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Q1) 23, 49, 827, 1681, 32243, ?

Ans 64729

Q2) In olympcs a team is awarded rank only if they win a medal. Srilanka are rankd 12 frm top
and 27th frm botm. If 17 natns did nt get a medal. How many natns wer dr altogthr. Ans 55

Q3) Mr X was born on mm/dd/yyyy (i dont remember the date). When he will be 10,000days
old?(Please upload the approach of such types).

Q4) A, C, T & E are prime no.s

(CA T) - (A T E) = (A 8 A)
whichof the foll is true?
optionswere like C>A>T>E
dontremember the options

ANS: C = 7 , A = 3, T = 5, E = 2


Quant and Data Interpretattion

1.A cone of height 12cm and base radius of 9cm was cut into 3 equal heightedparts.find the
volume of the middle part.


2.In a race, A and B run at speeds in the ratio 5:8. How much headstart should begiven to A so
that he finishes exactly 1200m behind B in a race of 6km?

time for a = 6000/ 8 =750 distance by b= 750 * 5 = 3750 so, head- start = 4800 - 3750 =1050


3.How many ordered pairs (a,b) are there whose LCM is 1020? ans- 135

1020 = 2^2 * 3 * 5 * 17 so, ordered pairs = 5 * 3 * 3 *3 = 135

4.There are two trains which start from A and B at the same time. Train T startsfrom A and Train
S starts from B.They meet at some point in between and thentrain T stops. After how much time
train S will come back to meet train T nexttime. Speed of Train T=40 kmph and Speed of Train
S=50 kmph. Distance AB= 800kms.
Ans : 14.2 hours or 14 hours 13 minutes.

Time for meet = 800 / (40 + 50) = 80 /9 hr so, train t travels = 80 /9 * 40 = 3200 /9 now, train s
to travel to and fro = 2 * 3200 /9 = 6400 /9 so, time = (6400/9) /50 = 6400 /450 = 14.22


5.There was a time and work question with 3 guys A, B and C doing some work. Theywork in
pairs and then money was distributed among them,. Find B's share.(Thiswas the type of question
as told by my friend.)

6.A circle of diameter 8 cm has 2 points P and Q. from a point R two tangents aredrawn meeting
the circle at P and Q. find the length of chord PQ? angle PRQ =30 (remember P and Q are not
co-linear with the center of circle)
Ans: 8 sin 75.(Solution please.)

7.The hcf of 3 nos a,b and c is 6 the sum of the 3 nos is 120 find the no of tripletsthat can be
formed ?
Ans: 24

8.7^321+3^321find the unit digit of the expression.

Ans: 0

9. Moved to LR sub section on top of this page

10. Moved to LR sub section on top of this page

11. Findsum of right most two digits of 3^33 + 3^333

Ans: 10(Last 2 digits:46.....Then do 4+6 to get 10)

12. Ifx^2-3x+1 = 0, then x^8-47x^4 = ??

Options- 1,-1,0,2,-2
Ans: -1

13. Isoscelestriangle with AB=AC=8, AD divides angle BAC equally. AD=4.Find the
differencebetween inradius and circumradius of triangle ABC.
Ans: 6.16.

14. From1 to 300 Number on numbers containing only two 2s (For ex 22,202 etc)
options- 16 17 18 17 20
Ans: 20

15. Ina circular race track of 1200m,X runs in a speed of a m/s,Y runs in the speedof b m/s.X
completes 5 laps.Find the headstart Y should get so that Y completeson lap less
Unsolved.(not sure if this is complete)

16.How many zeroes will be required to mark the page numbers of a book from 1 to185? 28

17.Ten's place of xxx7^1434 (I don't remember the exact number that's why I wrote xxx7)

18.A does 30% of the work in 9 days. Then, A and B together complete the maining work in 14
days. How much efficient is A than B? A is twice efficient.

