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Nephrol Dial Transplant (2001) 16: 2250–2252

Case Report

Severe hyponatraemia and hypouricaemia in Gitelman’s syndrome

Hans Schepkens1, Joris Stubbe2, Heidi Hoeben1, Raymond Vanholder1 and Norbert Lameire1

Department of Internal Medicine, Renal Division and 2Division of Gastroenterology, University Hospital Gent, Belgium

Keywords: Gitelman’s syndrome; hypomagnesaemia; excretion (FE) of chloride (1.6%, normal 0.6–0.8%),
hyponatraemia; hypouricaemia; syndrome of inapro- hypocalciuria (7.2 mgu24 h), inappropriate kaliuresis
priate ADH release (SIADH); thiazides (FE Kqs26%) and renal magnesium-wasting despite
hypomagnesaemia (FE Mg2qs8.1%, normal 3–5%).
Arterial blood gas analysis showed a pH of 7.50 and a
plasma HCO3 of 30 mmolul. These findings together
Introduction with his psychiatric history oriented to surreptitious
diuretic ingestion, and he was considered as a covert
Gitelman’s syndrome (GS) is a variant of classical diuretic abuser during recent years. In 1996, his
Bartter’s syndrome (BS) in adults characterized by genomic DNA was screened for mutations at Yale
hypokalaemic metabolic alkalosis, hypocalciuria (daily University, and two base pair substitutions in the
excretion -2.0 mgukg body weight), hypomagnes- SLC12A3 gene compatible with GS were revealed. A
aemia (-1.5 mgudl), together with a normal to low treatment with amiloride, potassium and magnesium
blood pressure w1x. In 1996, Simon et al. w2x reported supplements was instituted.
complete linkage between the syndrome and the In 1999, he was readmitted to the hospital with a
thiazide-sensitive sodium chloride coporter (TSC) 5-day history of headache, vomiting, progressive
on chromosome 16q13 (Human Gene Mapping confusion and restlessness. His observers noted that
Workshop-approved symbol: SLCA3). Other meta- he had been drinking excessive amounts of fluids and
bolic features of GS include normonatraemia, hyper- smoking 2–3 packs of cigarettes daily. On admission,
uricaemia, normocalcaemia, increased plasma renin he was disoriented with psychotic features. Arterial
and aldosteroneupotassium ratio, and inappropriately blood pressure was 135u70 mmHg. Focal neurologic
high renal potassium, magnesium and chloride excre- deficits were absent; his extremities were free from
tion w3,4x. In this paper, we describe two affected oedema, and the rest of the physical examination was
patients who developed severe hyponatraemia and also unremarkable. Blood and urine analysis revealed
hypouricaemia. To the best of our knowledge, this a serum sodium of 119 mmolul, serum osmolality
complication has not been described previously. of 237 mOsmukg, serum uric acid concentration of
2.28 mgudl, serum magnesium of 1.31 mgudl, potas-
sium of 2.18 mmolul, together with inappropriately
Case 1 high urine osmolality (243 mOsmukg) and urinary
sodium concentration (54 mmolul). The patient was
In 1984, a 27-year-old man diagnosed with a psycho- placed on fluid restriction (1 l daily), peroral electro-
affective disorder and benzodiazepine addiction lyte supplementations were reinstituted and he was
complained of muscle weakness, tremor and muscular started on fluphenazine decanoate injections and
cramps. Routine biochemical analysis showed a serum peroral haloperidol. Despite this therapeutic regimen,
potassium of 2.42 mmolul and a serum magnesium of body weight was not reduced, the urinary osmolality
1.42 mgudl, together with hyperaldosteronism (31 ngudl, remained inappropriately high (300 mOsmukg) and
normal 2–20 ngudl) and high plasma renin acitvity hyponatraemia (range 120–124 mmolul) persisted
(22 ngumluh, normal 0.3–3.0 ngumluh). Twenty-four- during the first 3 days after admission. The anti-
hour urinary collection showed a high fractional psychotic therapy became maximally effective 7 days
after admission and was followed by free-water
diuresis (124 mOsmukg), cessation of excessive drink-
Correspondence and offprint requests to: Hans Schepkens, Dienst
ing, a 4-kg body weight reduction and normalization
Nierziekten, Universitair Ziekenhuis, De Pintelaan 185, B-9000 of serum sodium to 137 mmolul and serum uric acid to
Gent, Belgium. Email: 4.96 mgudl.

