Deformation Quantization of Almost Kahler Models and Lagrange-Finsler Spaces

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Deformation quantization of almost Kähler models

and Lagrange-Finsler spaces
Sergiu I. Vacarua兲
The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Science, 222 College Street, Second
Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5T 3J1, Canada
共Received 12 July 2007; accepted 13 November 2007; published online 12 December 2007兲

Finsler and Lagrange spaces can be equivalently represented as almost Kähler

manifolds endowed with a metric compatible canonical distinguished connection
structure generalizing the Levi-Civita connection. The goal of this paper is to
perform a natural Fedosov-type deformation quantization of such geometries. All
constructions are canonically derived for regular Lagrangians and/or fundamental
Finsler functions on tangent bundles. © 2007 American Institute of
Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2821249兴

An almost Kähler manifold 共space兲 is a Riemannian manifold K = 共M 2n , g兲 of even dimension
2n and metric g together with a compatible almost complex structure J such that the symplectic
form ␪ ⯐ g共J · , · 兲 is closed. Therefore, a space K defines a symplectic geometry with preferred
metric and almost complex structures. In a more general case of almost Hermitian manifolds H,
the form ␪ is not integrable 共not closed兲, see details in Refs. 1 and 2.
Let us consider a smooth n-dimensional real manifold M, its tangent bundle TM
= 共TM , ␲ , M兲 with surjective projection ␲ : TM → M, total space TM, and base M, and denote
 ⯐ TM \ 兵0其, where 0 means the image of the null cross section of ␲.3 A Finsler space Fn
= 共M , F兲 consists of a Finsler metric 共fundamental function兲 F共x , y兲 defined as a real valued
function F : TM → R with the properties that the restriction of F to  TM is a function 共1兲 positive,
共2兲 of class C⬁ and F is only continuous on 兵0其, 共3兲 positively homogeneous of degree 1 with
respect to y i, i.e., F共x , ␭y兲 = 兩␭兩F共x , y兲, ␭ 苸 R, and 共4兲 the Hessian Fgij = 共1 / 2兲⳵2F / ⳵y i⳵y j, defined
, is positive definite. There is a classical result by Matsumoto4 that a Finsler geometry Fn
on TM
can be modeled as an almost Kähler space FK = 共TM , F␪兲, where F␪ ⯐ Fg共J · , · 兲. for J adapted to a
canonical Finsler nonlinear connection structure.
A Lagrange space Ln = 共M , L兲 is defined by a Lagrange fundamental function L共x , y兲, i.e., a
regular real function L : TM → R, for which the Hessian

gij = 共1/2兲⳵2L/⳵y i⳵y j 共1兲
is not degenerate. The concept was introduced by Kern and developed as a model of geometric
mechanics by using methods of Finsler geometry in a number of works of Miron’s school on
Lagrange-Finsler geometry and generalizations.6–12 For researches interested in applications to
modern physics, we note that in our approach the review in Ref. 13 is a reference for everything
concerning the geometry of nonholonomic manifolds and generalized Lagrange and Finsler spaces
and applications to standard theories of gravity and gauge fields. It should be emphasized here that
a Lagrange space Ln is a Finsler space Fn if and only if its fundamental function L is positive and
two homogeneous with respect to variables y i, i.e., L = F2. For simplicity, in this paper we shall

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work in the bulk with Lagrange spaces, considering the Finsler ones to consist of a more particu-
lar, homogeneous subclass.
This paper is motivated by the results of Oproiu14–16 who proved that any Lagrange space can
be realized as an almost Kähler model LK = 共TM , L␪兲, where L␪ ⯐ Lg共J · , · 兲 for J adapted to a
canonical nonlinear connection structure. This allows us to elaborate a Fedosov quantization
scheme17–20 for Lagrange and Finsler spaces. We shall develop for nonholonomic tangent bundles
the approach from Ref. 21 in order to prove that any Lagrange and/or Finsler space can be
quantized by geometric deformation methods. The geometric constructions will be performed for
canonical nonlinear and linear connections in Lagrange and Finsler geometry, see similar results in
Ref. 22 for Lagrange-Fedosov spaces and Fedosov nonholonomic manifolds provided with almost
symplectic connection adapted to the nonlinear connection structure.
For simplicity, we shall work on tangent bundles even when the results have a natural exten-
sion for N-anholonomic manifolds, i.e., manifolds provided with nonintegrable distributions de-
fining nonlinear connection structures. Such generalizations of Lagrange-Finsler methods to geo-
metric and 共in our cases兲 nonholonomic deformations will be used for elaborating certain models
of quantum gravity for lifts of the Einstein gravity on the tangent bundle23 and almost Kähler
models of the Einstein gravity constructed on nonholonomic semi-Riemannian manifolds.24
The work is organized as follows: In Sec. II we establish our notations and remember the
basic definitions and results on the Lagrange and Finsler geometry, canonical nonlinear and dis-
tinguished connections, and metric structures. We show how such geometric models on tangent
bundles can be reformulated equivalently as almost Kähler nonholonomic structures. Section III is
devoted to basic constructions in nonholonomic deformation and quantization. We consider star
products for symplectic manifolds provided with nonlinear connection structure and define ca-
nonical distinguished connections adapted to the nonlinear connection and related almost complex
structure. There the Fedosov operators for Lagrange-Finsler spaces are defined. This allows us, in
Sec. IV, to formulate and sketch the proofs of Fedosov’s theorems for such nonholonomic tangent
bundles and provide a deformation quantization of Lagrange spaces. Finally, we compute the
important coefficient c0 of zero degree of cohomology classes of quantized Lagrange spaces.

