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Nonholonomic Ricci flows. II. Evolution equations

and dynamics
Sergiu I. Vacarua兲
The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Science, 222 College Street,
2nd Floor, Toronto M5 T 3J1, Canada
共Received 21 February 2007; accepted 27 February 2008; published online 3 April 2008兲

This is the second paper in a series of works devoted to nonholonomic Ricci flows.
By imposing nonintegrable 共nonholonomic兲 constraints on the Ricci flows of Rie-
mannian metrics, we can model mutual transforms of generalized Finsler–Lagrange
and Riemann geometries. We verify some assertions made in the first partner paper
and develop a formal scheme in which the geometric constructions with Ricci flow
evolution are elaborated for canonical nonlinear and linear connection structures.
This scheme is applied to a study of Hamilton’s Ricci flows on nonholonomic
manifolds and related Einstein spaces and Ricci solitons. The nonholonomic evo-
lution equations are derived from Perelman’s functionals which are redefined in
such a form that can be adapted to the nonlinear connection structure. Next, the
statistical analogy for nonholonomic Ricci flows is formulated and the correspond-
ing thermodynamical expressions are found for compact configurations. Finally, we
analyze two physical applications, the nonholonomic Ricci flows associated with
evolution models for solitonic pp-wave solutions of Einstein equations, and com-
pute the Perelman’s entropy for regular Lagrange and analogous gravitational
systems. © 2008 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2899316兴

Current important and fascinating problems in modern geometry and physics involve the
finding of canonical 共optimal兲 metric and connection structures on manifolds, search for possible
topological configurations, and to find the relevant physical applications. In the past three decades,
the Ricci flow theory has addressed such issues for Riemannian manifolds;1–5 the reader can find
existing reviews on Hamilton–Perelman theory.6–9 How to formulate and generalize these con-
structions for non-Riemannian manifolds and physical theories is a challenging topic in mathemat-
ics and physics. The typical examples arise in string/brane gravity containing nontrivial torsion
fields, in modern mechanics, and field theory whose geometry is based in terms of symplectic
and/or generalized Finsler 共Lagrange or Hamilton兲 structures.
Our main concern is to prove that the Ricci flow theory can be generalized to various geom-
etries and applied to solutions of fundamental problems in classical and quantum physics10–13 and
geometric mechanics.14 In generalized 共non-Riemannian兲 geometries and a number of physical
theories, the nonholonomic constraints are important for all questions related to the motion/ field
equations, symmetries, invariants, and conservation laws, in constructing exact solutions and
choosing a procedure of quantization. Such geometric approaches are related to non-Riemannian
geometric structures, which require different generalizations to treat matter fields and to study
space-time geometries and construct the Ricci flows of the geometric and physical quantities on
such spaces.
The first goal of this work is to investigate the geometry of the evolution equations under
nonintegrable 共equivalently, nonholonomic/anholonomic兲 constraints resulting in nonholonomic

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Riemann–Cartan and generalized Finsler–Lagrange configurations. The first partner paper10 was
devoted to a study of nonholonomic Ricci flows using the geometric constructions corresponding
to the Levi–Civita connection. Here, we develop an approach that is adapted to the nonlinear
connection structure. In this case, it is possible to elaborate an alternative geometric formalism by
working with the canonical distinguished connection and which is also a metric compatible linear
connection but contains a nonholonomically induced torsion 共by “off-diagonal” metric coeffi-
cients兲. The second purpose is to study certain applications of the nonholonomic Ricci flow theory
in modern gravity, Lagrange mechanics, and analogous gravitational systems.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II is devoted to a study of Ricci flows on non-
holonomic manifolds provided with a nonlinear connection structure 共briefly, we refer to the terms
N-connection and N-anholonomic manifold; the reader is urged to consult in advance the geomet-
ric formalism in Refs. 10 and 15兲 and the introduction to monograph16 in order to study the
evolution equations for the Levi–Civita connection and the canonical distinguished connection.
We analyze some examples of nonholonomic Ricci flows for the case of nonholonomic Einstein
spaces and N-anholonomic Ricci solitons. We prove the existence and uniqueness of the
N-anholonomic evolution.
In Sec. III, we define Perelman’s functionals on N-anholonomic manifolds and construct the
N-adapted variational calculus, which provides a geometrical proof of the evolution equations for
generalized Finsler–Lagrange and nonholonomic metrics. We investigate the properties of the
associated energy for nonholonomic configurations and formulate certain rules, which allow us to
extend the proofs for the Levi–Civita connections to the case of canonical distinguished connec-
The statistical analogy for the nonholonomic Ricci flows is proposed in Sec. IV, where we
study certain important properties of the N-anholonomic entropy and define the related thermo-
dynamical expressions.
Section V is devoted to the applications of the nonholonomic Ricci flow theory: we construct
explicit solutions describing the Ricci flow evolutions of the Einstein spaces associated with the
solitonic pp-waves. Then, we compute Perelman’s entropy for the Lagrangian mechanical systems
and the related models of analogous gravitational theories. The concluding remarks are reserved
for Sec. VI.


In this section, we present some basic materials on Ricci flows on nonholonomic manifolds
generalizing the results from Refs. 1 and 2 and outlined in Secs. 1.1–1.4 of Ref. 6. On the
geometry of N-anholonomic manifolds 共i.e., manifolds enabled with nonholonomic distributions
defining nonlinear connection, N-connection, and structures兲, we follow the conventions from the
first partner work10 and Refs. 16 and 17. We shall use boldface symbols for spaces 共geometric
objects兲 enabled 共adapted兲 to the N-connection structure.

A. On nonholonomic evolution equations

A nonholonomic manifold is defined as a pair V = 共M , D兲, where M is a manifold1 and D is a
nonintegrable distribution on M. For certain important geometric and physical cases, one consid-
ers N-anholonomic manifolds when the nonholonomic structure of V is established by a nonlinear
connection 共N-connection兲, equivalently, a Whitney decomposition of the tangent space into con-
ventional horizontal 共h兲 subspace 共hV兲 and vertical 共v兲 subspace 共vV兲,2

In this series of works, we assume that the geometric 共physical兲 spaces are smooth and orientable manifolds.
Usually, we consider an 共n + m兲-dimensional manifold V, with n 艌 2 and m 艌 1 共equivalently called to be a physical and/or
geometric space兲. In a particular case, V = TM, with n = m 共i.e., a tangent bundle兲, or V = E = 共E , M兲, dim M = n, is a vector
bundle on M, with total space E. We suppose that a manifold V may be provided with a local fiberd structure into
conventional “horizontal” and “vertical” directions. The local coordinates on V are denoted in the form u = 共x , y兲 or u␣
= 共xi , y a兲, where the horizontal indices run the values i , j , k , . . . = 1 , 2 , . . . , n and the vertical indices run the values
a , b , c , . . . = n + 1 , n + 2 , . . . , n + m.

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TV = hV 丣 vV. 共1兲
Locally, an N-connection N is defined by its coefficients Nai 共u兲,

N = Nai 共u兲dxi 丢 . 共2兲
The Ricci flow equations were introduced by Hamilton1 as an evolution equation,

⳵gគ ␣␤共␹兲
= − 2 兩Rគ ␣␤共␹兲, 共3兲
for a set of Riemannian metrics gគ ␣␤共␹兲 and corresponding Ricci tensors Rគ ␣␤共␹兲 parametrized by a
real ␹.3 We shall label the geometric objects with a left low bar in order to emphasize that such
objects are defined by the Levi Civita connection.
The normalized 共holonomic兲 Ricci flows,3,6,8,9 with respect to the coordinate base ⳵␣គ = ⳵ / ⳵u␣គ ,
are described by

⳵ 2r
g␣គ ␤គ = − 2 兩R␣គ ␤គ + g␣គ ␤គ , 共4兲
⳵␹ 5
where the normalizing factor r = 兰RdV / dV is introduced in order to preserve the volume V. For
N-anholonomic Ricci flows, the coefficients g␣គ ␤គ = gគ ␣␤ of any metric,

g = gគ ␣␤共u兲du␣ 丢 du␤ , 共5兲

can be parametrized in the form

gគ ␣␤ = 冋 gij + Nai Nbj hab Nej gae

Nei gbe gab
册 . 共6兲

With respect to the N-adapted frames e␯ = 共ei , ea兲 and coframes ei = 共ei , ea兲, i.e., vielbeins
adapted to the N-connection structure, for

e␯ = ei =

⳵ ⳵
− Nai 共u兲 a ,ea = a ,
⳵y ⳵y
冊 共7兲

e␮ = 共ei = dxi,ea = dy a + Nai 共u兲dxi兲, 共8兲

the frame transforms are defined as

e␣共␹兲 = e␣␣គ 共␹兲⳵␣គ and e␣共␹兲 = e␣␣គ 共␹兲du␣គ ,

respectively, parametrized in the form

e␣␣គ 共␹兲 = 冋 eiគi = ␦គii eiaគ = Nbi 共␹兲␦abគ

eaគi = 0 eaaគ = ␦aaគ
册 ,

冋 册
eiគi = ␦គii ebគi = − Nbk 共␹兲␦គik
e␣␣គ 共␹兲 = ,
eiaគ = 0 eaaគ = ␦aaគ

where ␦គii is the Kronecher symbol.

For our further purposes, on generalized Riemann–Finsler spaces, it is convenient to use a different system of denotations
than those considered by Hamilton or Perelman on holonomic Riemannian spaces

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The Ricci flow equations 关Eq. 共4兲兴 can be written in an equivalent form

⳵ ⳵
gij = 2关Nai Nbj 共 兩Rគ ab − ␭gab兲 − 兩Rគ ij + ␭gij兴 − gcd 共Nci Ndj 兲, 共10兲
⳵␹ ⳵␹

gab = − 2共 兩Rគ ab − ␭gab兲, 共11兲

⳵ e
共N gae兲 = − 2共 兩Rគ ia − ␭Nej gae兲, 共12兲
⳵␹ j
where ␭ = r / 5 and the coefficients are defined with respect to local coordinate basis. Heuristic
arguments for such equations both on holonomic and nonholonomic manifolds are discussed in
Refs. 10–13.
In N-adapted form, the tensor coefficients are defined with respect to tensor products of
vielbeins 共7兲 and 共8兲. They are called, respectively, distinguished tensors, vectors, and forms 共in
brief, d-tensors, d-vectors, and d-forms兲.
A distinguished connection 共d-connection兲 D on an N-anholonomic manifold V is a linear
connection conserving under parallelism the Whitney sum 关Eq. 共1兲兴. In local form, a d-connection
D is given by its coefficients ⌫␥␣␤ = 共Lijk , Lbk
, Cijc , Cbc
兲, where hD = 共Lijk , Lbk
兲 and vD = 共Cijc , Cbc
兲 are,
respectively the covariant h- and v-derivatives. Such a d-connection D is compatible to a metric g
if Dg = 0. The nontrivial N-adapted coefficients of the torsion of D, with respect to Eqs. 共7兲 and

