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Gen 1:1 Ps 148:4

Gen 2:9 Ezekiel 47:12

Gen 2:18 It has been expounded:
1. Adam should have forbidden the woman to eat the apple. He was charged to KEEP the
garden (Gen 2:15), But he did not have authority over the woman until Gen 3:16.
2. God said to Adam not to eat the apple thereby implying that the woman did not know,
but in Gen 3:2-3, she did.
3. God would forgive the woman because she was deceived. 1 Tim 2:14
In fairness to the woman, the concept of lying was unknown.
Gen 3:1 The snake approached the woman instead of the man because he knew she could be
deceived 1 Tim 2:14.
Gen 3:2 This knocks down the argument that God instructed the man, not the woman Gen 2:17
Gen 3:4 1st lie. Eve was unfamiliar with the concept.
Gen 3:6 When the woman saw the tree was "desirable to make one wise" and she would be "as (a)
god" (Gen 3:5), she thought she would be as wise as God.
In Gen. 3:17 we see she didn't merely hand Adam the apple and he ate, but that there was
some talking going on. Josephus Antiquities 1.1.4 "she persuaded Adam to make use of it
also". Perhaps some nagging, as in Judges

God tasked Adam to keep the garden Gen 2:15, but he did not have authority to tell Eve
she could not eat. He was not given authority over her until Gen 3:16. The only thing he
had authority to do was say no.

An alternate reading of Gen 3:6 goes like this...

She took of the fruit and ate, and gave to her husband, but he refused to eat.
So God put the woman out of the garden, and took another of Adam's ribs and made
another woman thereof.
And when all his ribs were gone, his lungs collapsed.
Gen 3:7 Apparently, from when Eve ate until Adam ate, some time elapsed while she "persuaded"
him. So at first, he refused.
They both did not fall into sin until Adam ate: Josephus Antiquities 1.1.4. "Upon this they
perceived that they were become naked to one another"
It may have been that Eve could have been saved had Adam refused. it would have been
for her own good.
God did not hold the woman responsible for her actions, but He held the man responsible
for both. Num 30:3-8
Eve knew that whatever the effect of eating the apple, it would not take place until Adam
ate, hence her insistence that he eat.
Gen 3:11 God knew what had happened, but he wanted confessions. He went to the man first,
because he was held responsible. Then he got confession from the woman. He didn't ask
confession from the snake, but made pronouncement first on him, then the woman, and
finally the man.
Gen 3:17 Here we get additional detail on Gen 3:6. The first thing God said to Adam was not
"because you ate the apple", but "because you listened to the voice of your wife". God
also did not say, "because you failed to protect your wife".
Eve decided "we" are going to eat the apple. She assumed the leadership role for which
she was not designed, and it was the disaster of the ages.
Genesis 3:21 Blood had to be shed. 1st death in Bible
Gen 4:4 Heb. 9:22
Gen 4:12 No death penalty for murder yet Gen. 9:6
Gen 4:16 Adam & Eve had 2 sons - one dead, the other banished.
Gen 6:2 Josephus Antiquities 1.3.1: "...For many angels* of God accompanied with women, and
begat sons ... of those whom the Grecians call giants..."
*This notion, that the fallen angels were, in some sense, the fathers of the old giants,
was the constant opinion of antiquity.

Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol VIII, Pseudo-Clementine Literature Homily VIII Chapter XIII, The
fall of angels: "...they also partook of human lust, and being brought under its subjection
they fell into cohabitation with women..." Chapter XV, The Giants: "But from their
unhallowed intercourse spurious men sprang, munch greater in stature than ordinary men,
whom they afterwards called giants;..."

Book of Enoch: 7:2 "And when the angels, the sons of heaven, beheld them, they became
enamoured of them, saying to each other, Come, let us select for ourselves wives from the
progeny of men, and let us beget children." 7:11 "And the women conceiving brought
forth giants"
Gen 6:4 1 sam 17:4
Deut 3:11
Num 13:33
Gen 8:11 The use of the olive branch as a symbol of peace or victory was founded in Greek tradition.
Brides wore wreaths made of olive branches.
Gen 8:21 Ex 32:10
Numbers 14:12
Gen 9:3 No distinction as to clean and unclean animals for food.
Genesis 10:1
Gen 10:6 No indication the curse on Canaan fell on any of Ham's other sons.
Gen 12:1 King James says, "had said". See Xrefs & Dake notes.
Gen 12:1 NASBStr Heb 11:8-10
Genesis 12:1 (KJV From Ur of the Chaldees to Canaan about 900 miles.
Strong's) Gen 13:2
Gen 12:4 Isaac was born when Abraham was a hundred years old Gen 17:17.
Gen 13:1 Guess the famine was over Gen 12:10
Gen 13:2 Gen 12:16
Gen 13:5 Guess Lot went to Egypt too.
Gen 13:13 Gen 19
Gen 15:4 Gen 16:1
Genesis 15:6 Heb. 11:6
Gen 16:1 Abraham was 86 years old (Verse 16), so Sarah about 76, past the age of childbearing.
Gen 16:2 AMP Abraham listened to his wife as did Adam. This was a bad idea that we suffer the
consequences of even today.
Genesis 16:2 Sarah wanted a child so badly that instead of waiting for the promise, she decided to "help
God out". The result has led to the wars, strife and terrorism that we see today.
Gen 16:3 "gave her to her husband Abram as his wife" (Heb. ishshah, not pilegesh (concubine). Sarah
had no right to throw Hagar out.
Gen 16:5 When Sarah's plan starts to go wrong almost immediately, she blames her husband.
Islam This verse and Gen 21:10 are genuine reasons for Islam to have a problem with Israel. It
was Sarah's idea to have a child by Hagar.
If the Christian church lived by it's own Bible, Muslims would have much less problem with
it. Allowing women positions of authority and tolerance for homosexuality are two prime
I would say to our Muslim brothers, don't look at the Church, look at Jesus. The church
does not live by the Bible today. That's why I don't go to church anymore.
This is why Islam is taking over the world.
That being said, I would refer you to Daniel 11 for proof of the Bible.
Gen 16:9 "Genesis 16:9 submit thyself under her hands" - do not despise her because you are with
child and she is not.
Gen 16:16 Gen 17:15
Gen 17:1 If Abraham couldn't be perfect, then God would know it, so if he told him to be perfect,
he'd be a liar, but God can't lie so it IS POSSIBLE TO BE PERFECT!
Gen 17:17 Sarah 10 years younger than Abraham.
"shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear?" Women in ancient biblical times were subject
to menopause at about age 60 as now, so when men lived to be 800 and "begat sons and
Gen 17:21 The promise of Gen 12:3 applies to Israelites, not Ishmaelites.

