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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Ministry of Higher Education

Majmaah University
College of Engineering
Department: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Assignment#6, First semester 17/18

Course code: GE 101 Course Title: Fundamentals of
Engineering Technology
Instructor: Dr. Osama Ahmed Mohamed Abdelaal
Section number: 1 Due date: 03/12/2017
Total score: 10 points

Student’s Information
Name: ID:

Points Earned:
Question Score Question Score Question Score
1 2 3

Assignment#6: Bulk deformation processes

Question No. 1
What is the meaning of metal deformation?

Question No. 2
In the table below, draw in details the following bulk deformation processes:

Rolling operation Forging Operation

Wire Drawing Operation Extrusion Operation

Question No. 3
What are the advantages and disadvantages of forging operation?

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