A. Conventions
We shall use “left-up” and “left-low” labels like LD and Lg in order to emphasize that the
geometric object g is defined canonically by a regular Lagrange function L. A tensor analysis in
Lagrange-Finsler spaces requires a more sophisticated system of notations, see details in Ref. 13.
Moreover, we use Einstein’s summation convention in local expressions. The system of notations
is a general one considered in a series of our works on nonholonomic Einstein spaces, generalized
Ricci-Lagrange flows, and nonholonomic deformation quantization.


In this section, we outline briefly the almost Kähler model of Lagrange and Finsler
A nonlinear connection 共N connection兲 N on a tangent bundle TM can be defined by a
Whitney sum 共nonholonomic distribution兲

TTM = hTM 丣 vTM , 共2兲

given locally by a set of coefficients Nai 共x , y兲 defined with respect to a coordinate basis ⳵␣
= ⳵ / ⳵u␣ = 共⳵i = ⳵ / ⳵xi , ⳵a = ⳵ / ⳵y a兲 and its dual du = 共dx j , dy b兲. In a particular case, we get linear

connections for Nai = ⌫aib共x兲y b. The curvature of N connection is defined as the Neijenhuis tensor,

⳵Nai ⳵Naj b ⳵N j b ⳵Ni

a a
⍀aij = − + N − N .
⳵x j ⳵xi i
⳵yb j
Let L共x , y兲 be a regular Lagrangian with nondegenerate Lgij 共1兲 and action integral

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S共␶兲 = 冕 1


for y k共␶兲 = dxk共␶兲 / d␶ for x共␶兲 parametrizing smooth curves on a manifold M with ␶ 苸 关0 , 1兴. We
can formulate certain very important results on geometrization of Lagrange mechanics:25
• The Euler-Lagrange equations 共d / d␶兲共⳵L / ⳵y i兲 − ⳵L / ⳵xi = 0 are equivalent to the “nonlinear
geodesic” 共equivalently, semispray兲 equations

d 2x k
+ 2Gk共x,y兲 = 0,


⳵ 2L ⳵L
Gk = gkj y i j i − j
4 ⳵ y ⳵x ⳵x

defines the canonical N connection 共for Lagrange spaces兲

Naj = . 共3兲
⳵y j
˜ ,
• The regular Lagrangian L共x , y兲 defines a canonical 共Sasaki-type兲 metric structure on TM

g = Lgij共x,y兲ei 丢 e j + Lgij共x,y兲ei 丢 e j , 共4兲
where the preferred frame structure 共defined linearly by LNaj 兲 is e␯ = 共ei , ea兲 for

⳵ L a ⳵ ⳵
ei = i − Ni 共u兲 a and ea = , 共5兲
⳵x ⳵y ⳵ya
and the dual frame 共coframe兲 structure is e␮ = 共ei , ea兲, where

ei = dxi and ea = dy a + LNai 共u兲dxi , 共6兲

satisfying nontrivial nonholonomy relations

关e␣,e␤兴 = e␣e␤ − e␤e␣ = W␣␤ e␥ , 共7兲
with 共antisymmetric兲 nontrivial anholonomy coefficients Wia b
= ⳵aNbi and Waji = ⍀aij.26
• We get a Riemann-Cartan canonical model L on TM of Lagrange space Ln if we choose the
canonical metrical distinguished connection D̂ = 共hD , vD兲 = 共L̂i jk , Ĉijc兲 关in brief, d connection,
which is a linear connection preserving under parallelism the splitting 共2兲兴,

ˆ i e␥ = L̂i ek + Ĉi ec ,
ˆi =⌫
⌫ j j␥ jk jc

for L̂i jk = L̂abk , Ĉijc = Ĉbc

in ⌫ ˆ a e␥ = L̂a ek + Ĉa ec, and
ˆ a =⌫
b b␥ bk bc

L̂i jk = 21 gih共ekg jh + e jgkh − ehg jk兲, Ĉabc = 21 gae共ebgec + ecgeb − eegbc兲, 共8兲
which are just the generalized Christoffel indices.27 We note that RC
L contains a nonholo-
nomically induced torsion structure defined by 2-forms

⍀i = Ĉi jcei ∧ ec and ⍀a = − 21 ⍀aijei ∧ e j + 共ebNai − L̂abi兲ei ∧ eb 共9兲

computed from Cartan’s structure equations

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dei − ek ∧ ⌫ˆ ik = − ⍀i, dea − eb ∧ ⌫ˆ ab = − ⍀a ,

ˆi −⌫
d⌫ ˆ k ∧ ⌫ˆ i = − ⍀i ,
j j k j

in which the curvature 2-form is denoted by ⍀ij, see explicit formulas for coefficients in Refs.
6, 7, and 13 and formula 共22兲.
• In principle, we can work also with the torsionless Levi-Civita connection Lⵜ, constructed for
the same metric 共4兲 which with respect to N-adapted bases 共5兲 and 共6兲 is given by the same
coefficients 共8兲 but subjected to the condition that they must solve the structure equations
共10兲 with ⵜ⍀i = ⵜ⍀a = 0 and ⍀ij ⫽ ⵜ⍀ij. This provides a Riemann-type geometrization RL on
TM of Lagrange space Ln. We note that ⵜ does not preserve under parallelism the
N-connection splitting 共2兲, i.e., it is not adapted to the N-connection structure defined canoni-
cally by a regular Lagrangian L. From a formal point of view, we can work equivalently with
both types of connections because D̂ and Lⵜ are uniquely defined by the same data 共Lg and
N j 兲, i.e., by the same fundamental function L, in metric compatible forms, D̂ Lg = hD Lg
L a

= vD Lg = 0 and Lⵜ Lg = 0. Even D̂ has a nonzero torsion; it is induced canonically by the

same Lg and LNaj .

