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Name:Maria Macareno Date:02-06-18 Subject: Mathematics Grade

Level:1st grade

Interdisciplinary Connections:
● Writing
● Reading
● Math

Lesson Duration: ​35-40 minutes

Students need to learn how to sort and classify geometric shapes based on their
attributes, this will help them to have a better understanding of shapes.


6 (F) compose two-dimensional shapes by joining two, three, or four figures to produce a
target shape in more than one way if possible;

● I can find different ways to make plane shapes.

Learning Strategies

1.(A) use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in


(C) learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary
heard during classroom instruction and interactions;

5 (B) write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and content-based grade-level

Use of Formative Assessment to Inform Planning:

● Turn and talk
● Questioning
● Sheets
● Book work
● Responses
● Thumbs up or down

Class Information:
This is a bilingual classroom that serves fourteen students. All of them speak
Spanish and we have some that are intermediate in English and a few students
are intermediate advance.
Technologies and Other Materials /Resources:
● Pencils
● Whiteboards
● Blank sheets of paper
● Math workbook
● Foam/ wood shapes ( rectangle, circle, triangle, square, rhombus and
irregular shapes)
● Projector

Academic Vocabulary:

● Plane shapes: two-dimensional or flat figure.

● Triangle
● Rectangle
● Rhombus
● Trapezoid
● Square
Lesson Procedures:


1. The teacher will be pair with their math partners.

2. The teacher will give the students a bag with different shapes and colors.
Students will explore the shapes.
3. The teacher will introduce a new shape: Trapezoid. She will tell them that
this is a new shape they will be using for this lesson. She will explain that
this is a plane shape that has four straight sides that has a pair of opposite
sides. One is long and the other short.
4. Then she will asks display a made shape and say, I have made a
rectangle! Do you think this is a rectangle?
5. Students will share their thoughts
Higher Level Questions:

● What plane shapes is this?

● How many triangles did I use?
● How can you make a trapezoid?
● What about making a hexagon with other shapes?
● What other ways you can make a hexagon?
● How many triangles, squares or rhombus did you used?
Guided Practice:

● The teacher will project a shape and ask: What plane shape is this?
● The teacher will say,” I to make a trapezoid, What can I use?”
● The teacher will display different shapes to form a trapezoid and trace the
shape so students can see that it is a trapezoid
● Teacher will use different shapes to for another trapezoid and count how
many triangles, squares or rectangles did she used.
● Students will practice doing a hexagon using different shapes.
● The teacher will ask how many or what shapes did they used to make their

Independent Practice:

1. Students will work with their partner in their workbook. Students will finish
the first page and the teacher will check then they will continue on the
second part.
2. If students had trouble making or figuring out what they supposed to do,
the teacher will do a mini-lesson to reinforce the concept.
3. As the students finish forming/ making their share, they will trace their
shapes too.
4. After their shapes, they will tear out their homework page and work on
tangrams, flashcards or Pearson.

1. After everyone is done, will meet at the carpet and go over the different
ways to make a shape.

● Students will draw a shape using different plane shape.
● Asking high-level questions
● Grouping

Assessment Criteria for Success:

● Asking questions
● Monitoring
● Formative assessment

Anticipated Difficulties:
● Misunderstanding directions in English
● Interruptions MR, FC
● Distracted students, NG, JS, CG, IF, ZM
● Lack of participation CG, JS, JC
● Switch languages English to Spanish
● Pull some students for a mini lesson

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