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eee es gc oe top ao Waray =i i [eo | Hello. My name is Kresimir Pernek and I'm 3D artist from Croatia, This tutorial will teach you basi Sac 3 architectural modeling and working with Editable Poly. Press NEXT arrow to continue. Ee ee ee ee EB Auokey Seectod = I a Bm om QB ein oe eee) eee es gc oe een R@aons n ore) | You can easily be frightened with the number of buttons and options in 3ds Max, t but in the beginning you will only use some ae of them, The first thing you see are 4 viewports that a let you see your abject from different sides. Right-click each viewport that you want to work with. The selected viewport will be highlighted. o a Let En a ey a) Auokey Seectod = I a Bm om QB ein oe ony Let Right-click Perspective viewport to activate it, We will create Box object for your imeriar Click on the Create panel. This is where you create geometric abjects a off all kinds. 0 En ed Tin a ey ET aor oy foes a {~ I COII [et[S cesneaesy mo ca Standard Pines A) cay Cone CeCe Peed Tue Toa) io) co a a) Bn ex Next, click Geometry button sche GeuSohere H This allows you to create basic ire Tae ian 8D objects. er ist | _ so = You can later modify them in more complex geometry, 5 ee ee ee z Auoky Scots = AJ a Bm om QB paiTo Seika I KeyFBaa, m0 erat) Let Next, make sure that Standard Primitives is selected from the drop down menu, Here you can find basic solids like box, sphere, cylinders, etc. c a 0 En a ed Tin ey ET aor Setkey a foes a {~ I COII [et[S cesneaesy mo ere nes mors en pees ar var AEC Ended Pact can a a) 1 SL la ote ecole oe cade aac acacia acc cae Se ee Li} SESE TE = ca Cone foeneo a Select Box object and drag it oe ed freely in viewport. eed nd Let Right-click when done. freeenele Pence Cees er formers came) a 5 Sen) cl a ET fT 0 ey ia a ate Hei ans a Fa Creo) ai ie me pe eo Let eee es gc oe Ca Beate cay Cone CeCe Peed Tue Tons io) When you create any object. you can see its name and color under Name and Color panel. You can change them if you like. a io [- ec eke 1 blah ota a eile es oes caer aeue Be eee ae ane Ley ral CES SSO) Ea eka % a eee ies Tone co | es same He Ceenee 5 Peed Tue EE Toa) io) co Let freeenele Pn : Right-click Perspective viewport label. 5 yar) 5 a 4 5 a ET fT 0 ey ia a ate | ns a a rene) [- eee eee KeyFitas. m0 ed Tin Setkey G [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed Ee ies Tone cs cy eer f a Oe Tue ite nee cepa a ) Let Terriers a r Make sure the Edged Faces is checked. This will allow you to see outlines on your abject. aa Shorteut F4 | port Clipping < vara cist ve a 4 5 zi Et fi Ei Lr ey zoom stents Et i Eee v EB cod Bo OBR eee i i Aap wey blah ota a eile es oes caer aeue Be eee ae ane ee TE eka % a eee | ql ies Tone cay Cone CeCe i Peed Tue Toa) io) co fea ry or Press Maximize Viewport Toggle to full screen your current view. Shortcut Alt'W g a ieee a Ce: x z eee [- CR Pore Tin Setker VP, KevFitss. I 0 Bead blah ota a eter es es caer eae Be eee ee ors fer eee Cone Ceenee i) Perit ieee co freeenele fen Now you have your Perspective view on full screen for easier modeling. z Tar eet ree - Pe Cn ee lak.) ra Badass eee eed fe) ce eee es gc oe i ors panel. Here you edit your object paramaters. foo o = irs Tome) Pyar Teapot Plane Teer Pn : a Auto kop Selctod [- eR eed) Gono a eo) [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed Ee ors erm panel you can i Sere ~ see dimensions of your a ~ Box and also number of ae ee segments on each side. ra CT We will change only | uenrey q dimensions in this tutorial. | NRT ms Seer z TT Eee v EB en [- ee CR ee Rak: Ce Cees fe) Eee ria ea blah ota a eile es oes caer aeue rere a Ce ec Li} oo ’ “T v8 Gerad ae vas PROTEN - Shaven on rig) ce Dan't wary if your Box || apes disappears fram your an) screen. ee q ere ear eers g Seer TT Eee v EB eee [- ee CR ee Rak: een eres an oe eae) blah ota a eter es es caer eae Be eee ee ors ge il ~ ann) . Press Zoom Extents All button which will zoom on all of objects in seene so they will be nicely placed in viewport. ShorteutZ a 4 5 a Ft A 0 ey ia a Et rt Eee v eee - Den ee eee ree an oe 1B be Coat ae es Ec Ee ong Po 22 MASarp Hab Cree ory Waren =a Pa ' oe) | Click on Select and Move tool. Shorteut W. It allows you to move your abject in any direction. o a “oT v8 ke ered Seated cesta era See oa eee ees Cas my an x eee [- ee a a) Pore Setker VP, KevFitss. I 0 aoe) Teg ae eae Sc Uc ee ee i frination a we on ae ory Waren =a Pa ' oe) | Next ta Move ton! you also have Rotate and Scale tools. Rotate (Shortcut E) rotates selected object and Seale (Shorteut R) stretches it “oT v8 ke ered Seated cesta era See oa eee ees Cas Ee ee ee eer) [- eR eed) Gono a eo) [Se ela teed ea ce gc ate ed Ee i rina gig ors R@sa« ca Make sure Move tool is cee | selected. l= When Mave tool is activated een your cursor changes to arrows Se pointing in XY and Z directions, Cee meening you can move it now |iiyaaesau—aa freel nieipted a 'y a ed Pee ; Rotate and Seale tools have Perera er cee c TT ch ee AuloKoy Selected J Hea a DE] um a Cee eee fac) ia Teg ae eae Sc Uc ee ee i frination en oe oe ory Waren =a Pa ' oe) | “oT v8 ke ered Seated cesta era ‘Those 3 values shaws selected Seen) object's coordinates. oa eee ees Cas Er eee ee Auoky Scots = A a Bm om QR oct eo) Teg ae eae Sc Uc ee ee Fis Ed E 7 frination en ney ory reli Pa ' oe) | “oT v8 ke eres) Sere cee Right-click each of 3. spinners near XY and Z value to reset el g thom at 0,0. This will place your Rc A Box in perfect centre of Cee Z coordinate system. eee eats cg o cee ot ee ee) a) 2 oe aera Pata Tor Geena ee MEE eT en) Been i rimation Gaph Edt eee es gc oe ors zz ered Seated cesta le io Again, press Zoom Extents All to place your newly positioned object in center af your view. i fT ey ET Pe ae ee ewe Coo RED roc Teg ae eae Sc Uc ee ee een i frination we on ae ors This is Mi can add all kind of effects ta your geometry. o a ered Seated