19. hcf lcm and one integer was given.. what will be 2nd integer? simple(num1*num2=hcf*lcm)

20. 3 varieties of things costing RS 60, 80, 120 per kg are mixed in a certain ratio and the
shopkeeper sells it as 100 per kg. find the ratio
ans : 1:1:3

21. Find the difference between the 4th and 5th term of the series 0.2, (-2), 20, (-200) Ans:If t5-t4
then ans is 2200..if t4-t5 then ans -2200

22. An isosceles triangle ABC with sides AB=AC= 9cm and the angle bisector from A to BC
meets BC at point D and AD=4. Find the difference between the radius of the incircle and
circumcircle of the triangle. Ans: 2.62 pi

23. In how many ways a 9 digit number can be formed by using digits 2 and 3.Ans: 2^9

24.In how many ways 2 teams of 4 members be selected from 12 males(a1,a2,...a12) and 8
females(b1,b2,...b8) such that b1 and a7 is alws selected in one team nd a1 a3 a6 in other
team.each team should have at least 1 female.Ans:1274

25. 10,x, y, z, k, 24 are in AP.Find the value of x+y+z+k ? Ans :68

26. In how many ways can 488410 be written as sum of sqaures of 2 no.s? Ans: 37

27. Moved to LR sub section on top of this page

28. Is -2x/5 >0Condtn-. 1.4x>7xDnt remba the odr condtn. It led to x>-5/4

30. There was a sum of hcf and lcm. Hcf and lcm gvn . A number gvn. Find the odr number Ans-
31. What pcntg of studnts are girls with grade a.condn- 1. 50 pcnt of the girls got grade a2. 50
pcnt of the boys got grade a

32.Moved to LR sub section on top of this page

33.What is a?? Statement 1- Cube of a is a odd 2 digit number . Statement 2 - Fourth power of a
is 2 digit odd no
ans=statement 1 is sufficient(3) while statement 2 is not(3,-3).

34.One ques was on pricing of vegetables, we had to find which was more costly. Sorry dont
remember the exact values

35.Aeroplane leaves A half an hr late to Guhawati. Distance 1500 km, It increases its speed by
250 km/hr to reach on tym. What is the time it reached Guhawati if initial time of leaving was 9
ans=11 AM

36. If C=3584042. and (A^2) + (B^2) = C. What is the maximum possible number of solutions?
Options:6,7,12,14. Ans: 7

37. If a,b and c are sides of a triangle and a+b+c=254. How many triangles are possible?options
were something like 1300,1445,2445,1345,2435 (not sure if i remember the options correctly)
ans 1345


1) kitsch = tawdry,
vulgarized, or pretentious art, literature, etc, usually with popular or sentimental appeal
Synonym: cliquant, corny, gimcrack, twee, affected, artificial, Daliesque, gimicky, mod,
ostentatious, posturing, tacky
Antonym: authentic, utilitarian, real

2) exacerbate = To increase the severity, violence, or bitterness of; aggravate

Synonym: annoy, exasperate, excite, heighten, intensify, irritate, provoke, vex, inflame,
worsen, embitter, enrage, envenom, add insult to injury, egg on, fan the flames, feed the fire ,
hit on , push one button, rattle one's cage , rub salt in a wound
Antonym: aid, alleviate, appease, calm, delight, help, make happy, soothe , comfort ,
compose, pacify , placate

3) skew-Neither parallel nor intersecting

Synonym:alter , bend , bias , change , curve , fake, misrepresent, slant, twist, contort, fudge,
warp, misshape , throw of balance
Antonym: maintain, straighten

4) impuissant-unable to take effective action; powerless

Synonym:cant cut it , cant hack it , cant make the grade , clumsy, hog tied, incapicitated ,
incompetent , ineffectual , inefficaceous , inept , inoperative , not cut out for, not up to , out of
commission , unfitted, unqualified, unskilled
Antonym: able , capable , competent , fit , potent , qualified, strong , sufficient , adequate ,
skillfull , talented

5) panoply- an extensive or impressive collection, a complete suit of armour , a protective

covering , full ceremonial attire or paraphernalia
Synonym : blaze, dash , exhibition , bravura, exposure , fanfare , florish , frame up , frippery ,
front , pomp, pretension, shine , show boat , spectacle , splash , splendor , splurg , grandstand
play , arrayal
Antonym : concealment , dullness , modesty, plainness , simplicity , cover , hiding , ordinariness,
quiet , truth

6) Hermitic: Ascetic, non drinker, abstinent, one who practices self-denial, erimitic

7)efficacious- successful in producing a desired or intended result; effective.

