m, with greek indices ␣ , ␤ , . . . running values from 1 to n + m but the matrix noncommu-
tativity relations are stated for traceless matrices labeled by underlined indices ␣ , ␤㛮 , running
values from 1 to k2 − 1. It is not possible to satisfy the condition k2 − 1 = n + m by using integer
numbers for arbitrary n + m. We suggest to extend the dimension of space–time from n + m to any
n⬘ 艌 n and m⬘ 艌 m when the condition k2 − 1 = n⬘ + m⬘ can be satisfied by a trivial embedding of the
metric 共4兲 into higher dimension, for instance, by adding the necessary number of unities on the
diagonal by writing

冤 冥
1 ¯ 0 0 0
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
ĝ␣␤㛮 = 0 ¯ 1 0 0
0 ¯ 0 gij + Nai Nbj hab Nej hae
0 ¯ 0 Nei hbe hab
and e␣关N兴 = ␦␣ = 共1 , 1 , . . . , e␣关N兴兲, where, for simplicity, we preserve the same type of underlined greek
indices, ␣ , ␤㛮 , . . . = 1 , 2 , . . . , k2 − 1 = n⬘ + m⬘. The anholonomy coefficients w␣␤ can be extended
with some trivial zero components and for consistency we rewrite them without labeled indices,
关N兴␥ 关N兴␥
w␣␤ → W␥␣␤㛮 . The set of anholonomy coefficients w␣␤ 共6兲 may result in degenerated matrices, for
instance for certain classes of exact solutions of the Einstein equations. Nevertheless, we can
consider an extension w␣␤ → W␥␣␤㛮 when the coefficients w␥␣␤㛮 共u␶兲 for any fixed value u␶ = u␶关0兴
would be some deformations of the structure constants of the Lie algebra SL 共k , IC兲, like
␥ ␥ ␥
W ␣␤㛮 = f ␣␤㛮 + w ␣␤㛮 , 共14兲

being nondegenerate.
Instead of the matrix algebra M k共IC兲, constructed from constant complex elements, we shall
consider dependencies on coordinates u␣ = 共0 , . . . , u␣兲, for instance, like a trivial matrix bundle on
Vn⬘+m⬘, and denote this space M k共IC, u␣兲. Any element B共u␣兲 苸 M k共IC, u␣兲 with a noncommutative
structure induced by W␥␣␤㛮 is represented as a linear combination of the unit 共n⬘ + m⬘兲 ⫻ 共n⬘ + m⬘兲
matrix I and the 关共n⬘ + m⬘兲2 − 1兴 Hermitian traceless matrices q␣共u␶兲 with the underlined index ␣
running values 1 , 2 , . . . , 共n⬘ + m⬘兲2 − 1,

B共u␶兲 = ␣共u␶兲I + 兺 ␤␣共u␶兲q␣共u␶兲

under condition that the following relation holds:

1 ␥㛮 i ␥
q␣共u␶兲q␤㛮 共u␥兲 = ␳␣␤共u␯兲 + Q␣␤ q␥㛮 共u␮㛮 兲 − W ␣␤㛮 q␥共u␮㛮 兲
n⬘ + m⬘ 2
with the same values of Q␥␣␤ from the Lie algebra for SL 共k , IC兲 but with the Killing–Cartan-type

metric tensor defined by anholonomy coefficients, i.e., ␳␣␤㛮 共u␯兲 = W␶␣␥共u␣兲W␥␶␤㛮 共u␣兲. For complex
space–times, we shall consider that the coefficients Nai and W␥␣␤㛮 may be some complex valued
functions of necessary smooth 共in general, with complex variables兲 class. In result, the Killing–
Cartan-type metric tensor ␳␣␤㛮 can also be complex.
We rewrite 共5兲 as

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e␣e␤㛮 − e␤㛮 e␣ = W ␣␤㛮 e␥ 共15兲

being equivalent to 共13兲 and defining a noncommutative anholonomic structure 共for simplicity, we
use the same symbols e␣ as for some N-elongated partial derivatives, but with underlined indices兲.
The analogs of derivation operators 共12兲 are stated by using W␥␣␤㛮 ,

e␣q␤㛮 共u␥兲 = ad关iq␣共u␥兲兴q␤㛮 共u␥兲 = i关q␣共u␥兲q␤㛮 共u␥兲兴 = W ␣␤㛮 q␥ . 共16兲

The operators 共16兲 define a linear space of anholonomic derivations satisfying the conditions
共15兲, denoted Ader M k共IC, u␣兲, elongated by N connection and distinguished into irreducible h and
v components, respectively, into ei and eb, like e␣ = 共ei = ⳵i − Nai ea , eb = ⳵b兲. The space
Ader M k共IC, u␣兲 is not a left module over the algebra M k共IC, u␣兲 which means that there is a
substantial difference with respect to the usual commutative differential geometry where a vector
field multiplied on the left by a function produces a new vector field.
The duals to operators 共16兲, e␮㛮 , found from e␮㛮 共e␣兲 = ␦␣␮㛮 I, define a canonical basis of 1-forms e␮㛮
connected to the N-connection structure. By using these forms, we can span a left module over
M k共IC, u␣兲 following q␣e␮㛮 共e␤㛮 兲 = q␣␦␤␮㛮㛮 I = q␣␦␤␮㛮㛮 . For an arbitrary vector field

Y = Y ␣e ␣ → Y ␣e ␣ = Y ie i + Y ae a ,
it is possible to define an exterior differential 共in our case being N elongated兲, starting with the
action on a function ␸ 共equivalent, a 0-form兲,

␦␸共Y兲 = Y ␸ = Y i␦i␸ + Y a␦a␸


共␦I兲共e␣兲 = e␣I = ad共ie␣兲I = i关e␣,I兴 = 0, i.e., ␦I = 0,


␦q␮㛮 共e␣兲 = e␣共e␮㛮 兲 = i关e␮㛮 ,e␣兴 = W␥␣␮㛮 e␥ . 共17兲

Considering the nondegenerated case, we can invert 共17兲 as to obtain a similar expression with
respect to e␮㛮 ,

␦共e␣兲 = W␥␣␮㛮 e␥e␮㛮 , 共18兲

from which a very important property follows by using the Jacobi identity, ␦2 = 0, resulting in a
possibility to define a usual Grassman algebra of p-forms with the wedge product ∧ stated as

e␮㛮 ∧ e␯ = 21 共e␮㛮 丢 e␯ − e␯ 丢 e␮㛮 兲.

We can write 共18兲 as

␦共e␣兲 = − 21 W␣␤㛮 ␮㛮 e␤㛮 e␮㛮

and introduce the canonical 1-form e = q␣e␣ being coordinate independent and adapted to the
N-connection structure and satisfying the condition ␦e + e ∧ e = 0.
In a standard manner, we can introduce the volume element induced by the canonical Cartan–
Killing metric and the corresponding star operator 쐓 共Hodge duality兲. We define the volume
element ␴ by using the complete antisymmetric tensor ⑀␣1␣2¯␣k2−1 as

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␴= ⑀ ␣ ␣ ¯␣ e␣1 ∧ e␣2 ∧ ¯ ∧ e␣n⬘+m⬘
关共n⬘ + m⬘兲2 − 1兴! 1 2 n⬘+m⬘
to which any 共k2 − 1兲-form is proportional 共k2 − 1 = n⬘ + m⬘兲. The integral of such a form is defined
as the trace of the matrix coefficient in the form ␴ and the scalar product introduced for any couple
of p-forms ␼ and ␺,

共␼, ␺兲 = 冕 共␼ ∧ 쐓␺兲.

Let us analyze how a noncommutative differential form calculus 共induced by an anholonomic

structure兲 can be developed and related to the Hamiltonian classical and quantum mechanics and
Poisson bracket formalism.
For a p-form ␼关p兴, the antiderivation iY with respect to a vector field Y 苸 Ader M k共IC, u␣兲 can
be defined as in the usual formalism,

iY ␼关p兴共X1,X2, . . . ,X p−1兲 = ␼关p兴共Y,X1,X2, . . . ,X p−1兲,

where X1 , X2 , . . . , X p−1 苸 Ader M k共IC, u␣兲. By a straightforward calculus we can check that for a
2-form ⌶ = ␦e one holds

␦⌶ = ␦2e = 0 and LY ⌶ = 0,
where the Lie derivative of forms is defined as LY ␼关p兴 = 共iY ␦ + ␦ iY 兲␼关p兴.
The Hamiltonian vector field H关␸兴 of an element of algebra ␸ 苸 M k共IC, u␣兲 is introduced
following the equality ⌶共H关␸兴 , Y兲 = Y ␸ which holds for any vector field. Then, we can define the
Poisson bracket of two functions 共in a quantum variant, observables兲 ␸ and ␹, 兵␸ , ␹其
= ⌶共H关␸兴 , H关␹兴兲 when

兵e␣,e␤㛮 其 = ⌶共e␣,e␤㛮 兲 = i关e␣,e␤㛮 兴.

This way, a simple version of noncommutative classical and quantum mechanics 共up to a factor
like the Planck constant, ប兲 is proposed, being derived by anholonomic relations for a certain class
of exact off-diagonal solutions in commutative gravity.
We note that by using the Lie algebra SU 共k , IC兲 we can elaborate an alternative noncommu-
tative calculus related to the special unitary group SUk in k dimensions when the anholonomic

␥ ␥ ␥
W ␣␤㛮 = p ␣␤㛮 + w ␣␤㛮 共19兲

induce a linear connection in the associated noncommutative space 共noncommutative geometries

with p␥␣␤㛮 being the structure constants of SUk were investigated in Refs. 44–49 and 8兲.
Let us state the main formulas for such realization of anholonomic noncommutativity: In this
case, the matrix basis q␣ consists from anti-Hermitian 共and not Hermitian兲 matrices and the
relations 共11兲 are stated in a different form

1 ␥ 1 ␥
q␣q␤㛮 = − ␳␣␤㛮 I + Z␣␤q␥ + p ␣␤㛮 q␥ , 共20兲
k 㛮 2
where ␳␣␥Z␥␣␤ is trace free and symmetric in all pairs of indices and ␳␣␤㛮 = p␶␣␥ p␥␶␤㛮 . We consider

dependencies of matrix coefficients on coordinates u␣ = 共0 , . . . , u␣兲, i.e., we work in the space
M k共IC, u␣兲, and introduce the anholonomic derivations e␣,

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e␣␸ = 关q␣, ␸兴,

for arbitrary matrix function ␸ 苸 M k共IC, u␣兲 defining a basis for the Lie algebra of derivations
Der关M k共IC, u␣兲兴 of M k共IC, u␣兲. In this case, we generalize 共20兲 to

1 ␥ 1 ␥
q␣共u␶兲q␤共u␶兲 = − ␳␣␤㛮 共u␶兲I + Z␣␤q␥共u␶兲 + W ␣␤㛮 共u␶兲q␥共u␶兲,
k 㛮 2
with an effective 共of N-anholonomy origin兲 metric ␳␣␤㛮 共u␭兲 = W␶␣␥共u␭兲W␥␶␤共u␭兲 being an anholo-
nomic deformation of the Killing metric of SUk.
In order to define the algebra of forms ⍀*关M k共IC, u␣兲兴 over M k共IC, u␣兲 we set ⍀0 = M k and

␦␸共e␣兲 = e␣共␸兲
for every matrix function ␸ 苸 M k共IC, u␣兲. As a particular case, we have

␦q␣共e␤㛮 兲 = − W␣␤㛮 ␥q␥ ,

where indices are raised and lowered with the anholonomically deformed metric ␳␣␤㛮 共u␭兲. This
way, we can define the set of 1-forms ⍀1关M k共IC, u␣兲兴 to be the set of all elements of the form ␸␦␤
with ␸ and ␤ belonging to M k共IC, u␣兲. The set of all differential forms define a differential algebra
⍀*关M k共IC, u␣兲兴 with the couple 共⍀*关M k共IC, u␣兲兴 , ␦兲 said to be a differential calculus in M k共IC, u␣兲
induced by the anholonomy of certain exact solutions 共with off-diagonal metrics and associated N
connections兲 in a gravity theory.
We can also find a set of generators e␣ of ⍀1关M k共IC, u␣兲兴, as a left/right module completely
characterized by the duality equations e␮㛮 共e␣兲 = ␦␣␮㛮 I and related to ␦q␣,

␦q␣ = W␣␤㛮 ␥q␤㛮 q␥ and e␮㛮 = q␥q␮㛮 ␦q␥ .

Similarly to the formalism presented in details in Ref. 8, we can elaborate a differential calculus
with derivations by introducing a linear torsionless connection

De␮㛮 = − ␻␮㛮 ␥ 丢 e␥

with the coefficients ␻␮㛮 ␥ = − 21 W␮㛮 ␥␤㛮 e␥, resulting in the curvature 2-form,

R␮㛮 ␥ = 81 W␮㛮 ␥␤㛮 W␤㛮 ␣␶e␣e␶ .

So, even the anholonomy coefficients 共6兲 of a solution, for instance, in string gravity, has non-
trivial torsion coefficients, 共9兲, the associated linear connection induced by the anholonomy coef-
ficients in the associated noncommutative space of symmetries of the solution can be defined to be
torsionless but to have a specific metrics and curvature being very different from the space–time
curvature tensor. This is a surprising fact that commutative curved space–times provided with
off-diagonal metrics and associated anholonomic frames and N connections may be characterized
by a noncommutative shadow space with a Lie algebralike structure induced by the frame an-
holonomy. We argue that such metrics possess anholonomic noncommutative symmetries.
Finally, in this section, we conclude that for the holonomic solutions of the Einstein equations,
with vanishing w␥␣␤㛮 , any associated noncommutative geometry or SL 共k , IC兲, or SUk type, de-
couples from the off-diagonal 共anholonomic兲 gravitational background and transforms into a
trivial one defined by the corresponding structure constants of the chosen Lie algebra. The an-
holonomic noncommutativity and the related differential geometry are induced by the anholonomy
coefficients. All such structures reflect a specific type of symmetries of generic off-diagonal
metrics and associated frame/N-connection structures. Considering exact solutions of the gravita-
tional field equations, we can assert that we constructed a class of vacuum or nonvacuum metrics

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042503-11 Exact solutions with noncommutative symmetries J. Math. Phys. 46, 042503 共2005兲

possessing a specific noncommutative symmetry instead, for instance, of any usual Killing sym-
metry. In general, we can introduce a new classification of space–times following anholonomic
noncommutative aglebraic properties of metrics and vielbein structures.


In this section, we shall analyze two classes of black ellipsoid solutions of the Einstein and
共anti兲 de Sitter gravity 共with arbitrary cosmological term兲 possessing hidden noncommutative
symmetries. Such off-diagonal metrics will be constructed as to generate also exact solutions in
complex gravity, with respect to complex N-elongated vielbeins 共for simplicity, we shall consider
the metric coefficients to be real with respect to such complex frames兲 which must be considered
if any noncommutativity of coordinates with complex parameters and/or Wick-type rotations to
Euclidean signatures are introduced. Such metrics are stable for certain configurations with com-
plex off-diagonal terms 共a rigorous proof may be performed by generalizing to complex spaces the
results from Refs. 18 and 19兲.

A. Anholonomic complex deformations of the Schwarzschild solution

We consider a 4D off-diagonal metric ansatz 关a complex generalization of 共4兲, or equivalently,
of 共1兲 with complex frames 共vielbeins兲 共2兲 and 共3兲, see also the ansatz 共C2兲 in Appendix C兴,

␦s2 = − 1 −
2m ␧
+ 2
冊 −1

dr2 − r2␥共r兲d␪2 − ␩3共r, ␸兲r2 sin2 ␪ d␸2 + ␩4共r, ␸兲 1 −
2m ␧

+ 2 ␦t2 .

for usual local spherical and timelike coordinates u = 兵u = 共u = r , u = ␪ , u = ␸ , u = t兲其. In order to
2 3 4 5

have compatibility with notations from Appendixes B and C, in this section, we consider that 4D
greek indices run from 2 to 5 where the “polarization” functions ␩3,4 are decomposed on a small
parameter ␧ , 0 ⬍ 兩␧兩 Ⰶ 1,

␩4共r, ␸兲 = ␩4关0兴共r, ␸兲 + ␧␭4共r, ␸兲 + ␧2␥4共r, ␸兲 + ¯ ,

␩5共r, ␸兲 = 1 + ␧␭5共r, ␸兲 + ␧2␥5共r, ␸兲 + ¯ , 共22兲

␥共r兲 is a necessary smooth class function satisfying ␥共r兲 = 1 if ␧ → 0 共it will be defined below兲 and

␦t = dt + n2共r, ␸兲dr 共23兲

for n2 = n关re兴 关im兴
2 + in2 ⬃ ␧ ¯ + ␧
terms being, in general, a complex valued function. In the particular
case, when n2 is real, i.e., when n2 = n关re兴 关im兴
2 and n2 = 0, the labels 关re兴 and 关im兴 being used, respec-
tively, for the real and imaginary parts, the metric 共21兲 was investigated in connection to the
definition of static and nonstatic black ellipsoid configurations in Refs. 13–19, 30, and 31. The
functions ␩4,5共r , ␸兲 and n2共r , ␸兲 will be found as the metric will define a solution of the vacuum
Einstein equations 共A6兲 关see Appendixes A–C for the explicit form of field equations 共B3兲–共B6兲
written for the 4D ansatz 共C2兲兴. By introducing certain complex components of metric generated
by small deformations of the spherical static symmetry on a small positive parameter ␧ 共in the
limits ␧ → 0 and ␩4,5 → 1 we have just the Schwarzschild solution for a point particle of mass m兲
we show here that it is possible to extend the results of Refs. 18 and 19 with respect to complex
anholonomic structures 共2兲 with a nontrivial component N52 = n2共r , ␸兲 given by N elongation 共23兲.
A more interesting class of exact solutions with an effective electric charge q induced from the
complex/noncommutative/anholonomic gravity may be constructed if we state that the parameter
of anholonomic deformations is of type ␧ = 共iq兲2 for a real q and imaginary i. In this case the
metric 共21兲 will have real coefficients in the first order of ␧, being very similar to those from the
well-known Reissner–Nordström metric with, in our case effective, electric charge q. For conve-
nience, in our further calculations we shall use both small parameters ␧ and/or q.