cesta era See oa eee ees Cas g Par) 5 (ee ee Ce meh er pets [- ea hed) ec oot eo) Coat ae es Ec Ee S$ bv MW A esol © == SCE Pa ' | a 22 MASarp Hab eas FD ad fete ae sey He) a HN hs re een ee enon Net ene) ‘eee Nir ed es Nake From Modifier list, select hone Normal. You can easy ares 7 j Boer navigate through list by paseacs pressing first letter of ie modifier, in this case eee press N. eee one oa ee ee < fered i ce) Cee os crane? eee ener a Tin oc eta] } (Talat Reed ca ence aca Geaeeet ee aso eased ee Pa) ors The selected modifier will he highlighted in the stack. Press the white light bulb to tun it off or right-click and delete it if you don't want to use selected modifier any more. As you can see, the Normal modifier turns your object's faces from outside to inside. This way you can see through the wall fram the outside, but can't see out through the inside, x This is really useful when you have many walls and you can't see through them. Tar But this method is primary used for interior mn Se ee ee eee) modeling ER heey Taree |S Io = (tue Fl ors Daten Ue eke CL po eae Ci stars Rendering Leave the default parameters. Flip Normals should be checked, otherwise the walls wan't turn inside. a ESS Varah) = Pr oe iene Denes wh Ae) Pa [- eR ee) egEeEED Adda Setkey I) KepFtas. HH 0 eo) [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed OEE oe Tape aioe Box a [eo | Rens) Untroeze Al pees sl eer) rr Peed ieeeses ee Remeeeerie cr Ere Lo q pened ba | ght-click your selected en Box to open Quad Menu. Soe Ieper Here you also have crete ar Sees access to Move, Rotate Rie encer and Seale tools and also some others. c o g Par) 5 Ee Ee ee ee ee ee ce Ce eh ee oer) [- eRe eee Reon ae cee On eo) GSomned i Coat ae es Ec Ee ors ge il Rens) Untroeze Al pees sl eer) rr Peed ieeeses ee Remeeeerie —— ts all SIG a 7 oo Es q at fences acer onesie ere eee Rie enser From Covert To: ence ere seleet Convert ta eerie nan Editable Poly. confor to ecto Patch o = a a 4 5 Hf ue Ce eee [- eons eee ener a Tin Setker VP, KevFitss. I 0 ET fT 0 ey ia a Et (tue Fl eee es gc oe een frination GiaohEdte Rendoring Cu Cree Sa eo) =| a This transforms your Box Te object with your Normal Editable Poly ors Here you can control ividual points of your object, lines and faces. c o oo Pea ee EET [—“ratteone —_] ares wh Coie som ec ey Auoky Scots = A a Bm om QR egEeEED Adda Setkey I) KepFtas. HH 0 eo) Teg ae eae Sc Uc ee ee een i frination we on ae ors QR@i,0e08 Pa ' oe) | Ey i a 3 In Editable Poly selections, the JO8 first one is Vertex selection. (Shortcut 1) eo It takes control of points of your abject. You can see the blue Serks_|||_Gen_| dots in viewport, the selected c a vertices will become red. rece o o (= tatvences J — > ere os a to ea Ce: x z eee [- ee a a) ee ee cc Rea a LD SS a LiL ee aoe) Teg ae eae Sc Uc ee ee een i frination we on ae ors QR@i,0e08 Pa ' oe) | nies Ea The second selection Edge selection. (Shortout 2) ya eee Hore you contro! the lines of your objects and add 7 2 new ones if you like. Fira = lecp = cer EET seme] od co o a Par) 5 Inst Venen (ee er ee S ~ Ce: x z eee [- ee a a) ee ee cc Rea a LD SS a LiL ee aoe) Daten Ue eke CL Z ima nar ae a na ors a a fT 0 Cea % ES Pa ees re en ee Goh Edt En ed Tin Soo a doing C ey cr The po eae fourth Polygon (Short This allows you ta select of your whole object. rout 4) faces ET aor Setkey a foes option selection, a ESS QR@i,0e08 Pa ' oe) | nies = ial eer) ee brn co 5 | Samet ET zr fern Petr eee at mo a) [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed i frination GiaohEdte Rendoring Cu E eae oe) == ATOM Pel ry] ore) | Er EA Go to Edge selection. A By Vaal (or press 2) eee o cr cc cen - nies Peers v Fa Fe eer) [- eRe eee Reon Peet eee Beate Teg ae eae Sc Uc ee ee een i frination we on ae ors ie ael oi) Table Fey Select this edge simply by left elicking on it. a a 0. cae eee od co cc Coote EET seme] eens g Par) 5 Ee Ee ee ee ee S ~ ee eee ee ec ae) oer) [- eRe eee Reon Pere ee ec eo) Gia adie eee eae ac Geaeeet ee aso eased ee Pa) SES Oo coo Seer =] Pea feo I] . a and Click on Ring button. Grow Loe ¢ This will select all the parallel ra edges to selected ona. aE To rat ‘You can always select manually ‘ using Ctrl to add to selection or os epee using Alt to remove from = = B <7 X 200m $9: 1800en +2: 150, PCR eect: ese ee ere er eee) c en ney Ean ors Now all 4 ver edges selected are selected. 5 Ee ee ee ee Cae % EB eters) Cesta ee ents coe Eon Here you can seo how many edges QR@i,0e08 Pa ' oe) | nies Ea i a 3 tical a are ee eee od co coro) S| ce o nies [eo weet rn ero) eee es gc oe ESS QR@i,0e08 Pa ' oe) | nies Ea Scroll down to Edit Edges Connect button. Cia Sase aaa Pa ees re en ee i a 3 ETE) | ee ce ea en ee corres on Suge an 2 a aoe) Teg ae eae Sc Uc ee ee een i frination we on ae ors Table Fey i a 3 ETE) | This connects your | /ENNNNCITIEET=sTmy selected edges by placing new edge between each of Inset Vets them. ce) By default the connecting os aos edge will be placed in the | NEEuemieiNRnEstas) centre, or we rs >| eee ve ee! THO co ee De ee Cee eee [- ee a a) ee ee cc Rea a LD SS a LiL ee aoe) [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed Son ele == ATOM Pel ry] [eo | nies Ea i a 3 ETE) | ‘The nowly created lines | /ENmmECIIEe=sin will be used for bottom line |] EmraTEsare of our window. inti oc o | en een! eae) meer Eon ea eee a a) Par) Crewe 00 + Ee Ee ee ee ee ce) Cee eee [- ee a a) ee ee cc Rea a LD SS a LiL ee aoe) Teg ae eae Sc Uc ee ee i frination en oe oe oor Waren =a Pa ' oe) | nies Ea i a 3 ETE) | RECS SEE Cc Here you can see that your line is Te) at a height of 150. cone Your Box is 300 units tall, so Penne Connect tool place your new Chanter Taso Weld edge in the middle, Corre c eee ane) cea i fT a ey a) ce Cech oer) [- eRe eee Reon Peeve eres ro eo) GSomned i Coat ae es Ec Ee SSS rao) Bot ors err ge Table Fey en nas ETE) | aE TST insatVeter Gio | Pee eee ee expiaorensset g Par) 5 