Linis 2014-BiogeographyofBicolandCatanduanesmosses

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Philippine Journal of Science

142: 119-133, Special Issue

ISSN 0031 - 7683
Date Received: ?? ???????? 2013

Biogeographical Notes on the Moss Floras of

Bicol Peninsula in Luzon and
the Catanduanes Islands, The Philippines

Virgilio C. Linis

Philippine National Herbarium, Botany Division, National

Museum, Ermita 1000, Manila, Philippines

Substantial moss collections have been made in Bicol peninsula and neighbouring Catanduanes
Island, which form a special focus in the southeastern part of Luzon, the Philippines’ largest
island. Moss diversity in the study area has now increased to 124 genera and 292 species. As
expected, the moss flora has a predominant Luzon character, wherein about 34 species (11.64%)
are restricted to Luzon, while about 18 species (6.16%) are new to the study area. Three
species: Phyllodon lingulatus (Cardot) W. R. Buck, Aerobryopsis leptosigmata (Müll. Hal. ex
Broth. & Geh.) M. Fleisch., and Calyptothecium squarrosulum Nog. & B. C. Tan are restricted
to the study area, while one species, Acroporium convolutum (Bosch & Sande Lac.) M. Fleisch.,
previously reported for the Philippines but without a documented locality, is reported here
with a locality information. Calymperes couguiense Besch., Leptotrichella sumatrana (Dixon)
Ochyra, Papillidiopsis macrosticta (Broth. & Paris) W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan, Physcomitrium
sphaericum (C. F. Ludw.) Fürnr., and Sematophyllum phoeniceum (Müll. Hal.) M. Fleisch. are
new Philippine records.

Key Words: Biogeography, moss flora, Bicol Peninsula, Catanduanes Island, Kroeber’s % of similarity,
floristic affinity, Sierra Madre Range, Cordillera Range, Palawan.

Introduction lying areas have already been converted to agriculture

and are characterized by a mosaic of rice fields, coffee,
Bicol Peninsula, together with Catanduanes Island, lies in Manila hemp and coconut plantations, pastures and
the southeastern part of Luzon Island in the Philippines areas planted with a variety of crops surrounding houses.
between 11° 30’ and 14° 20’ N and 122° 20’ and 124° 30’ Towards moderate to high areas however, remaining forest
E (Fig. 1). This territory spreads over an area of about fragments persist which include mostly old secondary
14,900 km2 and from sea level to slightly over 2400 m in lowland mixed dipterocarp forest and the lower and upper
elevation. Much of the region is mountainous, dominated montane forests that still support remarkable biodiversity,
by volcanoes and tablelands. The main topographic including a rich bryophyte flora, such as mosses and
features of the region are Mayon Volcano and Mt. Isarog, hepatics. Nevertheless, given poor implementation of
the summits of which are 2460 m and 1966 m above sea conservation interventions, these forest fragments in the
levels, respectively (Encyclopedia Brittanica 2010). region remain under threat.
The region has not been spared from massive habitat Interestingly, the earliest known bryophyte collection from
destruction and forest fragmentation. Most of its low- the region was a liverwort taken by Prof. C. Presl from a
Corresponding Author: verlinis@yahoo.comjajdjfd
leaf of a tree specimen collected from the southern end of

Philippine Journal of Science Linis VC: Biogeographical notes on the moss floras of
Vol. 142: Special Issue Bicol Peninsula in Luzon

Figure 1. Bicol Peninsula, together with Catanduanes Island, lies in the southeastern part of Luzon
Island in the Philippines between 11° 30’ and 14° 20’ N and 122° 20’ and 124° 30’ E.

the Bicol Peninsula (Sorsogon Province) which Lehman Stratigraphy, Geology and Climate
and Lindenberg described in 1833 as Jungermannia Geologists divided Bicol Peninsula and its outlying islands
floccosa (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffn. (= Cololejeunea into two stratigraphic groupings, namely the Ancient
floccosa; see Tan and Engel 1986) (Tan and Iwatsuki Southeastern Luzon Arc and Recent Southeastern Luzon
1991). It was only at the start of 20th century during the Arc (PHILVOCS 1988). The ancient arc consists mainly
period of American occupation that mosses were first of non-volcanic material, such as ophiolitic complexes
widely collected from this peninsula. V. F. Brotherus, in and metamorphosed rocks which are very much varied
two of his series of publications (1918, 1926), for instance, in composition. Considered post Jurassic (BMG 1982),
reported several species of mosses from Catanduanes the age of most of the old rocks in this arc is relatively
Island and several locations in Bicol Peninsula, collected poorly known, though some authors reported the presence
mainly by M. Ramos. Later, E. B. Bartram (1939) of metamorphosed rocks of Eocene age in the area (Geary
described about 58 species of mosses in 38 genera and et al. 1988; David 1994). In addition, the origin of these
22 families occurring in the region. In 1991, Tan and rocks is still the subject of controversy with regards to
Iwatsuki published a new checklist of Philippine moss the mechanism of their emplacement. However, Aurelio
records increasing the number of moss taxa occurring in (1996) in his review of Dewey’s 1976 ophiolite formation
the region to 116 species in 54 genera and 25 families. included the processes of accretion, obduction and
jamming in collision areas as possible causes.

Philippine Journal of Science Linis VC: Biogeographical notes on the moss floras of
Vol. 142: Special Issue Bicol Peninsula in Luzon

The recent arc, on the other hand, includes the Bicol Published information dealing with Philippines mosses
Volcanic Arc Complex consisting of active and inactive (Tan 1996, Tan & Mandia 2001, Linis 2009, Linis 2004),
volcanoes and volcanic centers that are disposed along South East Asian mosses including Philippine specimens
a northwest trending belt in the Bicol Peninsula (BMG (See Akiyama & Suleiman 2001, Arts 2001, Eddy 1988,
1982). These volcanoes and volcanic centers are formed 1990, 1996, Ellis & Tan 1999, Enroth 1994, Hofmann
from the outpouring of lavas and other volcanic ejecta 1998, Li 1985, Tan & Jia 1999, Tan and Robinson 1990,
that were produced as a result of partial melting of the Yamaguchi 1993, Touw 2001), as well as the unpublished
subducting slab of the Philippine Sea Plate along the data from 2004 to 2010, were used by the author to
Philippine Trench east of the peninsula. Volcanism in the assign each species recorded from Bicol Peninsula and
arc could have commenced in the early Pliocene (MGB Catanduanes Island to a specific distribution pattern within
2004) and continues to the present time. the Philippines (see Table 2). This updated information
was used to compare and analyze the floristic affinity of
The climate in Bicol Peninsula and adjoining islands mosses found in the Bicol Biogeographic Region with
belong to second and fourth types (Bicol Peninsula 2010). neighbouring biogeographic regions (Merill 1947, Tan
The second type, which prevails in Catanduanes Island 1996) in the Philippines. Kroeber’s index (% K = C
and along the northeast, east and southern portions of (A+B) / AB x 100, where A = number of taxa in the first
Bicol Peninsula, is characterized by a very pronounced area, B = number of taxa in the second area, C = number
maximum rainfall (November-January) and has no dry of shared taxa) is used for computing the percentage of
season. The fourth type where seasons are not very similarity between pairs of areas, both at the generic and
pronounced is prevalent along the western side of Bicol species levels.
Peninsula. This climate type is relatively dry from
November to April and wet during the rest of the year.
On the average, the region receives an annual rainfall of
3,013 mm with a normal average year-round temperature
of 27.4°C to 29.6°C.

The diversity of mosses of Bicol Peninsula

Only a handful scattered past publications included a brief
Methodology mention of mosses from the Bicol peninsula (Bartram
1939, Tan & Iwatsuki 1991). Also, many of the early
Between 2004 and 2010, the author carried out several collections made in the peninsula came mainly from
expeditions to Bicol Peninsula and Catanduanes Island to Mt. Bulusan, Mt. Mayon and Mt. Isarog. Many areas
update information on the region’s moss diversity. During in the peninsula have received little or no bryological
these expeditions, a substantial number of mosses was investigation so far. However, with new collections made
collected from different localities (Table 1) which resulted in recent years, the author has been able to increase the
in the discovery of some species not yet reported in the total number of mosses known from Bicol from 116
region. Voucher specimens of the collections made by the species in 54 genera (Tan & Iwatsuki 1991) to 292 species
author are deposited at the Philippine National Herbarium in 124 genera (See Appendix A for the updated list of Bicol
(PNH) in Manila. Peninsula mosses).

Table 1. List of collection localities in Bicol peninsula and Catanduanes Island.

Locality No. Description
1 Mixed agricultural and grassland near Brgy. Potot, Labo, Camarines Norte; alt. 276 – 387 ft; 14°12’ N, 122° 24’ E.
2 In secondary lowland forest along slope facing east of Mt. Cadig, Brgy. Tangkawayan, Quezon; alt. 685 – 1437 ft; 14°10’ N,
122° 25’ E.
3 Mixed agricultural land alongside road at Brgy. Malankaw, Bansid, Labo, Camarines Norte; alt. 537 ft.; 14°11’ N, 122° 39’ E.

