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Durham Public Schools Board of Education – January 12, 2018

Combined Operational Services and Academic Services Work Session Highlights

from January 11, 2018
The Durham Public Schools Board of Education met at 4:32 p.m. on Thursday, January 11, 2018, and
considered an agenda that included the following highlights:

The agenda was amended and approved as follows:
• Item 8d, Construction & Capital Planning Change Order Reports was moved under the Consent Item
topic to 6b.
• Item 8f, Forest View Elementary School Modular Building was moved to 6.1.
• Item 8e, Lighting Upgrades Installation-Integrity Services – Change Order 3 moved to 8d.

General Public Comment:

There was one person signed up for General Public Comment.

6. Consent Items:
a. School Nutrition Services Policies -6200 Series – 2nd Reading – Approved
b. Construction & Capital Planning Change Orders – Approved

6.1. Forest View Elementary School Modular Building:

A motion was made to provide the staff the opportunity to continue the designing and planning of the modular
complex at Forest View Elementary School. The motion was seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

7. Academic Services Reports:

a. Impact of House Bill 13 on Elementary Magnet Seats – Information/Discussion
b. New Teacher Support for State – Identified Low Performing Schools – Approved

8. Operational Services Reports:

a. Teacher Contracts 2018-19 – Tabled until the next Board Meeting
b. FY 2018-19 Budget Update – Information/Discussion
c. K-3 Class Size Implementation - Information/Discussion
d. Lighting Upgrades Installation – Integrity Services – Change Order 3 – Approved

To learn more about the reports presented, please visit our website under Board of Education Meetings and

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Next Operational Services and Policy Work Session:
The next Operational Services and Policy Work Session of the Durham Public Schools Board of
Education is Thursday, February 8, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. in Room 307, 511 Cleveland Street, Durham, NC,

To view all approved DPS Board of Education Meeting Minutes, please visit our website at

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