eat Ea cea 5 a ET fT Ce mec. acd Auokoy Selected tae an [Em eens eee ey a Tin Eee ria Gi adie te coke UL Bee eed ong Po a) Ta iy Hels feos Right-click the Move tool to open Move Transform Type in. Here you can ee ees recisely type your transformations. Men Men ot ly fype you ney aoe (You can also right-click Rotate and 2 FES Seale button for typing in values.) c eae) i fT Eh foeny 0 En EERO a ey ois Poe a a Paes Pa ees re en ee a Tin ET od foes a [ed mo ESS QR@i,0e08 Pa ' oe) | nies Ea a a ETE) | ee ce ea rat ero cee cy Eon eee ane) [a earl roe Cee aoe) [Se ela teed ea ce gc ate ed Ee Fl Pen Te as = Fi eialeel iret rrenersy) Ofer Pa fo ce z al || ® fore Fae le] Sa Press middle mouse button and UW o its hold it to Pan your view to place aa your Box to the desired position - | if Transform Type in is placed oa aE TST oo Use mouse Seroll to Zoom in f= | an and out, cee oo Alternately, the Pan button is placed here. o z Tar See Le en [- CR oi: ) see ere Sere Eo co ees) [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed Ee i ECON ame SSO as ei FOneWelaer ie! rrenersy) Ofer Pa fo ce z al || ® fore Pantone) ig Pane + anes cir a) | aE TST oo Here is also Arc Rotate tool to rotate your view if you need too. Left -click to Rotate. a Parr) Ae em era one | EE [- eons rt mo a ee ee eee eT Se Geaeeet ee aso eased ee blah ota a eile es oes caer aeue ay or Ss if you did familiarize yourself to . % O.0en : re |-| navigation, we can continue with Ce | | | earn modeling. Zon ¢ The left part of Transform Type-In, called Absolute: World is exact as the values below your current viewport. si v8 ie ee ce eee They now both show position of eS seleeted edges and not the whale _ ire cree 5 eee Pe TT : Grae 00S See aed eee [- ee CR ee Rak) eset eae oe eee) [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed aninaen Gr eng cusones MAMSciRt_ Ho Es OO ea ES) rey [ieee eeea|\8C i008 coer cer Pe | ors xi dten =| eater ] ca Oe) — = Eater) as So wo see our newly created lines are at the height of 15 i a 3 ETE) | ee ce ea en Ce Corre eee ane) g Par) 5 ea Ee Ee ee ee ee ce) Cee eee [- ee a a) ee ee cc Rea a LD SS a LiL ee aoe) GSomned i Coat ae es Ec Ee ag CON ae Mee oS oy =F AOm eel S peerra eee Pe CC ee x al }/& Mes Li Fat aE ..the lowest lines are at the 0.0 ‘These lines represents the floor st v8 ie of our room. a || TET ee ce cares ee cr ne eee Vege t TIC on Ce ee AuloKoy Selected J Hea a DE] um mo ee ee eee eT Se i Gi adie te coke UL Ee Tee uae Ls oy “3 Ome Wales peerra eee Pe ere ee re Yorstn Cn =r Fat aE The highest lines that are top of our room are at 300, because when we created our Box i This is why is important to place your object n center, so the values will be correct. co cares ee cre eran TIC on CR ee a eee ee AuloKoy Selected J Hea a DE] um eee ee ed fac) ee rel mo a i] Ea eee Coat ae es Ec Ee a ee oe 5 {Jnana rey =I] ronan creer) Pel ry] Pr I ere | ‘EE | |) Eatabe Fl Ea Eisenia fore ne i a 3 Oper 1 ee ee od com ce Pe eS ae 11 eee coe Ba D oe i fT 0 En a ey a) Ca ce) Cee a eee [- ee a a) ee ee cc Rea a LD SS a LiL ee aoe) [Tree teed ea ce act ee frination Gra ong Si ¢ Ou Bn “Dinars exten type ors c Glick Loop button, next ta the Ring. 22 MASarp Hab eo a Ee Se ee ee ee a a Ee ee ence ae) oes Eee ene eh eT oe a Slee - oe KeyFitas. m0 QR@i,0e08 rrenersy) eee Pa ' oe eC verses ] Sh el aT = PoRLTery co Pann + aan i a 3 Oper 1 ee ee od om en em aS ae 11 eee coe Ba oe Phonire =) Trot Welt Cee aoe) GSomned i Gi adie te coke UL Be eee ee ECON ame ors ree eat weld Pao Ard a Sao a pen A Fan toe ia eet a SSO R@sa« Bot err Table Fey a i] Ea Loop selects all encircling Ce as edges. ee p Peete enenieel eee and Loop can really speed e up your selection. cr eer 5 a A Edged | CE ar | | a -| ye Sot c TO ce ne ee ee ee ee ee ee ae) Ee ce a eee) [- eRe eee Reon gee aed Ecard eer ro Been Be eee ee PRNSeigt Hob) 8, een Gi adie te coke UL ong SO ai BQ lee ors creer) a) Para eae) rear or Change the Z value of your selected edges 10 80 units. Selected lines fell down from 150 to 80 units height. c o CEE} SSeS) QR@i,0e08 Pa ' oe) | nies Ea a a CT i ee ee od com 2) Low cee aS cr} Inet Vtion Cr a fihuce Wald TR ee ee ec ao Se te) eee [- eon ee tee Drea coe heel ee SS a LiL ee aoe) [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed ae SCO ee SS) gs | em coe cee aS meno eee coe Ba oe TR ee De ee ec Ce: x z eee [- ee a a) ee ee cc Rea a LD SS a LiL ee aoe) [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed frination Gra ong a oe ae AGS Seo creer) Pel ry] na [eo | Ea Para — eae) ae a rae cee) aS T= re Remove Sal Pec Cee Once again, Cerrany choose Connect. | (NRPRRRG@E reset) Vn Cea % ES aoe [eo ee ie) Drea coe heel ee SC eT aoe) [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed oe ee SO rey [ieee eeea|\8C i008 peters) eee Pa ' oe eC rere ] el aT = Pann + aan You got 4 new edges for the top of your window and door, automatically placed at 190 in Z axis. o i a 3 cr cee) Titi ne fo | Pr aee eee ED je) ems Gen goaiiersei ca a Wage int Ee Ee ee ee ee Gece ce) Cee a eee [- ee a a) ee ee cc Rea a LD SS a LiL ee aoe) [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed frination Gra ong ao ors (ieee rear or Saag 10 200, ae RSet Hels ESS liao] =| creer) x @ Ea Change the Z coordinate a en pen ore Pa ' oe) | nies Ea i a 3 a {ges Sled Titi re fess | 50 Pec Cer g Par) 5 Ee fT 0 En a ey a a Ea eh ce eC] aor Eee ene eh eT Ct ET emp (O) ems Ganianiensetn Sr BG — [- ec oR ec) oa eo) Coat ae es Ec Ee frination Gra ong SEO ee ors QR@i,0e08 eee Pa ' Ard a | | Peay ] o Sear A aes = Sed a a Select these 2 lines. i a 3 ca ey inst Vet foe) Ecos) Celene 7 Ep [| ears Crete Shep Fer Secon ee Et Et ei ei 0 a Ey 0 ay ioc * x FA Pa [- eR eRe) ee eee Co a te ody [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed OEE frination Gra ong ao 22 MASarp Hab ons ors QR@i,0e08 Pa ' cer) x: Ard a | | Peay ] o Sear A aes = Sed a a i a 3 cr ree) ne) ee! Petr Click on a small button