279 - Manual of Photogrammetry, 4th Edition, Table of Contents

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canes © 2008 bythe AmeteanSacely for Metagrammetry and Remote Sensing, AI ghts eprodton of his publeaton or any pas thereof exciting short quotations fr use nthe ceeenice ot retewe ard technica and scene pape) maybe mace ony afte btaing the Prien ofthe publahers Tae publiner ot espensbe oan epions or saerents Rasen he techs pages sp cnes ey scone ties ion orp MANUAL OF Serer sear pont rt ise ore the psa! ort se of secc SeinPcmons gwen te ena. none ut he ope ye es cy eo 52 PHOTOGRAMMETRY ear rs os 10 srs page cape pcs ajo vo ange wow ston) neue Sion Cenc rege ov Des, AGI ya ca rater tmn combs br uretango peotana pepe treaung new ealeive won oo ee “when making reporting copies om ts volume tothe copyright Cenance Cee, ne, plese rete to thetoowing code SBN (57089-0711 Ison t.svoas.ort-t FIFTH EDITION TENNIS GPL ELAN TCEY Editor J. Chris MeGlone Associate Editors Edward M. Mikhail James Bethel Technical Editor tied by Roy Mullen American Society fs Petograrenety and Remote Sensing ‘Stlocrowveror ne ute 210, Been Marae 20814 Printed inthe te Ste oF Ame ‘American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing survey the feld of photogranmety and toasts its progress ace te pudicaton ofthe presous ‘ton n 1980. While photograrmeing has always baen a eld tha required broad Know ge any ater wets echting opts, photography. and caogsepy. cnt years have seen fhe inedcon and rapid acepion ofa numberof new teemologes,Postonng technologies. sch 5 GPS an inet ‘vigaon ystems, have ecuce groupe conta suey cos, whe senultedeois educng fe Deed for ground eortl surveys by making cet sence errtaton possible, New platforms an sensor, Inching gal senso on both bore and atelite plato ave bce tana erative (2 ‘ef fen ita capture. uly igtl production ines, Hom acon 1 exploitation, have beomne the ‘orm. The iene now aon producon tobe ete arose the wort and Ral prod 0 be ‘sseminates most instantaneous. Digi elevation modes ate row rovtrely produced wing ier and ar, without tadtorl sere imagery. The pice of photorammety now requires arty ‘ith all thee teenologes and more ‘The oute oftisecon terns fo teect the new strc the fe The empaissen dt methods and prods though te pity changing technoigy precudes he dete deer pBon ot ‘penting procedures ant sofware, Thee much more ratherscalcontet than i he reious ‘don, pectin projective geomet and sts, and cscs of gal image processing ‘2nd carp wisn algorithms to proves insight inc agtal product operations. is hpedthat his ‘wllprovidebcksroun for many ofthe new euteated exlokaton tecniques now being nodes, {and ats see a5 an ent poin fr tase Tom oer elds who wil Se Hs book a rere Produc a Book of his scape fequres group efor. We would ist ker hank the ators wo “ontibutedy shaving he nonedge anders, Sever reviewers helped refine he fx, nluding ‘Cea Epingtone. Brin Goi, Ayman Habla, Chistian Hep, Dora ight ames Lacas, Morte "Madani. Dea Scar. and Harmar Zia aes New Hit provided vakable eating, prostessin. na procucton spp. oy Mun’ technic eting provided an eerenceindependen viewpoint snc mucnsocreites. ‘Wie have me every eft ensure hatte infermasonin tis books ores however 2 ens that may have escaped ournotice shou) beset fo ASPRS for ceecton in ater pent. T. he puseaton of new etn ofthe Manualaf Motogrammety alors aunicue oppor 1. Os acon James Bethe) zg CHAPTER 1 ABRIEF HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY Biwi Atpgh 1 What Protganner? 