T = 兵T␣␤␥ = − T␣␥␤ = 共Ti jk,Ti ja,Ta jk,Tb ja,Tbca兲其

are given by formula 共A9兲 in Ref. 10.
A distinguished metric 共in brief, d-metric兲 on an N-anholonomic manifold V is a second rank
symmetric tensor g, which in N-adapted form is written as

g = gij共x,y兲ei 丢 e j + gab共x,y兲ea 丢 eb . 共13兲

In brief, we write g = hg 丣 Nvg = 关 hg , vg兴. Any metric g on V can be written in two equivalent forms
as Eq. 共5兲, with coefficients 关Eq. 共6兲兴 with respect to a coordinate dual basis, or as Eq. 共13兲 with
N-adapted coefficients g␣␤ = 关gij , gab兴 with respect to Eq. 共8兲.
There are two classes of preferred linear connections defined by the coefficients 兵gគ ␣␤其 of a
metric structure g 共equivalently, by the coefficients of corresponding d-metric 共gij , hab兲 and
N-connection Nai : we shall emphasize the functional dependence on such coefficients in some
• The unique metric compatible and torsionless Levi–Civita connection ⵜ
= 兵⌫␥␣␤共gij , gab , Nai 兲其, for which T␣␤␥ = 0 and ⵜg = 0. This is not a d-connection because it does
not preserve under parallelism the N-connection splitting 关Eq. 共1兲兴.
• The unique metric canonical d-connection D̂ = 兵⌫ ˆ ␥ 共g , h , Na兲其 is defined by the conditions
␣␤ ij ab i
D̂g = 0 and T̂ jk = 0 and T̂ ca = 0 but, in general, T̂␣␤␥ ⫽ 0. The N-adapted coefficients ⌫
i b ˆ ␥ and

the deformation tensor Z ␣␤, when

⌫␥␣␤共gij,gab,Nai 兲 = ⌫
ˆ ␥ 共g ,g ,Na兲 + Z␥ 共g ,g ,Na兲,
␣␤ ij ab i 兩 ␣␤ ij ab i

are given by formulas 共A15兲–共A18兲 in Ref. 10.

In order to consider N-adapted Ricci flows, we have to change ⵜ → D̂ and R␣␤ → R̂␣␤ in Eqs.
共10兲–共12兲. The N-adapted evolution equations for Ricci flows of symmetric metrics, with respect
to local coordinate frames, are written as

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⳵ ⳵
gij = 2关Nai Nbj 共R̂គ ab − ␭gab兲 − R̂គ ij + ␭gij兴 − gcd 共Nci Ndj 兲, 共14兲
⳵␹ ⳵␹

gab = − 2共R̂គ ab − ␭gab兲, 共15兲

R̂ia = 0 and R̂ai = 0, 共16兲

where the Ricci coefficients R̂គ ij and R̂គ ab are computed with respect to coordinate coframes.
We emphasize that, in general, under nonholonomic Ricci flows, symmetric metrics may
evolve in nonsymmetric ones. The Hamilton–Perelman theory of Ricci flows was constructed
following the supposition that 共pseudo兲Riemannian metrics evolve only into other 共pseudo兲Ri-
emannian metrics. In our approach, we consider Ricci flow evolutions of metrics subjected to
certain classes of nonholonomic constrains, which may result in locally anisotropic geometric
structures 共such as the generalized Finsler–Lagrange metrics and connections兲 and even geom-
etries with nonsymmetric metrics. For simplicity, in this work, we shall analyze nonholonomic
evolutions when Ricci flows result only in symmetric metrics. This holds true, for instance, if the
equations 关Eq. 共16兲兴 are satisfied.
Definition 2. 1: Nonholonomic deformations of geometric objects (and related systems of
equations) on an N-anholonomic manifold V are defined for the same metric structure g by a set
of transforms of arbitrary frames into N-adapted ones and of the Levi–Civita connection ⵜ into
the canonical d-connection D̂, locally parametrized in the form

⳵␣គ = 共⳵គi, ⳵aគ 兲 → e␣ = 共ei,ea兲; g␣គ ␤គ → 关gij,gab,Nai 兴, ⌫␥␣␤ → ⌫ˆ ␥␣␤ .

It should be noted that the heuristic arguments presented in this section do not provide a
rigorous proof of evolution equations with D̂ and R̂␣␤ all defined with respect to N-adapted frames
关Eqs. 共7兲 and 共8兲兴.4 For instance, in Ref. 11, for the five dimensional diagonal d-metric ansatz 关Eq.
共13兲兴 with gij = diag关⫾1 , g2 , g3兴 and gab = diag关g4 , g5兴, we constructed exact solutions of the system

⳵ ⳵
gii = − 2关R̂ii − ␭gii兴 − gcc 共Nci 兲2 , 共17兲
⳵␹ ⳵␹

gaa = − 2共R̂aa − ␭gaa兲, 共18兲

R̂␣␤ = 0 for ␣ ⫽ ␤ , 共19兲

where the coefficients are defined with respect to N-adapted frames 关Eqs. 共7兲 and 共8兲兴. By non-
holonomic deformations 共equivalently, transforms, see Definition 2. 1兲, the system 关Eq. 共14兲–共16兲兴
can be transformed into Eqs. 共17兲–共19兲. A rigorous proof for nonholonomic evolution equations is
possible following an N-adapted variational calculus for Perelman’s functionals presented 共below兲
for Theorems 3. 1 and 4. 1.
Having prescribed a nonholonomic n + m splitting with coefficients Nai on a 共semi兲Riemannian
manifold V provided with metric structure gគ ␣␤ 关Eq. 共5兲兴, we can work with N-adapted frames
关Eqs. 共7兲 and 共8兲兴 and the equivalent d-metric structure 共gij , gab兲 关Eq. 共13兲兴. On V, one can
introduce two 共equivalent兲 canonical metric compatible 共both defined by the same metric structure,
equivalently, by the same d-metric and N-connection兲 linear connections: the Levi–Civita connec-

In Refs. 10 and 14, we discuss this problem related to the fact that the tensor R̂␣␤ is not symmetric, which results, in
general, in Ricci flows of nonsymmetric metrics.

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tion ⵜ and the canonical d-connection D̂. In order to perform geometric constructions in
N-adapted form, we have to work with the connection D̂ which contains nontrivial torsion coef-
ficients T̂i ja , T̂a jk , T̂b ja induced by the off-diagonal metric/N-connection coefficients Nai and their
derivatives 关see formula 共A9兲 in Ref. 10兴. In an alternative way, we can work equivalently with ⵜ
by redefining the geometric objects 共see Proposition 4.3 in Ref. 10兲.
We conclude that the geometry of an N-anholonomic manifold V can be described equiva-
lently by 兵gij , gab , Nai , ⵜ其 or 兵gij , gab , Nai , D̂其. Of course, two different linear connections, even
defined by the same metric structure, are characterized by different Ricci and Riemann curvatures
tensors and curvature scalars. In this work, we shall prefer N-adapted constructions with D̂ but
also apply ⵜ if the proofs for D̂ will be cumbersome. The idea is that if a geometric Ricci flow
construction is well defined for one of the connections, ⵜ or D̂, it can be equivalently redefined for
the second one by considering the distortion tensor Z␥␣␤.

B. Examples of N-anholonomic Ricci flows

We consider some classes of solutions15,16,18 with nonholonomic variables in order to under-
stand some properties of N-anholonomic Ricci flows.10–13 Nonholonomic Ricci solitons will be

1. Nonholonomic Einstein spaces

Such spaces are defined by d-metrics constructed as solutions of the Einstein equations for the
connection D̂ with nonhomogeneous horizontal and vertical cosmological “constants,” h␭共xk , y a兲
and v␭共xk兲,

R̂ij = v␭共xk兲␦ij, R̂ab = h␭共xk,y c兲␦ab ,

R̂aj = 0, R̂ ja = 0.
These equations can be integrated for certain general metric ansatz 共13兲 and, equivalently, Eq. 共6兲.
For splitting 3 + 2 with coordinates u␣ = 共x1 , x2 , x3 , y 4 = v , y 5兲 , ⳵i = ⳵ / ⳵xi , ⳵v = ⳵ / ⳵v, a class of exact
solutions of the system 关Eq. 共20兲兴 are parametrized 共see details in Refs. 16, 17, and 19兲 in the form

g = ⑀1共dx1兲2 + ⑀2g2共x2,x3兲共dx2兲2 + ⑀3g3共x2,x3兲共dx2兲2 + ⑀4h20共xi兲关⳵v f共xi, v兲兴2兩␵4兩共e4兲2 + ⑀5关f共xi, v兲

− f 0共xi兲兴2共e5兲2 ,
e4 = dv + wk共xk, v兲dxk, e5 = dy 5 + nk共xk, v兲dxk ,
where the N-connection coefficients N4k = wk and N5k = nk are computed as

wi = − ⳵i␵4共xk, v兲/⳵v␵4共xk, v兲,

nk = nk关1兴共xi兲 + nk关2兴共xi兲 冕 关⳵v f共xi, v兲兴2␵4共xk, v兲
关f共xi, v兲 − f 0共xi兲兴3
dv ,


␵4共xk, v兲 = ␵4关0兴共xk兲 −
⑀4 2 i
h 共x 兲
8 0
冕 h
␭共xk, v兲关f共xi, v兲 − f 0共xi兲兴dv .

In the ansatz 关Eq. 共21兲兴, the values ⑀␣ = ⫾ 1 state the signature of the solution, the functions g2 and
g3 are taken to solve two dimensional equations R̂22 = R̂33 = v␭共x2 , x3兲, and the generation function
f共xi , v兲 satisfies the condition ⳵v f ⫽ 0. The set of integration functions h20共xi兲 , f 0共xi兲 , nk关1兴共xi兲, and

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043504-7 Nonholonomic Ricci Flows. II. Evolution equations J. Math. Phys. 49, 043504 共2008兲

nk关2兴共xi兲 depend on h-variables and can be defined in explicit form if certain boundary/initial
conditions are imposed. Four dimensional 共4D兲 solutions can be generated by eliminating the
dependence on variable x1. There are certain classes of constraints defining foliated structures
when with respect to a preferred system of reference ⌫␥␣␤ = ⌫ ˆ ␥ defining a subclass of Ricci flows
with integrable “anisotropic” structure 共see details in Refs. 19, 15, 16, and 18兲.
Let us consider an initial d-metric 关Eq. 共13兲兴, 0g␣␤ = 关 0gij = gij共u , 0兲 , 0gab = gab共u , 0兲兴, with con-
stant scalar curvatures hR̂ and vR̂ for sR̂ ⯐ g␣␤R̂␣␤ = hR̂ + vR̂, for hR̂ = gijR̂ij and vR̂ = gabR̂ab 关see
formula 共A13兲 in Ref. 10兴, written for the d-connection D̂. We suppose that this holds for some
␭0 = v␭共xk兲 − ␭ = const⬎ 0 and h␭0 = h␭共xk , y c兲 − ␭ = const⬎ 0 in Eq. 共20兲 introduced in formulas for
coefficients of Eq. 共21兲. For a set of d-metrics of this type, g共␹兲, Eqs. 共17兲 and 共18兲 transform into

=−2 h
␭0gˆi − 冋 g4
+ g5
册 for î = 2,3, 共23兲

= − 2 v␭ 0g a for a = 4,5, 共24兲
where, for simplicity, we put all ⑀␣ = 1. Parametrizing

gˆi ĵ共u, ␹兲 = h2共␹兲 0gˆi ĵ and gab共u, ␹兲 = v2共␹兲 0gab

and considering a fixed nonholonomic structure for all ␹, when wˆi共u , ␹兲 = wˆi共u , 0兲 and nˆi共u , ␹兲
= nˆi共u , 0兲, the solutions of Eqs. 共23兲 and 共24兲 are, respectively, defined by two evolution factors

 共 ␹ 兲 = 1 − 2 h␭ 0␹
h 2
and v2共␹兲 = 1 − 2 v␭0␹ .