next to Conneet button to enter advanced cal parameters. i a a fT 0 En a ey ae a a Auto Key Sclecll dal SS ee See er eee On CL pew Coat ae es Ec Ee frination Gra ong SEO ee oor Waren =a eee Pa ' 2x tte 8 | cate te ] ee z yi Pate : nies Ea i a 3 cr ery ali i aS T= Here you can select how eS many connection will be = An made to selected lines. eens Enter 2 in Segments value |) ___ and press OK. co rey oc Cee Shape Fon Selection Sr 0 0 ET a Ey 100 = a = x FA Pa [- eR eRe) Peet eee eo) Coat ae es Ec Ee frination Gra ong SEO ee ors QR@i,0e08 eee Pa ' Ard a | | Peay ] o Sear A aes = Sed a a 2 connections are created between the edges we Caan) selected previously. cr ree) Titi re fess | 50 Pec Cer emp (O) ems Ganianiensetn Sr Et Et ei ei 0 a Ey 0 ay ioc * x FA Pa [- eR eRe) Pere ee eo) [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed OEE ae SCO ee SS) as AGS OE eer Box a «Ge eee | {ten Er Ea i a 3 ‘Select this line in the comer of Cd room. ee , X coordinate directs its aE movements from left to right. J re Itis placed -200 units on X axis: co Eo as shown in both Transform ee ak Type-Ins. Ce ee emp (O) ems Corre eee Sr a0 i ca oi aT a - cee ere Auoky Scots = A a Bm om QR eee oe ony jen ee po eae een a ee == SCL creer) Pel ry] ca rae I] ee Er Ea i a 3 Because we made our Box 400 cS units in Width and place it on cee center, this comer is at -200 on es See CZ o tex o oer ner Ce) Cree EC ed Cee en Sr a0 i ca oi aT a - cee ere Auoky Scots = A a Bm om QR eee oe ony Teg ae eae Sc Uc ee ee FED “Dinars exten type rreneysy) eee Pa ' ae ioc eC rere ] ch ele aT = Paneer) co rate a aan edge is placed at +200. The middle of i a 3 this wall will be at 0.0 on X axis. — Ja ee aS T= re fess | 50 Pec Ce ee CC esd Corre eee Par) 5 Vo A i 0 En a ey a) oa ee eee Cee ec ae) oer) [- eRe eee Reon Peet ee eo) po eae aninaen Gr eng cusones MAMSciRt_ Ho Es OO ea ES) rey [ieee eeea|\8C i008 jen ee renters) eee Pa ' ct rere) | acho es Paneer) co Pane + aa Ea i a 3 Select this edge. Notice it is placed at -66.67 on X axis. nro +p = ey ren fo | Pr aee eee ED je) ems Gen goaiiersei ca a Wage int Ee Ee ee ee ee ee! ne eT CR cha ee aE eee [- ee a a) ee ee cc Rea a LD SS a LiL ee aoe) Coat ae es Ec Ee Pa) ors (ieee evar a eae 10cm anton Change it to -100. It will shift to the left. Now it is 100 units away from the center of wall at X=0.0 and 100 units away from the end of wall at X=-200. a rere | nies Ea ae peer fey ao ea Ea Ce ee Cra Tar a ET fT 0 ey ia a ER Beh iene aE eee) ee ee eee eT Sait), eae eee eee Coat ae es Ec Ee a ee oe 5 {Jnana rey =I] ronan creer) Pel ry] eats a | | Peay ] Sr A aes = Esa Ia ee a a Select other window placed at i aC cr Ceo ne) ee! eee ei Cede Sane Fen Sectn To serra ers i 0 En a ey a) a ne eT CR eae EE eee [- ee a a) ee ee cc Rea a LD SS a LiL ee aoe) po eae 22 MASarp Hab ong Gi adie te coke UL i ao eel SS) rey [ieee eeea|\8C i008 eer ca fy [ i ] % O.0en g Reegey a cm Ye Oton 2. : nies Ea Right-click spinner for X axis to itto00 i a 3 cr Ceo Titi ne core Ba Ce Ce ee CC esd Corre eee Vn Par) 5 a aa foe I ee ee er ee ee eer) [- eon ee tee Ea eh ence Ee) ee ee cc Rea a LD SS a LiL ee aoe) GSomned i Coat ae es Ec Ee z eo ke Tape el eS ocd Peace =n eee err Box a ymin 8 tome | ee 5 Paneer) J Pane a ae < Ce a 3 ee next al os [__SokSsezion os _ Chante Tage ce Vn ET fT 0 ey ia a ate a | ete aac rene) i | eens ese ea ea eee ny Eel ee) Teg ae eae Sc Uc ee ee een ors Table Fey Select Polygon made. ian ae fo A (Shorteut 4) co o ce oro) IEW (ee er ee nes bal Cer x z oer) [- eRe eee Reon Pert ee ec eo) Par) 5 ors g Par) Ea Goi ad coe ee a a fT Cok ene aE Eee ene eh eT oe po eae a ee oe “Dinars exten type ree cer) Pe a) Soret Para anton 2 coon Select polygon that represents the window. 0 En a ey ET d aor foes ESS Varah) = Box a rene I] Er i= i a 3 ~ O(a Dyes ec eee a od co eee cc fern A eel ocr [- oie eke) a AO [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed frination Gra ong ao ors ree % S0fon Sr Fae “Dinars exten type co Breer ee een On Edit Polygons rollout, click on small button next to Extrude button. er oeer g Par) 5 ee re De ee 2 ee eee ewe Coo [ois 109.20" _ ane eco [- ec oR ec) a) GSomned i Gi adie te coke UL Ceo ea ed Ee Ls ors Leave Extrusion Type to Group and enter -30 in Extrusion Height. This will push selected polygon 30 units backward. When you want to push it forward, use positive values. Peer ied ree eed Soret anton cers Ser fete] cay py fac) ee ary eat weld a) a pen A eae) 5 ony eee) rel ion Heh Be age 9g mo R@sa« Bot a eon | nies = i a oe EE I ee ao fe cred coe} cre ee eereery ears aes or ir Fp doe oo ene) aoe) Pa) Gia adie eee eae ac Geaeeet ee aso eased SS rs AO eee Pea fo xo t) | scious 2 totem t — So Pann a ome a ET fT ER eh aod freee eek Click Remove button in Edit edges rollout. (Shortcut Backspace) (Don't press Delete key, because you will delete the selected edge and also Shit cr con) a i] Ea ee eee aE TET oe eee ee polygons bellow and above it.) iuallin Maing Nn estes mo a Be: avone! [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed a ee == SCL Pel ry] ore) | Er EA i a 3 The edge disappears r leaving intact polygons Cameo [ce Cero) ECS ec ee o ce Spit ee Ce Dive Cart Gqpsnairense ns ee ee De EF Ce: x z eee [- ee a a) ee ee cc Rea a LD SS a LiL ee aoe) [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed ong ao ors ree x: a o d ee ee De Sclect these edges. > ons cer) a) Para eae) a) Ce: x EB eee I~] Peg eee eee SoC QR@i,0e08 ca fy San Weerore) -] = Tatable Fely Ea i a 3 ie cae eee od co Poe cen eens Pee Ca Meee: =) m0 a) Gia aia ean te teat ae ao en i SLO hee as ar irra Para eae) Press Setting. o ee er ee ee Eee % ES aor Eee ene eh eT Ct Connect a 1 [ed mo QR@i,0e08 Pa ' [eo | nies Ea i a 3 Faeroe) | RECS ec ee ce ea en Ce Cieae Shape Fon Sak ane) ea Cee aoe) Coat ae es Ec Ee frination Gra ong SEO ee oor Waren =a eee Pa ' 2x tte 8 | cate te ] ee z yi Pate : nies Ea i a 3 eer eS Cone ncraas S| aces ae