Gen 21:1
Gen 18:1 Throughout this chapter, when the term "the Lord" is used, "Lord" is translated from the
Hebrew yhwh. No indication this was Jesus and God was still up in heaven. This supports
the Apostolic view.
Gen 18:11 "it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women"
Sarah was 90, so apparently women experienced menopause at about 60 as do they now.
Earlier in Genesis the men lived 900 years and "begat sons and daughters" so they must
have taken younger wives every 60 years or so.
Homosexual Gen 13:13
Gen 19:5,13
Lev 18:22
Lev 20:13
Deu 23:17
Matt 11:23
Ro 1:26-27
1 Cor 6:9
1 Ti 1:10
Gen 19:1 Lot left Abraham to raise his flocks and herds. Why was he living in town?
Gen 19:3 God and angels eat with men to be sociable.
Gen 19:5 NIV: have sex with them
Gen 19:13 Apparently there weren't even 10 heterosexuals in Sodom ( Gen 18:32 ).
Gen 19:14 Were these guys bi-sexual?
Gen 19:28 Mamre is about 30 mi., as the crow flies, across the Dead Sea from Sodom. The smoke
rose high enough he could see it from there.
Gen 19:31 Lot could have taken his daughters back to Abraham and found husbands among his
Gen 19:36 Wonder when Lot figured out how his daughters got pregnant with no other men around
but him.
Gen 20:2 2nd time he did this (see Xrefs).
Gen 20:12 See note, TSK
Gen 21:9 NLT: making fun of her son
Gen 21:10 Islam
Gen 21:14 If Abraham was so rich in flocks and herds maybe he could have given her a donkey?
Gen 22:2 Abraham was in Beersheba. Mt. Moriah, in Jerusalem.
Gen 22:3 Took the wood with him. Guess he wasn't sure he'd find any there.
Gen 22:13 Gen. 22:8
Gen 22:17 Dr Smith of Zion Temple says the stars represent the spiritual descendants of Abraham and
the sand represents the physical descendants of Abraham.
Gen 24:55 Judges 19:4
Genesis 24:58 Ruth 1:16
Genesis 25:1 Abraham being 10 years older than Sarah was at least a hundred and thirty-seven years old
at this time Gen 23:1. He faltered 6 sons with her.
Genesis 25:14 No mention of Duma in Isaiah 21:16
Genesis 25:15 No mention of Tema in 1st Chronicles 5:19
Genesis 26:9 This was the same Abimelech that Abraham, Isaac's father, pulled the same wife/sister
swap on.
Genesis 30:3 Women commonly used birthing stools in those days. In this way, the baby would pass
between Rachel's knees. Thereby symbolically, she was giving birth to the child. Since
Bilhah was Rachel's slave, the baby was her property also.
Genesis 30:37 Gen 31:10 - 12
Genesis 31:7 A Hebrew idiom as, "I told you 1,000 times".
Gen 37:9 His mother was dead so Leah would have been the matriarch of the family representing
the moon.
Gen 39:10 Judges 16:16
Gen 39:12 1 Sa 15:27
Mr 14:51-52
Genesis 46:1 1875 BC
Exodus 1:11 1600 BC
Exodus 2:15 Midian lay along the east of the Gulf of Aqaba:
(NASB Strong's)
Exo 3:8 Canaanites, etc., all descendants of Canaan, son of Ham (Gen 10:15-18), under the curse of
Noah (Gen 9:25).
God can change Ex 7:3; 7:13; 9:12; 10:1; 10:20; 14:8; Dt 2:30; Josh 11:20; Ps 105:25; Isa 6:10; Isa 63:17; Jn
the heart 12:40; Ro 1:28; Ro 11:8-10; 2Th 2:11; Lk 1:17; 1Co 2:16; Neh 1:11; 2:4,8; Php 4:13
Luke 1:37
Exodus 6:3 (KJV Different from Ex 3:14 where we see hâyâ
Levi to Moses Levi -> Kohath -> Amram -> Moses
Exodus 12:15 Should be 1 Cor 5:6-8
(Dake Study Bible
Exodus 14:2 10/2/5/14 Archaeologists Discover Remains of Egyptian Army near Ras Gharib
Exo 14:12 Not recorded anywhere where they said this. They cried to the Lord for deliverance from
bondage. Good for them that God ignored their complaint.
Exodus 15:20 (KJV See Treasury cross-references; also Isaiah 8:3
Women prophets Exo 15:20 See "Fourteen Prophetesses" Dake Study Bible Notes, this verse.
Exo 15:20 No record of any prophesies she made, unless it was prophesying with music, as in 1 Chr
Exodus 15:20 Possibly a false prophetess
(Dake Study Bible
Exodus 15:20 Disqualified
(Dake Study Bible
Exo 15:26 KJV Ex 23:25
2 Kings 20:5
Job 5:18
Ps 41:3,4
Ps 103:3, 147:3
Exodus 18:16 (KJV God has not given the law yet.
Exodus 19:13 (KJV Heb 12:20
The Law Ex 20:2-17, 23-26; Ex 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 35:1-22
Exo 23:25 In this verse, God speaks of himself in first and third persons, singular (Lord, Heb. Jehovah)
and plural (God, Heb. Elohim). He also promises prosperity and health.
Exodus 23:31 (KJV Southern wilderness of Israel
Exodus 24:11 (KJV Dake says that God (elohim) did eat and drink thus proving he (or they) have a fleshly
Strong's) body, but he didn't - it was the nobles.
Exo 24:13,18 Joshua fasted with Moses for the 40 days. He apparently did not go up the second 40 days.

"Lust without voracity would certainly be considered a monstrous phenomenon; since

these two are so united and concrete, that, had there been any possibility of disjoining
them, the pudenda would not have been affixed to the belly itself rather than elsewhere."
Talent of Gold 75.4 lbs
Exodus 26:2 42 x 6 ft.
Exodus 26:3 5 x 42 = 210 x 2 = 420 ft.
Exodus 26:7 Woven goat's hair not goat's skins.
Exodus 26:8 45 x 6 ft.
Exodus 32:15 "written on both sides" It's possible that the tablets contained not only the Ten
(NASB Strong's) Commandments but all the word God had given Moses to this point.
Exo 32:26 It does not say that the sons of Levi were innocent of idolatry. Indeed, Aaron led in this.
Exo 32:33 Ezk 18:20
Exodus 33:3 (KJV God delegated the leading of Israel to an angel and removed his presence Ex 13:21 from
Strong's) them as in Ezk 10:4,18,19
Exodus 33:14 Apparently God relented on his determination to remove his presents from Israel as in Ex
Exo 34:7 Ezk 18:19-22
Exo 35:21 Ex 12:35-36
Exodus 38:24 29 x 75 lbs = 2,175 lbs. = 34,800 oz. = $44,238,456 2017 Dollars
(NASB Strong's) + 730 x .4 = 292 oz. = $371,149.52

$44,609,605.52 Gold
Leviticus 1:9 (KJV The parts had to be offered clean before God Rom 12:1
Leviticus 2:1 (KJV Grain, cereal
Leviticus 2:4 (KJV 1Cor. 5:6-8; Gal. 5:9; Mt. 13:33; 16:6-12; Mk. 8:15; Lk. 12:1; 13:21
Leviticus 2:11 Honey can also be used as leaven
(KJV Strong's)
Leviticus 4:3 (KJV Should read OR if the priest
sacrifices &
Leviticus 10:1 First time the word censor appears in the Bible, heretofore translated firepans. The high
priest was supposed to get fire, set it on the incense altar, and set the incense on that Ex
30:1-10. First mention of using a censor in worship is Leviticus 16:10. Nadab and Abihu got
coals in their fire pans, and put incense thereon, "which he commanded them not".

"Strange Fire" is sometimes interpreted to mean coals from a source other than the big
altar, but could also be translated "profane burning", which would certainly be the case
Lev 10:4 Not Aaron, Eleazar or Ithamar because the high priest was not to touch a dead body Lev
Leviticus 10:9 The Bible does not say that Nadab and Abihu were drunk. Nor does it say that God killed
them because they were drunk. He killed them because they screwed up the order of
service, which may have been because they were drunk. As is often the case, a rule must
be made after the first infraction
Lev 16:29 Day of atonement - Yom Kippur, a day of fasting Humble your souls: Fast Ps 69:10
Leviticus 17:11 Heb. 9:22
(KJV Strong's)
Leviticus 18:22 NIV: Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.
Love Deut. 6:5
Matt 22: 37-40
1 Cor 13
1 John 4:7-21
Leviticus 20:13 NIV: If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them
have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own
Leviticus 23:2 Hebrew mô‘êḏ was not necessarily a "feast" but could also mean holy convocation or
(KJV Strong's) assembly.
Leviticus 23:11 The Feast of firstfruits was apparently observed concurrently with the Feast of unleavened
Lev 23:27 NASBStr Fast
Lev 23:32 NASBStr "Humble your souls" means to fast.
Lev 26:40 Leviticus 1686 BC. Captivity 702 586 BC.
Numbers 12:1 Hebrew Kusiyt should have been translated Cushite, not Ethiopian in KJV. Moses' wife
Zipporah was a descendant of Midian, Abraham's son through his wife Keturah. They were
Midianites living in the land of Cush.

