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Clifford-Finsler algebroids and nonholonomic

Einstein–Dirac structures
Sergiu I. Vacarua兲
Department of Mathematics, Brock University, St. Catharines,
Ontario L2S 3A1, Canada
共Received 15 March 2006; accepted 29 July 2006; published online 21 September 2006兲

We propose a new framework for constructing geometric and physical models on

nonholonomic manifold provided both with Clifford-Lie algebroid symmetry and
nonlinear connection structure. Explicit parametrizations of generic off-diagonal
metrics and linear and nonlinear connections define different types of Finsler,
Lagrange, and/or Riemann–Cartan spaces. A generalization to spinor fields and
Dirac operators on nonholonomic manifolds motivates the theory of Clifford alge-
broids defined as Clifford bundles, in general, enabled with nonintegrable distribu-
tions defining the nonlinear connection. In this work, we elaborate the algebroid
spinor differential geometry and formulate the 共scalar, Proca, graviton, spinor, and
gauge兲 field equations on Lie algebroids. The paper communicates new develop-
ments in geometrical formulation of physical theories and this approach is
grounded on a number of previous examples when exact solutions with generic
off-diagonal metrics and generalized symmetries in modern gravity define nonholo-
nomic spacetime manifolds with uncompactified extra dimensions. © 2006 Ameri-
can Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2339016兴

A class of spacetimes possessing noncommutative and/or Lie algebroid symmetries can be
defined as exact solutions in string and Einstein gravity.1,2 This leads to new developments in
formulation of classical and quantum field theories following the geometry of nonholonomic
manifolds3 possessing Lie algebroid symmetry.4 Lie algebroid structures in gravity are modeled by
generic off-diagonal metrics and nonholonomic frames 共vielbeins兲 with associated nontrivial non-
linear connection 共N-connection兲. The spacetimes provided with compatible metric, linear connec-
tion, and N-connection structures and possessing Lie algebroid symmetry are called Einstein–
Cartan algebroids, or 共in a more general context, for various extensions of the Riemann–Cartan
geometry兲 Lie N-algebroids. Usually, the Lie algebroids can be defined for a vector, or tangent,
bundle but, in general, they can be considered for any nonholonomic manifold provided with a
nonintegrable 共nonholonomic兲 distribution. 关In our works we use distributions defining
N-connection structures with the coefficients induced by the metric’s off-diagonal terms and cor-
responding vielbein’s coefficients. The geometric constructions are performed for nonholonomic
manifolds, i.e., spaces provided with nonintegrable distributions. In a particular case, when such
distributions are related to the exact sequences of subspaces defining an N–connection, the spaces
are called N anholonomic兴. In brief, such spaces are called Lie N-algebroids. Similar constructions
elaborated for the Einstein–Dirac spaces give rise to the geometry of Clifford algebroids. If the
curved spinor spaces are also enabled with Finsler, or Lagrange, structures, we deal with Clifford–
Finsler, or Clifford–Lagrange, algebroids.
We note that the methods of Finsler and Lagrange geometry5,6 were recently reconsidered in
a new way in order to solve physical problems related to standard theories of gravity and field

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interactions.1,7,6,8,9 If the former physical applications of Finsler geometry were elaborated on

tangent/vector bundles, with less straightforward connections to standard physical theories 共see
reviews and references in Refs. 1, 7, and 6兲, in our approach we tried to define Finsler-type
structures as exact solutions in Einstein and extra dimension gravity8,9 when certain dimensions
are not compactified. Such constructions are related to the geometry of nonholonomic manifolds
possessing generalized symmetries 共Lie algebroid and/or Clifford symmetries, noncommutative
structures induced by anholonomic frames, etc.兲 and a number of ideas and methods from Finsler
geometry seem to be of general interest and significant importance for physical applications. Here
we note that this paper is not just on Clifford–Finsler geometry and related Lie algebroid struc-
tures but rather on 共pseudo兲 Riemann geometry and gravitational and field interactions 共and ex-
tensions to nontrivial torsion induced, for instance, from string theory and/or by nonholonomic
frame effects兲 when the spinor and Lie algebroid structures are defined in nonholonomic form and
certain methods from Finsler geometry became very important and efficient in order to solve
nonlinear physical problems.10
This work develops the geometry of Clifford N-algebroids and generalized Finsler–spinor
spaces elaborated in Refs. 11–13 and 7. If the first applications of algebroid methods were in
geometric mechanics,14–17 the recent works suggest a very promising route toward the theory of
gauge fields, gravity and strings and noncommutative geometry.7,18,1 We cite Ref. 4 for details on
algebroid theory and related bibliography.
In the present paper, we address essentially the following two purposes: The first one is to
define and study the geometry of Clifford algebroids and their N-anholonomic deformations,
Clifford N-algebroids, and analysis of their main properties in relation to spinors in gravity theo-
ries and on nonholonomic manifolds. The second aim is the formulation of the field equations on
Lie algebroids.
The structure of the paper is the following: The theory of Clifford algebroids is formulated in
Sec. II: we remember the main definitions of nonholonomic manifolds provided with
N-connection structure, define Clifford N-algebroids, and study the related spinor differential
geometry. Section III is devoted to the field equations on N-anholonomic manifolds and their
redefinition on Clifford N-anholonomic algebroids. We start with a study of the Dirac operator and
spin connections on nonholonomic manifolds. Then the constructions are completed with spinor
formulations of the basic equations for scalar, Proca, graviton, Dirac, and gauge fields interactions
and related Lie/Clifford N-algebroid structures. In Sec. IV, we present conclusions and outlook.


The geometry of spinor spaces enabled with nonlinear connection 共N-connection兲 structure
was elaborated in a series of works11–13 共see also Refs. 19–21 for general references on Clifford
and spinor differential geometry and applications to physics兲. Here we note that the concept of
N-connection was originally proposed in the framework of Finsler geometry and geometric me-
chanics but such nonholonomic structures 关defined by exact sequences of subspaces of the tangent
space to the spacetime manifold and related nonintegrable distributions兴 may be also considered
on 共pseudo兲 Riemannian and Einstein–Cartan–Weyl spaces, see the discussion and historical re-
marks in Ref. 7. A class of nonholonomic spinor configurations can be defined by exact solutions
of the Einstein–Dirac equations parametrized by generic off-diagonal metric ansatz, nonholonomic
vielbeins associated to nontrivial N-connections, and arbitrary linear connections with nontrivial
The aim of this section is to formulate the theory of Clifford algebroids provided with non-
linear connection 共N-connection兲 structures, i.e., the theory of Clifford N-algebroids. For holo-
nomic configurations, the Clifford algebroids can be defined as usual Lie algebroids4 but associ-
ated to a Clifford bundle instead of a vector or tangent bundle.

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093504-3 Clifford-Finsler algebroids and Einstein–Dirac structures J. Math. Phys. 47, 093504 共2006兲

A. Nonholonomic manifolds and nonlinear connections

We outline some basic definitions and formulas from the geometry of manifolds provided with
N-connection structure, see details in Refs. 6 and 7.
Let us consider a Riemann–Cartan manifold V of dimension n + m and necessary smooth class
and provided with general metric 共of arbitrary signature兲 and linear connection structures. The
local coordinates are denoted u = 共x , y兲, or u␣ = 共xi , y a兲, where the abstract, or coordinate, indices
take, respectively, the values i , j , k , . . . = 1 , 2 , . . . , n and a , b , c , . . . = n + 1 , n + 2 , . . . , n + m. Such a
splitting of dimension and coordinates will be adapted below to the nonlinear connection structure.
We denote by M a subspace of V, dim M = n, provided with local coordinates xi. The metric on V
is parametrized in the form

g = g␣␤e␣ 丢 e␤ = gij共u兲ei 丢 e j + hab共u兲ea 丢 eb , 共1兲


e␮ = 关ei = dxi,ea = dy a + Nai 共u兲dxi兴 共2兲

is the dual frame to

e␯ = ei =

⳵ xi
⳵ ⳵
− Nai 共u兲 a ,ea = a .
⳵y ⳵y
册 共3兲

Such vielbeins are called N-adapted frames. 关In order to preserve a relation with the previous
denotations,7,11–13 we note that e␯ = 共ei , ea兲 and e␮ = 共ei , ea兲 are, respectively, the former ␦␯
= ␦ / ⳵u␯ = 共␦i , ⳵a兲 and ␦␮ = ␦u␮ = 共di , ␦a兲 which emphasize that operators 共3兲 and 共2兲 define, corre-
spondingly, certain “N-elongated” partial derivatives and differentials which are more convenient
for calculations on such nonholonomic manifolds兴.
We denote by ␲{ : TV → TM the differential of a map ␲ : TV → hV, where hV is locally iso-
morphic to M, defined by fiber preserving morphisms of the tangent bundles TV and TM. The
kernel of ␲{ is just the vertical subspace vV , dim共vV兲 = m, with a related inclusion mapping
i : vV → TV and hV is a horizontal subspace. It should be emphasized that such maps and local
decompositions exist when V → M is a surjective submersion. A particular case is that of a fiber
bundle but we can obtain the results in the general case 关see the discussions and references in Refs.
3 and 7 related to almost sympletic manifolds, 共pseudo兲 Riemannian spaces, and vector bundles
and generalizations兴. A nonlinear connection 共N-connection兲 N on a manifold V is defined by the
splitting on the left of an exact sequence

