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A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi 101. The New Science ‘ECONOMETRICS is a combination of (A) Economics, History, Physics (B) Economics, Maths, Statistics (C) Economics, Maths, Computer Science (B) Gujarathi Y (C) Sindhi CG (0) Konkani Y 103. Name the country that has approved WaMipgirSeBengue Vaccine (A) Australia (B) Mexico (C) Canada wom — \) ( oo (8) 0.10 get (0) 20 metre (0) 1 metre ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 1 Toll Free: 1800-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi 105. Part-Time Village Officers Abolition Act came into force in the year (a) 1984 (8) 1980 (c) 1979 (D) 1985 106. choose the correct descending order of hierarchy nthe Disc Revenue > (A) Collector - District Revenue Officer-Revenue Divisional Officer- Tahsi (8) District Revenue Officer - Collector -Revenue Divisional Officer-Tajgilda {C) Revenue Divisional Officer - District Revenue Officer-Collecy# Tah Waa (0) Tahsildar - District Revenue Officer - Revenue DivisiongApffiNge-Bliector 1107. Who is responsible for maintaining andgepol urvey stone? (A) Panchayat Secretary (C) Director of Survey rN wai Ss jetland (or) 2.5 Acres of Dry land (or) less than both (8) Backs of Wetland (or) 5 Acres of Dry land (or) less than both {C) 2.5 Adis of Dry land (or) 5 Acres of Wetland (or) less than both {D) 1.25 Acres of Dry land (or) 2.5 Acres of Wetland (or) ess than both 109. Point out the wrong statement in the following statements: ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 2 Toll Free: 1800-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi Statements: (A) Destitute widow certificate is issued by the Tahsildar (8) Village Administrative Officer is the Registrar for Births & Deaths in the Village Panchayats {C) Legal Heirship certificate Is issued by the Tahsildar {D) Income certificate is issued by the Tahsildar 110. Consider the following statements: Assertion (A) : Government cannot claim any right over the trees in private lan; Reason (R) : Under the Tamilnadu panchayat Act 1994 certain lands vest ‘the panchayat have rights over the trees in these lands. (A) Both (A) and (R) are false Y ramamsmarinmnneninay © {C) (A) is false but (R) is true Y {D) Both (A) and (R) are true (R) explains (A) A Gee wesronaeig’ eee ae (A) Cu, Co, Hg. (6) Au, Ag, cu \) (C) Ag. As, Sb (0) Fe, At, \ 112. Y hydroxide is used to remove grease stains from cloths. th Calciund hydroxide is used in the manufacture of wax. Ill, Ammonium hydroxide is used in the white washing of buildings. IV. Magnesium hydroxide is used as a medicine for stomach troubles. - Of these ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 3 Toll Free: 1800-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi (A) land Il correct (8) llonly correct (C) Il and | correct (D)1V only correct 113, The cells qhich provide nourishment to developing sperms \ (A) Sertoli cells (A) Membrane around the lungs (8) Membrane around the heart (C) Membrane around the kidney, (D) Space between the two Higgs 115. Hazardggs br SS Wastes are usually disposed off by means of (A) Land fi Deep well injection Ps (0) Surface impoundment 116. ere K. Kamaraj was kept in prison in 1930? Where did he hoist the Indian National Flag in 19472 (A) Alipore, Sathyamoorthy's house (8) Delhi, Chennai Fort ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 4 Toll Free: 1800-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi (C) Andaman, Delhi Fort (D) Vellore, Virudunagar Home. 117. -— describes the social condition of the Sangam Tamils (A) Manimegalai (8) Thotkappiam A (©) Pathupattu (0) ettuthogai S Which of the statements given above is/are qprret (A) only (C)llonly (0) Neither nor t \ 119. Choos@he coreg answer: th re the decrease of temperature wh ineasng ovation aa Nomal ene oy here (8) Stratosphere {C) Thermosphere (0) Exosphere ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 5 Toll Free: 1800-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY “March to Delhi (D4 3 7 2 123. An employee spends on an average Rs. 2,500 for the first 8 months of a year and Rs. 1,500 for the next 4 months. fhe saves Rs. 10,000 that year, then his monthly income is Rs. (a) 2,500 (8) 3,000 \ (c) 2,600 124, A Mother is 20 years older than her daughter, 4 years befogg sh » of her daughter's age at that time, Howald's the daughter now? GO (ays (B) 12 (cj1s ] \ (a) 30 ~~) (8) 92 (C) 100 (0) 90. ED a epee oN (B)1 (co (0) 3 ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 7 Toll Free: 1800-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi 128. Which bank has launched M - Visa mobile payment solution in October 2015? (a) 1081 (B)icicl (C) Axis (D) HDFC (A) Justice R.N. Basha 3) 130. Which state government has launched gawe me in December 2015 to provide quality education to! scheduled caste and schedyled ts? (A) Jharkand (B) Chattisgarh (C) Odisha omminn NY 131. In SeptembeN@Gi5 Npe Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu inaugurated a new park inside the Vandaloor Zoo. Its t (aut aw (B) ERAgbatrPark (€) Tiger Ack (D) Bird Park 132, 70th Anniversary of United Nations Foundation Day was on ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 8 Toll Free: 1800-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi (A) 24 October 2015 (8) 12 October 2015 (C) 21 October 2015 (D) 15 October 2015 13. The Revenue Court in the state deals wth which among the following ase? S (A) Cases of patta transfer appeal. (ene tonne 3) (C) Cases of stamp duty ‘ {D) Cases of 'UDR' correction 134. How many types of wet lands are there? y Y (A)3 (B)4 (D)6 (A) Encroagiment. oa (C) Ogta: (D) 2C pal 136. Match List | with List Il & select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists List! List I ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 9 Toll Free: 1800-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi (A) Devadayam 1. Inams granted to charitable service institutions such Chowltry, Thanneer Pandhal and educational institutions (8) Dharmadayam 2. Inam granted to religious personnels such as prohits a Panchangis. {C) Dasabandham 3. Inam granted to religious institutions and their related services {a) (b) (c) (d) a\ waa. 6 2 ~S Co. S os 4 2 4 c}Y (A) 21 days (B) 23 days (D) 25 days ee ne re rare (A) ‘A’ Register (0) gg (ong (0) '0' Magister 139. To hear a distant echo, the surface reflecting the sound should atleast be at a distance (Take velocity of sound in air= 340 m/s) (A) 34m, ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 10 Toll Free: 180-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi (8) 17me (C) Sim (0)10m 140. When steam is passed over red hot iron, the products formed are \ (A) FeO and Hz (8) Fez08 and He () Fe304 and He 3) 141, Match List | with List Il and select correct answer usigaghe WegesBelow the lists List| Lisa! (A) Glycolysis 1 02 igpot ORES (8) Kreb's cycle 2 P aArapriced (C) Electron transport chain 3am. Oxid jon of pyruvic acid (D) Fermentation 4, jecurs in cytoplasm (a) (8) (C) (0) wa 4 ~~ (a4 3 (1 \ 2 Osh 1 3 142. Krishnadevaraya wrote Amuktamalyada in the language of (a) Tamil (8) Kannada (C) Urdu (0) Telugu ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 11 Toll Free: 180-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi 143. Who has received the award of'Ezhisai Mannarthrough Dr. S. Dharrnambal? (A) TK. Bagavathy (8) MK. Radha (C) Mk. Thiyagaraja Bagavathar (0) N.S. Krishnan, 144, Which is known as "Whispering gallery"? \ (A) Golgumbaz (B) Jumma Mosque {C) Golconda (0) Madarasa 3) (0) 1670 aD jovement in Bengal. Assertion (A) :The partition Reason (R) :t resulte: (A) (Ais teue bi LOS (8) Both (Aland ( (R) is not the correct explanation of (A. (c) Bor wy true. (R) is the correct explanation of (A) . (0) Bis fMse but (R) is true, 147. Who is the Chairman of Indian Planning Commission? (A) President of india (8) Prime Minister of india ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 12 Toll Free: 180-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi (C) Finance Minister of India (D) Vice President of India 148. Primary Sector consists of (A) Trade (8) Construction {C) Tele Communication {D) Agriculture 149. ‘The first demographer was ~S ear Y (A) 15th August 1947 (C) 1st April 2010 (D)10th December WN Asserti Sv Five Year Plan period was 2002 - 2007 (A) (A) tru but (R) is false (8) (A) false but (R) is true {C) (A) and (R) both are true (R) is correct explanation of (A) « {D) (A) and (R) both are false (R) is not correct explanation of (A) ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 13 Toll Free: 180-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi 152. The Indian Constitution consists of fundamental rights under Part (a)Partiv (8) Part it (C) Part tl (A) 159 (B) 196 3) (c)791 (0) 971 S 154, TheHLCF.ofx’+ Lands-1is Y (A) xo (8) x41 (xe (D) x2 Y 155. The total surface area of a cube is 34g cm volume is (a)s2icm? — (B) 512 cm? (c)412em? (0) 421. cm? eee oe Gee os eee ete ne difference? (a2 ( (os (0)8 157. Find the sum of first 40 terms of the series 1°-2°+3.4"s. ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 14 Toll Free: 180-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi (a) 820 (B) -820 (c) 870 (D)-870 (A) Sweden 159. Which Indian cricketer has become the first bakgman tMro® the 10,000 run mark in Ranji", Trophy Tournaments? (A) Abishek Nayar (8) Parthiv Patel (C) Wasim Jaffer (0) Baba Aparajith SS 160. Central GoveRyenpindradhanush Programme is related to : wa Programme ri (c) RivCTeaning Project (0) Clean india Project 161. The country that was affected by ‘Hurricane Patricia' in October, 2015 ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 15 Toll Free: 180-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi (A) Philippines (B) Japan (C) Mexico (D) Sri Lanka 162. India's First Dolphin Reserve Community is established in (A) Kerala (B) Maharastra (C) Tamil Nadu (D) West Bengal 163. Which railway station has become the first visually challengga fn fon in India? (A) Mysuru railway station (8) Bengaluru railway station {(C) Delhi railway station (0) Pune railway station 164. Consider the following statement, choof@eghe corrept answer: (1) Taluk A Register contains Village no,.qagme ramlet names, (2) Taluk C Register contains short term le ng term lease particulars of the villages. (A) (1) and (2) are correct. (B) (1) is correct and (2) is noy (C) (1) and (2) are incorres (0) (2) is incorrect andyg) ® (A) One yeay (8) 3 months (0) 2 years (C) 6 montl jard Classes (OBC) certificate is issued by lector (8) Tahsiidar lector (0) Revenue Inspector 167. Which one of the following forms is used for Death reporting? (A) Form -2 (8) Form-5 (C) Form -1 (0) Form -4 168. The sub division Patta transfer order is issued by ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 16 Toll Free: 180-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi (A) Tahsildar (8) Deputy Tahsildar {C) Revenue Inspector (0) Firka Surveyor 169. BLO" term related to (A) Election (8) Disaster Management (6) Public Health 170. Identify the process(es) from the following which involves absorption of heat: I Evaporation S (A) Land tt only (8) and tt only (Cand. only (0) only 171, 1 KM (A), 1 Light year (B) and 1 Astronomical unit (C) aMgelatyes (A)A=B=C (B)AC (D)A>B>c 172. Mass of an object is 10 kilogram. Its weight @ the earth nd is space respectively are (A)5N,10N (8) 10N, 10 (C) 10 N, zero N (D) 98 Nygzerc Meu ae N\ Assertion (A) : Mitochondria ar Qo Nyecrtouerarnecet Reason (R) : Mitochondria cot gJes necessary for the oxidation of food during respiration and release energy inthe f olFcutes. (A) Both (A) and (R]greNaue explains (A) (8) Both (A) andg) Nagra) does not explain (A) (©) (A) istrue but explain (A) (0)(A)is fag but (8 gth ‘issued the infallibility decree was (a) Dagar (8) Humayun (c) Shel (0) Akbar 175. The tower of Arunachalaeswara temple was completed by (A) Thirumalai Nayak (8) Achutappa (C) Vijaya Ragava {0) Krishnadevaraya 176. The excavation of the Indus Valley Civilization was done in ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 