ch2 Chem

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1. 1.

8 mol of an
ideal gas at
303 K is
from 2.2 L to
0.20 L. What
is ΔS?
1. 36 J/K
2. –18
3. –10.9
4. –36 J/K
5. –20 J/K
2. For the reaction A + B → C + D, ΔH° = +40 kJ and ΔS° =
+50 J/K. Therefore, the reaction under standard conditions
1. spontaneous at temperatures less than 10 K.
2. nonspontaneous at all temperatures.
3. spontaneous only at temperatures between 10 K and 800
4. spontaneous at temperatures greater than 800 K.
5. spontaneous at all temperatures.
3. In a certain reversible expansion, a system at 300. K
absorbs exactly 6.00 × 102 J of heat. In the irreversible
recompression to the original state of the system, twice as
much work is done on the system as is performed on the
surroundings in the expansion. What is the entropy change
of the system in the recompression step?
1. –2.00 J/K
2. 0.00 J/K
3. 2.00 J/K
4. –4.00 J/K
5. 4.00 J/K
4. For the vaporization of a liquid at a given pressure
1. ΔG is positive at low temperatures but negative at high
temperatures (and zero at some temperature).
2. ΔG is negative at low temperatures but positive at high
temperatures (and zero at some temperature).
3. ΔG is positive at all temperatures.
4. ΔG is negative at all temperatures.
5. Consider a weak acid, HX. The value of ΔG° for the acid's
dissociation reaction at 25°C is 42.6 kJ. Determine the
value of Ka for the acid.
1. 1.63
2. 4.26 × 10^5
3. 2.86 × 10^(–6)
4. none of these
5. 3.41 × 10^(–8)
6. In an isothermal process, the pressure on 1 mol of an ideal
monatomic gas suddenly changes from 4.00 atm to 100.0
atm at 25°C.
Calculate ΔV.

1. 6.11 L
2. –5.87 L
3. 5.87 L
4. –6.11 L
5. none of these
7. If the change in entropy of the surroundings for a process
at 443 K and constant pressure is –347 J/K, what is the heat
flow absorbed by the system?

1. –154 kJ
2. 18.5 kJ
3. 783 kJ
4. –18.5 kJ
5. 154 kJ
8. Calculate ΔG for the isothermal compression of 1 mol of an
ideal monatomic gas from 1.4 atm to 5.0 atm at 25°C.
1. –1.5 × 10^3 J
2. 3.2 × 10^3 J
3. 4.7 × 10^3 J
4. 1.5 × 10^3 J
5. –3.2 × 10^3 J
9. For a particular reaction, the equilibrium constant is
1.56 × 10–2 at 324°C, and ΔH° is +12.9 kJ at 25°C.
Assuming ΔH° and ΔS° are temperature independent,
calculate ΔS° for the reaction.

1. 6.59 J/K
2. –56.2 J/K
3. –13.0 J/K
4. 13.0 J/K
5. 56.2 J/K
10. Calculate the minimum work required to compress 1.9 mol
of an ideal monatomic gas from 48.0 L to 17.8 L at 29°C.
1. 4.7 × 10^3 J
2. –7.1 × 10^3 J
3. 2.5 × 10^2 J
4. 4.5 × 10^2 J
5. 7.1 × 10^3 J

1. The vapor
pressure of
Br2(l) at 25°C
is 0.281 atm,
and 193 J is
required to
vaporize 1.00
g of bromine
at 1 atm
Calculate ΔH°
for the
of Br2(l) at
25°C and 1

1. 30.8
2. 1.21
3. 15.4
4. none of
5. 0.193
2. For the vaporization of a liquid at a given pressure
1. ΔG is negative at low temperatures but positive at high
temperatures (and zero at some temperature).
2. ΔG is positive at all temperatures.
3. ΔG is positive at low temperatures but negative at high
temperatures (and zero at some temperature).
4. ΔG is negative at all temperatures.
3. For a particular reaction, the equilibrium constant is
1.56 × 10–2 at 324°C, and ΔH° is +12.9 kJ at 25°C.
Assuming ΔH° and ΔS° are temperature independent,
calculate ΔS° for the reaction.

1. –56.2 J/K
2. 56.2 J/K
3. 13.0 J/K
4. 6.59 J/K
5. –13.0 J/K
4. In which of the following changes is the work done by the
system the largest at 25°C?
1. an isothermal free expansion of an ideal gas from 1 L to
10 L
2. an isothermal expansion of an ideal gas from 1 L to 10 L
against an opposing pressure of 5 atm
3. an isothermal reversible expansion of an ideal gas from
1 L to 10 L
4. The work is the same for all these processes
5. an isothermal expansion of an ideal gas from 1 L to 10 L
against an opposing pressure of 1 atm
5. The standard free energy of formation of N2(g) at 25°C is
zero. Calculate ΔGf (25°C), in kilojoules per mol, for N2 at
1000 atm. Assume ideal gas behavior.
1. 0 kJ/mol
2. +17.1 kJ/mol
3. –17.1 kJ/mol
4. +39.4 kJ/mol
5. –39.4 kJ/mol
6. For the reaction A + B → C + D, ΔH° = +40 kJ and ΔS° =
+50 J/K. Therefore, the reaction under standard
conditions is
1. spontaneous at all temperatures.
2. spontaneous at temperatures less than 10 K.
3. nonspontaneous at all temperatures.
4. spontaneous at temperatures greater than 800 K.
5. spontaneous only at temperatures between 10 K and 800
7. Consider a weak acid, HX. The value of ΔG° for the acid's
dissociation reaction at 25°C is 42.6 kJ. Determine the
value of Ka for the acid.
1. 3.41 × 10^(–8)
2. 1.63
3. 4.26 × 10^5
4. 2.86 × 10^(–6)
5. none of these
8. Calculate ΔG for the isothermal compression of 1 mol of
an ideal monatomic gas from 1.4 atm to 5.0 atm at 25°C.