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The set of ␩, ␭ and ␥ functions from 共22兲 define arbitrary anholonomic 共in our case with
certain complexity兲 deformations of the Schwarzschild metric. As a particular case, we can con-
sider the condition of vanishing of the metric coefficient before ␦t2,

␩5共r, ␸兲 1 −
2m ␧
+ 2 =1−
冊 ⌽5
+ ␧ 2 + ␧2⌰5 = 0,

⌽5 = ␭4共r2 − 2mr兲 + 1, 共24兲

⌰5 = ␥4 1 −
冊+ ␭4 ,

defining a rotation ellipsoid configuration when

␭5 = 1 −
cos ␸ −
冊 冉
and ␥5 = − ␭5 1 −
冊 −1

Really, in the first order on ␧, one follows a zero value for the coefficient before ␦t2 if

r+ = = 2m关1 + q2 cos ␸兴, 共25兲
1 − q2 cos ␸
which is the equation for a three-dimensional 共3D兲 ellipsoidlike hypersurface with a small eccen-
tricity q2. In general, we can consider arbitrary pairs of functions ␭5共r , ␪ , ␸兲 and ␥5共r , ␪ , ␸兲 关for
␸-anisotropies, ␭5共r , ␸兲 and ␥5共r , ␸兲兴 which may be singular for some values of r, or on some
hypersurfaces r = r共␪ , ␸兲 关r = r共␸兲兴. Such a configuration may define a static black ellipsoid object
共a Schwarzschild-type static solution with the horizon slightly deformed to an ellipsoidal
In general, not being restricted only to ellipsoidal configurations, the simplest way to analyze
the condition of vanishing of the metric coefficient before ␦t2 is to choose ␥5 and ␭5 as to have
⌰ = 0. In this case we find from 共24兲,

r± = m ± m 冑 1−␧

m 2 ⯝m 1± 1+q 冋 冉
2 ⌽5
冊册 , 共26兲

where ⌽5共r , ␸兲 is taken for r = 2m.

Let us introduce a new radial coordinate

␰= 冕 冑冏
dr 1−
2m q2
− 2
冏 共27兲

and define

2m ⌽5
h4 = − ␩4共␰, ␸兲r2共␰兲sin2 ␪, h5 = 1 − − q2 2 . 共28兲
r r
For r = r共␰兲 found as the inverse function after integration in 共27兲, we can write the metric 共21兲 as

ds2 = − d␰2 − r2共␰兲␥共␰兲d␪2 + h4共␰, ␪, ␸兲␦␸2 + h5共␰, ␪, ␸兲␦t2 ,

␦t = dt + n2共␰, ␸兲d␰ , 共29兲

where the coefficient n2 is taken to solve the Eq. 共B6兲 and to satisfy the condition which ⍀ajk = 0
states that we fix the canonical N-adapted connection 共7兲 to coincide with the Levi–Civita con-
nection 共10兲, i.e., to consider a complexlike Einstein but not Einstein–Cartan theory, which to-

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042503-13 Exact solutions with noncommutative symmetries J. Math. Phys. 46, 042503 共2005兲

gether with the condition r2共␰兲␥共␰兲 = ␰2 will be transformed into the usual Schwarzschild metric for
␧ → 0.
Let us define the conditions when the coefficients of metric 共21兲 define solutions of the
vacuum Einstein equations 共such solutions exists in the real case following Theorems 1–3 from
Appendix B, in our case we only state a generalization for certain complex valued metric coeffi-
cients兲. For g2 = −1, g3 = −r2共␰兲␥共␰兲 and arbitrary h4共␰ , ␪ , ␸兲 and h5共␰ , ␪兲, we get solutions of Eqs.
共B3兲–共B5兲. If h5 depends on anisotropic variable ␸, Eq. 共B4兲 may be solved if

冑兩␩4兩 = ␩0共冑兩␩5兩兲* 共30兲

for ␩0 = const. Considering decompositions of type 共22兲 we set ␩0 = ␩ / 兩␧兩, where the constant ␩ is
taken as to have 冑兩␩3兩 = 1 in the limits

共冑兩␩4兩兲* → 0 1
→ = const. 共31兲
兩␧兩 → 0 ␩
These conditions are satisfied if the functions ␩4关0兴, ␭4,5, and ␥4,5 are related via relations

冑兩␩4关0兴兩 = ␩ ␭*5, ␭5 = ␩冑兩␩4关0兴兩␥*5

for arbitrary ␥4共r , ␸兲. In this paper we select only such solutions which satisfy the conditions 共30兲
and 共31兲 being a complex variant of the conditions 共B16兲, see Appendix B. Similar classes of
solutions were selected also in Refs. 18 and 19, for static black ellipsoid metrics for the 共noncom-
plex兲 Einstein gravity with real ␧ parameter.
The next step is to construct the solution of 共B6兲 which in general real form is 共B18兲. To
consider linear infinitesimal extensions on ␧ of the Schwarzschild metric, we may write the
solution of 共B6兲 as

n2 = ␧n̂2共␰, ␸兲,

n̂2共␰, ␸兲 = n2关1兴共␰兲 + n2关2兴共␰兲 冕 d␸ n4共␰, ␸兲/共冑兩␩5共␰, ␸兲兩兲3, ␩*5 ⫽ 0 = n2关1兴共␰兲 + n2关2兴

⫻共␰兲 冕 d␸ ␩4共␰, ␸兲, ␩*5 = 0 = n2关1兴共␰兲 + n2关2兴共␰兲 冕 d␸/共冑兩␩5共␰, ␸兲兩兲3, ␩*4 = 0,

with the functions n2关1,2兴共␰兲 may be complex valued and must be stated by boundary conditions.
The data

g1 = − 1, g2 = − 1, g3 = − r2共␰兲␥共␰兲,

2m ␾5
h4 = − ␩4共␰, ␸兲r2共␰兲sin2 ␪, h5 = 1 − +␧ 2 , 共33兲
r r

w2,3 = 0, n2 = ␧n̂2共␰, ␸兲, n3 = 0,

for the metric 共21兲 written in variables 共␰ , ␪ , ␸ , t兲 define a class of solutions of the complex
vacuum Einstein equations with nontrivial polarization function ␩4 and extended on parameter ␧
up to the second order 共the polarization functions being taken as to make zero the second order
coefficients兲. Such solutions are generated by small complex deformations 共in particular cases of
rotation ellipsoid symmetry兲 of the Schwarzschild metric. It is possible to consider some particular

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042503-14 Sergiu I. Vacaru J. Math. Phys. 46, 042503 共2005兲

parametrizations of N coefficients resulting in Hermitian metrics and frames, or another type of

complex configurations. Such constructions do not affect the stability properties of solutions
elaborated in this paper.
We can relate our complex exact solutions 共33兲 with some small deformations of the
Schwarzschild metric to a Reissner–Nordström-type metric with the “electric” charge induced
effectively from the anholonomic complex gravity, as well we can satisfy the asymptotically flat
condition, if we choose such functions nk关1,2兴共xi兲 as nk → 0 for ␧ → 0 and ␩4 → 1. These functions
must also be selected as to vanish far away from the horizon, for instance, like ⬃1 / r1+␶, ␶ ⬎ 0, for
long distances r → ⬁. We get a static metric with effective “electric” charge induced by a small,
quadratic on ␧, off-diagonal metric extension. Roughly, we can say that we have constructed a
Reissner–Nordström-type world “living” in a slightly complexified frame which induced both an
effective electric charge and certain polarizations of the metric coefficients via the functions h4关0兴,
␩4,5, and n5. Another very important property is that the deformed metric was stated to define a
vacuum solution which differs substantially from the usual Reissner–Nördstrom metric being an
exact static solution of the Einstein–Maxwell equations. For ␧ → 0 and h4关0兴 → 1 and for ␥ = 1, the
metric 共21兲 transforms into the usual Schwarzschild metric. A solution with ellipsoid symmetry
can be selected by a corresponding condition of vanishing of the coefficient before ␦t which
defines an ellipsoidal hypersurfacelike for the Kerr metric, but in our case the metric is nonrotat-

B. Analytic extensions of ellipsoid complex metrics

In order to understand that the construction in this section of exact solution of vacuum
complex gravity really defines black-hole-like objects we must analyze it’s analytic extensions,
horizon, and geodesic behavior and stability.
The metric 共21兲 has a singular behavior for r = r±, see 共26兲 like the usual Reissner–Nördstrom
one. Our aim is to prove that we have constructed a solution of the vacuum complex Einstein
equations with a static “anisotropic” horizon being a small deformation on parameter ␧ of the
Schwarzschild’s solution horizon. We may analyze the anisotropic horizon’s properties for some
fixed “direction” given in a smooth vicinity of any values ␸ = ␸0 and r+ = r+共␸0兲. The final con-
clusions will be some general ones for arbitrary ␸ when the explicit values of coefficients will
have a parametric dependence on angular coordinate ␸. Of course, in order to avoid singularities
induced by integration of Eq. 共B6兲 we must choose such solutions 共32兲 as the associated anholo-
nomic frames with necessary smooth class, without singularities.
The metrics 共21兲 and 共29兲 are regular in the regions I 共⬁ ⬎ r ⬎ r+⌽兲, II 共r+⌽ ⬎ r ⬎ r−⌽兲, and
III 共r−⌽ ⬎ r ⬎ 0兲. As in the Schwarzschild, Reissner–Nordström, and Kerr cases these singularities
can be removed by introducing suitable coordinates and extending the manifold to obtain a maxi-
mal analytic extension.50,51 We have similar regions as in the Reissner–Nördstrom space–time, but
with just only one possibility ␧ ⬍ 1 instead of three relations for static electro-vacuum cases 共q2
⬍ m2 , q2 = m2 , q2 ⬎ m2; where q and m are correspondingly the electric charge and mass of the
point particle in the Reissner–Nordström metric兲. This property holds for both types of anholo-
nomic deformations, real or complex ones. So, we may consider the usual Penrose’s diagrams as
for a particular case of the Reissner–Nördstrom space–time but keeping in mind that such dia-
grams and horizons have an additional parametrization on an angular coordinate and that the
frames have some complex coefficients.
We can construct the maximally extended manifold step by steps like in the Schwarzschild
case 共see details, for instance, in Ref. 52兲 by supposing that the complex valued coefficients of
metrics and frame are of necessary smooth class as real and complex valued functions 共for
simplicity, we consider the simplest variant when the space–time is provided with a complex
valued metric but admits covering by real coordinates which after certain coordinate transform
may be also complex兲. We introduce a new coordinate

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r储 = 冕 冉 dr 1 −
2m q2
− 2
冊 −1

for r ⬎ r+1 and find explicitly the coordinate

共r+1兲2 共r−1兲2
r储 = r + ln共r − r+1兲 − ln共r − r−1兲, 共34兲
r+1 − r−1 r+1 − r−1
where r±1 = r±⌽ with ⌽ = 1. If r is expressed as a function on ␰, than r储 can be also expressed as a
function on ␰ depending additionally on some parameters.
Defining the advanced and retarded coordinates, v = t + r储 and w = t − r储, with corresponding
elongated differentials

␦v = ␦t + dr储 and ␦w = ␦t − dr储 , 共35兲

which are N-adapted frames like 共2兲 but complex one, the metric 共29兲 takes the form

␦s2 = − r2共␰兲␥共␰兲d␪2 − ␩3共␰, ␸0兲r2共␰兲sin2 ␪ ␦␸2 + 1 − 冉 2m

⌽4共r, ␸0兲
− q2 2
r 共␰兲
␦v ␦w, 冊
where 共in general, in nonexplicit form兲 r共␰兲 is a function of type r共␰兲 = r共r储兲 = r共v , w兲. Introducing
new coordinates 共v⬙ , w⬙兲 by

冋 冉
v⬙ = arctan exp
r+1 − r−1
4共r+1兲 2v 冊册 , w⬙ = arctan − exp 冋 冉 − r+1 + r−1
w 冊册 共36兲

and multiplying the last term on the conformal factor we obtain

␦s2 = − r2␥共r兲d␪2 − ␩4共r, ␸0兲r2 sin2 ␪␦␸2 + 64

共r+1 − r−1兲2
冋 1−
⌽5共r, ␸0兲
− q2 2
r 共␰兲

␦v⬙ ␦w⬙ ,

where r is defined implicitly by

tan v⬙ tan w⬙ = − exp 冋 r+1 − r−1

2共r+1兲 2
r 册冑 r − r+1
共r − r−1兲␹
, ␹= 冉冊
, 共38兲

where the functions tan and exp should be considered as the complex functions. As particular
cases, we may choose ␩5 共r , ␸兲 as the condition of vanishing of the metric coefficient before
␦v⬙ ␦w⬙ will describe a horizon parametrized by a resolution ellipsoid hypersurface.
The metric 共37兲 is very similar to that analyzed in Refs. 18 and 19 but the coordinate trans-
forms defined by 共35兲–共38兲 involve complex coordinate transforms, so ␦v⬙ ␦w⬙ is a product de-
fined by complexified N-adapted frames.
The maximal extension of the Schwarzschild metric deformed by a small parameter ␧, i.e., the
extension of the metric 共21兲, is defined by taking 共37兲 as the metric on the maximal manifold
共which for corresponding coordinate transforms can be considered as a real one but with complex
valued coefficients of the metric and moving frames兲 on which this metric is of smooth class C2.
The Penrose diagram of this static but locally anisotropic space–time, for any fixed angular value
␸0 is similar to the Reissner–Nördstrom solution, for the case q2 → ␧ and q2 ⬍ m2 共see, for in-
stance, Ref. 52兲. There are an infinite number of asymptotically flat regions of type I, connected by
intermediate regions II and III, where there is still an irremovable singularity at r = 0 for every
region III. We may travel from a region I to another one by passing through the wormholes made
by anisotropic deformations 共ellipsoid off diagonality of metrics, or anholonomy兲 like in the
Reissner–Nordström universe because 冑␧ ⬃ q may model an effective electric charge. One cannot
turn back in such travel because the complex frames “do not allow us.”

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It should be noted that the metric 共37兲 is analytic everywhere except at r = r−1 共we must use the
term analytic as real functions for the metric coefficients in the lower approximations on ␧ and
analytic as complex functions for the higher approximations of the metric coefficients and for all
terms contained in the vielbein coefficients兲. We may eliminate this coordinate degeneration by
introducing other new complex coordinates

冋 冉
v⵮ = arctan exp
r+1 − r−1
v 冊册 , 冋 冉
w⵮ = arctan − exp
− r+1 + r−1
w 冊册 ,

where the integer n0 艌 共r+1兲2 / 共r−1兲2 and complex functions. In these coordinates, the metric is 共in
general, complex兲 analytic everywhere except at r = r+1 where it is degenerate. This way the space–
time manifold can be covered by an analytic atlas by using coordinate carts defined by
共v⬙ , w⬙ , ␪ , ␸兲 and 共v⵮ , w⵮ , ␪ , ␸兲. We also note that the analytic extensions of the deformed metrics
were performed with respect to anholonomic complex frames which distinguish such construc-
tions from those dealing only with holonomic and/or real coordinates, like for the usual Reissner–
Nördstrom and Kerr metrics.
A more rigorous analysis of the metric 共21兲 should involve a computation of its curvature and
investigation of singularity properties. We omit here this cumbersome calculus by emphasizing
that anholonomic deformations of the Schwarzschild solution defined by a small real or complex
parameter ␧ cannot remove the bulk singularity of such space–times; there are deformations of the
horizon, frames, and specific polarizations of constants.
The metric 共21兲 and its analytic extensions do not possess Killing symmetries being deformed
by anholonomic transforms. Nevertheless, we can associate to such solutions certain noncommu-
tative symmetries following the procedure described in Sec. III. Taking the data 共33兲 and formulas
共6兲, we compute the corresponding nontrivial anholonomy coefficients

关N兴5 关N兴5
w42 = − w24 = ⳵n2共␰, ␸兲/⳵␸ = n*2共␰, ␸兲 共39兲
with n2 defined by 共32兲. Our vacuum solution is for 4D, so for n + m = 4, the condition k − 1 = n 2

+ m cannot be satisfied in integer numbers. We may trivially extend the dimensions like n⬘ = 6 and
m⬘ = m = 2 and for k = 3 to consider the Lie group SL 共3, IC兲 noncommutativity with corresponding
values of Q␥␣␤ and structure constants f ␥␣␤㛮 , see 共11兲. An extension w␣␤ → W␥␣␤㛮 may be performed

by stating the N-deformed “structure” constants 共14兲, W␥␣␤㛮 = f ␥␣␤㛮 + w␣␤ , with only two nontrivial

values of w␣␤ given by 共39兲.

The associated anholonomic noncommutative symmetries of the black ellipsoid solutions can
be alternatively defined as in the trivial anholonomy limit they will result in a certain noncom-
mutativity for the Lie group SU3. In this case, we must consider a N deformation of the group
structure constants p␥␣␤㛮 , like in 共19兲, W␥␣␤㛮 = p␥␣␤㛮 + w␥␣␤㛮 . This variant of deformations can be
related directly with the “de Sitter nonlinear gauge gravity model of 共non兲commutative gravity”6
and the SUk关SO共k兲兴 models of noncommutative gravity7 by considering complex vielbeins.

