Exergetical Analysis and Design Optimisation of The Stirling Engine

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Exergetical analysis and design optimisation of

the Stirling engine

Article in International Journal of Exergy · January 2006

DOI: 10.1504/IJEX.2006.008325


30 126

3 authors, including:

Nadia Martaj Grosu Lavinia

EPF Ecole d'ingénieurs Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense


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Int. J. Exergy, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2006 45

Exergetical analysis and design optimisation of the

Stirling engine

N. Martaj and L. Grosu*

Laboratoire d'EnergeÂtique et d'Economie d'Energie,
1, chemin DesvallieÁres, 92 410 Ville d'Avray, France
E-mail: nadia.martaj@u-paris10.fr E-mail: mgrosu@u-paris10.fr
*Corresponding author

P. Rochelle
Laboratoire d'EnergeÂtique et d'Economie d'Energie,
1, chemin DesvallieÁres, 92 410 Ville d'Avray, France
Laboratoire de MeÂcanique Physique, 2, av. de la Gare de Ceinture,
78310 Saint Cyr l'Ecole, France
E-mail: pierre.rochelle@u-paris10.fr

Abstract: A detailed design optimisation study of an endo- and

exoirreversible Stirling engine is carried out. After energetic, entropic and
exergetic analyses of the hot-end and cold-end heat exchangers of the
engine, an adapted model of the engine, including the heat exchangers and
the regenerator, is proposed to optimise the distribution of the limited heat
exchangers' total area. Power generation, thermal efficiency, entropy
generation and exergetic efficiency are used as successive objective
functions. This approach, based on Finite Dimension Thermodynamics,
shows the influence of the limiting physical constraints and time-dependant
parameters, such as heat transfer, on the optimisation of the machine
operation. It allows us to find the best distribution of heat exchanger area
for the optimisation of each objective function.

Keywords: exergetical analysis; irreversibilities; optimisation; Stirling engine.

Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Martaj, N., Grosu, L.

and Rochelle, P. (2006) `Exergetical analysis and design optimisation of the
Stirling engine', Int. J. Exergy, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp.45±67.

Biographical notes: Nadia Martaj obtained a BS in energetics in 2000 from

the University of Morocco. She then joined Paris 10 University (Nanterre,
IUT Ville d'Avray) where she obtained a Master's degree in thermal and
mechanical engineering, and where she now prepares her PhD thesis at the
LEEE (Laboratoire d'eÂnergeÂtique et d'eÂconomie d'eÂnergie) laboratory, on
the subject of energetic, entropical, exergetical analysis and optimisation of
Stirling machines. Since January 2005, she has taught combustion and
flame in practical systems at Paris 10 University.

Lavinia Grosu graduated in engineering from the Polytechnic University of

Bucharest in 1996. She prepared her PhD thesis at the LEMTA Laboratory
of Nancy, on the thermodynamic and economical optimisation of inverse

Copyright # 2006 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

46 N. Martaj, L. Grosu and P. Rochelle

cycle machines with two and three heat reservoirs. Since 2001 she has been a
Lecturer at Paris 10 University. Her field of research covers Stirling and
Vuilleumier engines, finite dimension thermodynamics applied to prime
mover and refrigerating machine and energetic, entropical and exergetical

Pierre Rochelle is a Professor at Paris 10 University, France. After a period

in industry, at the R&D Laboratory of MBK Motorcycles, he joined Paris
University as a Researcher and Teacher in 1971. From 1970 to the end of
the 1990s, he developed practical methods and proposed simple theoretical
models and patented processes to control the gas exchange process of
reciprocating engines. At the end of the 1990s, he switched over to the study
of unusual kinds of Stirling machine, in which he had a long-standing