There are two shrinking points, one for the h-metric, ␹ → 21 h␭0 when the scalar h-curvature hR̂
becomes infinite like 1 / 共 21 h␭0 − ␹兲, and another one for the v-metric, ␹ → 21 v␭0 when the scalar
h-curvature vR̂ becomes infinite like 1 / 共 21 v␭0 − ␹兲. On the contrary, if the initial d-metric is with
negative scalar curvatures, the components will expand homothetically for all times and the
curvature will fall back to zero like −1 / ␹. For integrable structures, for instance, for wˆi = nˆi = 0 and
␭0 = v␭0, we get typical solutions for 共holonomic兲 Ricci flows of Einstein spaces. There are more
complex scenarios for nonholonomic Ricci flows. One can considere situations when, for instance,
␭0 ⬎ 0 but v␭0 ⬍ 0 or, inversely, h␭0 ⬍ 0 but v␭0 ⬎ 0. Various classes of nonholonomic Ricci flow
solutions with variable on ␹ components of N-connection 共for instance, on three and 4D pp-waves
and/or solitonic, or Taub NUT backgrounds兲 were constructed and analyzed in Refs. 11–13.

2. N-anholonomic Ricci solitons

Let us consider how the concept of Ricci soliton20 can be extended for the connection D̂
= 共hD̂ , vD̂兲. We call a steady h-soliton 共v-soliton兲 a solution to an nonholonomic horizontal 共ver-
tical兲 evolution moving under a one-parameter ␹ subgroup of the symmetry group of the equation.
A solution of Eq. 共17兲 关or Eq. 共18兲兴 parametrized by the group of N-adapted diffeomorphisms h␸␹
共or h␸␹兲 is called a steady Ricci h-soliton 共v-soliton兲.5 We can introduce the concept of Ricci
distinguished soliton 共d-soliton兲 as an N-adapted pair of an h-soliton and v-soliton. In the simplest
case, the N-connection coefficients do not evolve on ␹ , N = 0N, but only gij共u , ␹兲 and gab共u , ␹兲
satisfy some simplified evolution equations 关in our further constructions, we shall analyze solu-
tions with Nai 共u , ␹兲兴.
Steady gradient Ricci d-soliton

The symmetry group of an N-adapted Ricci flow is a distinguished group 共in brief, d-group兲 containing the full N-adapted
diffeomorphism group 共see Refs. 15, 18, and 16 on d-groups and d-algebras as transforms preserving the splitting 关Eq.

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Definition 2.2: For a d-vector X = 共hX , vX兲 generating the d-group, the Ricci d-soliton on V is
given by

gij共u, ␹兲 = h␸␹*gij共u,0兲 and gab共u, ␹兲 = v␸␹*gab共u,0兲. 共25兲

This definition implies that the right sides of Eqs. 共17兲 and 共18兲 are equal to the N-adapted Lie
derivative LXg = LhXhg + LvXvg of the evolving d-metric g 0N共␹兲 = hg共␹兲 丣 0Nvg共␹兲. We give a
particular important example when the initial d-metric g 0N共0兲 is a solution of the steady Ricci
d-solitonic equations

2R̂ij + gikD̂ jXk + g jkD̂iXk = 0,

2R̂ab + gacD̂bXc + gbcD̂aXc = 0.

For X = D̂␸, i.e., a d-gradient of a function ␸, we get a steady gradient Ricci d-soliton defined by
the equations

R̂ij + D̂iD̂ j␸ = 0 and R̂ab + D̂aD̂b␸ = 0. 共26兲

It is obvious that a d-metric satisfying Eq. 共26兲 defines a steady gradient Ricci d-soliton 关Eq.
Homothetically shrinking/expanding Ricci d-solitons: There are d-metrics which move as
N-adapted diffeomorphisms and shrinks 共or expands兲 by a ␹-dependent factor and solve the

2R̂ij + gikD̂ jXk + g jkD̂iXk − 2 h␭共xk,y c兲gij = 0,

2R̂ab + gacD̂bXc + gbcD̂aXc − 2 v␭共xk兲gab = 0.

We obtain the equations for homothetic gradient Ricci d-solitons,

R̂ij + D̂iD̂ j␸ − 2 h␭0gij = 0,

R̂ab + D̂aD̂b␸ − 2 ␭0gab = 0,

for X = D̂␸ and two homothetic constants h␭0 and v␭0. Such d-solitons are characterized by their h-
and v-components. For instance, the h-component is shrinking/expanding/steady for h␭0 ⬎ , ⬍ ,
= 0. One obtains the Einstein d-metrics for X = 0.
Proposition 2.1: On a compact N-anholonomic manifold V, any gradient Ricci d-soliton with
h- and v-components being steady or expanding solutions is necessarily a locally anisotropic
Einstein metric.
Proof: One should follow for the h- and v-components and the connection D̂ = 共hD̂ , vD̂兲 the
arguments presented, for holonomic configurations, in Ref. 2 and in the proof of Proposition 1.1.1
in Ref. 6. 䊐
A number of noholonomic solitoniclike solutions of the Einstein and Ricci flow equations
were constructed in Refs. 11–13, 15, 16, 18, 19, and 21. Those solutions are with nonholonomic
solitonic backgrounds and in the bulk define Einstein spaces for D̂, with possible restrictions to ⵜ.
They are different from the above considered Ricci d-solitons which also define extensions of the
Einstein d-metrics.

C. Existence and uniqueness of N-anholonomic evolution

For holonomic Ricci flow equations, the short-time existence and uniqueness of solutions
were proved for compact manifolds in Refs. 1 and 22 and extended to noncompact ones in Ref. 23.

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Similar proofs hold true for N-anholonomic manifolds with the N-connection coefficients com-
pletely defined by off-diagonal terms in the metrics of type 共6兲. In general, there are two possi-
bilities to obtain such results for nonholonomic configurations. In the first case, we can follow the
idea to “extract” nonholonomic flows from well defined Riemannian ones in any moment of
“time” ␹. In the second case, we should change ⵜ → D̂ = 共hD̂ , vD̂兲 and perform an additional
analysis if the nonholonomically induced torsion does not change substantially the method elabo-
rated for the Levi–Civita connection.
Usually, the geometric constructions defined by D̂, with respect to any local frame, contain
certain additional finite terms; such terms are contained in similar finite combinations of formulas
for the Levi–Civita connection. For simplicity, in our further proofs, we shall omit details if one of
the mentioned possibility constructions is possible 共in the N-anholonomic cases, the techniques are
more cumbersome because we have to work with h- and v-subspaces and additional nonholo-
nomic effects兲. Usually, we shall sketch the idea of the proof and key points distinguishing the
nonholonomic objects.
Lemma 2.1: Both the evolution [Eqs. (10)–(12)] and their nonholonomic transforms [Eqs.
(14)–(16)] can be modified in a strictly parabolic system.
Proof: The proof for the first system is just that for the Levi–Civita connection for a metric
parametrized in the form 共6兲 关see details in Ref. 6 共proof of Lemma 1.2.1兴. We can nonholonomi-
cally deform such formulas by taking into account that on N-anholonomic manifolds, the coordi-
nate transforms must be adapted to the splitting 关Eq. 共1兲兴. For such deformations, we use a
d-vector X␣ = g␣␤g␥␶共⌫ ˆ ␤ − 0⌫
ˆ ␤ 兲, where 0⌫ˆ ␤ is the canonical d-connection of the initial d-metric
␥␶ ␥␶ ␥␶
g␣␤. Putting 共for simplicity兲 ␭ = 0, with respect to a local coordinate frame for the equations of
nontrivial d-metric coefficients, we modify Eqs. 共14兲–共16兲 to

⳵ ⳵
gij = 2共Nai Nbj R̂គ ab − R̂គ ij兲 − gcd 共Nci Ndj 兲 + D
គ̂ iXគ j + D
គ̂ jXគ i ,
⳵␹ ⳵␹

gab = − 2R̂គ ab + D
គ̂ aXគ b + D
គ̂ bXគ a ,
R̂ia = − D̂iXa − D̂aXi, R̂ai = D̂iXa + D̂aXi ,

gគ ␣␤共u,0兲 = 0gគ ␣␤共u兲.

We can choose such systems of N-adapted coordinates when D̂iXa + D̂aXi = 0. Finally, we got a
strictly parabolic system for the coefficients of d-connection when the equation R̂ia = R̂ai = 0 can be
considered as some constraints defined by off-diagonal h-v-components of the system of vacuum
Einstein equations for D̂. 䊐
The system 关Eq. 共28兲兴 is strictly parabolic in the evolution part and has a solution for a short
By using the connection D̂ instead of ⵜ and rewriting the initial value problem on h- and
v-components 关for the Levi–Civita considerations, see considerations related to formula 共1.2.6兲 in
共Ref. 6兲, we prove the following.
Theorem 2.1: For a compact region U on an N-anholonomic manifold V with given
gគ ␣␤共u , 0兲 = 0gគ ␣␤共u兲 and 0D̂, there exists a constant ␹T ⬎ 0 such that the initial value problem,

⳵ ⳵ ⳵
gij = 2共Nai Nbj R̂គ ab − R̂គ ij兲 − gcd 共Nci Ndj 兲 and gab = − 2R̂គ ab ,
⳵␹ ⳵␹ ⳵␹

with constraints R̂ia = 0 and R̂ai = 0, has a unique smooth solution on U ⫻ 关0 , ␹T兲.
Proof: It follows from the constructions for the Levi–Civita connection ⵜ, when gគ ␣␤共u , ␹兲 is

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defined for any ␹ 苸 关0 , ␹T兲. This allows us to define Nai 共␹ , u兲 and 关gij共␹ , u兲 , gab共␹ , u兲兴. 䊐
It should be noted that there are similar existence and uniqueness results for noncompact
manifolds 共for holonomic ones see Ref. 23兲. They can be redefined for N-anholonomic ones but
the proofs are more complicated and involve a huge amount of techniques from the theory of
partial differential equations and geometry of nonholonomic spaces. We do not provide such
constructions in this work.
One holds similar constructions to those summarized in Secs. 1.3 and 1.4 in Ref. 6 for
curvature coefficients, orthonormalized frames, and derivative estimates. In both cases, for the
connections ⵜ and D̂, the same set of terms and products of components of gគ ␣␤ and their deriva-
tives are contained in the formulas under examination, but for different connections there are
different groups of such terms. Because there is a proof that such terms are bounded under
evolution for ⵜ-constructions, it is always possible to show that by regrouping them, we also get
a bounded value for D̂-constructions. This property follows from the fact that for both linear
connections, the geometric objects are defined by the coefficients of the metric 关Eq. 共6兲兴. For
simplicity, in this work we omit a formal dubbing in a “D̂-fashion” of formulas given in Refs. 6–9
if the constructions are similar to those for ⵜ.
We conclude this section with the remark that the Ricci flow equations, both on holonomic
and N-anholonomic manifolds, are heat-type equations. The uniqueness of such equations on a
complete noncompact manifold is not always held if there are no further restrictions on the growth
of the solutions. For N-anholonomic configurations, this imposes the conditions that the curvature
and N-connection coefficients must be bounded under evolution. The equations for evolution of
curvature on N-anholonomic manifolds is analyzed in Sec. 4.3 of Ref. 10.