Amplified comment supposes Zipporah had died and this was Moses' second wife.
Marriage to Cushites was not forbidden, only Canaanites.
Numbers 12:2 Miriam was punished Num. 12:10 because of her attempt to usurp authority 1 Timothy

This was Aaron's second rebellion Ex 32:1-6. It's a wonder God did not remove him from
the priesthood
Num 13:22 Arba, the father of Anak. (Josh 15:13). No mention of him in Genesis. These were giant
races (Num. 13:33).
Num 13:29 These peoples are descendents of Canaan (Gen 10:16). These were not giant races.
Num 14:9 The Lord told them to take the land and he would not tell them to do something he knew
they couldn't do, because that would make him a liar and it's impossible for God to lie. Tit
Num 16:35 Lev. 10:1
Numbers 25:1 Ex 32:6
Numbers 25:1 Gen 19:37
(NASB Strong's)
Numbers 25:4 Ex 32:26-28
Num 32:23 2 sam 11
Deuteronomy NIV: No Israelite man or woman is to become a shrine prostitute.
Joshua 7:12 Matt 17:20
Judg 15:19 Ex 17:6
Ruth 1:4 Moab was a son of incest Gen 19:31-38
See Treasury comment
See Deuteronomy 7:1,3; Moab not mentioned v.1.
Also Deuteronomy 23:3,4 and Dake note
Num 25:1-3

wrong to marry a Moabite woman

Great grandmother of David, an ancestor of Jesus
Ruth was a holy and faithful woman
Rth 1:16 Ruth's heart was to stay with her new family.
She brought Gentile blood into the genealogy of Jesus As Paul said we are grafted into the
tree Rom 11:17
She also left her land and home as did Abraham.
Rth 4:3 What piece of land?
1Sa 1:7 The "House of The Lord" was in Shiloh. The Temple had not been built yet, and we don't
know if Moses' Tabernacle had been set up. But the Ark was there 1 Sam 3:3.
Called the tent of meeting in 1 Sam 2:22
1 Samuel 4:21 Ezk 10:18
1Sa 19:20 Acts 9
John 20:28
1Sa 21:1 Question: was there a tent or a building for the sanctuary at Nob, or was this Ahimelech's
The ark was at Kiriath- jearim 1 Sam 7:1, 2 Sam 6:2.
1Sa 23:19 Apparently Saul was not made aware that Johathan had just met with David at Horesh.
1Sa 26:1 Both times Saul went chasing David in the wilderness, he came close to losing his life. He
didn't learn his lesson the first time, even though he told David he knew he would be king.
1Sa 26:6 Hittites were one of the heathen peoples Israel was supposed to displace (Josh 3:10), but
this man and Uriah were two of David's most loyal followers.
1Sa 27:4 If it hadn't been for that, I wonder if Saul would have kept hunting David. His hatred was
demonically inspired.
2Sa 2:4 He would have been king over Simeon also because Simeon's
inheritance was in the midst of Judah Josh 19:1
2Sa 3:5 So at this point David had six wives plus Michal makes seven, in direct violation of the law
(Deuteronomy 17:17)
2Sa 3:27 The stated reason for the murder was revenge, but Joab may have feared Abner would
take his job as commmanding general.
Joab did the same for Amasa: 2 Sam 19:13, 20:8-11
2Sa 5:1 All precipitated because Ish-Bosheth acused Abner of laying with his father's concubine,
which Abner denied (2 Sam 3:7-8)
2Sa 11:1 Here we have an illustration of how sin leads to sin.
2Sa 11:2 Sin #1: lust.
Why was she bathing in full view of the palace? Did she have a plan?
2Sa 11:3 Hittites were one of the heathen peoples Israel was supposed to expel from Cannan Ex
2Sa 11:4 Sin #2 Adultery.
At this time, David had at least 7 wives.
2Sa 11:6 Uriah was a member of a race that were sworn enemies of Israel. He left his heathen race
to be with the people of the one true God. In addition, he had distinguished himself
serving in the armed forces of his adopted country (2 Sam 23:39, 1Chron. 11:41)
2Sa 11:8 Sin #3: lies. David thought he could get Uriah to be with his wife, then claim it was HIS
baby. He didn't think anyone would notice she was 3 mo. premature?
2Sa 11:11 Uriah's loyalty to his comrades makes David an even bigger rat.
2Sa 11:17 Sin #4 murder.
2Sa 12:8 It's apparently not recorded where David took Saul's wives. Saul did give David his
daughter Michal.
2 Samuel 12:16 David killed that child, not God. He fasted and prayed 7 days but did not receive an answer
for he had sinned and God had already told him the child would die. But during that time
of communing with God he came to be at peace with His judgement.

"Went in" - He must have gone in to the tabernacle, fell on the ground, and prayed. When
he was told the child was dead, he got up, went outside, washed and changed his clothes.
Then he went back in to worship. (v. 16-23)
2Sa 13:1 NASBStr Clearly against the law: Lev 18:9, 11, 20:17, Deut 27:22. Since he saw his father Violate
Deut 17:17, perhaps he too thought he could have any woman he wanted.
2 Samuel 13:17 2 sa
2Sa 13:21 Amnon should have died according to Deut 22:25, but David could not bring himself to
execute his first born son.
2Sa 14:3 This is the second time someone told David a parable of which he was the unsuspecting
2 Samuel 14:5 The second time that the king's fault had been presented to him by a parable 2 Sam 12
2 Samuel 15:7 If it was 40 years David would be dead.
2Sa 24:24 It may be that David knew, or suspected, that God would not accept as sacrifice for
penance something that cost David nothing.
1Ki 1:2 Why didn't David just have 2 or 3 of his wives and/or concubines crawl in bed with him?
Getting this girl caused trouble down the road.
1Ki 1:8 It was a major mistake going against David's mighty men. They would be a highly loyal and
formidable bodyguard.
1Ki 1:11 Bathsheba could have crawled in bed with David to keep him warm.
1Ki 2:17 This is why David should have just slept with His wives. This girl just caused trouble.
1Ki 8:4 They must have packed the tent up and stored it someplace in the temple.
1Ki 11:40 Just like Saul had done with his father David.
1Ki 12:14 Note he left out the part about the loins.
1Ki 12:20 Approximately 930 BC
1Ki 12:21 Probably Simeon, too, because Simeon took their inheritance within the land of Judah.
1Ki 21:29 "In his son's day" - Joram, also known as Jehoram, younger brother of Ahaziah. 2 Ki 1:17
He was evil 2 Ki 3:1-3, thus the curse justifiably fell on him.
1Ki 22:1 King of Israel is not mentioned by name in this chapter, but he is Ahab.
2Ki 17:6 722 BC
2Ki 24:1 606 BC
2Ki 24:12 597 BC
2Ki 25:4 587 BC
1Ch 1:32 Genesis 25 says Keturah was a wife. Here it says she was a concubine. There are different
Jewish words too.
1Ch 3:3 Six wives so far.
1Ch 3:5 Seven Wives.
1 Chronicles 5:19 First war with the Arabians Genesis 25:15. Apparently no other Wars with Arabs
(KJV Strong's) mentioned in the Bible. Nodab not mentioned elsewhere in Bible.
1Ch 25:1 The Spirit flows through the music

See Strong's; Treasury;

