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Bachelor of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University
of Tun Hussein Onn, Johore, Malaysia
Abstract— Pavement design in civil engineering disciplines uses engineering techniques to
design and maintain pavements in both flexible and rigid pavements. Proper maintenance is a
must for pavement even it is well designed in order to prevent problems in a future like distress
happened. Sometimes even road repair had been done, but due to drainage system that not
efficient had led to damage pavement structure. The study on pavement distress must be done
in order to know the condition or any severity of the pavement condition. In particular, these
studies present pavement distress study majorly and also other road damage study on damaging
effects of dynamic axle loads and non-pragmatic data collection in several countries in the
world including Malaysia, Indonesia, India and Pakistan.
I. INTRODUCTION peatland especially Palangka Raya.
According to them, peatland is not suitable
to constructing road above of it. Although
Pavement design in civil engineering
road repair had been done but the damage is
disciplines uses engineering techniques to
almost still occurred. This was due to the
design and maintain pavements in both
rain that falls on the surfaces of road
flexible and rigid pavements. Proper
pavement does not flow into the drainage
maintenance is a must for pavement even it
channel in the vicinity due to channels lead
is well designed in order to prevent
to water flooded the edge of the road and
problems in a future like distress happened.
entrance through the cracks. Pavement
This paper is a review paper on road
failure in Palangka Raya happened because
damage particularly pavement distress
of several factors such water problems,
globally and also review about damaging
traffic, the condition of the subgrade,
effects of dynamic axle loads and also non-
climate, the material is not good and
pragmatic data collection for road.
problem of compaction. The study located
at Bukit Kemunting street at Palangka Raya
II. LITERATURE REVIEW city, central Kalimantan, Indonesia with
road length 3500m and width 8m. The
condition of peatland represents damaged
Fatma et. al (2015) worked to road on peatland. Researchers were done
investigated a study about types of road data collection method by quantitative in
pavement damage for road on peatland, a site & secondary data of soil from several
study case in Palangka Raya, central researchers. By traffic observation done,
Kalimantan, Indonesia. Study aimed to they found that overloading of load vehicles
classified type of pavement for road on also contribute to road damage. The finding
by the researcher based on data collected on followed by ravelling and edge failure and
Jalan Bukit Kemunting by observation in for all value of that distress is in maximum
field of measurement and visual of limit. Other important issues found by them
damaged in Palangka Raya are depressions, is that the most needed treatment for the
hair cracks, edge cracks, ravelling, alligator road is overlay, patching and shoulder
cracks, potholes. Although road report was improvement. It also having problem from
done but damage still occur due to rain that site drainage that were not maintained,
falls on surface of road pavement does not cleaned and not even absent certain places
flow into the drainage channel in the of NH 52A. The study was done at National
vicinity due to the elevation of the road and Highway 52A (NH-52A) starts from
the land next to the road that do not allow Bandardewa Arunachal Pradesh and ends at
rainwater to flow into drainage channels Gohpur Assam and the highway is in 57 km
lead to water flooded the edge of the road long. The method used are visual
and entrance through the cracks are inspection/investigation of the different
beginning to occur and the more severe pavement distress found at NH52 A from
because it is not addressed immediately. It Nirjuli to Itanagar. Measurement were
was also found that the factors causing made for length, size and depth of distresses
damaged are environmental conditions found in highway. They divided total study
around such local factors concerning the into 3 days which is each day
state of the pitch and climatic influences the approximately 7 km of survey pavement
state of load carrying capacity of the land distress done at 50 important locations after
and lastly due to weather condition there. divide selected length (20 km) of highway
The author suggested to design road that into 400 m stretch interval. Photographs of
consider the factors that affect the road study done on NH 52 A. The study found
damage and to consider the factors that that most commonly found pavement
affect the road damages and overloading of distress were potholes, alligator cracks
vehicles. They also found that type of followed by ravelling and edge failure. The
damages can be major 3 types of damaged average depth of pot holes found in NH-
such as a) type of cracks; b) type of 52A is 90-100 mm deep and the deepest
disintegration, dominated by potholes, this potholes found being 300 mm. Other than
one is began in the form of ravelling; and c) that, they also observed bleeding absent
type of depression, it is beginning with the along highway shows binder content is very
deformation. The author also claimed that much below the required amount. Stripping
several maintenance project has been done present also because of heavy rainfall and
to improve the road condition. implementation of poor mix design of
bituminous mix. Poor or even absent
Neero, Thangmuansang and
drainage caused stripping in some spots
Nungleppam (2013) through their research
causing deep holes and large edge cracks.