4 In secondary lowland forest on slope facing west of Mt. Bacacay, Camarines Norte; alt. 750 - 1360 ft; 14°13’ N, 122° 48’ E.

5 Along edge of mangrove thicket near shoreline in Brgy. Aguit-it, Vinzon, Camarines Norte; alt. 2 m; 14°15’ N, 122° 53’ E.

6 Within mixed residual lowland forest and agricultural land in So. Kalantiaw, Brgy. Tulay na Lupa, Labo, Camarines Norte; alt.
650 – 1000 ft; 14°3’ N, 122° 47’ E.
7 In mixed residual lowland forest and agricultural land near Del Gallego, Quezon; alt. 105 m; 13°54’ N, 122° 39’ E.

8 In Lowland to montane forests along north facing slope of Mt. Labo, Camarines Norte; alt. 2270 – 3720 ft; 14°1’ N, 122° 47’ E.
Table 1 continues next page

Philippine Journal of Science Linis VC: Biogeographical notes on the moss floras of
Vol. 142: Special Issue Bicol Peninsula in Luzon

9 Alongside secondary riverine lowland forest close to a creek in Brgy. Lugui, Labo, Camarines Norte; alt. 270 – 360 ft; 14°6’ N,
122° 49’ E.
10 In secondary lowland forest northeast of Brgy. Lalawigan, Mercedes, Camarines Norte; alt. 156 m.; 13° 57’ N, 123° 3’ E.

11 Within mixed agricultural land and human settlement area near Lupi, Camarines Sur; alt. 90 m; 13° 48’ N, 122° 53’ E.

12 Scattered trees near shoreline in Pasacao, Camarines Sur; alt. 4 m; 13° 34’ N, 123° 4’ E

13 In man-made park within human settlement area of Naga City, Camarines Sur; alt. 40 ft; 13° 38’ N, 123° 15’ E.

14 On boulders along residual riverine lowland forest in Brgy. Olag Pequeno, Tinambac, Camarines Sur; alt. 69 m; 13° 49’ N, 123° 21’ E.

15 Mixed agricultural land in Brgy. Bataan, Tamban, Camarines Sur; alt. 85 m; 13° 52’ N, 123° 23’ E.

16 Open man-made park in Tamban, Camarines Sur; alt. 155 m; 14°55’ N, 128° 24’ E.

17 In thickets near agricultural land in Brgy. Himagtuhan, Lagonoy, Camarines Sur; alt. 18 m; 13° 46’ N, 123° 30’ E.

18 In lowland forest to mossy forest along south-facing slope of Mt. Isarog, Camarines Sur; alt. 290 – 1982 m; 13°38’ N, 123° 23’ E.

19 In ultra-basic lowland to montane forests of Mt. Potianay, Saddleback Mountain Range, Camarines Sur; alt. 128 – 500 m; 13°47’
N, 123° 29’ E.
20 In scattered trees along shoreline of Brgy. Sabang, San Jose, Camarines Sur; alt. 5 m; 13° 13’ N, 123° 35’ E.

21 Residual beach forest to secondary lowland forest near Presentacion, Camarines Sur; alt. 30 – 250 m; 13° 43’ N, 123° 42’ E.

22 Within secondary karst lowland forest near Caramon, Camarines Sur; alt. 110 – 170 m; 13° 49’ N, 123° 49’ E.

23 Residual lowland forest alongside road to Guijalo, Camarines Sur; alt. 120 m; 13°45’ N, 123° 52’ E.

24 Secondary lowland forest on south-facing slope of Mt. Iriga, Camarines Sur; 240 m; 13° 27’ N, 123° 29’ E.

25 On rocks and trees along shoreline of Lake Buhi, Camarines Sur; 90 m; 13° 26’ N, 123° 31’ E.

26 Residual karst forests and mixed agricultural land near Balatan, Camarines Sur; 18 – 111 m; 13° 17’ N, 123° 14’ E.

27 In secondary lowland forest along eastern slope of Mt. Malinao near Tiwi, Albay; alt. 22 m; 13° 28’ N, 123° 39’ E.

28 In mixed agricultural, secondary lowland and montane forests of Mt. Masaraga, Ligao, Albay; alt. 411 m; 13°17’ N, 123° 35’ E.

29 In mixed agricultural land and grassland area near Talisay, Duran, Albay; alt. 250 m; 13°7’ N, 123° 22’ E.

30 Secondary montane forests along north-facing slope of Mayon Volcano; alt. 359 – 1372 m; 13°17’ N, 123° 40’ E.

31 Tree-lined park within Bicol State University, Daraga, Albay; alt. 28 m; 13° 9’ N, 123° 43’ E.

32 In agricultural land near human settlement of Brgy. Santa Fe, Pilar, Sorsogon; alt. 10 m; 12° 55’ N, 123° 37’ E.

33 On limestones and trees of residual karst lowland forest in Brgy. Abas, Pilar, Sorsogon; alt. 27 m; 12° 37’ N, 123° 40’ E.

34 Open agricultural area with scattered trees in Brgy. San Vicente, Magallanes, Sorsogon; alt. 350 ft; 12° 58’ N, 123° 49’ E.

35 In secondary montane forest of Mt. Tanawon, Brgy. Rizal, Sorsogon; alt. 672 m; 13° 1’ N, 120° 35’ E.

36 Within secondary lowland to montane forests of Bulusan Volcano, Sorsogon; alt. 539 – 1220 m; 12 ° 42’ N, 124° 2’ E.

37 Mixed agricultural land in Bulan, Sorsogon; alt. 7 m; 12°40’ N, 123° 53’ E.

38 In secondary lowland forest surrounding Bulusan Lake in Brgy. San Roque, Bulusan, Sorsogon; alt. 183 – 300 m; 12° 44’ N, 124° 5’ E.

39 On rock cliff along residual beach forest near Bulusan town, Sorsogon; alt. 3 m; 12° 47’ N, 124° 7’ E.

40 Secondary lowland forest in Brgy. Tagas, Matnog, Sorsogon; alt. 72 m; 12° 42’ N, 124° 2’ E.

41 On old walls alongside road in Matnog, Sorsogon; alt. 2 m; 13° 35’ N, 124° 5’ E.

42 In planted trees near church, Viga, Catanduanes; alt. 11 m; 13° 34’ N, 124° 13’ E.

43 Secondary lowland forest near Brgy. Bislig, San Andres, Catanduanes; alt. 245 m; 13° 39’ N, 124° 5’ E.

44 In mixed agricultural land near Brgy. Obo, San Miguel, Catanduanes; alt. 7 m; 13° 40’ N, 124° 19’ E.

45 In secondary lowland forest of Mt. Buntahya, San Miguel, Catanduanes; alt. 183 m; 13°41’ N, 124° 20’ E.

46 Secondary lowland forests adjacent to a waterfall in Mt. Summit, Viga, Catanduanes; alt. 311 m; 13° 47’ N, 124° 20’ E.

47 In mixed agricultural land near Brgy. Tambognan, Viga, Catanduanes; alt. 3 – 107 m; 13° 54’ N, 124° 22’ E.

48 On trees and rocks in woody thickets along shoreline near Brgy. Teresa, Bagamanoc, Catanduanes; alt. 2 – 9 m; 13° 57’ N, 124° 17’ E.

Philippine Journal of Science Linis VC: Biogeographical notes on the moss floras of
Vol. 142: Special Issue Bicol Peninsula in Luzon