C. Black ellipsoids and the cosmological constant

We can generalize the vacuum equations to the gravity with cosmological constant ␭,

R␮⬘␯⬘ = ␭g␮⬘␯⬘ , 共40兲

where R␮⬘␯⬘ is the Ricci tensor 共A3兲, in general with anholonomic variables and the indices take
values i⬘ , k⬘ = 1 , 2 and a⬘ , b⬘ = 3 , 4.
For an ansatz of type 共C5兲,

␦s2 = g1共dx1兲2 + g2共dx2兲2 + h3共xi⬘,y 3兲共␦y 3兲2 + h4共xi⬘,y 3兲共␦y 4兲2 ,

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042503-17 Exact solutions with noncommutative symmetries J. Math. Phys. 46, 042503 共2005兲

␦y 3 = dy 3 + wi⬘共xk⬘,y 3兲dxi⬘, ␦y 4 = dy 4 + ni⬘共xk⬘,y 3兲dxi⬘ , 共41兲

the Einstein equations 共40兲 are written 关see Refs. 30, 31, and 13–19 for details on computation;
this is a particular case of source of type 共C14兲, see Appendix B兴

R11 = R22 = −

g˙ g˙ 共g˙ 兲2
2g1 2g2
g⬘g⬘ 共g⬘兲2
g˙˙2 − 1 2 − 2 + g⬙1 − 1 2 − 1
2g2 2g1
= ␭, 册 共42兲

R33 = R44 = − = ␭, 共43兲

␤ ␣i
R3i⬘ = − wi⬘ − ⬘ = 0, 共44兲
2h4 2h4

h4 ** *
R4i⬘ = − 关n + ␥ni⬘兴 = 0. 共45兲
3h3 i⬘
The coefficients of Eqs. 共42兲–共45兲 are given by

3h*4 h*3
␣i = ⳵ih*4 − h*4⳵i ln 冑兩h3h4兩, ␤ = h** 冑
4 − h4关ln 兩h3h4兩兴 ,
* *
␥= − . 共46兲
2h4 h3
The various partial derivatives are denoted as a˙ = ⳵a / ⳵x1, a⬘ = ⳵a / ⳵x2, a* = ⳵a / ⳵y 3. This system of
equations can be solved by choosing one of the ansatz functions 关e.g., g1共xi兲 or g2共xi兲兴 and one of
the ansatz functions 关e.g., h3共xi , y 3兲 or h4共xi , y 3兲兴 to take some arbitrary, but physically interesting
form 共see Theorem 3 in Appendix B兲. Then, the other ansatz functions can be analytically deter-
mined up to an integration in terms of this choice. In this way we can generate a loss of different
solutions, but we impose the condition that the initial, arbitrary choice of the ansatz functions is
“physically interesting” which means that one wants to make this original choice so that the
generated final solution yields a well-behaved metric.
In Ref. 19 共see also the preceding section兲, we proved that for

g1 = − 1, g2 = r2共␰兲q共␰兲,

h3 = − ␩3共␰, ␸兲r2共␰兲sin2 ␪ , 共47兲

2␮ ⌽ 4共 ␰ , ␸ 兲
h4 = n4共␰, ␸兲h4关0兴共␰兲 = 1 − +␧ ,
r 2␮2
with coordinates x1 = ␰ = 兰dr冑1 − 2m / r + ␧ / r2, x2 = ␪, y 3 = ␸, y 4 = t 关the 共r , ␪ , ␸兲 being usual radial
coordinates兴, the ansatz 共41兲 is a vacuum solution with ␭ = 0 of the equations 共40兲 which defines a
black ellipsoid with mass ␮, eccentricity ␧, and gravitational polarizations q共␰兲, ␩3共␰ , ␸兲, and
⌽4共␰ , ␸兲. Such black holes are certain deformations of the Schawarzschild metrics to static con-
figurations with ellipsoidal horizons which is possible if generic off-diagonal metrics and anholo-
nomic frames are considered. A complex generalization of this solution is given by the values 共33兲.
In this section we show that the data 共47兲 and/or 共33兲 can be extended as to generate exact black
ellipsoid solutions, defined correspondingly with respect to real or complex N frames, with non-
trivial cosmological constant ␭ = 1 / 4 which can be imbedded in string theory.
At the first step, we find a class of solutions with g1 = −1 and g2 = g2共␰兲 solving Eq. 共42兲, which
under such parametrizations transforms to

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g˙˙2 − = 2g2␭.
With respect to the variable Z = 共g2兲2 this equation is written as

Z˙˙ + 2␭Z = 0
which can be integrated in explicit form, Z = Z关0兴 sin共冑2␭␰ + ␰关0兴兲, for some constants Z关0兴 and ␰关0兴
which means that
g2 = − Z关0兴 sin2共冑2␭␰ + ␰关0兴兲 共48兲

parametrize in real string gravity a class of solution of 共42兲 for the signature 共⫺, ⫺, ⫺, ⫹兲. For
␭ → 0 we can approximate g2 = r2共␰兲, q共␰兲 = −␰2, and Z关0兴
= 1 which has compatibility with the data
共47兲. The solution 共48兲 with cosmological constant 共of string or nonstring origin兲 induces oscilla-
tions in the “horizontal” part of the metric written with respect to N-adapted frames.
The next step is to solve Eq. 共43兲,

h** * 冑
4 − h4关ln 兩h3h4兩兴 = − 2␭h3h4 .

For ␭ = 0 a class of solution is given by any ĥ3 and ĥ4 related as

ĥ3 = ␩0关共 兩ĥ4兩兲*兴2
for a constant ␩0 chosen to be negative in order to generate the signature 共⫺, ⫺, ⫺, ⫹兲. For
nontrivial ␭, we may search the solution as

h3 = ĥ3共␰, ␸兲f 3共␰, ␸兲 and h4 = ĥ4共␰, ␸兲, 共49兲

which solves 共43兲 if f 3 = 1 for ␭ = 0 and

f3 =
4␭ 冋冕 册 ĥ3ĥ4

for ␭ ⫽ 0.

Now it is easy to write down the solutions of equations 共44兲 共being a linear equation for wi⬘兲
and 共45兲 共after two integrations of ni⬘ on ␸兲,

wi⬘ = ␧ŵi⬘ = − ␣i⬘/␤ , 共50兲

where ␣i⬘ and ␤ are computed by setting 共49兲 into corresponding values from 共46兲 共we choose the
initial conditions as wi⬘ → 0 for ␧ → 0兲 and

n1 = ␧n̂1共␰, ␸兲,
where the coefficients

n̂1共␰, ␸兲 = n1关1兴共␰兲 + n1关2兴共␰兲 冕 d␸ ␩3共␰, ␸兲/共冑兩␩4共␰, ␸兲兩兲3, ␩*4 ⫽ 0 = n1关1兴共␰兲 + n1关2兴

⫻共␰兲 冕 d␸ ␩3共␰, ␸兲, ␩*4 = 0 = n1关1兴共␰兲 + n1关2兴共␰兲 冕 d␸/共冑兩␩4共␰, ␸兲兩兲3, ␩*3 = 0,

being stated to be real or complex valued for a corresponding model of real or complex gravity,
with the functions nk关1,2兴共␰兲 to be stated by boundary conditions.
We conclude that the set of data g1 = −1, with nontrivial g2共␰兲, h3, h4, wi⬘, and n1 stated,
respectively, by 共48兲–共51兲 we can define a black ellipsoid solution with explicit dependence on

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042503-19 Exact solutions with noncommutative symmetries J. Math. Phys. 46, 042503 共2005兲

cosmological constant ␭, i.e., a metric 共41兲. The stability of such static black ellipsoids in 共anti兲 de
Sitter space can be proven exactly as it was done in Ref. 19 for the real case vanishing cosmo-
logical constant.
The analytic extension of black ellipsoid solutions with cosmological constant can be per-
formed similarly as in the preceding section when for the real/complex solutions we are dealing
with real/complex values of n̂1共␰ , ␸兲 defining some components of N-adapted frames. We note that
the solution from string theory contains a frame induced torsion with the components 共9兲 共in
general, with complex coefficients兲 computed for nontrivial N3i⬘ = −␣i⬘ / ␤ 关see 共50兲兴 and N41
= ␧n̂1共␰ , ␸兲 关see 共51兲兴. This is an explicit example illustrating that the anholonomic frame method
is also powerful for generating exact solutions in models of gravity with nontrivial torsion, in-
duced by anholonomic frame transforms. For such solutions we may elaborate corresponding
analytic extension and Penrose diagram formalisms if the constructions are considered with re-
spect to N-elongated vielbeins.
Finally, we analyze the structure of noncommutative symmetries associated to the 共anti兲 de
Sitter black ellipsoid solutions. The metric 共41兲 with real and/or complex coefficients defining the
corresponding solutions and its analytic extensions also do not possess Killing symmetries being
deformed by anholonomic transforms. For this solution, we can associate certain noncommutative
symmetries following the same procedure as for the Einstein real/complex gravity but with addi-
tional nontrivial coefficients of anholonomy and even with nonvanishing coefficients of the non-
linear connection curvature, ⍀12 3
= ␦1N32 − ␦2N31. Taking the data 共50兲 and 共51兲 and formulas 共6兲, we
compute the corresponding nontrivial anholonomy coefficients

关N兴4 关N兴4
w31 = − w13 = ⳵n1共␰, ␸兲/⳵␸ = n*2共␰, ␸兲,
关N兴4 关N兴4
w12 = − w21 = ␦ 1共 ␣ 2/ ␤ 兲 − ␦ 2共 ␣ 1/ ␤ 兲
for ␦1 = ⳵ / ⳵␰ − w1⳵ / ⳵␸ and ␦2 = ⳵ / ⳵␪ − w2⳵ / ⳵␸, with n1 defined by 共32兲 and ␣1,2 and ␤ computed by
using the formula 共46兲 for the solutions 共49兲. Our exact solution, with nontrivial cosmological
constant, is for 4D, like in the preceding section. So, for n + m = 4, the condition k2 − 1 = n + m
cannot be satisfied by any integer numbers. We may similarly trivially extend the dimensions like
n⬘ = 6 and m⬘ = m = 2 and for k = 3 to consider the Lie group SL 共3, IC兲 noncommutativity with
corresponding values of Q␥␣␤ and structure constants f ␥␣␤㛮 , see 共11兲. An extension w␣␤ → W␥␣␤㛮

may be performed by stating the N-deformed “structure” constants 共14兲, W␥␣␤㛮 = f ␥␣␤㛮 + w␣␤ , with

nontrivial values of w␣␤ given by 共52兲. In a similar form, we can consider anholonomic defor-

mations of the SUk structure constants, see 共19兲.


The black ellipsoid solutions defined by real and certain complex metrics elaborated in the
preceding section were for the 4D Einstein gravity, in general, with nontrivial cosmological con-
stant. In this section we construct and analyze an exact 5D solution which can be also complexi-
fied by using complex anholonomic transforms as well they can be provided with associated
noncommutative structure. For such configurations we can apply directly the formulas stated in
Appendix B. The metric ansatz 共1兲 is taken in the form

␦s2 = g1共dx1兲2 + g2共dx2兲2 + g3共dx3兲2 + h4共␦y 4兲2 + h5共␦y 5兲2 ,

␦y 4 = dy 4 + wk⬘共xi⬘, v兲dxk⬘, ␦y 5 = dy 5 + nk⬘共xi⬘, v兲dxk⬘, i⬘,k⬘ = 1,2,3,

g1 = 1, g2 = g2共r兲, g3 = − a共r兲,

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h4 = ĥ4 = ␩ˆ 4共r, ␪, ␸兲h4关0兴共r兲, h5 = ĥ5 = ␩ˆ 5共r, ␪, ␸兲h5关0兴共r, ␪兲 共54兲

for the parametrization of coordinate of type

x1 = t, x2 = r, x3 = ␪, y 4 = v = ␸, y5 = p = ␹ , 共55兲
where t is the time coordinate, 共r , ␪ , ␸兲 are spherical coordinates, ␹ is the fifth coordinate; ␸ is the
anholonomic coordinate; for this ansatz there is not considered the dependence of metric coeffi-
cients on the second anholonomic coordinate ␹. Following similar approximations as in Sec. IV C
for deriving the equations 共40兲, we can write the gravity equations with cosmological constant as
a system of 5D Einstein equations with constant diagonal source 共the related details on computing
the Ricci tensors with anholonomic variables and possible sources are given in Appendix B兲:

1 1
R1 = R22 = R33 = −
冋g˙ g˙ 共g˙ 兲2
2g2 2g3
g⬘g⬘ 共g⬘兲2
g˙˙3 − 2 3 − 3 + g2⬙ − 2 3 − 2
2g3 2g2
= ␭, 册 共56兲

R44 = R55 = − = ␭, 共57兲

␤ ␣i
R4i⬘ = − wi⬘ − ⬘ = 0, 共58兲
2h5 2h5

h5 ** *
R5i⬘ = − 关n + ␥ni⬘兴 = 0, 共59兲
2h4 i⬘
where i⬘ = 1 , 2 , 3. The coefficients of the equations are given by

3h*5 h*4
␣i⬘ = ⳵ih*5 − h*5⳵i⬘ ln 冑兩h4h5兩, ␤ = h** 冑
5 − h5关ln 兩h4h5兩兴 ,
* *
␥= − . 共60兲
2h5 h4
The various partial derivatives are denoted as a˙ = ⳵a / ⳵x2, a⬘ = ⳵a / ⳵x3, a* = ⳵a / ⳵v.
The system of equations 共56兲–共59兲 can be solved by choosing one of the ansatz functions 关e.g.,
h4共xi⬘ , v兲 or h5共xi⬘ , v兲兴 to take some arbitrary, but physically interesting form. Then the other ansatz
functions can be analytically determined up to an integration in terms of this choice. In this way
one can generate many solutions, but the requirement that the initial, arbitrary choice of the ansatz
functions be “physically interesting” means that one wants to make this original choice so that the
final solution generated in this way yield a well-behaved solution. To satisfy this requirement we
start from well-known solutions of Einstein’s equations and then use the above procedure to
deform this solution in a number of ways as to include it in a string theory, for instance, as a
gravity model with cosmological constant.
The data

g1 = 1, ĝ2 = − 1, g3 = − a共r兲,

h4关0兴共r兲 = − r20e2␺共r兲, ␩4 = 1/␬r2共r, ␪, ␸兲, h5关0兴 = − a共r兲sin2 ␪, ␩5 = 1,

w1 = ŵ1 = w共r兲, w2 = ŵ2 = 0, w3 = ŵ3 = n cos ␪/␬2n共r, ␪, ␸兲,

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n1 = n̂1 = 0, n2,3 = n̂2,3 = n2,3关1兴共r, ␪兲 冕 ln兩␬r2共r, ␪, ␸兲兩d␸ 共61兲

for some constants r0 and n and arbitrary functions a共r兲, ␺共r兲 and arbitrary vacuum gravitational
polarizations ␬r共r , ␪ , ␸兲 and ␬n共r , ␪ , ␸兲 define an exact vacuum 5D solution of Kaluza–Klein
gravity14 describing a locally anisotropic wormhole with elliptic gravitational vacuum polarization
of charges,

q20 Q20
+ = 1,
4a共0兲␬r2 4a共0兲␬2n
where q0 = 2冑a共0兲 sin ␣0 and Q0 = 2冑a共0兲 cos ␣0 are, respectively, the electric and magnetic
charges and 2冑a共0兲␬r and 2冑a共0兲␬n are ellipse’s axes.
The first aim in this section is to prove that following the ansatz 共53兲 we can construct locally
anisotropic wormhole metrics in 共anti兲 de Sitter gravity, in general complexified by a certain class
of anholonomic frame transforms as solutions of the system of Eqs. 共56兲–共59兲 with redefined
coordinates as in 共55兲. For simplicity, we select such solutions when only the coefficients ni can be
real or complex valued functions. Having the vacuum data 共61兲, we may try to generalize the
solution for a nontrivial cosmological constant by supposing that the new solutions may be rep-
resented as

h4 = ĥ4共xi⬘, v兲q4共xi⬘, v兲 and h5 = ĥ5共xi⬘, v兲, 共62兲

with ĥ4,5 taken as in 共54兲 which solves 共57兲 if q4 = 1 for ␭ = 0 and

q4 =
4␭ 冋冕 ĥ5共r, ␪, ␸兲ĥ4共r, ␪, ␸兲
ĥ*5共r, ␪, ␸兲
d␸ 册 −1

for ␭ ⫽ 0.

This q4 can be considered as an additional polarization to ␩4 induced by the cosmological constant

␭. We state g2 = −1 but

g3 = − sin2共冑2␭␪ + ␰关0兴兲,
defining a solution of 共56兲 with signature 共⫹, ⫺, ⫺, ⫺, ⫺兲 being different from the solution 共18兲.
A nontrivial q4 results in modification of coefficients 共60兲,

␣i⬘ = ␣ˆ i⬘ + ␣关q兴
i⬘ , ␤ = ␤ˆ + ␤关q兴, ␥ = ␥ˆ + ␥关q兴 ,

␣ˆ i⬘ = ⳵iĥ*5 − ĥ*5⳵i⬘ ln 兩ĥ4ĥ5兩, ␤ˆ = ĥ** 冑
5 − ĥ5关ln 兩ĥ4ĥ5兩兴 ,
* *
␥ˆ =

2ĥ5 ĥ4

␣关q兴 冑
i⬘ = − h5⳵i⬘ ln 兩q4兩,
␤关q兴 = − h*5关ln 冑兩q4兩兴*, ␥关q兴 = − ,
which follow formulas 共58兲 and 共59兲 result in additional terms to the N-connection coefficients,
关q兴 关q兴
wi⬘ = ŵi⬘ + wi⬘ and ni⬘ = n̂i⬘ + ni⬘ , 共63兲
关q兴 关q兴 关q兴
with wi and ni computed by using, respectively, ␣i , ␤关q兴, and ␥关q兴.
⬘ ⬘ ⬘
The simplest way to generate complex solutions is to consider that n̂i⬘ from the data 共61兲 and
共63兲 can be complex valued functions, for instance, with complex valued coefficients n2,3关1兴
⫻共r , ␪兲 resulting from integration. In this case the metric 共53兲 has real coefficients describing

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042503-22 Sergiu I. Vacaru J. Math. Phys. 46, 042503 共2005兲

wormhole solutions with polarized constants but such metric coefficients are defined with respect
to anholonomic frames being N elongated by some real and complex functions.
Having nontrivial values of 共63兲, we can associate certain noncommutative symmetries fol-
lowing the same procedure as for real/complex black ellipsoids. The wormhole cases are described
by a more general set of nontrivial coefficients of anholonomy w␣␤ , computed by using formulas

共6兲 and 共15兲 共for simplicity, we omit such cumbersome expressions兲, and a nontrivial nonlinear
connection curvature, in our case ⍀ai⬘k⬘ = ␦i⬘Nak⬘ − ␦k⬘Nai⬘ with N4k⬘ = wk⬘ and N5k⬘ = nk⬘. Such coeffi-
cients depend on variables 共r , ␪ , ␸兲, in general, being complex valued functions. We must extend
trivially the dimensions. We must extend the dimensions like n = 5 → n⬘ = 6 and m⬘ = m = 2 and for
k = 3 if we want to associate a Lie group SL 共3, IC兲 like noncommutativity with the corresponding
values of Q␥␣␤ and structure constants f ␥␣␤, see 共11兲. An extension w␣␤ → W␥␣␤ may be similarly
㛮 㛮 㛮
performed by introducing N-deformed “structure” constants 共14兲, W␥␣␤ = f ␥␣␤ + w␣␤ , with nontrivial
㛮 㛮 㛮
values of w␣␤ defined by 共63兲.