12 Puneet Poisgenmety 15. Ey Dewopnrs &Pheramnty 1A Thelnpact talon Teo Wor War: The Aros Ea 15 Theil of Becton Campung ard Te Space Age The Ae Ea 18 The noatct Lage Sate ConpunpSapan herpes Thee Ee 17 The Siess are Fue of Ptewgaemery CHAPTER 2 MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS IN PHOTOGRAMMETRY Worgang Forsne Berard Wrote! 2), GeneaiNatensts 211 nea Agere 212 Restore 22 Sites ag Eenaton ‘zat Protaity Tecy 222 Enna sed Deon Teery 223 Cassa Hypebeast 224 Mand Lest Squares snaon 225 Enluto 226 Rebitrinaton 23. Pcie Gooner 235) onegneusRaprsettos of Pi, Les and Panes 232 Geanenc Operates 233 Tenshrions 234 Propet, nants and Perpetity 235 Unt cf Gomer nes CHAPTER 3 ‘THE MATHEMATICS OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY (itor. Magni, Wgang Feiner Berard Wrobel. Fide Padees, and Rath Many 25, Gente Coad Ses Si oieanduogtce 322 Theo Oman Cosa 5313 ums: Tteee Omeneana! Tantmatons 4314 Map Poems: The Two Diner! Tsomators 412. Bose ape Geensty ‘321 The Grothe Sn mage 322 The Groney ote nape Pa 5323 Thecuonaty oft age Trt 324 Symp 33, TimsDepentet Sone Meds ‘30 Types Sirsa 332 Couarate Satis 333 Cate Equtes 324 berooiten| 335 Tine Table of Contents G6G82 Basaame s vi vi 238 Remon nee 337 RosbonNanx 38. SenorPetion 538. Covers to Sear Poston ad tate Paametoe 3310 AnoretcReacion SRM Properties Cleary Equsters 2A Syren ror Consens ‘Et Ames Reaion 342 Lom Ooton AAS Findsomaten aes eammcumae B85 MlbuesaRetacen CHAPTER 4 ELEMENTS OF PHOTOGRAMMETRIC OPTICS Rober B.Fete 41 anand feces “Tatar Temigy an Symbol 22 Lar Sa marae Sper 452 Otranen A iasenotbight Tightens 415. Fame atte Opal ators 42 Leese Phtganneti pees 421" Dein 422 Wndeee 425 Teatng 43. None optes "eat Rafe Opie (G2 Retoars Devexe 433 SernirgDevees 234 Catmate Salers 435 ita Devoes 435 Tani ops 437 Foe Optics 438 Brarvenpae nd Lae Sources 44 Compensation Les Abrasion: "UA1 Optra Pe Ged te Syms 45: Fos ad Wincons st Cobre 452 Hestetee 41E3 Poamang es 15 Nodes CHAPTER 5 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Horst Bischof and Fans Labed 1 ion 52, Popes ct scr tages a1 Singing £22 Coorg 529 thkepetalandFypepects mages 526 Coby Seng SRSRRR RSBERE 3 #3 See BeRee eases 88 BeeaesS 3 Bees 525 Cote spss 528 Radomae oc nplud Snping ve. Sst er Geum Sarg 527 CopguithOoen Groner Restore 528 Denesactbg he Byer Pater 53 Ee nage Procestng Operations 31 Horan Operon 532 Conerion Bor Gy Ylus Bay ages 533 ayeamese 542. GradentProosssng 543 Untan Meskeg 88 Image Tastes ‘35. Foie: Tans S53 Wow ans S58 Gaoreanm 555 PeraplCongonens(Kemanentan) Tansore 58 Mogtotey Et Dislnand sen 582 Openngand sro 5363 Shape Renton a io Ms Opto S84 Sone ndsoraMaptalogje Agentre 57 Tosam Processing 57.4 AShiea Destin Toe 572 Shs Mehodsol Deer ese 873 SpearaRepeseatn ef enze 58 \mageRecaring "SA! The Twos Resanplog Pest 582 Goenenerreesang Sep 583 Roderic Campton Sep 59 een 58 Meten Bir 582 Meta and Moving Cec Oacien 583 Opal fw 510 imaged srees "Sid Metis Sta Siete 5102 Two Dinesarsl Crs. Coang S104 Veunei age 511 nape Compson 592 Dat inoge Posing, Conger, lage Unde — Hawi i chase itd chefs poesia own? ‘S121 Agee an Sensual Aas 5122 Apes an Serge ess CHAPTER 6 BASIC COMPUTER VISION TECHNIQUES George Voseman, Monika ester, and Helmut Mayer 81 Oj Repeceatons er Compu Ven "S14 Types al Us of jr: Cotes Geoneto tpg Oued esas XconlsgeReosonston Fors Lig Ojo Sposa image Space a 49 a 9 SEREEARBE a wo st 455 8888 615 Untsey a 618 KrowigeAogiton Ses ef ne Desipons ca 62. Fence