Instructions On How To Use A Rubric

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Instructions on how to use a rubric.

• Each worksheet tab along the bottom of the screen includes a sample rubric.
• To use a template in its current form simply print the worksheet, most rubrics will print on a single page.
• The text in the rubrics can be edited to meet your specific needs. Note, however that the cell sizes may need to be
adjusted so that the rubric can be printed on a single page.
• To add more than one line in a cell hold the Alt key while pressing Enter.

• To copy a rubric to a Word document that can be edited:

1. Open a new document in Word and change the Page Layout orientation to Landscape
2. Go to the Excel file and select the entire rubric. Click in cell A1 and while holding down the mouse button
drag the cursor to the lowest right-most cell of the rubric.
3. Copy the selected cells, place the cursor in the new Word document and paste.
4. It may be necesssary to adjust the cells and text size to keep the rubric on a single page.

• If you want to copy the rubric to a Word document, but you do not plan to edit the content
it may be is easier to insert the rubric as a picture.
1. Open a new document and change the Page Layout orientation to Landscape
2. Go to the Excel file and select the entire rubric. Click in cell A1 and while holding down the mouse button
drag the cursor to the lowest right-most cell of the rubric.
3. In the Home menu click on the down arrow next to Copy and select Copy as picture...
4. For the Appearance option select "As shown when printed" and press OK
5. Go to the Word document, click in the document and paste.

• If you do not want the blue highlighted cells in you printed rubric the color can be removed.
1.Select the entire rubric by clicking in cell A1 and dragging while holding down the mouse button.
2. In the Home menu click on the Fill Color icon and select No Fill.
3. The labels for the columns are white so when the background cell color is removed the text is not viisible. To
make them visible select the cells and click on the Font Color icon to change the color to black.
Rubric for Rating Oral Presentations Student Name:

Proficient Acceptable Needs Improvement Unacceptable Pts.

4 - excellent 3- good 1- fair 0- poor

Student shows enthusiasm and Student presents Audience has difficulty following Delivery not smooth and
presents information in logical, information in logical presentation because student audience attention lost
Organization interesting sequence which engages sequence which audience jumps around. because there is no sequence
the audience. can follow. of information.

Accurate and in depth information, Accurate information, Some information is inaccurate, Information is inaccurate, most
Content sufficient amount of information, sufficient information, sufficient information, some sources are not cited.
proper citing of resources. some resources not cited. resources are not cited.

Student is at ease with

Student demonstrates full Student is uncomfortable with Student does not have grasp
information and gives
knowledge (more than required) and information and is able to of information; student cannot
Subject Knowledge expected answers to all
answers all questions with answer only rudimentary answer questions about
questions, but fails to
explanations and elaboration. questions. subject.

The electronic presentation displays The electronic

elements of creativity and style, and presentation is clear and Lacks style and reads more like a The presentation lacks a clear
Style/Mechanics is not simply a list of information. logical and contains list of information, than as a focus and there are many
(PowerPoint) The electronic presentation is pertinent information support for an oral presentation. errors. Electronic presentation
presented in a clear and concise and images. Good clear Lacks neatness and clarity. is not creative.
manner. oral presentation.

Student's voice is clear. Student's voice is low. Student

Student uses a clear voice and Student mumbles, incorrectly
Student pronounces incorrectly pronounces terms.
correct, precise pronunciation of pronounces terms, and speaks
most words correctly. Audience members have
Communication & Time terms so that all audience members Most audience members difficulty hearing presentation too quietly for students in the
Management can hear presentation. The back of class to hear and/or
can hear presentation. and/or the presentation was
presentation was of the proper the presentation was too brief
The presentation was of somewhat short or somewhat
duration. or too long.
the proper duration. long.