1 Introduction

The study of the Stirling engine presents great complexity due to the oscillatory
character of the working fluid evolutions. The absence of theoretical models and
predictions of the performances of the Stirling engines represents a handicap in the
development of these engines which, however, have many advantages: strong
potential of energy conversion, environmental-friendliness, quietness and great
adaptability to any type of heat source.
Various thermodynamic models of Stirling engine operation have already been
presented in literature, with various assumptions.
One generally finds three modelling levels of Stirling engines. The ideal analysis
(of the first order) predicts the ideal theoretical performances of an engine with a nil
or unlimited convective heat transfer coefficient. The uncoupled analysis (of the
second order) takes the results of the ideal analysis and corrects them, taking into
account a certain number of finite coefficients and losses in the engine. The coupled
analysis (of the third order) is based on a fine discretisation of the engine in various
control volumes, taking into account all the main losses.
In this paper we present an advanced first order model. We use the energy,
entropy and exergy balance in a control volume, assuming a steady-state operation of
the engine, in order to deduce the overall irreversibility of the heat exchangers.
Stirling engine energetic, entropic and exergetic analyses are also presented,
taking into account the limiting physical constraints such as the maximum pressure
and volume of the Stirling engine, imperfect heat exchangers, limited heat capacity of
the source and the sink (temperature variation of each external fluid during heat
transfer) and imperfect internal heat restitution in the regenerator.
The convective heat transfer coefficient is assumed to be dependant on the gas
flow into the heat exchanger and, then, on the engine rotation frequency v according
to the basic relationship: U ˆ cte:v n (Badescu et al., 1998) where n is a constant
depending on the exchanger type.
Hence, this is an endo- and exo-irreversible Stirling engine cycle which will be
optimised according to several performance criteria: energetic, entropic and exergetic
(Figure 1).
Exergetical analysis and design optimisation of the Stirling engine 47

Figure 1 Stirling engine cycle in a pV diagram

An entropy diagram and a functional diagram of the engine exergy balance is

presented in order to represent the internal and external irreversibilities (destroyed
exergy flow).
The models developed allow us to optimise the engine operation according to
four criteria: maximum power, maximum thermal efficiency, minimum entropy
generation and maximum exergetic efficiency.

2 Cold-end heat exchanger study

The cold-end heat exchanger allows the heat transfer from the engine working fluid
to the sink fluid.
Figure 2 presents a functional diagram of the energy, entropy and exergy flows
transferred from the working fluid to the sink fluid. One notes the lost heat flow due
to the imperfect insulation …1 ÿ C †Q_ C , the entropy generation rate 
_ i and the lost
_ C
exergy flow Exlost .

Figure 2 Functional diagram of the cold-end heat exchanger

48 N. Martaj, L. Grosu and P. Rochelle

2.1 Energy balance

The first law of thermodynamics states:
ˆ Q_ ‡ W
_ ‡ …hin ‡ ekin ‡ epin †m_ in ÿ …hout ‡ ekout ‡ epout †m_ out : …1†
Assuming a steady-state operation of the engine, the energy balance of the two fluids
exchanging heat in the cold-end heat exchanger is:
* for the working fluid:
0 ˆ Q_ C ‡ W
_ 12 : …2†
Work is considered to be positive if it is given to the working gas.
* for the external cold fluid:
ÿ out 
0 ˆ Q_ SC ÿ m_ SC cp TSC in
ÿ TSC : …3†

2.2 Entropy balance

Second law of thermodynamics states:
dS Q_ _
ˆ sin m_ in ÿ sout m_ out ‡  ‡ : …4†
dt T
Once more, assuming a steady state operation of the engine, the entropy balance in a
control volume is
* for the working fluid:
C Q_ C
0 ˆ ÿm_ air sair ‡ …5†
* for the external cold fluid:
0 ˆ ÿm_ SC sSC ‡ m : …6†

2.2.1 Internal entropy generation

The internal entropy generation in the cold-end heat exchanger is the difference
between the entropy flow received by the sink fluid and the entropy rate generated by
the working fluid:

Q_ SC Q_ C

_ C ˆ S_SC ÿ S_C ˆ
i C
ˆ m_ SC sSC ‡ m_ air sair
 m ÿ T
: …7†

2.2.2 Overall entropy balance

This entropy balance is the sum of the internal entropy generation and the entropy
generation due to the heat lost from the heat exchanger to the environment at
temperature T0 (imperfect insulation):

…1 ÿ C † QC
_ C ˆ m_ SC sSC ‡ m_ air s C ‡
 : …8†
Exergetical analysis and design optimisation of the Stirling engine 49

2.3 Exergy balance

The standard exergy balance in a control volume is:

dEx _ ‡ p0 dV ‡ ex f m_ in ÿ exout

_ Q ‡ W f _
ˆ Ex in m_ out ÿ T0 : …9†
dt dt

For exchangers the work exergy is W _ ‡ p0 dV ˆ 0.