Following Perelman’s ideas,3 the Ricci flow equations can be derived as gradient flows for
some functionals defined by the Levi–Civita connection ⵜ. The functionals are written in the form
共we use our system of denotations兲

兩F共g,ⵜ, f兲 = 冕V
共 兩R + 兩ⵜf兩2兲e−f dV,


兩W共g,ⵜ, f, ␶兲 = 冕
关␶共 兩R + 兩ⵜf兩兲2 + f − 共n + m兲兴␮dV,

where dV is the volume form of g, integration is taken over compact V, and R is the scalar
curvature computed for ⵜ. For a parameter ␶ ⬎ 0, we have 兰V␮dV = 1 when ␮ = 共4␲␶兲−共n+m兲/2e−f .
Following this approach, the Ricci flow is considered as a dynamical system on the space of
Riemannian metrics and the functionals F and W are of Lyapunov type. Ricci flat configurations
are defined as “fixed” on ␶ points of the corresponding dynamical systems.
In Ref. 14, we proved that the functionals 关Eq. 共29兲兴 can also be redefined in equivalent form
for the canonical d-connection, in the case of Lagrange–Finsler spaces. In this section, we show
that the constructions can be generalized for arbitrary N-anholonomic manifolds, when the gradi-
ent flow is constrained to be adapted to the corresponding N-connection structure.
Claim 3.1: For a set of N-anholonomic manifolds of dimension n + m, Perelman’s functionals
for the canonical d-connection D̂ are defined as

F̂共g,D̂, f̂兲 = 冕V
共 hR̂ + vR̂ + 兩D̂f̂兩2兲e−f dV, 共30兲

Ŵ共g,D̂, f̂, ␶ˆ 兲 = 冕
关␶ˆ 共 hR̂ + vR̂ + 兩 hDf̂兩 + 兩 vDf̂兩兲2 + f̂ − 共n + m兲␮
ˆ dV兴, 共31兲

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where dV is the volume form of Lg, R and S are, respectively, the h- and v-components of the
curvature scalar of D̂ when sR̂ ⯐ g␣␤R̂␣␤ = hR̂ + vR̂, for D̂␣ = 共Di , Da兲 or D̂ = 共 hD , vD兲 when 兩D̂f̂兩2
= 兩 hDf̂兩2 + 兩 vDf̂兩2, and f̂ satisfies 兰V␮
ˆ dV = 1 for ␮
ˆ = 共4␲␶兲−共n+m兲/2e−f and ␶ˆ ⬎ 0.
Proof: We introduce a new function f̂, instead of f, in formula 共29兲 共in general, one can
consider nonexplicit relations兲 when

共 兩R + 兩ⵜf兩2兲e−f = 共 hR̂ + vR̂ + 兩 hDf̂兩2 + 兩 vDf̂兩2兲e−f + ⌽

and rescale the parameter ␶ → ␶ˆ to have

关␶共 兩R + 兩ⵜf兩兲2 + f − n − m兴␮ = 关␶ˆ 共 hR̂ + vR̂ + 兩 hDf̂兩 + 兩 vDf̂兩兲2 + f̂ − n − m兴␮

ˆ + ⌽1 ,

for some ⌽ and ⌽1 for which 兰V⌽dV = 0 and 兰V⌽1dV = 0. We emphasize that we consider one
parameter ␶ˆ both for the h- and v-subspaces. In general, we can take a couple of two independent
parameters when ␶ˆ = 共 h␶ , v␶兲. 䊐

A. N-adapted variations
By elaborating an N-adapted variational calculus, we shall consider both variations in the
so-called h- and v-subspaces stated by the decompositions 关Eq. 共1兲兴. For simplicity, we consider
the h-variation h␦gij = vij, the v-variation v␦gab = vab, for a fixed N-connection structure in Eq. 共13兲,
and h␦ f̂ = h f , v␦ f̂ = v f.
A number of important results in Riemannian geometry can be proved by using normal
coordinates in a point u0 and its vicinity. Such constructions can be performed on an
N-anholonomic manifold V.
Proposition 3.1: For any point u0 苸 V, there is a system of N-adapted coordinates for which
ˆ ␥
⌫ ␣␤共u0兲 = 0.
Proof: In the system of normal coordinates in u0, for the Levi–Civita connection, when
⌫␥␣␤共u0兲 = 0, we choose 兩e␣g␤␥兩u0 = 0. Following formulas with similar computations for a d-metric
关Eq. 共13兲兴, equivalently Eq. 共5兲, we get ⌫ˆ ␥␣␤共u0兲 = 0. 䊐
We generalize for arbitrary N-anholonomic manifolds Lemma 3.1 from Ref. 14 共considered
there for Lagrange–Finsler spaces兲.
Lemma 3.1: The first N-adapted variations of Eq. (30) are given by

␦F̂共vij, vab, h f, v f兲 = 冕 再冋 − vij共R̂ij + D̂iD̂ j f̂兲 +冉 冊 h

v h
− f 共2 h⌬f̂ − 兩 hDf̂兩2兲 + hR̂册

+ − vab共R̂ab + D̂aD̂b f̂兲 + 冉 冊 v
v v
− f 共2 v⌬f̂ − 兩 vDf̂兩2兲 + vR̂
e−f dV, 共32兲

where h⌬ = D̂iD̂i and v⌬ = D̂aD̂a, for ⌬ˆ = h⌬ + v⌬ and hv = gijvij , vv = gabvab.

Proof: It is an N-adapted calculus similar to that for Perelman’s lemma in Ref. 3 共details of the
proof are given, for instance, in Ref. 6, Lemma 1.5.2兲. In N-adapted normal coordinates, a point
u0 苸 V, we have

␦R̂␣␤␥␶ = e␤共␦⌫ˆ ␣␥␶兲 − e␥共␦⌫ˆ ␣␤␶兲,


␦⌫ˆ ␣␥␶ = 21 g␣␸共D̂␥v␶␸ + D̂␶v␥␸ − D̂␸v␥␶兲.

By contracting indices, we can compute ␦R̂␤␥ = ␦R̂␣␤␥␣ and

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␦R̂ = ␦共g␤␥R̂␤␥兲 = ␦共gijR̂ij + gabR̂ab兲 = ␦共gijR̂ij兲 + ␦共gabR̂ab兲 = ␦共 hR̂兲 + ␦共 vR̂兲,


␦共 hR̂兲 = − h⌬共 hv兲 + D̂iD̂ jvij − vijR̂ij


␦共 vR̂兲 = − v⌬共 vv兲 + D̂aD̂bvab − vabR̂av .

It should be emphasized that we state that variations of a symmetric metric, h␦gij = vij and v␦gab
= vab, are considered to by symmetric and independent of h- and v-subspaces. As a result, we get
in Eq. 共32兲 only the symmetric coefficients R̂ij and R̂ab but not nonsymmetric values R̂ai and R̂ia
关admitting nonsymmetric variations of metrics, we would obtain certain terms in
␦F̂共vij , vab , h f , v f兲 defined by the nonsymmetric components of the Ricci tensor for D̂兴. In this
work, we try to keep our constructions on Riemannian spaces, even though they are provided with
N-anholonomic distributions, and avoid to consider generalizations of the so-called Lagrange–
Eisenhart, or Finsler–Eisenhart, geometry analyzed, for instance, in Chap. 8 of Ref. 25 共for non-
holonomic Ricci flows, we discuss the problem in Ref. 10兲. The first N-adapted variation of the
functional 共30兲 is

␦F̂ = ␦ 冕 ˆ
e−f 共 hR̂ + vR̂ + 兩D̂f̂兩2兲dV = 冕 ˆ

e−f 关␦共 hR̂兲共vij兲 + ␦共 vR̂兲共vab兲 + ␦共gijD̂i f̂D̂ j f̂兲


冋 1

+ ␦共gabD̂a f̂D̂b f̂兲兴 + 共 hR̂ + gijD̂i f̂D̂ j f̂兲 − h␦ f̂ + gijvij + 共 vR̂ + gabD̂a f̂D̂b f̂兲
冊 dV

= 冕 冋
e−f − h⌬共 hv兲 + D̂iD̂ jvij − vijR̂ij − vijD̂i f̂D̂ j f̂ + 2gijD̂i f̂D̂ j h f − v⌬共 vv兲 + D̂aD̂bvab − vabR̂ab

− vabD̂a f̂D̂b f̂ + 2gabD̂a f̂D̂b v f + 共 hR̂ + gijD̂i f̂D̂ j f̂兲 冉 h

v h

− f + 共 vR̂ + gabD̂a f̂D̂b f̂兲

v v
− f 冉 冊册 dV.

For the h- and v-components, one holds, respectively, the formulas

冕 V
共D̂iD̂ jvij − vijD̂i f̂D̂ j f̂兲e−f dV =
冕 V
共D̂i f̂D̂ jvij − vijD̂i f̂D̂ j f̂兲e−f dV =
冕 V
vijD̂i f̂D̂ j f̂e−f dV,

冕 V
gijD̂i f̂D̂ j h fe−f dV =
冕 V
f关gijD̂i f̂D̂ j f̂ − h⌬f̂兴e−f dV,

h ˆ
⌬共 hv兲e−f dV = 冕 V
gijD̂i f̂D̂ j共 hv兲e−f dV =

v关gijD̂i f̂D̂ j f̂ − h⌬f̂兴e−f dV


冕 V
共D̂aD̂bvab − vabD̂a f̂D̂b f̂兲e−f dV =
冕 V
共D̂a f̂D̂bvab − vabD̂a f̂D̂b f̂兲e−f dV =
冕 V
vabD̂a f̂D̂b f̂e−f dV,

冕 V
gabD̂a f̂D̂b共 v f兲e−f dV =
冕 V
f关gabD̂a f̂D̂b f̂ − v⌬f̂兴e−f dV,

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v ˆ
⌬共 vv兲e−f dV = 冕 V
gabD̂a f̂D̂b共 vv兲e−f dV = 冕V
v关gabD̂a f̂D̂b f̂ − v⌬f̂兴e−f dV.