Btaeiee s $21 Pontfesues Pet 822 Lreseerar “° £23. Ragonteantes f 624 mogetstenre enacten “ 25. Aopleten er nage oats in Phebyrareety es £3 inseneting we 51 Oueeatnafinage Netting Agprtins ws 32 Why mating alors may 2 £55 Arsbasedaehing ae 636 Fortretendateing a 535 ernest image usenng s 536 Contos mann ry 637 pear nPotayennety = CHAPTER 7 DETECTORS AND SENSORS 505 Eettorautor: Kon Gaba and Alexander Koh, Manes Balsvas, Mala. Scher Albert ‘rewwsen and Marmut Zann TH Bis of Raseny 5 it nto 2 112 Soar fatten ss 113. Wie Osx a 138 Tempel Coen a TAS Quran Tey of Radon 8 FE. Ratomave snd rose Tred Quan 50 12. pias and Prceaseg of Poggi si “721 Snatrtphoogahe rata 58 722. Saccan.Wiee ard Cols Maes of 123 Preoyapcpopercs 56 124 Pryseal opens Ss 125 PromrgoPragrapi Maal 728 nial depart 721 Prowaneg beck ont fin 1728 Process cl reatve fn 123. ees co ee fn 72) Image Sess Promganrei Aplin 152. Slits Physics & Sunmayy 733, Ptr Srsig 134, Sqra easing 735 Davee fcecue 738 Cdornasrg 137 Unit Sra 133 Nose 788 Concaeors 14 Spatoteze ato 142 Nace necro pic Sts TAS. Nomen Syme noire Rr Ste 15 Spmsalowraseiss 51 aut TEE Gast Sescionot SecrlFee BRE BEES SERKELSRSE 895 753. Swen el Scr hans Apropo Tasks 78. Phobgannetc Sass Te) tokio 7262 Sens Guam Rader Te 763. Seaver Apacs uo Tels Alerts 764 Corclrone gages ge CHAPTER 8 CAMERAS AND SENSING SYSTEMS. 8 tor Autor etn Boles ‘Authors Themes Age Ether Edvard zabey Frey, Peter A. Jones Raber Jongg André C. “Leveaa jemi Ltr. C5. Sing. Ken Kors, Cates Toth, Stewart Wale EardF Wear Pas 2st, Ped Lage as im camer eit Frame camer E12 Param Comme B13. Sip Coneas 82 Deilcaraas 21 agg sen weeps £22 mone gil caer sytr 823. Salle dtl camer eyes 83. ets Sores AI Spa Agere Raa SAR) 832 Um Dseen ara ang (te) 4. System System Patmanc Prdton ty MTF Nodeng A) Atmosphere MIF 842 Osea ATF B43. Opal aay Facer RAE Simoleg MTF AS Dee Coss TF AAS CCO Cage Tart TF B47 Tonpors TF BAe ear MTF 549 Shear air 10 nertonert ent Laser nape Recorder MT Bai Fim WF 85 Catton BS!" Dsktire 1&2 Meet Conan Calton adore SS Area Meese of Caner Calas 4 ages ogee BES SRrereegegeege g CHAPTER 9 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC PLATFORMS 6 ator Autor Qasin A Abdul “Autor: ames Cais, Cen Eamundsen jack Grodect, Helmut Hele. Joe Huon. Dona Ld ‘Monened Wort, Chale Mondll Kurt Novak Roger Pacey, Bran Schrage 3 95 Abana Poe or ‘SL Aloot Paths Ovniow a 812. Twn ge Aa a 813 Sign Arca ca 814 OnorPatome oe x 82 Sate Pore 921 rat 4122 drs Darian ane Como Sbayem 823. Power Stee 824 Treat 825 GanmoteatenSieysion 92, LaxcBaesPiatores 1 Vand ab ape Sse 22 Raabe Usengarmeny Systems 94 say Syst BAT Sate Sey Stes BAZ eral Nagano Sons 83 Shots Pim 4 heal Sey Fig Magen: Sym ‘CHAPTER 10 ‘CLASSICAL PHOTOGRAMMETRIC EQUIPMENT Coron Pte, Jes Bere end Stewart Waker 101, Andee Src Eguemet 102. Cemparaios 1021 Compre, orocanparbs ant Soca $022 Ofunewddrtie savers 3023. Ope ou Coaeogp Systems 1024 Nerocenparats Deo at Consineson 1025, Meas Devos 1025 Nirateoses 1927 Asranaereranparos 1928 Dgtanbnonbtes 1029. Sarscnpaa Desig an Conscton 10210. Ceseea Steocmpsros {021 Dnee site Serneorpasior 10212 nage oe Ptes 103. Intumerer Pot aing rd Tante 103%” Sgrlan, Nara ard rie ois 1032. Nantes and Lacon of Pants Racing Manga Taner 1033. Opa ranienens 1034 Meera! Rewrenens 1035 Seveedenedon Drie Neste 1036 Oevesdeeed on Burd ee 04 Aaja Pobes TO41 Seems wth Aue Congtrs 1042. GpentapveausCeetanp Ayes snares 1043 Obvscnens y Hea 1044 Anyiea Ptr Sore 145. Eay Ooeopmers 1048 The Moto Mn-Corotes 