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Overseas students 'add £20bn' to UK economy

International students are worth £20bn to the UK economy, says a report from the Higher Education Policy
The analysis says (1)…................................... their spending has become a major factor in supporting local economies.
London alone gains £4.6bn - with Sheffield the biggest beneficiary in proportion to its economy.
The think tank's director, Nick Hillman, says the figures support calls (2)…............................ There are about
230,000 students arriving each year for university courses in the UK - most of them postgraduates, with China the most
common country of origin.

Spending power
The analysis, carried out by London Economics, calculated the financial contribution of overseas students, such as
spending on tuition and living expenses, and balanced that against costs, including the extra pressure on local services
and (3)….....................................
Mr. Hillman says the report provides comprehensive evidence that overseas students are a significant benefit and
that students from outside the European Union, who pay higher fees, are worth £102,000 each to the UK economy.
"International students bring economic benefits to the UK that are (4)............................................," says Mr Hillman.
"Fewer international students would mean a lot fewer jobs in all areas of the UK, because international students spend
money in their universities, in their local economies," he says. "It is literally the sandwich shops, the bike shops, the taxi
firms; it is the night clubs, it's the bookshops. Without international students, some of the local companies might go bust.
Some of the local resident population would lose their jobs," he says.
The Higher Education Policy Institute, which carried out the study with education company Kaplan, argues that
the UK should have a more positive approach to students from overseas - and separate them from

Regional winners
The institute quotes a recent report from India's Hindustan Times that told its readers that the UK had many top
universities, "but they also offer the most student-hostile government in the world". While the institute argues the students
should be removed from the wider debate about reducing net migration, the Home Office said there were "no plans" for
such a change to how migration targets were measured. "There is no limit to the number of genuine international students
that can come to the UK to study and we very much value the contribution that they make," said a Home Office
spokeswoman. The Home Office says the Migration Advisory Committee is also carrying out an assessment of the
economic impact which will provide evidence (6)…............................................
The Higher Education Policy Institute analysis also carried out (7)............................................., calculating that
each constituency on average gained £31.3m. London has the biggest share of overseas students - but the study shows
that in relative terms smaller cities, with more than one university, can have a greater impact from their spending. The
study breaks down the financial impact of international students (8)...........................................

Insert these phrases in the text.

a. a regional breakdown of the economic impact of international students

b. by parliamentary constituency.
c. for shaping the "future migration system".
d. non-repayment of loans.
e. on top of tuition fees
f. the wider debate about immigration.
g. to remove students from immigration targets.
h. worth 10 times the costs of hosting them

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