From these new collections, five species, Calymperes Iwatsuki 1991). Until recently, the island has only scanty
couguiense Besch., Leptotrichella sumatrana (Dixon) moss collections, in spite of the fact that majority of its
Ochyra, Papillidiopsis macrosticta (Broth. & Paris) forests are disappearing at present, and has become a
W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan, Physcomitrium sphaericum fertile hunting ground for ornamental plants and mineral
(C. F. Ludw.) Fürnr., and Sematophyllum phoeniceum explorations.
(Müll. Hal.) M. Fleisch., prove to be new records for
the Philippine moss flora. In addition, one species, From the new collections, the author has increased the
Acroporium convolutum (Bosch & Sande Lac.) M. total number of mosses known from Catanduanes Island
Fleisch., previously reported for the Philippines without from 47 species in 36 genera (Tan & Iwatsuki 1991) to
specific locality in the literature, is reported here for the 107 species in 68 genera (See Appendix B for updated
first time with a voucher specimen. list of Catanduanes Island mosses). Noteworthy to
mention are 80 moss species representing new records for
Also worth mentioning are the 176 new records for the the islands, such as Caduciella mariei (Besch.) Enroth,
peninsula. Among these new records are Acroporium Calymperes lonchophyllum Schwaegr., Macromitrium
rufum (Reinw. & Hornsch.) M. Fleisch., Aequatoriella fasciculare Mitt., Pogonatum philippinense (Broth.)
bifaria (Bosch & Sande Lac.) Touw, Brachymenium exile Touw, Syrrhopodon croceus Mitt. and Taiwanobryum
(Dozy & Molk.) Bosch & Lac., Daltonia angustifolia Dozy mucronatum (Bosch & Sande Lac.) S. Olsson, Enroth &
& Molk., Daltonia armata E. B. Bartram, Herpetineuron D. Quandt. The finding of C. mariei is interesting as this
toccoae (Sull. & Lesq.) Card., Macromitrium longicaule C. represent significant extensions of their range considering
Müll. Microcampylopus khasianus (Griffiths) Giese & J.- that this species is known until today, from two localities,
P. Frahm, Pilotrichopsis dentata (Mitt.) Besch., Pinnatella Mt. Makiling in Luzon and Palawan Island.
foureana Thér. & P. de la Varde, Rhodobryum giganteum
(Schwaegr.) Par., Symphysodontella attenuatula Fleisch. In brief, the moss diversity in Catanduanes Island is
and Touwia negrosense (E. B. Bartram) S. Olsson, Enroth highest along its forested slope above 500 msl. Below
& D. Quandt. Earlier records of these taxa in the country this elevation the number of moss species decreases
have been from some other areas in Luzon, some islands quickly resulting from deforestation and development of
in the Visayas and Mindanao. Therefore, their findings cultivated areas.
in Bicol Peninsula have extended their ranges within the
country. Floristic affinity of Bicol moss flora
Updated information about the richness of moss taxa
Relatively speaking, the diversity of mosses is greater
found in various biogeographic regions in the Philippines
towards the eastern coasts of Bicol Peninsula. One possible
under comparison is shown in Table 2. In counting of
explanation for this difference is that the dense evergreen
the number of moss taxa per region, the author adopted
forests found along the east coasts are generally wetter
a conservative approach in accepting moss species, so as
compared to the mainly dry, semi-deciduous forests that
not to exaggerate the resulting floristic affinity.
thrive over karst limestones facing the west. Interestingly,
the local forests on basic to ultrabasic substrates in The present biogeographic regions under comparison
Saddleback Mountain Range near Caramoan found on follow the system proposed by Merrill (1947). Therefore,
the east side of the peninsula, especially on elevations certain recently proposed biogeographic regions, such
above 500 msl, harbor some uncommon moss taxa, such
as Myurium pseudorufescens (Hampe) Maschke, which
the author did not find in other areas of the peninsula. The Table 2. Updated summary of moss taxa reported from various
author also noted that three Philippine moss taxa, namely: biogeographic regions of Luzon Islands including Mindoro
and Palawan Islands.
Phyllodon lingulatus (Cardot) W. R. Buck, Aerobryopsis
leptosigmata (Müll. Hal. ex Broth. & Geh.) M.Fleisch., Biogeographic Region Genera Species
and Calyptothecium squarrosulum Nog. & B.C. Tan are Ilocos Region 57 83
restricted to Bicol peninsula. Finally, the moss taxa in Cordillera Region 190 421
Bicol peninsula are most numerous at mid-elevations at Central Luzon Region 103 186
the transition zones between lower and upper montane
Sierra Madre Region 97 190
forests. At lower elevations, moss diversity is greater in
riverine forests compared to inland forests. Zambales 128 265
Southern Luzon Region 135 304

The diversity of mosses of Catanduanes Island Bicol Region 124 292

Mosses of Catanduanes Island, compared to Bicol Mindoro 132 282
Peninsula, are less known (Bartram 1939, Tan & Palawan 98 214

Philippine Journal of Science Linis VC: Biogeographical notes on the moss floras of
Vol. 142: Special Issue Bicol Peninsula in Luzon

as Greater Luzon Biogeographic Region resulting in Table 3 shows that the moss flora of Bicol Region is most
the lumping of several distinct phytogeographical areas closely related to that of Zambales (67.66%) and Mindoro
(Ong, Afuang & Rosell-Ambal 2002), was not adopted (66.57%) than to Southern Luzon Region (63.45%) and
in this paper. Sierra Madre Region (60.81%), at the species levels,
despite the closer geographic distances of the latter two
The size of the moss flora of Bicol Region with 292 regions to the Bicol Region. Perhaps an explanation for
species in 124 genera is comparable to that of Southern this unlikely floristic similarity is that both Zambales
Luzon with 304 species in 135 genera, Mindoro with 282 and Mindoro has been better bryologically investigated
species in 132 genera and Zambales with 265 species in in recent years which resulted in the increase of the
128 genera (Table 2). Being an upland with humid climate, number of their shared moss taxa (Linis & Tan 2013,
Cordillera Region remained the most bryologically rich in preparation, Linis 2009). This will likely to change,
among the biogeographic regions under comparison however, when the moss floras of both Southern Luzon
with 421 species in 190 genera, while Palawan with 214 Region and Sierra Madre Region are thoroughly explored.
species in 98 genera came sixth. The poorly studied Sierra
Madre Region has 190 species in 97 genera, which is The above reason may explain also the relatively high
closely followed by Central Luzon, after its Mt. Arayat floristic similarity of Palawan moss flora to that of
had been surveyed (Linis & Tan 2013, in preparation). Bicol (60.33%). Unique to Palawan are handful of xeric
The Central Luzon Region now has 186 species in 103 or drought-resistant moss taxa not found in Luzon or
genera. Ilocos Region, the least known region, as far as anywhere else in the Philippine archipelago. Examples of
mosses are concerned, has only 83 species in 57 genera. these taxa are Clastrobryum asperrimum (Dix.) B.C. Tan
As shown, there is urgency for more plant collections in and Horikawaea redfearnii B. C. Tan & P.-J. Lin.
Sierra Madre Region and Ilocos Region.
On the other hand, Central Luzon Region harbours a
The number of shared and unshared taxa found in Bicol moderately rich lowland moss flora when compared to
and its neighbouring regions in the country, both at the Bicol Region. Most of the moss taxa found in Bicol but
generic and species levels, is shown in Table 3. Under the not reported in Central Luzon are those found in areas
column of unshared moss taxa, the numerator indicates above 1500 masl.
the number of taxa present in the area under comparison,
while the denominator indicates the taxa present in Bicol. Cordillera, the best bryologically known region in Luzon,
The author used Kroeber’s % of similarity formula for has a high number of unshared moss taxa with that of the
computing the required value of similarity in percentage. Bicol Region. These taxa are mainly the high altitude
species found well above 2500 masl belonging to the

Table 3. Summary of shared and unshared taxa, both at the generic and species levels, found in Bicol and neighbouring areas.
Ilocos Cordillera Central Zambales Southern Sierra Mindoro Palawan
Region Luzon Luzon Madre
190 genera 103 genera 128 genera 135 genera 132 genera 98 genera
57 genera 421 species 186 species 265 species 304 species 97 genera 282 species 214 species
83 species 190 species
Shared un- shared un- shared un- shared Un- shared un- shared Un- shared Un- Shared unshared
shared shared shared shared shared shared shared

124 genera 49 8/ 75 105 85/ 19 83 20/ 41 103 25/ 21 97 38/ 27 85 12/ 39 101 31/ 23 85 13/ 39

Kroeber’s % 62.74 69.97 73.76 81.77 75.04 78.09 78.98 77.64

of similarity

292 species 68 15/ 180 241/ 128 58/ 164 188 77/ 189 115/ 140 50/ 191 91/ 149 65/ 143
224 112 104 103 152 101
Kroeber’s % 52.61 52.20 56.33 67.66 63.45 60.81 66.57 60.33
of similarity

Kroeber’s % of similarity = C (A+B) / AB x 100

A = the number of taxa present in the first area under comparison
B = the number of taxa present in the second area under comparison
C = the number of common taxa in both A and B areas