Synonyms: active, adequate , capable, competent, effective, effectual, energetic, influential ,
potent , puissant, serviceable
Antonym: impotent, incapable, unproductive, useless, weak, inefficaceous, inefficient,

6) Demagogue (synonym) = A political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular

passions and prejudices
Synonym: fanatic, incendiary, instigator, radical, soapbox orator, haranger, inflamer, rabble
rouser, fomentor

7) Integral (antonym )
Synonym : component, constituent, element, essential, fundamental, requisite, intrinsic,
indispensable, innate
Antonym: Nonessential, extrinsic, accessory , fractional, partial, supplemental, unnecessary

8) libel : defame someone or something ( especially by printed words )

Synonym : defamation, calumny, lying, smear, malicious, aspersion, denigration, obloquy,
vituperation, burlesque, caricature, crack, denigrate, knock
Antonym: compliment, praise

9) miser
Synonyms : cheapskate, churl, harpy, hoarder, moneygrubber, Scrooge, stiff, tightwad, penny-
pincher, pinchfist, pinchpenny, stingy, avaricious,
Antonyms: spender, waster, spendthrift, waster, wastrel

10) mollify : calm,soften,relieve

11) prodigious: remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree.

synonyms:enormous, huge, colossal, immense, vast, great, massive, gigantic, mammoth,tremen
dous, considerable, substantial, large, sizeable, inordinate, monumental, mighty,gargantuananto
nyms:small, unexceptional
12) laconic: (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words.
synonyms:brief, concise, terse, succinct, short, economical, elliptical, crisp, pithy, to the
point, incisive, short and sweet, compendious
antonyms:verbose, long-winded, loquacious

13)meaning of deferential - respectful.

synonyms - obsequious, humble, respectful, considerate, attentive, thoughtful
antonyms- arrogant, impolite , stubborn

14)parturiphobia (not sure of the word) -- phobia related to child birth

15)languid :- (of a person, manner, or gesture) having or showing a disinclination for physical
exertion or effort ; weak or faint from illness or fatigue ; (of a period of time) relaxed and peaceful
synonyms: relaxed, unhurried, languorous, unenergetic, lacking in energy, slow, slow-moving;
listless, lethargic, phlegmatic, torpid, sluggish, lazy, idle, slothful, inactive, indolent, lackadaisical,
apathetic, indifferent, uninterested, impassive , laid back, pococurante, leisurely, peaceful,
languorous, relaxed, restful, lazy, sickly, weak, faint, feeble, frail, delicate, debilitated, flagging,
antonyms: energetic, active , action packed

16) conundrum meaning - a confusing or diff problem or question, a diff choice or decision
synonyms- vexed question,quandary, dilemma, puzzle, enigma, mystery,anagram,riddle, brain
teaser, brain twister
antonyms - answer, axiom, proposition, solution, explanation, key

17)opprobrium: Harsh criticism or

censure.(synonym vilification, abuse, vituperation, condemnation, criticism, censure,castigation,
denunciation, defamation, denigration, disparagement,)

18) industrial : indolent:: cacophony : ? (antonym of cacophony)

19) Parochial : having a limited or narrow outlook or scope.

20) Solicit: ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone.

21) factitious : artificially created or developed.
22) egalitarian : believing in or based on the principle that all people are equal and deserve
equal rights and opportunities.
23)profligate:wasteful, extravagant, spendthrift, improvident, prodigal, immoderate,excessive, th
riftless, imprudent, reckless, irresponsible
24)tome:folio :: x:y
25) Coercive: Synonyms -> bullying, violent, forced, intimidating

26) Fractious: Synonyms -> : grumpy, grouchy, crotchety, in a (bad) mood, cantankerous, bad-
tempered, ill-tempered, ill-natured, ill-humoured, peevish

27) Superfluous : unnecessary, especially through being more than

enough. Synonyms: surplus, redundant, unneeded, not
required, excess, extra, spare, tospare, remaining, unused, left over, More

28) Pusillanimous - Showing ignoble cowardice, or contemptible timidity

29)sartorial : relating to tailoring, clothes, or style of dress.

30)acclimate : respond physiologically or behaviourally to a change in a single environmental


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