The canonical N connection LNaj 共3兲 induces an almost Kähler structure defined canonically by
a regular L共x , y兲 共Refs. 14–16兲 共in this paper, we use the constructions from Refs. 6, 7, and 13兲.
We introduce an almost complex structure for Ln as a linear operator J acting on the vectors on
TM the following formulas:

J共ei兲 = − ei and J共ei兲 = ei ,

where the superposition J ⴰ J = −I, for I being the unity matrix. The operator J reduces to a
complex structure J if and only if the distribution 共2兲 is integrable.
A regular Lagrangian L共x , y兲 induces a canonical 1-form

1 ⳵L i
␻= e
2 ⳵yi
and metric Lg 共4兲 induces a canonical 2-form

␪ = Lgij共x,y兲ei ∧ e j 共11兲
associating to J the formulas L␪共X , Y兲 ⯐ Lg共JX , Y兲 for any vectors X and Y on TM decomposed
with respect to an N-adapted basis 共5兲.
We can prove the following results:
共1兲 A regular L defines on TM an almost Hermitian 共symplectic兲 structure L␪ for which d L␻
= L␪ .
共2兲 The canonical N connection LNaj 共3兲 and its curvature have the properties

gl共i L⍀ljk兲 = 0, L
gij储k − Lgik储j = 0, ek Lgij − e j Lgik = 0,

where 共ijk兲 means symmetrization of indices and

gij储k = ek Lgij − LBsik Lgsj − LBsjk Lgis
for LBsik = ei LNsk, which means that the almost Hermitian model of a Lagrange space Ln is an almost
Kähler manifold with d L␪ = 0. We conclude that the triad K2n = 共TM ˜ , Lg , J兲 defines an almost
Kähler space 共see details in Refs. 14–16兲.
Proofs of properties 共1兲 and 共2兲 follow from the computation

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1 1 1
d L␪ = 兺
6 共ijk兲
gis L⍀sjkei ∧ e j ∧ ek + 共 Lgij储k − Lgik储j兲ei ∧ e j ∧ ek + 共ek Lgij − ei Lgkj兲ek ∧ ei ∧ e j .
2 2

The next step is to define the concept of almost Kähler d connection ␪D, which is compatible
both with the almost Kähler 共 L␪ , J兲 and N-connection structures LN and satisfies the conditions

DX Lg = 0 and ␪DXJ = 0
for any vector X = Xiei + Xaea. By a straightforward computation, we prove 共see details in Refs. 6
and 7兲 the following.
Theorem 1: The canonical d-connection ⌫ ˆ ␣ = 共L̂a , Ĉa 兲 with coefficients (8) defines also a
␤␥ bk bc
(unique) canonical almost Kähler d connection ␪D̂ = D̂ for which, with respect to N-adapted
frames (5) and (6), the coefficients T̂ijk = 0, torsion vanishes on hTM, and T̂bc a
= 0, torsion vanishes
on vTM, but there are cross nonzero coefficients of type 共9兲, T̂ jc = Ĉ jc, T̂aij = ⍀aij, and T̂aib = ebNai
i i

− L̂abi.
There are two important particular cases: If L = F2, for a Finsler space, we get an almost
Kähler model of Finsler space,4 when ␪D̂ = D̂ transforms into the so-called Cartan-Finsler
connection.28 We get a Kählerian model of a Lagrange or Finsler space if the respective almost
complex structure J is integrable.


The geometry of Lagrange-Fedosov manifolds was investigated in Ref. 22. The aim of this
section is to provide a nonholonomic modification of Fedosov’s constructions in order to perform
a geometric quantization of Lagrange 共in particular, Finsler兲 spaces provided with canonical metric
and nonlinear and linear connection structures defined by respective fundamental Lagrange 共Fin-
sler兲 functions, see next section. We shall use the approach to Fedosov quantization of geometries
with arbitrary metric compatible affine connections on almost Kähler manifolds and related sym-
plectic structures for a manifold M elaborated in Ref. 21. We shall redefine the constructions from
M and TM, respectively, on TM and TTM endowed with canonical N connection, metric, sym-
plectic, and almost Kähler structures uniquely defined by fundamental Lagrange 共Finsler兲 func-

A. Star products for symplectic manifolds

Let us denote by C⬁共V兲关关v兴兴 the spaces of formal series in variable v with coefficients from