We start with discussing the results of Refs. 6 and 7 concerning noncommutative gauge
models of gravity.
The basic idea of Ref. 6 was to use a geometrical result21,22 that the Einstein gravity can be
equivalently represented as a gauge theory with a specific connection in the bundle of affine
frames. Such gauge theories are with nonsemisimple structure gauge groups, i.e., with degenerated
metrics in the total spaces. Using an auxiliary symmetric form for the typical fiber, any such model
can be transformed into a variational one. There is an alternative way to construct geometrically a
usual Yang–Mills theory by applying a corresponding set of absolute derivations and dualities
defined by the Hodge operator. For both such approaches, there is a projection formalism reducing
the geometric field equations on the base space to be exactly the Einstein equations from the
general relativity theory.
For more general purposes, it was suggested to consider also extensions to a nonlinear real-
ization with the 共anti兲 de Sitter gauge structural group.23 The constructions with nonlinear group
realizations are very important because they prescribe a consistent approach of distinguishing the
frame indices and coordinate indices subjected to different rules of transformation. This approach
to gauge gravity 共of course, after a corresponding generalizations of the Seiberg–Witten map兲 may
include, in general, quadratic on curvature and torsion terms 共as it is stated in Ref. 6兲 being
correlated to the results on gravity on noncommutative D-branes.53 At the first step, it was very
important to suggest an idea how to include the general relativity into a gauge model being more
explicitly developed in noncommutative form1,2,45 共see recent developments in Refs. 54–60兲.

A. Nonlinear gauge models for the „anti… de Sitter group

There were elaborated some alternative approaches to the noncommutative gauge gravity
models in Ref. 7 关by deforming the Einstein gravity based on gauging the commutative inhomo-
geneous Lorentz group ISO 共3,1兲 using the Seiberg–Witten map兴 and 60 关by considering some
simplest noncommutative deformations of the gauge theory U 共2,2兲 and of the Lorentz algebra SO
共1,3兲兴. Such theories reduce to the general relativity if certain constraints and brocking symmetries
are imposed. Perhaps, only some experimental data would emphasize a priority of a theory of
noncommutative gravity with a proper prescription how the vielbeins and connection from “com-
mutative” gravity must be combined into components of a linear/nonlinear realizations of a non-
commutative gauge potentials defined by corresponding Seiberg–Witten maps. At the present state
of elaboration of noncommutative geometry and physics, we have to analyze the physical conse-
quences of different classes of models of noncommutative gravity.
We introduce vielbein decompositions of 共in general兲 complex metrics 共4兲,

ĝ␣␤共u兲 = e␣␣⬘共u兲e␤␤⬘共u兲␩␣⬘␤⬘ ,

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e␣␣⬘e␤␣⬘ = ␦␣␤ and e␣␣⬘e␣␤⬘ = ␦␤⬘⬘ ,

where ␩␣⬘␤⬘ is a constant diagonal matrix 关for real space–times we can consider it as the flat
Minkowski metric, for instance, ␩␣⬘␤⬘ = diag共−1 , + 1 , . . . , + 1兲兴 and ␦␣␤ and ␦␤␣⬘⬘ are Kronecker’s
delta symbols. The vielbiens with an associated N-connection structure Nai 共x j , y a兲, being real or
complex valued functions, have a special paramtrization

e␣␣⬘共u兲 = 冋 eii⬘共x j兲 Nci 共x j,y a兲ecb⬘共x j,y a兲

0 eee⬘共x j,y a兲
册 共64兲


e ␣⬘共u兲 = 冋 eii⬘共x j兲 − Nci 共x j,y a兲eii⬘共x j兲
0 ecc⬘共x j,y a兲
册 共65兲

with eii⬘共x j兲 and ecb⬘共x j , y a兲 generating the coefficients of metric 共1兲 with the coefficients defined
with respect to anholonmic frames,

gij共x j兲 = eii⬘共x j兲e j j⬘共x j兲ni⬘ j⬘ and hab共x j,y c兲 = eaa⬘共x j,y c兲ebb⬘共x j,y c兲␩a⬘b⬘ . 共66兲
By using vielbeins and metrics of type 共64兲 and 共65兲 and, respectively, 共66兲, we can model in a
unified manner various types of 共pseudo兲 Riemannian, Einstein–Cartan, Riemann–Finsler and
vector/covector bundle nonlinear connection commutative and noncommutative geometries in
effective gauge and string theories 共it depends on the parameterization of eii⬘, ecb⬘, and Nci on
coordinates and anholonomy relations, see details in Refs. 24–28兲.
We consider the de Sitter space ⌺4 as a hypersurface defined by the equations ␩ABuAuB = −l2 in
the four-dimensional flat space enabled with diagonal metric ␩AB, ␩AA = ± 1 共in this section
A , B , C , . . . = 1 , 2 , . . . , 5兲, where 兵uA其 are global Cartesian coordinates in R5; l ⬎ 0 is the curvature
of de Sitter space 共for simplicity, we consider here only the de Sitter case; the anti-de Sitter
configuration is to be stated by a hypersurface ␩ABuAuB = l2兲. The de Sitter group S共␩兲 = SO共␩兲共5兲 is
the isometry group of ⌺5-space with six generators of Lie algebra so共␩兲共5兲 satisfying the commu-
tation relations

关M AB,M CD兴 = ␩ACM BD − ␩BCM AD − ␩ADM BC + ␩BDM AC . 共67兲

We can decompose the capital indices A , B , . . . as A = 共␣⬘ , 5兲, B = 共␤⬘ , 5兲 , . . . ,, and the metric
␩AB as ␩AB = 共␩␣⬘␤⬘,␩55兲. The operators 共67兲 M AB can be decomposed as M ␣⬘␤⬘ = F␣⬘␤⬘ and P␣⬘
= l−1M 5␣⬘ written as

关F␣⬘␤⬘,F␥⬘␦⬘兴 = ␩␣⬘␥⬘F␤⬘␦⬘ − ␩␤⬘␥⬘F␣⬘␦⬘ − ␩␤⬘␦⬘F␣⬘␥⬘ − ␩␣⬘␦⬘F␤⬘␥⬘ ,

关P␣⬘, P␤⬘兴 = − l−2F␣⬘␤⬘ , 共68兲

关P␣⬘,F␤⬘␥⬘兴 = ␩␣⬘␤⬘ P␥ − ␩␣⬘␥⬘ P␤⬘ ,

where the Lie algebra so共␩兲共5兲 is split into a direct sum, SO共␩兲共5兲 = SO共␩兲共4兲 丣 V4 with V4 being the
vector space stretched on vectors P␣. We remark that ⌺4 = S共␩兲 / L共␩兲, where L共␩兲 = SO共␩兲共4兲. For
␩AB = diag共−1 , + 1 , + 1 , + 1兲 and S10 = SO共1 , 4兲, L6 = SO共1 , 3兲 is the group of Lorentz rotations.
The generators Ia and structure constants f sp t of the de Sitter–Lie group can be parameterized
in a form distinguishing the de Sitter generators and commutations 共68兲. The action of the group
S共␩兲 may be realized by using 4 ⫻ 4 matrices with a parameterization distinguishing the subgroup
L 共␩兲,

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B = bBL , 共69兲

BL = 冉 冊
L 0
0 1

L 苸 L共␩兲 is the de Sitter bust matrix transforming the vector 共0 , 0 , . . . , ␳兲 苸 R5 into the arbitrary
point 共V1 , V2 , . . . , V5兲 苸 ⌺5␳ 傺 R5 with curvature ␳ 共VAVA = −␳2 , VA = ␶A␳兲, and the matrix b is ex-

冢 冣
␶ ␣⬘␶ ␤⬘
␦ ␣⬘␤⬘ + ␶ ␣⬘
b= 共1 + ␶5兲 .
␶ ␤⬘ ␶ 5

The de Sitter gauge field is associated with a so共␩兲共5兲-valued connection 1-form,

⍀̃ = 冉 ␻␣⬘␤⬘ ˜␪␣⬘
␤⬘ 0
冊 , 共70兲

where ␻␣⬘␤ 苸 SO共4兲共␩兲, ˜␪␣⬘ 苸 R4 , ˜␪␤⬘ 苸 ␩␤⬘␣⬘˜␪␣⬘.

The actions of S共␩兲 mix the components of the matrix ␻␣⬘␤⬘ and ˜␪␣⬘ fields in 共70兲. Because the
introduced parameterization is invariant on action on SO共␩兲共4兲 group, we cannot identify ␻␣⬘␤ and

˜␪␣⬘, respectively, with the connection ⌫关c兴 and the 1-form e␣ defined by a N-connection structure
like in 共2兲 with the coefficients chosen as in 共64兲 and 共65兲. To avoid this difficulty we can consider
nonlinear gauge realizations of the de Sitter group S共␩兲 by introducing the nonlinear gauge field

⌫ = b−1⍀̃b + b−1 db = 冉 ⌫ ␣⬘␤⬘ ␪ ␣⬘

␪ ␤⬘ 0
冊 , 共71兲


⌫␣⬘␤⬘ = ␻␣⬘␤⬘ − 共␶␣⬘D␶␤⬘ − ␶␤⬘D␶␣⬘兲/共1 + ␶5兲,

␪␣⬘ = ␶5˜␪␣⬘ + D␶␣⬘ − ␶␣⬘共dr5 + ˜␪␥⬘␶␥⬘兲/共1 + ␶5兲,

D ␶ ␣⬘ = d ␶ ␣⬘ + ␻ ␣⬘␤⬘␶ ␤⬘ .

The action of the group S共␩兲 is nonlinear, yielding the transformation rules

⌫⬘ = L⬘⌫共L⬘兲−1 + L⬘d共L⬘兲−1, ␪⬘ = L␪ ,
where the nonlinear matrix-valued function

L⬘ = L⬘共␶␣,b,BT兲
is defined from Bb = b⬘BL⬘ 关see the parametrization 共69兲兴. The de Sitter “nonlinear” algebra is
defined by generators 共68兲 and nonlinear gauge transforms of type 共71兲.

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B. de Sitter nonlinear gauge gravity and general relativity

We generalize the constructions from Refs. 23 and 6 to the case when the de Sitter nonlinear
gauge gravitational connection 共71兲 is defined by the viebeins 共64兲 and 共65兲 and the linear con-
nection 共7兲 ⌫关c兴␣␤␮ = 兵⌫␣␤␮其,

⌫= 冉 ⌫␣⬘␤⬘ l−1
0 e ␤⬘
0 e

冊 , 共72兲


⌫ ␣⬘␤⬘ = ⌫ ␣⬘␤⬘␮␦ u ␮ , 共73兲


⌫␣⬘␤⬘␮ = e␣␣⬘e␤␤⬘⌫␣␤␮ + e␣␣⬘␦␮e␣␤⬘ ,

e ␣⬘ = e ␮␣⬘␦ u ␮ , 共74兲
and l0 being a dimensional constant.
The matrix components of the curvature of the connection 共72兲,

R共⌫兲 = d⌫ + ⌫ ∧ ⌫,
can be written

R 共⌫兲
= 冉 R␣⬘␤⬘ + l−1
0 T
⬘ −1 ␣⬘

0 ␲ ␤⬘ l 0 T

冊 , 共75兲


␲␤␣⬘⬘ = e␣⬘ ∧ e␤⬘, R␣⬘␤⬘ = 21 R␣⬘␤⬘␮␯ ␦u␮ ∧ ␦u␯ ,


R ␣⬘␤⬘␮␯ = e ␤␤⬘e ␣␣⬘R ␣␤


with the coefficients R ␤␮␯ defined with h – v-invariant components, see 共A2兲 in Appendix A.
The de Sitter gauge group is semisimple, we are able to construct a variational gauge gravi-
tational theory with the Lagrangian

L = L共g兲 + L共m兲 , 共76兲

where the gauge gravitational Lagrangian is defined

L共g兲 = Tr共R共⌫兲 ∧ ⴱ GR共⌫兲兲 = L共G兲兩g兩1/2␦4u,

1 ␣⬘ 1 1 ឈ
L共g兲 = 2 T ␮␯T ␣⬘
+ R␣⬘␤⬘␮␯R␤⬘␣⬘␮␯ − 2 共R 共⌻兲 − 2␭1兲,
2l 8␭ l
with ␦4u being the volume element, 兩g兩 is the determinant computed the metric coefficients 共1兲
stated with respect to N-elongated frames, the curvature scalar R ឈ 共⌫兲 is computed as in 共A4兲,
␣⬘ ␣⬘ ␣
T ␮␯ = e ␣T ␮␯ 共the gravitational constant l satisfies the relations l2 = 2l20␭, ␭1 = −3 / l0兲, Tr denotes

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the trace on ␣⬘, ␤⬘ indices. The matter field Lagrangian from 共76兲 is defined

L共m兲 = − 21 Tr共⌫ ∧ ⴱgI兲 = L共m兲兩g兩1/2 ␦ nu,

with the Hodge operator derived by 兩g兩 and 兩h兩, where

L共m兲 = 21 ⌫␣⬘␤⬘␮S␤⬘␣␮ − t␮␣⬘l␣⬘␮ .

The matter field source J is obtained as a variational derivation of L共m兲 on ⌫ and is parameterized
in the form

J= 冉 S␣⬘␤㛮
− l 0␶ ␤⬘
− l 0␶ ␣⬘

with ␶␣⬘ = ␶␣⬘␮␦u␮ and S␣⬘␤⬘ = S␣⬘␤⬘␮␦u␮ being, respectively, the canonical tensors of energy mo-
mentum and spin density.
Varying the action

S= 冕 ␦4u共L共g兲 + L共m兲兲

on the ⌫-variables 共72兲, we obtain the gauge-gravitational field equations,

d共ⴱR共⌫兲兲 + ⌫ ∧ 共ⴱR共⌫兲兲 − 共ⴱR共⌫兲兲 ∧ ⌫ = − ␭共ⴱJ兲, 共77兲

where the Hodge operator ⴱ is used. This equations can be alternatively derived in geometric form
by applying the absolute derivation and dual operators.
Distinguishing the variations on ⌫ and e-variables, we rewrite 共77兲,

D̂共ⴱR共⌫兲兲 + 共D̂共ⴱ ␲兲 + e ∧ 共ⴱTT兲 − 共ⴱT兲 ∧ eT兲 = − ␭共ⴱS兲,

D̂共ⴱT兲 − 共ⴱR共⌫兲兲 ∧ e −
l 2 共ⴱ ␲兲 ∧ e =

ⴱt + ⴱ ␵ ,

eT being the transposition of e, where

Tt = T␣⬘ = ␩␣⬘␤⬘T␤⬘,T␤⬘ = 21 T␤⬘␮␯␦u␮ ∧ ␦u␯ , 其

eT = 兵e␣⬘ = ␩␣⬘␤⬘e␤⬘,e␤⬘ = e␤⬘␮␦u␮其, D̂ = ␦ + ⌫ˆ

共⌫ˆ acts as ⌫␣⬘␤⬘␮ on indices ␥⬘ , ␦⬘ , . . . and as ⌫␣␤␮ on indices ␥ , ␦ , . . .兲. The value ␵ defines the
energy-momentum tensor of the gauge gravitational field ⌫ˆ ,

␵␮␯共⌫ˆ 兲 = 21 Tr共R␮␣R␣␯ − 41 R␣␤R␣␤G␮␯兲 .

