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Science Year 5 –

Unit 2 Survival of the Species

Mammoths and dinosaurs are examples of animals that no longer exist. Is it
because of their gigantic size? Elephants look similar to mammoths. Why
are they still surviving? Rafflesia is an example of a plant species found in
Malaysia that is facing extinction. Why? How do animals and plants ensure
the survival of their species?

1. Animals take care of their eggs and young to ensure the survival of their
2. Plants disperse seeds and fruits to ensure survival of their species.
3. Shortage of food can cause extinction of species.

How the animals take care of their eggs and young:

1. Animals that give birth to their young nurture and care for their babies.
2. Their mothers suckle their young
3. They have their own ways to protect their young from danger.
Cow- protects its young with its horns.

Cat – fights off attackers with claws

Kangaroo – carries young in its pouch

Whale- stays to its calves

4. All birds such as sparros , eagle and ducks reproduce by laying eggs.
5. This is what a typical bird will do to ensure the safety of its eggs and
6. Some animals lay large numbers of eggs in selected spots which are
safe and cannot be detected by predators.
7. Some animals take care of theirs eggs while others donot.
Turtle – lays hundreds of eggs at night and buries the eggs in the sand.

Snake – it will coils round the eggs

Butterfly – lays the eggs on the undersides of leaves

Survival of plants

Seed and fruit dispersal:

1. plants disperse their seeds and fruits by scattering them far away from
the parent plants.
2. Dispersal of fruits and seeds
(a )reduces competition between the parent plant and the seeds
(b ) reduces overcrowding
(c ) enables seeds to grow healthily
(d) provides opportunities to spread the species to new places

3.some plants disperse their fruits that contain seeds while others disperse

The seeds themselves

Various ways plants disperse their seeds and fruits

1. The seeds and fruits of plants have special characteristics which help
the agent to disperse them.
2. Seeds and fruits can be dispersed by
*an explosive mechanism


an explosive

To classify the plants in the column:
Pong-pong fruit rambutan angsana ladies finger
balsam durian coconut lotus mimosa meranti
guava mangrove tree rubber fruit

Water Wind Animals an explosive


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