Putting these formulas into Eq. 共33兲 and regrouping the terms, we get Eq. 共32兲, which completes
the proof. 䊐
Definition 3.1: A d-metric g [Eq. (13)] evolving by the (nonholonomic) Ricci flow is called a
(nonholonomic) breather if for some ␹1 ⬍ ␹2 and ␣ ⬎ 0 the metrics ␣g共␹1兲 and ␣g共␹2兲 differ only
by a diffeomorphism [in the N-anholonomic case, preserving the Whitney sum, Eq. (1)]. The cases
␣共= , ⬍ , 兲 ⬎ 1 define correspondingly the (steady, shrinking) expanding breathers.
The breather properties depend on the type of connections, which are used for the definition
of Ricci flows. For N-anholonomic manifolds, one can be the situation when, for instance, the
h-component of the metric is steady but the v-component is shrinking.

B. Evolution equations for N-anholonomic d-metrics

Following an N-adapted variational calculus for F̂共g , f̂兲 共see Lemma 3. 1兲 with Laplacian ⌬ˆ
and h- and v-components of the Ricci tensor, R̂ij and R̂ab, defined by D̂ and considering parameter
␶共␹兲 , ⳵␶ / ⳵␹ = −1 共for simplicity, we shall not consider the normalized term and put ␭ = 0兲, one
holds the following.
Theorem 3.1: The Ricci flows of d-metrics are characterized by the evolution equations

⳵gij ⳵gគ ab
= − 2R̂ij, = − 2R̂ab ,
⳵␹ ⳵␹

⳵ f̂ ˆ f̂ + 兩D̂f̂兩2 − hR̂ − vR̂

and the property that

F̂共g共␹兲, f̂共␹兲兲 = 2 冕 V
关兩R̂ij + D̂iD̂ j f̂兩2 + 兩R̂ab + D̂aD̂b f̂兩2兴e−f dV

and 兰Ve−f dV is constant. The functional F̂共g共␹兲 , f̂共␹兲兲 is nondecreasing in time and the monoto-
nicity is strict unless we are on a steady d-gradient solution.
Proof: For Riemannian spaces, a proof was proposed by Perelman3 共details of the proof are
given for the connection ⵜ in Proposition 1.5.3 of Ref. 6兲. For Lagrange–Finsler spaces, we
changed the status of such statements to a theorem 共see Ref. 14, where similar results are proved
with respect to coordinate frames using values gគ ij , gគ ab and Rគ̂ ij , Rគ̂ ab兲 because for nonholonomic
configurations, there are no two alternative ways 共following heuristic or functional approaches兲 to
define Ricci flow equations in N-adapted form. Using the formula 共32兲, we have

F̂ = 冕冋V
2R̂ij共R̂ij + D̂iD̂ j f̂兲2 + 2R̂ab共R̂ab + D̂aD̂b f̂兲2 + 冉 h
R̂ + vR̂ −
⳵ f̂

⫻共− h⌬f̂ − v⌬f̂ + gijD̂i f̂D̂ j f̂ + gabD̂a f̂D̂b f̂兲 − hR̂ − vR̂ e−f dV 册 ˆ

= 冕冋V
2g␣⬘␣g␤⬘␤R̂␣⬘␤⬘共R̂␣␤ + D̂␣D̂␤ f̂兲2 + 冉 s
R̂ −

⳵ f̂ ˆ

共− ⌬ˆ f̂ + 兩D̂f̂兩2 − sR̂兲 e−f dV.

At the next step, we consider formulas

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冕 V
ˆ f̂ − 兩D̂f̂兩2兲共2⌬ˆ f̂ − 兩D̂f̂兩2兲兴e−fˆ dV

= 冕 V
ˆ f̂ + 兩D̂f̂兩2兲兴e−fˆ dV
关g␣␤共D̂␣ f̂兲D̂␤共− 2⌬

=2 冕 V
共D̂␣ f̂兲关− D̂␤共D̂␣D̂␤ f̂兲 + R̂␣␥共D̂␥ f̂兲 + 共D̂␤ f̂兲共D̂␣D̂␤ f̂兲兴e−f dV

=2 冕 V
兵关D̂␣D̂␤ f̂ − 共D̂␣ f̂兲共D̂␤ f̂兲兴共D̂␣D̂␤ f̂兲 + R̂␣␥共D̂␣ f̂兲共D̂␥ f̂兲 + 共D̂␤ f̂兲共D̂␣D̂␤ f̂兲共D̂␣ f̂兲其e−f dV

=2 冕 V
关兩g␣␤D̂␣D̂␤ f̂兩2 + g␣␣⬘g␤␤⬘R̂␣␤共D̂␣⬘ f̂兲共D̂␤⬘ f̂兲兴e−f dV

and 共using the contracted second Bianchi identity兲

冕 V
ˆ f̂ − 兩D̂f̂兩2兲 sR̂e−fˆ dV = −
共⌬ 冕V
g␣␤共D̂␣ f̂兲D̂␤共 sR̂兲e−f dV

=2 冕V
g␣␣⬘g␤␤⬘R̂␣⬘␤⬘关共D̂␣D̂␤ f̂兲 − 共D̂␣ f̂兲共D̂␤ f̂兲兴e−f dV.

Putting the formulas into Eq. 共34兲, we get

F̂共g共␹兲, f̂共␹兲兲 = 2 冕 V
g␣␣⬘g␤␤⬘关R̂␣⬘␤⬘共R̂␣␤ + D̂␣D̂␤ f̂兲 + 共D̂␣⬘D̂␤⬘ f̂兲共D̂␣D̂␤ f̂ + R̂␣␤兲兴e−f dV

=2 冕 V
g␣␣⬘g␤␤⬘共R̂␣␤ + D̂␣D̂␤ f̂兲共R̂␣⬘␤⬘ + D̂␣⬘D̂␤⬘ f̂兲e−f dV

=2 冕 V
关兩R̂ij + D̂iD̂ j f̂兩2 + 兩R̂ab + D̂aD̂b f̂兩2兴e−f dV.

The final step is to prove that 兰Ve−f dV = const. In our case, we take the volume element

dV = 冑兩det关g␣␤兴兩e1e2 ¯ en+m = 冑兩det关gគ ␣␤兴兩dx1 ¯ dxndy n+1 ¯ dy n+m

and compute the N-adapted values


dV = 共冑兩det关g␣␤兴兩e1e2 ¯ en+m兲 =
1 ⳵
2 ⳵␹
log兩det关g␣␤兴兩 dV =
1 ⳵
2 ⳵␹
冉 冊
log兩det关gij兴 + det关gab兴兩 dV 冉 冊
g 冉
1 ␣␤ ⳵
1 ⳵
冊 ⳵

g␣␤ dV = gij gij + gab gab dV = − sR̂dV = 共− hR̂ − vR̂兲dV.
2 ⳵␹ ⳵␹

Hence, we can compute

⳵ −fˆ
共e dV兲 = e−f −

⳵ f̂ s

ˆ f̂ − 兩D̂f̂兩2兲e−fˆ dV = − ⌬
− R̂ dV = 共⌬ ˆ 共e−fˆ 兲dV.

It follows

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冕 V
e−f dV = − 冕V
⌬ˆ 共e−f 兲dV = 0.

The proof of the theorem is finished. 䊐

C. Properties of associated d-energy

On N-anholonomic manifolds, we define the associated d-energy as

␭ˆ 共g,D̂兲 ⯐ inf F̂共g共␹兲, f̂共␹兲兲兩f̂ 苸 C⬁共V兲, 冕 V
e−f dV = 1 . 冎 共35兲

This value contains information on the nonholonomic structure on V. It is also possible to intro-
duce the associated energy defined by F共g , ⵜ , f兲 from Eq. 共29兲 as it was originally considered in
Ref. 3,

␭共g,ⵜ兲 ⯐ inf 兩F共g共␹兲, f共␹兲兲兩f 苸 C⬁共V兲, 冕 V
e−f dV = 1 . 冎
Both values ␭ˆ and ␭ are defined by the same sets of metric structures g共␹兲 but, respectively, for
different sets of linear connections, D̂共␹兲 and ⵜ共␹兲. One also holds the property that ␭ is invariant
under diffeomorphisms but ␭ˆ possesses only N-adapted diffeomorphism invariance. In this sec-
tion, we state the main properties of ␭ˆ .
Proposition 3.2: There are canonical N-adapted decompositions, to splitting (1), of the func-
tional F̂ and associated d-energy ␭ˆ .
Proof: We express the first formula in Eq. 共30兲 in the form

F̂共g,D̂, f̂兲 = hF̂共g, hD, f̂兲 + vF̂共g, vD, f̂兲, 共36兲


F̂共g, hD, f̂兲 = 冕 V
共 hR̂ + 兩 hDf̂兩2兲e−f dV,

F̂共g, vD, f̂兲 = 冕 V
共 vR̂ + 兩 vDf̂兩2兲e−f dV.

Inserting Eq. 共36兲 into Eq. 共35兲, we get the formulas, respectively, for the h-energy,

␭共g, hD兲 ⯐ inf 再 h
F̂共g共␹兲, f̂共␹兲兲兩f̂ 苸 C⬁共V兲, 冕 V

e−f dV = 1 , 共37兲

and v-energy,

␭共g, vD兲 ⯐ inf 再 v
F̂共g共␹兲, f̂共␹兲兲兩f̂ 苸 C⬁共V兲, 冕 V

e−f dV = 1 , 共38兲


␭ˆ = h␭ˆ + v␭ˆ ,
which completes the proof. 䊐

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It should be noted that the functional Ŵ 关Eq. 共31兲兴 linearly depends on f̂, which does not
allow an N-adapted decomposition for arbitrary functions similar to Eq. 共36兲. From Proposition 3.
2, one has the following.
Corollary 3.1: The d-energy 共h-energy or v-energy) has the following properties.

• ␭ˆ 共h␭ˆ or v␭ˆ 兲 is nondecreasing along the N-anholonomic Ricci flow and the monotonicity is
strict unless we are on a steady distinguished (horizontal or vertical) gradient soliton.
• A steady distinguished (horizontal or vertical) breather is necessarily a steady distinguished
(horizontal or vertical) gradient solution.