17 Toll Free: 180-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi (a) 192 (8) 1922 (c) 1924 (0) 1926 177. Who among the following was the political Guru of Ganchiji? (A) 6. Subramanya iyyer (8) Surendranath Banerjee (©) Feroz Shah Mentha (0) Gopala Krishna Gokhale 178. in which year Jawaharlal Nehru declared the "Poornaswaraj" of india? (a) 1926, (8) 1927 3) re oe (A) Manufacturing Industry — (C) Service Sectors (D) Soldiers 180. The difference between NNP and NOP (A) Depreciation (8) Current transfers from rest of the wog. (©) indirect tax (0) Net factor income from abros 181. Match the following Lis Nuis Nyy suitable options Uist List (Source) (Acid) (a) Lemon 1. Malic acid (b) Grapes 2. Oxalic acid (c) Tomatte 3. Citric acid (d) Apy 4. Tartaric acid @ ONY 2a (8) 2 4 @ wa 8 6 Oo 2 182. What is the age limit of Judges of High Court? (a) 60 (8) 62 (c) 65 (0) 70 ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 18 Toll Free: 180-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi 183. The Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee was (A) Dr. B.R, Ambedkar (8) Dr. Sinha (C) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (0) Jawaharial Nehru 184, ---—- deals with the socio-economic development and empowerment of wome through self-help groups, (A) short Stay Home (0) Farity Counselling Centres (©) Swayamsidha (0) Skill development 185, Find the difference between simple interest and compound interest for agffmpt RNGBOD lent at 10% paa.n2 years (a) 90 (8) 100 S (c) 80 (0) 70 186. IfA:B=2:3 and B:C=4:5 then find the ratio of C: A (a) 15:8 (8) 8:15 (5:4 (0)5:20 187. Ifthe height and the base area of aright circ{(ar cane aN¥5 cm and 48 respectively, then the volume of the cones equal to (A) 240 em? ) 4 (9) 80cm" 188. A tap can filla tank in 15 jother tap can empty it in 20 minutes. Initially the tank is empty, if both the taps start it the same time, when will the tank become full? (A) 1 hour (C) 2 hours (8) 3 hours (0) 4 hours 189. IF ROAD is RDG then SWAN is coded as, (a) vxo, (8) vz0Q (ovat (0) uxoQ 190Ngia\ frst dedicated scientific mission to study the outermost layer and the chromosphere of sun (a) Revi (8) Aditya (©) Kiran (0) «wala 191. The First Telungana Language Day was observed on (A) September 9, 2015 (8) October 4, 2015 ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 19 Toll Free: 180-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi (C) January 1, 2015 (0) December 14, 2015. 192. Which state launched e-Pragati in 2015, a scheme to bring all government services under one roof? (A) Andhra Pradesh (8) Kerala (©) Uttar Pradesh (0) Delhi 193, Which country was recently declared the cow as its National Animal? (A) Indonesia 3) (8) Malaysia (C) Nepal (D) Mauritius (A) Edwin Hubble (B) AbGeorge Lematry (C) Ptolemy (D) Aryiabatta 195. Village Account No.1 deals with (A) Cultivation Account (B) Adangal (C) Lease Register Magn NUffjcer for any Taluk? sigs or Block Development Officer {D) Inam Register (8) Tahsildar, SpedfaN¥dar or Black Development Officer (C) DeputyApsildar Me Special Tahsildar {D) Demagy CoMMetor, District Revenue Officer or District Collector 196. Who will be Ja 197 gems equal to. (a) 435Miqq. ft (8) 144 sq. ft (C) 100 sqPmeter (0) 1089 sq. ft 198. In which of the following lands the land lease is not banned? (A) Water: course poramboke, like lake, Eri and pond (B) Meikkal and gracing ground poramboke (C) Burial grounds ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 20 Toll Free: 1800-123-8055, 72000 56001 A JAI HIND IAS ACADEMY ‘March to Delhi {D) Un assessed dry waste 199. Who isthe sanctioning authority for old Age Pension order? (A) Zonal Deputy Tahsildar (B) Head Quarter Deputy Tahsildar (€) Special Tahsidar (SSS) (0) Tansildar 200. Which ofthe followings called as an Important agro-based industry? \ (A) Steel (8) Cement 3) (c) Sugar (0) Jute S » ‘T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, Velachery 21 Toll Free: 180-123-8055, 72000 56001

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