Philippine Journal of Science Linis VC: Biogeographical notes on the moss floras of
Vol. 142: Special Issue Bicol Peninsula in Luzon

widespread continental Asiatic and Himalayan genera, like Mindoro and Palawan, for instance, are the species found
Ceratodon, Grimmia, Isothecium, Dendrocyathophorum, in habitats above 1000 msl. Other unshared moss taxa
Racomitrium, Leiomela, Fabronia, Merrilliobryum, with that of the Catanduanes flora are the specialist
Atrichum and Oligotrichum. These are also the handful of species, such as those confined to the basic and ultra-basic
genera and species of mosses from the North Temperate forests in northern Zambales Range of Luzon Island, and
Zone that have successfully invaded the northern the xeric moss taxa adapted to the semi-dry and seasonally
Philippine mountains but failed to reach the Bicol Region deciduous type of rainforests in Palawan.
and the rest of the archipelago further to the south.
Coming least in terms of Kroeber’s % of similarity with
the moss flora of the Bicol Region is Ilocos Region.
The region appears to be the most dissimilar in its moss
diversity and affinity in relation to the moss flora of Based on the information presented, the Bicol moss flora
Bicol. However, since a large part of the Ilocos Region demonstrates a close affinity to that of Zambales and
are under-explored bryologically, the overall picture of Mindoro. Nevertheless, this floristic picture is unlikely to
its floristic similarity with the Bicol Region remains be true and it will change as more areas in Southern Luzon
inconclusive at present. Region and Sierra Madre Region are thoroughly explored.
Future exploration to poor bryologically investigated
areas such as the Ilocos Region will also influence this
Floristic affinity of Catanduanes moss flora
overall picture.
In terms of geographical distance, Catanduanes is
closest to Luzon than the rest of the larger islands of the
archipelago. Therefore, it is of phytogeographical interest
to compare the moss floras of Catanduanes with Luzon
together with other neighbouring islands in Philippines
and test if dissimilarities in geographical distances play a The author is most grateful to the National Museum of
role in terms of relations with floristic affinities. the Philippines for the financial assistance granted during
his bryological expeditions conducted in the Bicol Region
The updated moss flora of Catanduanes with 107 species and the Catanduanes Island. Secondly, the author would
in 68 genera is shown in Appendix B. In Table 4, like to thank the Biology Department of the University of
Catanduanes moss flora is compared with the moss floras the Philippines-Manila for lending their laboratories and
of three most bryologically known Philippine islands: equipment. Lastly, the author wishes to thank Dr. Benito C.
Luzon, Mindoro and Palawan. Catanduanes is found to Tan at the National University of Singapore for confirming
be most related to Luzon with 100% of its moss taxa being the identifications of some difficult specimens as well as
shared with this large island. Mindoro is second, while for reading and editing the draft manuscript.
Palawan came least in species similarity in relation to the
known moss flora of Catanduanes.
Generally speaking, the shared moss taxa among the
four island groups under comparison are the widespread references
mosses found across the lowland rainforests in the country. Akiyama H. 2010. Taxonomic revision of the genus
Since most of the upland areas in Catanduanes are below Trismegistia (Pylaisiadelphaceae, Musci). Humans
800 msl in altitude, it is not surprising that most unshared and Nature 21: 1-77.
moss taxa of the flora of Catanduanes with that of Luzon,

Table 4. Summary of shared and unshared moss taxa at species levels, found in Catanduanes, Luzon,
Mindoro and Palawan. Kroeber’s % of similarity is used for computing the required similarity in
Luzon Mindoro Palawan
634 species 283 species 213 species
Shared unshared Shared unshared shared unshared

107 species 107 527/ 0 91 192/ 16 76 137/ 31

Kroeber’s % of similarity 58.44 58.60 53.35

Philippine Journal of Science Linis VC: Biogeographical notes on the moss floras of
Vol. 142: Special Issue Bicol Peninsula in Luzon

Akiyama H, Suleiman M. 2001. Taxonomical notes Luzon, Philippines. Geology 16: 341-344.
on the genus Chaetomitrium (Hookeriaceae, Musci) of
Hofmann H. 1998. A monograph of the genus
Borneo. Hikobia 13: 491-509.
Homalothecium (Brachytheciaceae, Musci). Linbergia
Arts T. 2001. A revision of the Splachnobryaceae 23: 119-159.
(Musci). Linbergia 26: 77-96.
Li Z-H. 1985. A revision of the Chinese species of
Aurelio MA. 1996. A review of the mechanisms of Fissidens (Musci, Fissidentaceae). Acta Botanica
ophiolite emplacement. Philippine examples. Journal Fennica 129: 1-65.
of Geological Society of Philippines 51 (3/4):87-89.
Linis VC. 2004 A checklist of mosses in Mt. Arayat,
Bartram EB. 1939. Mosses of the Philippines. Pampanga. Journal of Tropical Biology 3: 2-6.
Philippine Journal of Science 68: 1-423.
Linis VC. 2006. A review of Intra-Philippine distribution
Bureau of Mines and Geosciences. 1982. patterns of Philippine mosses based on recent evidence
Geology and mineral resources of the Philippines, of tectonic evolution of the archipelago: insights and
Volume 1. BMG, Ministry of Natural Resources, problems. Banwa 3(1 & 2): 31-64.
Linis VC. 2009. Biogeography of Mindoro Mosses.
Brotherus VF. 1918. Contribution to the bryological Blumea 54: 290-296.
flora of the Philippines, V. Philippine Journal of
Linis VC, Tan BC. 2013. The biodiversity and
Science (Bot.): 201-222.
biogeography of mosses of Zambales Mountain
Brotherus VF. 1926. Contribution to the bryological Range and Mt. Arayat, Luzon Island, Philippines (in
flora of the Philippines, VI. Philippine Journal of preparation).
Science 31: 277 - 300.
Linis VC, Tan BC. 2010. Eleven new records of
David SD JR. 1994. Geology of southeastern Luzon: Philippine mosses. Acta Bryolichenologica Asiatica
Contributions on the pre-Neogene Geodynamics of 3: 95-100.
the Eastern Philippine Mobile Belt (Catanduanes,
Merill ED. 1947. Philippine Moss Flora. Philippine
Caramoan Peninsula and Rapu Rapu Island group).
Journal of Science 50 (1): 4-13.
Doctoral Thesis, Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis,
Nice, France. Mines and Geosciences Bureau. 2004. Geology
and mineral resources of the Philippines (Geology),
Deweys JF. 1976. Ophiolite subduction. Tectonophysics
Volume 1. Quezon City: Department of Environment
31: 93 – 120.
and Natural Resources.
Eddy A. 1988. A Handbook of Malesian Mosses. 1.
Ong PS, Afuang LE, Rosell-Ambal RG (eds).
Sphagnales to Dicranales. British Museum (Natural
2002. Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Priorities:
History), London.
Second Iteration of the National Biodiversity Strategy
Eddy A. 1990. A Handbook of Malesian Mosses. 2. and Action Plan. Department of Environment and
Leucobryaceae to Buxbaumiaceae. British Museum Natural Resources-Protected Areas and Wildlife
(Natural History), London. Bureau, Conservation International Philippines,
Biodiversity Conservation Program – University of the
Eddy A. 1996. A Handbook of Malesian Mosses.3.
Philippines Center for Integrative and Development
Splachnobryaceae to Leptostomataceae. British
Studies, and Foundation for the Philippine Environment,
Museum (Natural History), London.
Quezon City, Philippines.
Ellis LT, Tan BC. 1999. The moss family Calymperaceae
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and
(Musci) in the Philippines. Bulletin of Natural History
Seismology (PHIVOLCS). 1988. The Bicol
Museum London (Bot.) 29: 1-46.
Volcanic Chain (poster).
Encyclopedia Brittanica. 2010. Bicol Peninsula.
Tan BC. 1996. Biogeography of Palawan mosses.
Retrieved June 20, 2010 from: http://www.britannica.
Australian Systematic Botany 9: 193-203.
Tan BC, Iwatsuki Z. 1991. A new annotated Philippine
Enroth J. 1994. A taxonomic monograph of the genus
moss checklist. Harvard Papers in Botany 3: 1- 63.
Pinnatella (Neckeraceae, Bryopsida). Acta Botanica
Fennica 151: 1-90. Tan BC, JIA Y. 1999. A preliminary revision of Chinese
Sematophyllaceae. Journal of Hattori Botanical
Geary EE, Harrison MT, Heizler M. 1988.
Laboratory 86: 1-70.
Diverse ages and origins of basement complexes,

Philippine Journal of Science Linis VC: Biogeographical notes on the moss floras of
Vol. 142: Special Issue Bicol Peninsula in Luzon