1 Cor 14:15
...I will sing with the spirit...
Acts 2:17
...your sons and your daughters shall prophesy...(Joel 2:28)
John 7:38
He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of
living water.’”
Nehemiah 1:2 Ezra 1
(KJV Strong's)
Nehemiah 2:1 424 BC
(KJV Strong's)
Esther 1:1 Xerxes I
Esther 1:3 483 BC
Est 3:2 NASBStr 1sam 15:8, ex 17:14-16
Esther 9:13 (NASB They were already dead but Esther wanted them hanged on the gallows. Must have been a
Strong's) pretty big gallows unless they hanged them one at a time.
Job 1:6 (NASB Gen 6:2
Job 4:7 ex 15:26; Deut 28:1-14
Job 42:12 Job 1:3
Psa 3:3 Eph 6:16
Psalms 16:10(KJV Quoted in Acts 2:27
Psalms 37:9 (KJV Isa 40:31
Psalms 41:4 (KJV God can heal the body and heal the soul.
Psalms 107:29 See treasury xrefs
Psalms 110:1 (TSK) Not this verse but Lu 20:42-43
Psalms 113:9 Gen 20:17-18 1 Sam 1:20
Ears to Hear Ps 115:8
Isa 57:13
Isa 6:10
Jer 5:21
Eze 12:2
Matt 11:15
Mark 4:9
Mark 4:23
Mark 7:16
Mark 8:18
Luke 8:8
Luke 14:35
Psalms 119:1 Hebrew alphabet:
Psalms 119:46 Rom 1:16
Psalms 119:47 Romans 13:10
Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

1 John 3:23
And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ,
and love one another, as he gave us commandment.
Psalms 119:71 Rom 5:3-5
Psa 119:91 Col 1:17
Psalms 119:100 1 Corinthians 2:15
Psalms 119:114 Eph 6:16
(NASB Strong's)
Psalms 136:11 2 Corinthians 6:17
Psalms 138:2 (KJV Phil 2:9-10, John 1:1, Rev 19:13, Ex 31:18, Matt 7:24-25, 1 Cor 10:4
Proverbs 2:6 Job 28:28, Ps 111:10
Proverbs 5:16 KJV Should read:

[Should] thy fountains be dispersed abroad,

[as] rivers of waters in the streets[?]

See newer translations.

Proverbs 9:10 Ps 14:1
Proverbs 11:11 Pro 18:21
Proverbs 11:31 Matt 19:29, Mr 10:29,30
Pro 12:18 Prov 1:7,

Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword,
piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and
is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Proverbs 14:1 House: households, or families:

Exodus 1:21
Because the midwives feared God, He established households for them. NASB

The foolish woman is one who does not know God:

Proverbs 9:10
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom:
and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
Proverbs 17:16 Act 8:18 — Act 8:19
And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was
given, he offered them money,Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay
hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost.
Proverbs 18:21 Prov. 18:4,6,7; 10:20,21,31; Mt 12:36-37; Eph 4:29; Col 4:6; Jas 3:6-10
Proverbs 18:24 John 15:13
(KJV Strong's) Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Proverbs 19:5 Numbers 32:23
(KJV Strong's) But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the Lord: and be sure your sin will
find you out.
Proverbs 20:22 Romans 12:19
(KJV Strong's) Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written,
Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
Proverbs 25:22 Romans 12:20
Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou
shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
Proverbs 31:1 The Talmud says Lemuel was one of the names by which Solomon was known (see Dake
note, proverbs 30:1). If so, his mother would have been Bathsheba.
Ecclesiastes 2:17 Newer versions translate this word "wind" John 3:8
(KJV Strong's)
Ecclesiastes 2:19 Rehoboam was indeed a fool; he was the one that caused the division of the Kingdom 1Ki
(KJV Strong's) 12
Ecclesiastes 2:23 Though Solomon was richest man in all the earth, all his days were sorrows, his travail was
grief, and his heart took no rest in the night.
Ecclesiastes 2:24 1 Cor 15:32
Ecclesiastes 3:14 Rev 22:18-19
Ecclesiastes 5:1 "be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools" i.e., run your mouth.
Ecclesiastes 9:2 The Jews had no concept of Heaven or Hell as Christians do. All the dead, good and bad,
went to Sheol. Jesus taught that the righteous dead went to Abraham's bosom Lk 16:22.
Ecclesiastes 10:17 Overeating for pleasure.
(KJV Strong's)
Ecclesiastes 12:13 Thanks, Grandma
Isaiah 6:1 740 BC. Also see highlighted section, part D, Dake note.
Lean heart This verse is quoted often in the NT. Let us make our prayer thus:

Lord, make my heart lean,

make my ears sharp, and open my eyes;
so that I might see with my eyes,
hear with my ears, understand with my heart, and convert, and be healed.

Young's translation says, "DECLARE the heart of this people"

Isaiah 17:1 734 BC
Isaiah 20:1 712 BC
Isa 29:18 Jesus quotes this and Isa 35:5 in Matt 11:5 and Luke 7:22 to prove his Messiahship. We are
in "that day" now.
Isa 53:4 Matthew 8:17
...Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses
Isa 53:5 1 Peter 2:24 whose stripes ye were healed.
Isaiah 54:12 Rev 21:18-21
Isa 63:17 James 1:13
Isaiah 66:1 Ps 110:1
Jeremiah 5:31 Not by the authority of God Matt 7:29 2 Tim 3:5
(NASB Strong's)
Ezk 1:1 Comparison of Ezekiel to modern day.
See Eph. 6:16 shield of faith
Ezekiel was prophesying the upcoming Babylonian Captivity (586 BC).
Our nation is likewise facing disaster.
Eze 3:18, Eze 33 Watchman
Eze 6 Idols
Moloch, (Chemosh)
Sacrifice of children Lev 18:21, Lev 20:2-4
Compare to abortion today
Abortion/extra marital sex
Asherah - female goddess
Orgy worship
Male/Female cult prostitutes Deut 23:17
Male cult prostitutes 1 Ki 14:24, 1 Ki 15:12,
2Ki. 23:7).
Compare to homosexuals in church today
Catholic priests
Homosexual marriage
Episcopal bishop
Eze 8-10 Temple is defiled; Glory leaves
Not only did they abandon worship of God, they
brought their idols IN the temple.
The devil has to get up in God's face
God left the temple.
The temple has been rebuilt twice since, and there is no
indication God returned to either. Will return in the
millenial temple (Eze 40).

Today, homosexuals are taking over the church.

Ezk 1:2 Second Siege of Jerusalem and Jechoiachin's captivity 597 BC (II Kings 25)
Ezk 3:11 He was commissioned to preach to the exiles among whom he already lived.
Ezk 3:12 The Spirit lifted him up and transported him to another settlement on the Chebar (Eze.
Ezk 3:15 He was originally at a settlement on the Chebar (Eze. 1:1). This must have been another
settlement on the river. He did not speak to the captives. In fact, The Lord made him mute
(Eze 3:26).
Ezk 3:25 He was tied up with ropes and mute (Eze 3:26), and didn't speak unless The Lord gave him
the unction (Eze 3:27).
Ezk 4:1 Don't know if he was still tied with ropes, but apparently he was still mute, for this whole
scene was in pantomime. The first indication that he spoke again was in Eze 4:7. This was
for the benefit of the captives at the Chebar so they could see what was going to happen
to Jerusalem because of the sin there. Fortelling the final fall of Jerusalem, known as the
Babylonian Captivity, in 586 BC.
Ezk 7:9 Interesting That NASB Uses the word smiting.
Ezekiel 8:2 Dan 10:5-6, Rev 1:14-15
Ezk 9:1 This chapter is symbolic (NASB and Treasury both call it a "vision"). It foretells the final
destruction of Jerusalem during the Babylonian Captivity of 586 BC. The only ones saved
were those whose hearts were true. All others, even infants, were destroyed. This is not
God's fault. This is what happens when we step out from behind the shield of faith, which
is the word of God (Eph. 6).
Ezk 11:3 The King James makes more sense for this verse.
Ezk 12:12 2 Ki 25:4-7, Jer 39:4-7
Ezk 13:6 Mark 16:17-20
Ezk 13:10 Jer 6:14
Jer 8:11
Ezk 13:17 Women prophets are very rare in the Bible. These are just fortune tellers.