Proof: We present the formulas for distinguished values 共we get, respectively, the h- or
v-components if the v- or h-components are stated to be zero兲. For û = e−f /2, we express

F̂共g,D̂, f̂兲 = 冕
共 sR̂û2 + 4兩D̂û兩2兲e−f dV,


F̂共g, hD, f̂兲 = 冕 V
共 hR̂û2 + 4兩 hDû兩2兲e−f dV,

F̂共g, vD, f̂兲 = 冕 V
共 vR̂û2 + 4兩 vDû兩2兲e−f dV,

subjected to the constraint 兰Vû2dV = 1 as follows from 兰Ve−f dV = 1. In this case, we can consider ␭ˆ
共h␭ˆ or v␭ˆ 兲 as the first eigenvalue of the operator −4⌬ˆ + sR̂ 共of −4 h⌬ + hR̂ or −4 v⌬ + vR̂兲. We denote
by û0 ⬎ 0 the first eigenfunction of this operator when

ˆ + sR̂兲û = ␭ˆ û ,
共− 4⌬ 0 0

and f̂ 0 = −2 log兩û0兩 is a minimizer, ␭ˆ 共g , D̂兲 = F̂共g , D̂ , f̂ 0兲, satisfying the equation

ˆ f̂ + 兩D̂f̂ 兩2 − sR̂ = ␭ˆ .
− 2⌬ 0 0

It should be noted that we can always solve the backward 共in “time” ␹兲 heat equation

⳵ f̂ ˆ f̂ + 兩D̂f̂兩2 − hR̂ − vR̂,


兩f̂兩␹=␹0 = f̂ 0
to obtain a solution f̂共␹兲 for ␹ 艋 ␹0 constrained to satisfy 兰Ve−f dV = 1. This follows from the fact
that the equation can be rewritten as a linear equation for û2,

⳵û2 ˆ 共û2兲 + sR̂û2 ,


which gives the solution for f̂共␹兲 when at ␹ = ␹0 the infimum ␭ˆ is achieved by some û0 with
兰Vû20dV = 1. From Theorem 3.1, we have

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␭ˆ 共g共␹兲,D̂共␹兲兲 ⱕ F̂共g共␹兲,D̂共␹兲, f̂共␹兲兲 ⱕ F̂共g共␹0兲,D̂共␹0兲, f̂共␹0兲兲 = ␭ˆ 共g共␹0兲,D̂共␹0兲兲.

Finally, we note that one could be different values û0 for the h-components and v-components if
we consider the equations and formulas only on h- and v-subspaces, respectively. 䊐
For holonomic configurations, Corollary 3. 1 was proven in Ref. 3 共see also the details of
proof of Corollary 1.5.4 in Ref. 6兲. In the case of N-anholonomic manifolds, the proof is more
cumbersome and depends on the properties of h- and v-components of the canonical d-connection.

D. On proofs of N-adapted Ricci flow formulas

In Secs. III A–III C, we provided detailed proofs of theorems and explained the difference
between N-adapted geometric constructions with the canonical d-connection and the Levi–Civita
connection 共where both such linear connections are defined by the same metric structure兲. Sum-
marizing our proofs and comparing with those outlined, for instance, in Ref. 6 for holonomic flows
of 共pseudo兲Riemannian metrics, we get the following.
Conclusion 3.1: One holds the following rules.
• Any Ricci flow evolution formula for Riemannian metrics containing the Levi Civita connec-
tion ⵜ has its analogous gravity in terms of the canonical d-connection D̂ = 共 hD , vD兲 on
N-anholonomic manifolds.
• An N-adapted tensor calculus with symmetric d-metrics can be generated from a covariant
Levi–Civita calculus by following contractions of operators with the (inverse) metric, for
instance, in the form

g␣គ ␤គ 兩R␤គ ␥គ = g␣គ ␤គ 兩R␤គ ␥គ → g␣␤R̂␤␥ = gijR̂ij + gabR̂ab ,

and formal changing of the coordinate (co) bases into N-adapted ones,

⳵␣គ → e␣ = 共ei = ⳵i − Nbi ⳵b,ea = ⳵a兲,

du␣គ → e␣ = 共ei = dxi,ea = dy a + Nak dxk兲.

This allows us to preserve a formal similarity between the formulas on Riemannian manifolds
and their analogous gravity on N-anholonomic manifolds, selecting symmetric values R̂ij and
R̂ab even though the connection D̂ is with nontrivial torsion and R̂␤␥ ⫽ R̂␥␤.
• We get a formal dubbing on h- and v-subspaces of geometric objects on N-anholonomic
manifolds but the h- and v-analogous are computed by different formulas and components of
the d-metric and canonical d-connection. The h- and v-components are related to nonholo-
nomic constraints and may result in different physical effects.

In our further considerations, we shall omit detailed proofs if they can be obtained following
the rules from Conclusion 3.1.
The d-energy ␭ˆ = h␭ˆ + v␭ˆ allowed us to define the properties of steady distinguished 共into
horizontal or vertical兲 gradient solutions. In order to consider expanding configurations, one in-
troduces a scale invariant value

˜␭共g,D̂兲 ⯐ ␭ˆ 共g,D̂兲Vol共g 兲,

where Vol共g␣␤兲 is the volume of a compact V defined with respect to g␣␤, which is the same both
for the constructions with the Levi–Civita connection and the canonical d-connection.

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Corollary 3.2: The scale invariant (si) d-energy ˜␭ = h˜␭ + v˜␭ 共hsi energy h˜␭ or vsi energy v˜␭兲
has the following properties:

• ˜␭ 共h˜␭ or v˜␭兲 is nondecreasing along the N-anholonomic Ricci flow whenever it is nonpositive:
the monotonicity is strict unless we are on an expanding distinguished (horizontal or vertical)
gradient soliton.
• An expanding breather is necessarily an expanding d-gradient (h-gradient or v-gradient)

Exercise 3.1: For holonomic configurations, Corollary 3.2 transforms into a similar one for
the Leivi–Civita connection (see. Ref. 3) We suggest the reader to perform the proof for
N-anholonomic manifolds following the details given in the proof of Corollary 1.5.5 in Ref. 6 but
applying the rules from Conclusion 3.1.
The second points of Corollaries 3.1 and 3.2 state that all compact steady or expanding Ricci
d-solitons are d-gradient ones and such properties should be analyzed separately on h- and
v-subspaces 共see Sec. II B 2 on d-solitons derived for nonholonomic Ricci flows兲. This results in
an N-anholonomic version of Perelman’s conclusion about Einstein metrics and Ricci flows.
Proposition 3.3: On a compact N-anholonomic manifold, a steady or expanding breather is
necessarily an Einstein d-metric satisfying the Einstein equations for the connection D̂
= 共 hD , vD兲 with, in general, anisotropically polarized cosmological constant.
Various types of exact solutions of the nonholonomic Einstein and Ricci flow equations with
anisotropically polarized cosmological constants were constructed and analyzed in Refs. 15, 16,
12, 13, and 19.
Finally, we note that in order to handle flow equations with shrinking solutions, it is conve-
nient to use the second Perelman’s functional W 共see second formula in Eq. 共29兲 and its
N-anholonomic version Ŵ 关Eq. 共31兲兴兲. There are more fundamental consequences from such
functionals, which we shall analyze in the next section.


Perelman showed that the functional W is in a sense analogous to minus entropy.3 We argue
that this property holds true for nonholonomic Ricci flows, which provides statistical models for
nonholonomic geometries, in particular, for regular Lagrange 共Finsler兲 systems. The aim of this
section is to develop the constructions from Sec. IV and in Ref. 14 to general N-anholonomic
spaces provided with a canonical d-connection structure.

A. Properties of N-anholonomic entropy

For any positive numbers ha and va , â = ha + va, and N-adapted diffeomorphisms on V, which
is denoted as ␸ˆ = 共 h␸ , v␸兲, we have

Ŵ共 ha h␸*gij, va v␸*gab, ␸ˆ *D̂, ␸ˆ * f̂,â␶ˆ 兲 = Ŵ共g,D̂, f̂, ␶ˆ 兲,

which means that the functional Ŵ 关Eq. 共31兲兴 is invariant under N-adapted parabolic scaling, i.e.,
under respective scaling of ␶ˆ and g␣␤ = 共gij , gab兲. For simplicity, we can restrict our considerations
to evolutions defined by d-metric coefficients g␣␤共␶ˆ 兲 that do not depend on ␶ˆ values Nai 共u␤兲. In a
similar form to Lemma 3.1, we get the following first N-adapted variation formula for Ŵ.

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Lemma 4.1: The first N-adapted variations of Eq. (31) are given by

␦Ŵ共vij, vab, h f, v f, ␶ˆ 兲 = 冕再冋 冉

␶ˆ − vij R̂ij + D̂iD̂ j f̂ −
冊 冉
− vab R̂ab + D̂aD̂b f̂ −
+ 冉 h
v h

− f − ␩ˆ 关␶ˆ 共 hR̂ + 2 h⌬f̂ − 兩 hDf̂兩2兲 + h f − n − 1兴

+ 冉 v
v v

− f − ␩ˆ 关␶ˆ 共 vR̂ + 2 v⌬f̂ − 兩 vDf̂兩2兲 + v f − m − 1兴

+ ␩ˆ hR̂ + vR̂ + 兩 hDf̂兩2 + 兩 vDf̂兩2 −
冊冎 ˆ
共4␲␶ˆ 兲−共n+m兲/2e−f dV,

where ␩ˆ = ␦␶ˆ .
Proof: It is similar to the proof of Lemma 1.5.7 presented in Ref. 6 but N-adapted following
the rules stated in Conclusion 3.1. 䊏
For the functional Ŵ, one holds a result which is analogous to Theorem 3.1.
Theorem 4.1:If a d-metric g共␹兲 关Eq. 共13兲兴 and functions f̂共␹兲 and ␶ˆ 共␹兲 evolve according the
system of equations

⳵gij ⳵gab
= − 2R̂ij, = − 2R̂ab ,
⳵␹ ⳵␹

⳵ f̂ ˆ f̂ + 兩D̂f̂兩2 − hR̂ − vR̂ + n + m ,

⳵␹ ␶ˆ

and the property that

Ŵ共g共␹兲, f̂共␹兲, ␶ˆ 共␹兲兲 = 2 冕 冋冏V
␶ˆ R̂ij + DiD j f̂ −
gij 冏 冏
+ R̂ab + DaDb f̂ −
gab 冏册

⫻共4␲␶ˆ 兲−共n+m兲/2e−f dV
and 兰V共4␲␶ˆ 兲−共n+m兲/2e−f dV is constant, the functional Ŵ is h 共v兲 nondecreasing in time and the
monotonicity is strict unless we are on a shrinking h 共v兲 gradient soliton. This functional is
N-adapted nondecreasing if it is both h and v nondecreasing.
Proof: The statements and proof consist an N-adapted modification of Proposition 1.5.8 in
Ref. 6 containing the details of the original result from Ref. 3. For such computations, one has to
apply the rules stated in Conclusion 3.1. 䊐
It should be noted that a similar theorem was formulated for Ricci flows of Lagrange–Finsler
spaces14 共see Theorem 4.2兲, where the evolution equations were written with respect to coordinate
frames. In this work, for Theorem 4.1, the evolution equations are written with respect to
N-adapted frames. If the N-connection structure is fixed in time ␹, or ␶ˆ , we do not have to consider
evolution equations for the N-anholonomic frame structure. For more general cases, the evolutions
of preferred N-adapted frames 关Eq. 共9兲兴 共a proof for coordinate frames is given in Ref. 10; in
N-adapted form, we have to follow the rules from Conclusion 3. 1兲 are as follows.
Corollary 4.1: The evolution, for all time ␶ 苸 关0 , ␶0兲, of preferred frames on an N-anholonomic