0 → vV → TV → TV/vV → 0,
i.e., by a morphism of submanifolds N : TV → vV such that N ⴰ i is the unity in vV.
Equivalently, a N-connection is defined by a Whitney sum of horizontal 共h兲 subspace, hV
⯝ M 共we shall use the symbol “⯝” in order to emphasize some isomorphisms of spaces兲 and
vertical 共v兲 subspace, vV,

TV = hV 丣 vV. 共4兲
The spaces provided with N-connection structure are denoted by boldface symbols. For instance,
we write V for a manifold V provided with a distribution 共4兲 共being, in general, nonintegrable, i.e.,
nonholonomic—in the literature an equivalent term it is also used: anholonomic兲. Such manifolds
are called N-anholonomic with the nonholonomy defined by a N-connection structure. In a similar
manner, we can define nonholonomic manifolds enabled with certain more general nonintegrable
共nonholonomic兲 distributions of subspaces in TV, or in TTV, and so on, but in this paper we shall
restrict our considerations only to N-anholonomic manifolds with N-connection splitting on TV.
We shall use boldfaced indices for the geometric objects adapted to the N-connection.
Locally, a N-connection is defined by its coefficients Nai 共u兲,

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N = Nai 共u兲dxi 丢 .
⳵ ya
The well-known class of linear connections consists on a particular subclass with the coefficients
being linear on y a, i.e., Nai 共u兲 = ⌫abj共x兲y b. Any N-connection is characterized by its N-connection

1 ⳵
⍀ = ⍀aijdxi Ù dx j 丢 a ,
2 ⳵y
with N-connection curvature coefficients

⳵ Nai ⳵ Naj b ⳵Nj b ⳵ Ni

a a
⍀aij = ␦关jN关i兴
= ␦ jNai − ␦iNaj = − + N − N ,
⳵xj ⳵ xi i
⳵ yb j
⳵ yb
and states the condition that the vielbeins 共2兲 satisfy the nonholonomy 共equivalently, anholonomy兲

关e␣,e␤兴 = e␣e␤ − e␤e␣ = W␣␤ e␥
with 共antisymmetric兲 nontrivial anholonomy coefficients Wbia = ⳵aNbi and Waji = ⍀aij.
All our further geometric constructions will be for spaces with nonholonomic splitting 共4兲 and
performed in “N-adapted” form with respect to local frames of type 共2兲 and 共3兲.

B. Clifford N-algebroids
Let us state the notations for abstract 共coordinate兲 d-tensor indices of geometrical objects
defined with respect to an arbitrary 共coordinate兲 local basis, i.e., system of reference. For a local
basis on V, we write e␣ = 共ei , va兲. The small Greek indices ␣ , ␤ , ␥ , . . . are considered to be general
ones, running values 1 , 2 , . . . , n + m and i , j , k , . . . and a , b , c , . . ., respectively, label the geometrical
objects on the base and typical “fiber” and run, correspondingly, the values 1 , 2 , . . . , n and
1 , 2 , . . . , m. The dual base is denoted by e␣ = 共ei , va兲. The local coordinates of a point u 苸 V are
written u = 共x , y兲, or u␣ = 共xi , y a兲, where y a is the ath coordinate with respect to the basis 共va兲 and
共xi兲 are local coordinates on hV with respect to ei. We shall use “boldface” symbols in order to
emphasize that the objects are defined on spaces provided with N-connection structure.
We suppose that the N-anholonomic manifold V admits a d-spinor structure which allows us
to introduce spinor coordinates and parametrizations of geometrical objects. Let

´ ´ ˜k ´ ´ ˜k
e␣´ ␣´ = 共e´i1,e´i2, . . . ,e´i 共n兲
,eá1,eá2, . . . ,eá 共m兲

with boldfaced indices running coordinate values on dimensions of d-spinor spaces, k̃共n兲 and k̃共m兲,
being the coefficients of a d-spinor basis

e␣´ = 共e´i,eá兲. 共5兲

The dual basis 共co-basis兲
e␣´ = 共ei,eá兲 共6兲
has the coefficients
´ ´ ´
e␣´ ␣´ = 共e1´ i,e2´ i, . . . ,e˜ i,e1´ á,e2´ á, . . . ,e˜k共m兲á兲.

Similar formulas hold for the associated d-spinor spaces provided with local bases e␣` ␣` and e␣` ␣` .
Such spinor bases are stated to be compatible to the N-connection splitting, i.e. to the vielbeins 共3兲
and 共2兲. For a given d-metric structure on V and its spinor decomposition, with associated spinor

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bases e␣` = 共e`i , eà兲, which allows us to introduce the ␥ objects, we can define, for instance, a
N-adapted basis

e␣ = 共␥␣兲␣´ ␣` e␣´ e␣` = 关ei = 共␥i兲iie´ie`i,ea = 共␥a兲áàeáeà兴.
As a result, we can alternatively consider spinor coordinates, for instance,

u␣ = 共xi,y a兲 → u␣´ ␣` = 共xii,y áà兲.

For even dimensions of n, or m, further reductions are possible, when xii → xII⬘, or y áà → y AA⬘. This

way, the d-tensor indices can be transformed into the d-spinor ones and inversely.
The standard definition of a Lie algebroid A ⯐ 共E , 关· , · 兴 , ␳兲 is associated to a vector bundle
E = 共E , ␲ , M兲, with a surjective map ␲ : E → M of the total spaces E to the base manifold M, of
respective dimensions dim E = n + m and dim M = n. The algebroid structure is stated by the anchor
map ␳ : E → TM 共TM is the tangent bundle to M兲 and a Lie bracket on the C⬁共M兲-module of
sections of E, denoted Sec共E兲, such that

关X, fY兴 = f关X,Y兴 + ␳共X兲共f兲Y

for any X , Y 苸 Sec共E兲 and f 苸 C⬁共M兲. The anchor also induces a homomorphism of
C⬁共M兲-modules ␳ : Sec共A兲 → X1共M兲 where Ùr共M兲 and Xr共M兲 will denote, respectively, the spaces
of differential r-forms and r-multivector fields on M.
In local form, the Lie algebroid structure on the manifold V is defined by its structure
functions ␳ia共x兲 and Cab
共x兲 defining the relations

␳共ea兲 = ␳ia共x兲ei = ␳ia共x兲⳵i , 共7兲

关ea,eb兴 = Cab
共x兲ec 共8兲
and subjected to the structure equations

− ␳ j ⳵␳a

= ␳cjCab
, 兺
冉 ␳aj
⳵ Cbc

+ Cdaf Cbc

= 0; 共9兲

for simplicity, we shall omit underlying coordinate indices if it will not result in ambiguities. Such
equations are standard ones for the Lie algebroids but defined on N-anholonomic manifolds. In
brief, we call them Lie N-algebroids.
Definition 2.1: A Clifford algebroid C共E兲 ⯐ 共Cl共E兲, s关· , · 兴, s␳兲 is associated to a Clifford bundle
Cl共E兲 ⬟ Cl共T*E兲 defined by the vector bundle E = 共E , ␲ , M兲 and provided with “spin” anchor s␳ and
共Lie type兲 commutator structure s关· , · 兴 defined on the Clifford module Sec共Cl共M兲兲.
The Clifford algebroid structure on a manifold M is defined C共TM兲 ⯐ 共Cl共TM兲, s关· , · 兴, s␳兲.
In local form, the spinor structure functions are written

␳共eáà兲 = ␳áà
共x兲ei = ␳iáà共x兲⳵i , 共10兲

关eáà,eb´b`兴 = Cáàb´b`共x兲ećc̀ , 共11兲

where we can consider a spinor decomposition on M with redefinition of indices like i → í , ì. Such
structure functions can be induced by pure spinor ones,

