NEGO March 1 Conditional and Qualified Indorsements

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CONDITIONAL INDORSEMENT what capacity this signature was indicated, we treat

that person as INDORSER, specifically an

Basically, it is one which contains or imposes a IRREGULAR INDORSER. Why do we treat him as an
CONDITION on the negotiable instrument. For an instrument indorser? Because there is no other way to treat
to be negotiable, is it not supposed to be unconditional? YES, him.
Sec. 1 provides an UNCONDITIONAL promise or order to pay
a sum certain in money. But going with your conditional In a blank indorsement, the payee was not specified.
obligation, does it affect the negotiable character of the What is its effect? Still, the instrument remains to be
instrument? The answer is NO. negotiable but as to negotiability, dun tayo
magkakaproblema because if the instrument is originally
Note that in (your) acceptance (later on), there payable to order, how should that order instrument be
could also be a general acceptance and a conditional negotiated? By indorsement coupled with delivery.
acceptance. If we are talking about a BoE, there is now a
demand made upon the drawee. How should a bearer instrument be negotiated? By
simple delivery.
So how does a conditional indorsement affect an
instrument? The answer is NONE. Can a bearer instrument be negotiated by an
indorsement with delivery? YES.
What will be the effect of the condition? Actually, it’s
useless. Does it change the character of the instrument? No. Ano
yung rule natin, pag ka originally bearer and it is discharged,
What about on the part of the indorsee (the person to it is still payable to bearer (once a bearer, always a bearer xD
whom the instrument is given) whether there is a rhymes with once a cheater, always a cheater. Haha
conditional indorsement)? The indorsee may choose to charaught lunggsss xD).
follow the condition or even completely disregard the
condition, under what reason or ground? Sec. 1 requires all What about if it is payable to order? It now dependes on
NIs to be unconditional. Yun nga lang in Sec. 1, the the kind of indorsement. Let’s say payable to order sya, it was
requirement of ‘unconditional instrument’ must appear on indorsed specially, it is still payable to order, indorsed
its face. Meaning, yung face mismo ng instrument. Dapat dun specially 7 more times, it is still payable to order. What if the
sa face or front portion of the instrument, there must be NO 8th indorsement is an indorsement in blank, then the order
condition. If the condition will appear anywhere else – in the instrument is converted into a bearer instrument. It may
acceptance, in the indorsement, or any other place other now be negotiated by simple delivery. Ang problema, what if
than the face of the instrument; then the instrument remains may sumulpot na naman na special indorsement, balik sya
to be negotiable. If it so happens that the condition appears ngayon sa payable to order.
on the face, then the instrument becomes NON-negotiable. Of
course, the condition may be suspensive or resolutory. But in talking about indorsements in blank. We may expand
the provision further, HINDI porke sinabing the payee is not
What if the condition is illegal or immoral, will the specified, ibig sabihin blangko na sya, signature land sya. It
instrument be affected? The answer is NO. An indorsement may be:
is only an accessory to the NI. If the condition is illegal or
immoral, then the indorsement is rendered ineffective BUT Pay to cash.
the instrument remains to be valid. Sgd. X
You will also apply the principles applicable to instruments
------------------------------------------------------------------Recap payable to bearer. If the name of the payee does not purport
of special, blank, restrictive, and qualified indorsement to be the name of any person, or the person to be paid is
with some additional information and details: Going with inexistent or otherwise fictional. Same rules yan.
your special indorsement vs. a blank indorsement, we are all
about identifying the payee. In a special indorsement, the In a restrictive indorsement, it is also a special
payee is specified. That means to say, the payee is secured in indorsement in the sense that the indorsement must specify
the instrument kasi sya yung nakapangalan eh, the the payee.
instrument will not be given to anyone else because
Can there be a restrictive indorsement in blank? No.
precisely, a certain person is named as payee in a special
indorsement. Simple definition, a special indorsement
specifies the payee. A blank indorsement, on the other hand, Pay to __________________ ONLY.
does not specify the payee. Know that you also have regular Sgd. X
and irregular indorsements, those are overshoots of these It looks like a restrictive indorsement. But it is STILL AN
types of indorsements. INDORSEMENT IN BLANK because the payee is not specified.
A regular indorsement is an indorsement indicated by a Any person may be the holder because any person may
person in the process of negotiation. indicate his name.