Tan BC, Mandia EH. 2001. New and noteworthy Geh.) M. Fleisch. - Luzon (Bicol)
records of mosses from Mindoro, Philippines, and Aerobryopsis subdivergens subsp. scariosa (E. B. Bar-
their biogeographical implication. Gardens Bulletin tram) Nog. – Luzon, Mindoro & Mindanao­
Singapore 53: 315–322. Aerobryopsis wallichii (Brid.) M. Fleisch. - widespread
*Arthrocormus schimperi (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy &
Tan BC, Robinson H. 1990. A review of the Philippine
Molk. – Luzon, Mindoro & Mindanao
Hookeriaceous taxa (Musci). Smithsonian Contribution
*Barbella flagellifera (Cardot) Nog. - Luzon
to Botany 75: 1 – 41.
*Barbula arcuata Müll. Hal. - Luzon
Touw A. 2001. A taxonomic revision of the Thuidiaceae *Barbula consanguinea (Thwaites & Mitt.) A. Jaeger -
(Musci) of Tropical Asia, the western Pacific and Luzon & Mindoro
Hawaii. Journal of Hattori Botanical Laboratory 91: Barbula indica (Hook.) Spreng. - widespread
1 – 136. Barbula javanica Dozy & Molk. - Luzon & Mindanao
Barbula pseudoehrenbergii M. Fleisch. -
Yamaguchi T. 1993. A revision of the genus
*Brachymenium exile (Dozy & Molk.) Bosch & Sande
Leucobryum (Musci) in Asia. Journal of Hattori
Lac. - Luzon & some islands in the Visayas
Botanical Laboratory 73: 1 – 123.
Brachymenium nepalense Hook. - widespread
*Brachythecium buchananii (Hook.) A. Jaeger – Luzon
& Mindoro
Appendix A Braunfelsia dicranoides (Dozy & Molk.) Broth.- Lu-
zon, Mindoro & Mindanao
Checklist of Bicol peninsula mosses and their distribu- *Braunfelsia enervis (Dozy & Molk.) Paris – Luzon
tion in the Philippines. *Breutelia arundinifolia (Duby) M. Fleisch. – Luzon,
* Additional new records for the peninsula; ** Mindoro & Mindanao
New Philippine record (Voucher Bryum apiculatum Schwaegr. – Luzon, Mindoro &
specimens of these new records are deposited in Mindanao
the Philippine National Herbarium). *Bryum capillare Hedw. - Luzon, Mindoro & Palawan
*Bryum cellulare Hook. - Luzon & some islands in the
Acanthorrhynchium papillatum (Harv.) M. Fleisch. - Visayas
widespread *Bryum clavatum (Schimp.) Müll. Hal. - Luzon &
Acroporium aciphyllum Dixon - Luzon Mindoro
Acroporium convolutum (Sande Lac.) M. Fleisch. – Bryum coronatum Schwaegr. - widespread
Northern Luzon (Cordilleran) Callicostella papillata (Mont.) Mitt. - widespread
Acroporium diminutum (Brid.) M. Fleisch. - widespread Callicostella prabaktiana (Müll. Hal.) Bosch & Sande
Acroporium hermaphroditum (Müll. Hal.) M. Fleisch. – Lac. - Luzon & Mindanao
Luzon, Mindoro & Mindanao *Calymperes afzelii Sw. – Luzon & Palawan
Acroporium lamprophyllum Mitt. – Luzon, Mindoro & *Calymperes boulayi Besch. – Luzon, Mindoro &
some islands in the Visayas Mindanao
*Acroporium rufum (Reinw. & Hornsch.) M. Fleisch. - **Calymperes cougiense Besch. – new Philippine
widespread record
Acroporium secundum (Reinw. & Hornsch.) M. Fleisch. *Calymperes fasciculatum Dozy & Molk. – Luzon &
- Luzon, Mindoro, Palawan & Western some islands in the Visayas
Mindanao Calymperes graeffeanum Müll. Hal. - widespread
Acroporium sigmatodontium (Müll. Hal.) M. Fleisch. - *Calymperes lonchophyllum Schwaegr. - Luzon &
Luzon, Mindoro & Panay Palawan
Acroporium stramineum (Reinw. & Hornsch.) M. *Calymperes mollucense Schwaegr. - Luzon, Mindoro,
Fleisch. - widespread Palawan & Western Mindanao
Acroporium strepsiphyllum (Mont.) B. C. Tan var. *Calymperes motleyi Mitt. - Palawan & Sulu archi-
strepsiphyllum – Luzon, Mindoro & Mindanao pelago
*Aequatoriella bifaria (Bosch. & Sande Lac.) Touw – *Calymperes porrectum Mitt. - Mindoro & Mindanao
Luzon, Mindoro & some islands in the Visayas *Calymperes schmidtii Broth. - Palawan & Sulu archi-
*Aerobryidium filamentosum (Hook.) M. Fleisch. – pelago
Luzon, Mindoro & Mindanao Calymperes tahitense (Sull.) Mitt. - widespread
Aerobryopsis crispifolia (Broth. & Geh.) M. Menzel - Calymperes tenerum Müll. Hal. - widespread
Luzon, Mindoro & Palawan Calyptothecium squarrosulum Nog. & B. C. Tan - Lu-
Aerobryopsis leptosigmata (Müll. Hal. ex Broth. & zon (Bicol)

Philippine Journal of Science Linis VC: Biogeographical notes on the moss floras of
Vol. 142: Special Issue Bicol Peninsula in Luzon

Calyptothecium urvilleanum (Müll. Hal.) Broth. - wide- - Luzon & some islands in the Visayas
spread Dicranoloma assimile (Hampe) Paris – Luzon, Mindoro
*Calyptrochaeta remotifolia (Müll. Hal.) Z. Iwats., B. & Mindanao
C. Tan & Touw – Luzon, Mindoro & Dicranoloma blumii (Nees) Paris - widespread
Mindanao *Dicranoloma braunii (Müll. Hal.) Paris - widespread
Campylopodium medium (Duby) Giese & J. -P. Frahm - Dicranoloma brevisetum (Dozy & Molk.) Paris – Lu-
Luzon & Mindoro zon, Mindoro & Mindanao
*Campylopus aureus Bosch & Sande Lac. - Luzon Dicranoloma reflexum (Müll. Hal.) Renauld - Luzon &
Campylopus comosus (Schwaegr.) Bosch & Sande Lac. some islands in the Visayas
– Luzon, Mindoro & Mindanao *Diphyscium longifolium Griff. - Luzon & some islands
*Campylopus exasperatus (Nees & Blume) Brid. – Lu- in the Visayas
zon, Mindoro & some islands in the Visayas Distichophyllum cuspidatum (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy &
*Campylopus laxitextus Sande Lac. – Luzon, Mindoro Molk. – Luzon, Mindoro & Mindanao
& some islands in the Visayas Distichophyllum mittenii Bosch & Sande Lac. – Luzon,
Campylopus umbellatus (Schwaegr. & Gaudich. ex Mindoro & Mindanao
Arn.) Paris - widespread *Distichophyllum nigricaule var. cirratum (Renauld &
*Chaetomitrium orthorrhynchum (Dozy & Molk.) Cardot) M. Fleisch. - Luzon, Mindoro,
Bosch & Sande Lac. – Luzon, Mindoro, Palawan Palawan & Western Mindanao
& Western Mindanao *Distichophyllum osterwaldii M. Fleisch. – Luzon,
*Chaetomitrium papillifolium Bosch. & Sande Lac.- Mindoro & some islands in the Visayas
Luzon, Mindoro & Mindanao *Distichophyllum subnigricaule Broth.- Luzon &
*Chaetomitrium perarmatum Broth. - Luzon Mindanao
*Chaetomitrium weberi Broth. - Western Mindanao & Ectropotheciella distichophylla (Hampe ex Dozy &
Sulu archipelago Molk.) M. Fleisch. - widespread
*Chameleion peguense (Besch.) L. T. Ellis & A. Eddy Ectropothecium buitenzorgii (Bél.) Mitt. - wide-
- Luzon spread
*Chionoloma angustata (Mitt.) M. Menzel – Luzon, Ectropothecium dealbatum (Reinw. & Hornsch.) A.
Mindoro & Mindanao Jaeger - widespread
*Chrysocladium flammeum (Mitt.) M. Fleisch. - North- Ectropothecium elegant-pinnatum (Müll. Hal.) A. Jae-
ern Luzon (Cordilleran) ger - Luzon, Mindoro, Palawan & Western
*Circulifolium exiguum (Bosch & Sande Lac.) S. Ols- Mindanao
son, Enroth & D. Quandt – Luzon, Mindoro & *Ectropothecium falciforme (Dozy & Molk.) A. Jaeger
Mindanao – Luzon, Mindoro & Mindanao
Cladopodanthus muticus Broth. - Luzon & Mindanao *Ectropothecium ferrugineum (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger -
*Cladopodanthus speciosus (Dozy & Molk.) M. Luzon, Mindoro, Palawan & Western
Fleisch. - Luzon & some islands in the Visayas Mindanao
Claopodium prionophyllum (Müll. Hal.) Broth. - wide- Ectropothecium ichnotocladum (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger
spread - Luzon
*Clastrobryophilum bogoricum (Besch. & Sande Lac.) *Ectropothecium luzoniae (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger – Lu-
M. Fleisch. - Luzon, Mindoro & Palawan zon, Mindoro & some islands in the Visayas
*Clastrobryum caudatum M. Fleisch. - Luzon & Mind- Ectropothecium monumentorum (Duby) A. Jaeger -
oro widespread
*Clastrobryum epiphyllum (Renauld & Cardot) B.C. *Ectropothecium perminutum Broth. ex E. B. Bartram -
Tan & Touw - Luzon & Palawan Luzon & Mindoro
*Clastrobryum indicum (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy & Molk. *Ectropothecium zollingeri (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger -
- Luzon Luzon & Palawan
*Cryptopapillaria fuscescens (Hook.) M. Menzel – Lu- *Enthostodon buseanus Dozy & Molk. - Luzon
zon, Mindoro & Mindanao Entodon plicatus Müll. Hal. - widespread
*Ctenidium luzonense Broth. - Luzon & Mindanao *Entodon rubicundus (Mitt.) A. Jaeger - Luzon &
Cyclodictyon blumeanum (Müll. Hal.) Kuntze - wide- Mindoro
spread *Entodontopsis anceps (Bosch. & Sande Lac.) W. R.
*Daltonia angustifolia Dozy & Molk. – Luzon, Mind- Buck & Ireland - Luzon & Mindoro
oro & Mindanao Erythrodontium julaceum (Hook. ex Schwaegr.) Paris -
*Daltonia armata E. B. Bartram - Mindoro & Mindanao widespread
*Dicranella coarctata (Müll. Hal.) Bosch & Sande Lac. *Eurhynchium vagans (A. Jaeger) E. B. Bartram – Lu-