1. 1.5 × 10^3 J
2. –1.5 × 10^3 J
3. 3.2 × 10^3 J
4. –3.2 × 10^3 J
5. 4.7 × 10^3 J
9. If the change in entropy of the surroundings for a process
at 443 K and constant pressure is –347 J/K, what is the
heat flow absorbed by the system?

1. 18.5 kJ
2. –18.5 kJ
3. –154 kJ
4. 154 kJ
5. 783 kJ
10. Water gas, a commercial fuel, is made by the reaction of
hot coke carbon with steam.

C(s) + H2O(g) → CO(g) + H2(g)

When equilibrium is established at 800°C, the

concentrations of CO, H2, and H2O are 4.00 × 10–2mol/L,
4.00 × 10–2 mol/L, and 1.00 × 10–2 mol/L, respectively.
Calculate the value of ΔG° for this reaction at 800°C.
1. 16.3 kJ
2. –43.5 kJ
3. none of these
4. 193 kJ
5. 109 kJ

1. For a
reaction, the
constant is
1.56 × 10–2 at
and ΔH° is
+12.9 kJ at
Assuming ΔH°
and ΔS° are
calculate ΔS°
for the

1. –56.2
2. –13.0
3. 56.2 J/K
4. 13.0 J/K
5. 6.59 J/K
2. In an isothermal process, the pressure on 1 mol of an ideal
monatomic gas suddenly changes from 4.00 atm to 100.0 atm
at 25°C.

Calculate ΔG.

1. –7.98 kJ
2. 59.5 kJ
3. 0 kJ
4. none of these
5. 7.98 kJ
3. Calculate ΔG for the isothermal compression of 1 mol of
an ideal monatomic gas from 1.4 atm to 5.0 atm at 25°C.

1. –1.5 × 10^3 J
2. –3.2 × 10^3 J
3. 1.5 × 10^3 J
4. 3.2 × 10^3 J
5. 4.7 × 10^3 J
4. The standard free energy of formation of N2(g) at 25°C is
zero. Calculate ΔGf (25°C), in kilojoules per mol, for N2 at
1000 atm. Assume ideal gas behavior.
1. –39.4 kJ/mol
2. –17.1 kJ/mol
3. +17.1 kJ/mol
4. 0 kJ/mol
5. +39.4 kJ/mol
5. Water gas, a commercial fuel, is made by the reaction of
hot coke carbon with steam.

C(s) + H2O(g) → CO(g) + H2(g)

When equilibrium is established at 800°C, the

concentrations of CO, H2, and H2O are 4.00 × 10–2mol/L,
4.00 × 10–2 mol/L, and 1.00 × 10–2 mol/L, respectively.
Calculate the value of ΔG° for this reaction at 800°C.
1. 193 kJ
2. 16.3 kJ
3. –43.5 kJ
4. none of these
5. 109 kJ
6. In an isothermal process, the pressure on 1 mol of an ideal
monatomic gas suddenly changes from 4.00 atm to 100.0
atm at 25°C.

Calculate ΔH.

1. 0 kJ
2. –59.5 kJ
3. 59.5 kJ
4. none of these
5. –119 kJ
7. For the vaporization of a liquid at a given pressure
1. ΔG is negative at low temperatures but positive at high
temperatures (and zero at some temperature).
2. ΔG is positive at all temperatures.
3. ΔG is positive at low temperatures but negative at high
temperatures (and zero at some temperature).
4. ΔG is negative at all temperatures.
8. Calculate ΔS for an isothermal (95°C) expansion of 2 mol
of a monatomic ideal gas from 100.0 atm to 1.00 atm.

1. –38.3 J/K
2. none
3. –76.6 J/K
4. 76.6 J/K
5. 38.3 J/K
9. In an isothermal process, the pressure on 1 mol of an ideal
monatomic gas suddenly changes from 4.00 atm to 100.0
atm at 25°C.
Calculate ΔV.

1. 5.87 L
2. 6.11 L
3. none of these
4. –6.11 L
5. –5.87 L
10. Calculate the minimum work required to compress
1.9 mol of an ideal monatomic gas from 48.0 L to 17.8 L at
1. 7.1 × 10^3 J
2. 4.7 × 10^3 J
3. 2.5 × 10^2 J
4. 4.5 × 10^2 J
5. –7.1 × 10^3 J

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