␳ˆ 共eá兲 = ␳ái共x兲ei 共12兲


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关eá,eb´兴 = Cáb´共x兲eć ,

where, for instance, we can consider ␳áà

共x兲 = ␳ái共x兲␳ài共x兲 for any fixed value of i. The structure
equations 共9兲 can be written in spinor form by introducing spinor variables 共see examples of
calculus with spinors in the next section兲.
We can write down the Lie algebroid and N-connection structures in a compatible form by
introducing the “N-adapted” anchor

␳ˆ aj共x,u兲 ⯐ e j j共x,u兲eaa共x,u兲␳aj共x兲 共13兲

and “N-adapted” 共boldfaced兲 structure functions

g f
Cag 共x,u兲 = e f f 共x,u兲eaa共x,u兲eg 共x,u兲Cag共x兲, 共14兲

respectively, into formulas 共7兲–共9兲. In general, the RC-algebroids are defined by the corresponding
sets of functions ␳ˆ aj共x , y兲 and Cag
共x , y兲 with additional dependencies on v-variables y b for the
N-adapted structure functions. For such Lie N-algebroids, the structure relations became

␳ˆ 共eb兲 = ␳ˆ ib共x,y兲ei , 共15兲

关ed,eb兴 = Cdb
共x,y兲e f 共16兲
and the structure equations of the Lie N-algebroid are written

␳ˆ aje j共␳ˆ ib兲 − ␳ˆ bje j共␳ˆ ia兲 = ␳ˆ ejCab


共␳ˆ aje j共Cbe
兲 + Cag
f g
Cbe − Cb⬘⬘e⬘␳ˆ ajQ f ⬘bej
f ⬘ ⬘兲 = 0, fb e

for Q fb ⬘e⬘ b⬘ e⬘ f b⬘
f ⬘bej = e b e e e f ⬘ e j共eb ee e f 兲 with the values e b and e f ⬘ defined by the N-connection. The Lie
b e f f

N-algebroid structure will be characterized by the data ␳ˆ b共x , y兲 and Cdb

i f
共x , y兲 stated with respect to
the N-adapted frames 共3兲 and 共2兲.
A Riemann–Cartan algebroid 共in brief, RC–algebroid兲 is a Lie algebroid A ⯐ 共V , 关· , · 兴 , ␳兲
associated to a N-anholonomic manifold V provided with a N-connection N, symmetric metric
g共u兲 and linear connection ⌫共u兲 structures resulting in a metric compatible and N-adapted cova-
riant derivative D, when Dg= 0, but, in general, with nonvanishing torsion. In spinor variables, the
RC-algebroids transform into Clifford N-algebroids associated to corresponding N-anholonomic
manifolds instead of vector bundles. They are characterized by the same set of relations 共13兲–共17兲
rewritten in d-spinor variables.

C. N-algebroid spinor differential geometry

The goal of the section is to outline the main results from the differential geometry of
d-spinors for the Clifford N-algebroids and related N-anholonomic manifolds. The d-tensor and
d-connection formulas and basic equations are investigated in details in Ref. 2. Such Lie
N-algebroid relations can be obtained by ”anchoring” the formulas for d-connections, d-torsions
and d-curvatures stated. In result, one obtains certain differential geometric objects on the set of
sections like Sec共vV兲 or Sec共E兲, when the “fiber” derivatives are changed into horizontal ones,
⳵ / ⳵y a → ␳ia ⳵ / ⳵xa, or in N-adapted form, ea → ␳ˆ aje j. In spinor/ d-spinor variables, such formulas
transform into certain analogous on Clifford N-algebroids provided with arbitrary but N-adapted
and compatible d-metric and d-connection structure.
We use denotations

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´ ´
e␣ = 共ei,ea兲 苸 ␥␣ = 共␥i, ␥a兲, ␨␣´ = 共␨i, ␨á兲 苸 ␥␣´ = 共␥i, ␥á兲
for, respectively, elements of modules of d-vector and irreduced d-spinor fields 共see details in Ref.
11兲. D-tensors and d-spinor tensors 共irreduced or reduced兲 will be interpreted as elements of
corresponding ␥–modules, for instance,

␣´ ␥´ ␣´ ␥´ II⬘ ⬘
q␣␤. . . 苸 ␥␣␤, ␺ ␤´ . . .
苸 ␥ ␤´ . . .
, ␰ JK ⬘N⬘
苸 ␥IIJK ⬘N⬘
, ... .

We can establish a correspondence between the d-metric g␣␤ 共1兲 and d-spinor metric ⑀␣´ ␤´ for
both h- and v-subspaces of V by using the relation

1 ´`
g␣␤ = 共共␥共␣共u兲兲␣´ ␣` 共␥␤兲共u兲兲␤␤⑀␣´ ␤` ⑀␤´ ␣` , 共18兲
k̃共n兲 + k̃共m兲
where 共␣␤兲 denotes symmetrization on such indices and

共␥␣共u兲兲␣´ ␣` = l␣␣ˆ 共u兲共␥␣ˆ 兲␣´ ␣` . 共19兲

In brief, we can write 共18兲 in the form

g␣␤ = ⑀␣´ ␤` ⑀␤´ ␣` 共20兲

if the ␥-objects are considered as a fixed structure, whereas ⑀-objects are treated as caring for the
metric “dynamics”. This variant is used, for instance, in the so-called two-spinor geometry19,20 and
should be preferred if we have to make explicit the algebraic symmetry properties of d-spinor
objects. An alternative way is to consider as fixed the algebraic structure of ⑀-objects and to use
variable components of ␥-objects of type 共19兲 for developing a variational d-spinor approach to
gravitational and matter field interactions 共the spinor Ashtekar variables26 are introduced in this
manner兲. In this paper we shall follow in the bulk the first approach but we note that the second
type of spinor calculus is more convenient for finding exact solutions with nonholonomic vari-
We note that a d-spinor metric

⑀␣´ ␤` = 冉 冊
⑀´i j̀
on the d-spinor space S = 共S共h兲 , S共v兲兲 may have symmetric or antisymmetric h共v兲 -components ⑀´i j̀
共⑀áb`兲. For simplicity, in this section 共in order to avoid cumbersome calculations connected with
eight fold periodicity on dimensions n and m on a N-anholonomic manifold兲 we shall develop a
general d-spinor formalism only by using irreduced spinor spaces S共h兲 and S共h兲 ⬘ .

1. D-covariant derivation
For a d-covariant operator

D␣ = 共Di,Da兲 = 共␥␣兲␣´ ␣` D␣´ ␣` = 共共␥i兲iiD´i`i,共␥a兲áàDáà兲,
in brief, we shall write

D␣ = D␣´ ␣` = 共D´i`i,Dáà兲,
being constructed by using the coefficients of a d-connection, we define the action on a d-spinor
␥␤ as a map

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´ ´ ´
D␣´ ␣` : ␥␤ → ␥␣␤ = ␥␣␤´ ␣`

satisfying conditions
´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´
D ␣共 ␰ ␤ + ␩ ␤兲 = D ␣␰ ␤ + D ␣␩ ␤, D␣共f ␰␤兲 = fD␣␰␤ + ␰␤D␣ f ,
´ ´ ´
for every ␰␤ , ␩␤ 苸 ␥␤ and f being a scalar field on V. It is also required that one holds the Leibnitz
´ ´ ´
共D␣␨␤´ 兲␩␤ = D␣共␨␤´ ␩␤兲 − ␨␤´ D␣␩␤
and that D␣ is a real operator, i.e., it commuters with the operation of complex conjugation:

D␣␺␣␤␥. . . = D␣共␺␣␤␥. . .兲.

Let us now analyze the question on uniqueness of action on d-spinors of an operator D␣

satisfying some necessary conditions. Denoting by D␣共1兲 and D␣ two such d-covariant operators, we
consider the map

´ ´
共D␣共1兲 − D␣兲: ␥␤ → ␥␣␤´ ␣` . 共21兲

Because the action on a scalar f of both operators D␣共1兲 and D␣ must be identical, i.e.

