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Glass as a building material

Setting blocks The bearing conditions of the different types of
Setting blocks for glazing have to fix the posi- glass must also be taken into account, such as
tion of the panes within their frames in such a the constraints arising out of the particular
way that the loads, e.g. self-weight, are carried application. For example, in the case of insulat-
via the anchorages or nodes of fixed frames or ing units, limiting the deflection of the edge
via opening light suspension points (four-hinge seal under load to l/300 of the glass edge is
frames, see DIN EN 14439). Contact between advisable so that with increasing deflections
metal and glass must be ruled out. The edge of the edge seal is not subjected to too much
the glass in the rebate must not touch the shear, which can soon lead to leaks along the
heads of any screws or other parts of the con- edge.
struction. The depth of the actual rebate must The principal requirements for individual appli-
be defined. For normal float glass or insulating cations are explained on p. 96.
units made from float glass, the setting blocks
must be positioned at least 20 mm from the Vapour-pressure equalization, drainage
corners and should be min. 80–100 mm long. Apart from float glass, the edges of the panes
The whole thickness of the pane must rest on require a rebate with vapour-pressure equaliza-
Support setting block
the setting blocks; in practice the blocks are tion to the outside, i.e. a drained rebate. This
about 2 mm wider than the thickness of the ensures that the vapour pressure does not
glass element. Impregnated hardwood or plas- become excessive and condense, and also
tic setting blocks are favoured. The resistance that any moisture entering from the outside can
of the blocks to the long-term compressive load be drained away and so does not attack and
as well as their compatibility with the other damage chemically the edge seal system of, Right
materials used must be verified. for example, insulating units, laminated and
Heavy units (> 100 kg) should be placed on laminated safety glass or wired glass. As a
setting blocks made of polyamide, chloro- 100% moisture seal along the entire rebate
prenes, EPDM, polyethylene (no PVC) or sili- and its joints is not possible in practice, and
cone with a Shore A hardness of approx. 75° in as leakage water from outside can infiltrate,
order to reduce the pressure on the edges of vapour-pressure equalization and the drainage
the individual panes, e.g. in the case of lami- of the rebate are imperative. In all types of con-
nated safety glass elements placed on hard struction, but especially sloping glazing, it
materials. In doing so it must be guaranteed should be ensured that the sealing level lies
that opening light and frame cannot distort or above the water run-off layer. Seals subjected
twist during use and that the opening light can to long-term water pressure may develop leaks.
be operated. This applies just as much to tilt-
and-turn windows as it does to horizontal/ Butt joints
vertical sliding windows. Furthermore, a nor- The general requirement for vapour-pressure
mal-sized pane in a frame should not take on equalization and drainage (see above) also
any loadbearing function for which it was not applies to horizontal or vertical butt joints as Support setting block
designed. well as frameless corner details. Therefore, butt Setting block wedge
To work properly, the setting blocks must have joints in, for example, insulating units, laminat-
a flat bearing. If the shape of the rebate does ed and laminated safety glass and wired glass
not allow this, bridge setting blocks must be must be designed in such a way that perma-
used which do not hinder the vapour-pressure nent vapour-pressure equalization is guaran-
equalization (Figs 2.1.60 and 2.1.61). teed in order to allow moisture to escape from
If setting blocks are omitted from the construc- the rebate or cavity. Trying to fill the cavity
tion, permanent and verifiable substitutes must completely with sealant always leads to defects
be found. in practice which then act as water traps and
destroy the edge (see “Joints at an unsupported
Bearings for glass edge”, p. 172).
The choice of edge bearing for the glass is
determined by the use. In vertical installations
standard edge tapes can be laid between
glass and frame as a prelude to the sealant.
Some special glazing systems require elastic
materials. For sloping installations, bearings
must be selected that are resilient enough to
accommodate the long-term dead loads of
glass plus snow. These materials must have
closed pores so that they do not absorb the
moisture that can lead to damage over the
long-term. 2.1.58 The mechanical properties of metal and glass
When selecting bearings it should not be for- a Permanent deformation in metal following a
gotten that the whole construction must remain point load
sealed. The contact pressure and the material b Splinters are ejected from the glass – a sign
of its brittleness
must always be matched to the particular appli- 2.1.59 Cutting glass
cation. Here, too, it is important to consider all 2.1.60 Incorrect positioning of setting blocks
physical aspects and not just isolated factors. 2.1.61 Right and wrong ways of using setting blocks


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