Philippine Journal of Science Linis VC: Biogeographical notes on the moss floras of
Vol. 142: Special Issue Bicol Peninsula in Luzon

zon, Mindoro and some islands in the Visayas ssp. arborescens (Mitt.) Touw – Luzon,
Exostratum blumei (Nees ex Hampe) L. T. Ellis - Luzon Mindoro & Mindanao
& Mindanao *Hypnodendron vitiense Mitt. - Luzon & Mindanao
*Fissidens areolatus Griff. – Northern Luzon (Cordil- Isopterygium albescens (Hook.) A. Jaeger – Luzon,
leran) Mindoro & some islands in the Visayas
*Fissidens braunii (Müll. Hal.) Dozy & Molk. – Luzon *Isopterygium bancanum (Sande Lac.) A. Jaeger -
& Mindanao widespread
*Fissidens crassinervis Sande Lac. - Luzon & Palawan *Isopterygium minutirameum (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger -
Fissidens crenulatus Mitt. var. elmeri (Broth.) Z. Iwats. Luzon, Mindoro & Palawan
& Tad. Suzuki - widespread *Leptotrichella brasiliensis (Duby) Ochyra – Luzon,
Fissidens crispulus Brid. - widespread Mindoro
*Fissidens geminiflorus Dozy & Molk. - Luzon & *Leptotrichella miqueliana (Mont.) Lindb. ex Broth. -
Mindoro Luzon & Mindoro
*Fissidens hollianus Dozy & Molk. - Luzon & Palawan *Leucobryum aduncum Dozy & Molk. - Luzon, Mind-
*Fissidens maceratus Mitt. - Luzon & Palawan oro & Palawan
Fissidens nobilis Griff. - widespread Leucobryum bowringii Mitt. – Luzon, Mindoro & some
*Fissidens zollingeri Mont. - Luzon, Mindoro & Pala- islands in the Visayas
wan *Leucobryum chlorophyllosum Müll. Hal. – Mindoro &
Floribundaria floribunda (Dozy & Molk.) M. Fleisch. - some islands in the Visayas
widespread Leucobryum javense (Brid.) Mitt. – widespread
Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. - widespread Leucobryum juniperoideum (Brid.) Müll. Hal. – Luzon,
*Garckea flexuosa (Griff.) Margad. & Nork. - Luzon, Mindoro & Mindanao
Mindoro & Palawan Leucobryum sanctum (Nees & Schwaegr.) Hampe -
*Garovaglia angustifolia Mitt. var. bogoriensis f. bo- widespread
goriensis (M. Fleisch.) During – Luzon, Mindoro Leucobryum sericeum Broth. ex Geh. – Luzon & some
& Mindanao islands in the Visayas
Garovaglia elegans (Dozy & Molk.) Hampe ex Bosch *Leucoloma molle (Müll. Hal.) Mitt. – Luzon, Mindoro
& Sande Lac. - widespread & Mindanao
*Garovaglia plicata (Brid.) Bosch & Sande Lac. - Lu- *Leucoloma perviride Broth. - Luzon, Mindoro &
zon & Mindanao Palawan
*Glyphomitrium nymanianum M. Fleisch. - Luzon & *Leucophanes angustifolium Renauld & Cardot – Lu-
Mindoro zon, Mindoro & Mindanao
*Groutiella tomentosa (Hornsch.) Wijk & Margad. – Leucophanes candidum (Schwaegr.) Lindb. - wide-
Luzon, Mindoro & some islands in the Visayas spread
*Herpetineuron toccoae (Sull. & Lesq.) Cardot. - Lu- *Leucophanes glaucum (Schwaegr.) Mitt. – Luzon,
zon & Mindoro Mindoro & Mindanao
*Heterophyllium affine (Hook.) M. Fleisch. - Northern *Leucophanes octoblepharioides Brid. – Luzon, Mind-
Luzon (Cordilleran) oro & Mindanao
Homaliodendron flabellatum (Sm.) M. Fleisch. - wide- *Lopidium struthiopteris (Brid.) M. Fleisch. - wide-
spread spread
*Homalothecium laevisetum Sande Lac. – Luzon, Min- Macromitrium angustifolium Dozy & Molk. - Luzon &
doro & some islands in the Visayas Mindoro
*Hookeria acutifolia Hook. & Grev. - Luzon & Mind- Macromitrium benguetense R. S. Williams - Luzon
anao *Macromitrium blumei Nees ex Schwaegr. – Luzon,
Hyophila involuta (Hook.) A. Jaeger - widespread Mindoro & Mindanao
Hypnodendron dendroides (Brid.) Touw - widespread Macromitrium cuspidatum Hampe – Luzon, Mindoro &
Hypnodendron fuscomucronatum (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger some islands in the Visayas
& Sauerb. - widespread *Macromitrium falcatulum Müll. Hal. - Luzon, Mind-
Hypnodendron milnei Mitt. ssp. korthalsii (Bosch & oro, Palawan & Western Mindanao
Sande Lac. ex Paris) Touw - Luzon, Mindoro, *Macromitrium fasciculare Mitt. - Luzon & Mindoro
Palawan & Western Mindanao Macromitrium foxworthyi Broth. - Luzon, Mindoro,
Hypnodendron reinwardtii (Schwaegr.) Lindb. ex A. Palawan & Western Mindanao
Jaeger & Sauerb. ssp. caducifolium (Herzog) *Macromitrium longicaule Müll. Hal. - Luzon & Min-
Touw - widespread danao
Hypnodendron subspininervium (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger *Macromitirum microstomum (Hook. & Grev.) Schwae-

Philippine Journal of Science Linis VC: Biogeographical notes on the moss floras of
Vol. 142: Special Issue Bicol Peninsula in Luzon

gr. - Mindoro Neckeropsis lepineana (Mont.) M. Fleisch. - wide-

Macromitrium orthostichum Nees ex Schwaegr. - Lu- spread
zon, Mindoro, Palawan & Western Mindanao *Neckeropsis nanodisticha (Geh.) M. Fleisch. - Luzon
Macromitrium salakanum Müll. Hal. - Luzon, Mindoro, & Mindanao
Palawan & Western Mindanao *Neobarbella comes (Griff.) Nog. - Northern Luzon
Macromitrium semipellucidum Dozy & Molk. - Luzon (Cordilleran)
& Mindanao Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. - widespread
*Macromitrium subtile Schwaegr. - Luzon, Mindoro, *Oedicladium fragile Cardot – Luzon, Mindoro & some
Palawan & Western Mindanao islands in the Visayas
*Macrothamnium macrocarpum (Reinw. & Hornsch.) *Orthomnium javense (M. Fleisch.) T. J. Kop. - Mind-
M. Fleisch. – Luzon, Mindoro & some islands anao
in the Visayas *Orthomnium loheri Broth. - Luzon
*Meiothecium attenuatum Broth. - Luzon, Mindoro, *Oxystegus tenuirostris (Hook. & Tayl.) A. J. E. Sm. -
Palawan & Western Mindanao Luzon & Mindoro
*Meiothecium bogoriense M. Fleisch. - Mindanao *Palamocladium leskeoides (Hook.) E. Britton - Luzon
*Meiothecium hamatum (Müll. Hal.) Broth. – Luzon, & Mindanao
Mindoro & some islands in the Visayas **Papillidiopsis macrosticta (Broth. & Paris) W. R.
*Meiothecium microcarpum (Harv.) Mitt. - Luzon, Buck & B. C. Tan – new Philippine record
Mindoro, Palawan & Western Mindanao *Pelekium gratum (P. Beauv.)Touw – Luzon, Mindoro
Meteorium crispifolium Herzog - Luzon & Mindanao & Mindanao
Meteorium polytrichum Dozy & Molk. - widespread *Pelekium investe (Mitt.) Touw – Luzon, Mindoro &
*Meteorium subpolytrichum (Besch.) Broth. - Luzon, Mindanao
Mindoro & Palawan *Pelekium synoicum (Touw) Touw – Luzon, Mindoro
*Microcampylopus khasianus (Griffiths) Giese & J.-P. & Mindanao
Frahm - Northern Luzon (Cordilleran) Pelekium velatum Mitt. - widespread
Philonotis hastata (Duby) Wijk & Margad. – Luzon,
**Microdus sumatranus (Dixon) A. Eddy ­- new Philip- Mindoro & some islands in the Visayas
pine record Philonotis mollis (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt. - Luzon
*Mitthyridium constrictum (Sull.) H. Rob. - Luzon & Philonotis nitida Mitt. - Luzon
Mindanao *Philonotis secunda (Dozy & Molk.) Bosch & Sande
*Mitthyridium fasciculatum (Hook. & Grev.) H. Rob. - Lac. - Luzon & Mindanao
widespread *Philonotis tjibodensis (M. Fleisch.) Broth. - Luzon &
*Mitthyridium flavum ( Müll.Hal.) H. Rob. - widespread Mindanao
*Mitthyridium jungquilianum (Mitt.) H. Rob. - Mind- Phyllodon lingulatus (Cardot) W. R. Buck - Luzon
oro (Bicol)
*Mitthyridium papuanum (Broth.) H. Rob. - Luzon **Physcomitrium phaericum (C. F. Ludw.) Fürnr. - new
*Mitthyridium subluteum ((Müll. Hal.) H. K. Nowak - Philippine record
Endemic to one island only (Sibuyan) *Pilotrichopsis dentata (Mitt.) Besch. - Luzon & some
*Mitthyridium undulatum (Broth. & Geh.) H. Rob. – islands in the Visayas
insufficient data *Pinnatella foreauana Thér.& la Varde - Luzon
*Mitthyridium wallisii (Müll.Hal.) H. Rob. - wide- *Plagiomnium rhynchophorum (Harv.) T. J. Kop. – Lu-
spread zon, Mindoro & some islands in the Visayas
*Mniomalia semilimbata (Mitt.) Müll. Hal. - Luzon *Plagiomnium succulentum (Mitt.) T. J. Kop. – Luzon,
Myurium pseudorufescens (Hampe) Maschke - Luzon Mindoro & Mindanao
& Mindanao Pogonatum cirratum (Sw.) Brid. ssp. macrophyllum
*Neckeropsis andamana (Müll.Hal.) M. Fleisch. – Lu- (Dozy & Molk.) Hyvönen - widespread
zon, Mindoro & Mindanao Pogonatum microphyllum (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy &
Neckeropsis cyclophylla (Müll. Hal.) S. Olsson, Enroth Molk. - Luzon & some islands in the Visayas
& D. Quandt - widespread Pogonatum neesii (Müll. Hal.) Dozy - widespread
*Neckeropsis exserta (Hook. ex Schwaegr.) Broth. var. Pogonatum philippinense (Broth.) Touw – Luzon, Min-
scrobiculata (Nees) Touw – Luzon, Mindoro doro & Mindanao
& Mindanao Pogonatum piliferum (Dozy & Molk.) Touw – Luzon,
*Neckeropsis fimbriata (Harv.) M. Fleisch. - Luzon Mindoro & some islands in the Visayas
*Neckeropsis gracilenta (Bosch & Sande Lac.) M. *Pogonatum subtortile (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger - Luzon
Fleisch. – Luzon, Mindoro & Mindanao & Mindoro