Overall Rating Excellent Good Fair Poor

Comments (continue on back if needed):
Rubric for Rating Portfolio Reflections – Initial submission Student Name:

SKILLS Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Excellent Proficient Acceptable Needs Improvement Unacceptable

Outcome Demonstrates conscious and Demonstrates a thoughtful Demonstrates a limited

thorough understanding of awareness of the Demonstrates a basic awareness awareness of one or two of Demonstrates little or no
mastery the knowledge and skills knowledge and skills of some of the knowledge and the knowledge and skills awareness of the knowledge
acquired for this domain over acquired for this domain skills acquired for this domain acquired for this domain and skills acquired for this
the course of the graduate over the course of the over the course of the graduate over the course of the domain over the course of
program graduate program program graduate program the graduate program

Using student learning The written information

Using student learning objectives from course Using student learning The written information provided does not reference
Depth of objectives from course syllabi, the student objectives from course syllabi, either what they learned, student learning objectives
syllabi, the student addresses addresses what they the student addresses either how they learned it, and/or from course syllabi, and does
reflection what they learned, how they learned and how they what they learned or how they what is next, for this not address what they
learned it, and what is next learned it, for this domain, learned it for this domain, and domain, but does not tie the learned, how they learned it,
with regard to learning, for but does not address plans does not address plans for learning to objectives from or what is next, for this
this domain for future learning future learning course syllabi domain

Substantiation of
Artifacts provide specific Artifacts provide relevant Artifacts provide vague
claims examples to support claims examples to support claims Artifacts support most of the support to the claims and Artifacts do not support the
and interpretations and interpretations claims and some interpretations interpretations claims and interpretations

Student demonstrates
Writing Student demonstrates use of Student demonstrates use Student demonstrates use of frequent errors and use of
conventions sophisticated language with of sophisticate language clear and interpretable language unclear or incomplete Student demonstrates
essentially no spelling or with almost no spelling or with occasional spelling and sentences so that multiple errors so that
grammatical errors grammatical errors grammatical errors comprehension is difficult comprehension is almost

Overall Rating Excellent Proficient Good Fair Poor

Rubric for Final Exam Essay Student Name:

Dimension Proficient Acceptable Needs Improvement Unacceptable Pts.

4 - excellent 3- good 1- fair 0- poor
Thesis is placed at the start of
the argument, is well Thesis is somewhat There is a thesis statement No discernable thesis
Thesis - 10% articulated and defensible and unclear or is not supported but it is very unclear. statement
explains why the two works by argument.
are related.

Conclusion is a concise, well- Conclusion is somewhat There is a conclusion but it

Conclusion - 10% written summary of the related to the thesis and is not obviously related to No conclusion
argument argument. the thesis or argument

Paper is structured in a series Less than half of the

of well-written paragraphs, all Most of the material Paper is not structured as
Structure - 20% material supports the
of which support the main supports the thesis a coherent argument
Accurately represents Accurately represents at
Accurately represents more No accurate
Ideas - 20% multiple ideas with at least least one idea from each
than one idea from each work one from each work representations of ideas

Multiple citations from each Multiple specific citations No more than one from
work that are all specific and from each source, at least each, or multiple that are No specific citations from
Evidence - 20% well integrated to support some of which support the not well integrated to either work
thesis main thesis support the thesis

Several minor flaws, or at

No more than three minor No more than an average least one major flaw (e.g. a Multiple and major flaws
Style - spelling grammatical or spelling flaws of two or three minor in spelling, grammar
sentence that makes no
grammar, etc. - 20% in the entire paper flaws per page sense), per page and/or style

Rubric for writing assignment Student Name:

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Pts.