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e␣共␶兲 = e␣␣គ 共␶,u兲⳵␣គ

is defined by the coefficients

e␣␣គ 共␶,u兲 = 冋 eiគi共␶,u兲 Nbi 共␶,u兲ebaគ 共␶,u兲

0 eaaគ 共␶,u兲
册 ,

e␣␣គ 共␶,u兲 = 冋 eiគi = ␦គii ebគi = − Nbk 共␶,u兲␦គik

eiaគ = 0 eaaគ = ␦aaគ
册 ,


gij共␶兲 = eiគi共␶,u兲e jគj共␶,u兲␩គiគj and gab共␶兲 = eaaគ 共␶,u兲ebbគ 共␶,u兲␩aគ bគ ,

where ␩គiគj = diag关⫾1 , . . . , ⫾ 1兴 and ␩aគ bគ = diag关⫾1 , . . . , ⫾ 1兴 establish the signature of g␣␤ 共u兲,
which is given by

⳵ ␣
e = g␣␤R̂␤␥e␥␣គ , 共39兲
⳵␶ ␣គ
if we prescribe that the geometric constructions are derived by the canonical d-connection.
It should be noted that g␣␤R̂␤␥ = gijR̂ij + gabR̂ab in Eq. 共39兲 selects for evolution only the
symmetric components of the Ricci d-tensor for the canonical d-connection. This property was not
stated in a similar Corollary 4.1 in Ref. 10.

B. Thermodynamic values for N-anholonomic Ricci flows

We follow Sec. V in Ref. 3 and prove that certain statistical analogy can be proposed for
N-anholonomic manifolds 共we generalize the results for Ricci flows of Lagrange–Finsler
The partition function Z = 兰 exp共−␤E兲d␻共E兲 for the canonical ensemble at temperature ␤−1 is
defined by the measure taken to be the density of states ␻共E兲. The thermodynamical values are
computed in the following form: the average energy 具E典 = −⳵ log Z / ⳵␤, the entropy S = ␤具E典
+ log Z, and the fluctuation ␴ = 具共E − 具E典兲2典 = ⳵2 log Z / ⳵␤2.
Let us consider a set of d-metrics g共␶ˆ 兲, N-connections Nai 共␶ˆ 兲, and related canonical
d-connections and D̂共␶ˆ 兲 subjected to the conditions of Theorem 4. 1. One holds the following.
Theorem 4.2: Any family of N-anholonomic geometries satisfying the evolution equations for
the canonical d-connection is characterized by thermodynamic values

具Ê典 = − ␶ˆ 2 冕冉V
R̂ + vR̂ + 兩 hDf̂兩2 + 兩 vDf̂兩2 −
␮ˆ dV,冊
Ŝ = − 冕 V
关␶ˆ 共 hR̂ + vR̂ + 兩 hDf̂兩2 + 兩 vDf̂兩2兲 + f̂ − n − m兴␮
ˆ dV,

␴ˆ = 2␶ˆ 4 冕 冋冏
R̂ij + D̂iD̂ j f̂ −
gij 冏 冏
+ R̂ab + D̂aD̂b f̂ −
gab 冏册
␮ˆ dV.

Proof: It follows from a straightforward computation for

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Ẑ = exp再冕 冋 V
− f̂ +

␮ˆ dV . 冎

We note that similar values of 具 兩E典, 兩S and 兩␴ can be computed for the Levi–Civita connections
ⵜ共␶ˆ 兲 also defined for the metrics g共␶ˆ 兲 关see functionals, Eq. 共29兲兴.
Corollary 4.2: An N-anholonomic geometry defined by the canonical d-connection D̂ is ther-
modynamically more (less, equivalent) convenient than a similar one defined by the Levi–Civita
connection ⵜ if Ŝ ⬍ 兩S 共Ŝ ⬎ 兩S , Ŝ = 兩S兲.
Following this corollary, we conclude that such models are positively equivalent for integrable
N-anholonomic structures with vanishing distortion tensor. There are necessary explicit computa-
tions of the thermodynamical values for different classes of exact solutions of nonholonomic Ricci
flow equations11–13 or of the Einstein equations with nonholonomic/noncommutative/algebroid
variables15,16,18,19 in order to conclude which configurations are physically more convenient for
N-anholonomic or 共pseudo兲Riemannian configurations. A number of exact solutions constructed in
the cited works can be restricted to foliated configurations when the Ricci tensor of the canonical
d-connection is equal to the Ricci tensor for the Levi–Civita connection even though the men-
tioned linear connections are different. From the viewpoint of observable classical effects, such
spaces are equivalent, but thermodynamically, the foliated structure can be with lower/higher
energy and entropy because of terms 兩 hDf̂兩2 , 兩 hDf̂兩2 and D̂iD̂ j f̂, D̂aD̂b f̂, which provide different
contributions compared to similar terms defined by the Levi–Civita connection.


In this section, two examples are provided: 共1兲 we construct a class of exact solutions defining
constrained Ricci flows of solitonic pp-waves in general relativity and 共2兲 show how a statistical
model and an effective thermodynamics can be provided for Ricci flows in geometric mechanics
and analogous gravity.

A. Nonholonomic Ricci flow evolution of solitonic pp-waves and Einstein gravity

Let us consider a 4D 共pseudo兲Riemannian metric trivially embedded into a five dimensional
共5D兲 space-time of signature 共⑀1 = ⫾ , − , − , − , + 兲,

= ⑀1d⑂2 − dx2 − dy 2 − 2␬共x,y,p兲dp2 + dv2/8␬共x,y,p兲, 共40兲

where the local coordinates are labeled x1 = ␬, x2 = x, x3 = y, y 4 = p, and y 5 = v, where ␬ is the extra
dimension coordinate, and the nontrivial metric coefficients parametrized,

ǧ1 = ⑀1 = ⫾ 1, ǧ2 = − 1, ǧ3 = − 1,

ȟ4 = − 2␬共x,y,p兲, ȟ5 = 1/8␬共x,y,p兲.
The metric 关Eq. 共40兲兴 defines a trivial 5D extension of the vacuum solution of the Einstein
equation defining pp-waves26 for any ␬共x , y , p兲 solving

␬xx + ␬yy = 0,
with p = z + t and v = z − t, where 共x , y , z兲 are usual Cartesian coordinates and t is the timelike
coordinates. The simplest explicit examples of such solutions are

␬ = 共x2 − y 2兲sin p,
defining a plane monochromatic wave, or

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043504-22 Sergiu I. Vacaru J. Math. Phys. 49, 043504 共2008兲

␬= , for 兩p兩 ⬍ p0 ,
共x + y 兲 exp关p20 − p2兴
2 2 2

=0 for 兩p兩 ⱖ p0 ,
for a wave packet traveling with unit velocity in the negative z direction.
A special interest for pp-waves in general relativity is related to the fact that any solution in
this theory can be approximated by a pp-wave in the vicinity of horizons. Such solutions can be
generalized by introducing nonlinear interactions with solitonic waves27–31 and nonzero sources
with nonhomogeneous cosmological constant induced by an ansatz for the antisymmetric tensor
fields of third rank. A very important property of such nonlinear wave solutions is that they
possess nontrivial limits defining new classes of generic off-diagonal vacuum Einstein space-times
and can be generalized for Ricci flows induced by evolutions of N-connections.
We construct a new class of generic off-diagonal solutions by considering an ansatz of type
共21兲 when some coefficients depend on the Ricci flow parameter ␹,

␩5共x,y,p, ␹兲 2
= ⑀1d⑂2 − e␺共x,y兲共dx2 + dy 2兲 − 2␬共x,y,p兲␩4共x,y,p, ␹兲␦ p2 + ␦v ,

␦ p = dp + w2共x,y,p兲dx + w3共x,y,p兲dy, 共42兲

␦v = dv + n2共x,y,p, ␹兲dx + n3共x,y,p, ␹兲dy.

For trivial polarizations ␩␣ = 1 and w2,3 = 0, n2,3 = 0, the metric 关Eq. 共42兲兴 is just the pp-wave
solution 关Eq. 共40兲兴.
2 3 2 3
By considering an ansatz 关Eq. 共42兲兴 with g2 = −e␺共x ,x 兲 and g3 = −e␺共x ,x 兲, we can restrict the
solutions of the system 关Eq. 共23兲, 共24兲, and 共27兲兴 to define Ricci flow solutions with the Levi–
Civita connection 关see formula 共49兲 in Ref. 32兴 if

␺·· + ␺⬙ = − ␭,

h5*␾/h4h5 = ␭,
w2⬘ − w·3 + w3w2* − w2w3* = 0,

n2⬘共␹兲 − n·3共␹兲 = 0,

wˆi = ⳵ˆi␾/␾* where ␾ = − ln兩冑兩h4h5兩/兩h5*兩兩, 共44兲

for î = 2 , 3, where, for simplicity, we denote ␺⬘ = ⳵␺ / ⳵x, ␺• = ⳵␺ / ⳵y, and ␩* = ⳵␩ / ⳵ p, etc.

Let us show how the anholonomic frame method can be used for constructing four dimen-
sional 共4D兲 metrics induced by nonlinear pp-waves and solitonic interactions for vanishing sources
and the Levi–Civita connection. For an ansatz of type 共42兲, we write

␩5 = 5␬b2 and ␩4 = h20共b*兲2/2␬ .