Philippine Journal of Science Linis VC: Biogeographical notes on the moss floras of
Vol. 142: Special Issue Bicol Peninsula in Luzon

*Pohlia flexuosa Harv. - Luzon & some islands in the Syrrhopodon prolifer Schwaegr. -
Visayas *Syrrhopodon rufescens Hook. & Grev. - Luzon
*Pohlia nutans (Hedw.) Lindb. – Luzon, Mindoro & *Syrrhopodon spiculosus Hook. & Grev. - Mindoro &
some islands in the Visayas some islands in the Visayas
*Pseudobarbella attenuata (Thwaites & Mitt.) Nog. - *Syrrhopodon trachyphyllus Mont. - Luzon
Luzon, Mindoro, Palawan & Western Syrrhopodon tristichus Nees ex Schwaegr. - widespread
Mindanao *Taiwanobryum mucronatum (Bosch & Sande Lac.) S.
Pseudoleskeopsis zippelii (Dozy & Molk.) Broth. - Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt – Mindoro,
Luzon Palawan & Sulu
*Pseudotaxiphyllum pohliaecarpum (Sull. & Lesq.) Z. *Taxiphyllum taxirameum (Mitt.) M. Fleisch. - Luzon
Iwats. – Luzon, Mindoro & Palawan & some islands in the Visayas
*Pterobryopsis crassicaulis (Müll. Hal.) M. Fleisch. – *Taxithelium alare Broth. – Luzon, Mindoro & some
Luzon, Mindoro & some islands in the Visayas islands in the Visayas
Pyrrhobryum latifolium (Bosch & Sande Lac.) Mitt. - *Taxithelium bakeri Broth. – Luzon, Mindoro & Min-
Luzon & some islands in the Visayas danao
Pyrrhobryum spiniforme (Hedw.) Mitt. - widespread *Taxithelium batanense E. B. Bartram - Luzon & Min-
*Racopilum cuspidigerum (Schwaegr.) Ångström – Lu- doro
zon, Mindoro & some islands in the Visayas Taxithelium gottscheanum (Hampe ex Müll. Hal.)
Racopilum spectabile Reinw. & Hornsch. - widespread Broth. - Luzon
Radulina hamata (Dozy & Molk.) W. R. Buck & B. C. Taxithelium instratum (Brid.) Broth. - widespread
Tan - widespread *Taxithelium kerianum (Broth.) Broth. - Luzon, Mind-
*Rhaphidostichum piliferum (Broth.) Broth. – Luzon & oro, Palawan & Western Mindanao
Mindoro *Taxithelium nepalense (Schwaegr.) Broth. – Luzon,
*Rhodobryum giganteum (Schwaegr.) Paris – Luzon, Mindoro & Mindanao
Mindoro & Mindanao Taxithelium robinsonii Broth. - Luzon, Mindoro, Pala-
*Rhynchostegium celebicum (Sande Lac.) A. Jaeger – wan & Western Mindanao
Luzon, Mindoro & Mindanao Taxithelium vernieri (Duby) Besch. - widespread
Schistomitrium apiculatum (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy & Thuidium cymbifolium (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy & Molk.
Molk. - Luzon, Mindoro & Palawan - widespread
Schistomitrium mucronifolium (A. Braun) M. Fleisch. – Thuidium plumulosum (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy & Molk.
Luzon, Mindoro & Mindanao - widespread
**Sematophyllum phoeniceum (Müll. Hal.) M. Fleisch. *Thuidium pristocalyx (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger var. sa-
- new Philippine record moanum (Mitt.) Touw – Luzon, Mindoro &
*Sematophyllum subpinnatum (Brid.) E. Britton - insuf- Mindanao
ficient data *Touwia elliptica (Bosch & Sande Lac.) S. Olsson,
Sphagnum junghuhnianum Dozy & Molk. - widespread Enroth & D. Quandt - Luzon
Spiridens reinwardtii Nees - widespread *Touwia negrosensis (E. B. Bartram) S. Olsson, Enroth
*Splachnobryum obtusum (Brid.) Müll. Hal. – Luzon, & D. Quandt - Luzon & Mindanao
Mindoro & some islands in the Visayas Trachyloma indicum Mitt. - widespread
*Symphysodon neckeroides Dozy & Molk. - Luzon, *Trachypus humilis Lindb. - Luzon & Mindanao
Mindoro, Palawan & Western Mindanao *Trachythecium micropyxis (Broth.) E. B. Bartram –
*Symphysodontella attenuatula M. Fleisch. – Luzon, Luzon, Mindoro & Mindanao
Mindoro & Mindanao Trachythecium verrucosum (A. Jaeger) M. Fleisch. -
*Symphysodontella subulata Broth. - Luzon & Mindoro widespread
Syrrhopodon albo-vaginatus Schwaegr. - widespread Trematodon longicollis Michx. - Luzon & Mindoro
*Syrrhopodon ciliatus (Hook.) Schwaegr. – Mindoro & *Trichosteleum saproxylophilum (Müll. Hal.) B. C. Tan
Mindanao - Luzon & Mindanao
Syrrhopodon confertus Sande Lac. – Luzon, Mindoro & *Trichosteleum stigmosum Mitt. - Mindoro
some islands in the Visayas *Trismegistia calderensis (Sull.) Broth. – widespread
*Syrrhopodon croceus Mitt. - widespread Trismegistia lancifolia (Harv.) Broth. - widespread
*Syrrhopodon involutus Schwaegr. - widespread *Trismegistia panduriformis (C. H. Wright) Broth. -
*Syrrhopodon loreus (Sande Lac.) W. D. Reese - Luzon Mindoro & Mindanao
& Mindanao Vesicularia dubyana (Müll. Hal.) Broth. - widespread
Syrrhopodon muelleri (Dozy & Molk.) Sande Lac. - Vesicularia montagnei (Schimp.) Broth. - widespread
widespread Vesicularia reticulata (Dozy & Molk.) Broth. - wide-

Philippine Journal of Science Linis VC: Biogeographical notes on the moss floras of
Vol. 142: Special Issue Bicol Peninsula in Luzon

spread *Clastrobryum indicum (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy & Molk.

