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Mayra A. Delgado



This paper is a rhetorical analysis about author M. Clare Taylors argument about her

book Evidence-Based Practice for Occupational Therapists being a handbook with crucial

information to advance in the career of occupational therapy. She presents practices that she

argues to be useful to future and current occupational therapist. The rhetorical analysis of ethos,

pathos, and logos of the source and how it affects the author's argument.


The rhetorical analysis of ethos, pathos, logos can affect the author's argument. In the

book Evidence-Based Practice for Occupational Therapists (20012) by M. Clare Taylor, the

author argues many main points of occupational therapy. Taylor argues that occupational

therapist should learn from the studies of the previous therapist. M. Clare Taylor also says that

her book should be used as a guide to help those who need more guidance in occupational



The author's credibility supports the argument of occupational therapist learning and

using other therapist studies to guide them as they advance in occupational. Taylor argues that

occupational therapist should learn from the studies of the previous therapist. Taylor shows

evidence of many studies throughout the book. Which consists of studies that she encountered,

and she is analyzing all the different practice to give easy access to future occupational therapists

and for those who are currently in the field. It gives and shows examples of different therapy

practices used to help patients in need of it. It also gives the future and current occupational

therapist the skills to advance in their field and succeed in helping as many patients as possible.

“ The medical roots and philosophy of evidence-based practice.” (Pg.3) M. Clare Taylor stands

by this point that the practice of occupational therapy is a practice that needs to be learned by the

practice of others and the evidence of studies of past patients. The belief stated by M. Clare

Taylor can be the belief of only some future and occupational therapist. Not everyone will

believe in The medical root and philosophy of evidence to be the key occupational therapy. But

with this book, it shows so many evidence that can be crucial to the success of therapist with

patients who need the proper medical therapist to advance in their everyday activities. With

every success, people start believing in therapy is helpful to patients with a mental disability. For

example, many parents who have a child with a disability may feel incapable of helping them by

taking them to therapy. The belief variates between cases.


M. Clare Taylor’s reasons support the emotional attachment being a big problem as an

occupational therapist is an emotional connection between patient and therapist. The attachment

to patients that are ill. The occupational therapist can have that problem easily getting attached to

patients in need of help. Especially when working with children there are patients from weeks

old and up. I have attended a facility called Action Care which is a place where the therapist

works with children from weeks old to 21-year-old patients. I attend this facility because of my

brother max is one year old and I can observe while I am there. I see all the therapists who treat

young kids. Occupational therapist Robin from action care says that she does get attached

emotionally when helping patients. " There are many times when I get happy emotions and well

as sad emotions when my patients do great things and when my patients are struggling." "

Emotions are hard to hide at times but sometimes that is what we need to do stop ourselves and

focus on what our goal is to help those in need of special therapies to advance in everyday life."

Emotion is a key topic in the book written by M. Clare Taylor ways to properly advance in the

study of everyday activities.


The author's studies are reliable to state logical facts about all of her studies in the area of

occupational therapy. To provide that information to the audience of her book. The purpose of

her research is and was to inform those who have an eye on occupational therapy to help

incoming therapist understand how to act upon the knowledge they have learned for their carrier

choice. It can also be used as a handbook for therapist and students in the occupational therapy

field. Because it contains many questions that therapist and occupational students have and

examples that answer those questions that can then be used to create a better mindset when using

hands-on skills to perform therapy on patients. Some Examples given by M. Clare Taylor would

be “Practice might appear to sit uncomfortably with the growing acceptance of the social model

of philosophy within occupational therapy and the focus on a client's centered model practice.”

Medical practices in occupational need to be learned and seen by students who are in the field.

The main reason for her writing of all the studies in the book was for that reason to get the

occupational therapist and future occupational therapist out of there stage of uncomfortable and

feeling as if they are not capable to face upcoming patients with specific conditions. The patients

in need of the therapy need their therapist to know all the ways they can help them.


In conclusion, Evidence-Based Practice for Occupational Therapists (2007) by M. Clare

Taylor credibility supports ethos, pathos, and logos. Providing character, emotion and reason

throughout the book. She is a credible source to provide the educated argument that occupational

therapist needs to advance in the study by looking back at the evidence of past cases of patients.

Emotion is inevitable, but the therapist can learn to deal with the emotional connection. Case

studies provided throughout the book are used to compare to therapist daily job to improve

therapy to adjust to each patient's needs.



• Taylor, M. C. (2012). Evidence-based practice for occupational therapists. Oxford:

Blackwell Publishing.

• ActionCare Pediatric Therapy - Rising To New Heights. (n.d.). Retrieved March 09,

2018, from

• Morris,Douglas N.; Stecher,Jo; Briggs-Peppler, Kayla; Chittenden,Chelsea M.;

Rubira,Joseph; Wismer,Lindsay K.Spirituality in Occupational Therapy: Do We Practice

What We Teach? Journal of Religion and Health, 2014, 53, 1, 27-36, Springer Last

Imported; Check for this item at the UTEP Library

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