Equations 共77兲 make up the complete system of variational field equations for nonlinear de
Sitter gauge gravity. We note that we can obtain a nonvariational Poincaré gauge gravitational
theory if we consider the contraction of the gauge potential 共72兲 to a potential ⌫关P兴 with values in
the Poincaré–Lie algebra

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⌫= 冉 ⌫␣⬘␤⬘ l−1
0 e ␤⬘
0 e

冊 → ⌫关P兴 = 冉 ⌫␣⬘␤⬘ l−1
0 e
冊 . 共78兲

A similar gauge potential was considered in the formalism of linear and affine frame bundles on
curved space–times by Popov and Dikhin.21,22 They considered the gauge potential 共78兲 to be just
the Cartan connection form in the affine gaugelike gravity and proved that the Yang–Mills equa-
tions of their theory are equivalent, after projection on the base, to the Einstein equations.
Let us give an example how an exact vacuum solution of the Einstein equations, with asso-
ciated noncommutative symmetry, can be included as to define an exact solution in gauge gravity.
Using the data 共33兲 defining a 4D black ellipsoid solution, we write the nontrivial vielbein coef-
ficients 共64兲 as

e22⬘ = 1, e33⬘ = 冑兩g3兩, e44⬘ = 冑兩h4兩, e55⬘ = 冑兩h5兩, N52 = n2 共79兲

for the diagonal Minkowski metric ␩␣⬘␤⬘ = 共−1 , −1 , −1 , 1兲 with the tetrad and coordinate indices
running, respectively, the values ␣⬘ , ␤⬘ , . . . = 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 and ␣ , ␤ , . . . = 2 , 3 , 4 , 5. The connection co-
efficients ⌫␣⬘␤⬘␮, see formula 共74兲, are computed by using the values e␣␣⬘ and 共7兲 and used for
definition of the potential ⌫关P兴 共78兲 which defines a gauge gravity model with the Yang–Mills
equations 共77兲 being completely equivalent to the Einstein equations even the frames are anholo-
nomic 共see details in Refs. 21, 22, and 24–28兲. N coefficients, for instance, a complex N52 = n2 we
can construct both complex Einstein and gauge gravity vacuum configurations which are stable
and define anholonomically deformed black hole solutions with associated noncommutative sym-
Finally, we emphasize that in a similar manner, by extending the dimensions of spaces and
gauge groups and introducing the cosmological constant, we can include the solutions for the
共anti兲 de Sitter black ellipsoids and wormholes, with real or complex anholonomic structures
共constructed, respectively, in Secs. IV C and V兲, into a gauge gravity theory 关Einstein and
Poincaré types, or as a degenerated configuration in the nonlinear 共anti兲 de Sitter gravity兴.


The noncommutative gravity theories are confronted with the problem of definition of non-
commutative variants of pseudo-Eucliedean and pseudo-Riemannian metrics. This is connected
with another problem when the generation of noncommutative metric structures via the Moyal
product and the Seiberg–Witten map45 results in complex and noncommutative metrics for, in
general, nonstable and/or unphysical gravitational vacua. In order to avoid the mentioned difficul-
ties, we elaborated a model of noncommutative gauge gravity starting from a variant of gauge
gravity being equivalent to the Einstein gravity and emphasizing in such approach the vielbein
共frame兲 and connection structures, but not the metric configuration 共see Refs. 6 and 61兲. The
metric for such theories is induced by an anholonomic 共in general兲 frame transform.
For explicit constructions, we follow the method of restricted enveloping algebras62 and
construct gauge gravitational theories by stating corresponding structures with semisimple or
nonsemisimple Lie algebras and their extensions. We use power series of generators for the affine
and nonlinearly realized de Sitter gauge groups and compute the coefficient functions of all the
higher powers of the generators of the gauge group which are functions of the coefficients of the
first power. Such constructions are based on the Seiberg–Witten map and on the formalism of
ⴱ-product formulation of the algebra45,63–69 when for functional objects, being functions of com-
muting variables, there are associated some algebraic noncommutative properties encoded in the
ⴱ-product. Here we note that an approach to the gauge theory on noncommutative spaces was
introduced geometrically70 by defining the covariant coordinates without speaking about deriva-
tives. This formalism was also developed for quantum planes.71,72
In this section, we shall prove the existence for noncommutative spaces of gauge models of
gravity which agrees with usual gauge gravity theories being equivalent, or extending, the general

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042503-28 Sergiu I. Vacaru J. Math. Phys. 46, 042503 共2005兲

relativity theory in the limit of commuting spaces. We shall show how it is possible to adapt
mutually the Seiberg–Witten map and anholonomic frame transforms in order to generate solu-
tions of the gauge gravity preserving noncommutative symmetries even in the classical limit of
commutative Einstein gravity.

A. Enveloping algebras for gauge gravity connections

We define the gauge fields on a noncommutative space as elements of an algebra Au that form
a representation of the generator I algebra for the de Sitter gauge group and the noncommutative
space is modeled as the associative algebra of IC. This algebra is freely generated by the coordi-
nates modulo ideal R generated by the relations 共one accepts formal power series兲 Au
= IC关关û1 , . . . , ûN兴兴 / R. A variational gauge gravitational theory can be formulated by using a mini-
mal extension of the affine structural group Af 3+1共R兲 to the de Sitter gauge group S10 = SO共4
+ 1兲 acting on R4+1 space. 共See Refs. 73–78.兲
Let now us consider a noncommutative space 共see Appendix D for a brief outline of necessary
concepts兲. The gauge fields are elements of the algebra ␺ˆ 苸 AI共dS兲 that form the nonlinear repre-
sentation of the de Sitter algebra so共␩兲 共5兲 共the whole algebra is denoted Az共dS兲兲. The elements

␦␺ˆ = i␥ˆ ␺ˆ , ␺ˆ 苸 Au, ␥ˆ 苸 Az共dS兲⬘ ,

under a nonlinear de Sitter transformation. The action of the generators 共68兲 on ␺ˆ is defined as the
resulting element will form a nonlinear representation of AI共dS兲 and, in consequence, ␦␺ˆ 苸 Au
despite ␥ˆ 苸 Az共dS兲. We emphasize that for any representation the object ␥ˆ takes values in enveloping
de Sitter algebra but not in a Lie algebra as would be for commuting spaces.
We introduce a connection ⌫ˆ ␯ 苸 Az共dS兲 in order to define covariant coordinates,

Û␯ = ûv + ⌫ˆ ␯ .

The values Û␯␺ˆ transform covariantly, i.e., ␦Û␯␺ˆ = i␥ˆ Û␯␺ˆ , if and only if the connection ⌫ˆ ␯ satisfies
the transformation law of the enveloping nonlinear realized de Sitter algebra,

␦⌫ˆ ␯␺ˆ = − i关ûv, ␥ˆ 兴 + i关␥ˆ ,⌫ˆ ␯兴,

where ␦⌫ˆ ␯ 苸 Az共dS兲.
The enveloping algebra-valued connection has infinitely many component fields. Neverthe-
less, all component fields can be induced from a Lie algebra-valued connection by a Seiberg–
Witten map45,62 and, for SO共n兲 and Sp共n兲, see Ref. 79. Here, we show that similar constructions
can be performed for nonlinear realizations of de Sitter algebra when the transformation of the
connection is considered

␦⌫ˆ ␯ = − i关u␯, * ␥ˆ 兴 + i关␥ˆ , * ⌫ˆ ␯兴.

We treat in more detail the canonical case with the star product 共D4兲. The first term in the variation
␦⌫ˆ ␯ gives

− i关u␯, * ␥ˆ 兴 = ␪␯␮ ␥.

Assuming that the variation of ⌫ˆ ␯ = ␪␯␮Q␮ starts with a linear term in ␪, we have

␦⌫ˆ ␯ = ␪␯␮␦Q␮, ␦Q␮ = ␥ + i关␥ˆ , * Q␮兴.
We expand the star product 共D4兲 in ␪ but not in ga and find up to first order in ␪ that

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␥ = ␥1aIa + ␥ab I I + ¯,
1 a b
Q␮ = q1␮,aIa + q2␮,abIaIb + ¯ , 共80兲

where ␥1a and q␮1 ,a are of order zero in ␪ and ␥ab

and q␮2 ,ab are of second order in ␪. The expansion
in Ib leads to an expansion in ga of the ⴱ-product because the higher order Ib derivatives vanish.
For the de Sitter case, we take the generators Ib 共68兲, see commutators 共D3兲, with the correspond-
d ⯝ f ␤㛮 共in our further identifications with space–time objects
ing de Sitter structure constants f bc
like frames and connections we shall use greek indices兲. The result of calculation of variations of
共80兲, by using ga to the order given in 共D2兲, is

␦q␮1 ,a = a ␥bq␮,c,
− f bc 1 1
␦Q␶ = ␪␮␯⳵␮␥1a⳵␯q␶1,bIaIb + ¯ ,

␦q␮2 ,ab = ⳵␮␥ab

− ␪␯␶⳵␯␥1a⳵␶q1␮,b − 2f bc
a 兵␥bq␮,cd + ␥bdq␮,c其.
1 2 2 1

Let us introduce the objects ␧, taking the values in de Sitter Lie algebra and W␮, taking values
in the enveloping de Sitter algebra, i.e.,

␧ = ␥1aIa and W␮ = q2␮,abIaIb ,

with the variation ␦W␮ satisfying the equation

␦W␮ = ⳵␮共␥ab I I 兲 − 21 ␪␶␭兵⳵␶␧, ⳵␭q␮其 + i关␧,W␮兴 + i关共␥ab

2 a b
I I 兲,q␯兴.
2 a b

This equation can be solved70,45 in the form

= 21 ␪␯␮共⳵␯␥1a兲q1␮,b, q2␮,ab = − 21 ␪␯␶q1␯,a共⳵␶q1␮,b + R1␶␮,b兲.

The values

,b = ⳵␶q␮,b − ⳵␮q␶,b + f d q␶,eq␮,e

1 1 1 ec 1 1

could be identified with the coefficients R␣␤㛮 ␮␯ of de Sitter nonlinear gauge gravity curvature 关see
formula 共75兲兴 if in the commutative limit

q␮1 ,b ⯝ 冉 ⌫␣␤㛮
0 ␹␤㛮
0 ␹

关see 共72兲兴.
We note that the below presented procedure can be generalized to all the higher powers of ␪.
As an example, we compute the first order corrections to the gravitational curvature.

B. Noncommutative covariant gauge gravity dynamics

The constructions from the preceding section can be summarized by a conclusion that the de
Sitter algebra valued object ␧ = ␥1a共u兲 Ia determines all the terms in the enveloping algebra

␥ = ␥1aIa + ␪␯␮⳵␯␥1aq1␮,b共IaIb + IbIa兲 + ¯ .
and the gauge transformations are defined by ␥1a共u兲 and q1␮,b共u兲, when

␦␥1␺ = i␥共␥1,q␮1 兲 ⴱ ␺ .
Applying the formula 共D4兲 we calculate

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i ␯␮
关␥, * ␨兴 = i␥1a␨1b f ab
c I + ␪ 兵⳵v共␥a␨b f c 兲q␮,c + 共␥a⳵v␨b − ␨a⳵v␥b兲q␮,b f c + 2⳵v␥a⳵␮␨b其I I ,
c 1 1 ab 1 1 1 1 ab 1 1 d c
where we used the properties that, for the de Sitter enveloping algebras, one holds the general
formula for compositions of two transformations,

␦␥␦␵ − ␦␵␦␥ = ␦i共␵*␥−␥*␵兲 .

This is also true for the restricted transformations defined by ␥1,

␦␥1␦␵1 − ␦␵1␦␥1 = ␦i共␵1*␥1−␥1*␵1兲 .

Such commutators could be used for definition of tensors

Ŝ␮␯ = 关Û␮,Û␯兴 − i␪ˆ ␮␯ , 共81兲

where ␪ˆ ␮␯ is, respectively, stated for the canonical, Lie and quantum plane structures. Under the
general enveloping algebra one holds the transform

␦Ŝ␮␯ = i关␥ˆ ,Ŝ␮␯兴.

For instance, the canonical case is characterized by

S␮␯ = i␪␮␶⳵␶⌫␯ − i␪␯␶⳵␶⌫␮ + ⌫␮ ⴱ ⌫␯ − ⌫␯ ⴱ ⌫␮ = ␪␮␶␪␯␭兵⳵␶Q␭ − ⳵␭Q␶ + Q␶ ⴱ Q␭ − Q␭ ⴱ Q␶其.

We introduce the gravitational gauge strength 共curvature兲

R ␶␭ = ⳵ ␶Q ␭ − ⳵ ␭Q ␶ + Q ␶ ⴱ Q ␭ − Q ␭ ⴱ Q ␶ , 共82兲
which could be treated as a noncommutative extension of de Sitter nonlinear gauge gravitational
curvature 共75兲, and calculate

R␶␭,a = R␶1␭,a + ␪␮␯兵R1␶␮,aR␭1 ␯,b − 21 q1␮,a关共D␯R1␶␭,b兲 + ⳵␯R␶1␭,b兴其Ib ,

where the gauge gravitation covariant derivative is introduced,

共D␯R1␶␭,b兲 = ⳵␯R1␶␭,b + q␯,cR␶1␭,d f cd

b .

Following the gauge transformation laws for ␥ and q1 we find

␦␥1R␶1␭ = i关␥, *R␶1␭兴

with the restricted form of ␥. Such formulas were proved in Ref. 45 for usual gauge 共nongravi-
tational兲 fields. Here we reconsidered them for the gravitational gauge fields.
One can formulate gauge covariant gravitational dynamics of noncommutative spaces follow-
ing the nonlinear realization of de Sitter algebra and the ⴱ-formalism and introducing derivatives
in such a way that one does not obtain new relations for the coordinates. In this case, a Leibniz
rule can be defined that

⳵ˆ ␮û␯ = ␦␮␯ + d␮␯␶␴û␴⳵ˆ ␶ ,

where the coefficients d␮␯␶␴ = ␦␴␯␦␮␶ are chosen to not have new relations when ⳵ˆ ␮ acts again to the
right-hand side. One holds the ⴱ-derivative formulas

⳵␶ ⴱ f = f + f ⴱ ⳵ ␶, 关⳵l, *共f ⴱ g兲兴 = 共关⳵l, * f兴兲 ⴱ g + f ⴱ 共关⳵l, *g兴兲
and the Stokes theorem

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冕 关⳵l, f兴 = 冕 dNu关⳵l, * f兴 = 冕 d Nu

f = 0,

where, for the canonical structure, the integral is defined,

冕 冕 f̂ = dNuf共u1, . . . ,uN兲.

An action can be introduced by using such integrals. For instance, for a tensor of type 共81兲,

␦L̂ = i关␥ˆ ,L̂兴,

we can define a gauge invariant action

W= 冕 dNu Tr L̂, ␦W = 0,

where the trace must be taken for the group generators.

For the nonlinear de Sitter gauge gravity a proper action is

L = 41 R␶␭R␶␭ ,

where R␶␭ is defined by 共82兲 关in the commutative limit we shall obtain the connection 共72兲兴. In this
case the dynamic of noncommutative space is entirely formulated in the framework of quantum
field theory of gauge fields. In general, we are dealing with anisotropic gauge gravitational inter-
actions. The method works for matter fields as well to restrictions to the general relativity theory.

C. Noncommutative symmetries and star product deformations

The aim of this section is to prove that there are possible extensions of exact solutions from
the Einstein and gauge gravity possessing hidden noncommutative symmetries without introduc-
ing new fields. For simplicity, we present the formulas including decompositions up to the second
order on noncommutative parameter ␪␣␤ for vielbeins, connections, and curvatures which can be
arranged to result in different models of noncommutative gravity. We give the data for the SU
共1 , n + m − 1兲 and SO 共1 , n + m − 1兲 gauge models containing, in general, complex N-elongated
frames, modeling some exact solutions, for instance, those derived in Secs. IV and V. All data can
be considered for extensions with nonlinear realizations into a bundle of affine or de Sitter frames
共in this case, one generates noncommutative gauge theories of the type considered in Ref. 6 or to
impose certain constraints and breaking of symmetries 共in order to construct other models7,60兲.
In the preceding sections we considered noncommutative geometric structures introduced by
frame anholonomic relations 共5兲, or 共15兲. The standard approaches to noncommutative geometry
also contain certain noncommutative relations for coordinates,

关u␣,u␤兴 = u␣u␤ − u␤u␣ = i␪␣␤共u␥兲, 共83兲

where, in the simplest models, the commutator 关u␣ , u␤兴 is approximated to be constant, but there
were elaborated approaches for general manifolds with the noncommutative parameter ␪␣␤ treated
as functions on u␥ in Ref. 68. We define the star 共Moyal兲 product to include possible N-elongated
partial derivatives 共3兲 and a quantum constant ប,

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ប ¯ ¯
f ⴱ ␸ = f ␸ + B¯␣␤共␦¯␣ f ␦¯␤␸ + ␦¯␤ f ␦¯␣␸兲 + ប2B¯␣␤B␥␮关␦共¯␣兲␦共¯␥兲 f兴关␦共¯␤兲␦共␮¯ 兲␸兴
2 ¯
+ ប2B¯␣␤␦¯␤B␥␮兵关␦共¯␣兲␦共¯␥兲 f兴␦␮¯ ␸ + 关␦共¯␣兲␦共¯␥兲␸兴␦␮¯ f其 + O共ប3兲, 共84兲
where, for instance, ␦共␮兲␦共␯兲 = 共1 / 2兲共␦␮␦␯ + ␦␯␦␮兲,

¯ ␪␣␤ ¯ ¯
B¯␣␤ = 共␦␣u¯␣␦␤u␤ + ␦␤u¯␣␦␣u␤兲 + O共ប3兲 共85兲
is defined for new coordinates u¯␣ = u¯␣共u␣兲 inducing a suitable Poisson bi-vector field B¯␣␤共ប兲 being
related to a quantum diagram formalism 关we shall not consider details concerning geometric
quantization in this paper by investigating only classical deformations related to any anholonomic
frame and coordinate 共83兲 noncommutativity origin兴. The formulas 共84兲 and 共85兲 transform into
the usual ones with partial derivatives ⳵␣ and ⳵¯␣ from Refs. 68 and 7 considered for vanishing
anholonomy coefficients. We can define a star product being invariant under diffeomorphism
transforms, ⴱ → ⴱ关−兴, adapted to the N-connection structure 共in a vector bundle provided with
N-connection configuration, we use the label 关⫺兴 in order to emphasize the dependence on coor-
dinates u¯␣ with “overlined” indices兲, by introducing the transforms

f 关−兴共ប兲 = ⌰f共ប兲,

f 关−兴ⴱ关−兴␸关−兴 = ⌰共⌰−1 f 关−兴 ⴱ ⌰−1兲␸关−兴

for ⌰ = 1 + 兺关k=1兴បk⌰关k兴, for simplicity, computed up to the squared order on ប,

¯ ¯
⌰ = 1 − 2ប2␪␮␯␪␳␴兵关␦共␮兲␦共␯兲u¯␣兴关␦共␳兲␦共␴兲u␤兴␦共¯␣兲␦共¯␤兲 + 关␦共␮兲␦共␳兲u¯␣兴共␦␯u␤兲共␦␴u¯␥兲关␦共¯␣兲␦¯␤␦共¯␥兲兴其 + O共ប4兲,
where ␦共¯␣兲␦¯␤␦共¯␥兲 = 共1 / 3!兲共␦¯␣␦¯␤␦¯␥ + all symmetric permutations兲. In our further constructions we
shall omit the constant ប considering that ␪ ⬃ ប is a small value by writing the necessary terms in
the approximation O共␪3兲 or O共␪4兲.
We consider a noncommutative gauge theory on a space with N-connection structure stated by
the gauge fields Â␮ = 共Âi , Âa兲 when “hats” on symbols will be used for the objects defined on
spaces with coordinate noncommutativity. In general, the gauge model can be with different types
of structure groups like SL共k , IC兲, SUk, Uk, SO共k − 1 , 1兲 and their nonlinear realizations. For
instance, for the U共n + m兲 gauge fields there are satisfied conditions Â␮+ = −Â␮, where “⫹” is the
Hermitian conjugation. It is useful to present the basic geometric constructions for a unitary
structural group containing the SO 共4, 1兲 as a particular case if we want to consider noncommu-
tative extensions of 4D exact solutions.
The noncommutative gauge transforms of potentials are defined by using the star product

Â␮关␸兴 = ␸ˆ ⴱ Â␮␸ˆ 关*兴

− ␸ˆ ⴱ ␦␮␸ˆ 关*兴

where the N-elongated partial derivatives 共3兲 are used ␸ˆ ⴱ ␸ˆ 关*兴

= 1 = ␸ˆ 关*兴
ⴱ ␸ˆ . The matrix coefficients
of fields will be distinguished by “underlined” indices, for instance, Â␮ = 兵Â␣␤
␮ 其, and for commu-

tative values, A␮ = 兵A␮ 其. Such fields are subjected to the conditions

共Â␣␤ ␤㛮 ␣
␮ 兲 共u, ␪兲 = − Â␮ 共u, ␪兲
㛮 + and Â␣␤ ␤㛮 ␣
␮ 共u,− ␪兲 = − Â␮ 共u, ␪兲.

