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Sag & Tension

Prepared by
Mr Chatchawan Chalermwattanachai

Email : Chatchawan.c@egat.c Tel : 02

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Why do we calculate sag and tension ?

Sag and tension are calculated to have three basic principles :

¾ Safety
¾ Reliability
¾ Economy

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Influence on Sag and Tension
¾ Conductor behavior •Weight of conductor
• Creep
¾ Additional Loads

¾ Change in Temperature
¾ Short circuit Force
¾ Span Length

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¾ Conductor behavior
Ü Weight of conductor
Ü Creep
¾ Additional Loads
Ü Iced or snow
Ü Wind

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¾ Change
g in Temperature
Ü Ambient
Ü Load flow
Ü Fault current
¾ Short circuit force

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Conductor stringing type
¾ Level Span

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¾ Inclined Span

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Calculation Method
The calculation has two methods that comprises
1. Catenary method
This method is used for span length more than 500 metres
2. Parabola method
This method is used for span length less than 500 metres

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

F body
Free b d di
diagram off LLevell span
y-axis T
Ty B
L Tx
O x-axis
x1 x2


Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

The shape of the conductor that is strung on support (A and B) is a function
of the conductor weight per unit length ,wc , the horizontal component of
tension H,
tension, H the span length
length, SS, and the conductor sag,
sag D.

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Which :
w = Conductor weight per unit length [kg/m]
T = Conductor
C d t ttension
i [kg]
[k ]
H = Horizontal component of tension [kg]
L = Actual conductor length [m]
D = Conductor sag [m]
X1,X2 = Distance along X-axis (X-Y Coordinate) [m]
S = Span length [m]

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Catenary Method Parabola Method

H⎛ wS ⎞ D=
wS 2
= Sag
D = ⎜ cosh −1⎟ = Sag
w⎝ 2H ⎠ 8H
2H wS ⎛ (wS )2 ⎞
L= sinh L = S ⎜⎜1 + ⎟
2 ⎟
w 2H ⎝ 24H ⎠
wS ⎛ (wS )2 ⎞
T = H cosh = H + wD T = H ⎜⎜1 + ⎟ = H + wD
2H 2 ⎟
⎝ 8H ⎠

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Free body diagram of Inclined span

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Whichh :
y1 = Short support height [m]
y2 = Tall support height [m]
x1 = Distance between short support
pp and lowest ppoint of conductor [m]
x2 = Distance between tall support and lowest point of conductor [m]
h = Height difference between conductor support [m]
L1 = Actual conductor length of x1 side [m]
L2 = Actual conductor length of x2 side [m]

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

S = x1 + x2
Catenary method h = y2 − y1 Parabola method
⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟ S Hh wc x12
x1 = − sinh −1 ⎜ h ⎟ x1 = − y1 =
2 wc ⎜ 2H wc S⎟ 2 wc S 2H
⎜ w sinh ⎟
⎝ c 2H ⎠
S Hh wc x22
⎛ ⎞ x2 = + y2 =
⎜ ⎟ 2 wc S 2H
S H −1 ⎜ h ⎟
x2 = + sinh
2 wc ⎜ 2H wc S ⎟
⎜ w sinh 2 H ⎟ ⎛ (wc S )2 h2 ⎞
⎝ c ⎠ L = S⎜⎜1+ 2
+ 2 ⎟⎟
H⎛ wc x1 ⎞ ⎝ 24H 2S ⎠
y1 = ⎜ cosh − 1⎟

wc H ⎠
H⎛ wc x2 ⎞
Sag at mid span
y2 = ⎜ cosh − 1⎟
wc ⎝ H ⎠
wc S 3
H⎛ wx wx ⎞
L= ⎜ sinh c 1 + sinh c 2 ⎟
wc ⎝ H H ⎠ 8T S 2 + h2

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Effect of Tension
Stress = Conductor tension to cross section area ratio
= A [kg/mm2]

Strain = Elongation to original length ratio

Strain = ε =
L δ

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

E= = A =
Strain Δ L L A Δ L
Δ Lt =

Th elongate
Then l t conductor
d t llength
th which
hi h iis ddue tto tension
t i isi Δ Lt =

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Creepp is the pplastic deformation that occurs in metal at stresses below its
yield strength. Metal that is stressed below the yield point will normally
return to its original shape and size when unloaded because of its elasticity.
However, if the metal is held under stress for a long period of time,
permanent deformation will occur. This deformation is in addition to the
expectedd increase
i in
i llengthh resulting
l i ffrom the
h stress-strain
i characteristics
h i i
of the metal.

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Effect of Temperature
- In case of high temperature and/or an increase of power flow, the
temperature off conductor
d will
ill bbe hi
h causing
i the
h elongation
l i off the h
conductor and more sag.