Heat exergy exchanged with environment at T0 is 1 ÿ …1 ÿ C †Q_ C ˆ 0.
Exergy of a fluid at a temperature higher than the environment temperature T0
increases as the fluid receives heat and decreases as it delivers heat then the exergy
change of the working gas in the cold heat exchanger is:
exair ˆ hair ÿ T0 sair : …10†

This is a negative quantity for the working gas is cooled down in the cold heat
The exergy change of the external heat-transferring fluid is a positive quantity for
it receives heat at a temperature higher than the environment temperature T0 :

exSC ˆ hSC ÿ T0 sSC : …11†

The overall exergetic balance in the cold heat exchanger allows the deduction of the
overall irreversibility of this heat exchanger:

_ C ˆ m_ air T0 s C ‡ m_ SC T0 sSC ‡ …1 ÿ C †Q_ C ;
I_C ˆ T0 : …12†

where m_ air T0 sair ‡ m_ SC T0 sSC ˆ T0 S_iC .
This irreversibility may also be obtained by the difference of the exergy flow of heat
QC delivered by the working gas at temperature TC and the exergy flow of heat C QC
m T out ÿ T in
received by the cold sink fluid at mean logarithmic temperature TSC ˆ SC outSC :
ln SCin

_ QC _  C QC
I_C ˆ Ex TC ÿ ExT m
_ C :
ˆ Exlost …13†

This exergy flow is the sum of the destroyed exergy flow …T0 S_iC † and the lost exergy
flow due to the non-adiabaticity of the heat exchanger.

3 Hot-end heat exchanger study

The hot-end heat exchanger's functional diagram is given in Figure 3.

The hot-end heat exchanger is analysed following with the same process as the
cold-end one.
50 N. Martaj, L. Grosu and P. Rochelle

Figure 3 Functional diagram of hot-end heat exchanger

3.1 Energy balance

* working fluid:
0 ˆ Q_ H ‡ W
_ 34 …14†
* external hot fluid:
ÿ out 
0 ˆ Q_ SH ÿ m_ SH cp TSH in
ÿ TSH : …15†

3.2 Entropy balance

* working gas:
Q_ H
0 ˆ ÿm_ air sH
air ‡ …16†
* external hot fluid:
0 ˆ ÿm_ SH sSH ‡ m : …17†

3.2.1 Internal entropy generation

The internal entropy generation per unit time in the hot heat exchanger is the
difference between the entropy flows generated by the two fluids:

_ i ˆ S_H ÿ S_SH ˆ m_ air sH ‡ m_ SH sSH :
H air

3.2.2 Overall entropy balance

This entropy balance is the sum of the internal entropy generation and the entropy
generation due to the heat lost from the heat exchanger to the environment at
temperature T0 (imperfect insulation):
H ÿ 1 Q_ H
_ H ˆ m_ air s ‡ m_ SC sSH ‡
: …19†
Exergetical analysis and design optimisation of the Stirling engine 51

Or, under a different form:  

H ÿ 1 Q_ H
 _i ‡
_H ˆ : …20†

3.3 Exergy balance

For the hot-end heat exchanger, the exergy variation of the hot working gas is:
exH H H
air ˆ hair ÿ T0 sair : …21†
It is a positive quantity while the exergy variation of the external hot fluid is negative:
exSH ˆ hSH ÿ T0 sSH : …22†
The overall exergetic balance in the hot-end heat exchanger gives the overall

_ H ˆ m_ air T0 sH ‡ m_ SH T0 sSH ‡ 1 ÿ 1 Q_ H ;
_IH ˆ T0  …23†

which is also expressed as the difference between the exergy flow of heat QH =H
delivered at mean temperature TSH by the external hot fluid and the exergy flow of
heat QH received by the working fluid at temperature TH :

_ QH =H _ QH
I_H ˆ Ex m
TSH ÿ Ex TH : …24†

4 Stirling engine modelisation

4.1 Assumptions
The Stirling engine cycle is examined here, assuming limited heat exchanger areas,
finite heat transfer coefficients and a defined rotation frequency, which induces
speed-dependent fluid flows and time-dependent processes.
The model assumptions are related to the processes, heat flows and temperatures
pointed out on Figure 4.