C 共V兲 on a Poisson manifold 共V , 兵· , · 其兲. Following Refs. 29–31, a deformation quantization is an
associative algebra structure on C⬁共V兲关关v兴兴 with a v-linear and v-adically continuous star product

f ⴱ 2 f = 兺 rC共 1 f, 2 f兲vr , 共12兲

where rC , r 艌 0, are bilinear operators on C⬁共V兲 with 0C共 1 f , 2 f兲 = 1 f 2 f and 1C共 1 f , 2 f兲 − 1C共 2 f , 1 f兲
= i兵 1 f , 2 f其, with i being the complex unity. Following conventions from Ref. 13, we use “up” and
“low” left labels which are convenient to be introduced on Finsler-like spaces in order to not
create confusions with a number of “horizontal” and “vertical” indices and labels which must be
distinguished if the manifolds are provided with N-connection structure. We note that, in our
further constructions, the manifold V will be a tangent bundle, V = TM, or a nonhlonomic manifold
V = V 共for instance, a Riemann-Cartan manifold兲 provided with a nonholonomic distribution de-
fining an N connection.
If all operators rC , r 艌 0 are bidifferential, a corresponding star product ⴱ is called differential.
We can define different star products on a 共V , 兵· , · 其兲. Two differential star products ⴱ and ⴱ⬘ are
equivalent if there is an isomorphism of algebras A : 共C⬁共V兲关关v兴兴 , ⴱ 兲 → 共C⬁共V兲关关v兴兴 , ⴱ⬘兲, where
⬁ ⬁
A = 兺r艌1 rAv , for 0A being the identity operator and A being differential operators on C 共V兲.
r r

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For a particular case of Poisson manifolds, when 共V , ␪兲 is a symplectic manifold, each differ-
ential star product ⴱ on V belongs to its characteristic class cl共ⴱ兲 苸 共1 / iv兲关␪兴 + H2共V , C兲关关v兴兴, where
C is the field of complex numbers, and 共1 / iv兲关␪兴 + H2共V , C兲关关v兴兴 is an affine vector space, see
details in Refs. 19, 32, and 33. For symplectic structures, the equivalence classes of differential
star products on 共V , ␪兲 can be bijectively parametrized by the elements of the corresponding affine
vector space using the map ⴱ → cl共ⴱ兲.
The bibliography on existence proofs, methods, and descriptions of equivalent classes for the
first examples of star products 共Moyal-Weyl and Wick star products, asymptotic expansions with
a numerical parameter, Planck constant, ប → 0, Berezin-Toeplitz deformation quantization兲 is out-
lined in Refs. 21 and 34–38. A very important conclusion following from the above-mentioned
works is that a natural deformation quantization can be constructed on an arbitrary compact almost
Kähler manifold. The question of existence of deformation quantization and corresponding geo-
metric formalism on general Poisson manifolds were solved in Kontsevich’s work.39,40 In this
work, we are interested in describing this deformation quantization for Lagrange-Finsler spaces
defined by corresponding nonholonomic structures on arbitrary almost Kähler spaces.

B. Canonical d connections and complex structures

The deformation quantization using Fedosov’s machinery can be also constructed for a natural
class of affine connections, in general, considered by Yano.41 For Lagrange-Finsler spaces and
their almost Kähler models, we work with the canonical d connection 共8兲: the constructions will be
redefined with respect to N-adapted bases in a form when the results from Ref. 21 will hold true
for nontrivial nonholonomic structures.
 , Lg , J兲 define an almost Kähler model of Lagrange space with canonical d
Let K2n = 共TM

connection D̂ = D̂. For a chart U 傺 TM, we set the local coordinates u␣ = 共xi , y a兲 and parametrize
J共ei兲 = −ei and J共ei兲 = ei for e␣ = 共ei , ea兲 and denote

J共e␣兲 = J␣␣⬘e␣⬘, or J共ei兲 = Jii⬘ei⬘ and J共ea兲 = Jaa⬘ea⬘ . 共13兲

We also write

␪␣␤ = ␪共e␣,e␤兲, or ␪ij = ␪共ei,e j兲 and ␪ab = ␪共ea,eb兲, 共14兲

corresponding to metric 共4兲 with
g␣␤ = Lg共e␣,e␤兲, or Lgij = Lg共ei,e j兲 and Lgab = Lg共ea,eb兲. 共15兲
Using the inverse matrices corresponding to those considered above, we can write

J␣␣⬘ = Lg␣␤␪␤␣⬘ = Lg␣⬘␤⬘␪␤⬘␣

or in horizontal and vertical 共in brief, h and v兲 components,

Jii⬘ = Lgij␪ ji⬘ = Lgi⬘ j⬘␪ j⬘i and Jaa⬘ = Lgab␪ba⬘ = Lga⬘b⬘␪b⬘a .

We can define J␣␣⬘ as the inverse to J␣␣⬘. In our further considerations, we shall omit decompo-
sitions into h and v components if it would be possible to write formulas in a more compactified
form with Greek indices not creating ambiguities in distinguishing the nonholonomic
N-connection structure.
The Nijenhuis tensor ⍀ for the complex structure J on TM provided with N connection N is
defined in the form

⍀共X,Y兲 ⯐ 关JX,JY兴 − J关JX,Y兴 − J关X,Y兴 − 关X,Y兴,

where X and Y are vector fields on TM.42

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Let D = 兵⌫␣␤ 其 be any metric compatible d connection on TM 关it is any affine connection
preserving the splitting 共2兲 and satisfying D共g兲 = 0 for a given metric structure g.兴 A component

calculus with respect to N-adapted bases 共5兲 and 共6兲 for ⍀共e␣ , e␤兲 = ⍀␣␤ e␥ results in

␥ ␥
⍀␣␤ = 4T␣␤ , 共16兲
␥ ␥ 43
where T␣␤ is the torsion of ⌫␣␤ . For the case of Lagrange spaces with canonical d-connection D̂

