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Lecture 23

Angular Momentum Eigenstates

November 29, 2010

Lecture 23
Angular Momentum Operators

Generators of rotations must satisfy:

[Jˆi, Jˆj ] = ih̄ijk Jˆk

Jˆ2 = Jˆx2 + Jˆy2 + Jˆz2 [Jˆ2, Jˆi] = 0

⇒ can find simultaneous eigenstates of Jˆ2 and Jˆz

Jˆ2 |j, mi = α(j) |j, mi Jˆz |j, mi = mh̄ |j, mi

Define: Jˆ± = Jˆx ± iJˆy

[Jˆz , Jˆ±] = ±h̄Jˆ± [Jˆ2, Jˆ±] = 0

⇒ Jˆ± |j, mi = C±(j, m) |j, m ± 1i

Jˆ+ raises and Jˆ− lowers the eigenstate to one

with the same Jˆ2 eigenvalue but with the Jˆz
eigenvalue higher or lower by one unit of h̄.

Lecture 23 1
Angular Momentum Eigenvalues

Jˆz2 |j, mi = Jˆ2 |j, mi − Jˆx2 |j, mi − Jˆy2 |j, mi

⇒ m2h̄2 ≤ α(j)

The raising (lowering) doesn’t just keep going

but for a given j there is a maximum
(minimum) value of m.

Jˆ+ |j, mmaxi = 0 Jˆ− |j, mmini = 0

Lecture 23 2
Constraints on Values of m

Jˆ∓Jˆ± = (Jˆx ∓ iJˆy )(Jˆx ± iJˆy )

= Jˆx2 + Jˆy2 ± i[Jˆx, Jˆy ] = Jˆ2 − Jˆz2 ∓ h̄Jˆz

Jˆ2 = Jˆz2 ± h̄Jˆz + Jˆ∓Jˆ±

Jˆ−Jˆ+ |j, mmaxi = 0

⇒ Jˆ2 |j, mmaxi = mmax(mmax + 1)h̄2 |j, mmaxi

Jˆ+Jˆ− |j, mmini = 0

⇒ Jˆ2 |j, mmini = mmin(mmin + 1)h̄2 |j, mmini

mmin = − mmax j ≡ mmax

⇒ α(j) = j(j + 1)h̄2

⇒ Jˆ2 |j, mi = j(j + 1)h̄2 |j, mi

Lecture 23 3
j Multiplets

mmax − mmin = n where n is an integer

⇒ j = n/2

j m
0 0
1/2 -1/2, 1/2
1 -1, 0, 1
3/2 -3/2, -1/2, 1/2, 3/2
· ·
· ·
· ·

Since [Jˆ2, Jˆx] = [Jˆ2, Jˆy ] = [Jˆ2, Jˆz ] = 0

j is invariant under rotations

Rotations just mix states of different m without

changing j.

For a given j, the operators Jˆx, Jˆy , Jˆz and Jˆ2 will be
represented by matrices of dimension 2j + 1.

Lecture 23 4
Some Operator Relations

hjm|Jˆ∓Jˆ±|jmi = |C±(j, m)|2

hjm|(Jˆ2 − Jˆz2 ∓ h̄Jˆz )|jmi = |C±(j, m)|2

j(j + 1) − m ∓ m h̄ = |C±(j, m)|2

⇒ C±(j, m) = h̄ j(j + 1) − m2 ∓ m
= h̄ (j ∓ m)(j ± m − 1)

⇒ J±|jmi = h̄ (j ∓ m)(j ± m − 1) |j, m ± 1i

1 ˆ 1 ˆ
Jx = (J+ + Jˆ−)
ˆ ˆ
Jy = (J+ − Jˆ−)
2 2i

This leads to the following matrix elements for

Jˆx, Jˆy , Jˆz and Jˆ2

Lecture 23 5
Matrix Elements

h̄ hp
hjm |Jˆx|jmi =
(j − m)(j + m + 1) δm0,m+1
p i
+ (j + m)(j − m + 1) δm0,m−1

ih̄ hp
hjm0|Jˆy |jmi = − (j − m)(j + m + 1) δm0,m+1
p i
− (j + m)(j − m + 1) δm0,m−1

hjm0|Jˆz |jmi = mh̄ δm0,m

hjm0|Jˆ2|jmi = j(j + 1)h̄2 δm0,m

Lecture 23 6
Cases of j = 1/2 and j = 1

For j = 1/2 we have:

h̄ 0 1 h̄ 0 −i
Jx = Jy =
2 1 0 2 i 0
h̄ 1 0 3 2 1 0
Jz = J2 = h̄
2 0 −1 4 0 1

For j = 1 we have:
  
0 1 0 0 −i 0
h̄  h̄ 
Jx = √ 1 0 1 Jy = √ i 0 −i
2 0 1 0 2 0 i 0
   
1 0 0 1 0 0
Jz = h̄ 0 0 0  J2 = 2h̄ 0 1 0
0 0 −1 0 0 1

For j = 3/2 you will do for homework:

Lecture 23 7
Matrix Representation of Rotation
Transformation Operators

For infinitesimal transformations

i ˆ
Û [R(n̂)] = I − n̂ · J~

it is straightforward to get the matrix
representation of Û [R(n̂)] in a particular
basis. Simply substitute in the matrix
representation of J~ for that basis in the above

But, the case for finite rotations requires more

∞  k  k 1
X −iθ ˆ
Û [R(θn̂)] = e −iθn̂·J/h̄
= n̂ · J~
h̄ k!