Figure 4 pV diagram of an endo- and exoirreversible Stirling cycle

52 N. Martaj, L. Grosu and P. Rochelle

Notice in particular:
* the temperature differences between the external fluid and the working gas
(ideally isothermal) along processes 3±4 and processes 1±2
* the temperature variation of each external fluid during heat transfer (limited heat
* imperfect heat exchangers, with respective H and C effectiveness but assumed to
be perfectly insulated: …H ˆ C ˆ 1†  n
* heat transfer is set as speed-dependent with the relationship U ˆ U0 : then,
the heat conductance is finite
* imperfect internal heat restitution in the regenerator which is characterised by the
regenerator efficiency R
* the working gas is an ideal gas.
In the following text, energies and powers are expressed as positive and index air
is used throughout for the working gas.

4.2 Modelisation
4.2.1 Energetic analysis
Regenerator (Figure 5)
The internal irreversibility of this Stirling cycle is assumed to be due to the imperfect
regeneration. In the regenerator the cold working gas (from state 2) is reheated only
to temperature Tx , lower than temperature TH (at the beginning of hot isothermal
process), and the hot working gas is cooled only to Tx0 higher than temperature TC
(at entry of cold isothermal process). The heat lost in the regenerator must be
compensated for with additional heat delivered by the hot source during the
constant-volume process.

Figure 5 Temperature differences in the regenerator

In the regenerator, the temperature difference TR between hot and cold flows is
assumed to be constant at each point of the device and expressed as:
Exergetical analysis and design optimisation of the Stirling engine 53

TR ˆ TH ÿ Tx ˆ Tx0 ÿ TC : …25†

The regenerator efficiency is then:
Tx ÿ TC TH ÿ Tx0
"R ˆ ˆ : …26†
Using the energy balance of the regenerator:
UR AR …Tx0 ÿ TC † ˆ m_ air cv "R …TH ÿ TC † ˆ m_ air cv …TH ÿ Tx0 † ˆ Q_ R ; …27†
which leads to
m_ air cv
"R ˆ : …28†
m_ air cv

Hot-end heat exchanger (Figure 6)

The hot-end heat exchanger effectiveness is defined as:
in out
"H ˆ in ÿ T : …29†

The heat flow transferred by this exchanger is:

Q_ H ˆ UH AH Tlog
: …30†
H T a ÿ T b
With Tlog ˆ as the mean logarithmic temperature, where Ta and Tb
are the temperature differences between the two fluids at each end of the exchanger
in out
Ta ˆ TSH ÿ TH and Tb ˆ TSH ÿ TH . Then,

T in ÿ TSHout ÿ in  ÿ in 
Q_ H ˆ UH AH SHin ˆ "H m_ SH cp TSH ÿ TH ˆ m_ SH cp TSH out
ÿ TSH : …31†
T ÿ TH
ln SHout

Figure 6 Temperature differences between the two fluids along the hot-end heat exchanger
54 N. Martaj, L. Grosu and P. Rochelle

Cold-end heat exchanger (Figure 7)

For this exchanger the effectiveness is:
out in
"C ˆ in
: …32†

The heat flow given by the working gas to the cold sink is: Q_ C

T out ÿ TSCin
Q_ C ˆ UC AC Tlog C
ˆ UC AC SC in
ln in …33†
ÿ in
 ÿ out in

ˆ "C m_ SC cp TC ÿ TSC ˆ m_ SC cp TSC ÿ TSC :

Due to the imperfect regeneration the heat source has to give a supplementary heat
m_ air cv TH 1 ÿ
Q_ s ˆ m_ air cv …TH ÿ TC †…1 ÿ "R † ˆ : …34†
m_ air cv