共8兲, the nontrivial components T̂␣␤ are given by nonzero components of 2-forms 共9兲 being defined
L L a
completely by gij and Ni , which in turn are generated by a regular L共x , y兲.
Proposition 1: Any metric compatible d connection D with the torsion given by formula (16)
respects the symplectic form ␪共X , Y兲 ⯐ g共JX , Y兲 and therefore the complex structure J.
Proof: It consists in a straightforward verification of conditions DXg = 0 and DXJ = 0 which is
an N-adapted calculus with respect to 共5兲 and 共6兲, see similar computations proving Proposition
2.1 in Ref. 21. In our case, we work not with affine metric compatible connections but with
respective d connections. 䊐
As a consequence of Theorem 1 and Proposition 1, we have the following.
Corollary 1: The unique metric compatible canonical d connection ⌫ˆ ␣␤␥ = 共L̂abk , Ĉbc a
兲 (8), with
torsion components T̂ jk = 0, T̂bc = 0, T̂ jk = Ĉ jc, T̂ij = ⍀ij, and T̂ib = ebNi − L̂ bi computed with respect
i a i i a a a a a

␥ ␥
to N-adapted bases (5) and (6), satisfies the formula ⍀␣␤ = 4T̂␣␤ and respects the canonical
symplectic structure ␪ (11) constructed for the canonical N connection LNaj (3) and metric Lg (4).

In a particular case, for L = F2, similar results hold true for the Cartan connection on Finsler
spaces and respective canonical Finsler symplectic, metric, and N-connection structures.
We conclude that by geometrizing a Lagrange or Finsler space in terms of geometric objects
of a nonholonomic almost Kähler manifold, we can perform directly a natural deformation quan-
tization by adapting the constructions from Ref. 21 to the canonical N connection and for respec-
tive canonical geometrical objects 共such as metric, symplectic form, d connection, induced by
fundamental Lagrange or Finsler functions兲.
Our further considerations will perform a generalization to the nonholonomic tangent bundles
TM of the results and methods elaborated in the above-mentioned reference for usual manifolds M
endowed with metric compatible affine connections and respective almost Kähler structures. In
other turns, we shall emphasize the constructions only for the case of canonical Lagrange or
Finsler geometric objects. For simplicity, we shall omit details for local computations and proofs
if they will be certain “N-adapted” Lagrange-Finsler analogs of formulas and results obtained in
Refs. 21 and 41 or Refs. 17–20.

C. Fedosov operators for Lagrange-Finsler spaces

In this section, we modify Fedosov’s constructions to provide all data necessary for deforma-
tion quantization of almost Kähler models of Lagrange-Finsler spaces.
On TM endowed with canonical Lagrange structures, we introduce the tensor L⌳␣␤ ⯐ L␪␣␤
L ␣␤
− i g , see related formulas 共4兲, 共11兲, 共14兲, and 共15兲. The local coordinates on TM are param-
etrized in the form u = 兵u␣其 and the local coordinates on TuTM are labeled 共u , z兲 = 共u␣ , z␤兲, where z␤
are the second order fiber coordinates. We shall work with the formal series


to emphasize what we perform our constructions for spaces provided with N-connection structure兲.
We use the formal Wick product on Wu for two elements a and b defined by formal series of type

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a ⴰ b共z兲 ⯐ exp i 冉 v L ␣␤ ⳵2
⌳ ␣

兩a共z兲b共z关1兴兲兩z=z关1兴 . 共18兲

It is possible to construct a nonholonomic bundle W = 艛uWu of formal Wick algebras defined

as a union of algebras Wu distinguished by the N-connection structure, see Refs. 44 and 45 on
such “d-algebras,” for instance, on gauge and spinor field geometries adapted to N-connection
structures. The fiber product 共18兲 can be trivially extended to the space of W-valued N-adapted
differential forms LW 丢 ⌳ by means of the usual exterior product of the scalar forms ⌳, where LW
denotes the sheaf of smooth sections of W 共we put the left label L in order to emphasize that the
constructions are adapted to the canonical N-connection structure induced by a regular Lagrang-
ian兲. There is a standard grading on ⌳, denoted dega. It is possible to introduce gradings degv,
degs, dega on LW 丢 ⌳ defined on homogeneous elements v, z␣, e␣ as follows: degv共v兲 = 1,
degs共z␣兲 = 1, dega共e␣兲 = 1, and all other gradings of the elements v, z␣, e␣ are set to zero. In this
case, the product ⴰ from 共18兲 on LW 丢 ⌳ is bigraded, we write with respect to the grading deg
= 2 degv + degs and the grading dega, see also conventions from Ref. 21.