All topics are

addressed and most
All topics are addressed and All topics are addressed,
questions answered One or more topics were
Amount of Informaton all questions answered with with at least minimal
and most questions
not addressed.
sufficient detail and examples. answered - detail is lacking
detail - and at least
one example.
Information clearly Information clearly relates
Information clearly relates to Information has little or
relates to the main to the main topic. Points
the main topic. Points are nothing to do with the
Quality of information clearly made. Analysis is topic. Points are are insufficiently
main topic. There is no
made, but analysis is developed. Analysis is
sophisticated critical analysis.
weak. minimal
All sources
(information and All sources (information
All sources (information and
graphics) are and graphics) are
graphics) are accurately Some sources are not
Sources documented in the desired
accurately accurately documented,
accurately documented.
documented, but a but many are not in the
few are not in the desired format.
desired format.
Almost no Many grammatical,
No grammatical, spelling or A few grammatical spelling,
Mechanics punctuation errors.
grammatical, spelling
or punctuation errors.
spelling, or punctuation
or punctuation errors errors.
Information is
Information is very organized Information is organized,
organized with well- The information appears
Organization with well-constructed
but paragraphs are not
to be disorganized.
paragraphs and subheadings. well-constructed.
Overall Rating 4 3 2 1
Rubric for General Writing Assignment Student Name:

Proficient Acceptable Needs Improvement Unacceptable Pts.

4 - excellent 3- good 1- fair 0- poor

Thesis statement could

Thesis is well articulated, No discernable thesis
use some further There is a thesis statement,
Thesis - 20% defensible, and answers the
question. clarification or but it is unclear or off-topic statement

More than one

More than one citation, all of citation, at least one of No more than one, or
Textual citations* - which are specific and well multiple that are not well
No specific citations of
30% integrated to support thesis which is well integrated integrated to support thesis text
to support thesis

Accurately represents more than

Accurate one idea and demonstrates an No accurate
Accurately represents Accurately represents at least
representation of understanding of the author's representations of
overall argument/purpose in the more than one idea one idea from author
author's ideas - 30% author's ideas
relevant text

Several minor flaws per page

Multiple and major flaws
Spelling, grammar and No more than three minor
grammatical or spelling flaws in
No more than three or at least one major flaw
minor grammatical or (e.g. a sentence that makes in spelling, grammar
style - 20% the entire paper spelling errors per page no sense, or a text that is and/or style
more than 5% short)

*these do not have to be quotes, but they do need to at least cite specific content of the rel

t of the relevant text
Rubric for Research Paper in APA style Student Name:

Category Excellent Good Acceptable Unacceptable Pts.

(exceeds standards) (occasionally exceeds) (meets standards) (below standards)
Strong introduction of topic’s key Conveys topic and key Conveys topic, but not key Does not adequately convey 5 pts
question(s), terms. Clearly question(s). Clearly delineates question(s). Describes topic. Does not describe
delineates subtopics to be reviewed. subtopics to be reviewed. subtopics to be reviewed. subtopics to be reviewed.
Introduction Specific thesis statement. General thesis General theses statement. Lacks adequate thesis

All material clearly related to All material clearly related to Most material clearly related to Little evidence material is 5 pts
subtopic, main topic. Strong subtopic, main topic and subtopic, main topic. Material logically organized into topic,
organization and integration of logically organized within may not be organized within subtopics or related to topic.
Focus & Sequencing material within subtopics. Strong subtopics. Clear, varied subtopics. Attempts to provide Many transitions are unclear
transitions linking subtopics, and transitions linking subtopics, variety of transitions or nonexistent.
main topic. and main topic.

Strong peer reviewed research Sources well selected to support Sources generally acceptable but Few sources supporting thesis. 10 pts
based support for thesis. thesis with some research in not peer-reviewed research Sources insignificant or
Support Sources support of thesis. (evidence) based. unsubstantiated.

Strong review of key conclusions. Strong review of key Review of key conclusions. Some Does not summarize evidence 5 pts
Strong integration with thesis conclusions. Strong integration integration with thesis with respect to thesis
statement. Insightful discussion of with thesis statement. Discusses statement. Discusses impact of statement. Does not discuss
Conclusion impact of the researched material impact of researched material researched material on topic. the impact of researched
on topic. on topic. material on topic.