Given a particular value of j, we need to

determine this expression.

For a particular value of j, rotation matrices

are defined as:

D(j)(θn̂) ≡ Û [R(θn̂)]

Lecture 23 8
Rotation Matrices for j = 1/2

One can rather easily show that:


D(1/2)(θn̂) = cos(θ/2)I − i n̂ · J~ sin(θ/2)

we will do that next semester after we study the
Pauli matrices. For now define:
0 1 0 −i 1 0
σx = σy = σz =
1 0 i 0 0 −1

D(1/2)(θn̂) = cos(θ/2)I − i (n̂ · σ) sin(θ/2)

cos(θ/2) −i sin(θ/2)
D (θî) =
−i sin(θ/2) cos(θ/2)

cos(θ/2) − sin(θ/2)
D(1/2)(θĵ) =
sin(θ/2) cos(θ/2)

e 0
D (θk̂) =
0 eiθ/2

Lecture 23 9
Rotation Matrices for j = 1

You will show in homework that:

D(1)(θî) = I − i (Jx/h̄) sin θ + (Jx/h̄) (cos θ−1)

 √ 
(1 + cos θ) −i 2 sin θ (cos θ − 1)
1  √ √ 
D(1)(θî) = −i 2 sin θ 2 cos θ −i 2 sin θ
 
2 √ 
(cos θ − 1) −i 2 sin θ (1 + cos θ)

 √ 
(1 + cos θ) − 2 sin θ (1 − cos θ)
1  √ √ 
D(1)(θĵ) =  2 sin θ 2 cos θ − 2 sin θ 
 
2 √ 
(1 − cos θ) 2 sin θ (1 + cos θ)

 
e 0 0
D(1)(θk̂) =  0 1 0
 

0 0 eiθ

Lecture 23 10
Spherically Symmetric Potential

If the potential energy is spherically symmetric

then the Hamiltonian

Ĥ = + V (r)

is invariant under rotations

[Ĥ, L̂i] = 0

That means that we find states that are

simultaneously eigenstates of Ĥ, L̂2, and L̂z

Ĥ|E, l, mi = E|E, l, mi

L̂2|E, l, mi = l(l + 1)h̄2|E, l, mi

L̂z |E, l, mi = mh̄|E, l, mi

Now we want to find the wave functions

uElm(r, θ, φ) = hr, θ, φ|E, l, mi

that correspond to these states.

Lecture 23 11
Orbital Angular Momentum Operators in
Spherical Coordinates

~ˆ = ~rˆ × p~ˆ

In position-basis we have:
h~r|L|ψi ~ ψ(~r)
= −ih̄ ~r × ∇

For spherical coordinates:

x = r sin θ cos φ y = r sin θ sin φ z = r cos θ

~ = ∂ r̂ + 1 ∂ θ̂ + 1

∂r r ∂θ r sin θ ∂φ

~ˆ ∂ 1 ∂
hr, θ, φ|L|ψi = −ih̄ φ̂ − θ̂ ψ(r, θ, φ)
∂θ sin θ ∂φ

hr, θ, φ|L̂x|ψi = hr, θ, φ|x̂ · L|ψi

hr, θ, φ|L̂y |ψi = hr, θ, φ|ŷ · L|ψi

hr, θ, φ|L̂z |ψi = hr, θ, φ|ẑ · L|ψi

Lecture 23 12
Orbital Angular Momentum Operators in
Spherical Coordinates (cont.)

~ = cos φ sin θ r̂ + cos φ cos θ θ̂ − sin φ φ̂

x̂ = ∇x

~ = sin φ sin θ r̂ + sin φ cos θ θ̂ + cos φ φ̂

ŷ = ∇y

~ = cos θ r̂ − sin θ θ̂
ẑ = ∇z

∂ ∂
hr, θ, φ|L̂x|ψi = −ih̄ − cot θ cos φ − sin φ ψ(r, θ, φ)
∂φ ∂θ
∂ ∂
hr, θ, φ|L̂y |ψi = −ih̄ − cot θ sin φ + cos φ ψ(r, θ, φ)
∂φ ∂θ

hr, θ, φ|L̂z |ψi = −ih̄ ψ(r, θ, φ)

b2 = L
L b 2x + L
b 2y + L
b 2z

1 ∂ ∂ 1 ∂
hr, θ, φ|L̂2|ψi = −h̄2 sin θ + 2 ∂φ2 ψ(r, θ, φ)
sin θ ∂θ ∂θ sin θ

Lecture 23 13
Orbital Angular Momentum Eigenstates

Since L̂z and L̂2 depend only on θ and φ

while the spherically symmetric Hamiltonian is
independent of angle, we can separate out the
angular dependent part of the wave function.

ψElm(r, θ, φ) = REl(r)Ylm(θ, φ)

where Ylm(θ, φ) is the angular part of the wave

function Ylm(θ, φ) = hθ, φ|lmi

We get the φ dependence from:

∂ m
−ih̄ Yl (θ, φ) = mh̄Ylm(θ, φ)

Ylm(θ, φ) = Plm(θ)eimφ

Lecture 23 14

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