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Pink Flamingo / Stephane Maupin

The building is divided in five horizontal slices and two faces corresponding to the two facades.
The ground floor welcomes retail stores and a public hall for the residence. The second floor is an open
space with a platform for sports. A bicycle’s ramp comes from the ground floor to the first floor and
wraps the facades along the street. The third floor is a floating hung public room. Students can meet all
together on one side and can make their laundry on the other side. An external cantilever stairway
connects this common space to the sport’s area underneath. Rooms for students are set on a block of
seven storeys from the 4th floor to the 10th floor. There are 5 types of rooms depending on the side of the
building. The top floor is a green spot where students can enjoy BBQ with panoramic view. The master
plan decided the style of the façades. One on the street had to be regular and without any color. Windows
had to be carved into the façade.

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