Rhetorical Analysis Paper

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Rhetorical Analysis

Ariana J. Valles

University of Texas at El Paso



In this paper were discussing on how a rhetorical analysis affects an authors argument. Depend-

ing on the genre of the book, journal, article, etc… While, Richard L. Davis has an argument on

how domestic violence just does not affect women but men also. He has given information from

people that have gone through this abuse. They are not just women there has been men. They

also have been cases on children, and even partners. In his book “Domestic Violence” we point

out the ethos, pathos, and logos that are used in his book. Also the audience that is referred to use

his book.

Rhetorical Analysis

The rhetorical analysis does affect the argument of an author. In the book by Richard L.

Davis “Domestic Violence” (2008) argues that domestic violence does not just happen to females

but males also. He has given points in how males have gone through domestic violence. The au-

thor argues that males go through domestic violence too not just women. So, Davis has argu-

ments on how domestic violence is not just a crime that happens to women but men. People may

argue with that because you mainly see males accused of it. He looks at both sides of domestic

violence, giving you actual information from actual people that have been through a rough time.

Domestic violence is a very serious crime, there is cases that involve children, adults, and elders.

It just does not affect them after it happens for a little but the way they grow up and the trust they

have. In his book there are a lot of interviews of real people and what kind of domestic violence

they went through. Mr. Davis has a lot of information on domestic violence and how it affects

people that have had it happen to them. Even children, teenagers, young adults, and even adults

have all gone through this.


In Domestic Violence by Davis the audience that is referred to is scholars and students.

People who are researching or even working on domestic violence. They use this book for infor-

mation about domestic violence. The audience may have different perspectives on it some might

like what it says other might not. By the audience having different perspectives on domestic vio-

lence they may or may not agree with Davis. Davis is a retired police lieutenant he is now a in-

structor at Quincy College. He has published a number of articles for newspapers, journal, and

magazines concerning domestic violence. He is also president of the family nonviolence website

which is www.Familynonviolence.org. Davis educates other scholars by giving interviews on


people that have had issues with domestic violence. Also, he has given statistics so scholars that

are doing research on domestic violence can use his book. The many purpose that he is doing this

is because domestic violence is a big thing in out here in the real world, but people treat it as if

it’s not even there. Throughout this book you will see that he doesn’t force the audience to just

think inside the box. He shows a lot of resource the make people think like he does by choice.


Ethos appeals to credibility by building trust. Before writing he was a former police lieu-

tenant. Which helped him in this study of domestic violence. He might have had cases on domes-

tic violence which caught his attention to express what domestic violence is. The CRC Press had

published his book Domestic Violence. The CRC Press is a group home named Taylor and

Francis Taylor and Francis partners with world-class authors, from leading scientists and re-

searchers, to scholars and professionals operating at the top of their fields. Davis is well known

for his books about domestic violence. He has several published books and they are all scholarly

books. Most of his published articles, books, journals, or even magazines are mainly about do-

mestic violence, so if anyone needs a book about facts and statistics Davis has these books.


Logos is the appeal to reason when persuading audience is present on this book. In Domestic Vi-

olence, Davis shows a lot of characteristics of logos by providing statistics

and factual information from real events. For example, when he was talks about what happens

about domestic violence, at the end of the book he put all his resources. Also throughout the

book in some passages there is a lot of statistics and percentages, in passage the emotional abuse

they tell you that “59% of boys and 64% of girls’ report that their partner made them feel bad or

embarrassed about themselves.” Then 28% of boys and 26% of girls report that their partner

called them names or put them down. But then 8% of male adults and 10% of women report that

their partner became physically or verbally abusive when drunk or high. These statistics are fac-

tually correct because they are all cited and once you go to the actual site you see that everything

is correct and well known.


Pathos is the use of emotional language to appeal to the audience. Even though the book is very

professional, there is still a lot of pathos by emotionally affecting the audience. When. Davis

talks about the families and children and mainly about emotional abuse the audience can get very

emotional. here a lot of gentleman can relate because they went through this stage or are going

through it. Other good example would when they talk about power and control issues. Power and

control actions and attitudes are pervasive in teen relationships because many young people have

dealt with a boyfriend or girlfriend who tried to control their whereabouts. What appeals to the

audience in an emotional way is also how the book uses stories from real people where they tell

their view point usually in an emotional way.


To conclude, in “Domestic Violence ” is a book that utilizes logos, pathos and ethos in

order to persuade their audience. They show a lot of characteristics of logos by providing statis-

tics and factual information from real events. They show Pathos by emotionally affecting the au-

dience in ways such as interviewing people that were affected by domestic violence and by

showing photos. He Finally, for Ethos, this book is credible because it shows clearly all the con-

tributors and resources used, and has many ways to connect with the audience, such as the people

they have been a victim of domestic violence. Overall the whole message of this website is about

being ethical towards all human beings, and fight and learning about domestic violence.


Davis, R. L. (2008). Domestic violence : intervention, prevention, policies, and solutions. Boca

Raton : CRC Press, c2008.

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