The canonical d connection LD̂ = 兵 L⌫ˆ ␣␤ 其 can be extended to an operator on LW 丢 ⌳ following
the formula

␥ z
D̂共a 丢 ␭兲 ⯐ 共e␣共a兲 − u␤ L⌫ˆ ␣␤ e␣共a兲兲 丢 共e␣ ∧ ␭兲 + a 丢 d␭, 共19兲

where e␣ and e␣ are defined, respectively, by formulas 共5兲 and 共6兲 and ze␣ is a similar to e␣ on
N-anholonomic fibers of TTM, depending on z variables 共for holonomic second order fibers, we
can take ze␣ = ⳵ / ⳵z␣兲. For second order mechanical or Finsler models, ze␣ can be constructed
canonically from higher order Lagrangians and respective semi-spray configurations and N
connections.8–12 In superstring theory and nonholonomic 共super兲gravity and higher order spinor
structures, such effective higher order N connections have to be defined from 共super兲vielbein
configurations.46,47 It should be noted that the operator 共19兲 can be similarly defined for arbitrary

metric compatible d connection D = 兵⌫␣␤ 其 and arbitrary N-connection structures on TTM, but for
purposes of this paper, we consider only the case of geometric objects induced canonically by a
fundamental function L or F. Using formulas 共18兲 and 共19兲, we can show that LD̂ is an N-adapted
dega-graded derivation of the distinguished algebra 共 LW 丢 ⌳ , ⴰ 兲, in brief called d-algebra.
Now, we can introduce on LW 丢 ⌳ the Fedosov operators L␦ and L␦−1 共we put additional left
labels in order to emphasize that in this work they are completely generated by a regular Lagrange
or Finsler canonical structure on TM兲:

␦共a兲 = e␣ ∧ ze␣共a兲,

␦ 共a兲 =
L −1
再 关i/共p + q兲兴z␣e␣共a兲 if p + q ⬎ 0
0 if p = q = 0,

where a 苸 LW 丢 ⌳ is homogeneous with respect to the gradings degs and dega with degs共a兲 = p and
dega共a兲 = q. We get the formula

a = 共 L␦ L␦−1 + L␦−1L␦ + ␴兲共a兲,

where a 哫 ␴共a兲 is the projection on the 共degs , dega兲-bihomogeneous part of a of degree zero;
degs共a兲 = dega共a兲 = 0. We can verify that L␦ is also a dega-graded derivation of the d-algebra
共 LW 丢 ⌳ , ⴰ 兲.
The Lagrange canonical d connection LD̂ 共8兲 on TM induces respective torsion and curvature
on W 丢 ⌳,

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123509-9 Deformation quantization and Lagrange-Finsler spaces J. Math. Phys. 48, 123509 共2007兲

z␥ L
T̂ ⯐ ␪ T̂␶ 共u兲e␣ ∧ e␤ 共20兲
2 ␥␶ ␣␤

z ␥z ␸ L
R̂ ⯐ ␪␥␶R̂␶␸␣␤共u兲e␣ ∧ e␤ , 共21兲

where the torsion T̂␣␤ 共9兲 has nontrivial components T̂ijk = Ĉi jc, T̂aij = ⍀aij, and T̂aib = e Nai − L̂abi and the
curvature R̂␶␸␣␤ has nontrivial components

R̂ihjk = ekL̂ihj − e jL̂ihk + L̂mhjL̂imk − L̂mhkL̂imj − Ĉiha⍀akj ,

P̂i jka = eaL̂i jk − D̂kĈi ja, Ŝabcd = edĈabc − ecĈabd + ĈebcĈaed − ĈebdĈaec ,
all computed in a form when the structure equations 共10兲 are solved.
Using the formulas 共17兲 and 共18兲 and the identity

␪␸␶R̂␶␥␣␤ = L␪␥␶R̂␶␸␣␤ , 共23兲
we prove the formulas

i i
关 LD̂, L␦兴 = adWick共T̂兲 and LD̂2 = − adWick共R̂兲, 共24兲
v v
where 关·,·兴 is the dega-graded commutator of endomorphisms of LW 丢 ⌳ and adWick is defined via
the dega-graded commutator in 共 LW 丢 ⌳ , ⴰ 兲.48


We generalize the standard statements of Fedosov’s theory for the case of Lagrange-Finsler
spaces provided with canonical N-connection and d-connection structures. The class c0 of the
deformation quantization of Lagrange geometry is calculated.

A. Fedosov’s theorems for Lagrange-Finsler spaces

Using the formalism of Fedosov operators on Lagrange spaces, we formulate and sketch the
proof of two theorems generalizing similar ones to the case of N-connection and metric compat-
ible d-connection geometries on TM, induced by fundamental Lagrange 共Finsler兲 functions.
Let us denote the deg-homogeneous component of degree k of an element a 苸 LW 丢 ⌳ by a共k兲.
Theorem 2: For any regular Lagrangian L on TM  , there is a flat canonical Fedosov d

D̂ ⯐ − L␦ + LD̂ − adWick共r兲

satisfying the condition LD̂2 = 0, where the unique element r 苸 LW 丢 ⌳, dega共r兲 = 1, L␦−1r = 0,
solves the equation

␦r = T̂ + R̂ + LD̂r − r ⴰ r
and this element can be computed recursively with respect to the total degree deg as follows:

r共0兲 = r共1兲 = 0, r共2兲 = L␦−1T̂,

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123509-10 Sergiu I. Vacaru J. Math. Phys. 48, 123509 共2007兲

冉 i
r共3兲 = L␦−1 R̂ + LD̂r共2兲 − r共2兲 ⴰ r共2兲 ,

r共k+3兲 = L␦−1 冉 L
D̂r共k+2兲 −

v l=0

兺 r共l+2兲 ⴰ r共l+2兲 , k 艌 1.

Proof: We sketch the idea of the proof which is similar to the standard Fedosov constructions but
N adapted. By induction, we use the identities

␦T̂ = 0 and L␦R̂ = LD̂T̂.
In Ref. 21, these identities were proved for arbitrary affine connections with torsion and almost
Kähler structures on M. In our case, we work with a more particular class of geometric objects,
induced canonically from Ln, on TM. In another turn, the constructions are generalized to non-
holonomic bundles. 䊐
We note that the canonical Fedosov d connection D̂ is a dega-graded derivation of the algebra

共 LW 丢 ⌳ , ⴰ 兲. This means that LWD̂ ⯐ ker共 LD̂兲 艚 LW is an N-adapted subalgebra of 共 LW , ⴰ 兲.

