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Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Follow the instructions to complete the quiz. Remember this is a test and you must not
speak. If you do, the quiz will be withdrawn.

A Complete the zero conditional sentences with the correct form of

the verbs from the box. Use contractions where possible.

drink eat go not be not want say

1. If he feels sleepy after dinner, he _____________________ to bed early.

2. The children usually _____________________ juice if they feel thirsty
before bedtime.
3. If he _____________________ to talk to you, it means he’s angry or tired.
4. If my boss asks me to work on Saturday, I never _____________________ no to him.
5. When we _____________________ tired after work, we usually go to the gym.
6. When she has an early afternoon meeting, she usually _____________________ lunch
at her desk.
A _______ / 12 points (2 points each)

B Complete the first conditional sentences with the words in parentheses

and the correct form of the verbs. Use contractions where possible.

1. If _______________________________ (we / take) the subway,

_______________________________ (we / not / sit) in traffic.

2. _______________________________ (they / save) money on gas


if _______________________________ (they / buy) a hybrid car.

3. If _______________________________ (she / buy) local food,

_______________________________ (she / help) the environment.


4. _______________________________ (you / not / waste) energy

if _______________________________ (you / use) CFLs.

5. If _______________________________ (it / rain) tomorrow,


_______________________________ (I / not / use) the clothesline

to dry my clothes.

B _______ / 10 points (1 point each)

C Read these paragraphs and answer T for True and F for false to the
following statements.

Your boss
“If my 2:30 appointment is late, let me know. If they are more than 15 minutes late,
call them and reschedule the appointment for Friday. If they can’t meet on Friday, ask
them to meet on Monday. If they can’t meet on Monday, tell them ‘tough luck’!”

A scientist
“Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. If you leave an ice cube on the counter, it
melts. When it melts, the molecules change their structure. If you heat water, the
molecules change their structure again. If you heat water to 212 degrees Fahrenheit,
water will boil. When water boils, it turns to vapor.”

1. Your boss wants to be informed if his appointment is not on time. T / F

2. If they are over a quarter of an hour late, they will be received the same day. T / F
3. If they can meet on Friday, they don’t come on Monday. T / F
4. Your boss thinks it’s too bad if they don’t make it for Monday. T / F
5. Water turns into ice if its temperature drops down to 32 degrees Fahrenheit. T / F
6. Water particles reconfigure if water is at cool temperature. T / F
7. Molecules reconfigure only twice. T / F
8. Condensation occurs if water is put to an elevated temperature. T / F
C _______ / 10 points (1 point each)

D Listening. Listen to a conversation between a dog sitter and Marley’s owners.

Then match each condition clause with its result.

Condition clause Result clause

1 If Marley jumps on you feed him again

2 If Marley looks starved keep the toilet lid closed

3 If Marley poops in the garden give Marley sedatives

4 If Marley tries to drink water from the toilet Walk or run with him twice a day

5 If Marley wants to exercise knee him

6 If a storm is arriving he chews the furniture

7 If Marley is stressed use the poop scooper and watch your step

D _______ / 10 points (1 point each)

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