Then, the overall heat flow delivered by the hot source is:
_ _ _ TC
QH ˆ Q3ÿ4 ‡ Qs ˆ m_ air rTH ln… † ‡ m_ air cv TH 1 ÿ …1 ÿ "R † hence;
2  3
1 TC
6 … ÿ 1 † T H 7
Q_ H ˆ m_ air rTH 6
4ln… † ‡
m_ air cv

then, with Equation (27),

1 TC
Q_ H ˆ m_ air rTH ln… † ‡ 1ÿ …1 ÿ " R † : …35†
… ÿ 1† TH

For the same reason, the sink receives:

Q_ C ˆ Q_ 1ÿ2 ‡ Q_ s ˆ m_ air rTC ln… † ‡ m_ air cv …TH ÿ TC †…1 ÿ "R †: …36†

The energy balance of this cycle gives the power theoretically delivered by the engine:

_ ˆ Q_ H ÿ Q_ C ˆ m_ air r…TH ÿ TC † ln… †;

W …37†
pmax Vmax :v pmax Vmax
with m_ air ˆ mair v ˆ , where mair is the mass of working fluid mair ˆ
rTH  Vmax rTH 
and  is the compression ratio  ˆ . Then,
W _ ˆ pmax Vmax :v 1 ÿ TC ln… †; …38†
Exergetical analysis and design optimisation of the Stirling engine 55

1ÿ ln… †
and the thermal efficiency is th ˆ     .
1 ÿ "R TC
ln… † ‡ 1ÿ
ÿ1 TH

Incidentally, if v, pmax , Vmax are fixed due to technological constraints, the power of a
Stirling engine is maximised for  ˆ 2:72 (Petrescu et al., 2002), for a given ratio.
Figure 7 Temperature differences between the two fluids along the cold-end heat exchanger

4.2.2 Engine entropy flow analysis

In the entropy flow diagram (Figure 8), the different entropy flows generated by the
source and sink are presented, as well as the internal entropy generations. The cycle
entropy balance leads to the expression of the internal entropy generation flow
S_C ÿ S_H ˆ 
_ TR ; …39†
resulting from the irreversibility in the regenerator (Figure 9).

Figure 8 TV diagram of the Stirling engine cycle

56 N. Martaj, L. Grosu and P. Rochelle

Figure 9 Entropy flow in the regenerator

The entropy flow received by the working gas in the hot-end heat exchanger is the
entropy flow delivered by the source added to the entropy generation flow due to the
temperature difference between the two fluids:
S_H ˆ S_SH ‡ 
_ TH : …40†
Or differently, following the cycle development and processes, this is the sum of two
entropy flows corresponding to the isothermal processes 3±4 and the isochoric
process x±3:
_ 3ÿ4 … m_ air cv dT Q_ 3ÿ4
S_H ˆ ‡ ˆ ‡ m_ air cv ln : …41†

In the cold heat exchanger, as well, the entropy flow delivered by the working gas is:
S_C ˆ S_SC ÿ 
_ TC : …42†
Or, following the above remark, it is the sum of the two entropy flows corresponding
to the isothermal process 1±2 and the isochoric process x0 ±1:
… 1  
_ Q_ 1ÿ2 m_ air cv dT Q_ 1ÿ2 Tx0
SC ˆ ‡ ˆ ‡ m_ air cv ln : …43†

The entropy generation in the regenerator may be expressed from the entropy
balance of the cycle (39):
_ TR ˆ S_C ÿ S_H ˆ m_ air cv ln Tx Tx :
This expression may also be obtained by the entropy balance in the regenerator:
…x …x0  
_ TR ˆ S_2ÿx ÿ S_4ÿx0 dT dT Tx Tx0
 ˆ m_ air cv ÿ m_ air cv ˆ m_ air cv ln : …45†
2 4

The engine overall entropy balance, which takes external and internal irreversibilities
into account, is obtained by a combination of Equations (39), (40) and (42):
S_SC ÿ S_SH ˆ 
_ TC ‡ 
_ TH ‡ 
_ TR : …46†
Exergetical analysis and design optimisation of the Stirling engine 57

4.2.3 Engine exergetic analysis

In the functional diagram (Figure 10), exergy flows transferred from the source to the
sink through the engine and regenerator are shown.