The settings are = soe remembered from your aD a last entry. Leave the en ') segments at 2 and press Chanter Taso Weld OK. Core o eed Sea) ca Ee ee ee x z ‘AutoKep| Sclectod [- eR eRe) Peet ee eo) [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed a ee == SCL creer) Pel ry] ca rae I] i a 3 You have created 2 edges Sree that will define your door SS] eS o SEE Cc ae cone en ') Chanter Taso Weld Core eed ean eat (ee er ee Ce: x z eee [- ee a a) ee ee cc Rea a LD SS a LiL ee aoe) GSomned i Gi adie te coke UL Ee Teed Ls ors [Tcl rear Bored pore) Select this edge. Notice its ¥ value -150. eat Weld a) oh aed pen eae) (Now we will move our edges in Y axis and not X any more.) a z Tar a ET fT ER poh eevee Ee freee eek ed fac) prey ee an rel | eens mo SE SSO R@sa« Bot eon | nies Ea || ee SNC inset Velen ce a cee ee Cora eee Vn i [TT [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed ae MRSC ons frination Gra ong ao rear creer) Penton a) Para eae) Select door's right edge. It has Y value of -50 meaning it is 50 units away from the center of its wall. o a rey [ieee eeea|\8C i008 Hels ESS ca fy San Weerore) -] = Tatable Fely Ea i a 3 eee | ee ce ea en Ce Corre eee ane) cE Ee Ee ee ee ee ee a a n Ee Eh ee aT) aor Eee ene eh eT Ct Eee 10 [- ec oR ec) oa eo) [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed aninaen Gr eng cusones MAMSciRt_ Ho Es OO ea ES) rey [ieee eeea|\8C i008 rears) eee Pa ' eared x00 t | eater te ] on PRT Tery o Pann + aa Ea i a 3 Change it to -120 so it pe | shifts to the right, closer to the line we previously selected. ee = go a Se Pec Chante Tages rae (ete Shape Frm Slction Sn EraiGy Cd Ee Ee ee ee ee ne eT CR pee ee ae eee [- ee a a) ee ee cc Rea a LD SS a LiL ee aoe) we on ae ors rear Penton er) Eaten We changed this edge Y posi n from 50 to -120. We could also do that using Offset: World panel a o Pa ' oe) | nies Ea g Par) 5 ee er ee ee eee ee [ois 109.00" _ a ene eee oT a ey ET aor Setkey foes a {~ I COII [et[S cesneaesy mo i a 3 eee | RECS ec ee ce ea en Ce Corre eee ane) cea a) [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed Ee i CRON ee ee ae SO) [ook CY ian rear cer Bot ors LC oo) al |ye or — PRT Tery a Pann ome It offsets fine fram current position based on value you type in See So we could just offset our line -70 units a) on Y axis to get the same result. | og © eer inset Velen ce a cee Chante Cora eee Ce a Crarc) * Eee Or Ee eee are oe - eons mo ee ee eee eT Se [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed 2 MAKSerpt ons frination Gra ong ao rear creer) Penton a) Para eae) Select the door's left edge which is placed at Y=50. a rey [ieee eeea|\8C i008 Hels ESS Pa ' oe) | nies Ea i a 3 eee | ee ce ea en Ce Corre eee ane) cE Ee Ee ee eee a a fT Ee ph Ce aT) aor Eee ene eh eT Ct Eee 10 [- ec oR ec) oa eo) GSomned i Gi adie te coke UL Be eee ee a ES) Perspective ocd Peace =n eee err Box a ee ee ree Py ee = mi Oy Pann a aan i a Saeed os Coe! eT Bie Cart Ggbsnairensecs Veor nt ee eee ae Fe eer) [- eon ee tee Ce ee cu Re aD EER Setkey J) Key Fillets moo can TO) GSomned i Coat ae es Ec Ee Ls ors ary ree eat weld Fae ce You can also use this menu to access Vertex, Edge and Polygon selection, Just click + sign next ta Editable Poly. = TAT Oe ee eee ae ee - oe 0 ee ee eee eT Se SSO R@sa« Bot err ry ony co a coe) cae i Cora eee Vn i [TT ions [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed frination Gra ong So a oe “Dinars exten type ors QR@i,0e08 peerara er Pe | ee | re are ] eee — = Eee ee en aa co a Enter Polygon selection me a and select Daor polygon. ea 7 O[m| ae eee coon E ants | Gen ear | ca 7A fers Ee Ee ee ee ee ae ne eT CR pee a eee [- ee a a) ee ee cc Rea a LD SS a LiL ee aoe) [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed a ON he SS) ao aioe rere eer Box a ¥en or oe Obese aoe i ern eT ees | Er rer re GI ion od co Srencecos) EET ee m Click on Extrude i “a settings dialog. ll ian a tee! o Preacer con c Par) ne eT CR pee a eee [- ee a a) ee ee cc Rea a LD SS a LiL ee aoe) Coat ae es Ec Ee a ee oe PEERS (J ters troncivn Type tin R@iooae ronan creer) Pel ry] Pere Lien ar] Py ro oo —= = 2 oocan ete TEE Eco coy ioe Element i) i od Grow poy A A ewes reed oa een ceuings are ct sill at-80 and press OK. tert ema Bone seen & nly Eevee Sed Inet 7a on i 0 En a ey a) oer rad ne eT CR pee a eee [- ee a a) ee ee cc Rea a LD SS a LiL ee aoe) [Teel teed ea ce act nk eed a Leo ss “Sino Tesi Teen Weel == ronan creer) Pel ry] “po mz ore) | ZAI 20 a om a Door polygons is pushed backwards. —= ay a o eo Sta) Se (eel a : = ; ees ca OF ees ce) CR aoe eee [- ee a a) ee ee cc Rea a LD SS a LiL ee aoe) Pa) Gia adie eee eae ac Geaeeet ee aso eased ors To exit, Sub-Object selection and retum to your Box, just click the + sign next to Editable Poly label Or it you have for example Polygon selected just press its icon again to return to your abject. o a Sete Tar Eee Ceara fT Eh foeny es Eevee fac) eee) ce fea eM ANU Rec cimeh- Tsien erie Po To Jive Transturn Type eed ce dcr Sari aro Enter room, co ey eT eee setkey Wl Polygon selection of your ie Se Fo © R@R© fe Perey o Ren ee [_EdiGeonty Teale 10 ee! [er Cee rot wo pet oaie| ranean os An reer Sc mI a ates E Ey i a en) FO [m| ee Check Ignore Backfacing. oes or Ane E This will enable you to gis | Een select desired polygon when there are obstacles like walls in front of it. pers Tsai se Emr Ce a en ee ee ) Foe eee Ae ee eee - eae he) Pee eee eee ea Sa van ae PAE) rae ne IES SSO ey © Bee Qe aro ete Pee) fe F acces 2 ||| = rT] c 2 fn 2 ay ia] a Select door and window polygons. FO [m| ees Make sure they are the only polygon selected. cor oa com > 2Pobaors selectad Here you can see that only 2 polygons are selected. 