Language Arts

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Language Arts

Wednesday, February 17, 2016 10:27 AM

Punctuation Quiz:Period Confusion

In at least two complete sentences, give specific details to describe what you did to complete this assignment/activity: This helps me understand

Punctuation more. I think I now understand Punctuation more.

This assignment/activity showcases my (check one):

Academic Skills

Personal Management Skills

Teamwork Skills

In at least two complete sentences, explain why this assignment/activity demonstrates the skill you chose above (use the Skill Descriptions to assist

you): I know now what an abbreviation now. Also I know where to put my comma's if we have to write something

In at least five complete sentences, answer one of the following questions about your work (check one):

What makes this work one of your best?

What problems did you encounter as you were working and how did you overcome them?

What are some of the strengths and/or weaknesses of this work?

Why should you share this work with others?

How could you improve this work?

6th grade Page 1

I think this is one of my best works because I learned different things that involved punctuation that I didn't know about. I learned what to do about

abbreviations. Another thing I lear if I take have to write an essay or fill in the blank in a test I know where to but my comma's. Also I now what I'm

supposed to do when I write an essay and I put parentheses on it.

6th grade Page 2

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