D␣共1兲 f = D␣ f , 共22兲
the action 共21兲 on f = ␻␤´ ␰␤ must be written as
共D␣共1兲 − D␣兲共␻␤´ ␰␤兲 = 0.
We conclude that there is an element ⌰␣´ ␣` ␤´ ␥´ 苸 ␥␣´ ␣` ␤´ ␥´ for which
D␣共1兲 ␥´ ␥´ ␥´ ␤
´ ␣` ␰ = D␣´ ␣` ␰ + ⌰␣´ ␣` ␤´ ␰ 共23兲


D␣共1兲 ␥´
´ ␣` ␻␤´ = D␣´ ␣` ␻␤´ − ⌰␣´ ␣` ␤´ ␻␥´ .
The action of the operator 共21兲 on a d-vector v␤ = v␤␤ can be written by using formula 共23兲 for both
indices ␤´ and ␤` :

´` ´ ` ` ´ ´ ` ` ´
共D␣共1兲 − D␣兲v␤␤ = ⌰␣␥´ ␤v␥´ ␤ + ⌰␣␥` ␤v␤␥` = 共⌰␣␥´ ␤e␥␤` + ⌰␣␥` ␤e␥␤´ 兲v␥´ ␥` = Q␣␥
␤ ␥
v ,


´` ´ ` ` ´
Q␤␣␥ = Q␤␤␣´ ␣` ␥´ ␥` = ⌰␣␥´ ␤e␥␤` + ⌰␣␥` ␤e␥␤´ . 共24兲

The commutator D关␣兴D关␤兴 defines the d-torsion. Applying operators D关共1兲 共1兲
␣兴D关␤兴 and D关␣兴D关␤兴 on f
= ␻␤´ ␰␤, we can write

T共1兲␥␣␤ − T␥␣␤ = Q␥␤␣ − Q␥␣␤

with Q␥␣␤ from 共24兲.
The action of operator D␣共1兲 on d-spinor tensors must be constructed by using formula 共23兲 for
every upper indices and formula 共24兲 for every lower indices.

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2. N-adapted Infeld–van der Waerden coefficients

A d-spinor ␬␣´ 苸 ␥␣´ has the components ␬␣´ = ␬␣´ e␣␣´ = 共␬i , ␬á兲 defined with respect to the

N-adapted spinor basis 共5兲. Taking into account that

e␣´ ␣´ e␤` ␤D␣´ ␤` = D␣´ ␤` ,
we compute the components D␣´ ␤` ␬␥,

` ´ ␥´
e␣´ ␣´ e␤` ␤e␥␥´ D␣´ ␤` ␬␥´ = e⑀´ ␶´ e␶´ ␥´ D␣´ ␤` ␬⑀´ + ␬⑀´ e⑀´ ␥´ D␣´ ␤` e⑀´ ⑀´ = D␣´ ␤` ␬␥´ + ␬⑀´ ␼␣´ ␤` ⑀´ , 共25兲

where the coordinate components of the d-spinor connection are defined

␼␥´ ␣´ ␤` ⑀´ ⯐ e␶´ ␥D␣´ ␤` e⑀´ ␶ .

´ ´
We call the Infeld–van der Waerden d-symbols a set of objects ␼ ␣´ ␤` ⑀´
parametrized with respect to
␣´ ␤`
a coordinate d-spinor basis. Defining D␣ = 共␥␣兲 introducing D␣´ ␤` , denotations ␼␥␣␶´
␥´ `
⬟ ␼ ␣´ ␤` ␶´ 共␥␣兲␣´ ␤and using properties 共25兲, we write the relations

␤´ ´ ´ ´ ␤´
l␣␣e␤´ D␣␬␤ = D␣␬␤ + ␬␦␼ ␣␦´


␤´ ␦´
l␣␣e␤´ D␣␮␤´ = D␣␮␤´ − ␮␦´ ␼ ␣␤´
for d-covariant derivations D␣␬␤ and D␣␮␤´ .
We can consider expressions similar to 共27兲 and 共28兲 for values having both types of d-spinor
and d-tensor indices, for instance,

␦´ ␥ ␥ ⑀´ ␶
l␣␣l␥␥e␦´ D␣␪␦´ = D␣␪␦´ − ␪⑀␥´ ␼ ␣␦´
+ ␪␦´ ⌫␥␣␶
␶ ␦´
共we can prove this by a straightforward calculation of the derivation D␣共␪␦´ e␦´ l␶␥兲兲.
Now we shall consider some possible relations between components of d-connections ␼␣␦´
␥ ␣´ ␤`
and ⌫␣␶ and derivations of 共␥␣兲 . We can write

= l␣␣D␶l␤␣ = l␣␣D␶共␥␤兲⑀´ ␶` = l␣␣D␶共共␥␤兲⑀´ ␶` e⑀´ ⑀e␶` ␶兲 = l␣␣e␣´␣e⑀`⑀D␶共␥␤兲␣´ ⑀` + l␣␣共␥␤兲⑀´ ␶` 共e␶` ␶D␶e⑀´ ⑀ + e⑀´ ⑀D␶e␶` ␶兲
´ ` ´ ` ` ´ ´ `

= l␣␣´ ⑀` D␶共␥␤兲␣´ ⑀` + l␣␣´ ⑀` e␣´␣e⑀` ⑀共␥␤兲⑀´ ␶` 共e␶` ␶D␶e⑀´ ⑀ + e⑀´ ⑀D␶e␶` ␶兲,
´ ` ` ´ ´ `

where l␣␣ = 共␥␣´ ␣` 兲␣, from which one follows

␯` ␯`
共␥␣兲␮´ ␯` 共␥␤兲␣´ ␤` ⌫␣␥␤ = 共␥␤兲␣´ ␤` D␥共␥␤兲␮´ ␯` + e␤` ␼␮␥␣´ + e␣´␮␼
´ ´

Contracting the last expression on ␯` and ␤` and using an orthonormalized d-spinor basis when
␼ ␥␤´
=0 共a consequence from 共26兲兲, we have

1 ␮´ ␤` `
␼␮␥␣´ = 共␥␤兲␣´ ␤` D␥共␥␤兲␮´ ␤兲,
共⌫ ␥ ␣´ ␤`
− 共29兲
k̃共n兲 + k̃共m兲

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␮´ ␤` `
⌫ ␥ ␣´ ␤`
= 共␥␣兲␮´ ␤共␥␤兲␣´ ␤` ⌫␣␥␤ . 共30兲

The d-spinor connection 共30兲 can be defined by various type of d-connections, inclusively, by the
canonical one, see Ref. 1. Such formulas can be applied on Clifford algebroid
C共E兲 ⯐ 共Cl共E兲 , s关 · , · 兴 , s␳兲 or on a Clifford N-algebroid C共vV兲 ⯐ 共Cl共vV兲 , s关 · , · 兴 , s␳兲. We have to
change the v-derivatives into anchored ones, ⳵ / ⳵y a → ␳ia ⳵ / ⳵xa, or in N-adapted form, ea → ␳ˆ aje j,
and put the results in formulas 共29兲 and 共30兲. As a result, one defines a canonical covariant spinor
differential calculus, adapted to the N-connection structure, acting on the set of sections Sec共E兲 or

3. D-spinors of curvature and torsion on N-anholonomic manifolds

The d-tensor indices of the commutator ⌬␣␤ can be transformed into d-spinor ones:

䊐␣´ ␤` = 共␥␣␤兲␣´ ␤` ⌬␣␤ = 共䊐´i`i,䊐áà兲, 共31兲

with h- and v-components,

䊐´i`i = 共␥␣␤兲´i`i⌬␣␤, and 䊐áà = 共␥␣␤兲áà⌬␣␤ ,

being symmetric or antisymmetric in dependence of corresponding values of dimensions n and m.
Considering the actions of operator 共31兲 on d-spinors ␲␥´ and ␮␥´ we introduce the d-spinor
curvature X ␶´ ␣´ ␤` satisfying

䊐␣´ ␤` ␲␥´ = X ␶´ ␣´ ␤`
␲␶´ 共32兲


䊐␣´ ␤` ␮␥´ = X ␮.
␥´ ␣´ ␤` ␶´

The gravitational d-spinor ⌿␶´ ␥´ ␣´ ␤` is defined by a corresponding symmetrization of d-spinor indi-


⌿␶´ ␥´ ␣´ ␤` = X共␶´ ␥´ ␣´ 兲␤` . 共33兲

We note that d-spinor tensors and ⌿␶´ ␥´ ␣´ ␤` are transformed into similar two-spinor objects if
X ␥´ ␣´ ␤`
the N-connection vanishes and the spinor constructions are defined in global form on V.19,20
Putting e␥´␥ instead of ␮␥´ in 共32兲 and using 共33兲, we can express, respectively, the curvature

and gravitational d-spinors as

X␥´ ␦´ ␣´ ␤` = e␥´ ␶´ 䊐␣´ ␤` e␦´


⌿␦´ ␥´ ␣´ ␤` = e␦´ 共␶´ 䊐␣´ 兩␤` 兩e 兲␶´


where we omit symmetrization on ␤` .

