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Identification Of Borax Contamination In Cooked Moist Noodle At Baru

Market Lawang

Based on the Regulation of Indonesia’s Minister of Health No.

722/MenKes/Per/IX/1988, borax is one of banned preservatives in food. The
effects of using borax toward our health are poisoning symptoms such as nausea,
vomiting, disordes of the brain, liver and kidneys and even cause death. This
research was conducted in order to prove the existence of borax content in cooked
moist noodle circulating in Baru MarketLawang. The samples investigated were
obtained from 6 moist noodle sellers in the market and replicated 5 times. The
samples were tested by using the method of curcumin paper and flame. Positive
result of the existence of borax was identified by the change of curcumin paper
which turned from yellow into red, and the test which was using flame produced
green flame. The result of the reserch showes that all of 6 samples of cooked
moist noodle circulating in Baru Market Lawang,were positive for borax.

Keywords : Borax, Cooked Moist Noodle, Curcumin Paper Test, Flame Test.

Identifikasi Kandungan Boraks pada Mie Basah Matang di Pasar Baru

Menurut Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI No. 722/MenKes/Per/IX/1988,

boraks merupakan salah satu pengawet yang dilarang penggunaannya dalam
makanan. Pengaruh boraks terhadap kesehatan dapat menyebabkan gejala
keracunan seperti mual, muntah, gangguan otak, hati dan ginjal bahkan sampai
menyebabkan kematian. Dilakukannya penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
membuktikan ada tidaknya kandungan boraks dalam mie basah matang yang
beredar di Pasar Baru Lawang. Sampel yang diteliti diambil dari 6 pedagang mie
basah matang di pasar tersebut dan dilakukan 5 kali replikasi. Sampel diuji
dengan metode kertas kurkumin dan nyala api. Hasil positif adanya senyawa
boraks ditunjukkan oleh uji kertas kurkumin yang semula berwarna kuning
menjadi merah, dan uji nyala api yang menghasilkan api berwarna hijau. Dari
hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 6 sampel mie basah matang yang beredar di
Pasar Baru Lawang, keenamnya positif mengandung boraks.

Kata kunci : Boraks, Mie Basah Matang, Uji Kertas Kurkumin, Uji Nyala Api.

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