paper studied about pavement distress on
The researchers recommended immediate
20 km length NH-52A starting from Nirjuli
repair and maintenance is required either
to Itanagar by visual inspection due to
overlay or resurfacing and they also
limited facilities present in Department of
suggested before implementation in field,
Civil Engineering NERIST. 50 important
simultaneously mix design of selected mix
locations of 400 intervals in the highway
should be analysed at the laboratory if
were selected. From observation, author
possible. Lastly, all materials should be up
found that the pavement distress present in
the highway are potholes, alligator cracks
to the standard recommended by the station. The research by them done by
MoRTH. making observation on service station
underlain the expensive clay in the
Khan (2013) conducted a study
Metropolitan Houstan Area. The purposed
on a road by light of a survey where located
of study conducted by them were to (a)
at a section of GT Road from Taxila to
evaluate the possible cause(s) of pavement
Gujar Khan (north N-5. Light surveyed
distress, and (b) recommend repair
made on the road and the distresses found
techniques that would minimize distress of
had discussed. Researches done this study
the pavement. The problem statement on
carried out by Group in three steps. The first
their research is about Texaco Service
step is the literature study for having
Station located in the Metropolitan Houstan
information about Flexible Pavement
Area has experienced pavement distress
Distress section and classification was
problem that caused in joint spalling and
carried out. Step 2 involving different
cracking within the concrete paving. They
repost giving details of flexible pavement
also claimed that primary causes of the
distresses commonly observed on roads
pavement distress at the project site include
were studied. Seventeen number distresses
1) Misuse of the pavement structure at the
causes of their development and best
5- and 6-inch concrete areas, (2) Subsurface
possible remedies for their healing have
drainage inadequacies, high perched water
been studied. Step 3 a 70 km long stretch of
table at several areas, (3) excessive amount
GT Road (N-05, from Gujar Khan to Taxila
of expansion joints and poor joint sealed
Bypass) was visited by the team and the
condition. (4) The presence of sand and
road stretches exhibiting these distresses
clay mix in the fill soils, and (5) Insufficient
along-with road location, road geometry,
pavement thickness. They went to site visit
climate of this area and linear plan of the
in three categories which are a)
road. The selected road portion passes
Observations of the Problematic Areas, (b)
through Rawalpindi and Islamabad which
Pavement Condition Evaluating and (c)
have a typical version of humid subtropical
Concrete Pavement Joint Survey. Method
climate, with hot summers accompanied by
done by them is by conducting site visits,
a monsoon season followed by fairly cold
performing a traffic study, performing non-
winters. From the study, the team found
destructive tests (rebar location evaluation)
that road was found to be constructed in
and destructive tests, coring, drilling,
different times because some stretches
sampling testing of the concrete and
which are very old, are in very poor
subgrade soils in the paving area. The
condition. They presented distresses
findings of this research from site visits
observed that were visible on the road
found start with observation of the
surfaces by photograph. Example of
Problematic Areas showed that concrete
pavement distress found were fatigue
paving at Area II (7-inch thick concrete)
(alligator) cracking, bleeding, block
indicate an expansion joint with missing
cracking, depression, joint reflection
joint sealant and deteriorated wooden insert
cracking, longitudinal cracking, patching,
located to the southeast of the RV service
polished aggregate, potholes and ravelling,
islands. Next, pavement condition
slippage cracking, stripping and transverse
Evaluating a lot of pavement distress type
thermal cracking.