- In case of low temperature and/or an decrease of power flow, the

temperature of conductor will be lower causing the shrinking of the
conductor and less sag.
The elongation of the conductor which is due to temperature
Δ L th = α L Δ t
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Conductor Elongation

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Effect of suspension insulator

F short
For h spans, suchh as substation
b i strain i bbuses, the
h suspension
i iinsulators
l can hhave an
appreciable effect on span sags.
The following procedure can be used to calculate the insulator effect
effect, which is added to
the conductor sag for the total bus sag.

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

T ⎡⎛ X ⎞ ⎤
CI = DBC = C I ⎢⎜⎜ cosh BC ⎟⎟ − 1⎥
wi ⎣⎝ CI ⎠ ⎦

Cc =
T ⎛X ⎞
l AC = l AB + C I sinh ⎜⎜ BC ⎟⎟
wc ⎝ CI ⎠
CI ⎛ S ⎞ ⎛l ⎞
X BC = X BD ⎜ Assume X BD = − l AB ⎟ X AC = C I sinh −1 ⎜⎜ AC ⎟⎟
Cc ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ CI ⎠

⎡⎛ X AC ⎞ ⎤

DAC = C I ⎢⎜ cosh ⎟⎟ − 1⎥
⎣⎝ CI ⎠ ⎦
D = DI + Dc

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Whi h :
CI = Insulator catenary constant [m]
Cc = Conductor catenary constant [m]
X AC = Horizontal distance from insulator support point to
center of insulator catenary [m]
X BC = Horizontal distance from connection point of insulator
string and conductor to center of insulator catenary [m]
X BD = Horizontal distance from connection ppoint of insulator
string and conductor to center of conductor catenary [m]
Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )
= Length
LAB L th off iinsulator
l t string
t i [[m]]
L = Arc length from insulator support point to center of

insulator catenary [m]

D = Total bus sag
D = Sag from insulator support point to center of insulator

catenary [m]
DBC = Sag from connection point of insulator string and

conductor to center of insulator catenaryy [[m]]

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

DI = Insulator sag [m]
Dc = Conductor sag [m]
T = Horizontal conductor tension [m]
wi = Insulator string weight [N/m]
wc = Conductor weight [N/m]
S = Span length [m]

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Eff off Wi
Windd LLoadd
The effect
Th ff t off wind
i d pressure on conductor
d t iis tto iincrease th
the ttransverse
wind load. It can be calculated by
w p = 0.0047 x Aero x V 2 x Dc
Give :
wp = Wind force [kg/m]
Dc = Overall diameter of conductor [m]

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Aero. = Aerodynamic Factor = 1.0 for D c 〈 12.5 mm
= 1.1 for 12.5 ≤ D c 〈 15.8 mm
= 1.2 for D c ≥ 15.8 mm
V = Wind speed [km/hr]

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Effect of iced or snow
If ice loading has to be considered
in the design it is usual to consider
that this is of a uniform radial
thickness with a density of 900 kg / m 3

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Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )
wi = 2.87 x10 r (Dc + r ) 3

Which :
wi = Iced weight [kg/m]
r = Radial ice thickness [m]
Dc = Conductor diameter [m]

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Total conductor pressure
The total conductor pressure consist of wind pressure, ice loading and
conductor weight. It can be calculated according to
w= (wc + wi ) 2
+w +k2
Which :
w = Total conductor pressure [kg/m]
wc = Conductor weight [kg/m]
wi = Iced weight [kg/m]
w p = Wind ppressure [[kg/m]
g ]
k = NESC constant

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Tension Calculated
⎡⎛ C w L ⎞

0 = T 2
+ ⎢ ⎜⎜ 1 1 ⎟⎟ − T 1 + C 2 (t 2 − t 1 )⎥ T 22 − (C 1 w 2 L )2
⎢⎣ ⎝ T 1 ⎠ ⎥⎦

C1 =
AE w p1 = 0.0047 xAeroxV12 x Dc
C2 = αAE w p 2 = 0.0047 xAeroxV22 x Dc

w1 = (wc + wi1 )2 + w2p1 + k

w2 = (wc + wi 2 )2 + w2p 2 + k
Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )
Which :
T1 = Initial conductor tension at t1 [kg/m]
T2 = Final
i l conductor
d tension
i at t2 [kg/m]
[k / ]
A = Cross section area conductor [mm2]
E = Final Modulus Elasticity of Conductor [kg/mm2]
α = Coefficient of linear expansion [/oC]
t1 = Initial temperature [oC]
t2 = New temperature [oC]

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Dc = Conductor diameter [m]
wc = Conductor weight [kg/m]
wp1 = Wind pressure on conductor at temperature t1 [kg/m]
wp2 = Wind
Wi d pressure on conductor
d t att temperature
t t t2 [kg/m]
[k / ]
w1 = Total pressure on conductor at temperature t1 [kg/m]
w2 = Total pressure on conductor at temperature t2 [kg/m]

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Tension Limits
The NESC recommends limits on the tension of conductors based on a
percentage of their Rated Breaking Strength (RBS).
– Tmax < 60% RBS @ NESC Loading, Initial.
– Tinitial < 35% RBS, upon installation, 16oC.
– Tfinal < 25% RBS,
RBS unload
l d after
f maximum i lloading,
di 16oC.

