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DISTRICT OF DISTRICT OF HOPE H}PE REPORT/RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL. DATE: March 12, 2018 FILE: 3500 LDP 6/18 Bylaws 1413 & 1414 SUBMITTED BY: — Jas Gill, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Looe re rac Bred Aa ie Wes Pesto am NS PURPOSE: To introduce a new Comprehensive Development zone and obtain authorization for staff to proceed with the process to re-designate and rezone the properly at 548 Park Street from RS-1 Single-Family Residential to CD-5 Comprehensive Development Zone to permit a townhouse unit, RECOMMENDATION #1: THAT District of Hope Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw, No. 1413, 2018 be given first and second readings in order to amend the Table of Concordance to add CD-6 Comprehensive Development as a Compatible Zoning category under the Urban/Suburban Residential Land Use Designation; and FURTHER THAT tho public be notified in accordance with the District of Hope Application Procedures and Public Hearing/information Meeting Procedural Bylaw No. 13/93, the Local Government Act and the Community Charter; and FURTHER THAT the Council of the District of Hope has considered the duty to consult regarding the Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No.1413, 2018 and concurs with the Director of Community Development that consultation be undertaken with the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure, the District of Hope Director of Finance and the District of Hope Ditector of Operations. RECOMMENDATION # THAT District of Hope Zoning Amendment Bylaw, No. 1414, 2018 be given first and second readings in order to rezone the property legally described as Lot 8 Block 8 Sections 9 and 16 Township 5 Range 26 West of the 6” Meridian Yale Division Yale District Plan 679; PID 012- 4128-554, 548 Park Street from Single Family Residential (RS-1) to a Comprehensive Development (CD-5) zone; and FURTHER THAT the public be notified in accordance with the District of Hope Application Procedures and Public Hearing/Information Meeting Procedural Bylaw No. 12/93, the Local Government Act and the Community Charter. P65 Page 20f5 OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN (OCP) PUBLIC CONSULTATION: Notification to area residents, posting signs, ads in the local newspaper, and a public hearing will be conducted in accordance with the Local Goverment Act and the District of Hope Application Procedures and Public Hearing/Inforrnation Meeting Procedural Bylaw No. 13/93. For an OCP, the Local Government Act states that we must consider whether consultation with one or more persons, organizations and authorities is required. Staff feels consultation with the Ministry of Transportation & Irifrastructure, the Director of Finance regarding the financial impact and the Director of Operations to determine the impact on the Solid Waste Management Plan would suffice for this development. ANALYSIS: A. Rationale: Proposal — The applicant's intent is to rezone the property to a site specific Comprehensive Development Zone (CD-5), demolish the old existing dwelling, and erect a new eight (8) unit townhouse, An individual unit will have a gross floor area totaling 1781 square feet, including the garage space, The davoloper would like to market these units to people looking to downsize or as starter units for young families. The eventual goal would be to gain strata title for the overall development. Background — The subject propery is approximately 0.38 of acre in size and is occupied by a derelict single-family dwelling and detached garage, The existing neighborhood — is predominantly zoned Single Family Residential (RS-1) with the exception of the properties immediately across the street which are zoned Multi-Family Residential (RM-1). The initial thought was to rezone the property from RS-1 fo RM-1 as the OCP land use designation supports this type of rezoning. When the developer applied the maximum density, calculations permitted in the RM-1 zone for townhouses (35 Uunits/hectare), the maximum number of _units allowed equated to only 5 units. The developer felt that they needed a minimum of 8 units in order to make it financially viable for them to develop the site, ‘As mentioned in previous rezoning reports relevant to housing, the District of Hope's rental vacancy is hovering approximately around 2% according to Canadian Mortgage & Housing Corporation. Since this is an imminent issue for the large part of the Province, Staff entertained an alternate proposal that touches on the rental gap. P66 Page 3 of In some larger municipalities by way of policies and bylaws, they allow creative development