The paper is free of grammatical Grammatical errors or spelling & Very few grammatical, spelling Grammatical errors or 5 pts
General APA errors and spelling & punctuation. punctuation are rare and do not or punctuation errors interfere spelling& punctuation
formatting detract from the paper. with reading the paper. substantially detract from the
No errors in APA style. Scholarly Rare errors in APA style that do Errors in APA style are Errors in APA style detract 10 pts
style. Writing is flowing and easy to not detract from the paper. noticeable. Word choice substantially from the paper.
APA Style & follow. Scholarly style. Writing has occasionally informal in tone. Word choice is informal in
minimal awkward of unclear Writing has a few awkward or tone. Writing is choppy, with
Communication passages. unclear passages. many awkward or unclear

Citations & All references and citations are One or two reference or Several references or citations Reference and citation errors 10 pts
correctly written and present. citations missing or incorrectly missing or incorrectly written. detract significantly from
References written paper
Adpted from:
Rubric for Short paper or Report Student Name:

Category Proficient Good Acceptable Unacceptable Pts.

2 pts
Hypotheses are stated with
Hypotheses are clearly stated with Makes some predictions, but
Hypotheses specific directional predictions, No predictions about results.
specific directional predictions. nondirection or unclear.
but unclear.

4 pts
All Information provided that is
Methods All information, meaures and sufficient to repeat the study, Most information correct, but
Includes participants Much information missing
variables are provided and but more explanation is needed some information may be
& procedures sections and/or inaccurate.
explained. (e.g., explanation of the choice missing or inaccurate.
of measures ).

5 pts
All of the criteria are met; results are
described clearly and accurately; inferential statistics don’t match inferential statistics are
Most criteria are met, but there
correct type of graph chosen with hypotheses, and/or not related missing or incorrect;
accurate display of IV and DV; table may
Results be some lack of clarity to participant behavior; analysis table/graphs are missing or
is organized well with good category and/or incorrect information. of open-ended item is unclear. incorrect.

3 pts
Demonstrates thorough and Hypotheses are clearly stated, Conclusions don’t match
sophisticated understanding. All but some concluding statements Some hypotheses missing or hypotheses, not supported by
Discussion hypotheses included; conclusions misstated; conclusions not
not supported by data or data data; no integration of data
drawn are appropriate for analyses; supported by data.
not well integrated. from different sources.
data from well integrated.

3 pts
Title page, placement of figures and
General APA figure captions, and other APA Minor errors in formatting. Major errors and/or missing No APA style in text.
formatting information.
formatting issues all correct.

Writing is strong and easy to Writing is clear and easy to 3 pts

understand; ideas are fully understand; ideas are Most of the required criteria are
Writing & elaborated and connected; effective connected; effective transitions met, but some lack of clarity, Very unclear, many errors.
organization transitions between sentences; no between sentences; minor typographic, spelling, or
typographic, spelling, or grammatical typographic, spelling, or grammatical errors are present.
errors. grammatical errors.

Rubric for Critical Thinking Student Name:

Category Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Developing (2) Beginning ( 1 or 0) Pts.

Issue/problem to be Issue/problem to be considered Issue/problem to be considered Issue/problem to be
considered critically is stated critically is stated, described, critically is stated but considered critically is stated
clearly and described and clarified so that description leaves some terms without clarification or
comprehensively, delivering all understanding is not seriously undefined, ambiguities description.
relevant information impeded by omissions. unexplored, boundaries
Explanation of issues necessary for full undetermined, and/or
understanding. backgrounds unknown.

Information is taken from source(s) Information is taken from Information is taken from Information is taken from
with enough source(s) with enough source(s) with some source(s) without any
interpretation/evaluation to develop interpretation/evaluation to interpretation/evaluation, but interpretation/evaluation.
Evidence a comprehensive analysis or develop a coherent analysis or not enough to develop a Viewpoints of experts are
(Selecting and using synthesis. Viewpoints of experts are synthesis. Viewpoints of experts coherent analysis or Viewpoints taken as fact, without
information to investigate a questioned thoroughly. are subject to questioning. of experts are taken as mostly question.
point of view or conclusion) fact, with little questioning.