The next theorem gives a rule on how to define and compute the star product induced by a
regular Lagrangian.
Theorem 3: A star product on the canonical almost Kähler model of Lagrange (Finsler)
spaces K2n = 共TM , Lg , J兲 is defined on C⬁共TM
 兲关关v兴兴 by the formula

f ⴱ 2 f ⯐ ␴共␶共 1 f兲兲 ⴰ ␴共␶共 2 f兲兲,
 兲关关v兴兴 onto the part of deg degree zero is a bijection and
where the projection ␴: LWD̂ → C⬁共TM s
 兲关关v兴兴 → LW can be calculated recursively with respect to the total
the inverse map ␶: C⬁共TM D̂
degree deg,

␶共f兲共0兲 = f
and, for k 艌 0,

␶共f兲 共k+1兲
= ␦ 冉
L −1 L
D̂␶共f兲 共k兲 i
v l=0

− 兺 adWick共r共l+2兲兲共␶共f兲共k−l兲兲 . 冊
Proof: We note that the connection LD̂ and its almost Kähler version defined by Proposition 1 and
Theorems 1 and 2 in the case of almost Kähler manifolds is a special N-adapted case of the star
product constructed in Ref. 49. 䊐
The statements of the above presented Fedosov theorems generalized for Lagrange-Finsler
spaces can be extended for arbitrary metric compatible d connections on TM . For Finsler spaces,
we can use the so-called Miron procedure of computing all metric compatible d connections for a
given metric g, see Refs. 6 and 7 共from a formal point of view, we shall have the same formulas
without “hats” and L labels but with arbitrary d torsions and corresponding curvatures兲. It should
be noted that there is also the so-called Kawaguchi metrization procedure, which allows to work
with metric noncompatible d connections, described in detail in the above-mentioned Miron and
Anastasiei monographs. In Ref. 50, such constructions were elaborated for nonholonomic mani-
folds with the aim of applying Finsler methods in modern gravity theories.

B. Cohomology classes of quantized Lagrange spaces

It follows from the results obtained in Ref. 38 that the characteristic class of the star product
from Ref. 49 is 共1 / iv兲关␪兴 − 共1 / 2i兲␧, where ␧ is the canonical class for an underlying Kähler
manifold. This canonical class can be defined for any almost complex manifold. In this section, we

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123509-11 Deformation quantization and Lagrange-Finsler spaces J. Math. Phys. 48, 123509 共2007兲

calculate the crucial part of the characteristic class cl of the star product ⴱ which we have
constructed in Theorem 3 for an almost Kähler model of Lagrange 共Finsler兲 spaces, i.e., we shall
compute the coefficient c0 at the zeroth degree of v. Only the coefficient c0共ⴱ兲 of the class
cl共ⴱ兲 = 共1 / iv兲关 L␪兴 + c0共ⴱ兲 + ¯ can not be recovered from Deligne’s intrinsic class.32 Here we also
note that the cohomology class of the formal Kähler form parametrizing a quantization with
separation of variables on a Kähler manifold differs from the characteristic class of this quantiza-
tion only in the coefficient c0 as it is proved in Ref. 38.
Let us recall the rigorous definition of the class c0 of a star product 共12兲 共see details, for
instance, in Ref. 20兲 adapting the constructions for tangent bundles provided with the
N-connection structure. One denotes by f ␰ the corresponding Hamiltonian vector field correspond-
ing to a function f 苸 C⬁共TM兲 on a symplectic tangent bundle 共TM , ␪兲 and considers the antisym-
metric part

− C共 1 f, 2 f兲 ⯐ 21 共C共 1 f, 2 f兲 − C共 2 f, 1 f兲兲
of bilinear operator C共 1 f , 2 f兲. A star product 共12兲 is normalized if

f, 2 f兲 = 兵 1 f, 2 f其,
where 兵·,·其 is the Poisson bracket. For normalized ⴱ, the bilinear operator −2 C is a de Rham–
Chevalley 2-cocycle. In this case, there is a unique closed 2-form L⑂, induced by a regular
Lagrangian L, such that

2 ⑂共 ␰, ␰兲
f, 2 f兲 = f1 f2
for all 2 f, 2 f 苸 C⬁共TM兲. The class c0 of a normalized star product ⴱ is stated as the equivalence
class c0共ⴱ兲 ⯐ 关 L⑂兴.
A fiberwise equivalence operator on LW can be defined by the formula
G ⯐ exp共− v L⌬兲,
1 L ␣␤ z z
⌬= 8 g 共 e␣ e␤ + ze ␤ ze ␣兲
for nonholonomic configurations on the second order fibers on TTM, or

1 L ␣␤ ⳵2
⌬= g
4 ⳵ z ␣⳵ z ␤
if we elaborate a model with trivial N connection for the second order fibers on TTM. We can
check directly the formulas