of lands by way of the developer providing a community amenity for more density (density bonusing). A community amenity is not defined, but is broadly presumed as being anything benefitting the community and holds an indirectdirect relationship to the development it was taken from. The amenity could be anything from parkland to affordable housing, The new affordable housing continuum does identify non-market housing (rental). It was suggested that the developer may wish to consider a form of non- market housing in order for him to gain the 3 additional units he desired. ‘The developer has agreed to designate 3 of the 8 townhouse units as non-market (rental) units for a 5- year period. ‘The units aro not to be subsidizing housing but rental units at market rental rates. This will be protected under a restrictive covenant and provisions under the proposed CD-5 Bylaw. Comprehensive Development (CD-5) Zone — In aocordance with the Zoning Bylaw, a ‘Comprehensive Development Zone means, the development of an area consisting of one or more land use classifications as an integrated unit based upon a Comprehensive Development Pian, which may include architectural, landscaping, land use. and signage plans. For this CD-5 zone it was necessary to include a plan because the provisions set out within this zone reference landscaping and specific setback distances keeping it rigid and tailored to the development intentions of the applicant. For example, the outdoor amenity area for each unit is limited to not being less than 15 square meters or (161 sq feel). The developer's rationale was that a smallér yard space is less to maintain especially for someone looking to downsize their life style. Staff understands that the proposed development will add vehicular traffic fo the area; however, the proposed townhouse development is required to provide onsite parking in accordance to the existing parking provisions in the Zoning Bylaw: (1.5 stalls X 8 units = 12 stalls) plus 0.2 stalls for visitor parking (0.2 X 8 = 1.6 stalls) for a total of 14 stalls. Staff has credited the 8 garages as shown on the attached site drawing as part of thie parking requirements, To ensure that these garages will be used for vehicular parking only and will not be converted to habitable or storage space, at the owner's expense, it will be a requirement that they place a covenant on the property title The covenant document will also include wording fo ensure that the interior road within the development is kept free and clear of vehicles, structures, or ornamental features in order to ensure emergency vehicles and the solid waste collector have ample room to access the site. The internal road width is based on the Zoning Bylaw maneuvering isle provision for two-way traffic on private property. OCP & Rezoning Bylaw ~ The proposed rezoning from RS-1 Single Family Residential to ‘CD-5 Comprehensive Development is supported by the OCP by goals and policy; and in rolevance with the land use designation of Urban/Suburban., The intention of this development is still residential; however, it's site specific to the subject properly and no other. A question results from the foregoing information: Is this a Spot Designation and a Spot Zone? The proposed development is not a spot designation rather a supported development under the Urban/Suburban Land Use designation which allow re-zonings anywhere from multi-family to single family. The development meets the intentions of the designations in that regard; however, the Land Use designations will need to reflect "CD" Comprehensive Development over the Urban/Suburban designation in the OCP Map. P67 P68 Page 4 of 5 This rezoning is not a spot zoning based on the traditional term. An example of a traditional spot zoning would be as follows A RS-1 zone property within a well-established residential area; and a proponent looking to conduct an industrial operation wants fo rezone the property to meet their industrial needs even though the propose zoning is contrary to the OCP land use designation. This would be uncharacteristic of the intended residential zone and future use of lands (designation) in and around the subject property and therefore, this example would be considered a traditional spot zone. For the subject property, the "spot zone" aspect is more to the fact that this property will hold a different zone name, abbreviation on a map, and the zone is custom to the subject site and the contemplated development. The’ Intent of the CD-5 Comprehensive Development Zone is for the properties to remain residential, Furthermore, it's an accepted “innovation” in accordance with the OCP for housing diversity and affordability Staff would