Thoroughly (systematically and Identifies own and others’ Questions some assumptions. Shows an emerging
methodically) analyzes own and assumptions and several Identifies several relevant awareness of present
others’ assumptions and carefully relevant contexts when contexts when presenting a assumptions (sometimes
evaluates the relevance of contexts presenting a position. position. May be more aware of labels assertions as
Influence of context when presenting a position. others’ assumptions than one’s assumptions). Begins to
own (or vice versa). identify some contexts when
and assumptions presenting a position.
Specific position (perspective, Specific position (perspective, Specific position (perspective, Specific position (perspective,
thesis/hypothesis) is imaginative, thesis/hypothesis) takes into thesis/hypothesis) thesis/hypothesis) is stated,
taking into account the complexities account the complexities of an acknowledges different sides of but is simplistic and obvious.
of an issue. Limits of position issue. Others’ points of view and an issue.
(perspective, thesis/ hypothesis) are assumptions are acknowledged
Student’s position acknowedged. Others’ points of view within position(perspective,
(perspective, thesis/
and assumptions are synthesized thesis/hypothesis).
hypothesis) within position

Extends a novel or unique idea, Creates a novel or unique idea, Experiments with creating a Reformulates a collection of
question, format, or product to create question, format, or product. novel or unique idea, question, available ideas.
Innovative Thinking new knowledge or knowledge that format, or product.
Novelty or crosses boundaries.
uniqueness (of idea,
claim, question, form, etc.)

Conclusions and related outcomes Conclusion is logically tied to a Conclusion is logically tied to Conclusion is inconsistently
(consequences and implications) are range of information, including information (because tied to some of the
logical and reflect student’s informed opposing viewpoints; related information is chosen to fit the information discussed; related
Conclusions and evaluation and ability to place outcomes (consequences and desired conclusion); some outcomes (consequences and
related outcomes evidence and perspectives discussed implications) are identified related outcomes implications) are
(implications and in priority order. clearly. (consequences and implications) oversimplified.
consequences) are entified

Adapted from:
Rubric for Critical Thinking Student Name:

Category Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Developing (2) Beginning ( 1 or 0) Pts.

Identifies the main problem and subsidiary, embedded, or implicit Does not identify and summarize the problem, is confused or
aspects of the problem, and identifies them clearly, addressing their identifies a different and inappropriate problem.
Identifies and summarizes relationships to each other.
the problem/question at Does not identify or is confused by the issue, or represents the
issue (and/or the source's Identifies not only the basics of the issue, but recognizes nuances of issue inaccurately.
position). the issue.

Identifies and presents the

STUDENT'S OWN Identifies, appropriately, one's own position on the issue, drawing Addresses a single source or view of the argument and fails to
hypothesis, perspective and support from experience, and information not available from assigned clarify the established or presented position relative to one's
position as it is important to sources. own. Fails to establish other critical distinctions.
the analysis of the issue.
Identifies and considers
OTHER salient perspectives Addresses perspectives noted previously, and additional diverse Deals only with a single perspective and fails to discuss other
and positions that are perspectives drawn from outside information. possible perspectives, especially those salient to the issue.
important to the analysis.
Identifies and questions the validity of the assumptions and addresses
Identifies and assesses the the ethical dimensions that underlie the issue. Does not surface the assumptions and ethical issues that
key assumptions. underlie the issue, or does so superficially.

Examines the evidence and source of evidence; questions its accuracy, Merely repeats information provided, taking it as truth, or
precision, relevance, completeness. denies evidence without adequate justification.

Innovative Thinking Observes cause and effect and addresses existing or potential Confuses associations and correlations with cause and effect.
Novelty or uniqueness (of consequences.
idea, claim, question, form, Does not distinguish between fact, opinion, and value
etc.) Clearly distinguishes between fact, opinion, & acknowledges value judgments.

Discusses the problem only in egocentric or sociocentric terms.

