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Evaluation Plan


Program Description
The Saturn Learning Technology Initiative provides over 80,000 teachers and students with
technology needs. Each participating school is able to select the technology that is best suited for
them. The SLTI program needs teachers willing to take their time to use their technology and
integrate it into the classroom efficiently. The goals are to have professional developments that
allow teachers to effectively use technology in the classroom and have more successful students.


The purpose of the evaluation is to create college and career ready students. To gain more
economic developed and career driven community as well. Another outcome of the evaluation is
to have a more trusting relationship between students and teachers. Lastly, to have the students
gain employment and increase graduation rates.


Understanding Stakeholder Needs

The stakeholders interested in this program would be teachers, administrators and people who fund the
program. These stakeholders can use the evaluation to see what is working and change what is not
through their findings. Their findings are utilized through making improvements of the evaluations.

Audience Evaluation findings of Utilization of evaluation findings

Teachers -Program evaluation participation -On-going program improvements
-Student performance -On-going student improvements
-Program itself -Ong-going staff improvements

Funders -Data driven by staff Determination of future funding

-Data driven by students
-Data driven by administration

Administrators -Test scores Determination of continued use by staff and students

-Surveys by students and staff

Evaluation Questions and Anticipated Data Sources

Evaluation Question 1: Within the SLTI program, are the funds being equitably distributed?
The question of equity not only includes the distribution to its education, but also the equitable
distribution of technology and funds. The question of educational and technological equity is part
of the SLTI core goals, but it is not specified in the outcomes. This is an important factor in
determining if the SLTI program is doing what it is meant for. To assess this question of equity a
couple different methods could be used. A cost to benefit analysis could be done for professional

development of teachers. This would include the cost to participation ratio and the learning
benefits offered by SLTI. The evaluator could also look at the distribution of technology to
student and analyze student performance across curricula to ensure student achievement. These
methods will assure the equitable distribution of funds for the SLTI program.

Evaluation Question 2: Has the increase in technology education for academics and instruction
of the SLTI program been successful for the improvement of student knowledge and
achievement? In the case study a specific outcome was for the program to meet state standards.
Implementation of technology is important as long as it aligns with student achievement and
teachers use it as a learning tool to challenge their students further. In order for the evaluator to
assess this question, they could use such methods as pre/post test scores or surveys from the staff
and students on classroom engagement.

Evaluation Question 3: How will the continuation of the SLTI program be implemented in
schools in terms of cost, training, and upgrades for devices? The maintenance after the initial
grant is an important factor to consider for the program. If the cost is not in place or planned
appropriately, then the program will eventually not work or fade out on its own. A program that
is going to be implemented need to benefit all parties and needs to works out long term, which
means a plan of action in the school system to keep it going and fully funded. For an evaluator to
assess this question they would use methods such as budgets/funding proposals and surveys of
the administrations staff as well as district level personnel.


Data will be collected in several different ways. One of which will be student performance by
test scores. This will be shown by the increase or decrease in their test scores. An increase in
their test scores will show a benefit of the program, while a decrease will show that the program
is possibly not working in some ways. Another source of data collection will be the increase of
student knowledge in student achievement. In order for the evaluator to assess this, they could
use pre/posttests. Another form of data collection will be surveying students and staff to look to
see if their technology needs are being met.

Data Collection Plan

Indicator Data Sources/Tools Collection

Increased knowledge Pre/Posttests From Who When How

Students During each unit Beginning and End of

Unit Assessments

Improved test scores Standardized test scores Students End of School EOCT and
Year Milestones
Survey Questionnaires and Open Ended Teachers and Any time within Focus Groups
Questions Students the School year

Qualitative and quantitative analysis will be used to collect data. The test scores and increased knowledge
will be used by quantitative analysis. The surveys will be used by qualitative analysis. The data will be
analysis by different people in order to obtain bias opinions and to gather a better understanding of how
each focus group is meeting its intended goals for the SLTI program. The information will be analyzed to
seek commonalities among the groups and look for differences to change the program if needed.

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