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Before starting please check the following:

 Punctuation and capitalization (Puntuación y uso de

mayúsculas y minúsculas)
 Spelling (escritura)
 Spaces (don't add any unnecessary spaces) (no agregues
espacios innecesarios)
Such mistakes would cost you valuable points. Good luck! (Esos
errores te costaran puntos valiosos. ¡Buena suerte!)
Question 1
Fill in the spaces with am, is, or are.

 1. I happy. 12. We from Canada.

2. She tall. 13. Susan tall.

3. We students. 14. Ana and

Andrew very young.
4. They Japanese.
15. The books on the
5. It hot. table.

6. Donald a doctor. 16. My mother a

7. He short.
17. The dogs tired.
8. I from India.
18. I American.
9. The boy hungry.
19. 4 pencils broken.
10. We sleepy. 20. My parents from
11. I a student.
Question 2
Exercise on Form with 'be'
Write down the missing sentences.
affirmative negative question
I I am hungry.

you You are Sam.

he He is not here.

she Is she loud?

it It is okay.

we Are we fine?

you You are not friendly.

they Are they happy?

Question 3
Fill in the blanks with the right subject / personal pronouns (I, you,
he, she, it, we, and they):
1. Angelina Jolie is American. isn't French.
2. Brad Pitt is American, too. isn't German.
3. Brad and Angelina aren't French. are American.
4. My friend and I are high school students. aren't primary
school students.
5. The Statue of Liberty is in New York. isn't in Washington.
Question 4
Write the correct answer (negative or affirmative form of to be):
1. Is Julia Robert French? No, she French.
2. What about Robert de Nero? Is he an American actor? Yes,
he .
3. Are New York and Los Angeles Spanish Cities? No,
they Spanish cities.
4. Is Big Ben in Paris? No, it in Paris.
5. Is Mount Everest in Africa? No, it in Africa. It is in

Question 5
Write the correct form of verb to be in the blank spaces.
Peter Baker from Manchester, but Paul and John from
London. Manchester and London cities in England.
Hamburg a city in Germany. Sandra at school today. Jack and
Peter her friends. They in the same class. Mr and Mrs
Baker on a trip to the USA to visit their cousin Anne. She a
nice girl. Peter says: "My grandfather in hospital. I at home
with my grandmother." What time it? It 8 o'clock. you
tired? No, I not.
Question 6
Fill the gaps with the correct place prepositions. (In, On, At)
1. We live London.
2. No, thanks. I was the cinema yesterday.
3. my wall, there are many picture postcards.
4. Who is the person this picture?
5. He's swimming the river.
6. Where's Julie? She's school.
7. The plant is the table.
8. There is a spider the bath.
9. Please put those apples the bowl.
10. Frank is holiday for three weeks.
11. There are two pockets this bag.
12. I read the story the newspaper.
13. The cat is sitting the chair.
14. Lucy was standing the bus stop.
15. I'll meet you the cinema.
16. She hung a picture the wall.
17. John is the garden.
18. I stayed home all weekend.
Question 7
Complete the exercise according to the picture.
1. the picture, I can see Santa Claus and a girl.
2. Santa is sitting a chair.
3. Santa and the girl are looking each other.
4. Santa's big bag is lying the floor.
Question 8

Fill the blank space with the correct demonstrative

1. Look at newspaper here.

2. are my grandparents, and people over there are my
friend's grandparents.
3. building over there is the Chrysler Building.
4. is my mobile phone and is your mobile phone on the
shelf over there.
5. photos here are much better than photos on the book.
6. was a great evening.
7. Are your pencils here?
8. bottle over there is empty.
9. bricks over there are for your chimney.
10. John, take folder and put it on the desk over there.

Question 9
Change to "These" or "Those"
Change from singular to plural

1. That is an elephant >> are elephants

2. This is a book >> are books
3. That is a tiger >> are tigers
4. That is a pencil > are pencils
5. This is a carrot >> are carrots
6. This is a pen >> are pens
7. That is a boy >> are boys
8. This is a box >> are boxes
9. That is a girl >> are girls
10. That is an orange >> are oranges

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