The d-spinor torsion T␥´ ␥` ␣´ ␤` is defined by using the d-spinor commutator 共31兲 and

␥´ ␥`
䊐␣´ ␤` f = T␣´ ␤` 䉮␥´ ␥` f .
The d-spinor components R␦␦␥´ ␥` ␣´ ␤` of the curvature d-tensor R␦␥␣␤ can be computed by using
relations 共30兲, 共31兲, and 共33兲 and

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´` ´`
共䊐␣´ ␤` − T␥´ ␥` ␣´ ␤` 䉮␥´ ␥` 兲V␦␦ = R␦␦␥´ ␥` ␣´ ␤` V␥´ ␥` , 共34兲

here d-vector V␥´ ␥` is considered as a product of d-spinors, i.e., V␥´ ␥` = ␯␥´ ␮␥` . We find

´` ´ ´ ` ␦` ` ´
R␦␦␥´ ␥` ␣´ ␤` = 共X␦␥´ ␣´ ␤` + T␶´ ␶` ␣´ ␤` ␼␦␶´ ␶` ␥´ 兲e␥`␦ + 共X ␥` ␣´ ␤`
+ T␶´ ␶` ␣´ ␤` ␼␦␶´ ␶` ␥` 兲e␥´␦ .

It is convenient to use this d-spinor expression for the curvature d-tensor in order to get the
d-spinor components of the Ricci d-tensor,
´` ´ ´ ` `´` `
R␥´ ␥` ␣´ ␤` = R␦␦␥´ ␥` ␣´ ␤` ␦´ ␦` = X␦␥´ ␣´ ␤` ␦´ ␥` + T␶´ ␶` ␣´ ␤` ␦´ ␥` ␼␦␶´ ␶` ␥´ + X␦␥` ␣´ ␤` ␥´ ␦` + T␶´ ␶` ␣´ ␤` ␥´ ␦` ␼␦␶␶´ ␶␶` ␥␥` 共35兲

and this d-spinor decomposition of the scalar curvature ឈ

R = R␣´ ␤␣´ ␤` ,

␦␤␣´ ``
␶´ ␶` ␣´
ឈ ´` ` ´ ` ` ´ ``
R = R␦␦␣´ ␤␣´ ␤` ␦´ ␦` = X␦␣´ ␣´ ␤` ␦´ ␤ + T␶´ ␶` ␣´ ␤` ␦´ ␤␼␦␶´ ␶` ␣´ + X␣´ ␤` ␦` + T␣´ ␤` ␦` ␼␶␦´ ␶`␤ .

Finally, we write down the d-spinor components of the Einstein d-tensor G␥␤,
´ ´ ` `
G␥´ ␥` ␤´ ␤` = X␦␥´ ␤´ ␤` ␦´ ␥` + T␶´ ␶` ␤´ ␤` ␦´ ␥` ␼␦␶´ ␶` ␥´ + X␦␥` ␤´ ␤` ␥´ ␦` + T␶´ ␶` ␤´ ␤` ␥´ ␦` ␼␦␶´ ␶` ␥`

1 ´ ` ` ´ `` ` `
− ⑀␥´ ␤` ⑀␤´ ␥` 关X␦␣´ ␣´ ␤` ␦´ ␤ + T␶´ ␶` ␣´ ␤` ␦´ ␤␼␦␶´ ␶` ␣´ + X␦␤␣´ ␤` ␣´ ␦` + T␶´ ␶` ␣´ ␤` ␣´ ␦` ␼␦␶´ ␶` ␤兴. 共36兲
It should be noted that further reductions of 共35兲 and 共36兲 depend on dimensions n and m of
the, respectively, h- and v-subspaces, and that the symmetry properties are defined by the
⑀-objects. On Clifford N-algebroids, such formulas have to be considered for anchored
v-derivatives 共15兲 and 共7兲 共for d-spinor considerations, we have to apply spinor anchors 共10兲 and
共12兲兲, for instance, in the case of canonical d-connections and their spinor variants 共29兲.


Lie algebroid structures can be modeled as spacetime geometries with generalized symmetries
共defined by anchors and Lie algebra commutators and nontrivial N-connection structure兲.2 It is
possible to extend the constructions on Clifford N-algebroids by introducing spinor variables. In
this section we shall analyze the basic field equations for gravitational and matter field interactions
modeled on N-anholonomic manifolds and Clifford N-algebroids.

A. The Dirac operator on N-anholonomic spaces

The aim of this section is to elucidate the possibility of definition of Dirac operators for
general N-anholonomic manifolds. It should be noted that such geometric constructions depend on
the type of linear connections which are used for the complete definition of the Dirac operator.
They are metric compatible and N-adapted if the canonical d-connection is used 共we can similarly
use any of its deformations resulting in a metric compatible d-connection兲.

1. Noholonomic vielbeins and spin d-connections

For a local dual coordinate basis ei ⬟ dxi on a manifold M , dim M = n, we may respectively,
introduce certain classes of orthonormalized vielbeins and the N-adapted vielbeins 共depending
both on the base coordinates x ⬟ xi and some “fiber” coordinates y ⬟ y a兲

ˆ ˆ
ei ⬟ eii共x,y兲ei, ei ⬟ eii共x,y兲ei , 共37兲


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ˆ ˆ ˆˆ
gij共x,y兲eii共x,y兲ej 共x,y兲 = ␦i , gij共x,y兲eii共x,y兲e jj共x,y兲 = gij共x,y兲.

We define the algebra of Dirac’s gamma matrices 共in brief, h-gamma matrices defined by self-
adjoint matrices M k共C兲 where k = 2n/2 is the dimension of the irreducible representation of Cl共M兲
for even dimensions, or of Cl共M兲+ for odd dimensions兲 from the relation

ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆˆ
␥i␥ + ␥ ␥i = 2␦i I. 共38兲
We can consider the action of dxi 苸 Cl共M兲 on a spinor ␺ 苸 S via representations

ˆ ˆ i ˆ

c共dxi兲 ⬟ ␥i, −
c共dxi兲␺ ⬟ ␥i␺ ⬅ e ˆi␥i␺ . 共39兲

For any type of spaces TxM , TM or V possessing a local 共in any point兲 or global fibered
structure and enabled with a N-connection structure, we can introduce similar definitions of the
gamma matrices following algebraic relations and metric structures on fiber subspaces,

eâ ⬟ eâa共x,y兲ea, ea ⬟ eaa共x,y兲ea , 共40兲


ˆ ˆ
gab共x,y兲eâa共x,y兲ebb共x,y兲 = ␦âb, gab共x,y兲eaa共x,y兲ebb共x,y兲 = hab共x,y兲.

Similarly, we define the algebra of Dirac’s matrices related to typical fibers 共in brief, v-gamma
matrices described by self-adjoint matrices M k⬘共C兲 where k⬘ = 2m/2 is the dimension of the irreduc-
ible representation of Cl共F兲 for even dimensions, or of Cl共F兲+ for odd dimensions, of the typical
fiber F兲 from the relation

ˆ ˆ ˆ
␥â␥b + ␥b␥â = 2␦âbI. 共41兲
The formulas 共38兲 and 共41兲 are respectively, the h- and v-components of relation 共18兲 共with
redefined coefficients which is more convenient for further constructions兲. The action of dy a
苸 Cl共F兲 on a spinor 쐓␺ 苸 쐓S is considered via representations

c共dy â兲 ⬟ ␥â, 쐓
c共dy a兲 쐓␺ ⬟ ␥a 쐓␺ ⬅ eaâ␥â 쐓␺ . 共42兲

We note that in additionally to formulas 共39兲 and 共42兲 we may write, respectively,

c共dy a兲 쐓␺ ⬟ ␥a 쐓␺ ⬅ eea â␥â 쐓␺
c共dxi兲␺ ⬟ ␥i␺ ⬅ eiˆi␥i␺,

but such operators are not adapted to the N-connection structure.

A more general gamma matrix calculus with distinguished gamma matrices 共in brief,
d-gamma matrices兲 can be elaborated for any N-anholonomic manifold V provided with d-metric
structure g = 关g , 쐓g兴 and for d-spinors ␺˘ ⬟ 共␺ , 쐓␺兲 苸 S ⬟ 共S , 쐓S兲. First, we should write in a unified
form, related to a d-metric 共1兲, formulas 共37兲 and 共40兲,

e ␣ˆ ⬟ e␣ˆa共u兲e␣, e␣ ⬟ e␣␣共u兲e␣ , 共43兲


ˆ ˆ
g␣␤共u兲e␣ˆ␣共u兲e␤␤共u兲 = ␦␣ˆ ␤, g␣␤共u兲e␣␣共u兲e␤␤共u兲 = g␣␤共u兲.