1 Sasa or = og! bg we oie ard y er Be apo oo Boe Ck orcickandcog lc selec cece ATs ety Kore. 2 DLS rey Ss ee ae ean ae Cece ranean ry J Fier ete Pee) ay a en) Press Delete button on your keyboard to erase these polygons. FO [m| ees Now you have openings in your geometry. cor a oa com o ey Sa Sabon ( [el| eee ree iso Vertes ce a ce or) Cenc ere ed Cea See keer) PAE) Seta ge a Cea ee ry eS noe Pee) acces fn a3 72 0m oes cor oa com pres Tsai se Le By Ed oo 50 El i a Ea Fite Seeded Ee a Bm ok ER ice nee Ee! rey Pee eee eee ea Sa van ae PAE) caeen =a LS oat SSE ry g mee|o es Pe) ete Pee) Poe F acces 2 || r : fn : > er : ay sand the one on the opposite side of the window. c a3 7 O(n ees cor oa com ee) Sa Sabon ( er : ay a en) Cre ol Inset Click Bridge button in Edit Polygons rollout to connect these 2 polygons. c a es cl a Fe eS “Te Cee Fee: Pe eee - ec ae S Pee eee eee ea Sa van ae PAE) eee fae ee ret LES oars = noe peer Peer SEC te eer ey Farrel You have created 2 new polygons that will represent your window glass. ne Click Detaeh button. TA a a tn ER ore eee) eee Click of cick-end-tag to select objects nn ee ae ro ec le dow Fame Pe) Peer) ay een oe oe freed i eee oe ee eed coo es Pon CM ee ai) i Bopttatcy ah ee prow oars eS peera ceca ee Xe Sbten |X Ot oa it eer ey — Farr ee ne oD a3 ene a Grose Calopse ero Ci ee Name it window fee es Seen cee glass and press OK. Pees a o coerce Caneel guests | G2 cee fl ie enna core CS aed So ee eee ee ene ee Pe Ee Sem hee eee) ei wee ~ Ce oie ee hae) ere ees eid Ear pees Ss ee ae ean ae Cece a) SS ic} FIP care ry a ete Pee) Poe % em acces a} | =r Sante : fn : Click Editable Poly label to exit window frame Sub Objects. o ery aes 75. ees Tsai se [eT 5 ca) 5 aL By Ed oo 50 El i a Ea ocean See eee [~ roe ae Click and drag te selec! and move atjects ea Sa van ae BAW pene ae a cen eres Eh oes poe Oe reas Select window glass and change its color. co g acd tects ck Tin eet ry J ete Pee) % em dcr Sante fn Coens ee ety Prey crs re ED ee Peer) ry as Fei IO e fe simn Pon CM ee ai) PAE) acl Pee) fer % em acces q [ Z aoc ERaR) Now you will use Display panel. Here you choose how your objects will look in viewport and you can hide them. o Drea mente Peon ey - = : eee Es] Ta) By Ed oo 50 El i a Ea See eee Bi abl ot Q eH Click and drag te selec! and move atjects ea Sa van ae PAE) es Fanaa nen a oe SRO rE 7 Foci eT aes cree ec ee orca oe) | — Fide Urnboed es fon Click See-Through to make your glass transparent in viewpart. (it will not be transparent in rendering, you must make transparent material for that) ¥ Sane ey - = : eee Es] rT See eee [~ roe ae Click and drag te selec! and move atjects ea Sa van ae BAW Pry awa ae z aae TE (a || = ve a Here is your completed indow. This is just a imple window, but you will learn how to model complex geometry on your cae _ o 2 : 4 Nee SET Pe a ee Cee ee ha ee ay + crc eet ae Click and drag to seles! and reve objects. ea Setkey J) Kay Filters mo rr cee Pret) Drea mente eres era Cee Fee: PAE) cae Soe ai 3 oat SSE) a © Do eel | ry object) and under Modify panel enter Polygon moi ide, ees | Cr | re) 1 [- eee how! A eos “85 poe ry even ce fe ocean 2 || rT] Soe eect St eee eT aero) Ear 4 ara (a cies eed Select polygons for your floor and door step as presented. (az co zg a) 5 Inset Venex By Ed oo 50 Et 0 Ed ee Fete at | ER aes ee een Bi abl ot Q eH Goa hia an Ae nn ee Pees od Seta ge a Cea ee ry komme J Corn J Lc eee a a en) aeons Sere Detach gute Tun Detach them as “floor ee [tatteonety . re (these 2 polygons will now a! cl Corstates: une become single new Ceo m= cee object) _ aitach eae Ce ne ae 0 Ce ER aes eh es eee Bi abl ot Q eH Pee eee eee ea Sa van ae PAE) caeen =a oxit ~oo ees See keer) PAE) Cae er Te ge a ge eae aac caeen =a ry g ete Pee) % em acces q Sani) 5| ‘nem q ~ ~ Select floor and change the color: Peer) ry as J)" ee 5 Cee Fee: BJxoGm 2¥00n 22000 ¢ tulokoy Seeced = A ee a BB] Crees dd Tin setkey JS KajFites. 00 ee) Cae er Te ge a ge eae aac Ly) ranean aye 3} LAI) ete Pee) ry % em acces 2 || rT] Sani) 5 fn 2 ———————— Ms a ec : ry Fl (me ta Return to Box01 and enter Edge selection, o a ees ee coon ERE ce ee! eee) [- Pec Ra ee ne Ciek ond das to ee ee Poles Cae er ranean Te ge a ge eae aac ry ete Pee aera ee once Soe ae ‘nem Select this edge and Ring itto select all edges inside the door opening. " a feo | ies a ot vs ie Pere [cc By Ed oo 50 El i a ED Te [- ec CR eo ed eee Click of cick-end-tag to select objects Add Tin Ear ee: Kem -I PAWN od Paenn Ao Dy) as irae) set Wad a aa Se creme I) | irre rT] c Sl ———— : = || om : em Ea Press Connect settings Tvalm and leave at those parameters to ereate lines for door frame. P rer — ee og eter Ca cd er Poo Ee ee) me ee |g ee oo Turn ay i re Is ET c O70 5 sia So ee eee ee ee ee re Consttte soe Seeded Ee a Bm ok Cee ¥ z ere Cee e eee eed Add Tin Setkey JY RepFites.. MH 0 PAE) Cae er Oe Oe ranean ry J ete Pee) fe aera ee once 2 ||| rT] Sect ne! ‘nem 2 ||| == ope || om : ay ia] As we did with window, Jal once again Shift‘click the polygon icon to select all aaeiaeanN polygons inside selected |eam a lines. ao com Peed Ra a ee oe ORE Grech eee eee duokey Sceced = En Bm od QL ere ees dd Tin setkey JS KajFites. 00 tat cama? a aro ead Goo ry Enter Extrude settings and Change Extrusion Height 105.0. Extrusion Type should be Local Normal as before. reer reer Bost Seren ein rear mI Seeley ete : Ey i = 1 ve me — eee se C 5 EDF Bencafign cz cond = exis! feat Erne Pe) x co rr ea iam See Cer Eat Tisngton er er ee Bi apm oo Qe ck Tin Feros eG ns ae od ranean IES SSO poor 7 ADoieiae © reer Bost Ce cele | er mI ——— || oo E Ey i a en) Pross Grow once to soloct whole door frame, ed =) ee = [cr Ce a en ee ee ) Foe eres Ae ee eee - eae he) are Pee eee eee ea Sa van ae PAE) Fanaa nen a ry Aa= Pe) Pee) fe acces ||| == mI ‘nem ——————— {| opm = ay ia] a3 cere Ty on i ery ae Crests Cal . oan > AS ee ee ee ee ee Seeced EA an Bm ot Q ER eo oh eo rey Click of cick-end-tag to select objects ck Tin Se ae PAWN ry Beag|2en0© nn Select door frame and change ean Peer) ry as [oS / fe simn Pon CM ee ai) PAE) een a8" ee” iS LS oat SSE ry g Fic earns) Pee) Peres acces J ||| re fn : zie : ay Enter