关 LD̂, L⌬兴 = 关 LD̂, LG兴 = 0 and 关 L␦, L⌬兴 = 关 L␦, LG兴 = 0, 共26兲
which allows us to define a fiberwise star product on LW,

aⴰ⬘b ⯐ LG共 LG−1a ⴰ LG−1b兲,

which is the Weyl star product

aⴰ⬘b共z兲 = exp 冉 iv L ␣␤ z
␪ 共e␣ e␤ − ze␤e␣兲 = exp 冊 冉
iv L ␣␤
⳵ ⳵
␪ e␣ ␤ − ␤ e␣
⳵z ⳵z
冉 冊冊
for holonomic 2d order fibers
The next step is to push forward the Fedosov d connection LD̂ from Theorem 2 using the
formulas in 共26兲. We get a new canonical d-connection operator,

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123509-12 Sergiu I. Vacaru J. Math. Phys. 48, 123509 共2007兲

D̂⬘ = LG LD̂ LG−1 = L␦ + LD̂ − adWeyl共r⬘兲,
where r⬘=LGr and adWeyl is calculated with respect to the ⴰ⬘-commutator.
For symplectic manifolds, it is well known that each star product is equivalent to a normalized
one. The class c0共ⴱ兲 of a star product ⴱ is defined as the cohomology class c0共ⴱ⬘兲 of an equivalent
normalized star product ⴱ⬘. We have first to construct an equivalent normalized star product in
order to calculate the class c0共ⴱ兲 for ⴱ from Theorem 3. This procedure is described in detail in
Sec. IV of Ref. 21 for arbitrary affine metric compatible connection on a manifold M. In our case,
those formulas have to be redefined with respect to N-adapted bases and canonical d-connection,
N-connection, and metric structures. For simplicity, we omit in this work such tedious but trivial
generalizations but present only the most important formulas and definitions.
A straightforward computation of 2C from 共25兲, using statements of Theorem 2, results in a
proof of the following lemma.
Lemma 1: The unique 2-form L⑂ can be expressed in the form

⑂ = − J␶␣⬘R̂␶␣⬘␣␤e␣ ∧ e␤ − i L␭,
where the exact N-adapted 1-form L␭ = d L␮ for

␮ = 61 J␶␣⬘T̂␶␣⬘␤e␤ ,

with nontrivial components of curvature and torsion defined by the canonical d-connection com-
puted following formulas (9) and (22).
For trivial N-connection structures and arbitrary metric and metric compatible affine connec-
tions, Lemma 1 is equivalent to statements of Lemma 4.1 from Ref. 21, in our case, redefined for
Riemann-Cartan geometries modeled on TM. We reformulated the results in a form when gener-
alizations for arbitrary metric g compatible d-connection and N-connection structures, D and N on
TM, can be performed following the formal rule of omitting hats and L-labels.
Let us recall the definition of the canonical class ␧ of an almost complex manifold 共M , J兲 and
redefine it for NTTM = hTM 丣 vTM 共2兲 stating an N-connection structure N. The distinguished
complexification of such second order tangent bundles is introduced in the form

TC共 NTTM兲 = TC共hTM兲 丣 TC共vTM兲.

For such nonholonomic bundles, the class N␧ is the first Chern class of the distributions
TC⬘ 共 NTTM兲 = TC⬘ 共hTM兲 丣 TC⬘ 共vTM兲 of couples of vectors of type 共1,0兲 both for the h and v parts.
Our aim is to calculate the canonical class L␧ 共we put the label L for the constructions canonically
defined by a regular Lagrangian L兲 for the almost Kähler model of a Lagrange space Ln. We take
the canonical d-connection LD̂ that was used for constructing ⴱ and consider h and v projections,

h⌸ = 21 共idh − iJh兲 and v⌸ = 21 共idv − iJv兲,

where Idh and Idv are the respective identity operators and Jh and Jv are defined by the formulas
in 共13兲, which are projection operators onto corresponding 共1,0兲 subspaces. It follows from 共23兲
that Tr R̂ = Tr共⍀␤␣兲 = 0, see 共10兲. The matrix 共h⌸ , v⌸兲R̂共h⌸ , v⌸兲T, where 共¯兲T means transposi-
tion, is the curvature matrix of the N-adapted restriction of the connection LD̂ to TC⬘ 共 NTTM兲. Now,
we can compute the Chern-Weyl form

␥ = − i Tr关共h⌸, v⌸兲R̂共h⌸, v⌸兲T兴 = − i Tr关共h⌸, v⌸兲R̂兴 = − J␶␣⬘R̂␶␣⬘␣␤e␣ ∧ e␤
to be closed. By definition, the canonical class is L␧ ⯐ 关 L␥兴. The proof of the following theorem
follows from Lemma 1 and the above presented considerations.

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Theorem 4: The zero-degree cohomology coefficient c0共ⴱ兲 for the almost Kähler model of
Lagrange space is computed,

c0共ⴱ兲 = − 共1/2i兲 L␧,

where the value L␧ is canonically defined by a regular Lagrangian L共u兲.
Finally we note that the formula from this theorem can be directly applied for the Cartan
connection in Finsler geometry with L = F2. In our partner works,23,24 we consider its extensions,
respectively, for generalized Lagrange spaces or canonical nonholonomic lifts of semi-Riemanian
metrics on TM and nonholonomic deformations of the Einstein gravity into almost Kähler models
on nonholonomic manifolds.

The author is grateful to Professor Vasile Oproiu for very important discussions and references
on almost Kähler models of Lagrange spaces. He also thanks the referee for hard work and very
useful suggestions. This work belongs to a research program for a visitor at Fields Institute.
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