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )
Effect of Short Circuit (Fault)
If fault current flowed in conductor, it will be swing that may be flashover.
The designer
g will consider this event.

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Conductor Swing under fault current flow in conductor

Sag Conductor

Phase to Phase Fault

Three Phase Fault

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Short circuit force can be calculated according to below equation.
μ0 I sc2 S − 2 Li 1
Fsc = 0.75
2π D S g
Fsc = Short circuit force [kg/m]
μ = 4π x 10

Isc = Symmetrical
S i l ffaultl current (RMS) [kA]
D = Distance between stringing point conductor [m]
S = Span Length [m]
Li = Insulator length [m]
g = Reach of conductor [m]
Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )
What is the cascade fault?
One place have fault and this cause will be occurred to follow fault
in the another. This event is called cascade fault. The cascade fault
cannot occurred when sag allowable shall be less than maximum sag.

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

The sag allowable can be calculated according to below equation.
(Fsc )2 + (nwc )2
Dalw = R

Salw = Sagg allowable [m]
R = Reach [m]
Fsc = Short circuit force [kg/m]
n = The number of conductor per phase
wc = Conductor weight [kg]

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

The reach can be calculated according to below equation.
D − Dc − Da − Ds
R = Reach [m]
D = Distance between stringing point conductor [m]
Dc = Conductor diameter [m]
Da = Minimum phase to phase clearance [m]
Ds = Spacer distance [m]

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Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

The cascade fault cannot occur when Dmax ≤ Dalw

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

Line characteristics
Data 477 795 1272 3/8 OHG Unit
A 280.99 423.49 677.71 51.07 mm2
Wc 0.978 1.524 2.04 0.406 kg/m
Dc 0.02181 0.02772 0.03391 0.009144 m
E 7700 6200 7000 19300 kg/mm2
α 1.80E-05 2.13E-05 2.07E-05 1.15E-05 o
per C
V 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 kg/m2
Aero. 1 1 1 1.2

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

The single per phase conductors 477 MCM ACSR (HAWK) are
on structure that span length has 45 meter and assumption fault
8 kA flow in this conductor.

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⎡⎛ C w S ⎞

T 23 + ⎢ ⎜⎜ 1 1 ⎟⎟ − T 1 + C 2 (t 2 − t 1 )⎥ T 22 − (C 1 w 2 S )2 = 0
⎢⎣ ⎝ T 1 ⎠ ⎥⎦

AE 2 8 0 .9 9 x 7 7 0 0
C1 = = = 3 0 0 .2 5 1 5
24 24

w p 1 = AeroxP w1 xD c = 1 x 52 . 50 x 0 . 02181 = 1 . 145 kg / m

w1 = w c2 + w 2p 1 = 0 . 978 2
+ 1 . 145 2
= 1 . 5058 kg
k /m

C 2 = α A E = 1.8 x 1 0 − 5 x 2 8 0 .9 9 x 7 7 0 0 = 3 8 .9 4 5 2

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

w p 2 = AeroxP w2 xD c = 1 x 0 x 0 . 02181 = 0 kg / m

w2 = w c2 + w 2p 2 = 0 . 978 2 + 0 2 = 0 . 978 kg / m

give T
1 = T6 and T 2 = T 65

⎡⎛ 300 .2515 x 1.5058 x 45 ⎞ 2 ⎤
T + ⎢⎜
⎟ − 750 + 38 .9452 65 − 6 ⎥ T652 − ( 300 .2515 x 0 .978 x 45) 2 = 0
( )
⎣⎝ ⎠ ⎦

T65 = 261 .906 kg T27 = 383 .503 kg

wS 2 0.978x 452
Maximum Sag Sag = = = 0.945m
8T65 8 x 261.906

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT )

4πx10 −7 (8 x10 3 ) 1 2

Fsc = 0.75 = 0.326 kg / m

2π 3 9.81
D − Dc − D a − D s 3 − 0 .02181 − 1 .3462
R= = = 0 .8160 m
2 2

(F ) + (nw )
2 2
0.8160 ( 0.326) 2 + ( 1x 0.978) 2
S alw = R sc c
= = 2.58m
Fsc 0.326
S alw 2 .58 not cascade fault
Δ= = = 2 .73 > 1
S max 0 .945

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