present at site location such as crazing,
Hsienjen and David had done case settling, faulting joint and etc. From
study of the pavement distress at a service concrete pavement joint survey, two
different concrete joints at the project site distressed selected stretches of pavement in
were identified which are expansion and Hyberabad. Because proven to be labour
control joints. Site reconnaissance extensive and very time consuming, they
conducted by them found two different used Rolling Straight Edge that fabricated
concrete joints at the project site which which can quickly be accessing the surface
were expansion and control joints. condition of a road or a particular pavement
According to researchers, its indicated there surface irregularity. Indices of PCI and SD
are a lot of expansion joints being used in values are correlated and the relationship
the project and they recommended designer can be used to determine road roughness
to be cautioned of expansion joints in values and can used to track the
project area because it should be kept to the performance of pavement and the rate of the
absolute minimum necessary to prevent changes in deterioration over a period of
excessive stress in or distortion of the time. According to them, commonly known
pavement. Deteriorate joint inserts or poor- causes of distress and failures in rigid
maintained joint sealing were cause water pavement are temperature variation across
seeping into the subgrade materials and the depth of the slab, moisture changes in
results in fines loss under the concrete supporting granular layers, traffic induced
pavement. Next, from field explorations, stress, poor quality of material and
researchers found that subgrade soil construction defects. This research
consists of soft to very stiff, non to conducted at 18m sections are considered
moderately expansive fill lean clays, or for inspection. The concept of PCI method
mixture of lean clay and sand fill materials is the same but only minor variation. The
from the surface to the depth 3-4 ft. From Portland cement concrete pavement which
the study, researchers found that the reasons is selected is divided into 6slabs/ section
for pavement distress happened are due to along the road way. The statistical analysis
structure misuse (overloading), inadequate is also done for the selected two roads and
design, improper construction practise, the average of the PCI values and standard
using the wrong or inappropriate materials deviation values and covariance value
in construction, poor drainage at some related to the two different roads and found
locations around the parking lot and for flexible PCI value are 0.729 and 0.702
driveways were observed during the site and RMSE value is 0.718. For rigid, they
visits. The author recommended repair found the value for PCI is 0.719 and 0.643
techniques by improving the drainage and for RMSE is 0.731. Lastly, they
system, increase the pavement thickness, concluded that PCI value for Karwan road
resealing joints, sealing cracks, repairing is 50, therefore according to PCI rating
spalled joints and correcting faulted joints. index and form the graph 5.2 the Karwan
road condition is ‘POOR’ the maintenance
Mohammed and Srinivasa (2016)
are surface treatment and seal premix
studied on pavement distress road condition
carpet. For Ramanthapur is satisfactory and
evaluating using rolling straight edge. The
they recommended surface treatment, for
research by them aimed to develop an
sealing and chip seal. Lastly, for Osmania
effective method to evaluate asphalt
University they found fair and
concrete and cement concrete pavement
recommended for surface treatment and
distress in Hyberabad by using Pavement
slurry seal and premix carpet.
Condition Index (PCI) together with rolling
straight edge. ASTM D6433-2007 used as Sharad and A.K Gupta (2015), were
for evaluating type and severity of surface studied on pavement deterioration and its
causes. Their research aimed to evaluate undulating profiles along longitudinal road
possible causes of pavement distress and to profiles, even under long-term constant
recommend remedies to minimize distress soaking conditions. The repair approach for
of the pavement. Their paper was described damaged roads in soft grounds using cold
lessons learnt from pavement failures and in-situ chemical soil stabilization re-cycling
problems experienced during the last few process is used successfully in Perak PWD,
years on a number of projects in India. Malaysia. The damaged road surface is
According to them, application of ‘milled; so as to expose the underlying road
correcting in the existing surface will base material to be strengthened. The
enhance the life of maintenance works and method used was polymer modified
also straightening layer. Three parameter cementitious chemical binder applied into
they have done are unevenness index, the road base and using a stabilizing
pavement cracking and rutting are chemical binder in powder form unto the
considered while other distress have been exposed road base and using a stabilizing
omitted while for preservation which will machine to mix the chemical admixture.