The second step is to consider gamma d-matrix relations 共unifying 共38兲 and 共41兲兲

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ˆ ˆ ˆ
␥␣ˆ ␥␤ + ␥␤␥␣ˆ = 2␦␣ˆ ␤I, 共44兲

with the action of du␣ 苸 Cl共V兲 on a d-spinor ␺˘ 苸 S resulting in distinguished irreducible represen-
tations 共unifying 共39兲 and 共42兲兲

c共du␣ˆ 兲 ⬟ ␥␣ˆ , c = 共du␣兲␺˘ ⬟ ␥␣␺˘ ⬅ e␣␣ˆ ␥␣ˆ ␺˘ , 共45兲

which allows one to write

␥␣共u兲␥␤共u兲 + ␥␤共u兲␥␣共u兲 = 2g␣␤共u兲I. 共46兲

In the canonical representation, we can write in irreducible form ␥˘ ⬟ ␥ 丣 쐓␥ and ␺˘ ⬟ ␺ 丣 쐓␺, for
instance, by using block type of h- and v-matrices, or, writing alternatively as couples of gamma
and/or h- and v-spinor objects written in N-adapted form,

␥␣ ⬟ 共␥i, ␥a兲, ␺˘ ⬟ 共␺, 쐓␺兲. 共47兲

The decomposition 共46兲 holds with respect to a N-adapted vielbein 共3兲. We also note that for a
spinor calculus, the indices of spinor objects should be treated as abstract spinorial ones possess-
ing certain reducible, or irreducible, properties depending on the space dimension. For simplicity,
we shall consider that spinors like ␺˘ , ␺ , 쐓␺ and all types of gamma objects can be enabled with
corresponding spinor indices running certain values which are different from the usual coordinate
space indices.
The spin connection ⵜS for the Riemannian manifolds is induced by the Levi-Civita connec-
tion ⵜ⌫,

1ⵜ i
ⵜS ⬟ d − ⌫ ␥i␥ jdxk . 共48兲
4 jk
On N-anholonomic spaces, it is possible to define spin connections which are N-adapted by
replacing the Levi-Civita connection by any d-connection.
The canonical spin d-connection is defined by the canonical d-connection,

ⵜˆ S ⬟ ␦ − ⌫ˆ ␣␤␮␥␣␥␤␦u␮ , 共49兲
where the absolute differential ␦ acts in N-adapted form resulting in one-forms decomposed with
respect to N-elongated differentials ␦u␮ = 共dxi , ␦y a兲 共2兲.
We note that the canonical spin d-connection ⵜ ˆ S is metric compatible and contains nontrivial
d-torsion coefficients induced by the N-anholonomy relations. It is possible to introduce more
general spin d-connections DS by using the same formula 共49兲 but for arbitrary metric compatible

d-connection ⌫␤␮ . For the spaces provided with generic off-diagonal metric structure 共1兲 on a
N-anholonomic manifold, there is a canonical spin d-connection 共49兲 induced by the off-diagonal
metric coefficients with nontrivial Nai and associated nonholonomic frames in gravity theories.
In a particular case of N-anholonomic manifolds of even dimensions, we can define, for
instance, the canonical spin d-connections for a local modeling of a tangent bundle space with the
canonical d-connection ⌫ ˆ ␥ = 共L̂i , B̂i 兲. The N-connection structure N j states a global h- and
␣␤ jk jk i
v-splitting of the spin d-connection operators, for instance,

ˆ ⬟ ␦ − 1 L̂i ␥ ␥ jdxk − 1 B̂a ␥ ␥b␦y c .

ⵜ 共50兲
i a
4 jk 4 bc
So, any spin d-connection is a d-operator with conventional splitting of action like ⵜ共S兲
⬅ 共 −ⵜ共S兲 , 쐓ⵜ共S兲兲, or ⵜ ⬅ 共 −ⵜ , 쐓ⵜ兲. For instance, for ⵜ
ˆ ⬅ 共 −ⵜˆ , 쐓ⵜˆ 兲, the operators −ⵜˆ and 쐓ⵜˆ act,
respectively, on a h-spinor ␺ as

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−ˆ ␦␺ k1 i
ⵜ␺ ⬟ dxi i − dx L̂ jk␥i␥ ␺
⳵x 4

쐓ˆ ⳵␺ c1 a
ⵜ␺ ⬟ ␦ y a a − ␦y B̂ ␥a␥b␺
⳵y 4 bc
being defined by the canonical d-connection, which 共in its turn兲 is completely defined by Nij共x , y兲
and gij共x , y兲.
The operators 共51兲 can be adapted to the Lie algebroid structure by anchoring the partial
v-derivatives. For instance,

␦␺ k b j
⳵x i 共x ,y 共x 兲兲 =
a ⳵␺
i − Ni
⳵y a =
冉 a k j ⳵␺
i − Ni ␳a共x 兲
k =
⳵␺ ␳ k ⳵␺
⳵ xi

− Ni k 共xk,y b共x j兲兲
where the anchor ␳ka 共7兲 induces a N-connection ␳Nki ⯐ Nai ␳ka. We can also perform a N-adapted
Clifford algebroid calculus by using the “boldface” algebroid ␳ˆ aj 共15兲 with explicit dependence on
variables y b,

␦␺ k b ⳵ ␺
⳵ xi
共x ,y 兲 = i − Nai ea␺ =
⳵ xi
冉 ⳵␺
− Nai ␳ˆ ka k =
⳵␺ ␳ k ⳵␺
⳵ xi
− N̂i k

for ␳N̂ki = Nai ␳ˆ ka. Such anchoring of partial/N-elongated derivatives has to be considered for the
canonical d-connection L̂ijk and B̂bc a

2. Dirac d-operators
We consider a vector bundle E on an N-anholonomic manifold M 共with two compatible
N-connections defined as h- and v-splittings of TE and TM兲兲. A d-connection

D:Sec⬁共E兲 → Sec⬁共E兲 丢 ⍀1共M兲

preserves by parallelism splitting of the tangent total and base spaces and satisfy the Leibniz

D共f ␴兲 = f共D␴兲 + ␦ f 丢 ␴
for any f 苸 C⬁共M兲, and ␴ 苸 Sec⬁共E兲 and ␦ defining an N-adapted exterior calculus by using
N-elongated operators 共3兲 and 共2兲 which emphasize d-forms instead of usual forms on M, with the
coefficients taking values in E.
The metricity and Leibniz conditions for D are written, respectively,

g共DX,Y兲 + g共X,DY兲 = ␦关g共X,Y兲兴, 共52兲

for any X , Y 苸 ␹共M兲, and

D共␴␤兲 ⬟ D共␴兲␤ + ␴D共␤兲, 共53兲

for any ␴ , ␤ 苸 Sec⬁共E兲.
For local computations, we may define the corresponding coefficients of the geometric
d-objects and write
␣ˇ ␣ˇ ␣ˇ
D␴␤ˇ ⬟ ⌫␤ˇ ␮␴␣ˇ 丢 ␦u␮ = ⌫␤ˇ i␴␣ˇ 丢 dxi + ⌫␤ˇ a␴␣ˇ 丢 ␦y a ,

where fiber “inverse-caret” indices, in their turn, may split ␣ˇ ⬟ 共ǐ , ǎ兲 if any N-connection structure
is defined on TE. For some constructions of particular interest, we can take E = T*V , = T*V共g兲

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and/or any Clifford d-algebra E = Cl共V兲 , Cl共V共g兲兲 , . . . with a corresponding treating of “acute” in-
dices to d-tensor and/or d-spinor type as well when the d-operator D transforms into respective
d-connection D and spin d-connections ⵜ ˆ S 共49兲, ⵜˆ 共g兲 . . . . All such, adapted to the N-connections,
computations are similar for both N-anholonomic 共co兲 vector and spinor bundles.
The respective actions of the Clifford d-algebra and the Clifford-Lagrange algebra can be
transformed into maps Sec⬁共S兲 丢 Sec共Cl共V兲兲 and Sec⬁共S共g兲兲 丢 Sec共Cl共V共g兲兲兲 to Sec⬁共S兲 and, re-
spectively, Sec⬁共S共g兲兲 by considering maps of type 共39兲 and 共45兲

ĉ共␺˘ 丢 a兲 ⯐ c共a兲␺˘ , ĉ共␺ 丢 a兲 ⯐ c共a兲␺ .