1 Cor 14:34-35
1 Tim 2:11-12
Ezk 16:13 The kingdom of Israel peaked out under Solomon.
Ezk 16:20 Eze 16:20-21 Is this not The equivalent of today's abortion?
Ezk 16:48 God here makes Jerusalem worse than Sodom.
Ezk 16:49 If homosexuals knew the Bible better they could make use of this Verse.
Ezk 16:57 Surrounding heathen nations are disgusted by Israel.
Ezekiel 20:1 590 BC
Ezekiel 20:7 Israel moved to Egypt in 1875 BC Gen. 46:6. Not recorded in Exodus but Eze 20:7-8 shows
they started worshipping the Egyptian idols while they dwelt there Eze. 23:3, Jos. 24:14,
Dake note b, Exo 32:4.

In 1600 BC, they fell into slavery under the new king Exo 1:11.
Possibly, after 275 years of sin God had removed his hand of protection. They suffered in
slavery another 154 years until the Exodus in 1446 BC Exo 12:51, a total of 429 years in
Egypt Gen 15:13.

Apparently God considered leaving them in Egypt, but in Eze 20:9-10 he decided to
overlook their sin and bring them out anyway.

Dates Bible Hub timeline

Ezk 22:25 1 Pet 5:8
Ezk 24:1 If the ninth year refers to the ninth year of the captivity of King Jeboiachin, This would be
about 588 BC.
Ezk 25:1 Looks like Ammon, Moab, Edom And Phillistia All tried to take advantage of Israel's
weakened state after the attack by Nebuchadnezzar, And themselves got whacked.
Ezk 33:16 Gen 15:6
Hab 2:4
Ezk 33:22 Apparently He Had been mute from Eze 3:26
Ezk 34:2 Amplified says "spiritual" shepherds. These would be the priests, in the sense that today
we say a pastor is shepherd of the church. The priests of the day were interested primarily
in financial gain, and not exhorting to holiness. If they had, Israel could have averted
disaster. Today, the only doctrine TV and megachurch pastors preach is prosperity. Other
than that, it's I'm OK, you're OK.
Ezk 34:5 Zech 13:7
Ezk 34:10 God holds the spiritual leaders of a nation responsible for the direction it takes.
Ezk 36:26 See ALL NASB and Treasury xrefs for this verse.
Ezekiel 36:27 Acts 2
Ezk 37:3 Rev 7:14
Ezk 38:5 Iran, Sudan, Lybia
Ezk 38:6 N.E. Turkey
Ezk 40:1 572 BC
Ezk 40:2 This is Jerusalem rebuilt after the tribulation and the battle of Armegeddon of Eze 38-39.
This will be Jesus' headquarters during the millennium. After the millennium it will be
replaced by New Jerusalem Rev 21:10.
Ezk 40:5 There is no temple in New Jerusalem Rev 21:22. This is the millennial temple.
Ezk 40:5 NASBStr 12 feet
Ezekiel 47:12 Rev 22:2
Dan 1:1 Daniel taken captive in the First Siege of Jerusalem, 606 BC (II Kings 24: 10-16). Ezekiel was
taken in the second Siege (Eze. 1:2)
Dan 2:21 Romans 13:1
Dan 3:12 Ex. 20:3-5
Dan 3:18 "But if not" is the key to this story. These boys would die rather than disobey the
Dan 6:7 These men will find, to their horror, that kings don't like being set up.
Dan 7:11 Says here the beast was slain which is the old Roman empire not the horn which is the
Daniel 8:3 Medo-Persia symbolized as a bear in Chapter 7, now symbolized as a ram.
Daniel 8:5 Greece symbolized as a leopard in Chapter 7, now symbolized as a goat.
Dan 8:9 Small horn: Dake says antichrist, Amplified says Antiochus Epiphanes
Dan 9:20 God does not grant Daniel's request for forgiveness for Israel because they did not repent
(see note), v. 19. Instead, he gives him this great end-time vision.
Dan 9:25 NASBStr Neh 2 (424 BC). The rebuilding of Jerusalem NOT The temple.
Dan 9:26 70 AD Josephus VI, 1.1, VII, 1.1
There is a disconnect between the 69th and 70th weeks. The 69th week was during the
time of Christ. The 70th week will be during the future tribulation.
Dan 9:27 I have read or heard somewhere that animal sacrifice will be resumed in Jerusalem toward
the end.
Dan 11:1 520 BC
Dan 11:8 Vs. 8-10 NASB seems to have King of the North (Syria) and King of the South (Egypt)
reversed from what King James says. Dake has historical evidence to back up King James.
Hosea 1:3 Gomer was a whore. She was actively engaged in prostitution while married to Hosea. The
three children she bore were not Hosea's.
Hosea 1:4 (KJV Fall of Samaria 720 BC.
Hos 1:6 This not a warning (straighten up or else). They had gone beyond that stage, as Judah had
in Ezekiel. This was a straight prophecy of impending doom.
Hos 1:7 God had mercy on Judah because Hezekiah was king at this time. He delivered them not by
sword, but sent an angel to destroy 185,000 Assyyrians 2 Ki 19:35
Hosea 2:5 (KJV Israel traded with foreign nations and came under the influence of their heathen religions.
Zch 1:1 NASBStr 521 BC
Zch 1:3 Second year of Darius 520 BC
Zch 3:7 Applies to all believers under the new covenant.
Zechariah 5:8 Gen 3:6
Mat 3:17 Mark 1:11, Luke 3:22
Matthew 4:3 Jesus is never called "God the Son"
Mat 4:11 The trials of the devil made Jesus stronger.
Mat 5:6 Fasting -> Holiness
Mat 6:13 James 1:13
Gentiles The centurion thought he was unworthy to have Jesus come in his house because he was a
Gentile and Jesus was a Jew:
Gen 24:3
Gen 26:34-35
Ex 23:32-33
Deut 7:2-3
Deut 7:16
Deut 12:30
Acts 10:28
John 18:28
Mat 8:17 Isaiah 53:4

Infirmities: physical OR mental weaknesses (see Strong's). Jesus healed our soul when he
saved us, he can heal our bodies as well.

Also, sickness can be said to be of sin ( Ex 15:26 ) or unbelief which is also sin ( Heb. 3:12 ).

1 Pet 2:24
Mat 8:28 Mark 16:17-18
Matthew says two men, Mark and Luke say one.
Mat 9:6 Ps 103:3
Have what you say SAY to the mountain:
Matt 17:20:
Matt 21:21
Mark 11:23
Luke 17:6

Amplified: KEPT saying:

Mark 5:25
Luke 8:43-44

Flip side of:

Matt 15:18 (see Amplified)
Mark 7:15
James 3:4-5

Devil is a liar:
John 8:44
Zech 3:2
Jude 1:9

Walk by faith:
2 Cor 5:7
Mat 9:34 The first time they said this Jesus let them get away with it, But the second time he nailed
them. See Matt 12:24.
Matthew 10:20
(KJV Strong's)
Mat 11:5 1 Ki 17:22
KJVStrongs 2 Ki 4:35
Mat 11:5 the poor have the gospel preached to them -
poor (Greek pto?chos): beggar, pauper.

gospel (Greek euaggelion) a good message; old English god spel, good tale.

What could be a better message to the poor than that he's not going to be broke any
Mat 12:29 Matt 16:19
Mat 13:15 Isaiah 6:10
Mat 14:29 Ps 77:19, Dan 12:5-7
Mat 15:30 Luke 22:50,51
Mat 16:18 Upon the rock of the confession.
Mat 16:19 Whatever if you might bind on the earth will be bound in the heavens and whatever if you
might loose on the earth will be bound in the heavens.
Matthew 17:14 Mar 9:17-27
Mat 17:16 They had been given authority to heal the sick and cast out devils Matt 10:1, 8
They had been exercising that authority Mar 6:13, Luke 9:6 but were not able to in this
Mat 17:17 Rebuking the disciples for their unbelief after having been given authority to cast out devils.
Mat 17:21 This short verse is one of the most important in the Bible, yet many newer translations
omit it.

