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Image Processing Based Student Detail verification using Raspberry PI


Bull Temple Road, Basavanagudi, Bangalore - 560 019, Karnataka, India



Image Processing Based Student Detail verification using

Raspberry PI

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for completion of


Submitted by

Cheatan C 1BM15EC404
Lohith S 1BM15EC405
Narendra V 1BM15EC409
Vedanth V Dev 1BM14EC135

Under the guidance

Dr.Kiran Bailey
Assistant Professor

2017 – 18
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Image Processing Based Student Detail verification using Raspberry PI

Image Processing Based Student Detail verification using

Raspberry PI


Student Information Management System can be used by education institutes to maintain the
records of students easily. Achieving this objective is difficult using a manual system as the
information is scattered, can be redundant and collecting relevant information may be very time
consuming. All these problems are solved using this project.

The website Student Information System is aimed towards recording a considerable number of
student records and needs online assistance for managing records of students. Website should
be user-friendly, ‘quick to learn’ and reliable website for the above purpose. Student
Information System is intended to be a stand-alone product and should not depend on the
availability of other website. The system will also have an administrator who has full-fledged
rights with regards to performing all actions related to control and management of the website.

To secure our assets and protect our privacy, there is a strong demand for user-friendly keypad
security systems. There are various types of biometric systems that use signatures, fingerprints,
voice, hand geometry, ear geometry, face detection and so on. Among these, face recognition
appears to be quite exciting and is catching attention.

The main purpose of this document is to illustrate the requirements of the project Student
information System and is intended to help any organization to maintain and manage its
student’s personal data. And the same data collected is used for course registration and by this
project we can avoid proxy by using face recognition module.

Image Processing Based Student Detail verification using Raspberry PI

Literature survey
Han Cuiping - Design and Implementation of Student Management
System of Educational Management System (2014 IEEE WARTIA)
The universities educational management System is a typical information
management system, including the establishment and maintenance of backstage
database and the development of front stage application program. For the former, it
requires a database of data consistency and integrity to build strong, full and good,
and for the latter procedure, it requires full-functioned and easy to use and so on. This
paper mainly introduces the design and implementation of student’s educational
management system. After research and analysis, the system uses the C # and SQL
Server 2000 to develop, with a three-tier, including the system development
environment and technical support, the design of system, the implementation of
system and concluded. The main function is for all students, providing them with a
teaching management platform to facilitate the management of personal information
and cooperate a variety of the teaching mission of schools.

E.Varadharajan,R.Dharani, S.Jeevitha, B.Kavinmathi, S.Hemalatha – AUTOMATIC

This paper is about the biometric attendance management. The automatic attendance
management will replace the manual method, which takes a lot of time consuming and difficult
to maintain. In this paper we are going to describe the attendance without human interference.
In this method the camera is fixed in the classroom and it will capture the image, the faces are
detected and then it is recognized with the database and finally the attendance is marked. If the
attendance is marked as absent the message about the student’s absent is send to their parents.
There are various methods for comparing the faces. The Eigen face is the one of the method.
Eigen faces is set of Eigen vectors which are used in computer vision problem of face

Yu Xiaokun -Design and implementation of student status

management system based on SSH2 framework technology
This paper discusses how to design and implement the student status management
system utilizing the SSH2 framework which refers to a lightweight J2EE platform and
has attracted more and more attention from developers. First, we illustrate the SSH2
framework, and analyse its advantages in management system design. Second, the
proposed college student status management system is made up of five function
modules, such as 1) system management module, 2) basic setting module, 3) change
management module, 4) import and export module, and 5) statistical analysis module.
Moreover, SQL server database is used in the proposed system. Afterwards, ER
diagram of our system is given, which describes relationships among various
elements, such as status changing, attendance record, course grade, student, course,
department, and specialty.

Image Processing Based Student Detail verification using Raspberry PI

Student information management system using PHP AND MySQL

Student Information Management System can be used by education institutes to maintain the
records of students easily. Achieving this objective is difficult using a manual system as the
information is scattered, can be redundant and collecting relevant information may be very time
consuming. All these problems are solved using this project.

Problem definition
In present system all work is done on papers manually. The attendance in the present system is
maintained in register books. The semester marks and mid sectional exam marks are maintained
in papers. The student cannot access his/her academic details at all time and moreover
searching for his marks in those set of papers is a time consuming activity.