Analyzes the issue with a clear sense of scope and context, including
Identifies and considers the an assessment of the audience of the analysis. Does not present the problem as having connections to other
influence of the context * on contexts-cultural, political, etc.
the issue. Considers other pertinent contexts.
Identifies and discusses conclusions, implications, and consequences Fails to identify conclusions, implications, and consequences of
considering context, assumptions, data, and evidence. the issue or the key relationships between the other elements of
Identifies and assesses the problem, such as context, implications, assumptions, or data
conclusions, implications Objectively reflects upon the their own assertions. and evidence.
and consequences


Adapted from:
Rubric for Critical Thinking (General) Student Name:

*Code: NA = Not Applicable (i.e. not in the assignment); NP = 0 = Not Present in Observation Pts. or
Category Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Developing (2) Beginning ( 1 or 0) Code (NA/NP)

1. Problem/Issue
Clearly identified, explicit. Identified implicitly or Problem/issue present, but a Problem/issue ambiguous/ not
incompletely described. little ambiguous. present.
Identification of issues

Clearly identified and Clear identification, somewhat Identified, not explained. Not identified, not explained.
Assumptions explained. unclear explanation.

2. Analysis of Problem/Issue/Investigation
Selected & used appropriately. Some inappropriate choice/use Choice/use of method(s) needs Completely inappropriate
Method(s) of method(s). improvement. choice & method(s) use.

Alternate points of Thoroughly considered Thoroughly considered Some attention to at least one Obvious alternate views
multiple alternate points of attention to one alternate view. alternate view. ignored.
view view.
3. Credibility of Resources/Source Material
Appropriate & relevant Most resources/ sources Some resources/source No resources/source materials
Resources/source (number content, credible). relevant, appropriate credible. materials are relevant, are relevant, appropriate,
materials appropriate, credible. credible.

4. Conclusion/Problem Solution
Limitations Thoroughly considered. Given some attention. Limitations mentioned briefly. Limitations ignored.
Ideas well integrated into a Ideas integrated into a Some connections to a few Ideas lack connection or
Integration coherent argument, somewhat coherent piece. ideas are made. coherence.
solution, presentation, etc.
Conclusions/ unwarranted; maintains
Conclusions/ Most conclusions/ Some unwarranted
solutions based on preconceived views
solutions based on evidence. conclusions drawn, or some
Solution(s) evidence/sound methods. solution errors. regardless of evidence or
need for different solution.

5. Creativity
Fresh ideas, reflecting in- Some new insights, reflects Very few new insights; No evidence of
Creativity depth student engagement some in depth consideration primarily based on collection engagement/new ideas on
with the topic. of topic. & repetition of other people’s topic; work simply a rehash
ideas, products, images. of other people’s ideas.
6. Communication with and Adaptation to the Audience
Communication/ Highly evident. Evident most of the time, a Few small considerations of No communication/
Adaptation few lapses. communication and/or adaptation.

Comments (continue on back if needed):

Adapted from From:

George Mason University Office of Institutional Assessment
Rubric Template for Performance Student Name:

Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Score

1 2 3 4

Description of identifiable Description of identifiable

Description of identifiable Description of identifiable
performance characteristics performance
Stated Objective or performance characteristics reflecting development and performance characterisics reflecting
Performance reflecting a beginning level of charecteristics reflecting
movement toward mastery of the highest level of
performance. mastery of performance
performance performance

Description of identifiable Description of identifiable

Description of identifiable Description of identifiable
performance characteristics performance
Stated Objective or performance characteristics reflecting development and performance characterisics reflecting
Performance reflecting a beginning level of charecteristics reflecting
movement toward mastery of the highest level of
performance. mastery of performance
performance performance.

Description of identifiable Description of identifiable

Description of identifiable Description of identifiable
performance characteristics performance
Stated Objective or performance characteristics reflecting development and performance characterisics reflecting
Performance reflecting a beginning level of charecteristics reflecting
movement toward mastery of the highest level of
performance. mastery of performance
performance performance.
Description of identifiable Description of identifiable
Description of identifiable Description of identifiable
performance characteristics performance
Stated Objective or performance characteristics reflecting development and performance characterisics reflecting
Performance reflecting a beginning level of charecteristics reflecting
movement toward mastery of the highest level of
performance. mastery of performance
performance performance.