Definition 3.1: The Dirac d-operator 共or Dirac N-anholonomic operator兲 on a spin
N-anholonomic manifold 共V , S , J兲 共or on a spin manifold 共M 共g兲 , S共g兲 , J兲兲 is defined

D ⯐ − i共ĉ ⴰ ⵜS兲

=共 −D = − i共 −ĉ ⴰ −ⵜS兲, 쐓D = − i共 쐓ĉ ⴰ 쐓ⵜS兲兲 共54兲

共 共g兲D ⯐ − i共ĉ ⴰ ⵜ共g兲兲兲

=共共g兲 −D = − i共 −ĉ ⴰ −ⵜ共g兲兲, 共g兲 D = − i共 쐓ĉ ⴰ 쐓ⵜ共g兲兲兲. 共55兲

Such N-adapted Dirac d-operators are called canonical and denoted D̂ = 共 −D̂ , −쐓D̂兲 共共g兲 共g兲D̂

= 共共g兲 −D̂ , 共g兲 D̂兲兲 if they are defined for the canonical d-connection and respective spin d-connection
Now we can formulate the
Theorem 3.1: Let 共V , S , J兲 共共M 共g兲 , S共g兲 , J兲 be a spin N-anholonomic manifold. There is the
canonical Dirac d-operator 共Dirac N-anholonomic operator兲 defined by the almost Hermitian
spin d-operator

ˆ S:Sec⬁共S兲 → Sec⬁共S兲 丢 ⍀1共V兲

共N-anholonomic spin operator

ˆ 共g兲:Sec⬁共S 兲 → Sec⬁共S 兲 丢 ⍀1共M 兲

ⵜ 共g兲 共g兲 共g兲

commuting with J and satisfying the conditions

ˆ S␺˘ 兩␾
共ⵜ ˘ 兲 = ␦共␺˘ 兩␾
˘ 兲 + 共␺˘ 兩ⵜˆ S␾ ˘兲 共56兲

ˆ S共c共a兲␺˘ 兲 = c共D̂a兲␺˘ + c共a兲ⵜ

ⵜ ˆ S␺˘

for a 苸 Cl共V兲 and ␺˘ 苸 Sec⬁共S兲,

共共ⵜ ˘ 兲 + 共␺˘ 兩ⵜˆ 共g兲␾

ˆ 共g兲␺˘ 兩␾ ˘ 兲 = ␦共␺˘ 兩␾
˘兲 共57兲

ˆ 共g兲共c共a兲␺˘ 兲 = c共D̂a兲␺˘ + c共a兲ⵜ

ⵜ ˆ 共g兲␺˘

for a 苸 Cl共M 共g兲兲 and ␺˘ 苸 Sec⬁共S共g兲兲 determined by the metricity 共52兲 and Leibnitz 共53兲

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Proof: We sketch the main idea of such a proof being similar to that given in Ref. 24, Theorem
9.8, for the Levi-Civita connection, see also Ref. 25. In our case, we have to extend the construc-
tions for d-metrics and canonical d-connections by applying N-elongated operators for differen-
tials and partial derivatives and distinguishing the formulas into h- and v-irreducible components.

The canonical Dirac d-operator has very similar properties for spin N-anholonomic manifolds
and spin Lagrange, or Finsler spaces.11–13,7

B. Field equations on N-anholonomic manifolds

The general idea is to formulate such equations with respect to a nonholonomic frame on
共pseudo兲 Riemann–Cartan space. Then the constructions are N-adapted by considering
N-elongated frames. For Lie/Clifford N-algebroid structures, we have to anchor the formulas.

1. Scalar field on N-anholonomic manifolds

Let ␸共u兲 = 共␸1共u兲 , ␸2共u兲 ; . . . , ␸k共u兲兲 be a complex k-component scalar field of mass ␮ on a
N-anholonomic manifold V. The d-covariant generalization of the conformally invariant 共in the
massless case兲 scalar field equation19,20 can be defined by using the d’Alambert operator 䊐
= D␣D␣, where D␣ is a metric compatible d-connection,

冉 䊐+
n+m−2 ឈ
4共n + m − 1兲

R + ␮2 ␸共u兲 = 0. 共58兲

We have to elongate the covariant d-operator, D̆␣ = D␣ + ieA␣, and take into account the d-vector

J␣共0兲共u兲 = i共共␸共u兲D␣␸共u兲 − D␣␸共u兲兲␸共u兲兲

if there are considered interactions with the electromagnetic field 共d-vector potential A␣兲, where e
is the electromagnetic constant, and a charged scalar field ␸. Equation 共58兲 is just the Euler
equations for the Lagrangian

L共0兲共u兲 = 冑兩g兩 g␣␤e␣␸共u兲e␤␸共u兲 − ␮2 + 冉 n+m−2
4共n + m − 1兲

␸共u兲␸共u兲 , 册 共59兲

where 兩g 兩 = det兩 g␣␤兩 and e␣ is defined by 共3兲, and must be anchored for Lie algebroid structures.
The N-adapted variations of the action with Lagrangian 共59兲 on variables ␸共u兲 and ␸共u兲 lead
to the energy-momentum d-tensor,

共0,c兲 1 共0兲
共u兲 = e␣␸共u兲e␤␸共u兲 + e␤␸共u兲e␣␸共u兲 −
冑兩g兩 g␣␤L 共u兲, 共60兲

and a similar variation on the components of a d-metric 共1兲 leads to a symmetric energy-
momentum d-tensor,

共0兲 n+m−2
E␣␤ 共u兲 = E共共0,c兲
␣␤兲共u兲 − 关R共␣␤兲 + D共␣D␤兲 − g␣␤ 䊐 兴␸共u兲␸共u兲. 共61兲
2共n + m − 1兲
We also conclude that the N-connection results in a nonequivalence of energy–momentum
d-tensors 共60兲 and 共61兲, nonsymmetry of the Ricci tensor, non-vanishing of the d-covariant deri-
ឈ ␣␤ ⫽ 0 and, in consequence, a corresponding modification of
vation of the Einstein d-tensor, D␣G
conservation laws on N-anholonomic manifolds.27

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2. Proca equations
Let us consider a d-vector field ␸␣共u兲 with mass ␮2 共Proca field兲 interacting with exterior
gravitational field. From the Lagrangian

L共1兲共u兲 = 冑兩g兩关− 21 f ␣␤共u兲f ␣␤共u兲 + ␮2␸␣共u兲␸␣共u兲兴 , 共62兲


f ␣␤ = D␣␸␤ − D␤␸␣ ,
one follows the Proca equations on N-anholonomic manifolds

D␣ f ␣␤共u兲 + ␮2␸␤共u兲 = 0. 共63兲

Equation 共63兲 transforms into a first type constraints for ␤ = 0. Acting with D␣ on 共63兲, for ␮
⫽ 0 we obtain second type constraints

D␣␸␣共u兲 = 0. 共64兲
Putting 共64兲 into 共63兲 we obtain second-order field equations with respect to ␸␣:

䊐 ␸␣共u兲 + R␣␤␸␤共u兲 + ␮2␸␣共u兲 = 0. 共65兲

Anchoring of derivatives has to be considered for the operators D␣ and 共as a consequence兲 for 䊐
and R␣␤. The energy-momentum d-tensor and d-vector current following from the 共65兲 can be

共1兲 g␣␤
共u兲 = − g␧␶共f ␤␶ f ␣␧ + f ␣␧ f ␤␶兲 + ␮2共␸␣␸␤ + ␸␤␸␣兲 − 共1兲
冑兩g兩 L 共u兲.


J␣共1兲共u兲 = i共f ␣␤共u兲␸␤共u兲 − ␸␤共u兲f ␣␤共u兲兲.

For ␮ = 0 the d-tensor f ␣␤ and the Lagrangian 共62兲 are invariant with respect to gauge trans-
forms of type

␸␣共u兲 → ␸␣共u兲 + ␦␣⌳共u兲,

where ⌳共u兲 is a d-differentiable scalar function, and we obtain a variant of Maxwell theory on
N-anholonomic manifolds.