There is a basic assumption45 that the noncommutative fields are related to the commutative fields
by the Seiberg–Witten map in a manner that there are not new degrees of freedom being satisfied
by the equation

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Â␮␣␤㛮 共A兲 + ⌬␭ˆÂ␣␤

㛮 ␣␤㛮
␮ 共A兲 = Â␮ 共A + ⌬␭A兲,
ˆ 共86兲

where Â␮␣␤㛮 共A兲 denotes a functional dependence on commutative field A␣␤␮ , ␸

ˆ , and the
㛮 ˆ = exp ␭
␣␤㛮 ␣␤㛮
infinitesimal deformations Â␮ 共A兲 and of A␮ are given, respectively, by

㛮 ˆ ␣␤㛮 + Â * ␭
␮ = ␦ ␮␭ ␮
ˆ ␥␤ ˆ ␣␥ * Â␥␤
㛮 −␭

␮ = ␦ ␮␭
㛮 ␣␤㛮 㛮 − ␭␣␥ * A␥␤
+ A␮ * ␭␥␤ 㛮
␮ ,

where instead of partial derivatives ⳵␮ we use the N-elongated ones, ␦␮ and sum on index ␥.
Solutions of the Seiberg–Witten equations for models of gauge gravity are considered, for
instance, in Refs. 6 and 7 共there are discussed procedures of deriving expressions on ␪ to all
ˆ␣␤㛮 and the first and second
orders兲. Here we present only the first order on ␪ for the coefficients ␭
orders for Â␣␤

␮ including anholonomy relations and not depending on model considerations,

ˆ ␣␤㛮 = ␭␣␤㛮 + i ␪␯␶兵共␦ ␭␣␥兲A␥␤ + A␣␥共␦ ␭␥␤兲其 + O共␪2兲

␭ ␯ ␮ ␮ ␯

i ␯␶ ␣␥ ␥␤㛮 ␥␤㛮 ␣␥ ␥␤㛮 ␣␥ ␥␧

Â␮␣␤㛮 = A␣␤ ␣␥
␮ − ␪ 兵A␮ 共␦␶A␯ + R ␶␯兲 + 共␦␶A␮ + R ␶␮兲A␯ 其 +
㛮 㛮 1 ␯␶ ␳␴ e␤㛮
32 ␪ ␪ 兵关2A␳ 共R ␴␯R ␮␶
␥␧ ␧␥ ␧␥ ␥␤㛮 ␣␥ ␥␤㛮
+R ␮␶R
␴␯兲 + 2共R␣␧␴␯R ␮␶ + R␣␧␮␶R ␴␯兲A␳ 兴 − 关A␯ 共D␶R ␴␮ + ␦␶R␥␤㛮 ␴␮兲
+ 共D␶R ␴␮ + ␦␶R␣␥␴␮兲A␥␤
㛮 ␣␥ ␥␤㛮 ␥␤㛮 ␣␥ ␣␥ ␥␤㛮
␯ 兴 − ␦␴关A␯ 共␦␶A␮ + R ␶␮兲 + 共␦␶A␮ + R ␶␮兲A␯ 兴
␣␥ ␥␤ ␥␤㛮 ␣␥ ␣␥ ␥␤㛮 ␧␥ ␧␥
+ 关共␦␯A␳ 兲共2␦共␶兲␦共␴兲A␮ 㛮 + ␦␶R ␴␮兲 + 共2␦共␶兲␦共␴兲A␮ + ␦␶R ␴␮兲共␦␯A␳ 兲兴 − 关A␣␯ ␧共␦␶A␳ + R ␶␳兲
␧␥ ␥␤ ␥␤㛮 ␣␥ ␣␥ ␥␧
+ 共␦␶A␣␳ ␧ + R␣␧␶␳兲A␯ 兴共␦␴A␮ 㛮 + R ␴␮兲 − 共 ␦ ␴A ␮ + R ␧␤㛮
␴␮兲关A␯ 共␦␶A␳ + R␧␤㛮 ␶␳兲
␥␧ ␥␧ ␧␤㛮
+ 共 ␦ ␶A ␳ + R ␶␳兲A␯ 兴其 + O共␪3兲, 共87兲
where the curvature is defined R␣␤㛮 ␶␯ = e␣␣e␤㛮 ␤R␤␣␶␯ with R␤␣␶␯ computed as in Appendix A, see
formula 共A1兲, when ⌫ → A, and for the gauge model of gravity, see 共75兲 and 共82兲. By using the star
product, we can write symbolically the solution 共87兲 in general form,

i ␯␶ ␣␥ ␥␤㛮 ␥␤㛮 ␣␥ ␣␥ ␥␤㛮

␮ 共␪兲 = − ␪ 关Â␮ ⴱ 共␦␶Â␯ + R̂ ␶␯兲 + 共␦␶Â␮ + R̂ ␶␮兲 ⴱ Â␯ 兴,


where R̂␥␤␶␯ is defined by the same formulas as R␣␤㛮 ␶␯ but with the star products, like AA
→ A ⴱ A.
There is a problem how to determine the dependence of the noncommutative vielbeins ê␣␣ on
commutative ones e␣␣. If we consider the frame fields to be included into a 共anti兲 de Sitter gauge
gravity model with the connection 共72兲, the vielbein components should be treated as certain
coefficients of the gauge potential with specific nonlinear transforms for which the results of Ref.
6 are found. The main difference 共considered in this work兲 is that the frames are in general with
anholonomy induced by a N-connection field. In order to derive in such model the Einstein gravity
we must analyze the reduction 共78兲 to a Poincaré gauge gravity. An explicit calculus of the
curvature of such gauge potential 共see details in Refs. 21, 22, and 24–28兲, show that the coeffi-
cients of the curvature of the connection 共78兲, obtained as a reduction from the SO 共4, 1兲 gauge
group is given by the coefficients 共75兲 with vanishing torsion and constraints of type Â␥␯ 5 = ⑀ê␥␯ and
␯ = ⑀␾␯ with R̂ ␶␯ ⬃ ⑀ vanishing in the limit ⑀ → 0 like in Ref. 7 共we obtain the same formulas for
Â55 ˆ 55

the vielbein and curvature components derived for the inhomogeneous Lorentz group but gener-

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alized to N-elongated derivatives and with distinguishing into h – v components兲. The result for ê␮␮㛮
in the limit ⑀ → 0 generalized to the case of canonical connections 共7兲 defining the covariant
derivatives D␶ and corresponding curvatures 共A1兲 is

i ␮␥ ␥ ␮␥ ␮␥ ␥ ␮㛮 ␧ ␧␥ ␧␥ ␥
ê␮␮㛮 = e␮␮㛮 − ␪␯␶关A␯㛮 ␦␶e␮ + 共␦␶A␮㛮 + R 㛮 ␶␮兲e␯ 兴 + 1 ␯␶ ␤␴
32 ␪ ␪ 兵2共R ␴␯R ␮␶ + R␮㛮 ␧␮␶R ␴␯兲e␤
␮␥ ␥␤㛮
− A␤㛮 共D␶R ␴␮ + ␦␶R␥␤㛮 ␴␮兲e␤␤㛮 − 关A␯␮㛮 ␥共D␶R␥␤㛮 ␴␮ + ␦␶R␥␤㛮 ␴␮兲 + 共D␶R␮㛮 ␥␴␮ + ␦␶R␮㛮 ␥␴␮兲A␥␤
㛮 ␤㛮
␯ 兴e␤
␮␥ ␥␤ ␥␤㛮 ␮␥ ␮␥ ␥␤㛮 ␮␥ ␥ ␮␥ ␥␤
− e␤␤㛮 ␦␴关A␯㛮 共␦␶A␮ 㛮 + R ␶␮兲 + 共␦␶A␮㛮 + R 㛮 ␶␮兲A␯ 兴 + 2共␦␯A␤㛮 兲␦共␶兲␦共␴兲e␮ − A␤㛮 ␦␴关A␯ 㛮 ␦␶e␮␤㛮
␥␤ ␥␤㛮 ␤㛮 ␥ ␮␥ ␮␥ ␮␥ ␥␤ ␥␤㛮 ␮␥
+ 共 ␦ ␶A ␮ 㛮 + R ␶␮兲e␯ 兴 − 共␦␯e␤兲␦␶共␦␴A␮㛮 + R 㛮 ␴␮兲 − 关A␯㛮 共␦␶A␤ 㛮 + R ␶␤兲 + 共␦␶A␤㛮
␮␥ ␥␤㛮 ␤㛮 ␮␥ ␮␥ ␥␤㛮 ␤㛮 ␥␤ ␥␤㛮
+ R㛮 ␶␤兲A␯ 兴␦␴e␮ − 共␦␴A␮㛮 + R 㛮 ␴␮兲关A␮ 共␦␯e␤兲 + e␯␤㛮 共␦␴A␮ 㛮 + R ␴␮兲兴其 + O共␪3兲. 共88兲
Having the decompositions 共88兲, we can define the inverse vielbein ê*␮␮㛮 from the equation

ê*␮␮㛮 ⴱ ê␯␮ = ␦␯␮㛮

and consequently compute ␪-deformations of connections, curvatures, torsions, and any type of
actions and field equations 共for simplicity, we omit such cumbersome formulas being certain
analogies to those computed in Ref. 7 but with additional N deformations兲.
The main result of this section consists in formulation of a procedure allowing to map exact
solutions of a commutative gravity model into a corresponding noncommutative model without
introducing new fields. For instance, we can take the data 共33兲 and 共79兲 and construct the ␪
deformation of the exact solution defining a static black ellipsoid 共a similar prescription works in
transforming both real and complex wormholes from Sec. V兲. The analysis presented in Secs.
IV B and IV C illustrates a possibility to preserve the black ellipsoid stability for a certain class of
extensions of solutions to noncommutative/complex gravity with complexified N frames. In an-
other turn, if we consider arbitrary noncommutative relations for coordinates 共␪ noncommutativ-
ity兲 共83兲 the resulting ␪ deformation of stable solution will be, in general, unstable because
arbitrary decompositions of type 共88兲 will induce arbitrary complex terms in the metric, connec-
tion, and curvature coefficients, i.e., will result in complex terms in the “inverse Schrödinger
problem” and related instability 共see Refs. 18 and 19兲. Perhaps, a certain class of stable
␪-deformed solutions can be defined if we constrain the ␪-noncommutativity 共83兲 to be dual to the
so-called anholonomic frame noncommutativity 共5兲, or 共15兲, by connecting the nontrivial values of
␪␣␤ to certain complex Nai resulting in stable noncommutative configurations, or 共in the simplest
case兲 to say that the noncommutative extensions are modeled only by N fields Nai ⬃ ប␪. The
resulting noncommutative extensions could be defined as to preserve stability at least in the first
order of 共ប␪兲 terms.


With this paper we begin the investigation of space–times with anholonomic noncommutative
symmetry. The exact solutions we find are parametrized by generic off-diagonal metric ansatz and
anholonomic frame 共vielbein兲 structures with associated nonlinear connections 共defining nontrivial
anholonomy relations and inducing natural matrix noncommutative differential geometries兲. Their
noncommutative symmetries are derived from exact solutions of the field equations in the Einstein
gravity theory and their extra dimension and gauge like generalizations.
We analyzed the geometric and physical properties of new classes of exact solutions with
hidden noncommutativity describing specific nonperturbative vacuum and nonvacuum gravita-
tional configurations. Such space–times with generic off-diagonal metrics are very different, for
instance, from those possessing Killing symmetries. We also addressed a particular class of solu-
tions with noncommutative symmetries defining static black ellipsoid space–times which are not

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prohibited by the uniqueness black hole theorems 共proved for metrics with Killing symmetries and
satisfying asymptotic flat conditions兲 because the generic anholonomic noncommutative configu-
rations are very different from the Killing ones.
Let us comment on the difference between our approach and the former elaborated ones: In
the so-called Connes–Lot models,1,2 the gravitational models with Euclidean signature were elabo-
rated from a spectral analysis of Dirac operators connected to the noncommutative geometry. This
type of noncommutative geometry was constructed by replacing the algebra of smooth function on
a manifold with a more general associative but noncommutative algebra. The fundamental matter
field interactions and Riemannian gravity were effectively derived from a corresponding spectral
calculus. In an alternative approach, the noncommutative geometry, as a low energy noncommu-
tativity of coordinates, can be obtained in string theory because of presence of the so-called B
fields. A number of models of gravity were proposed in order to satisfy certain noncommutativity
relations for coordinates and frames 共of Lie group, or quantum group type, or by computing some
effective actions from string/brane theory and noncommutative gauge generalizations of gauge,
Kaluza–Klein, and Einstein gravity兲, see Refs. 3–5 and 8. All mentioned noncommutative theories
suppose that that the noncommutative geometry transforms into a commutative one in some limits
to the Einstein theory and its extra dimension generalizations. In our approach we argue that the
existence of hidden noncommutative structures suggests a natural way for constructing noncom-
mutative models of gravitational interactions.
Our strategy explained in Sec. III is quite different from the previous attempts to construct the
noncommutative gravity theory. We give a proof and analyze some explicit examples illustrating
that there are some specific hidden noncommutative geometric structures even in the classical
Einstein and gauge gravity models. This fact can be of fundamental importance in constructing
more general models of noncommutative gravity with complex and nonsymmetric metrics.
Of course, there are two different notions of noncommutativity: The first one is related to the
space–time deformations via Seiberg–Witten transforms with noncommutative coordinates and the
second one is associated to noncommutative algebra modeled by anholonomic vielbeins. In gen-
eral, the result of such deformations and frame maps cannot be distinguished exactly on a resulting
complex space–time because there is a “mixture” of coordinate, gauge and frame transforms in the
case of noncommutative geometry. Nevertheless, there are certain types of gravitational configu-
rations possessing Lie type 共noncommutative兲 symmetries which “survive” in the limit of com-
mutative coordinates and real valued metrics. We say that such type of solutions of the gravita-
tional field equations possess hidden noncommutative symmetries and describe a generic off-
diagonal class of metrics and anholonomic frame transforms. It is a very difficult task to get exact
solutions of the deformed gravity. In this work, we succeeded to do this by generating such
gravitational configurations which are adapted both to the Seiberg–Witten-type deformations and
to the vielbein transforms. In Sec. VII C we proved that there are possible extensions 共on defor-
mation parameters兲 of exact solutions from the Einstein and gauge gravity possessing hidden
noncommutative symmetries without introducing new fields.
In this work, from a number of results following from application of Seiberg–Witten maps and
related anholonomic vielbein transforms, we selected only those which allow us to define classes
of solutions as noncommutative generalizations of some commutative ones of special physical
interest. Such metrics with hidden noncommutative symmetry are described by a general off-
diagonal ansatz for the metric and vielbein coefficients. The solutions can be extended to complex
metrics by allowing that some subsets of vielbein coefficients 共with associated nonlinear connec-
tion structure兲 may be complex valued. With respect to adapted frames, such metrics have real
coefficients describing vacuum black ellipsoid or wormhole configurations 共there were elaborated
procedures of their analytical extensions and proofs of stability兲. The new types of metrics may be
considered as certain exact solutions in complex gravity which must be considered if some non-
commutative relations for coordinates are introduced. Such configurations may play an important
role in the further understanding of vacua of noncommutative gauge and gravity theories and
investigation of their quantum variants.
The anholonomic noncommutative symmetry of exact solutions of four-dimensional vacuum