help in enhancing the life and delaying of The research done used chemical soil
its failure. From the research, they found stabilization to add and mix chemical
that types of pavement deterioration have admixtures into the soil bind up the fines
four major categories of common asphalt into granular so as improve and maintain its
pavement surface distress such as cracking material strength/ bearing capacities, even
(fatigue, longitudinal, transverse) surface under long term soaking conditions. They
deformation, disintegration (potholes) and done 3 case studied at three different
surface defects (bleeding). Lastly, they locations in Perak. First case study done at
concluded the causes of pavement Jalan Alor Pingsu, Kerian, Perak, Malaysia
deterioration. Among of that is sudden as newly completed road where one lane is
increase in traffic loading especially on new closed for construction while contra traffic
roads with lesser traffic can cracking, flow is channelled into other lane with no
because of temperature factor in the plain disruption to on-going traffic flow. The
areas of North and Central India leads to construction process done by milling off
bleeding and cracking, provision of poor existing damaged road tarmac to expose
shoulders leads to edge failures, provision underlying crusher run road base. Second
of poor clayey subgrade results in case study was done at Jalan Trans Perak
corrugation at the surface and increase in Malaysia. The road condition occurred
unevenness, poor drainage conditions settlement between ‘old and new; road
especially during rainy seasons and last sections. Road base strengthening in the
causes was because if the temperature of ‘new’ road section was completed in two
bitumen/bituminous mixes is not (2) working days in November 2013 and
maintained properly, then is also leads to recycling the exposed underlying 300 mm
pavement failure. thick crusher run. Third case study done at
Jalan Sungai Tiang (A123), Teluk Intan,
Safry (2014) conducted a quick
Perak, Malaysia. A new layer of 300 mm
repair approach to damaged roads in west
thick crusher run was placed on top of the
Malaysia. They studied in paper illustrates
damaged over stretch of road measuring
a quick road repair technique of
400 mL x 8mW. Fouth case study done at
strengthening damaged road structure by
Jalan Tanjong Piandang, Perit Buntar,
in-situ environments; delivering quality
Perak and it was a busy road located at
pavements, eliminating bumpy rides due to
granaries with irrigation canals. Road base cut and patch, replace bituminous
strengthening on 300 mm thick crusher run surfacing, reconstruction of joints, crushed
was carried out over a stretch of road aggregate overlay or reconstruction of
measuring 400mL x 8mW. From the case joints. For potholes treatment are patching
study, they concluded that underlying road and lastly they recommended for rutting
base materials in a damaged road can be re- treatment are strengthening overlay or
cycled, re-use and strengthened with reconstruction.
chemical soil stabilization thus reducing
Nasreedeen, Alsnose and Roslan
construction waste.
