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Nama; Riri Arika Putri

Kelas; X MIPA 4

1.Describtive About Place

Lake Singkarak West Sumatra,Indonesia.It is

located between the cities of padang panjang and
solok.The natural outlet for excess water is ombilin
river which flows eastward to the Strait of Malacca.A
hydroelectric project however has diverted most of the
lake outflow to the Anai river which flows westward
into the Indian Ocean near Padang.The Singkarak
power station uses this water to generate power for the
West Sumatra Riau provieces.A species of fish called
ikan bilih is endemic to the lake,and is harvested for
human consumption.A railway line,which connects Padang and Sawahlunto Sijunjung,skirts the length of
the lake on the

2.Describtive About Noun

Handphone/Android Samsung.It is a very important thing for ever

yone.For me it is a part of my life.We can use it for everything.We can use
for talking with someone who have a long distance from me.We also can
use it for sending message,listening to the music,search any information in
MR.Google playing games,take a self camera,record so und,and so on.It
shape is not big,but it has so many fungtion.Everyone need it.

3.Describtive About People

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