If the Apostles wanted power over the demon in the boy, they first had to first overcome
the demon of unbelief within themselves (v.20).

Fasting removes food, our most fundamental point of contact with this world (other than
air). It clears the mind so the spirit can take over.

When we eat, all the blood rushes from the brain to the belly. Eating thereby gives us a
relaxed feeling.

We tell the demon to get out and he tells us to go eat a cookie.

The four pillars of faith:

* Prayer Matt 17:21
* Fasting Mat 17:21
* Holiness Heb 3:12
* The word Rom 10:17
Matthew 18:14 2 pet 3:9
Mat 18:18 Luke 10:17,19
Mark 16:17
Mat 19:26 Luke 1:37
Mat 21:12 The chief priest and Sanhedrin got kickbacks from the vendors, so this further enraged
them against Jesus.
Matthew 21:21 Ps 46:2
Matthew 21:23 If he claimed the authority was from God, they would accuse him of blasphemy.
Matthew 21:26 "all hold John as a prophet", and John had proclaimed Jesus to be the Messiah Mat 3:11-
12, John 1:29,36. If they acknowledged John they had to acknowledge Jesus.
Matthew 21:27 Jesus declined to answer because his time had not yet come.
Mat 21:32
Matthew 21:38 Further proof the Jewish leaders knew Jesus was the Messiah.
Mat 21:45
Matthew 22:7 Sack of Jerusalem, 70 AD
Matthew 22:8 Jews rejected the Messiah
Matthew 22:9 Mark 16:15
Matthew 22:11 Eccl 9:8
Mat 22:39 Rom 13:10
Matthew 22:44 Ps 110:1
Matthew 23:13 13-36 See tags
Matthew 26:5 At night Matthew 26:20 and In The Garden of Gethsemane Matthew 26:36
Mat 26:17 Dake says Tuesday, which works out:

Arrested Tuesday night

Died Wednesday 3pm Mark 15:25
3 days and nights in the grave - Thurs. approx. 3am to Sunday 3am Matt 12:40
Rose on the first day of the week Matt 28:1, Mark 16:9, Luke 24:1, John 20:1
Matthew 27:1 Approximately 6 a.m. Kangaroo court had been going on all night. See NASB X-refs.
Mat 27:16 Barabbas was guilty of insurrection (or sedition) and murder Mark 15:7, Luke 23:18.
Rebellion against Rome would have gotten him a death sentence, as would murder under
Roman or Jewish law. So surely he was in prison awaiting trial and/or execution. Yet he
was released and Jesus was executed Isaiah 53:5, 6, 8, Lev 16:8-10
Matthew 27:18 This and Matthew 27:23 make John 11:48 hogwash.
Matthew 27:20 Multitude - remember this was early Matthew 27:1. Where you going to get a Lynch Mob
at 6 in the morning? The book The Day Christ Died and the movie The Passion of the Christ
infer that the Jews brought their own mob with them.
Matthew 27:32 No Via Dolorosa. That was a pure invention of the Catholic church.
Mark 15:21, Luke 23:26-31, John 19:17
Matthew 27:45 Jewish time started at dawn, not midnight, so this was 12 noon. NASB and Dake agree.
Ninth hour - 3pm. Mark 15:34, Luke 23:44
Matthew 27:51 How could the Jewish leadership have maintained their hatred of him after these signs?
Further proof they knew he was the Messiah. Matt 27:62
Matthew 28:2 Matthew says one angel; Luke and John say two. See NASB X-refs.
Matthew 28:12
Matthew 28:14 See Dake Note 4 verse 13. They probably had to bribe the governor too.
Jesus' Last Days Matt., Mark Galilee; Luke Bethany; John no comment; Acts mount of olives Acts 1:12,
which is near Bethany and Jerusalem. Luke wrote Luke and Acts.

Matt 28
Mark 16
Luke 24
John 20-21
Acts 1:1-11
1 Cor 15:5-7
Mat 28:19 Eusebius quotes this verse as: 'Go ye and make disciples of all the nations in My name,
teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I commanded you'. No mention of
baptism or the trinity.

See notes, Acts 2:38 and 1 John 5:7-8

Mark 2:10 Ps 103:3
Mark 3:25
Mar 4:9 The people who were the fertile ground were the ones who had ears to hear.
Mar 4:23 1 Cor 2:14
Mar 8:10 They wanted manna John 6:31
Mar 8:11 He healed the sick Isa 53:5, raised the dead Isa 26:19, and walked on water Ps 77:19, but
they wanted manna John 6:31.
He told them to go away.
Mar 8:23 Mark 7:33
Mar 9:29 KJV says prayer and fasting.
Mar 11:11 1 7/8 miles east of Jerusalem, close to mount of olives.
Mark 11:23 Ps 46:2
Mar 16:9 No where in the Bible does it say Mary Magdalene was a prostitute.
Mark 16:17 1 Cor 14:2 &Treasury refs
Luk 1:6 Luke 2:25
Luk 1:13 God picked Zach & Lizzie because 1. They were holy 2. It was impossible for them to have
a baby and 3. because Zach had been steadfast in prayer.
Luk 1:62 They didn't need to make signs to him. He could hear, he just couldn't speak.
Luk 2:16 No magi at the manger. The magi showed up at the house in Nazareth when Jesus was
about 2. Matt 2:11
Baptism in fire Is the baptism in fire the next stage after baptism in the spirit?

Hogan thinks so (Fuego De Deos)

We speak of troops being baptized in fire

A baptism with fire might consist of two things:

Fire of zeal for the work (Jer. 20:9)
Fire of purification (Prov. 17:3, Zech 13:9, 1 Pet 1:7, Luke 3:17)

The apostles all abandoned Jesus (Mark 14:50) but eventually they were all martyred
except John (and that not for lack of trying). ). So what made the change?

I originally thought it was because they witnessed his resurrection, but that’s not so (Matt

Acts 2:3
Was this the Holy Ghost and fire (Luke 3:16)?
They spread the Gospel all over the earth.
This never happened again

We can apply the fire to ourselves through fasting (Lev. 16:29, 16:31, 23:27, 23:32, Num
29:7, Ps 69:10)
Luk 3:17 Looks like he's talking about judgment, but is he referring to the baptism in fire in the
previous verse?
Luk 3:21 If John was in prison, who baptized Jesus?
Luke 3:31 Nathan is the first person in this genealogy traceable in the Bible. See Treasury.
Luk 4:18 Isa 61:1
Luk 5:24 Isa 53:5; Ps 103:3
Luk 6:17 Jesus had many disciples, but only 12 apostles.
Luk 7:6 Centurion knew Jews were not allowed to associate with Gentiles.
Luk 7:22 Isa 29:18, 35:5, 26:19
Luke 8:2 (KJV No evidence Mary Magdeline was a prostitute. She is being confused with Mary the sister
Strong's) of Lazarus Lk 7:37-39, Jn 11:2.
Luke 8:44 Numbers 15:38-40
Luke 9:49(KJV Acts 3:6,12,16
Luk 10:1 Nu 11:16, 24- 26. Not improbable that these seventy were among theose at pentecost
(Acts 2)
Luk 10:33 Samaritans were descendants of the Northern kingdom after the great division 1 Ki 12.
There had been centuries of warfare between the two kingdoms. See Dake notes.
Luke 14:2 Edema
Luk 14:24 Numbers 14:22-23
Luk 15:6 luke 15:11
Luk 16:22 Good-night, sweet prince;
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

