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Acta vet. scand. 2003, 44, 153-159.

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamic Effects of

Flunixin after Intravenous, Intramuscular and Oral
Administration to Dairy Goats
By K. Königsson1, K. Törneke2, I.V. Engeland3, K. Odensvik1 and H. Kindahl1

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Centre for Reproductive Biology in Uppsala, and 2Department of
Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
Uppsala, Sweden, and 3Department of Reproduction and Forensic Medicine, Norwegian College of Veterinary
Medicine, Oslo, Norway.

Königsson K, Törneke K, Engeland IV, Odensvik K, Kindahl H: Pharmacokinet-

ics and pharmacodynamic effects of flunixin after intravenous, intramuscular and
oral administration to dairy goats. Acta vet. scand. 2003, 44, 153-159. – The phar-
macokinetics and the prostaglandin (PG) synthesis inhibiting effect of flunixin were de-
termined in 6 Norwegian dairy goats. The dose was 2.2 mg/kg body weight adminis-
tered by intravenous (i.v.), intramuscular (i.m.) and oral (p.o.) routes using a cross-over
design. Plasma flunixin content was analysed by use of liquid chromatography and the
PG synthesis was evaluated by measuring plasma 15-ketodihydro-PGF2α by a radioim-
muno-assay. Results are presented as median (range). The elimination half-lives (t1/2⭈␭)
were 3.6 (2.0-5.0), 3.4 (2.6-6.8) and 4.3 (3.4-6.1) h for i.v., i.m. and p.o. administration,
respectively. Volume of distribution at steady state (Vdss) was 0.35 (0.23-0.41) L/kg and
clearance (CL), 110 (60-160) mL/h/kg. The plasma concentrations after oral adminis-
tration showed a double-peak phenomenon with the two peaks occurring at 0.37 (0.25-
1) and 3.5 (2.5-5.0) h, respectively. Both peaks were in the same order of magnitude.
Bioavailability was 79 (53-112) and 58 (35%-120)% for i.m. and p.o. administration, re-
spectively. 15-Ketodihydro-PGF2α plasma concentrations decreased after flunixin ad-
ministration independent of the route of administration.

Introduction 1996) and its pharmacokinetic properties has

Flunixin is a non-steroid anti-inflammatory been studied in cattle (Landoni et al. 1995,
drug (NSAID) used for analgetic, antiphlogistic Odensvik & Johansson 1995), sheep (Welsh et
and antipyretic purposes in a variety of mam- al. 1993, Cheng et al., 1998), camels (Oukessou
malian species. The mechanism of action of 1994, Wasfi et al. 1998) and llamas (Navarre et
NSAIDs is inhibition of cyclooxygenase al. 2001).
(COX), responsible for the synthesis of For NSAIDs, the relationship between plasma
prostaglandins (PG:s) from arachidonic acid concentration and clinical effect has been diffi-
(Vane & Botting 1996). cult to establish (Cheng et al. 1998). However,
Flunixin has been studied for treatment of in- one biomarker for PG synthesis, which could
flammatory conditions like mastitis, endotox- be detected in plasma, is 15-ketodihydro-
emia and musculoskeletal disorders in different PGF2α (PG-metabolite). This is the primary
ruminant species (e.g. Anderson et al. 1991, metabolite of PGF2α and has been used in sev-
Welsh & Nolan 1995, Odensvik & Magnusson eral studies as a marker for synthesis and re-

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154 K. Königsson et al.