Description of identifiable Description of identifiable

Description of identifiable Description of identifiable
performance characteristics performance
Stated Objective or performance characteristics reflecting development and performance characterisics reflecting
Performance reflecting a beginning level of charecteristics reflecting
movement toward mastery of the highest level of
performance. mastery of performance.
performance performance

Overall Rating Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary

Rubric for Basic Science Student Name:

Scientific Procedures Scientific

Scientific Tools and Scientific Concepts
and Resoning Communication/
Technologies and Related data
Techniques Using Data

• Did not use appropriate scientific • No evidence of a strategy or • No explanation, or the • No use, or mostly
tools or technologies (e.g., rulers, pH procedure, or used a strategy explanation could not be inappropriate use, of
paper, hand lens, computer, that did not bring about understood, or was scientific terminology.
reference materials, etc.) to gather successful completion of task/ unrelated to the task/ • No mention or
data (via measuring and observing) investigation. investigation. inappropriate references to
• No evidence of scientific • Did not use, or relevant scientific concepts,
reasoning used. inappropriately used principles, or theories (big
• There were so many errors in scientific representations ideas).
the process of investigation that and notation (e.g. symbols, • Some evidence of
NOVICE the task could not be diagrams, graphs, tables, understanding observable
completed. etc.). characteristics and
• No conclusion stated, or no properties of objects,
data recorded. organisms, and/or materials

• Attempted to use appropriate • Used a strategy that was • An incomplete explanation • Used some relevant
tools and technologies (e.g., rulers, somewhat useful, leading to or explanation not clearly scientific terminology.
pH paper, hand lens, computer, partial completion of the presented (e.g., out of • Minimal reference to
reference materials, etc.) to gather task/investigation. sequence, missing step). relevant scientific concepts,
data (via measuring and observing) • Some evidence of scientific • Attempted to use principles, or theories (big
but some information was reasoning used. appropriate scientific ideas).
inaccurate or incomplete. • Attempted but could not representations and • Evidence of
completely carry out testing a notations, but were understanding observable
question, recording all data and incomplete (e.g., no labels characteristics and
APPRENTICE stating conclusions. on chart). properties of objects,
• Conclusions not supported organisms, and/or materials
or were only partly used.
supported by data.
• Effectively used some appropriate • Used a strategy that led to • A clear explanation was • Appropriately used
tools and technologies (e.g., rulers, completion of the presented. scientific terminology.
pH paper, hand lens, computer, investigation/task. • Effectively used scientific • Provided evidence of
reference materials, etc.) to gather • Recorded all data. representations and understanding of relevant
and analyze data, with only minor • Used effective scientific notations to organize and scientific concepts,
errors. reasoning. display information. principles or theories (big
• Framed or used testable • Appropriately used data to ideas).
questions, conducted support conclusions • Evidence of
Practitioner experiment, and supported understanding observable
results characteristics and
properties of objects,
organisms, and/or materials

• Accurately and proficiently used all • Used a sophisticated strategy • Provided clear, effective • Precisely and
appropriate tools and technologies and revised strategy where explanation detailing how appropriately used
(e.g., rulers, pH paper, hand lens, appropriate to complete the the task was carried out. scientific terminology.
computer, reference materials, etc.) task. The reader does not need to • Provided evidence of
to gather and analyze data. • Employed refined and infer how and why decisions indepth, sophisticated
complex reasoning and were made. understanding of relevant
demonstrated understanding • Precisely and appropriately scientific concepts,
of cause and effect. used multiple scientific principles or theories (big
• Applied scientific method representations and ideas).
accurately: (framed testable notations to organize and • Revised prior
questions, designed display information. misconceptions when
experiment, gathered and • Interpretation of data appropriate.
recorded data, analyzed data, supported conclusions, and • Observable characteristics
and verified results). raised new questions or was and properties of objects,
EXPERT applied to new contexts. organisms, and/or materials
• Disagreements with data used went beyond the
resolved when appropriate task/investigation to make
other connections or
extend thinking.


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