― William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Here Jesus introduces the concept of different destinations for the good and evil dead. In
the old testament, all dead went to Sheol. See Dake note.
Luk 17:6 Psalms 46:2
Luk 18:1 Luke 21:36
Gen 32:24
Rom 12:12
1 Thess 5:17
1 Ki 1:50
Luk 19:9 Romans 4:16
Luk 20:14 This is the heir...God forbid: Proves the Jews knew Jesus was the Christ.
Luk 20:19
Luke 20:43 (TSK) Ps 110:1
Luk 22:3 Satan entered into the heart of the weaker vessel, as with Eve.
Luke 23:4 Refuting John 11:48
Luke 23:27 No "Via Dolorosa", with the crowd cursing, spitting, and throwing rocks. Purely a Catholic
Luke 23:52 Mark 15:43-44
Luk 23:56 Sabbath - not Saturday. See Dake note B, Matt 12:40
Jn 1:21 John said he wasn't Elijah, but Jesus said he was: Matt 11:14, Matt 17:10,
Matt 17:12, Mark 9:13, Luke 1:17
Jn 1:39 Jewish time which starts at dawn, making it 4 p.m.
John 1:49 (KJV Ps 2:7,11-12, Pr 30:4, Isa 7:14, 9:6-7, Hos 11:1, Mic 5:2-3
John 2:18 They wanted to see manna John 6:30-31 They still wouldn't have believed, coming up with
some other excuse.
John 2:21 1 Cor 3:16, 6:19
John 3:23 (KJV
Jn 4:22 KJV Gen 12:3, 18:18
John 4:24 Acts 2:4; Col 1:27; 1 Cor 3:16; 1 Cor 6:19; Rom 8:11; Gal 5:16
Jn 4:39 NASBStr Isaiah 49:6

Samaritans were hated by the Jews who had been at war since the separation of the
kingdom under Rehoboam (1 Ki 12:16), about 700 years.
John 4:50 Mt 8:13
Jn 5:14 John 8:11
Jn 5:20 John 14:12
John 5:29 Matt 27:52-53
John 6:21 (NASB Acts 8:39-40
John 6:21 (KJV Acts 8:39-40
Jn 7:35 2 Ki 15:29, 24:15-16
Jn 7:40 Deut. 18:5
John 11:47 They acknowledged the miracles. When they tried to claim he worked by the power of
Satan, he refuted them and they had no answer Matt 12:24-29. The inescapable
conclusion was that he was from God. When they continued to work against Him, He said
they were from Hell John 8:44.
John 11:48 This is the load of hogwash they tried to sell Pilate, but he didn't buy it Luke 23:2-4. Even
he percieved they delivered him out of envy Mark 15:10.
Jn 12:34 Apparently the people understood he meant lifted up on the cross.
Jn 12:42 John 3:2
Jn 14:13 John 14:14, 15:7, 16, 16:23, 26
Act 1:8 Mark 16:20
Acts 1:12 He died on Passover and was raised on the third day, the feast of first fruits. So this was 40
days after the resurrection
Act 1:18 Matt 27:5 says he hanged himself. Maybe the rope broke.
Act 1:26 And so the name of Mattias will replace the name of Judas on one of the 12 gates Of New
Jerusalem Rev 21:14.
Acts 2:1 Pentecost was 50 days after the feast of first fruits Lev 23:10, 17, the day of the
resurrection, 10 days after the upper room Acts 1:3,12

They were in "one place", not necessarily the upper room; most likely in the temple,
where they often gathered to pray Lk. 24:53; Acts 2:46.

It may not have been the 120. It may have been over 500 1 Cor. 15:6.
Act 2:3 1. Was this the Holy Ghost and fire (Luke 3:16)?
2. How come this never happened again?
3. Is this the fire of the Spirit?
4. The fire purifies and refines the soul (Zech 13:9)
5. The fire gives zeal for the work (Jer 20:9)
7. Though the tongues of fire haven't appeared again, we can receive the baptism of fire 2
A. We can voluntarily put ourselves in a position where we will receive a "baptism by
Acts 2:17 Peter here says that speaking in tongues is a form of prophesy. 1 Cor 11:5
Acts 2:35 Ps 110:1
Acts 2:38 Acts 8:16, 10:48, 19:5, Ro 6:3
Act 5:15 It does not specify that the shadow did any healing.
Act 5:16 Peter would have to do a lot of walking to cause his shadow to fall on all these people.

More likely the apostles all were involved in the healing (Acts 5:12) as well as all the other
believers (Mark 16:18)
Act 7:7 Luke 17:1
Act 8:12 NOT First gentile believers John 4:39-42
Act 9:7 Dan 10:7
Act 12:19 Roman soldier, fall asleep on duty, let prisoner escape: dead.
Act 13:2 Worshipped
Acts 13:11 (NASB Gen. 19:11
Act 13:17 Paul gives a Cliff's notes synopsis of the bible as did Stephen Acts 7
Acts 15:5 (NASB Genesis 17:11
Acts 15:10 (NASB Rom 7:8-9
Act 19:15 This is precisely why Stephen,
Phillip, and Aninaius were able to cast and these guys weren't.
Act 20:13 KJV We: So Luke was along on this journey.
Romans 1:7 (KJV Holy
Romans 1:7 "God our Father" and "the Lord Jesus Christ" are two titles of the same God, as in Isaiah
Rom 1:11 1 Cor 12
Rom 1:14 Wise: Psalms 111:10

Unwise: Ps. 14:1 Psalms 53:1

Romans 1:17 (KJV Gen 15:6
Strong's) In this verse, Luther found the revelation upon which his doctrine was founded.
Rom 1:18 Rom 2:5
Romans 1:20 (KJV Rom 2:1
Rom 1:21 Gen 11:1-9
Rom 2:5 Deu 2:30
Rom 2:9 Salvation was offered to the Jew first Rom 1:16

Therefore judgment Rom 2:9 and rewards Rom 2:10 will be upon them first.
Rom 4:19 Abraham waited 25 years for the promise to be fulfilled Gen 12:2,4, 17:17.
Rom 4:22 Heb 11:6
Rom 6:14 1 cor. 10:13
Rom 8:11 Kenneth Hagan said this does not refer to the resurrection because this mortal body will
not be renewed, but replaced by an imperishable body 1 Cor 15:42; 52-54

Quickening the mortal body refers to healing by the Holy Spirit.