like to bring to Councit’s attention Section 2, Resicential Land Uses & Housing of the OCP (see pages 32 & 33 attached) that supports this application, Conclusion — From the OCP Policy 2.2.1, "In areas designated Urban/Suburban Residential, encourage the rezoning of lands to provide greater housing diversity and affordability by supporting and prioritizing: Townhouses... Based on the foregoing staff support this application Official Community Plan Bylaw 1378 As per the new Official Community Plan recently adopted by Counoll, the three questions to be consistently asked in all levels and types of decision are: 1, Does the development move Hope toward our vision and goals for success and sustainability? This development on a micro-level moves Hope towards our vision and goals for success and sustainability. |s it aligned with our OCP objectives and policies? Yes, it fouches on the following: * To concentrate and mix compatible land uses to enable cost-effective and economically sustainable maintenance of public infrastructure. ‘To support a variety of housing types, lot sizes, and densities fo meet the changing needs of current and fulure residents, * To ensure that Hope has a suitable land base to meet its futuré residential, ‘commercial, industrial, and open space needs. + To promote and facililate the development of market and non-market affordable housing. «To prioritize development in the District's urban areas. * To encourage proposals that integrates affordable housing throughout the community, rather than segregates or concentrates it in specific areas. 2. Is ita flexible platform for future steps towards our vision, goals and objectives? This platform is rigid but a must do as it requires following the Local Goverment Act. Page 6 of 5 3. Willi provide a good return on investment? From a residential tax base perspective, it will provide a retum on investment once the contemplated development has been rezoned. Furthermore, it will provide units to the rental vacancy demand which is in a poor shape. C. Attachments: Location & Zoning Map Excerpt Concept Drawings of Proposed Development (7 pages) OCP Land Use Map Excerpt Pages 32 & 33 from OCP RS-t Single Family Residential Zone OCP and Zoning Amendment Bylaws No. 1413 and 1414 PaseNe D. Property Information: 1) Civic Address: 848 Park Street Lot 8 Block 8 Sec 9 & 16 TWP5 RGE26 WEM YDYD Plan 679 2) Legal Description 8) PID Numbers: 012-128-554 4) Current Zoning: Single Family Residential (RS-1) 5) OCP Designations: Urban/Suburban Residential Prepared by & Approved for Submission to Council: ‘Pai ay Pieler F492) ak etn 8 IR To Cnbok P69 g = 33 as 23 gs és 3 ge og 3 = Location & Zoning Map Excerpt. P70 WaP HS alae eu oct TTT P72 EAS SCL = 4 Ay | ro = Pe ee SS B= f oe i CECE eee PATPEeee Eee = = ze 3 WIGAE CORTESE BEDS i a ani a iY, it Te = ‘a P77 Coen tatiana fee cn ey seet a icmn hci t Bieter eee ei) Po Memterivar (isaiotel ein Onee etna sy this important? AWarlety of housing types, lot sizes, and densites isneeded to support current and future residents throughaut the various stages oftheir lives. Housing choices should include affordable housing, accessible housing, a mix of urban and rural housing “options, ard more sustainable options ike cluster housing, smaller single family lots, assisted living units, and mult-farily housing, The table below shows the ‘spectrum of housing cholees that a community can offer. By providing a range of housing chotces in Hope, we can encourage a diverse mix of people from different age al income groups which helps to supports a vibrant community. Table 1: The Housing Spectrum ee Market | Maiket Home Cee District Trends : ‘Most homes in Hope today are single-family homes, According to the 2014 Census, ‘over 70% of lope’ 2,632 households are owner-occupled and the other 30% are rented, Over two-thirds of all housing ls made up of conventional single-farlly haimes while the other third consists of mobile homes and apartments. The District needs housing optlons forall types of households including singles, familes, and retirees. Options include a variety of single family homes, apartments, townhouses, and a range of care facilites (selfcare, limited, and extended care) to ‘ater to older residents and people with disabilities, 32. | Dire of Hae integrated fll Community Pan P79 P80 ‘The following statlstis provide a snapshot of Hope's current housing situation: Hopes relatively affordable: in 2011, the median price fora home In Hope ‘was approximately $285,000. In comparison, Cillwack had a median home value of $343,274 and the province asa whole had a medlan value of $aae,aas! + Housing prices are yising more slowly in Hope than they are regionally: Between 2010 and 2015, housing prices in the Fraser Valley have increased by7.9% compared to 18% for Greater Vancowver.? Affordability stl a challenge: In 2011, haf of ll renting households and 18% of owner households spent more than 30% of thelr Income on shelter. Spencing more than 30% of household income on shelter I the level generally considered to be uraffordable.? * Vacancy is low: As of 2085, the vacancy rate in Hope was less than 2% andl hhas been this way for several years. This ineans that there isa shottage of rental housing.