3. Gravitons N-anholonomic backgrounds

Let us consider a massless d-tensor field q␣␤共u兲 as a small perturbation of the d-metric g␣␤共u兲.
Considering, for simplicity, a torsionless background we have the Fierz–Pauli equations

䊐q␣␤共u兲 + 2R␶␣␤␯共u兲q␶␯共u兲 = 0 共66兲

and d-gauge conditions

D␣q␤␣共u兲 = 0, q共u兲 ⬅ q␤␣共u兲 = 0, 共67兲

where R␶␣␤␯共u兲 is curvature d-tensor 共these formulas can be obtained by using a perturbation
formalism with respect to q␣␤共u兲; in our case we must take into account the distinguishing of
geometrical objects.
We note that we can rewrite d-tensor formulas 共58兲–共67兲 into similar d-spinor ones by con-
sidering spinor variables.

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4. N-anholonomic Dirac equation

Let us denote the Dirac d-spinor field by ␺共u兲 = 共␺␣´ 共u兲兲 and consider as the generalized
Lorentz transforms the group of automorphysm of the metric g␣ˆ ␤ˆ 共for a N-adapted frame decom-
position of d-metric兲. The d-covariant derivation of field ␺共u兲 is written as

␣ 关
␣ 4 ␣␤␥ ␣ 兴
ជ ␺ = e + 1 C ˆ ˆ ˆ 共u兲l␣ˆ 共u兲␥␤ˆ ␥␥ˆ ␺ ,
䉮 共68兲
where coefficients C␣ˆ ␤ˆ ␥ˆ = 共D␥l␣␣ˆ 兲l␤ˆ ␣l␥␥ˆ generalize for N-anholonomic spaces the corresponding
Ricci coefficients on Riemannian spaces. Using ␥-objects ␥␣共u兲 共see 共19兲兲, we define the Dirac
equations on N-anholonomic manifolds:

ជ − ␮兲␺ = 0,
共i␥␣共u兲䉮 共69兲

which are the Euler equations for the Lagrangian

L共1/2兲共u兲 = 冑兩g兩兵关␺+共u兲␥␣共u兲䉮
ជ ␺共u兲 − 共䉮

ជ ␺+共u兲兲␥␣共u兲␺共u兲兴 − ␮␺+共u兲␺共u兲其,
␣ 共70兲
where ␺ 共u兲 is the complex conjugation and transposition of the column ␺共u兲. We have to con-

sider anchoring of the operator ជ

䉮␣ on the N-anholonomic manifolds.
From 共70兲, we obtain the d-metric energy-momentum d-tensor

共1/2兲 i ជ ␺共u兲 + ␺+共u兲␥ 共u兲䉮

ជ ␺共u兲 − 共䉮
ជ ␺+共u兲兲␥ 共u兲␺共u兲
E␣␤ 共u兲 = 关␺+共u兲␥␣共u兲䉮 ␤ ␤ ␣ ␣ ␤
ជ ␺+共u兲兲␥ 共u兲␺共u兲兴
− 共䉮 ␤ ␣

and the d-vector source

J␣共1/2兲共u兲 = ␺+共u兲␥␣共u兲␺共u兲.
We emphasize that interactions with exterior gauge fields can be introduced by changing the
locally anisotropic partial derivation from 共68兲 in this manner:

e␣ → e␣ + ie쐓B␣ , 共71兲
where e쐓 and B␣ are, respectively, the constant and the d-vector potential of gauge fields.

5. Yang–Mills equations in d-spinor form

We consider a vector bundle BE , ␲B : B → V on V. Additionally to the d-tensor and d-spinor
indices, we use capital Greek letters, ⌽ , ⌼ , ⌶ , ⌿ , . . . for fiber 共of this bundle兲 indices 共see details
in Refs. 19 and 20兲. Let 䉮␣ be, for simplicity, a torsionless, linear connection in BE satisfying

䉮 ␣:⌼⌰ → ⌼␣⌰关or⌶⌰ → ⌶␣⌰兴,

䉮 ␣共␭⌰ + ␯⌰兲 = 䉮 ␣␭⌰ + 䉮 ␣␯⌰ ,

䉮 ␣共f␭⌰兲 = ␭⌰䉮 ␣ f + f䉮 ␣␭⌰, f 苸 ⌼⌰关or⌶⌰兴,

where by ⌼⌰共⌶⌰兲 we denote the module of sections of the real 共complex兲 v-bundle BE provided
with the abstract index ⌰. The curvature of connection 䉮␣ is defined as

K␣␤⍀⌰␭⍀ = 共䉮 ␣䉮 ␤ − 䉮 ␤䉮 ␣兲␭⌰ .

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For Yang–Mills fields, as a rule, one considers that BE is enabled with a unitary 共complex兲
structure 共complex conjugation changes mutually the upper and lower Greek indices兲. It is useful
to introduce instead of K␣␤⍀⌰ a Hermitian matrix F␣␤⍀⌰ = i K␣␤⍀⌰ connected with components of
the Yang–Mills d-vector potential B␣⌶⌽ according the formula:

F␣␤⌶⌽ = 䉮 关␣B␤⌶⌽ − iB关⌽␣兩⌳兩B␤⌶⌳ , 共72兲
where the spacetime indices commute with capital Greek indices. The gauge transforms are
written in the form:

B␣⌰⌽ 哫 B␣⌰ˆ ⌽̂ = B␣⌽⌰s⌽
q⌰ˆ + is⌽̂ ˆ⌰
⌰䉮 ␣q ⌰ ,

F␣␤⌶⌽ 哫 F␣␤⌶̂⌽̂ = F␣␤⌶⌽s⌽ q⌶̂⌶ ,
⌽̂ ⌶
where matrices s⌽ and q⌶̂ are mutually inverse 共Hermitian conjugated in the unitary case兲. The
Yang–Mills d-equations are written

䉮 ␣F␣␤⌰⌿ = J␤⌰⌿ , 共73兲

䉮 关␣F␤␥⌰⌶ = 0. 共74兲
We must introduce deformations of connection of type, 䉮␣쐓 − → 䉮␣ + P␣, 共the deformation d-tensor
P␣ is induced by the torsion in the vector bundle BE兲 into the definition of the curvature of gauge
fields 共72兲 and motion equations 共73兲 and 共74兲 if the interactions are considered for nontrivial


In this work we formulated a spinor approach to the geometry of nonholonomic spacetimes
and classical field interactions with constraints possessing Lie algebroid symmetry. Such geomet-
ric constructions are performed for a special case of nonholonomic distributions defining nonlinear
connection 共N-connection兲 structures resulting in preferred classes of vielbein 共frame兲 systems of
reference. The main goals we have achieved are the following:
共1兲 We gave an intrinsic formulation of the geometry of Clifford N-anholonomic structures.
In addition, we investigated the N-anholonomic spin structures 共i.e., spinor nonholonomic
spaces with associated N-connection兲.
共2兲 We defined and analyzed the main properties of the Dirac operator on N-anholonomic
manifolds. We showed how the formulas may be “anchored” in order to be considered on
spacetimes with Lie/ Clifford algebroid symmetries.
共3兲 We formulated a geometric approach to field equations on N-anholonomic manifolds.
There were considered the examples of scalar, Proca, graviton, spinor and gauge filed
interactions when the formulas have a straightforward redefinition on Lie/Clifford
N-algebroids 共i.e., spacetimes with algebroid symmetries and nonholonomic

Among the subjects we will study in forthcoming papers, we note the following points:
• To construct exact solutions of the gravitational field equations in string gravity with
nontrivial limits to general relativity, parametrized by generic off-diagonal metrics and
nonholonomic frames and possessing Lie algebroid symmetries 共the first examples of
“gravitational” algebroids were analyzed in Ref. 2兲.

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093504-20 Sergiu I. Vacaru J. Math. Phys. 47, 093504 共2006兲

• Certain extension of the metrics to configurations defining solutions of the Einstein–Dirac

equations will be considered. We shall analyze the symmetries of such spacetimes and
possible physical applications in modern gravity.
• In explicit form, we shall construct nonholonomically deformed metrics, with algebroid
symmetries, describing locally anisotropic cosmological models, black holes, anholo-
nomic wormholes, solitons, and gravitational monopoles and instantons.
• To make a detailed investigation of classical field theories and their quantum deformations
possessing nontrivial noncommutative symmetries and possible Lie/ Clifford algebroid

Finally, we note that the method of anholonomic frames with associated N-connection struc-
ture elaborated in Finsler geometry and further, in our works, applied to constructing exact solu-
tions in gravity was applied in this paper for a study of Dirac operators on nonholonomic mani-
folds possessing Lie algebroid symmetry. The constructions can be extended for spacetimes with
uncompactified extra dimensions and such investigations are regarded as interesting research in
modern physics and noncommutative geometry.


The author is grateful to the referee for hard work and constructive critics.
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