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Name ……………………………. Class ………. Date ………..

2nd Term Test

 Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 2 ore

 Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu

Subiectul I

Read the text below and comment upon the ideas in the text. Include reference to the writer’s tone and
attitude in relation to the topic. Sustain your opinions with evidence from the text and with examples
from your own experience. (300-350 words)

The happiest days of your life

It is often said that your school days are the happiest days of your life. ‘Absolute rubbish,’ is psychologist
Dr Richard Firth’s response to this. He has been researching the emotional satisfaction – the ‘happiness’ – of
teenagers in schools all over Britain.
At age 17, Emily has no doubts about school. ‘I love it,’ she says. ‘I can’t wait to get up in the morning –
honestly! It’s a fantastic place. My teachers are wonderful, and I learn something new every day. I’m dreading
leaving school.’ Dr Firth has an intriguing take on Emily’s obvious love of school. ‘Emily loves school because
she’s the right sort of person for it – she doesn’t find its restraints annoying. Quite the opposite, in fact: she
enjoys the security. But Emily is most definitely in the minority. A lot more teenagers don’t enjoy it. They’re going
through a difficult transition into adulthood, and the last thing they want is to be told what to do all the time.’
Toby, 18, is one of these pupils. ‘The sport at school is OK, but I hate most of my lessons. I often find
them boring, or just pointless. We get so much homework, too, and they treat us like children. I can’t wait to
leave.’ Dr Firth again: ‘There is often a clash between teenagers and school. Teenagers want to be recognised
as adults and to be independent, so they rebel against any authority. Parents and teachers tend to be in the
firing line, I’m afraid. And this does mean that for many, the last years of school are definitely not their happiest
‘School is a wonderful place,’ concludes Dr Firth, ‘but it’s a pity we can’t choose what age we are when
we go. I can think of plenty of adults who’d love to go back to school right now!’

Subiectul II

Choose one of the following topics:

a) Argue in favour or against the generally acknowledged fact that ‘there is a gap between generations’.

b) ‘Clothes do not make the man’. Comment upon that and give arguments to support your ideas.

(300-350 words)

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