Figure 10 Functional diagram of engine exergy balance

The overall engine exergy balance is:

Ex _ QCm ‡ W
_ QHm ‡ Ex _ ÿ T0 
_ TR ÿ T0 
_ TH ÿ T0 
_ TC ˆ 0; …47†

Qx 0 C :
_ Q34 ‡ Ex
Ex _ Q12 ‡ Ex
_ QxH _
TH TC T m ‡ ExT m0 ‡ W ÿT0 TR ˆ 0;
xH xC

_ QxH T0 _ Qx 0 C T0 _ _ Q12 T0 _
ExTm ˆ 1 ÿ m QxH ; ExT m0 ˆ 1 ÿ m Qx C ; ExTC ˆ 1 ÿ
0 Q12 ;
xH TxH xC Tx 0 C TC
_ Q34 T0 _ _ _ QR _ QR
Ex TH ˆ 1ÿ Q34 and ITR ˆ ExT m 0 ÿ ExT m :
TH Hx Cx

The combination of Equations (44), (48) and (49) gives the cycle exergetic balance as:

_ Q34 ‡ Ex
Ex _ Q12 ‡ W
_ ˆ 0: …50†

4.2.4 Schematic representation of the Stirling engine's exergy losses

In the flow diagram (Figure 11), the exergy flows of the working gas with the two
reservoirs (heat from hot source QH and heat to cold sink QC ) are shown, at the
m m
different temperatures: TH and TSH for the source and TC and TSC for the sink,
Irreversibilities due to the heat transfer under finite temperature differences in the
heat exchangers and regenerator lead to the exergy losses: I_TH ˆ T0  _ TH ,
_ITC ˆ T0 
_ TC and I_TR ˆ T0  _ TR .
58 N. Martaj, L. Grosu and P. Rochelle

Figure 11 Global Stirling engine exergy flow diagram

Hence, the exergetic efficiency is:

jWj _ Q34 ÿ Ex
Ex _ Q12
ex ˆ ˆ …51†
_ QHm
Ex _ QHm

T0 _ T0 _
1ÿ Q34 ÿ 1 ÿ Q12
ex ˆ   : …52†
T0 _
1 ÿ m QH

5 Cycle optimisation
The models developed allow the optimisation of the engine operation according to
four criteria: maximum power, maximum thermal efficiency, minimum entropy
generation and maximum exergetic efficiency.

5.1 Power optimisation

The objective function is:

_ ˆ pmax Vmax :v …TH ÿ TC † ln… †:

W …53†
Parameters are:
in in
pmax ; Vmax ; TSH ; TSC ; ; AT ; "C ; "H ; "R :
Exergetical analysis and design optimisation of the Stirling engine 59

Control variables:
independent variables are: AH , AC , v
dependent variables are: TH , TC .
An equality constraint is imposed on the total heat exchanger area: AC ‡ AH ˆ AT .
After reducing the variables to dimensionless ones, the dimensionless independent
AC v
variables are: A C ˆ and v ˆ and the dimensionless dependent variables are:
AT v0
T C ˆ in and T H ˆ in .
Using the energy balance (Equations (31) and (33)) in the heat exchangers, the
two dimensionless dependent variables may be expressed as functions of the
independent variables:
> 1 ÿ "R T H
> ÿ ‡ aC T H
> ÿ 1  CH
> T C ˆ
> 1 ÿ "R
< ln… † ÿ ‡ aC T H
> 1 ÿ "R  
> TCH TC ÿ aH TH 
> TH ˆ ÿ 1 ;
> 1 ÿ "R
: ln… † ‡ ÿ aH T H
T in U 0H v nH ÿ1
1 ÿ A C T in AT "H
T CH ˆ in ; aH ˆ
TSH pmax Vmax ln…1 ÿ "H †
U0C vnC ÿ1 A C TSH
aC ˆ  :
pmax Vmax ln…1 ÿ "C †
As noted above, the heat transfer coefficients were set as functions of the engine
rotation frequency U ˆ U0  .
The system of Equations (54) reduces to a second degree polynomial with T H as
aT H2 ‡ bT H ‡ c ˆ 0;
a ˆ aC aH
1 ÿ "R 1 ÿ "R
b ˆ aH ln… † ÿ ÿ aC ln… † ‡ ÿ aC aH ;
ÿ1 ÿ1
1 ÿ "R  1 ÿ "R
c ˆ aC TCH ÿ ln 2 … † ÿ aH ln… † ÿ :
ÿ1 ÿ1
60 N. Martaj, L. Grosu and P. Rochelle