(2016) carried out a study on non-pragmatic
Jagdish, Zala and Amin (2016) data collection for road to residential estate
performed a case study of Kota Anta- road and the statistical analysis choice. The
Rajasthan on survey of pavement distress study conducted by them uses observation
involving 40 km length with 200 m interval method to gather information. The research
of NH-27 starting from Kota to Anta. From done based on Malaysia (JKR U2 and U3)
their finding, they observed most common roads, in particularly in Ampang. The
out survey of pavement distress present issues on this study is engaged with
were pot holes, cracks, patch and rutting Malaysian authorities rely on user
that in maximum limit. They claimed that complaints before taking action on
side drainages at site location were not corrective maintenance measure, a reliable
maintained and at last they recommended Road Maintenance Complaint System
on treatment for distresses on overlay, (RMCS). They are several methods in this
patching. They carried studied at Kota-Anta study that they used for example research
Toll road along the National Highway- 27 design for collection data and theory
of 40 km. Total study done in 5 days and consequences of data analysis. Next they
they carried out survey on visual used observation method, documenting
inspection/investigation of different observations: Field notes, Scale
pavement distresses found in NH-27 and Measurement Method, Theoritical
for each distresses length, size and depth Framework and Model, Approach of
were measured. From the survey, they done Testing for Mediating Variables, Statistical
analysis and found that reason for pavement analysis, research focus, limitations,
distresses along Highway and flexible hypothesis, outcomes, value of the study.
pavement is resultant of poor Lastly the contribution study for their
implementation of mix design and research are use of scale measurement
workmanship followed by lack of timely method, identification and quantification of
maintenance. They found that side new variable, how the road damage data
drainages NH-27 was actually not should becollected/arrange, afficient
maintained, cleaned and not absent in some parameter estimates and the statistics
places. They were observed that most of the method to be used for Nonparametric Data.
cracks present they were alligator crack,
D.Cebon performed study on road
longitudinal crack and rutting and all in
damaging effects of dynamic axle loads.
maximum limit. In the end, they
The study was about a method for
recommended treatments for each
performing the calculation of transient
distresses such as repairing alligator crack
stresses and strains in road structure during
treatment are strengthening the pavement or
the passage of a vehicle. They studied
reconstruction and etc. For longitudinal
wheel forces that generated by the linked
crack they recommended in treatment are
tandem axles of a semi-trailer are and the Statistical Analysis Choice”
stimulated and examinations made of the (2016)
effects of vehicle speed and road roughness
on road damage. The findings indicated that [2] Sharad. S. Adlinge and Prof.A.K
for vehicles operating on stationary random Gupta. “Pavement Deterioration
road surfaces typical of highways, road and its Causes” Journal of
surface damage generally increases steadily Mechanical & Civil Engineering,
with speed. Furthermore, there exist certain (2015)
speeds at which pitch coupling between
[3] Khan. K.M., Riaz. K., Ahmad. N.,
axles results axles results in a significant
Ahmed. I., Ali. F., Ahmed. S “Study
increase in the damage incurred at
particular points along the road. They of Flexible Pavement Distresses on
concluded that the dynamic component of a Section of GT Road, Pakistan’,
wheel forces may reduce significantly the International Journal of Scientific &
service lives of road surfaces which are Engineering Research, Volume 4,
prone to fatigue failure. Particularly, the Issue 6 June 2013
damage done to approximately five percent
[4] Mohammed Ibrahim, Prof. R.
of the road surface area during the passage
Sriniva Kumar “Pavement Distress
of a vehicle at typical highway speeds may
be increased by as much as a factor of four. Condition Evaluation Using Rolling
Straight Edge” 3rd International
Conference on Recent innovations
III. CONCLUSION in Science Engineering and
Management (Feb 2017)

Pavement distress happened globally in any [5] Fatma Sarie, Mohammad Bisri,
road pavement and most of the crack AChmad Wicaksono and Rustam
present are alligator, crocodile and etc. Effendi. “Types of Road Pavement
Other than that, most of the reason that the Damage for Road on Peatland, A
distress present or occurred was because of Study Case in Palangka Raya,
many factors and any recommended Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.
solutions by the researchers should be IOSR Journal of Environmental
implement to reduce this problem. This Science, Toxicology and Food
paper also discussed on road damaging Technology (IOSR-JESTFT):
effects of dynamic axle loads and non- 2319-2402, p-ISSN: 2319-2399.
pragmatic data collection for road. Volume 9, Issue 12 Ver. III (Dec
2015), PP 53-59
[6] Toh Paduka Setia Dato’ Ir. Dr. safry
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