1047 aesra Reayiea Pts {O48 Liner Paromere dnayeod Pte 1049, AnaeesPotere Dung ho 19808 50410 Cine stinin 105 Rete 106 OMmoecsios "081 GeomieConseraions 1082 Ofte Proeionan Dee Retain 1053 Otepruanesacsand eeponnans e22e3 BRASS 288 8 r : BRE PPBRTIS AGRA RARRARAaA m8 18 168 ta a 9 8 Bs 5 = rojo Sadr Arey So Pe pscalProecion| ‘rheeconenetaCarpe Pha Hogitbas ‘ail Retin Opa Petr (ete tin Mecca Prieion peal ars Ob ine pets ‘rtoptomyste Pacey Ail Pre ‘demand Pico! Operon ora Coe ios en ag Sees ‘stoma Deaf Petes Epps we Contos ‘cealtPatojer (GP) SotonCanaerUnts ‘oar Le Carlton Dgulomeretgre CHAPTER 11 ANALYTICAL PHOTOGRAMMETRIC OPERATIONS. Wolgang Forse: Bernhard Wrobel, Rl Padres, Raber Cig, ive Fraser and fo Dott 113, OremstenanéRecnsrtin wi 42 13 nus He nay ne ‘Overton octfjng ad Orang a Sj nape oa Pla tpt sna 20 Horo ‘fenaon oe Sige nape and Bac ProectePs and Les Flatt raion of To aes cneon eso or Mee ages ‘Splat Tasteless Olan ‘Onan ote nage Par ‘sano ree nages sores Renae 112. Bes Targeton "21 1122 4125 Ha 425 1126 27 4128 28 210 nan 113. Reloement Str Matos fat 1132 33 sa nas nat ‘bsevain Carton tere BPAASARRARARAAAABA 2 RESE RIIRAGARIHES SRRSSRI Aas ges 1 ‘CHAPTER 12 AUTOMATION AND DIGITAL PHOTOGRAMMETRIC WORKSTATIONS 949 ‘Peay Agours, Peter Doucet and Anthony Stefanie 121, Oia toga Wersaons {212 Bese Scenic py ad View Tete 122. AtonstesOtenaions 20H "221 Prooyarneb Mapig Wortow 4222. inarOdrsen = aOPA 1223, lone Cont Poe Maswerensina Soop 224 heowanguten 1205 Genta Senne 122. GorernngGeoiatl Osos Dee nsOmephooe Ti DgialPhoayannene eaten Geepet Oats 1232, Alumsec DEN Geoeaton 1233 Othamage Gena 124 Adonis Fate Waser Fo ep Aplestons ‘24% sasetoe 1282. soning Rot Eatin 1243, Bldg Eeacin CHAPTER 13 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC PRODUCTS. 183 taster 132 nagebesed Posies 1324 Ofeee magento Visuzten 1322 Reed nd Occ a95y 1823 Moss 1324 Minerval Perec Views ad Vuation 1325. Oily sar rage Pcs 1826. Tera nimape doses Peas 129. Bevan baad Pris S34 Evan Sues 1332. Boratin Pow 1333. Oty Asatte Eeaion Prats {334 Tee nese Bard Proaice ‘24 FeeeDae hat Spceaions 1242 Veco 343 Apts 4 GSOae ‘243. Theinensnal tes 1948 Theeimesena Ans Dla 1347 Quy sro eae Peds 1349 Tensth Fes Os S88 $888 S4R088 BEE g & 88 8888882 8 CHAPTER 14 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC APPLICATIONS Section Authors Sf Elta (141), Rongsing i Mobamed Mos, C Vincent so nd Oates Tr {152 Give rasr (14.3) Bava Cogan 4), Patton Pati 143) any Caen Coe] Mure Pl Luce Aan Word (145, nd Sherman SC. WU (187) 12 a us ue ‘anna Recent rd Veal Rely tea 1a an Spent Canon Viti Ener amet dnensno Reonsaon Teste Mang Renna Sine Neti appng 1422 1423 Hote apn Pca Seas rd Sa gan ae Mapig Fete Sera ro Note Nari apse Insts argrety Messer re 432 1033 nas 336 Te Desa iPmart, Rovers Eneatng othe Fret Eno Ti ain Debate snramen fa Tree rt ‘Subeatne GeeaiyCetemaraoe Deters Sine of Reh Crs Bess Asal Moen of Largan Crp nr Faiies ‘eta acacenet ois (Ca ad eet Al siemens Te Ro omen Prt Gaus, mage Aves nd itera Data Pos vere okt dchecage Ptlyaniety an Vn Tachi in acilacre so nconiy uss 1454 ‘ua fe Opti Franewa The npc few Tetra laseabon apleatons Conds Fens mesiaion 482 83 sa Lop Asoc Cote Say Sarre Foros Probrarety in Evers ‘ros Tees terest: Pager ‘art 112 115, rey a eotior Programe Coto News oars Bases Prinyamnerc igor Useg otra Pasay Programme Mssng Use Coe Rane Pheer — Franc Magpie aan Suze Ung Veg Lander Pry Rasaganmes oping Vous xeon ppg by bo Sve Urion (Ong Exroresthaping Props rd Fre Pn