The objective function becomes:

0 1
1 ÿ "R  CH
B ÿ ‡ a C  T C
_ ˆ pmax Vmax : ln… †:v B1 ÿ
ÿ1 C: …55†
 @ 1 ÿ "R A
ln… † ÿ ‡ aC T H

5.2 Thermal efficiency optimisation

The objective function is:
_ 1ÿ ln… †
th ˆ ˆ    : …56†
Q_ H 1 ÿ "R TC
ln… † ‡ 1ÿ
ÿ1 TH

5.3 Entropy generation minimisation

The objective function is the entropy generation (cumulated external and internal ones)
_ ˆ
 _ TH ‡ 
_ TC ‡  _ TR ; …57†
with the same conditions, parameters and variables as before, and the same
constraints on the overall area of heat exchangers.

5.4 Exergetic efficiency optimisation

The objective function is the exergetic efficiency:
T0 _ T0 _
1ÿ Q34 ÿ 1 ÿ Q12
ex ˆ   ; …58†
1 ÿ m Q_ H
with the same terms as above.

6 Optimisation results

The MATLAB computer programme was written to optimise successively, all the
objective functions. The central parameters values are given in Table 1.

Table 1 Central parameters

in in
pmax Vmax TSH TSC  AT C H R
[Pa] [m3] [K] [K] [m2]

107 0.001 600 300 3 0.2 0.8 0.8 0.8

Notes: U0C;H ˆ 2000 W/m2K; nC ˆ nH ˆ 0:8; v0 ˆ 10 tr/s

Exergetical analysis and design optimisation of the Stirling engine 61

6.1 Results
From Figures 12 to 15, the existence of optimal values of the area ratio for engine
operation is obvious. With the parameters used for this application, the equipartition
of heat exchanger areas is near optimal for the four chosen criteria, especially
concerning power and thermal efficiency (Table 2).

Figure 12 Engine power versus cold-end heat exchanger area ratio and engine frequency

Figure 13 Engine exergetic efficiency versus cold-end heat exchanger area ratio and engine
62 N. Martaj, L. Grosu and P. Rochelle

Figure 14 Engine thermal efficiency versus cold heat exchanger area ratio and engine frequency

Figure 15 Engine entropy generation versus cold-end heat exchanger area ratio and engine

Table 2 Optimisation results

ex ˆ 0:65 _ max ˆ 8:01 kW
W max
th ˆ 0:31 _ min ˆ 11:2 W/K

ˆ 0:550 ˆ 0:510 ˆ 0:510 ˆ 0:458
Exergetical analysis and design optimisation of the Stirling engine 63
A lack of equilibrium in area partition 0:2 or > 0:8 leads to a drop in
engine performance. AT AT
The engine rotation frequency has a noticeable influence on power and entropy
generation, which increases with frequency, and a slight influence on thermal and
exergetic efficiencies, which decrease with an increase in speed.
In the case of a real engine, one also has to consider, among other things, the
aerodynamic and mechanical losses in the energy, entropy and exergy balances ±
losses which reduce power and efficiency.
Entropy generation due to temperature differences in the three heat exchangers
(including the regenerator) is drawn in Figure 16. The line of entropy generation flow
in the regenerator shows a maximum (at ˆ 0.541), but the sum of the three
entropy generation flows gives a minimum (at ˆ 0.458). The minimum entropy
generation flow on the source and the sink is gives at ˆ 0.501.
Figure 16 Entropy generation in the regenerator, the hot and the cold exchanger