* + The housig stocks aging: Less than 10% of hamnes in Hope were but in the last ten years and over 60% viore built before 1986, + Homelessness inyrovings In 2014, the Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) reported that there were 22 homeless people in Hope, a decrease from 43 in 2011 More affordable housing cholces are needed to continue to-address poverty and reduce homelessness in Hope. + The population i aging: By 2044, the FURD estimates that one in every five resldnt will be over the age of 65. Ths lumber may he even bighet In Hope, and itwillimpact the location and type of housing that should be built. 1. Statitles Canada (2011), National Household Survey. 2.4L Home Price Index, htp:/nomepriceindexca/hpl tool enchtml 43, Statltes Canad, (2043), Canaan Community Health Survey: 7011-2012 cycle, 4, Hope and Area Transition Solty. (2025). Housing Fst In Hope, BC. ‘5. Fase Valley Regional istrict (2011) Homeless in the Fraser Valley: Reporton the 2014 Fraser Valley Reglonal Distet Homelessness Survey Part—Objectives @Polies| 38 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BiiSag Piacinay 10.1.1 PuRPOse . 41 The purpose ofthis zone is to ecotnmodate single dotached residential uso on land serviced by ‘community Water andl sanitary sewer systems. 104.2 PeRwirreD Uses 4 The following prinojpal uses and no others shall be permited: 2) One family residence. 2. The folowing shell be pormitted ag accessory uses: a) Accessory buildings ar structures; b) Bed and breakfast; ©) Boarding: d) Day care; ©) Homa based business; 1) Proschool. 10.1.8 CONDITIONS OF USE A There shall be no mor than 1 one family residence on a parcel. 2. Nose ofa one family residonce shall have an overall dimension ofoas than 6 meters (~20 feet) excluding addons and profections. 3 All accessory bulldngs or structure shall bo subject fo the Accessory Buildings and Structures General Regulations ofthis Bylaw. 4. Abed and broakfast shall be linited to 3 sleeping units. ‘5. Boarding of not more than 2 persons shall bo permlled in a one fey rasidono®, {8 Day vara as an wopessory use shell be inited to no more than 8 oildren in care. "7. All home based businosses shall be subject fo the Home Based Business Use Regulations ofthis Bylaw. 40414 Requirements For Suaoivision 1 The minimum fof area for a parcel created by subdivision shall be: 2) 460 square meters (~4,050 square feo) whore thro 8 community watersystem and a ‘community satay sewer system avaliable to service the parca: ot b) £25 equaro meters (0,059 aquare feet) wher theres ether a community weer stom or a conmunity sanitary sowersystembutnot BOTH avaiable to seve th parc «) 0.8 hectare acres) whore theres neither 2 community waler system nora communly sanitary ower syafom availabe to sori the past 2. Tho:minimum fontage of parca shal be 10% of th perimeter ofthat parc or 16 meters (49 feet), whichever Is greater: Diotict of Hope | Zoning Bylaw No, 4824/2012 (ruse tober 2018| SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL €) Inthe case of where a parcel or the malory of a parce! fonts the bulb ofa cul-de-sac road, the tninimurn frontage shall bo 9 meters (~30 feat; or 1) In he case of panhanco ols, where the panhandle accoss stp shall be at least 6 meters (-20 foe) idea al pols and the panhandle font ot ne shall approximate the required width of @ rogular parca! n this zone, atthe discretion ofthe Approving Officer. .8 The minimum dept. of a parcel shall be 90 meters (-88 fee) 10.6 Sime Coverace, BuLDING HeIcHT AND SeTBacks. 1 Site coverage, building heighl and setbacks shall be provided in accordance with following Table 14 ~Sile overage, Building Helght and Setbacks for RS-t Zone. Table 14 - Site Coverage, Bullding Holght and Setbacks for RS-1 Zone ineaamets 2. Ptopaitios serviced by septic tank only shall fave & maximum sife covarago of 95%, 40.4.6 OTHER REQUIREMENTS 41 Alloff stot parking areas and off-street loading spacos shall bo provided in aocotdaice wth the ‘Off Stoot Parking and Loading Regulations ofthis Bylaw. 