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CAFA Lecture Series 2018

conservation of unreinforced adobe masonry walls

Malate catholic church

speaker: noah pascua gutierrez


early 2010

a large piece of adobe stone (20 kgs) broke off and fell from 8 meters on the side
of the church

Biological growth from cracks from cemHI

Stewardship 3 ts
time talent treasure

5-5-5 march of the thousands

5 year program to restor malate church
(Annual Benefit dinner) to raise funds

consultation with experts

architects engineers

round table discussion

experts from nhcp ncca san sebastian pamana and escuella taller

gawad ccp para sa sining highest award given by ccp


second part

escuella taller is a program by government of spain through agencia espanola de

cooperacion international para el desarollo

the workshops
painting and finishing
and plumbing

consultancy services
documentation and building survey
preparation of conservation management plan
supervision and monitoring of conservation works

conservation process
1 investigate and document
2 study and analyze (building materials and fabric & condition study)
3 recommend solutions
adobe the basic building material

is porous material
when used in bldg it will absorb water from every possible contact

the adobe cant breathe because of the cement plaster moisture that is trapped
inside causes stone deterioration

lime plastering had been very common in the spanish colonial period. this protected
rhe stones from deterioration due to exposure to the elements

lime plus sand (apog and buhangin) 1part lime 3 parts sand

the stones are weakend as a consequence to exposure to the elements especially at

decorative mouldings.stone carvings that have been worn away

build up using bricks or crushed adobe

this made it necessary to produce replacement stones

vegetation that grew in time poses a danger to the parishioners by slowly eroding
the wall as its roots make cracks on the stone material

dark stains from a combination of dirt soot dried moss and lichens

cutting of branches
biocide treatment

clean with pure water
hose with nozzle with sufficient pressure
brush with sof bristles/ nylon bristles

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