# 2001 European Renal Association–European Dialysis and Transplant Association

Hyponatraemia and hypouricaemia in Gitelman’s syndrome 2251

Case 2 implicated. Thiazide diuretics may predispose to

hyponatraemia through several mechanisms including
A 50-year-old male was evaluated at the age of 18 for renal sodium wasting, hypovolaemia-induced vaso-
persistent hypokalaemia (range 2.2–2.6 mmolul) and pressin (ADH) release, increased thirst and water
hypomagnesaemia (range 1.0–1.25 mgudl), accompan- intake, hypomagnesaemia and intracellular potassium
ied by episodes of muscular weakness and cramps in depletion, and lack of interference with renal concen-
the calves provoked by physical exertion. There was no trating mechanisms w5x. In addition, the direct stimula-
history of diarrhoea, vomiting, polyuria or polydipsia. tion of water reabsorption in the distal nephron has
His somatic growth was normal and his blood pressure been shown. This effect appears to act independently
was 115u70 mmHg. Despite marked hypocalciuria from the inhibition of TSC, and is blocked by the
(15 mgu24 h), he was diagnosed as having classical addition of prostaglandin (PG) E2 but potentiated by
BS and a treatment with potassium chloride, magnes- indomethacine w6x. Thiazides evoke a net decrease of
ium lactate, spironolactone, and indomethacine was urine flow with lowering of urine volumes, and play
instituted. an important role in the treatment of diabetes
In 1998, he was admitted to the emergency room insipidus. The phenotype of GS is identical to the
with a 2-month history of weight loss, abdominal chronic use of thiazides, whereas classical BS is
discomfort, progressive jaundice, vomiting, postural mimicked by the intake of loop diuretics w2x. Urinary
dizziness and unsteady gait. He appeared severely diluting capacity is disturbed in GS, but concentrating
dehydrated with dry mucous membranes and sunken mechanisms are intact since, in contrast to BS, the
eyeballs. The blood pressure was 95u60 mmHg but generation of a hypertonic medullary interstitium is
decreased to 70u50 mmHg when standing upright. well preserved and the action of ADH is not
Physical examination revealed scleral icterus, a palp- antagonized by urinary PG E2 w7x. It therefore seems
able gallbladder, muscular weakness but no neurologic paradoxical that hyponatraemia is frequent in BS but
deficits. Laboratory evaluation showed a serum rare in GS w3x. However, salt loss and volume depletion
sodium concentration of 116 mmolul, serum potassium are more pronounced in BS, reflecting the larger
of 1.95 mmolul, serum magnesium of 1.32 mgudl, amounts of sodium chloride absorbed in the ascending
serum uric acid of 0.68 mgudl, and serum phosphate loop of Henle under normal conditions. In addition,
level of 2.1 mgudl. The total serum bilirubin level mutant alleles result in persistent and severe salt-
was 21 mgudl whereas the rest of the liver function wasting which may explain the predominant effects
tests were compatible with biliary obstruction. Urin- of sodium depletion and the higher likelihood for
alysis showed inappropriately high urine osmolality hyponatraemia in BS.
(621 mOsmukg) and high renal sodium (150 mmolul) Both patients developed hyponatraemia, hypouric-
and phosphate excretion (FE PO4s48%, normal aemia, inappropriately high urine osmolality and
10–18%). He was treated with 4 l isotonic saline over urinary sodium concentration, which are the hall-
the first 24 h which resulted in an increase of serum marks of the syndrome of inapropriate ADH release
sodium to 124 mmolul and a rise of central venous (SIADH). Fichman et al. w8x observed that the majority
pressure from 1 to q3 cm H2O. Abdominal ultra- of patients with thiazide-induced hyponatraemia
sound and CT scanning showed an unresectable exhibit classical features of SIADH by presenting
carcinoma in the head of the pancreas. The diagnosis with low serum uric acid levels. Fluid restriction
of SIADH was considered and fluid restriction was normalizes serum sodium and corrects the initially
instituted. On this regimen, he lost 4.1 kg in 7 days and increased fractional uric acid clearance, which suggests
deteriorated clinically with reoccurrence of lethargy that an impairment of free water excretion leading to
and orthostatism. The serum sodium finally corrected volume expansion is a primary event in most cases
to 137 mmolul but serum uric acid remained low of thiazide-induced hyponatraemia w9x. An analogous
(1.1 mgudl). An attempt for endoscopic stenting was alteration of uric acid excretion that resembles SIADH
unsuccessful and a cholecysto-jejunostomy was per- has been described in the polydipsia-hyponatraemia
formed as a palliative measure. The serum bilirubin syndrome w10x. Furthermore, several case reports
level decreased progressively, uric acid values rose to documented that thiazides may trigger and aggravate
3.9 mgudl, and phosphate excretion returned to the hyponatraemia in compulsive water drinkers w11x. In
normal range (640 mgu24 h, FE PO4s16% ). At that case 1, the combination of polydipsia and impaired
time, the patient was clinically euvolaemic and a urinary diluting capacity caused by GS, was respons-
random ADH determination revealed an appropriately ible for initial water retention, volume expansion,
suppressed value of 0.8 pguml for a plasma osmolality weight gain and SIADH-like biochemical features.
of 277 mOsmukg H2O. Water restriction resulted in weight reduction and
the parallel correction of hyponatraemia and hypo-
uricaemia. It is of note that the urinary diluting mech-
anisms (243 mOsmukg H2O) were more compromised
Discussion than expected in GS (85 mOsmukg H2O) since
ADH secretion at admission was inappropriately high
Hyponatraemia is a well-recognized complication (3.9 pguml, normal 1.0–8.0 pguml). In this context, the
of diuretics whereby thiazides are most frequently possibility that heavy cigarette smoking anduor acute
2252 Schepkens et al.

psychosis per se acted as potent stimuli for ADH probably because they achieve a balance between water
release must be considered. intake and free water excretion under normal circum-
The clinical picture was obviously different in case 2. stances, the propensity is theoretically present if fluid
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Received for publication: 2.12.00

Accepted in revised form: 11.5.01

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