lease of PG:s (e.g. Fredriksson 1984, Daels et administered into the contralateral jugular
al. 1989). vein). Blood samples (approximately 5 mL)
The aim of this study was to investigate the were harvested at 60, 45, 30, 15 and 5 minutes
pharmacokinetics of flunixin in Norwegian before and at 5, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150 and
dairy goats after oral, intramuscular and intra- 180 minutes and at 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 22, 24,
venous administrations and to study the inhibi- 26, 28, 30, 32, 34 and 36 h after administration
tion of prostaglandin synthesis. of flunixin.
The blood was collected in heparinized tubes
Materials and methods (Vacutainer, Terumo, Loeven, Belgium). Plas-
Animals ma was separated by centrifugation at 1500 × g,
6 healthy Norwegian dairy goats were used for for 20 min at 20°C within 20 min after collec-
the study. The age of the goats was 3 years and tion. Plasma was withdrawn and stored at
the body weights ranged from 34 to 59 kg. The -20°C until analysed.
goats were fed according to Norwegian stan-
dards. The same 6 animals were used in all Experimental design
studies, i.e. single intravenous administration The study had a crossover design and all the six
(i.v.), single intramuscular administration (i.m.) participating animals received flunixin i.v., i.m.
and single oral administration (p.o.). The ex- and p.o. Drug administration was carried out at
periments were carried out in the post partal pe- three successive periods with a washout time of
riod (9-61 days after parturition). Four of the 10 days between each experiment. At each pe-
goats were lactating and the other two goats had riod, two animals received each of the adminis-
aborted and were non-lactating. The study has trations. The goats were randomly allocated to
been registered and approved by the Norwegian the administration groups.
Animal Research Authority (NARA) (Registra-
tion No. 5/97). Analytical assay
Flunixin was analysed using a high perfor-
Drug administration mance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method
Flunixin meglumine (Finadyne® vet., Schering- adapted from analysis of bovine plasma
Plough, Stockholm, Sweden) was administered (Odensvik & Johansson, 1995). In short, goat
in all experiments at a nominal dose of 2.2 plasma was used for analysis and as an internal
mg/kg body weight. For i.v. administration, Fi- standard, sodium diclofenac (Ciba-Geigy AG,
nadyne® vet. solution for injection, (50 mg/mL) Basel, Schweiz) dissolved in potassium phos-
was given into the V. jugularis externa, and for phate buffer (KH2PO4) pH 3.5 (0.3 M) was
i.m. administration the same formulation was used. For each sample 1 mL of goat plasma was
given into the dorsal muscles of the neck. For used and the internal standard (200 µl) was
oral administration Finadyne® vet granules (25 added to the plasma and mixed. Then flunixin
mg/g) dissolved in a small amount of water was and diclofenac were extracted by an addition of
given via a gastric tube as a gavage. All admin- 5 mL of diethyl ether. After gentle mixture for
istrations were performed at 9 am. 20 min the tube with its contents were put in
methanol, -20°C. When the plasma had frozen
Blood sampling the ether-phase was removed and transferred to
Before each experiment an intravenous catheter a second tube and then evaporated. The residue
was inserted into the jugular vein (flunixin was was dissolved in 200 µL mobile phase and

Acta vet. scand. vol. 44 no. 3-4, 2003

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic effects of flunixin 155

injected on the column (LiChrosorb 5 RP-SE- Pharmacokinetic calculations

LECT-B). Methanol (LiChrosolve Methanol Data for plasma flunixin concentration vs. time
gradient grade for chromatography, Merck, was analysed by use of non-compartmental
Darmstadt, Germany) and sodium phosphate methods based on statistical moment theory
buffer pH 5.8 (0.05 M) 50/50 vol/vol were used (Gibaldi & Perrier, 1982). A commercially
as mobile phase. All chromatographic proce- available software program was used (WinNon-
dures were performed with a flow rate of 0.8 lin Standard, Pharsight Corporation, Palo Alto,
mL/min and a run time of 20 min. Flunixin was CA, USA) with its incorporated models (num-
detected by UV absorption at a wavelength of ber 200 for im and po administration and 201
254 nm. The retention time for diclofenac and for iv administration). The area under the
flunixin were 10 and 12 min, respectively. The plasma concentration-vs.-time curve (AUC)
standard curve ranged from 47 ng/mL to 29 and the area under the first moment curve
µg/mL. The limit of quantification for the (AUMC) was calculated using the linear/loga-
method was 47 ng/mL. At 47 ng/mL the intra- rithmic trapetzoidal rule. The rate constant as-
assay coefficient of variation and the inter-assay sociated with the terminal elimination phase
coefficient of variation were 7.8% (n=3) and (␭) was estimated by means of linear regression
9.3% (n=6), respectively. of the terminal phase of the log concentration-
For each series of analysis a standard curve was vs.-time curve, and the half-life (t1/2) and the
generated and in addition 6 quality control sam- volume of distribution (Vd) associated with ␭
ples (3 different concentrations) were analysed (Vd␭) was calculated. For calculation of ␭ after
together with the test samples. As acceptance the intravenous and the intramuscular adminis-
criterion for an analysis the quality control sam- tration all plasma samples from 2.5 h and on-
ples should have a precision and accuracy equal wards were included. After oral administration
to or better than 10% of the intended concen- of the drug all time points from 6 h and further
tration. Deviations of up to 20% were accepted were included. Lambda was also used to ex-
for 2 of the 6 quality control samples unless trapolate AUC and the AUMC to infinity (inf).
both deviations occurred at the same concentra- From AUC and AUMC, clearance (CL), mean
tion. residence time (MRT) and volume of distribu-
15-Ketodihydro-PGF2α was analysed using a tion at steady state (Vdss) were calculated.
radioimmunoassay (Granström & Kindahl,
1982). The analyses were performed in dupli- The equations used for the calculations were:
cates of 0.5 ml plasma. Limit of quantification F (bioavailability) = 100 × (AUCinf,extravasc. ×
for the method was 30 pmol/L. Samples of doseiv) / (AUCinf,iv × doseoral)
higher concentrations were reanalysed in 0.2 ml Vd␭ = Dose / (␭ × AUCinf)
(>200 pmol/L) or 0.05 ml (>500 pmol/L) Vdss = Dose × AUMC / AUCinf2
plasma in separate assays. The range of the Cl = dose/AUCinf
standard curve was 4-512 pg and then, depend- MRT = AUMCinf / AUCinf
ing on plasma volumes, the final concentrations
were calculated in pmol/L. Intra-assay coeffi- Pharmacodynamic calculations
cients of variation ranged between 6.6% and For the evaluation of the effect on prostaglandin
11.7% for the different ranges of the standard release, a pre-experimental mean value of the
curve and the inter-assay coefficient of varia- PG-metabolite concentration was calculated for
tion was 14%. each goat at each administration. A cut-off limit