An irregular indorsement, on the other hand, is a signature Your book says that a restrictive indorsement is essentially a
appearing in the instrument without us knowing who this special indorsement. Why? because it specifies the payee.
person is. Example:

 Remember the ambiguities? If there is a signature Pay Y ONLY.

indicated in the instrument and we do not know in Sgd. X
Does it affect the validity of the instrument? NO. In NEGOTIATION: You transfer your rights at the same time
you transfer to your transferee all of the rights of a holder
Does it affect negotiability? YES. It ends negotiable under the law.
In ASSIGNMENT: You also transmit the rights that you have,
NOTE: For there to be a restrictive indorsement, it must also if any.
be a special indorsement (specified the kasi yung payee).
To illustrate: You took the instrument under a defect of title
* If an instrument is restrictively indorsed, it CANNOT be or by reason of a mistake which affects your title. Are you a
further negotiated. HiDC? No. if you transfer the instrument by negotiation, will
your transferee be a HiDC? It depends (go back to the
* A restrictive indorsement ends the character of
requisites of HiDC).
negotiability. The instrument remains to be valid but it is no
longer negotiable. It cannot be further negotiated BUT it can If you are not a HiDC but you negotiated the instrument to a
be transferred by other modes like sale, donation, HiDC, what rights does your transferee have? All your rights
assignment, succession. at the same time all the rights of a HiDC because that is
negotiation. What if gumawa ka ng qualified indorsement
The problem is with the qualified indorsement. There is
and you are not a HiDC, your title is defective. The title that
what we call in practice a QUALIFIED ADMISSION (you will
you will transmit to your assignee is also a defective title.
learn this in your law on evidence). We use the qualified
admission if we would like to attack a proposition without Does he have rights of a HiDC? None. Why? Because the
necessarily showing any vulnerability. Kumbaga, for the sake instrument was not negotiated by you. It was just assigned
of argument. When you write your pleadings, you can use to him.
“for the sake arguendo” etc. it means you are NOT technically
admitting but you are making an admissi0on for the sake of In assignment of a contract, you can assign your
arguing your position. You do that when you have rights to another person but you can assign only the rights
affirmative defences. “For the sake of argument, sabibin you have, if any. If your right is defective, then so be it, you
nating tama ka, sabihin nating may utang talaga ako sayo, transmit a defective right. That is what assignment is.
actually bayad na yun eh.” You are not actually admitting it
but you are theoretically admitting it just for the purpose of So ito:
you going to be making an argument.
In a qualified indorsement, there is an indorsement of an Sgd. X
instrument BUT you are reserving your liability. Ang You will note here that when X made this indorsement, he is
mangyayari, you are negotiating the instrument, you are limiting his own liability. Now under the law, whenever you
going to be making a special indorsement: “Pay to Y negotiate an instrument, you subject yourself to potential
WITHOUT RECOURSE/SANS RECOURSE.” Whar do you secondary liability. Using NIs have several benefits but this
mean by that? In effect, sinasabihan mo si drawee, “Bayaran one is a risk – secondary liability. Because when you
mo si Y pero wala na akong liability jan, hands off na ko.” That indorsed an instrument and it so happens that the
means to say, if ever the instrument would be dishonoured, instrument was dishonoured later on, you may be
secondary liability would set in diba? When the instrument subsidiarily liable.
is dishonoured, there is secondary liability. Question, if you
When a qualified indorser (which we cannot
are a qualified indorser, will you be secondarily liable?
actually call an indorser because there is no negotiation)
NO. Who will be secondarily liable? Other indorsers, if
transmits the instrument, there is only an assignment. Going
there are; or the drawer, if there is. Ikaw hindi ka liable.
back, whenever you transmit/transfer an instrument by way
Q: Is it not unfair? That is what the law provides. The law is of negotiation, remember this: you are also subjecting
not always fair. yourself to potential secondary liability. That is one of the
risks of using a NI and that is also one of the risks of
That means to say, what happened here was an negotiating an instrument by way of indorsement with
ASSIGNMENT not a negotiation. delivery. Eh paano kung order instrument yan where you
have to indorse? Whenever you negotiate an order
NEGOTIATION VS. ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHT instrument, you do have to indorse and deliver, that means
When you negotiate an instrument, you are making payment to say automatically secondarily liable ka. How do we limit
using the instrument. That means to say, you transfer that liability? What if bearer instrument sya, what is now the
whatever rights you have as a HiDC or as a holder not in due effect of specially indorsing a bearer instrument? As far as
course. Kung anong meron ka, ibibigay mo, along with all the the instrument is concerned, payable to bearer pa rin sya,
other rights that a holder has under the law. Ano bang rights diba BUT as far as the indorser is concern, magiging
ng HiDC? To sue for the instrument for the full amount, to secondarily liable sya kahit bearer instrument because he
hold the instrument free from defects acquired by prior indorsed the instrument.
parties, right to demand payment. If you are a HiDC, mas Note: Coverage for Midterm Exam: From Sec. 1 up to the end
marami kang karapatan. But if you are making a qualified of Chapter III.
indorsement, you are transferring the instrument NOT as a
holder BUT as an assignor.

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