A class of solitonic solutions can be generated if b is subjected to the condition that ␩5
= ␩共x , y , p兲 are solutions of three dimensional 共3D兲 solitonic equations,

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043504-23 Nonholonomic Ricci Flows. II. Evolution equations J. Math. Phys. 49, 043504 共2008兲

␩·· + ⑀共␩⬘ + 6␩␩* + ␩***兲* = 0, ⑀ = ⫾ 1, 共45兲

or other nonlinear wave configuration, and ␩2 = ␩3 = e␺共x,y,␹兲 is a solution in the first equation in Eq.
共43兲. We choose a parametrization when

b共x,y,p兲 = b̆共x,y兲q共p兲k共p兲,

for any b̆共x , y兲 and any pp-wave ␬共x , y , p兲 = ␬˘ 共x , y兲k共p兲 共we can take b̆ = ␬˘ 兲, where q共p兲
= 4 tan−1共e⫾p兲 is the solution of “one dimensional” solitonic equation

q** = sin q. 共46兲

In this case,

w2 = 关共ln兩qk兩兲*兴−1⳵x ln兩b̆兩 and w3 = 关共ln兩qk兩兲*兴−1⳵y ln兩b̆兩. 共47兲

The final step in constructing such Einstein solutions is to choose any two functions n2,3共x , y兲
satisfying the conditions n2* = n3* = 0 and n2⬘ − n•3 = 0, which are necessary for Riemann foliated
structures with the Levi–Civita connection 关see discussion of formulas 共42兲 and 共43兲 in Ref. 42
and conditions 共43兲兴. This means that in the integrals of type 共22兲, we have to fix the integration
关1兴 关0兴
functions n2,3 = 0 and take n2,3 共x , y兲 satisfying 共n关0兴 关0兴 •
2 兲⬘ − 共n3 兲 = 0.
Now, we generalize the 4D part of ansatz 共42兲 in a form describing normalized Ricci flows of
the mentioned type of vacuum solutions extended for a prescribed constant ␭ necessary for
normalization. Following the geometric methods from Ref. 42 共we omit computations and present
the final result兲, we construct a class of 4D metrics,

= − e␺共x,y兲共dx2 + dy 2兲 − h20b̆2br2共␹兲关共qk兲*兴2␦ p2 + b̆2br2共␹兲共qk兲2␦v2 ,

␦ p = dp + 关共ln兩qk兩兲*兴−1⳵x ln兩b̆兩dx + 关共ln兩qk兩兲*兴−1⳵y ln兩b̆兩dy, 共48兲

␦v = dv + n关0兴 关0兴
2 共␹兲dx + n3 共␹兲dy,

where we introduced a parametric dependence on ␹ for

b共x,y,p, ␹兲 = b̆共x,y兲q共p兲k共p兲br共␹兲, n2,3 共␹兲 = sn2,3共x,y兲 rn2,3共␹兲,
for any functions such that 共 sn3兲⬘ = 共 sn2兲• and

d共 rn2,3兲
2␭ = − b̆共qk兲2共 sn2,3兲 ,
in order to solve Eqs. 共23兲, 共24兲, and 共27兲, for ␭ = ␭0, defining steady homothetic gradient Ricci
d-solitons of Einstein d-metrics for X = 0.
We emphasize that we constructed various classes of solitonic pp-wave configurations and
their Ricci flow evolutions subjected to different types of nonholonomic constraints in Refs. 11,
12, and 33, which are different from the flows of metrics of type 共48兲. For simplicity, in this
section, we have analyzed only a minimal extension of vacuum Einstein solutions in order to
describe nonholonomic flows of the v-components of metrics adapted to the flows of N-connection
coefficients n2,3 共␹兲. Such nonholonomic constraints on metric coefficients define Ricci flows of
families of Einstein solutions defined by nonlinear interactions of a 3D soliton and a pp-wave.

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043504-24 Sergiu I. Vacaru J. Math. Phys. 49, 043504 共2008兲

B. Thermodynamic entropy in geometric mechanics and analogous gravity

In this section, we apply the statistical analogy for nonholonomic Ricci flows formulated in
Sec. IV B for computing thermodynamical values defined by a regular Lagrange 共Finsler兲 gener-
ating function in mechanics and geometric modeling of analogous gravity.
Any regular Lagrange mechanics L共x , y兲 = L共xi , y a兲 can be geometrized on a nonholonomic
manifold V , dim V = 2n, enabled with a d-metric structure

g = Lgij共x,y兲关ei 丢 e j + Lei 丢 Le j兴, 共49兲

1 ⳵ 2L
gij = , 共50兲
2 ⳵ y i⳵ y j
where Lei is computed following formula 共8兲 for the canonical N-connection structure

Nai =
for G j =
g 冉
1 L ij ⳵2L k ⳵L
⳵ y i⳵ x k
y − i

共see details in Refs. 17, 16, 10, and 14兲. Here, we note that originally the Lagrange geometry was
elaborated on the tangent bundle TM of a manifold M, i.e., V = TM, following the methods of
Finsler geometry25,34 关Finsler configurations can be obtained in a particular case when L共x , y兲
= F2共x , y兲 for a homogeneous fundamental function F共x , ␭y兲 = 兩␭兩F共x , y兲 for any nonvanishing ␭
苸 R: for simplicity, here we only consider Lagrange configurations兴. The Hessian 关Eq. 共50兲兴
defines the so-called Lagrange quadratic form and the corresponding Sasaki-type lift to a d-metric
共49兲, which is a particular case of metric 共48兲. For Lg, we can compute the corresponding canoni-
cal d-connection LD̂ and respective curvature LR̂␣␤␥␶ and Ricci LR̂␣␤ d-tensors. In brief, we can
say that a regular Lagrange geometry can always be modeled as a nonholonomic Riemann–Cartan
space with canonically induced torsion LT̂ completely defined by the d-metric Lg and
N-connection LN structures. We can also define an equivalent Riemannian geometric model de-
fined by the corresponding 关 Lⵜ , Lg␣␤兴, where the Levi–Civita connection Lⵜ is computed for a
generic off-diagonal metric 关Eq. 共5兲兴 with coefficients 关Eq. 共6兲兴 computed following the redefini-
tion of Eq. 共49兲 with respect to a coordinate basis.
One holds true the inverse statements that any 共pseudo兲Riemannian space of even dimension
can be equivalently modeled as a nonholonomic Riemann–Cartan manifold with effective torsion
induced by the off-diagonal metric components and corresponding analogous “mechanical” model
of Lagrange geometry with effective Lagrange variables 共see discussions from Refs. 35–37兲. Here,
we note that the Einstein gravity can be equivalently rewritten in Lagrange and/or almost Kähler
variables, which is important for elaborating deformation quantization models of quantum gravity
and analogous theories of gravity defined by 关 Lⵜ , Lg␣␤兴 and/or 关 LD̂ , Lg , LN兴.
Let us suppose that a set of regular mechanical systems with Lagrangians L共␶ˆ , x , y兲 is de-
scribed by respective d-metrics Lg共␶ˆ 兲 and N-connections LNai 共␶ˆ 兲 and related canonical linear con-
nections Lⵜ共␶ˆ 兲 and LD̂共␶ˆ 兲 subjected to the conditions of Theorem 4.2. We conclude that in any
Ricci flow for a family of regular Lagrange systems 共mechanical ones, or effective, for analogous
gravitational interactions兲, the canonical d-connection is characterized by thermodynamic values

具 LÊ典 = − ␶ˆ 2 冕冉
R + LS + 兩 hLDf̂兩2 + 兩 vLDf̂兩2 −
冊␮ˆ dV,

Ŝ = − 冕V
关␶ˆ 共 LR + LS + 兩 hLDf̂兩2 + 兩 vLDf̂兩2兲 + f̂ − 2n兴␮
ˆ dV,

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␴ˆ = 2␶ˆ 4 冕 冋冏
R̂ij + LDi LD j f̂ −
gij 冏 冏
+ L
R̂ab + LDa LDb f̂ −
gab 冏册
␮ˆ dV.

The simplest examples of such mechanical 共effective gravitational兲 families of Lagrangians can be
obtained if the constants of the theory 共masses, charges, electromagnetic and/or gravitational
constants, etc.兲 are supposed to run on a real parameter ␶ˆ 共Dirac’s hypothesis兲. Additionally to field
共motion兲 equations and corresponding symmetries and conservation laws, such models are char-
acterized by effective thermodynamical values of types 具 LÊ典, LŜ, L␴ˆ , . . . stating not only optimal
space-time topological configurations for the 3D space 共which follows from the Poincare hypoth-
esis兲 but also certain effective “energies,” “entropies,” etc., derived from Perelman’s functionals.


In this paper, we have developed the formal theory of Ricci flows for N-anholonomic mani-
folds, i.e., nonholonomic manifolds provided with a nonlinear connection 共N-connection兲 struc-
ture. Such manifolds can be effectively considered in any model of gravity with metric and linear
connection fields if we impose nonholonomic constraints on the frame structure. The concept of
nonholonomic manifold provides a unified geometric arena for Riemann–Cartan and Finsler–
Lagrange geometries. Such developments lead to general expressions for the evolution of geo-
metrical objects under Ricci flows with constraints and when Riemannian configurations transform
into generalized Finsler-like ones and vice versa.
It is worth remarking that the constructions with the canonical distinguished 共d兲 connection, in
abstract form, are very similar to those for the Levi–Civita connection. The geometric formalism
does not contain those difficulties which are characteristic of nonmetric connections and arbitrary
torsion. The bulk of Hamilton’s results seems to have generalizations for N-anholonomic mani-
folds. This is possible because in our approach, a subset of the off-diagonal metric coefficients can
be transformed into the coefficients of an N-connection structure. Even though such nonholonomic
transforms induce nontrivial torsion coefficients for the canonical d-connection, the condition
selecting symmetric metrics 共semi-Riemannian, Lagrange or Finsler ones, etc.兲 allows us to pre-
serve a formal similarity to the “standard” Riemannian case.
Perelman’s functional approach is discussed for nonholonomic Ricci flow models. A clear
distinction is made between the constructions with the Levi–Civita and canonical d-connection.
We can equivalently work with connections of both types but the second one allows us to perform
a rigorous calculation and find proofs which are adapted to the N-connection structure. For this
reason, we can apply a number of geometric methods formally elaborated in Finsler geometry and
geometric mechanics, which are very efficient in investigating nonholonomic configurations in
modern gravity and field theory.
This framework is applied to the development of a statistical analogy of nonholonomic Ricci
flows. We have already tested it for Lagrange–Finsler systems14 but the constructions seem to
work for arbitrary nonholonomic splitting of dimension n + m, when n 艌 2 and m 艌 1. Here, we
would like to mention that there are alternative approaches to geometric and nonequilibrium
thermodynamics, locally anisotropic kinetics, and kinetic processes in terms of Riemannian- and
Finsler-like objects on phase and thermodynamic spaces 共see reviews of results and bibliography
in Refs. 38–43 and Chap. 6 from Ref. 16.兲 Those models are not related to Ricci flows of
geometric objects and do not seem related to the statistical thermodynamics of metrics and con-
nections which can be derived from holonomic or anholonomic Perelman’s functionals.
We would like to discuss possible connections of Perelman’s functional approach to the black
hole geometry and thermodynamics. We proved that the Ricci flow statistical analogy holds true
for various types of Einstein spaces, Lagrange–Finsler geometries, and nonholonomic configura-
tions. In general relativity, a new class of spherically symmetric solutions of the Einstein equations
associated with a delta function point mass source was recently constructed at r = 0,44 which are
different 共not diffeomorphic兲 from the well known Hilbert–Schwarzschild solutions to the static

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043504-26 Sergiu I. Vacaru J. Math. Phys. 49, 043504 共2008兲

spherically symmetric vacuum solutions of Einstein’s equations. The last variant has a well known
black hole thermodynamical interpretation but other classes of solutions cannot be considered in
the framework of Hawking’s theory.
Finally, we emphasize that Perelman’s functionals can be used in order to derive thermody-
namical expressions for various classes of solutions but the problem of the physical interpretation
of such expressions is still an open question. Certain applications of the nonholonomic Ricci flow
theory in gravity theories and geometric mechanics were considered in our recent


The author wish to thank M. Anastasiei, J. Moffat, and C. Castro Perelman for valuable
support and discussions.
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