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Einstein equations positively does not violate the local 共real兲 Lorentz symmetry. This symmetry
may be preserved in a specific form even by anholonomic complex vielbein transforms mapping
the 4D real Einstein’s metrics into certain complex ones for noncommutative gravity. Such frames
may be defined as the generated new solutions will be a formal analogy with their real 共diagonal兲
pedigrees, to be stable with well-defined geodesic and horizon properties, like it was concluded for
black ellipsoid solutions in general relativity.18,19 By complex frame transforms with noncommu-
tative symmetries we demonstrated that we may deform the horizon of the Schwarzshild solution
to a static ellipsoid configuration as well to induce an effective electric charge of complex non-
commutative origin.
We compare the generated off-diagonal ellipsoidal 共in general, complex兲 metrics possessing
anholonomic noncommutative symmetries with those describing the distorted diagonal black hole
solutions 共see the vacuum case in Refs. 80 and 81 and an extension to the case of nonvanishing
electric fields in Ref. 82兲. In the complex ellipsoidal cases the space–time distortion is caused by
some anisotropic off-diagonal terms being nontrivial in some regions but in the case of “pure
diagonal” distortions one treats such effects following the fact that the vacuum Einstein equations
are not satisfied in some regions because of presence of matter. Alternatively, the complex ellip-
soid solutions may be described as in a real world with real metric coefficients but defined with
respect to complex frames.
Here we emphasize that the off-diagonal gravity may model some gravity–matter-like inter-
actions 共for instance, in the Kaluza–Klein theory by emphasizing some very particular metric’s
configurations and topological compactifications兲 but, in general, the off-diagonal vacuum gravi-
tational dynamics cannot be associated to any effective matter dynamics in a holonomic gravita-
tional background. So, we may consider that the anholonomic ellipsoidal deformations of the
Schwarzschild metric defined by real and/or complex anholonomic frame transforms generate
some kind of anisotropic off-diagonal distortions modeled by certain vacuum gravitational fields
with the distortion parameters 共equivalently, vacuum gravitational polarizations兲 depending both
on radial, angular and extra dimension coordinates. For complex valued nonlinear connection
coefficients, we obtain a very specific complex space–time distortion instead of matter type dis-
tortion. We note that both classes of off-diagonal anisotropic and “pure” diagonal distortions 共like
in Refs. 80 and 81兲 result in solutions which in general are not asymptotically flat. However, it is
possible to find asymptotically flat extensions, as it was shown in this paper and in Refs. 18 and
19, even for ellipsoidal configurations by introducing the corresponding off-diagonal terms. The
asymptotic conditions for the diagonal distortions are discussed in Ref. 82 where it was suggested
that to satisfy such conditions one must include some additional matter fields in the exterior
portion of space–time. For ellipsoidal real/complex metrics, we should consider that the off-
diagonal metric terms have a corresponding behavior as to result far away from the horizon in the
Minkowski metric.
The deformation parameter ␧ effectively seems to put an “electric charge” on the black hole
which is of gravitational off-diagonal/anholonomic origin. For complex metrics such “electric
charges” may be induced by complex values of off-diagonal metric/anholonomic frame coeffi-
cients. It can describe effectively both positive and negative gravitational polarizations 共even some
repulsive gravitational effects兲. The polarization may have very specific nonlinearities induced by
complex gravity terms. This is not surprising because the coefficients of an anisotropic black hole
are similar to those of the Reissner–Nördstrom solution only with respect to corresponding an-
holonomic complex/real frames which are subjected to some constraints 共anholonomy conditions兲.
Applying the method of anholonomic frame transforms elaborated and developed in Refs.
13–19 and 24–31, we can construct off-diagonal ellipsoidal extensions of the already diagonally
disturbed Schwarzschild metric 关see the metric 共3.7兲 from Ref. 82兴. Such anholonomic deforma-
tions would contain in the diagonal limit configurations with ␧ → 0 but ␩3 ⫽ 1 关see 共47兲 and/or 共33兲
and 共51兲兴 for such configurations where the function ␩3 must be related in the corresponding limits
with the values ¯␥D , ¯␺D, and A from Ref. 82. We remark that there are different classes of
ellipsoidal deformations of the Schwarzschild metric which result in real or complex vacuum

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042503-37 Exact solutions with noncommutative symmetries J. Math. Phys. 46, 042503 共2005兲

configuration. The conditions ␧ → 0 and q, ␩3 = 1 and ␭ → 0 select just the limit of the usual radial
Schwarzschild asymptotics without any 共also possible兲 additional diagonal distortions. For non-
trivial values of q, ␩3, and ␩4 we may obtain diagonal distortions.
In the case of ellipsoidal metrics with the Schwarzschild asymptotics, the ellipsoidal character
could result in some observational effects in the vicinity of the horizon. For instance, scattering of
particles on a static ellipsoid can be computed. We can also model anisotropic matter accretion
effects on an ellipsoidal black hole put in the center of a galactic being of ellipsoidal, toroidal or
another configuration. Even in 4D the nonspheric topology of horizons seem to be prohibited in
the general relativity theory52,83–86,20 following some general differential geometry and censorship
theorems, such objects can be induced from extra dimensions and can exist in theories with
cosmological constant,87–89 nontrivial torsion or induced by anholonomic frames.13–19,30,31 We can
consider black torus/ellipsoid solutions as a background for potential tests for existence of extra
dimensions and of general relativity. A point of further investigations could be the anisotropic
ellipsoidal collapse when both the matter and space–time are of ellipsoidal generic off-diagonal
symmetry 共former theoretical and computational investigations were performed only for rotoids
with anisotropic matter and particular classes of perturbations of the Schwarzshild solutions90兲. It
is interesting to elaborate collapse scenaria with respect to compexified anholonomic frames. For
very small eccentricities, we may not have any observable effects like perihelion shift or light
bending if we restrict our investigations only to the Schwarzschild–Newton asymptotics but some
kind of dissipation can be considered for complex metrics.
We also present some comments on mechanics and thermodynamics of ellipsoidal black holes.
For the static black ellipsoids/tori with flat asymptotics, we can compute the area of the ellipsoidal
horizon, associate an entropy and develop corresponding black ellipsoid thermodynamics. But this
is a rough approximation because, in general, we are dealing with off-diagonal metrics depending
anisotropically on two/three coordinates. Such solutions are with anholonomically deformed Kill-
ing horizons, or with anholonomic noncommutative symmetries, and should be described by a
thermodynamics 共in general, both nonequilibrium and irreversible兲 of black ellipsoids/tori self-
consistently embedded into an off-diagonal anisotropic gravitational vacuum with potential dissi-
pation described by some complex metric and frame coefficients. This forms a ground for numer-
ous new conceptual issues to be developed and related to anisotropic black holes and the
anisotropic kinetics and thermodynamics29 as well to a framework of isolated anisotropic
horizons,91–93 defined in a locally anistoropic/noncommutative/complex background with worm-
hole real and/or complex configurations which is a matter of our further investigations.
Finally, we note that we elaborated a general formalism of generating noncommutative solu-
tions starting from exact vacuum solutions with anholonomic noncommutativity, but we do not
know how to extend our solutions via star 共Moyal兲 product as to preserve their stability because of
induced general complex terms in the metrics. For some particular duality relations between the
coordinate and frame noncommutativity it seems possible to get stability at least in the first
approximation of noncommutative deformation parameter but an arbitrary noncommutative coor-
dinate relation results in less defined physical configurations. A better understanding of the physi-
cal relevance of the anholonomic noncommutative configurations completed also to general coor-
dinate noncommutativity is an interesting open question which we leave for the future.

The work is partially supported by a NATO/Portugal fellowship and by a sabbatical research
grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain.


For convenience, we present in this Appendix a selection of necessary results from Refs.
13–19, 30, and 31.
The curvature tensor of a connection ⌫关c兴 with h – v components 共7兲 induced by anholonomic
frames 共2兲 and 共3兲 with associated N-connection structure is defined R共␦␶ , ␦␥兲␦␤ = R␤␣␥␶␦␣, where

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R␤␣␥␶ = ␦␶⌫␣␤␥ − ␦␥⌫␣␤␶ + ⌫␸␤␥⌫␣␸␶ − ⌫␸␤␶⌫␣␸␥ + ⌫␣␤␸w␸␥␶ , 共A1兲

splits into irreducible h – v components R␤␣␥␶ = 兵R.ih.jk , R.a
b.jk , P j.ka , Pb.ka , S j.bc , Sb.cd其, with
.i .c .i .a

R.ih.jk = ␦kLi.hj − ␦

.hj Lmk − L.hkLmj − C.ha⍀.jk ,
+ Lm i m i i a

b.jk = ␦ − ␦ jL.bk + − L.bkL.cj − C.bc⍀.jk ,

R.a a a c a c a a c

P.ij.ka = ⳵aLi.jk + Ci.jbT.ka

− 共␦kCi.ja +
Cl.ja −
i c
− L.ak Ci.jc兲,

Pb.ka = ⳵aL.bk
c c
+ d
T.ka − 共␦
c c
+ d d
− L.bk c
C.da d
− L.ak c 兲,

S.ij.bc = ⳵cCi.jb − ⳵bCi.jc + Ch.jbC.hc

− Ch.jcChb

.a = ⳵dC.bc
− ⳵
a e
+ C.bc a
C.ed e
− a , 共A2兲
where we omitted the label 关c兴 in formulas. The Ricci tensor R␤␥ = R␤␣␥␣ has the irreducible h – v
Rij = Rki.jk, Ria = − 2 Pia = − Pi.ka ,

Rai = 1 Pai = Pa.ib , .c
Rab = Sa.bc . 共A3兲
This tensor is nonsymmetric, Pai ⫽ Pia 共this could be with respect to anholonomic frames of
1 2

ឈ = g␤␥R , is computed
reference兲. The scalar curvature of the metric d connection, R ␤␥

Rឈ = G␣␤R␣␤ = R̂ + S, 共A4兲

where R̂ = gijRij and S = habSab.

By substituting 共A3兲 and 共A4兲 into the 5D Einstein equations,

R␣␤ − 21 g␣␤R = ␬⌼␣␤ ,

where ␬ and ⌼␣␤ are, respectively, the coupling constant and the energy-momentum tensor, we
obtain the h – v decomposition of the Einstein equations,

Rij − 21 共R̂ + S兲gij = ␬⌼ij ,

Sab − 21 共R̂ + S兲hab = ␬⌼ab , 共A5兲

Pai = ␬⌼ai, 2
Pia = ␬⌼ia .
The vacuum 5D gravitational field equations, in invariant h – v components, are written

Rij = 0, Sab = 0, 1
Pai = 0, 2
Pia = 0. 共A6兲
The main trick of the anholonomic frames method of integrating the Einstein equations in
general relativity and various 共super兲 string and higher/lower dimension gravitational theories
consist in a procedure of definition of such coefficients Naj such that the block matrices gij and hab
are diagonalized. This substantially simplifies computations but we must apply N-elongated partial

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We restrict our considerations to a five-dimensional 共in brief, 5D兲 space–time provided with a
generic off-diagonal 共pseudo兲 Riemannian metric and labeled by local coordinates u␣ = 共xi , y 4
= v , y 5兲, for i = 1 , 2 , 3. We state the condition when exact solutions of the Einstein equations
depending on holonomic variables xi and on one anholonomic 共equivalently, anisotropic兲 variable
y 4 = v can be constructed in explicit form. Every coordinate from a set u␣ may be timelike, 3D
spacelike, or extra dimensional. For simplicity, the partial derivatives will be denoted as a⫻
= ⳵ a / ⳵ x 1, a ˙ = ⳵ a / ⳵ x 2, a ⬘ = ⳵ a / ⳵ x 3, a * = ⳵ a / ⳵ v .
The 5D quadratic line element is chosen

ds2 = g␣␤共xi, v兲du␣ du␤ 共B1兲

when the metric components g␣␤ are parametrized with respect to the coordinate dual basis by an
off-diagonal matrix 共ansatz兲,

冤 冥
g 1 + w 12h 4 + n 12h 5 w 1w 2h 4 + n 1n 2h 5 w 1w 3h 4 + n 1n 3h 5 w 1h 4 n 1h 5
w 1w 2h 4 + n 1n 2h 5 g 2 + w 22h 4 + n 22h 5 w 2w 3h 4 + n 2n 3h 5 w 2h 4 n 2h 5
w 1w 3h 4 + n 1n 3h 5 w 2w 3h 4 + n 2n 3h 5 2 2
g 3 + w 3 h 4 + n 3 h 5 w 3h 4 n 3h 5 , 共B2兲
w 1h 4 w 2h 4 w 3h 4 h4 0
n 1h 5 n 2h 5 n 3h 5 0 h5
with the coefficients being some necessary smooth class functions of type

g1 = ± 1, g2,3 = g2,3共x2,x3兲, h4,5 = h4,5共xi, v兲,

wi = wi共xi, v兲, ni = ni共xi, v兲,

where the N coefficients from 共3兲 and 共2兲 are parametrized N4i = wi and N5i = ni.
By straightforward calculation, we can prove30,31 the following.
Theorem 1: The nontrivial components of the 5D vacuum Einstein equations, R␣␤ = 0 [see (A6)
in the Appendix A] for the metric (1) defined by the ansatz (B2), computed with respect to
anholonomic frames (2) and (3) can be written in the form

R22 = R33 = −
冋 g˙ g˙ 共g˙ 兲2
2g2 2g3
g⬘g⬘ 共g⬘兲2
g˙˙3 − 2 3 − 3 + g2⬙ − 2 3 − 2
2g3 2g2
= 0, 册 共B3兲

S44 = S55 = − = 0, 共B4兲

␤ ␣i
R4i = − wi − = 0, 共B5兲
2h5 2h5

h5 **
R5i = − 关n + ␥n*i 兴 = 0, 共B6兲
2h4 i

␣i = ⳵ih*5 − h*5⳵i ln冑兩h4h5兩, ␤ = h** 冑

5 − h5关ln 兩h4h5兩兴 ,
* *
␥ = 3h*5/2h5 − h*4/h4 . 共B7兲
Following this theorem, 共1兲 we can define a function g2共x , x 兲 for a given g3共x , x 兲, or
2 3 2 3

inversely, to define a function g2共x2 , x3兲 for a given g3共x2 , x3兲, from Eq. 共B3兲; 共2兲 we can define a
function h4共x1 , x2 , x3 , v兲 for a given h5共x1 , x2 , x3 , v兲, or inversely, to define a function
h5共x1 , x2 , x3 , v兲 for a given h4共x1 , x2 , x3 , v兲, from Eq. 共B4兲; 共3兲 and 共4兲 having the values of h4 and

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h5, we can compute the coefficients 共B7兲 which allow to solve the algebraic equations 共B5兲 and to
integrate two times on v the equation 共B6兲 which allows to find, respectively, the coefficients
wi共xk , v兲 and ni共xk , v兲.
We can generalize the construction by introducing a conformal factor ⍀共xi , v兲 and additional
deformations of the metric via coefficients ␨ˆi共xi , v兲 共here, the indices with a “hat” take values like
î = 1 , 2 , 3 , 5兲, i.e., for metrics of type

ds2 = ⍀2共xi, v兲ĝ␣␤共xi, v兲du␣ du␤ , 共B8兲

where the coefficients ĝ␣␤ are parametrized by the ansatz

冤 冥
g1 + 共w12 + ␨12兲h4 + n12h5 共w1w2 + ␨1␨2兲h4 + n1n2h5 共w1w3 + ␨1␨3兲h4 + n1n3h5 共w1 + ␨1兲h4 n 1h 5
共w1w2 + ␨1␨2兲h4 + n1n2h5 g2 + 共w22 + ␨22兲h4 + n22h5 共w2w3 + ␨2␨3兲h4 + n2n3h5 共w2 + ␨2兲h4 n 2h 5
共w1w3 + ␨1␨3兲h4 + n1n3h5 共w2w3 + ␨2␨3兲h4 + n2n3h5 g3 + 共w32 + ␨32兲h4 + n32h5 共w3 + ␨3兲h4 n 3h 5 .
共w1 + ␨1兲h4 共w2 + ␨2兲h4 共w3 + ␨3兲h4 h4 0
n 1h 5 n 2h 5 n 3h 5 0 h 5 + ␨ 5h 4
Such 5D metrics have a second order anisotropy when the N coefficients are parametrized in
the first order anisotropy like N4i = wi and N5i = ni 共with three anholonomic, xi, and two anholo-
nomic, y 4 and y 5, coordinates兲 and in the second order anisotropy 关on the second “shell,” with four
anholonomic 共xi , y 5兲, and one anholonomic, y 4, coordinates兴 with Nˆi = ␨ˆi, in this work we state, for
simplicity, ␨5 = 0. For trivial values ⍀ = 1 and ␨ˆi = 0, the squared line interval 共B8兲 transforms into
The Theorem 1 can be extended as to include the generalization to the second ansatz 共B8兲.
Theorem 2: The nontrivial components of the 5D vacuum Einstein equations, R␣␤ = 0 [see (A6)
in Appendix A] for the metric (B8) consist from the system (B3)–(B6) with the additional condi-
tions that

␦ˆ ih4 = 0 and ␦ˆ i⍀ = 0 共B10兲

for ␦ˆ i = ⳵i − 共wi + ␨i兲⳵4 + ni⳵5 when the values ␨˜i = 共␨i , ␨5 = 0兲 are to be found as to be a solution of
(B10); for instance, if

⍀q1/q2 = h4 共q1 and q2 are integers兲, 共B11兲

␨i satisfy the equations

⳵i⍀ − 共wi + ␨i兲⍀* = 0. 共B12兲

The proof of Theorem 2 consists from a straightforward calculation of the components of the
Ricci tensor 共A3兲 as it is outlined in the Appendix A. The simplest way is to use the calculus for
Theorem 1 and then to compute deformations of the canonical connection 共7兲. Such deformations
induce corresponding deformations of the Ricci tensor 共A3兲. The condition that we have the same
values of the Ricci tensor for the 共B2兲 and 共B9兲 results in Eqs. 共B10兲 and 共B12兲 which are
compatible, for instance, if ⍀q1/q2 = h4. There are also other possibilities to satisfy the condition
共B10兲, for instance, if ⍀ = ⍀1⍀2, we can consider that h4 = ⍀q11/q2⍀q23/q4 for some integers q1, q2, q3,
and q4.
A very surprising result is that we are able to construct exact solutions of the 5D vacuum
Einstein equations for both types of the ansatz 共B2兲 and 共B9兲.
Theorem 3: The system of second order nonlinear partial differential equations (B3)–(B6)
and (B12) can be solved in general form if there are given some values of functions g2共x2 , x3兲 [or
g3共x2 , x3兲], h4共xi , v兲 [or h5共xi , v兲], and ⍀共xi , v兲.
共i兲 The general solution of Eq. (B3) can be written in the form

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␼ = g关0兴 exp关a2x̃2共x2,x3兲 + a3x̃3共x2,x3兲兴, 共B13兲

where g关0兴, a2, and a3 are some constants and the functions x̃2,3共x2 , x3兲 define any
coordinate transforms x2,3 → x̃2,3 for which the 2D line element becomes conformally
flat, i.e.,

g2共x2,x3兲共dx2兲2 + g3共x2,x3兲共dx3兲2 → ␼关共dx̃2兲2 + ⑀共dx̃3兲2兴. 共B14兲

共ii兲 The equation (B4) relates two functions h4共x , v兲 and h5共x , v兲 following two possibilities:
i i

共a兲 to compute

冑兩h5兩 = h5关1兴共xi兲 + h5关2兴共xi兲 冑兩h4共xi, v兲兩dv, h*4共xi, v兲 ⫽ 0 = h5关1兴共xi兲 + h5关2兴共xi兲v,

h*4共xi, v兲 = 0, 共B15兲
for some functions h5关1,2兴共xi兲 stated by boundary conditions;
共b兲 or, inversely, to compute h4 for a given h5共xi , v兲, h*5 ⫽ 0,

冑兩h4兩 = h关0兴共xi兲共冑兩h5共xi, v兲兩兲* , 共B16兲

with h关0兴共xi兲 given by boundary conditions.