7 Parametric sensitivity study of exergetic efficiency

With exergetic efficiency as an objective function, the influences of sink fluid inlet
in in
temperature TSC , source fluid inlet TSH , total heat exchanger area AT and the
optimum area partition were examined. The results are shown in Tables 3±5. They
show that exergetic efficiency:
* increases with an increase inhot fluid inlet temperature
 TSH , the optimum area
partition increasing as well  0:550 to 0:593
* decreases with an increase of cold fluid inlet
 temperature TSC , the optimum area
partition decreasing  0:556 to 0:536
* increases with an increase of total heat transfer area AT (here from 0.2 to0.8 m2),
the optimum area partition also increasing slightly  0:550 to 0:588
64 N. Martaj, L. Grosu and P. Rochelle

Table 3 Sensitivity of exergetic efficiency and area partition to hot fluid inlet temperature
TSH max AC

600 0.6490 0.550

700 0.6894 0.566
800 0.7051 0.580
900 0.7118 0.593

Table 4 Sensitivity of exergetic efficiency to cold fluid inlet temperature

TSC max AC

290 0.6783 0.556

300 0.6490 0.550
310 0.6194 0.545
330 0.5591 0.536

Table 5 Sensitivity of exergetic efficiency to total heat transfer area

AT max
ex AC

0.2 0.6490 0.550

0.4 0.7390 0.574
0.6 0.7636 0.583
0.8 0.7751 0.588

8 Conclusion

In a more efficient energy management context, an optimisation of an exo- and

endo-irreversible Stirling engine with imperfect regeneration is presented for four
criteria: power, thermal efficiency, entropy generation and exergetic efficiency with
fixed parameters, such as maximum cycle pressure and volume, compression ratio
and with a constraint of constant heat transfer total area of heat exchangers.
The assumptions related to the heat reservoirs and the regenerator are classical
and typical of a study within Finite Dimension Thermodynamics: limited heat
transfer areas, finite speed of thermodynamic process development and heat transfer
coefficient linked to engine speed.
The results showed the influence of the finite heat transfer area and temperatures
on the engine operation optimisation. With the imposed parameter values, the
optimal heat exchanger area partition is approximately given by a near equality
between the cold and hot transfer areas with, in some cases, a slight superiority of the
Exergetical analysis and design optimisation of the Stirling engine 65

cold transfer area. An increase of engine speed (in the range 20 to 60 rps) is logically
favourable to an increase of power but is unfavourable to the other criteria.
These results remain, however, a theoretical prediction of the optimal
performance of a Stirling engine under simplified assumptions not applicable in
practice, particularly the steady operation of the thermodynamic cycle. We are
studying the optimum transient state operation, as an extension of these analyses,
taking into account the friction losses, to get a more realistic model.

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66 N. Martaj, L. Grosu and P. Rochelle


Q Heat [J]
Q_ Heat transfer rate [W]
W _ Power [W]
m_ Mass flow rate [kg/s]
T Temperature [K]
_ Entropy generation rate [W/K]
S_ Entropy flow rate [W/K]
S Entropy [J/K]
s Specific entropy [J/kgK]
I_ Irreversibility [W]
 Heat transfer percentage [±]
 Effectiveness [±]
v Frequency [±]
ex Specific exergy [J/kg]
 Compression ratio [±]
E Energy [J]
t Time [s]
h Specific enthalpy [Jkg]
ek Specific kinetic energy [J/kg]
ep Specific potential energy [J/kg]
V Volume [m3]
A Heat exchange area [m2]
c Specific heat of working fluid [J/kgK]
r Specific working gas constant [J/kgK]
p Pressure [Pa]
_ Q
Ex Exergy flow of heat Q at temperature T [W]
U Convective heat transfer coefficient [W/m2K]

SC Cold sink
SH Hot source
in Inlet
out Outlet
C Cold
H Hot
R Regenerator
Exergetical analysis and design optimisation of the Stirling engine 67

0 Reference state
v Volume
p Pressure
max Maximum
min Minimum
T Total
air Working gas

f Flow
in Inlet
out Outlet
I Internal
C Cold
H Hot
m Mean

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