Parca Msn 40158 ss 1018 SS ‘oat ms ‘ae ‘om 10 ‘ts ‘tee “te. ‘tee ‘te ‘er i te ‘CHAPTER 15 . PROJECT AND MISSION PLANNING Masha Husstin and eres Bethe 181, Aaa Pjectane Mason Panag “S14 Set Dee 1812 Poet Deci 1819 litter Papin 1514 eS SippotedPaigacty 1821 moticon 1522 Corea 1524 Nedgsten Sons and Sbeaon 1825, Poni COLORINDEX 4443 A BRIEF HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY David Alspauigh ‘eet apr of the fit Eton of the Ata of otogrimmeny bly examines the stv evelopment anc appeaton a phtogrammety. Photogamety is asieest echlogy that has sovances in scence and engineering. The base objective af photogammetty has always been the Increct detersation of spat measurement of objects using photogapicmages. The distance fom Image to object may range fom vey coce to vey ft, Du the pmaey fas of photogrammety as aivays been on teresa surveying 4 natal alld wth earogwpy and geadess. "The history of photogammeity is covered hare itr of tine pis coresponing € the emergence of pacar photagiammetiie technologles (Koneery, 1985). The technological ane ‘mathemacal recurs ple o the invention of photography are covered aswell ax seme ety Sppronches to using photagrapy to mesure objects intel ‘Dung the Analog fa photogammety mateo 2 avanced ar cberent technology with he emergence of aviation art the development of opal mecnancal devs tht repcated perspective Image geome, lowing recive spatial measurements Fom stereo ager. The Analy! Es began with electronic computing wing the potogrammetic expatation of Imager tobe completely engineered by replacing anaog nstumers wt material modeling. However anaytcal peratens il employed photographic lm to recard and store images, ‘The Dig! ahs emerged asthe age of electronics has advanced proving mean fran age'© be acquied, stored, and excite in eigtl frm and yielding metre capalier beyond those of hoteaaphicimagery. Now, athe begining ofthe 21 cee Imager sequed and expen Sigal envronments. fring vat opportunites fr api, acute nd ecanenclneascement 4.1 WHAT IS PHOTOGRAMMETRY? ‘Tecioogil progres is gy dependent on the ably to observe ae measure phys! obese phenomena; many stations request obrerators and mansrements be acqured verotey, ‘wtb physical contac th the object or phenome of ners. totogammey Is a measumNg technology that as failed is equement anes stay advanced sic the invention of phos phy in Europe in me mith cent. The tem photograety wasn we by the ate 15 eeu an ‘amen general en the United Stites with he founding fhe Amertan Sacer Patogiarety resning someting dain or writen, and etn meaning t9 meso. The oot wor, tert ‘fn sirites messing sraptlealy by means of she nthe est to Eons fe Manual the een af photogrammetry vas gven athe cence ‘ro bang eae measurements by means of photographs” Inthe Tha fation Thompson. ts IC. the Mal induded stterent that tls dentin might well be ample to include interpretation of protogrant.” since the ay to evogize ad erly an objet by Is photgranlc image ioe as impo asthe ty to deve ts positon fom photographs In he decade following te pubeation of he Tid Exon of he Maal of Potogramenety. he sclence of potogranmetry boadened by the appleation of «new scent too. emote sesh femote sensing nagar maybe acquied not only rough the te ofconvensonal carer whic se! ie emotesensing'sstem) but alo oy recording the scene oust pedal sensors. These special sors usualy ope by secon xanning, and fen we lcromagesc EM) cation otsce he Chapter =

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