*Warburgiella subleptorrhyncha (Broth. & Paris) - Luzon
Broth. - Cyclodictyon blumeanum ((Müll. Hal) Kuntze -
*Weissia controversa Hedw. - Luzon & Mindoro widespread
*Weissia edentula Mitt. - Luzon & Mindoro *Dicranella coarctata (Müll. Hal.) Bosch & Sande Lac.
- Luzon & some islands in the Visayas
Dicranoloma blumii (Nees) Paris – widespread
*Distichophyllum nigricaule var. cirratum (Ren. &
Appendix B
Card.) Fleisch. - Luzon
Checklist of Catanduanes Island mosses and their Ectropotheciella distichophylla (Hampe ex Dozy &
distribution in the Philippines Molk.) M. Fleisch. - widespread
* Additional new records for the island. *Ectropothecium dealbatum (Reinw. & Hornsch.) Jaeg.
*Ectropothecium falciforme (Dozy & Molk.) A. Jaeger
Acanthorrhynchium papillatum (Harv.) M. Fleisch. - – Luzon, Mindoro & Mindanao *Ectropothecium
widespread luzoniae (C. Müll.) Jaeg.
Acroporium diminutum (Brid.) M. Fleisch. - widespread Ectropothecium monumentorum (Duby) A. Jaeger -
Acroporium stramineum (Reinw. & Hornsch.) M. widespread
Fleisch. - widespread *Entodon plicatus Müll. Hal. - widespread
Acroporium strepsiphyllum (Mont.) B. C. Tan var. Erythrodontium julaceum (Hook. ex Schwaegr.) Paris -
strepsiphyllum – Luzon, Mindoro & Mindanao widespread
*Aerobryidium crispifolium (Broth. & Geh.) Fleisch ex Exostratum blumei (Nees ex Hampe) L. T. Ellis - Luzon
Broth. & Mindanao
Aerobryopsis wallichii (Brid.) M. Fleisch. – widespread Fissidens crenulatus Mitt. var. elmeri (Broth.) Z. Iwats.
*Arthrocormus schimperi (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy & & Tad. Suzuki - widespread
Molk. – widespread Fissidens crispulus Brid. - widespread
Barbula indica (Hook.) Spreng. - widespread *Fissidens geminiflorus Dozy & Molk. - Luzon &
Brachymenium nepalense Hook. - widespread Mindoro
Bryum apiculatum Schwaegr. – Luzon, Mindoro & Fissidens nobilis Griff. – widespread
Mindanao *Fissidens zollingeri Mont.
Bryum coronatum Schwaegr. - widespread Floribundaria floribunda (Dozy & Molk.) M. Fleisch. -
*Caduciella mariei (Besch.) Enroth - Luzon & Palawan widespread
Callicostella papillata (Mont.) Mitt. - widespread *Garckea flexuosa (Griff.) Margad. & Nork. - Luzon,
*Calymperes afzelii Sw. - Luzon & Palawan Mindoro & Palawan
*Calymperes fasciculatum Dozy & Molk. - Luzon & Garovaglia elegans (Dozy & Molk.) Hampe ex Bosch
some islands in the Visayas & Sande Lac. - widespread
Calymperes graeffeanum Müll. Hal. - widespread *Groutiella tomentosa (Hornsch.) Wijk & Margad. –
*Calymperes moluccense Schwaegr. - Luzon, Mindoro, Luzon, Mindoro & some islands in the Visayas
Palawan & Western Mindanao *Herpetineuron toccoae (Sull. & Lesq.) Card.
*Calymperes motleyi Mitt. - Palawan & Sulu Homaliodendron flabellatum (Sm.) M. Fleisch. -
archipelago widespread
Calymperes taitense (Sull.) Mitt. - widespread Hyophila involuta (Hook.) M. Jaeger - widespread
Calymperes tenerum Müll. Hal. - widespread Hypnodendron milnei Mitt. ssp. korthalsii (Bosch &
Calyptothecium urvilleanum (Müll. Hal.) Broth. - Sande Lac. ex Paris) Touw - Luzon, Mindoro,
widespread Palawan & Western Mindanao
Campylopodium medium (Duby) Giese & J. -P. Frahm - Hypnodendron reinwardtii (Schwaegr.) Lindb. ex A.
Luzon & Mindoro Jaeger & Sauerb. ssp. caducifolium (Herzog)
Campylopus umbellatus (Schwaegr. & Gaudich. ex Touw - widespread
Arn.) Paris - widespread Hypnodendron subspininervium (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger
*Circulifolium exiguum (Bosch & Sande Lac.) S. ssp. arborescens (Mitt.) Touw – Luzon,
Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt – Luzon, Mindoro & Mindoro & Mindanao
Mindanao *Isopterygium albescens (Hook.) Jaeg.
Claopodium prionophyllum (Müll. Hal.) Broth. - *Isopterygium bancanum (Sande Lac.) A. Jaeger –
widespread widespread
*Clastrobryum caudatum M. Fleisch. – Luzon, *Isopterygium minutirameum (C. Müll.) Jaeg.
Mindoro & Mindanao * Leptotrichella miqueliana (Mont.) Lindb. ex Broth. -

Philippine Journal of Science Linis VC: Biogeographical notes on the moss floras of
Vol. 142: Special Issue Bicol Peninsula in Luzon

Luzon & Mindoro Palawan & Sulu

*Leucobryum aduncum Dozy & Molk. - Luzon, *Taxiphyllum taxirameum (Mitt.) M. Fleisch. - Luzon
Mindoro & Palawan & some islands in the Visayas
*Leucobryum bowringii Mitt. *Taxithelium nepalense (Schwaegr.) Broth. – Luzon,
Leucobryum javense (Brid.) Mitt. - widespread Mindoro & Mindanao
Leucobryum sanctum (Nees & Schwaegr.) Hampe - *Taxithelium vernieri (Duby) Besch.
widespread Thuidium cymbifolium (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy & Molk.
*Leucoloma molle (Müll. Hal.) Mitt. – Luzon, Mindoro – widespread
& Mindanao *Thuidium plumulosum (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy & Molk.
Leucophanes candidum (Schwaegr.) Lindb. - *Touwia elliptica (Bosch & Sande Lac.) S. Olsson,
widespread Enroth & D. Quandt - Luzon
*Leucophanes glaucum (Schwaegr.) Mitt. – Luzon, Touwia negrosensis (E. B. Bartram) S. Olsson, Enroth
Mindoro & Mindanao & D. Quandt - Luzon & Mindanao
*Leucophanes octoblepharioides Brid.
*Macromitrium fasciculare Mitt. - Luzon & Mindoro Trachythecium verrucossum (A. Jaeger) M. Fleisch. -
Macromitrium semipellucidum Dozy & Molk. - Luzon widespread
& Mindanao Trematodon longicollis Michx. - Luzon & Mindoro
*Mitthyridium fasciculatum (Hook. & Grev.) H. Rob. - *Trichosteleum stigmosum Mitt.
widespread Trismegistia korthalsii (Dozy & Molk.) Broth. – Luzon,
Neckeropsis cyclophylla (Müll. Hal.)S. Olsson, Enroth Mindoro & Mindanao
& D. Quandt - widespread Trismegistia lancifolia (Harv.) Broth. - widespread
* Neckeropsis exserta (Hook. ex Schwaegr.) Broth. var. Vesicularia montagnei (Schimp.) Broth. - widespread
scrobiculata (Nees) Touw – Luzon, Mindoro Vesicularia reticulata (Dozy & Molk.) Broth. -
& Mindanao widespread
Neckeropsis lepineana (Mont.) M. Fleisch. - widespread *Weissia edentula Mitt. - Luzon & Mindoro
Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. - widespread
*Pelekium synoicum (Touw) Touw – Luzon, Mindoro
& Mindanao
Pelekium velatum Mitt. – widespread
*Philonotis falcata (Hook.) Mitt.
Philonotis hastata (Duby) Wijk & Margad. – Luzon,
Mindoro & some islands in the Visayas
Philonotis nitida Mitt. - Luzon
*Plagiomnium succulentum (Mitt.) T. J. Kop.- Luzon,
Mindoro & Mindanao
Pogonatum neesii (Müll. Hal.) Dozy – widespread
Pogonatum philippinense (Broth.) Touw – Luzon,
Mindoro & Mindanao
*Pogonatum piliferum (Dozy & Molk.) Touw
*Pseudotaxiphyllum pohliaecarpum (Sull. & Lesq.) Z.
Iwats. – Luzon, Mindoro & Palawan
Pyrrhobryum spiniforme (Hedw.) Mitt. - widespread
Racopilum spectabile Reinw. & Hornsch. - widespread
Radulina hamata (Dozy & Molk.)W. R. Buck & B. C.
Tan – widespread
*Rhynchostegiella brachypoda M. Fleisch.
*Sematophyllum subpinnatum (Brid.) E. Britton -
insufficient data
Spiridens reinwardtii Nees - widespread
*Splachnobryum obtusum (Brid.) Müll. Hal. – Luzon,
Mindoro & some islands in the Visayas
Syrrhopodon albo-vaginatus Schwaegr. – widespread
*Syrrhopodon ciliatus (Hook.) Schwaegr.
*Taiwanobryum mucronatum (Bosch & Sande Lac.) S.
Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt – Mindoro,


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