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School Based Teaching/Learning Experience

Feedback Sheet

Brenton Hawken Owen McLaughlan 22-06-17

Pre-service teacher’s name .............................................. Observer ........................................Date……………:
Canowindra High School Yr 10 Food Technology Stage 5
School ............................................................................... Class/Stage/Year group .............................................
TAS- Food Technology Gluten Free Sticky Date Pudding
Learning Area .............................................................................. Topic ...................................................................................
Practical Students cooking sticky date pudding.
Focus of observation (negotiated with pre-service teacher) ......................................................................................................

Please tick the appropriate column using the following grading: Causing Concern (CC), Working Towards (W), Achieved (A) or Going Beyond (GB).
Please add a comment to elaborate on your observations.

Standard/Descriptor CC W A GB Comment

Professional Knowledge: Brenton had a wide range of students with differing abilities and was successfully able to
Know students and how ✔ cater for their needs.
they learn

Professional Knowledge: Key concepts well explained and students fully engaged
Know the content and ✔
how to teach it

Professional Practice: Brenton had a comprehensive lesson plan which he followed well.
Plan for and implement ✔
effective teaching and

Professional Practice: Students seemed happy and worked cooperatively in a supportive environment.
Create and maintain ✔
supportive and safe
learning environments

Professional Practice: Students given a grade for their finished product {sticky date pudding).
Assess, provide ✔ Brenton also gave positive feedback during the practical praising students along the
feedback and report on way.
student learning

Strengths observed
Brenton marked the roll and gave directions for hygiene in the kitchen that needed to be carried out.
Clear instructions about safety procedures prior to the cooking practical.
He moved around the kitchen continually helping students and keeping them on task.
Brenton has a firm but pleasant manner with the students which allows good rapport within the class.
All students enjoyed the lesson and were fully engaged.

Areas for further development

Time management with practical. Give deadliness for various steps in the cooking procedure to ensure everyone finishes. Some students
still cleaning up after the period finished.

General comments
Brenton gives positive feedback and praise for students doing an excellent job.
Good sense of humor and good rapport with students.
Brenton is to be commended on his lesson which the students found interesting and rewarding.

This analysis should be discussed with the pre-service teacher as soon as possible following the lesson and signed by both to indicate that this
discussion has occurred. Pre-service teacher to retain a copy. Associate Teacher to retain a copy until finalisation of the placement.
Digitally signed by OWEN Digitally signed by Brenton
Associate Teacher/Observer MCLAUGHLAN Date: 2017.06.22 18:32:19
Pre-service Teacher Brenton Hawken Date: 2017.06.23 12:18:42

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