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Agricultural Business (Google SketchUp 3D Model Rubric)

Criterion Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

(Score 0 if element is absent) (15) (20) (25)
Student completed a 3D model
Creation of a 3D Model with Student started to build a 3D Student completed their 3D meeting the requirements, and
Google SketchUp model of their feedlot style. model meeting requirements. added additional details
resulting in exceptional effort.
Student made model to scale or
provided a key to understand
Student attempted to scale their Student made model to scale or dimensions. Additionally, the
Project to Scale/ Key of dimensions model or provide a scale, but provided a key to understand student explained ever element
element was not completed. the provided dimensions. of their model and how it
would look if apply in the real
Little signs of creativity in Model includes some creative Model was creative in the
Creativity model. design. whole design.
Student exceptional understood
Student clearly tried to Student clearly demonstrated
how to use Google SketchUp.
understand the program, but did understanding of how to use
Preparation Student asked for help and had
not ask for help. Google SketchUp.
questions about the program.

Project Total: 100 pts.

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