Polygon selection and select this polygon hore. a en) FO [m| ees It is the inner polygon of door frame. o cor a oa com ees +a Sesion ro = cA i rest ven Le a ee ene ow ced oe ane: Shen cenes 1) a eer Bi abl ot Q eH Goa hia an Ae ck Tin eG penta ranean is IES SSO iy © Bee Qe aro reer reer ee x See ear y a : | ae Ey And also select that polygon on the opposite ns side of door frame. C o FD [ml] ee oun 2 gas | ee cee H 7 o EI ( a ec : ay a3 [rca cr oa Inset Like with window, Bridge Es those 2 polygons. aor , eeereree) With 2 new polygons we'll - eer ya create door object. . cor ey eC are Ce ne ee a a Ema c z eee Bi abl ot Q eH Pee eee eee ea Sa van ae PAE) Seni ay a a ee Pee Paspecive peter fee SED ec d emma eet 2 ae eT ei for a Detach those 2 polygons ree while they are st selected and name them Co oa door. peered Caneel = re = ~~) a aT i Eee ee ee ee ER ee oh eer ey een gw Goa hia an Ae eid ed ean Peer) fore eee ~ een creas Colanse cece cro Ce ceded cee Pon CM ee ai) ry > Ps ny Fane 5 Are rer Pa FS pra otc) | reraree eee = Panne J Panny J ay Exit door frame object. c ee) 7) oe sere ae rE ci | a at a occ’ Pe a ee ! Ee cee eee [- ena ee ieee vad Mesioadze ere aeSEED ren Ear pees GaeaeaaD ck Tin ete eee Paspecive T Fee peer Peer rea A cr : or : Z aoc = 2: onem Ee ——. Select created door rw object. IO e r 7 's Pivot Point. Imagine it E as the object's center of balance. Fs It is not in the middle of door CRE) r because we detached the door — from the Box01, so it still has aE the Pivot Point at the centre of a, Box. Aeneal ee oo eee ee ee Be ake Qa setkey J) KajFites. 100 penta caas wb ape gy Enter Hierarchy panel. Here among other things A you can change the Bema position of object's Pivot ais Bees Point. eer tere een ce fetes a eee cere 5 O70 5 Le ow See eer [- ey Gekedesinase Ena dd Tin S KeyFiles. M4 0 na Pospaahe Pee) fea r | ee te frees Sere cc arr Br = Choose Affect Pivat Only. == Now you can move anly yn object's Pivot pi and oka not the entire abject. BC Uoeae 5 en Pic ete) eee ee) ca AT By Ed oo 50 El i a Ea ERE ce ee! rey eed ck Tin Ear Sected EL ee an Sea est a OE )ityre Trunciorm Type OIE ie ane) ete ce fea baer) Ber a Ce eect Sani) Se d oT =) || 2 pe) aa ee fee Proton een ee ceo ree} fee rer cr foie} The cursor is changed. FATE eee cS o ene Reset 71 Taran (ee ST cco ER emo cm food Auoke Seeted = EI Bm ot QB eed nn Se aes ea PAE) caas Paspecive Peer ea aed d ow ie d tet tere en Press Center to Object to oe place your Pivot in the nem centre of your door. —— Now you can easily Mumia manipulate your — door foi) because Pivot isn't far from them any more. Pears cere 5 cat 5 ee ee ee ee Sected EL ee an CR oh eee rey eed ck Tin Ere caas Paspecive Peer ea | =) % Ooms eee ees [res Click Affect Pivot Only again to deselect pivot mode and you can now move complete object iat | again. en ce fetes a eee cere 5 O70 5 Le By Ed oo 50 El i a Ea B J KAS0m FV. 750m FZ M2 ore vad Mesioadze ere aeSEED dd Tin setkey Wl Sected EL ee an oT ara ° on z aae : ' ~ er Grab the X arrow of move tool and move the door to the center of the room. c | SF Pe eee - ec ae x eed ck Tin Ear Cae er Oe Oe caeen =a oars eS —_ peeray set Wad ee el ne cc ey eer et eee) en Pic ‘As you see our door are ioe hollow on the sides. We will fix this easil a eee ee) cee) ee duokey Sceced = En BB] mod QL no A oe oN oN Goo ry ce dcr Sari Ear) Select these 2 edges, a dost Peer) ay as a cies ane oa com Cc eee) faites ——] ae ¥ Click of cick-end-tag to select objects El i nn a eee setkey ED ie Te root Vere Be ape Qa mo PAWN Te ge a ge eae aac caeen =a ry Pee) dcr fn Peer) ay as ec Edges Selected fsa | Eee ans) co And just click Bridge. a Cetera) It will autornatically fill the ; > PRS ICe koa) Sect Ween ee a fc Coun aye IES SSO ry alll Do the same far other side af door. ete Pee) acces 5| ‘nem Bag|2en0© Te i creas a) eras an fa ¢ lop ¢ eer) Remove ea eee a cee rey th ct ee ee ae S Click of cick-end-tag to select objects 50 El ee na a Bi abl ot Q eH ao op ay A oe ete ce dcr Sari Ean ay 1B ria ana snap settings _] SE eet Ermer) a Cores co Poot ee 7 Peete oe BU WS) Mes Right-click in circle to open Grid ae coe = = and Snap Settings. Here you Coed Cea a can set how would you like your Fave fed Eee objects snap to other abjects EET when you move ther in space. , reat Vea Make sure only Vertex is ner checked. Eee eee) Bridge Connect eee waht 10 (ee “Te = Pr " Zl re eee - Ee oe Seer ee 22280 ek eae Sect Z 5 a aoe FO ae Q@i =} reer eee ra rl cd etc aoa eT ec Scare Fae rear aro ject level so you can move complete door. “708 Ren ee CE epee |] Sa Ta ees On the Hierarchy panel ue ‘once again choose Affect = Le = Pivot Only. SUOESD eer Co 5 a oe ete) em ee ey coy co TA een ee ae Prem came Auoke Seoted = Ea Bm ot QB eed nn So es PAE) Sea est a OE yy) ory ete ce ered dcr Ce eect Sect Santen) 2 EE opr ia | ee ee teen ee ceo foie} Cac Maximize Viewport (ee ST cao Prem came Auoke Seotd = EI a lm ot QS Cette ana ren Bor ee ete ered Sect Fae rear ‘After long time you are again in all 4 viewports. Select Top viewport by Right-clicking it and again a By a a 50 El a ee eee a) es ee oreo Pro eG Coun ce Ber Sari aac q ey a) [oe Q@i ea Ce eect ee ee teen ee ceo cr foie} FATE eee Peete Reset ier) Sas ee I) Pr iS peer Diet Scan oe oe ele Pivot [Ie er terial Eel ees tan ers eer en Cento tobe ee) ret oe ete) em ee f ‘ ey |} Move your Pivot Point to the corner of door frame. coe 7 o7_| —————— een Cn a Se ee ee Sean ER eo Sa ene ene ee eee Bi abl ot Q eH een eel eens ieee Ere eta ae prow J peter roe ea 0: e ) coe Ser creel) cit) Fae tc fee ta eee al Click Affect Pivot Only to ecg deactivate Pivot mode. —— eer c =e oe fetes EET eed i eee Reset < aim > cero a a tn Sean ER een eee) eee [- ena ee ieee eon ene eee cy Ear Series rae Fro iS peer Diet Scan ro EU: ai) foc | ere 9 Boerner iol fc Sere aa ees Dene a ere ——- ory Fee esen reo Calera are ot lo ere teed ete rae ear Pree eer ce eer sere eed oy cy ores Perse io | cae cS Right-click anywhere in iw i viewport and — choose aes Rotate. erat eros o coed reer inenen Ceoieones i Fee D ey coy co TA een aE ee ee ee ee ee Sean ER een eee) eee [- ena ee ieee vad Mesioadze ere aeSEED ren Ear Series Se ic = = Le ery Coe ia Sea A Pivot [Ie en et A Brn ed 2 ees eae ares eer en As you see Rotate cursor ee is now at your newly ete) a placed Pivot Point, ——" o Earn ce S ee if eo coy co TA een a a tn Sean Ee he eee [- ena ee ieee Teun ren Ear Series Animation Gaph Edt Rotate and Scale tools will and not an center of your abject, o This button here means that your Move, make transformations hased on your Pivat Paint a ee edo it cetera een ce i foi) ae ETNA ETE Pears if cere 5 cat 5 aE er ee ee ee ee Ee eee Bw Gakedens pais SCD ck Tin te ae BE k ic 3 = Ce ie ia Sea A en et A Brn Serr 4 , Place your cursor on Z axis, Non-selected red and green are X and Y a) axis, Cursor changes to —— rotate icon. i o c co TA a a tn a he) eae > ead ae eee eee ieee eed Ee SetKey J, Key Filters. oi aa ee al ee eet eer ceo cr foie} EEA eee Peete Reset ier) Sas Poe CM Ce ai) eS vee) BE k J 1) absctetadd eo En ced Saeed a os AY ow Move it freely to see the rotation of your door or enter value in Z value here, on) o fd ceo cr foie} FATE eee Peete Reset ier) Sas Poe CM Ce ai) i 7 om Pe a ee EE Cee) oe Anke) Seected A Teun ren Ear eo y oi Par oe 0 | ey ere eee hoo a q Se oy Z a0 Right-click close the di position. a ee) 0 ee Fh Ee een Gakedens pais SCD nn S KeyFiles. M4 0 ceo cr foie} Fa eee Peete Reset ier) Sas Be ape Qa eo y oi Ss ee ae ean ae Cece Par oe 0 Top may ever Pee ect | “a = co ies IK Link Info — cae J cay aie > Cae i i} oot a 7 = 7 = t Press Maximize Viewport Toggle or Alt'W to get back to 4 views... Eimear vit meee ; ¢ go = So ee eee ee ee ee ee ee) Sean Eh er eres] [Pe ona ee Ra ee ers Fer a ce ete en Soe cary Here you can see a common problem. When you move your Pivot with Snap in Top viewport it can accidentally move up or down. This doesn't ruin the rotation of the door. By a a 50 El a Ee eh Gakedens pais SCD nn Coun ne © © 3 © ced a yn Ear} ob Sooo oe Te mo ihe eRe Mar) rn eon cy ee Pacts ter ee ceo cr foie} FATE eee Peete Reset ier) Sas peas ete ced fea en Bee q coy Soe Se q Faery Seer _ ee fee Of course, you will select oun Affect Pivat Only. teeny ee Ie aes en il oo foe ZEEE ree : ee) res eet ee cee Pe a ee See Ee eh eee [- ena ee ieee Teun ren Ear pees SS eas edie Co eo peter roe ea eo Seco J oo Se Sec J . Z a0 Seat 3 EES =a Lose es , Unficozs Al conn Care eee 7 i Pe erode Se ED ora eens fy EEG PATENT ee 2 ged oo fe i ead eee ie eas ese eee “ Rooke rr ee Err Right-click in viewport ay | AEN) and select. Mave fram 4 ioe oe cs jy vem ey fetes rc Cone oer ras SE EIEED eel ate # rl meas eed : . fieierien eee « r\/ Corwart Tes rc — Reset < i cero ee eee ee ee ow Sean Seeciod Ee a Bm ok S KeyFines. 140 Fae RU) Ee eh Gakedens pais SCD nn Animation Gaph Edt ee fee ‘Tum off Object Snap to avoi other problems. ee eee conn eet eens rn cee Pe Preto cr foie} Fa eee Peete Reset ier) Sas ER eo Sa ene ene ee eee Bi abl ot Q eH eee enema ee eae hy Ere op ay Sea est a OE ete ce arc cei ee onc q Serr ee eect d ca et q Just move your Pivot down on Z (blue) axis till it reaches middle of door We moved this pivot just sometimes you will need Click and dag to select and move objects move it for functional reason, for artistic reasons. However, to a in a ey a) Ce eect ee ny en ee ceo ree} fee rer cr foie} FATE eee Peete Reset ier) Sas ee eee - Bee a ro peas 1D By Ed oo 50 El i a ED ER even he ee ee) eee eed nn ee ae Seni Pr ete Pens acd aera o ce dcr Sari Ean) Deselect Affect Pivat Only when you're done. Te ro Pivot ik ee D piifootFivet Only teen ee ceo cr foie} Fa eee Peete Reset Terdom ee er Pe Poi) SS eae adda. Pee eve ce fea ° EE REED Ce eect Sere Sari ae Ear) ee Afoot Foot Onl Paneer eed lial Cuero eee Cie roarer eas eee a) Pere e-ececeee Eeny ers Correa a es ee) foram eee ete ete} Ere eset rer co (Erie Pema — ea Th Eons a eee Sheets Peete a ed Pereetend Reset ffeecn 5 ca) > emery a a a Sean ER even he ee ee) eee [- ena ee ieee vad Mesioadze ere aeSEED ren Ear pees ion Select Rotate tool from the Quad = menu in Perspective vi ier) eh) Fl omens ete en Soe Er Coun ce a yn Ear} Rotate your door again to sec itin perspective. Yellow numbers above cursor show you how much you rotate it on each mu Ce a ee ee 2S eee oe Clk and drag to selec! and rotate objects cy Pivot ik ee eon ee teen ee ceo cr foie} FETE eee Peete Reset ier) Sas ihe eRe Mar) mo petals Poe) [oer J) eee cary Pe) ere ceca ea hoo an q coe Se rt J You can also see here 200 Fy ju how much did you rotate. Deine Acct Fivet Orly eet ee en il oo foe ZEEE ree : ee) res eet ee cee Pe a ee See Ee ee eee [- ena ee ieee Teun ren Ear pees Sree eee ed ry Ce eect ee ee teen ee ceo Here is final look to your room. Again this is my way of modeling 2 interior when you don't use AutoCAD ra plans or when you're modeling your own interiors. By a a 50 El a ey ae ¥ Es Goce! rs Pee eee ees ee bee ry By a a ae ¥ Clk and drag to selec! and rotate objects 50 Sree eee ed yy) El a ey ree) ETM bee Ce eect ee ee teen ee ceo cr | wanted ta teach you ta some bas tool, when working with polygons, edges and vertices. In architecture the main thing is to keep track of your dimensions and your coordinate system. ik ry Sree eee ed Clk and drag to selec! and rotate objects aa ee al ee eet eer ceo Prk These techniques apply also when you don't have only one sided walls like here. You could also use Boolean tool {check Ss Max Help reference} but this way leaves clean geometry. i Ce eect Sree eee ed yy) ry Ce eect aa ee al ee eet eer ceo cr Thank you for watching and reading this tutorial. Ly Vhope | learned you somethi 2 just sit down and start modeling. Vl be hack with new tutorials. Kresimir Pernek END By a a 50 El a ey ae ¥ Es Goce! rs Pee eee ees ee bee

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