Proposed solution
Student Information Management System can be used by education institutes to maintain the
records of students easily. Achieving this objective is difficult using a manual system as the
information is scattered, can be redundant and collecting relevant information may be very time
consuming. All these problems are solved using this project

Scope :
Without a Student information System, managing and maintaining the details of the
student is a tedious job for any organization. Student Information system will store all the
details of the students including their background information, educational qualifications,
personal details and all the information related to their resume .


 The Student Information Management System(SIMS) can be enhanced to include some
other functionality like course registration, attendance management.
 Social networking can also be added wherein students can interact with each other.
 Can evolve as an online institution.
 Its portable.

Image Processing Based Student Detail verification using Raspberry PI


Image Processing Based Student Detail verification using Raspberry PI

The SIMS is a system which contain major part which include: student Detail, Student image
and resume. The user selects one of the available options as an input to the system. According to the
input by the user the system acts and the rest of the functions are performed accordingly. The
administrator can operate on any student details. But the normal student or users can only access their
details of all the functionalities.

Login module: Login module will help in authentication of user accounts .Users who have
valid login id and password can only login into their respective accounts.

Search module: Suppose there are hundreds of students and from this we have to search a
particular student and we know the name of the student .In manual system it is a tedious task
though we know the name of the student, but using this module we can easily search the student
by specifying the tag id of the student in the search criteria and also by the help of face
recognition we can access particular student. Thus this module will help the administrator in
searching the student with various criteria easily.

Registration Module and Account Management: This module will help the student get
registered by the help of login provided by the institution. This module will really simplify the
task of on paper registration. Also after successful registration the user can change their
information stored in the database though administrator.

User Management: This module will help the administrator in enabling/disabling a user
account and updating user information as required.

Image Processing Based Student Detail verification using Raspberry PI


Face recognition is an important application of Image processing owing to its use in many
fields. Identification of individuals in an organization for the purpose of attendance is one such
application of face recognition. Maintenance and monitoring of attendance records plays a vital
role in the analysis of performance of any organization. The purpose of developing attendance
management system is to computerize the traditional way of taking attendance.

The main part of the system is Raspberry pi, through which we are going to interface camera
module and keypad. Here in the pi board we are maintaining the secured database of the
students which contains student personal data and their previous year results.

Using the Raspberry Pi and some additional peripherals, we have designed and built a face recognition
system. In this system there is a camera which will detect the faces presented before it and if shown one
face at a time, it will track that face such that that face is centered in front of the camera.
Here the pi camera is used to avoid proxy of students in which the camera takes a picture of
student and it compare it with a stored data in the database and provide the access to the next
registration window.

Image Processing Based Student Detail verification using Raspberry PI

The keypad is used to enter the student ID , based upon the key particular file is accessed and
by the help of pi camera the captured image and the stored image in the database is compared
and gives access to the next process of registration.

PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to server- side web
development where PHP generally runs on a web server. PHP code is embedded into the HTML
source document. Any PHP code in a requested file is executed by the PHP runtime, usually to
create dynamic web page content. It can also be used for command-line scripting and client-
side GUI applications.

MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that runs as a server providing
multi-user access to a number of databases. MySQL is a popular choice of database for use in
web applications and is an open source product. The process of setting up a MySQL database
varies from host to host, however we will end up with a database name, a user name and a

Image Processing Based Student Detail verification using Raspberry PI

Project Execution Timeline

Image Processing Based Student Detail verification using Raspberry PI

D. Santhi priya1, Lingayas Institute of Management and Technology, Vijayawada, INDIA.
Mr.M.UMASANKAR2, Lingayas Institute of Management and Technology, Vijayawada,
[2]Image Processing Based Student Attendance System using Raspberry PI
P Prudhvi Kiran1, Ravi Kumar G ,Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology,
Visakhapatnam, India
[3] Attendance System Using Face Recognition and Class Monitoring System
Prof. Arun Katara1, Mr. Sudesh V. Kolhe, Mr. Amar P. Zilpe, Mr. Nikhil D. Bhele, Mr.
Chetan J. Bele ,Department o f Electronics DMIETR, Sawan gi (M), Wardha.




K. Ramesh and Hema dhanekula Embedded Systems, K L University, Andhra Pradesh, India

[7] “Mysql 5.7 documentation,” [Accessed 07-04-2017]. [Online]. Available: https://

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