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PLOT NO.= 551/1
PHONE : 091-079-23232864
We all ar e desirous of ethereal peace, the peace that abounds in
Heavens. We also wish to enjoy life to the fullest measure. We wish to
appease our senses in uncontrollable manner, being deeply submerged in
sensuous pleasures. Yet we desire MOKSHA, deliverance, liberation from
the cycle of birth and death. Our desires run wild. Without moving a limb
we want all the goodies of Earth and H e a v e n s o n o u r s i d e .
Co mm on ma n dr eam s t hus . H e f or get s hi s du ti es and sh uns ri ght
t o wor k. Y et he places al l the bla me o f unf ulf illed des i res o n s oc i ety a nd
Cr eat or . E ven in adver se cir c um s tanc e s hi s dr eam s run am ok to
f ulf il men t of hi s sense plea s ure s . The s lav e t o se ns ual pl eas ur es does
not ca re t o see wher e thi s path l eads to. If a nd w hen he r eali s es i t, he i s
t oo deepl y m ir ed t o chan ge his c our s e.
Physical, Mental and Spiritual purity alone can lead us towards our
ultimate goal of deliverance from the cycle of birth and death. Yoga and
Meditation show us the path towards liberation. This is the path of peace;
the peace called BRAHMANAND SAHODAR (The twin brother of heavenly
bliss) can be known by personal experience alone, even describing it
would be a futile exercise. Yet the peace that descends on the blessed
ones, can be recognised by others as well, for it has the distinct
symptoms of equanimity, an active indifference to events that surround
them. Gita extolls the virtue as " Be the same or behave in same way,
whether it be happiness or grief, victory or defeat, profit or loss situation".
Saint Kabir explains it differently. He says "My Lord, I have nothing in me
that doesnot belong to you; so to give back what belongs to you, I lose
nothing". Those of us who contemplate on such virtues, those of us who
accept these truths, the a x i o m s , a l o n e a t t a i n t h e b l i s s , t h e p e a c e .
There are many paths to reach a particular destination. Also, there
are many approaches to reach a defined goal, so are there numerous
paths to reach God. Kundalini awakening is a simple method to attain
bliss. This is a half way station, which can be easily developed to reach
the ultimate. Under the guidance of a Capable Guru, this is possibly the
fatest means to progress in the desired direction .
Kundalini position
The presiding diety of this process, Bhagawati (Goddess)
Kundalini resides between the thir d and fourth vertebrae of our back-
bone or vertebral column (spinal cord). There also is established the
icon (Linga) of Lord Shankara; the spouse of the Goddess, Bhagawati
Kundalini, in the form of a serpent, makes three and a half coils
around this Shiv Linga (the icon of Lord Shankara). Under normal
circumstances the serpent form of Bhagawati Kundalini is at peace
and is restful.
Causes of kundlini awakening
Particular music,
intense activity of particular kind,
death of near & dear ones,
u n e x p e c t e d l o s s i n b us i n e s s ,
mental shock
may arouse Kundalini and awaken it. This sudden and unplanned
awakening of Kundalini may provide evidence in the form of celestial
music or certain visions but these remain transitory and impermanent.
Guru's grace alone can bless the seeker with permanency. On the
other hand, the sudden uncontrolled awakening may result in physical
and mental deprivation.
A complex nerve system dominates the spinal cord. The principal
a m o n g t h e m a r e t h e S u s h u m n a , I d a a n d P i n g a la N a d i s . W h e r e a s t h e
Sushumna Nadi runs in the centre of the spinal cord, the Ida moves
from the left and the Pingala from the right. The Ida and Pingala
i n t e r l a c e ea c h ot h e r , a r o u n d t h e S u s h u m a n a , a s t h e y m o v e u p t h e
spinal column.
If the Kundalini, for some reason, enters the Pingala, then
clairvoyance makes the person visualise many of his past lives
(incarnations). Many a times, a person may lose his mental balance
due to such visions, as he does not have ready explanation for these
queer phenomenon - strange and difficult to understand. The aim of
this book is to spread awareness about various phenomenon that may
accompany Kundalini awakening and how to get over them. The book also
aims at teaching the correct methodology to be followed, t h e p r o c es s e s
and procedures for propitiating Kundalini
and making it beneficient for us.
The picture of Yogini (Ascetic: Feminine gender) Kundalini shows a
triangle of Shiva (the Munificent and Benevolent) on top and an inverted
triangle of J iva (Spouse of Shiva) at the base. The union and fusion of
Shiva and Jiva (Kundalini) creates the ultimate bliss and provides Self-
realization. Thus when the inverted triangle of Muladhara or Root Chakra
from end of spine, ascends to meet Shastrar or Crown or Coronal Chakra
on top of the head, self realization results. In the picture there appears a
break between the Manipur or Navel Chakra and the Anahata or Heart or
Cardiac Chakra in the Sushumna Nadi. This discontinuity in Sushumna is a
major obstacle in the path of seekers. In the language of Yoga, this is the
ocean of desires or Bhavsagar. Those who transcend this ocean are the
saints. Stating otherwise, only saints qualify to cross this vicious ocean
with their selflessness of this discontinuity in sushumna. It is related to
severing of umbilical cord of the child during birth. It is said that if the
umbilical cord is severed within ten minutes of child birth, then the physical
body and astral body get separated. However, if the umbilical cord is cut
after the pulsations fully cease, which takes almost ten minutes, then the
new born retains memories of his previous births. These memories remain
with the child upto the age of seven to twelve years, after which these are
forgotten, in any case. This procedures makes the child intelligent and
there is no gap induced between his physical and astral bodies. Such
children are fearless. They are self confident and have the courage and
strength to face difficulties and adversities squarely. T h e y a r e l e s s
saddened by their re-entry into our world.
Thi s dist ance betw een t he phy s i c al and th e a s tr al di s tur bs the
bal ance bet ween the I da , Pi ngla a nd Su s hum na. The equi lib ri um is los t
due t o ce rt ain m ent al af fl ict ions or s hoc k s and man y v ar ie ty of ot her
r easons. Thou gh sli ght im bal anc e per s is t s i n a lm os t ev er y huma n being,
it is the gr oss im bala nce t hat we hav e t o be w ar y of . The i mbal anc e m ay
becom es vi cious and i ncreas e u nc ont rol lab ly . Thi s m ay l ead to
af fl ict ions of dr eaded diseas e lik e c an c er. How ev er, if t hes e im bala nc es
ar e corr ect ed som ehow , t hen pos s ibi li ty of an d ev e n t h e d i s e a s e s
themselves can be removed.
Man does not utilise even ten percent of the powers given by god
M an does not ut il ise ev e n t en per c ent of the pow er s , gr ante d to
hi m by natu re, duri ng hi s l if e ti me. Ev en ps y c hol ogis t s and me dic al
exper t s ag ree that we do not m ak e us e of ev en t en perc e nt of ou r ment al
f acult ies. Even a man wor king t went y ho urs a day m ay b e ut il is in g ba rel y
t en per ce nt o f God 's gi ft t o us . Th is obv iou s ly mea ns

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