2 Alllandsoaping, sreening an fences shall bo provided in accordance withthe Landscaping, Screening and Fencing Regulatlons ofthis Bylaw, 10.1.7 SPECIAL REGULATIONS PA ee : ‘hs summary ofthe sbjet zones provided asa qu reference fr thas sealing general, non sees nforation shout land use and development tn Hope, Major apple element rom the byl hove teen omitted. While every ‘fort fas been made to ensures eer, tna complte, You ae therefore asd to consul the ful tet of he fartent Zerng Bylaw and other relevant documents, before oping, buying or sling land or making Manda -otvmiens related to there ater, Distict of Hope | Zoning Bylaw No, 1924/2012 Cenled Ceaba 2016, PB2 2|Page BISTIRIGT. OF DISTRICT OF HOPE HOPE BYLAW NO. 1413 A bylaw to amend the District of Hope Official Commnunity Plan Bylaw No, 1378, 2016 Whereas the Council of the District, of Hope deems it appropriate to amend Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1378, 2016 by amending the Table of Concordance to include anew Comprehensive Development (CD-5) zone; Now therefore the Council of the District of Hope, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: CITATION 1. This bylaw may be cited for all purposes as the “District of Hope Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1413, 2018”. ENACTMENT 2. That the Table of Concordance be amended to add Comprehensive Development (CD-5) as a Compatible Zoning category under the Urban/Suburban Residential Land Use Designation. Read a first time this XX day of XXXXX, 2018 Read a second time this XX day of XXXXX, 2018 Advertised in the Hope Standard Newspaper XXXXX, 2018 and XXXXXX, 2018 Public Hearing was held this XX day of XXXXX, 2018 Read a third time this XX day of XXXXX, 2018 Received Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure approval this XX day of XXXXX, 2018 ‘Adopted this XX day of XXXXX, 2018 - Director of Corporate Services OCP Amendment Bylaw 1419, 2018 Page tof P83 P84 DISTRICT OF DISTRICT OF HOPE HOPE BYLAW NO. 1414 A bylaw to amend the District of Hope Zoning Bylaw No. 1324 _ Whereas the Council of the District of Hope deems it appropriate to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 1324 by rezoning specific parcels of land to a site specific comprehensive use; Now therefore the Council of the District of Hope, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: CITATION 4. This bylaw may be cited for all purposes as the “District of Hope Zoning Amendment Bylaw No, 1414, 2018”. ENACTMENT 2. That certain parcels of land situated in the District of Hope, British Columbia, and described as: Lot 8 Block 8 Sections 9 and 16 TWP 5 RGE 26 W6M YDYD Plan 679, PID 012-128-554; 548 Park Street as shown on Schedule “A” attached to and forming part of this bylaw is hereby re- zoned from Single Family Residential (RS-1) to Comprehensive Development (CD-5) and the Zoning Map Schedule “B" of the District of Hope Zoning Bylaw 1824 is hereby amended to reflect this rezoning. 3. That the following new section to be added to the District of Hope Zoning Bylaw 1324: 15.5 COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT (CD-5) ZONE 15.5.1 PURPOSE -1 This: Comprehensive Development (CD-5) Zone is site specific and applies only to Lot 8 Block 8 Sections 9 and 16 TWP 5 RGE 26 W6M YDYD Plan 679, PID 012-128-554; 548 Park Street. 2 The purpose of this zone is to designate the property located at 648 Park Street to a multiple family residential zone. Zoning Amendment Baw 1414 2018 Page't of 7 P85 15.5.2 4 15.5.3 P86 PERMITTED USES The following uses and no others shall be permitted: a) Townhouse. The following shall be permitted as accessory uses: a) Accessory buildings or structures limited to 10 square metres (~100 square feet); b) Private amenity areas; ©) Home based business; 4d) Off-street parking area, CONDITIONS OF USE ‘An outdoor amenity area of not less than 15, square metres (~161 square. feet) and having minimum dimension of not less than 2.438 metres (8 feet) shall be provided for and contiguous to each townhouse. All accessory buildings or structures shall be subject to the Accessory Buildings and Structures General Regulations of this Bylaw. All home based businesses shall be subject to the Home Based Business Use Regulations of this Bylaw. The use of off-street parking areas for the storage. of contractor's ‘equipment or commercial vehicles exceeding 3,000 kg GVW is prohibited in this zone. REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBDIVISION This parcel cannot be subdivided. SITE COVERAGE, BUILDING HEIGHT AND SETBACKS Site coverage, building ‘height and setbacks shall be provided in accordance with the following table: Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1414, 2018 Page? of7 Maximum Site Coverage Site Coverage, Building Height and Setbacks