Rom 10:21 Obstinate should have been translated argumentative
1Co 1:22 John 6:30-31
1 Corinthians 1:28 Jesus was born in a barn, not a palace
1Co 2:4 Mark 16:20
1Co 3:17 Ezk 11:23
1 Corinthians 4:13 1 Cor 4:9
1 Corinthians 6:19 1 cor 3:17
1Co 7:25 This is the only time in all scripture that the author says the words are his own and not
from God.
2 Tim 3:16
1 Corinthians 11:5 Acts 2:17
(KJV Strong's)
1 Corinthians 11:5 Acts 2:17
1Co 14:15 Eph. 5:19
1 Corinthians The second part of this verse (" in all churches...") should have been the first part of
14:33 verse 34 (see Amplified).
Women Silent 1 Ti 2:11-14
1 Cor 11:3
1 Cor 11:9
Eph 5:22-25,33
Col 3:18
Tit 2:4-5
1 Pet 3:1-6
1Co 15:4 Ps. 16:10
1Co 15:31 2 Cor 4:16
2 Corinthians 2 Corinthians 4:16
5:17(KJV Strong's)
2Co 6:5 NASBStr Fasting
2 Corinthians 11:2 Here and in Eph 5:25-29, Paul compares the relationship of Christ and the church to a
marriage. However the Bride of Christ is New Jerusalem Rev 21:2,9.
2Co 11:27 "Hunger" should have been translated "fasting"
Gal 5:16 Last days
Confirm the word Mark 16:17-20
Can't exercise healing because of unbelief Matt 17:19-20
Get rid of unbelief by prayer and fasting Matt 17:21
Faith comes by hearing Romans 10:17
Evil heart of unbelief Heb 3:12
Sin leads to sin 2 Sam 11
Walk in spirit -> holiness Gal 5:16
God knows what you have need of Matt 6:8
Groanings Rom 8:26
Eph 2:6 Eph 1:20-21
Phil 2:10
Ephesians 5:18 Acts 2:13
Ephesians 5:19 1 Cor 14:28
(KJV Strong's)
Eph 6:16 Romans 10:17
1 Pet 5:8
John 10:10
Col 1:10 Please: Heb. 11:6
Col 3:2 John 8:23
Colossians 3:16 Singing in the spirit 1 Cor 14:15
(NASB Strong's)
1 Thessalonians "and that no man transgress and defraud his brother in the matter", that of sexual
4:6 immorality (v. 3-5) that is, to commit adultery with his brother's wife.
1Th 4:16 NASBStr No evidence in Bible that Gabriel blows the trumpet
1Th 5:3 Jer 6:14, Jer 8:11
"Gentlemen may cry peace, but there is no peace": Patrick Henry
1Th 5:18 Acts 16:23-26
1Ti 2:11 see xrefs
1Ti 5:14 An apparent contradiction with 1 Cor 7:8
2Ti 3:16 Romans 3:2
2Ti 4:16 Luke 23:34 34 But Jesus was saying, “ Father, forgive them; for they do not know what
they are doing.”
Heb 4:1 Heb 2:1
Heb 4:2 Genesis 15:5-6
Heb 4:3 Num 13-14
Heb 4:11 Heb 2:1
Heb 4:12 Isa 49:2 (NASBStr) 2 He has made My mouth like a sharp sword
Isa 54:17 (NASBStr) 17 " No weapon that is formed against you will prosper;
Jn 1:1 (NASBStr) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the
Word was God.
Rev 1:16 (NASBStr) and out of His mouth came a sharp two- edged sword;
Rev 2:16 (NASBStr) Therefore repent; or else I am coming to you quickly, and I will make
war against them with the sword of My mouth.
Rev 19:15 (NASBStr) From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike
down the nations
Rev 19:21 (NASBStr) 21 And the rest were killed with the sword which came from the
mouth of Him who sat on the horse
Rev 19:13 (NASBStr) and His name is called The Word of God.
Heb 6:4 Heb 10:26-31
Luke 11:24-26
2 Pet 2:20-22
Matt 7:21
Heb 6:6 Mat 12:31
31 “ Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven people, but blasphemy
against the Spirit shall not be forgiven.
Heb 8:3 Gifts?
Heb 9:12 Matt 27:51
Heb 11:1 NASB Should have translated "assurance" as "substance".
Heb 11:3 John 1:1, Rev 19:13
Heb 11:6 Ex 3:14
Jam 3:2 KJV Offend: sin
Jam 3:2 Offend: sin
James 3:2-12 speaks of the power of the tongue through cursing. Flip that coin and see the
power of the tongue through blessing:
Prov 12:18
Prov 16:24
Prov 15:4
Prov 18:21
Prov 4:20,22
Prov 4:4
Prov 4:10
Isa 57:19
Ps 22:3
Jam 3:6 Defileth: Matt 15:18
Jam 4:5 Ex 20:5, 34:14
Deut 4:24, 5:9, 6:15
1Pe 2:4 Luke 19:40
1 Peter 2:24 You have to live holy in order to be healed
2Pe 1:14 According to Christian tradition, Peter is said to have been crucified in Rome under
Emperor Nero Augustus Caesar. It is traditionally held that he was crucified upside down at
his own request, since he saw himself unworthy to be crucified in the same way as Jesus
Christ. (Wikipedia)
1Jo 4:13 2 cor 1:22
2 cor 5:5
1Jo 5:7 Hilighted words do not appear in early MS.
See also Matt 28:19
2 John 1:1 Kyria is the feminine of Kyrios, translated in the N.T. as Lord, referring to God the Father or
God the Son. It seems unlikely that the feminine would be referring to a woman. I believe
the elect lady is a church and her children are members of the church (See Amplified
introduction). Paul addresses his letters to churches. Her Sister may be a neighboring
Jude 1:5 (NASB 1 Corinthians 2:15
Strong's) But he who is spiritual appraises all things, yet he himself is appraised by no one.
Jud 1:6 1 Pet 3:19
2 Pet 2:4
Gen 6:1-4
Jud 1:7 Mat 10:15
15 Truly I say to you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the
day of judgment than for that city.
Mat 11:23-24
23 And you, Capernaum, will not be exalted to heaven, will you? You will descend to
Hades; for if the miracles had occurred in Sodom which occurred in you, it would have
remained to this day. 24 Nevertheless I say to you that it will be more tolerable for the
land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for you.”
Luk 10:12
12 I say to you, it will be more tolerable in that day for Sodom than for that city.
Jude 1:8 "These men" (v. 4)
Jud 1:9 NASBStr Because he was showing respect for angelic majesty (v. 8).
Jud 1:14 NASBStr (1 En 1:9 or 1 En 2:1 depending on the translation)
Rev 1:9 Fox book of martyrs says John was boiled in oil but lived.
Rev 1:18 Phil 2:10
Rev 2:7 1 Cor 2:14
Revelation 2:9 John 8:44
Rev 14:4 No, Dake, not men and women, just men.
Rev 21:8 NASBStr Lev 18:22
David Deu 17:17 king shall not multiply wives
1 Sam 25:42-43 David multiplied wives

Bathsheba 2 Sam 11
David had at least 3 wives
Why was she bathing on the rooftop?
Uriah was a Hittite. Abandoned his people & heathen gods to serve the God of Israel Deu
Serving front line combat veteran fighting for his adopted king and country.
One of David's 30 1 Chr 11:41
David's first sin: lust 1 Sam 11:2-3
David's second sin: adultery 1 Sam 11:4
David's third sin: lies. When Bathsheba turned up pregnant, David's scheme was to have
Uriah come home, lie with
his wife, then claim it was his baby. The baby would have been 3 months premature.
Uriah wouldn't cooperate 2 Sam 11:11.
David's fourth sin: murder 2 Sam 11:14
David confesses to Nathan, is forgiven but told the sword will never depart from his
house 2 Sam 12
The child dies

Amnon raped his half-sister Tamar 2 Sam 13:14. David should have had him executed Lev
Absolom killed Amnon
Absolom was killed trying to seize the kingdom 2 Sam 15

David numbers Israel 2 Sam 24

Praying out Loud How to keep the mind from wandering during prayer?
Pray out loud.
Physiologists tell us it's impossible to think about one thing and say something else.
James 3:3-4
Matt 21:21
Ps 46:2
Zech 4:7
Sin Scriptures
NT sins
NT one time

John Wesley said if we get the sanctification, we will get the love of God.

Sin - OT: Law

Sin is going against the Word of God.

1. If you're not born again, you are living under the old testament law (Genesis-
Deuteronomy). You are in violation of that law, therefore on your way to hell.

2. If you're born again, you're living under the new testament. You need to study that
carefully to be sure you're in compliance.
Prayer List Ask in His name: John 14:13-14; 15:16; 16:23
God cannot lie: Tit 1:2
Unbelief is sin: Heb 3:12
Devil is father of lies: John 8:44
Lord rebuke you Satin: Zechariah 3:2
Walk by faith: 2 Cor 5:7
Believe you have received: Mark 11:24
Prayer and thanksgiving: Phil 4:6

The Word
The family
Salvation john 6:44; 16:8
Holy Spirit
Change trust
Untitled Note
Mar 6:56 Nu 15:38-39
De 22:12
Luk 22:51 Matt 15:30-31 (Maimed)

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