Acta vet. scand. vol. 44 no. 3-4, 2003

156 K. Königsson et al.

for PG-metabolite suppression was calculated these assumed distribution phases was seen
and defined as the pre-experimental mean value also after i.m. administration (Fig. 1).
minus two times the standard deviation. Inhibi- Flunixin absorption after oral administration
tion of the prostaglandin synthesis was as- was rapid with two Cmax in all individuals (Fig
sumed to last as long as the PG-metabolite lev- 2). The second Cmax was of the same magnitude
els remained below the cut-off limit. as the first. The terminal phase of the plasma
concentration-time profiles had similar (Krus-
Statistical analyses kal-Wallis, p >0.05) elimination rates indepen-
All pharmacokinetic parameters are expressed dent of route of administration (Fig. 1 and Fig.
as median (range). Differences between differ- 2). The median (range) r2 for the linear regres-
ent routes of administration regarding the ␭ and sion of the terminal phase of the curve was 0.98
the effect duration were statistically evaluated (0.87-0.99) and the fraction of AUC extrapo-
using the Kruskal-Wallis test by the use of lated beyond the last sampling time point was
Minitab for Windows 95, release 12 (Mininc, less than 6%. The main pharmacokinetic pa-
State College, PA, USA). P<0.05 was consid- rameters for flunixin are presented in Table 1.
ered as the level of significance.
Suppression of PG-metabolite levels
Results Pre-experimental levels of the PG-metabolite
Pharmacokinetic parameters were high – 775 pmol/L (499-865) – in 2 goats
Flunixin was detected in the plasma samples ir- (on 1 and 2 occasions, respectively) where the
respective of route of administration at all time experiments were performed within 20 days af-
points up to 22 (12-26) hours (median (range)). ter parturition (during the early postpartal pe-
The plasma concentrations of flunixin after i.v. riod). In the remaining goats the pre-experi-
administration declined rapidly with two dis- mental levels were 66 pmol/L (43-99).
tinct phases prior to the ␭-phase. The latter of In all goats and for all routes, with one excep-

Figure 1. Mean values of the plasma concentrations Figure 2. Mean values of the plasma concentra-
obtained after intramuscular administration of flu- tions obtained after oral administration of flunixin to
nixin to goats (n=6). Data after intravenous adminis- goats (n=6). Data after intravenous administration
tration are shown as a reference. are shown as a reference.

Acta vet. scand. vol. 44 no. 3-4, 2003

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic effects of flunixin 157

Table 1. Pharmacokinetic parameters (median (range)) in plasma following flunixin meglumine (2.2 mg/kg)
given intravenously, intramuscularly and orally to 6 Norwegian dairy goats.

Route of administration
parameter unit i.v. (n=6) i.m. (n=6) p.o. (n=6)

AUC h/µg/ml 21 (14-36) 16 (14-19) 12 (7.5-17)

CL ml/h/kg 110 (60-160) - -
Vdss l/kg 0.35 (0.23-0.41) - -
␭ 1/h 0.19 (0.14-0.35) 0.20 (0.10-0.27) 0.16 (0.12-0.20)
Vd␭ l/kg 0.5 (0.4-0.8) - -
MRT h 3.1 (2.1-5.9) 4.2 (3.5-4.5) 7.7 (6.0-9.3)
t1⁄2 h 3.6 (2.0-5.1) 3.4 (2.6-7.1) 4.2 (3.4-6.0)
Cmax1 µg/ml - 6.1 (3.3-7.4) 1.2 (0.8-2.0)
Cmax2 µg/ml - - 1.3 (0.8-1.8)
Tmax1 h - 0.37 (0.25-0.75) 0.37 (0.25-1.0)
Tmax2 h - - 3.5 (2.5-5)
F % - 79 (53-112) 58 (35-120)