共iii兲 The exact solutions of (B5) for ␤ ⫽ 0 is

wk = ⳵k ln关冑兩h4h5兩/兩h*5兩兴/⳵v ln关冑兩h4h5兩/兩h*5兩兴, 共B17兲

with ⳵v = ⳵ / ⳵v and h*5 ⫽ 0. If h*5 = 0, or even h*5 ⫽ 0 but ␤ = 0, the coefficients wk could be
arbitrary functions on 共xi , v兲. For vacuum Einstein equations this is a degenerated case
which imposes the the compatibility conditions ␤ = ␣i = 0, which are satisfied, for instance,
if the h4 and h5 are related as in the formula (B6) but with h关0兴共xi兲 = const..
共iv兲 The exact solution of (B6) is

nk = nk关1兴共xi兲 + nk关2兴共xi兲 冕 关h4/共冑兩h5兩兲3兴dv, h*5 ⫽ 0,

=nk关1兴共xi兲 + nk关2兴共xi兲 冕 h4 dv, h*5 = 0, 共B18兲

=nk关1兴共xi兲 + nk关2兴共xi兲 冕 关1/共冑兩h5兩兲3兴dv, h*4 = 0,

for some functions nk关1,2兴共xi兲 stated by boundary conditions.

共v兲 The exact solution of (B12) is given by some arbitrary functions ␨i = ␨i共xi , v兲 if both ⳵i⍀
= 0 and ⍀* = 0, we choose ␨i = 0 for ⍀ = const, and

␨i = − wi + 共⍀*兲−1⳵i⍀, ⍀* ⫽ 0,
= 共⍀*兲−1⳵i⍀, ⍀* ⫽ 0, for vacuum solutions. 共B19兲

We note that a transform 共B14兲 is always possible for 2D metrics and the explicit form of
solutions depends on the chosen system of 2D coordinates and on the signature ⑀ = ± 1. In the
simplest case the equation 共B3兲 is solved by arbitrary two functions g2共x3兲 and g3共x2兲. The equa-
tion 共B4兲 is satisfied by arbitrary pairs of coefficients h4共xi , v兲 and h5关0兴共xi兲.
The proof of Theorem 3, following from a direct integration of 共B3兲–共B6兲 and 共B12兲 is given
in the Appendix B of Ref. 30.

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There are some important consequences of the Theorems 1–3.

Corollary 1: The nontrivial diagonal components of the Einstein tensor, G␤␣ = R␤␣ − 21 R␦␤␣, for
the metric (1), given with respect to N frames, are

G11 = − 共R22 + S44兲, G22 = G33 = − S44, G44 = G55 = − R22 共B20兲
imposing the condition that the dynamics is defined by two values R22 and S44. The rest of the
nondiagonal components of the Ricci (Einstein tensor) are compensated by fixing corresponding
values of N coefficients.
The formulas 共B20兲 are obtained following the relations for the Ricci tensor 共B3兲–共B6兲.
Corollary 2: We can extend the system of 5D vacuum Einstein equations (B3)–(B6) by intro-
ducing matter fields for which the coefficients of the energy-momentum tensor ⌼␣␤ given with
respect to N frames satisfy the conditions

⌼11 = ⌼22 + ⌼44, ⌼22 = ⌼33, ⌼44 = ⌼55 . 共B21兲

We note that, in general, the tensor ⌼␣␤ for the nonvacuum Einstein equations,

R␣␤ − 21 g␣␤R = ␬⌼␣␤ ,

is not symmetric because with respect to anholonomic frames there are imposed constraints which
makes nonsymmetric the Ricci and Einstein tensors 关the symmetry conditions may be defined
explicitly only with respect to holonomic, coordinate frames; for details see Appendix A and the
formulas 共A5兲兴.
For simplicity, in our investigations we can consider only diagonal matter sources, given with
respect to N frames, satisfying the conditions

␬⌼22 = ␬⌼33 = ⌼2, ␬⌼44 = ␬⌼55 = ⌼4, and ⌼1 = ⌼2 + ⌼4 , 共B22兲

where ␬ is the gravitational coupling constant. In this case the equations 共B3兲 and 共B4兲 are,
respectively, generalized to

R22 = R33 = −
冋 g˙ g˙ 共g˙ 兲2
2g2 2g3
g⬘g⬘ 共g⬘兲2
g˙˙3 − 2 3 − 3 + g2⬙ − 2 3 − 2
2g3 2g2
= − ⌼4 册 共B23兲


S44 = S55 = − = − ⌼2 . 共B24兲
Corollary 3: An arbitrary solution of the system of equations (B3)–(B6) and (B12) is defined
for a canonical connection (7) containing, in general, nontrivial torsion coefficients. This can be
effectively applied in order to construct exact solutions, for instance, in string gravity containing
nontrivial torsion. We can select solutions corresponding to the Levi–Civita connection (10) for a
generic off-diagonal (pseudo) Riemannian metric if we impose the condition that the coefficients
N4i = wi共xk , v兲, N5i = ni共xk , v兲, and Nˆi = ␨ˆi are fixed to result in a zero N curvature, ⍀ajk = 0, on all
“shells” of anisotropy. Such selections are possible by fixing corresponding boundary conditions
and selecting corresponding classes of functions like nk关1,2兴共xi兲, obtained after a general integra-
tion, in formulas (B17)–(B19).
The above presented results are for generic 5D off-diagonal metrics, anholonomic transforms
and nonlinear field equations. Reductions to a lower dimensional theory are not trivial in such
cases. We emphasize here some specific points of this procedure 共see details in Ref. 30兲.


The simplest way to construct a 5D → 4D reduction for the ansatz 共B2兲 and 共B9兲 is to elimi-
nate from formulas the variable x1 and to consider a 4D space 关parametrized by local coordinates

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共x2 , x3 , v , y 5兲兴 being trivially embedded into 5D space 关parametrized by local coordinates
共x1 , x2 , x3 , v , y 5兲 with g11 = ± 1, g1␣ˆ = 0, ␣ˆ = 2 , 3 , 4 , 5兴 with further possible 4D conformal and an-
holonomic transforms depending only on variables 共x2 , x3 , v兲. We suppose that the 4D metric g␣ˆ ␤ˆ
could be of arbitrary signature. In order to emphasize that some coordinates are stated just for such
4D space we underline the greek indices, ␣ˆ , ␤ˆ , . . . and the italic indices from the middle of
alphabet, î , ĵ , . . . = 2 , 3, where u␣ˆ = 共xi , y a兲 = 共x2 , x3 , y 4 , y 5兲.
In result, the analogs, Theorems 1–3 and Corollaries 1–3 can be reformulated for 4D gravity
with mixed holonomic–anholonomic variables. We outline here the most important properties of
such reduction.
共i兲 The line element 共B1兲 with ansatz 共B2兲 and the line element 共B1兲 with 共B9兲 are, respec-
tively, transformed on 4D space to the values.

The first type 4D quadratic line element is taken

ˆ ˆ
ds2 = g␣ˆ ␤ˆ 共xi, v兲du␣ˆ du␤ 共C1兲

with the metric coefficients g␣ˆ ␤ˆ parametrized

冤 冥
g 2 + w 22h 4 + n 22h 5 w 2w 3h 4 + n 2n 3h 5 w 2h 4 n 2h 5
2 2
w 2w 3h 4 + n 2n 3h 5 g 3 + w 3 h 4 + n 3 h 5 w 3h 4 n 3h 5
, 共C2兲
w 2h 4 w 3h 4 h4 0
n 2h 5 n 3h 5 0 h5
where the coefficients are some necessary smooth class functions of type
g2,3 = g2,3共x2,x3兲, h4,5 = h4,5共xk, v兲,

ˆ ˆ
wˆi = wˆi共xk, v兲, nˆi = nˆi共xk, v兲, î,k̂ = 2,3.
The anholonomically and conformally transformed 4D line element is
ˆ ˆ ˆ
ds2 = ⍀2共xi, v兲ĝ␣ˆ ␤ˆ 共xi, v兲du␣ˆ du␤ , 共C3兲
where the coefficients ĝ␣ˆ ␤ˆ are parametrized by the ansatz

冤 冥
g2 + 共w22 + ␨22兲h4 + n22h5 共w2w3 + ␨2␨3兲h4 + n2n3h5 共w2 + ␨2兲h4 n 2h 5
共w2w3 + ␨2␨3兲h4 + n2n3h5 g3 + 共w3 + ␨3 兲h4 + n3 h5 共w3 + ␨3兲h4
2 2 2
n 3h 5
共w2 + ␨2兲h4 共w3 + ␨3兲h4 h4 0
n 2h 5 n 3h 5 0 h 5 + ␨ 5h 4

where ␨ˆi = ␨ˆi共x , v兲 and we shall restrict our considerations for ␨5 = 0.

共ii兲 We have a quadratic line element 共1兲 which can be written

␦s2 = g2共dx2兲2 + g3共dx3兲2 + h4共␦v兲2 + h5共␦y 5兲2 , 共C5兲

with respect to the anholonomic coframe 共dx , ␦v , ␦y 5兲, where
ˆ ˆ
␦v = dv + wˆi dxi and ␦y 5 = dy 5 + nˆi dxi 共C6兲
is the dual of 共␦ˆi , ⳵4 , ⳵5兲, where

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␦ˆi = ⳵ˆi + wˆi⳵4 + nˆi⳵5 . 共C7兲

共iii兲 In the conditions of the 4D variant of the Theorem 1 we have the same equations 共B3兲–共B6兲
ˆ ˆ
where we must set h4 = h4共xk , v兲 and h5 = h5共xk , v兲. As a consequence we have that
ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ
␣i共xk , v兲 → ␣ˆi共xk , v兲, ␤ = ␤共xk , v兲, and ␥ = ␥共xk , v兲 which result that wˆi = wˆi共xk , v兲 and nˆi
= nˆi共x , v兲.
共iv兲 The 4D line element with conformal factor 共B8兲 subjected to an anholonomic map with
␨5 = 0 transforms into

␦s2 = ⍀2共xi, v兲关g2共dx2兲2 + g3共dx3兲2 + h4共␦ˆ v兲2 + h5共␦y 5兲2兴, 共C8兲
given with respect to the anholonomic coframe 共dxi , ␦ˆ v , ␦y 5兲, where

ˆ ˆ
␦v = dv + 共wˆi + ␨ˆi兲 dxi and ␦y 5 = dy 5 + nˆi dxi 共C9兲

is dual to the frame 共␦ˆ ˆi , ⳵4 , ⳵ˆ 5兲 with

␦ˆ ˆi = ⳵ˆi − 共wˆi + ␨ˆi兲⳵4 + nˆi⳵5, ⳵ˆ 5 = ⳵5 . 共C10兲

共v兲 The formulas 共B10兲 and 共B12兲 from Theorem 2 must be modified into a 4D form

␦ˆ ˆih4 = 0 and ␦ˆ ˆi⍀ = 0 共C11兲

and the values ␨˜i = 共␨ˆi , ␨5 = 0兲 are found as to be a unique solution of 共B10兲; for instance, if

⍀q1/q2 = h4 共q1 and q2 are integers兲,

␨ˆi satisfy the equations

⳵ˆi⍀ − 共wˆi + ␨ˆi兲⍀* = 0. 共C12兲

共vi兲 One holds the same formulas 共B15兲–共B18兲 from the Theorem 3 on the general form of
exact solutions with that difference that their 4D analogs are to be obtained by reductions
of holonomic indices, î → i, and holonomic coordinates, xi → xi, i.e., in the 4D solutions
there is not contained the variable x .
共vii兲 The formulas 共B20兲 for the nontrivial coefficients of the Einstein tensor in 4D stated by the
Corollary 1 are written

G22 = G33 = − S44, G44 = G55 = − R22 . 共C13兲

共viii兲 For symmetries of the Einstein tensor 共C13兲, we can introduce a matter field source with a
diagonal energy momentum tensor, like it is stated in the Corollary 2 by the conditions
共B21兲, which in 4D are transformed into

⌼22 = ⌼33, ⌼44 = ⌼55 . 共C14兲


For a noncommutative space the coordinates ûi 共i = 1 , . . . , N兲 satisfy some noncommutative

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冦 冧
i␪ ij , ␪ ij 苸 IC, canonical structure,
关ûi,û j兴 = if kijûk , f kij 苸 IC, Lie structure, 共D1兲
iCijklûkûl , Cijkl 苸 IC, quantum plane,
where IC denotes the complex number field.
The noncommutative space is modeled as the associative algebra of IC; this algebra is freely
generated by the coordinates modulo ideal R generated by the relations 共one accepts formal power
series兲 Au = IC关关û1 , . . . , ûN兴兴 / R. One restricts attention94 to algebras having the 共so-called,
Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt兲 property that any element of Au is defined by its coefficient function and
vice versa,

f̂ = 兺
f i ,. . .,i :ûi
1 L
1 ¯ ûiL: when f̂ ⬃ 兵f i其,

where: ûi1 ¯ ûiL: denotes that the basis elements satisfy some prescribed order 共for instance, the
normal order i1 艋 i2 艋 ¯ 艋 iL, or, another example, are totally symmetric兲. The algebraic proper-
ties are all encoded in the so-called diamond 共〫兲 product which is defined by

f̂ĝ = ĥ ⬃ 兵f i其〫兵gi其 = 兵hi其.

In the mentioned approach to every function f共u兲 = f共u1 , . . . , uN兲 of commuting variables
u , . . . , uN one associates an element of algebra f̂ when the commuting variables are substituted by

anticommuting ones,

f共u兲 = 兺 f i ,. . .,i u1 ¯ uN → f̂ = L=0
1 L 兺 f i ,. . .,i :ûi 1 L
1 ¯ ûiL :

when the 〫 product leads to a bilinear ⴱ-product of functions 共see details in Ref. 70兲

兵f i其〫兵gi其 = 兵hi其 ⬃ 共f ⴱ g兲共u兲 = h共u兲.

The ⴱ-product is defined, respectively, for the cases 共D1兲;

冋 册
冦 冧
i ⳵ ij ⳵
exp ␪ 兩f共u兲g共u⬘兲兩u⬘→u ,
2 ⳵ui ⳵u⬘ j
fⴱg= exp 冋 冉 i k
u gk i


⳵u⬘ ⳵u⬙
冊册 兩f共u⬘兲g共u⬙兲兩u⬙⬘→u ,
u →u

q1/2关−u⬘共⳵/⳵u⬘兲v共⳵/⳵v兲+u共⳵/⳵u兲v⬘共⳵/⳵v⬘兲兴兩f共u, v兲g共u⬘, v⬘兲兩v⬘⬘→v ,

u →u

where there are considered values of type

n n n
eiknû , eipnlû = ei兵kn+pn+1/2gn共k,p兲其û ,

gn共k,p兲 = − ki p j f nij + 61 ki p j共pk − kk兲f m fn + ¯ ,

ij mk

eAeB = eA+B+1/2关A,B兴+1/12共关A,关A,B兴兴+关B,关B,A兴兴兲 + ¯ ,
and for the coordinates on quantum 共Manin兲 planes one holds the relation uv = qvu.
A non-Abelian gauge theory on a noncommutative space is given by two algebraic structures,
the algebra Au and a non-Abelian–Lie algebra AI of the gauge group with generators I1 , . . . , IS and
the relations

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关Is,I p㛮 兴 = if sp
㛮 t
t I . 共D3兲

In this case both algebras are treated on the same footing and one denotes the generating elements
of the big algebra by ûi,

ẑ 㛮i = 兵û1, . . . ,ûN,I1, . . . ,IS其, Az = IC关关û1, . . . ,ûN+S兴兴/R

and the ⴱ-product formalism is to be applied for the whole algebra Az when there are considered
functions of the commuting variables ui 共i , j , k , . . . = 1 , . . . , N兲 and Is 共s , p , . . . = 1 , . . . , S兲.
For instance, in the case of a canonical structure for the space variables ui we have

共F ⴱ G兲共u兲 = exp 冋冉 i ij ⳵ ⳵

⳵ u ⬘i ⳵ u ⬙ j
⳵ ⳵
+ tsgs i ,i 冉
⳵t⬘ ⳵t⬙
冊冊 ⫻ 兩F共u⬘,t⬘兲G共u⬙,t⬙兲兩t⬘⬘→t,t⬙→t

u →u,u →u.
册 .

This formalism was developed in Ref. 90 for general Lie algebras.
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