for Comprehensive Development (CD-8) Zone Total 50% Included in Total 3 metres (~10 feet) InltorWst 7.62 metres (~25 feat) 7.62 metres (~26 feet) 15.5.7 OTHER REQUIREMENTS With the exception of Siting Provisions Section 6.16.1 a) and b), all off street parking aroas and off-street loading spaces shall be provided in accordance with the Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations of this Bylaw. SPECIAL REGULATIONS At the owner's expense, a covenant must be registered on the properly title confirming that: a) Each of the eight (8) garages on the property will be used for vehioular parking only and will not be converted fo habitable or storage space; b) The interior road must be kept free and clear of vehicles, structures or ornamental features; ©) No suites will be permitted in any of the townhomes; Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1414, 2018 Pago sot7 P87 P88 ) The District of Hope will issue only one single Building Permit for the eight (8) townhouse units. ‘The required Occupancy Permit will be considered for the eight (8) units in their entirety (no individual Occupancy Permit for single units will be considered). 4) Three (3) of the eight (8) townhomes will be designated as non-market units (rental units) for a five (5) year period. The start of the five (5) year non-market term will commence upon the issuance of the building Occupancy Permit. The three (3) non-market units must be identified by a plan and attached to the covenant document. 9) On an annual basis, the owner shall provide proof to the District that the units have been utilized for rental purposes only. No off-street parking or loading space shall be sited: a) less than .06 metres (~2 feet) from any lot line; or b) within a horizontal distance of .42 metres (~1 foot) of a window of a habitable room. Landscape; Screening and Fencing is required for the interior west side lot line in the form of hedging, fencing or a combination of both. Fencing shall be no more than 2 metres (~6 feet). Any fencing on the rear or interior east side lot fine shall not exceed a maximum height restriction of 2 metres (~6 feet). In the front yard, the maximum height restriction is 1.2 metres (~4 feet) and a landscaped area as shown on Schedule “B” must be retained. That Section 8.6 Home Based Business be amended as follows: 8.6.1 All home based businesses in the Residential Mulli-Family Zones, RM-1, RM-2, MHP-1, CD-5 and any Commercial Zone in which multi-family residential use is permitted shall be subject to the following conditions: a) the home based business shall be subordinate to the principal use of ‘the dwelling unit for residential purposes; b) no person may work or be employed in a dwelling unit used for a home based business unless that person resides on a permanent basis in that dwelling unit; ©) no home based business may generate vehicle traffic in excess of that otherwise generated by the dwelling unit in the abserice of the home based business; ) the home based business shall be located solely within a dwelling unit; Zoning Amendment Bylaw 44,2018 aged of7 no exterior indication of the home based business shall be visible from the outside of the dwelling unit in which the home based business is located except as provided In the District of Hope Sign Bylaw 35/96, as amended from time to time; 1) no outdoor storage associated with the home based business shall be permitted on the parcel on which the home based business is located; g) no home based business may utilize materials or products that produce inflammable or explosive vapors, smoke, noxious gases or fumes, 8) Read a first time this XX day of XXXXX, 2018, Read a second time this XX day of XXXXX, 2018, Advertised in thé Hope Standard Newspaper XXXXX XX, 2018 and XXXXX XX, 2018, Public Hearing was held this XX day of XXXXX, 201. Read a third time this XX day of XXXXX, 2018, istry of Transportation & Infrastructure approval this XX day of XXXXX Received 2018, Adopted this XX day of XXXXX, 2018. ~ Corporate Officer Zoning Aersaont Bylaw 1414, 2018 Page of7 Pag P90 DISTRICT OF HOPE BYLAW NO. 1414 SCHEDULE “A” ZONING AMENDMENT MAP SUBJECT PROPERTY TO BE REZONED: FROM: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (RS-1) TO: COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT (CD-5) This is Schedule "A" attached to and forming part of the “District of Hope Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1414, 2018" Mayor Director of Corporate Services Zaning Amendment Bylaw 144, 2018 Page of 7 Le Lteg 2108 io mag weupuouy Sanoz Eas enter tama ni = t Same saan =a le i i Zi E vambeos ell yy a won | T a fa fa Pot

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