AUC = area under the concentration time curve extrapolated to infinity, CL = total body clearance, Vdss = apparent volume of
distribution at steady state, ␭ = elimination rate constant, Vd␭ = volume of distribution based on the terminal phase, MRT =
mean residence time, t1⁄2 = half-life of the terminal phase, Cmax = maximum concentration, Tmax = time for Cmax, F = bioavail-

tion, the plasma levels of the PG-metabolite Discussion

were suppressed after administration of flu- In this study we have investigated the pharma-
nixin. In one goat, however, the concentrations cokinetics of flunixin and its ability to inhibit of
of the PG-metabolite remained at approxi- prostaglandin synthesis in Norwegian dairy
mately 60 pmol/L although assumed thera- goats. Our main findings suggest that flunixin at
peutic exposure of flunixin (AUC = 17 h/µg/ml) a dose of 2.2 mg/kg b.w. administered either
were achieved. orally, intramuscularly or intravenously, sup-
The PG-metabolite levels declined 15 (5-45) presses the synthesis of PGF2α measured as its
min after administration of flunixin irrespec- main metabolite, 15-ketodihydro PGF2α. Fur-
tively of route of administration. The PG- thermore the half-life, clearance and volume of
metabolite levels were suppressed for a shorter distribution at steady state in this study are
time, 10 h (6-12, n=3), in goats where the ex- comparable to reports from other ruminants
periments were performed during the early post- like cattle (Odensvik & Johansson 1995), sheep
partal period (and the pre-experimental PG- (Welsh et al. 1993) and camels (Wasfi et al.
metabolite levels were high), compared with 1998). Thus, the systemic exposure to flunixin
administration later in the puerperium when the after administration seem to be similar in rumi-
preexperimental PG-metabolite levels were low, nants of different species independent on route
22 h (12-26, n=11). In 3 cases, the effect dura- of administration.
tion could not be determined, as the basal levels The absorption was rapid after both intramus-
of the PG-metabolite were unstable (SD >20%). cular and oral administrations. After oral ad-
No statistical differences of the effect duration ministration, there were two peaks in the
were found between the different routes of ad- plasma concentration during the absorption
ministration (Kruskal-Wallis, p >0.05). phase. This might be an effect of delayed ab-

Acta vet. scand. vol. 44 no. 3-4, 2003

158 K. Königsson et al.

sorption due to binding of flunixin to ruminal cattle where puerperal cows need flunixin ad-
contents. Flunixin binds to hay and this influ- ministration several times per day for a more
ences the absorption in the horse (Welsh et al. sustained inhibition of the prostaglandin syn-
1992). thesis (Odensvik & Fredriksson 1993).
There were no statistical differences in efficacy In conclusion flunixin administered at a dose of
between the different routes of administration. 2.2 mg/kg orally, intramuscularly or intra-
This is in agreement with findings in heifers venously, suppressed prostaglandin synthesis in
(Odensvik 1995) where oral and intramuscular goats. The systemic exposure of flunixin in
administration of flunixin was as efficient as in- goats was similar to that in cattle given the same
travenous administration. This suggests that the dose per kg bw (which is the therapeutic dose in
same dose could be used even though the this species). Together these findings indicate
bioavailability was only 79% and 58% after in- that 2.2 mg/kg bw is likely to be be an appro-
tramuscular and oral administration to goats, priate dose for clinical use also in goats.
Prostaglandins and tromboxanes are often used Acknowledgement
as bio-markers for COX-inhibition. As the half- This study was supported by the Swedish Council for
lives of these compounds are very short, quan- Forestry and Agricultural Research and the Swedish
Farmers Foundation for Agricultural Research. The
tification of metabolite concentrations are used authors would like to thank the staff at the Depart-
instead of the parent compounds. The use of a ment of Reproduction and Forensic Medicine, Nor-
PG-metabolite connected to the reproductive wegian College of Veterinary Medicine, Oslo, Nor-
system allowed estimation of a pharmacody- way and Schering-Plough, Stockholm, Sweden for
kind contributions.
namic effect in healthy animals not subjected to
inflammation or pain. This protocol had advan- References
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Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic effects of flunixin 159

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(Received February 17, 2003; accepted September 17, 2003).

Reprints may be obtained from: H. Kindahl, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences, Box 7039, SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden, E-mail:, tel: +46-18-
672251, fax: +46-18-673545.

Acta vet. scand. vol. 44 no. 3-4, 2003

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