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LICENSE NO. J-5444 IN THE MATTER OF BEFORE THE DISCIPLINARY THE LICENSE OF PANEL OF THE, KURT LORING PFLIEGER, M.D. TEXAS MEDICAL BOARD ORDER OF TEMPORARY SUSPENSION (WITHOUT NoTice OF HEARING) On April 6, 2018, came to be heard before the Disciplinary Panel (Panel) of the Texas Medical Board (Board), composed of Sherif Zaafran, M.D., ‘Timothy Webb, and Luann Morgan, members of the Board duly in session, the matter of the Application for Temporary Suspension (Without Notice of Hearing) of the license of Kurt Loring Pflieger, M.D. (Respondent). Nikki Karr represented Board staff. Based on evidence submitted, the Board through this Panel makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and enters this Order of Temporary Suspension (Without Notice of Hearing): FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Onor between January and April of 2018, Respondent has engaged in a pattern of impaired practice at Rockwall Pediatries, located at two clinics at 2504 Ridge Road #102, Rockwall, Texas 75087 (Rockwall Clinic); and 757 E US Highway 80 Ste 340, Fomey, TX 75126 (Forney Clinic). 2 ince January of 2018, staff at Rockwall Pediatries have observed Respondent to distracted and preoccupied, failing to complete his patient encounters, failing to complete or submit electronic prescriptions, issuing prescriptions in error and crossing physician patient by obs employees and drug representatives, bound: ively sharing personal photos, stories and information with patients, 3. Onor about February 11, 2018, Respondent was rough-housing with a two-year old sibling of a patient, attempted to throw the child onto his shoulder, but overshot, causing the child to fall, land on his back and strike his head on the exam room floor. Respondent ordered imaging for the two-year old, and asked the child’s mother to follow up with him in two days Page 1 of 5 On or about February 12, 2018, staff at Rockwall Pediatrics observed Respondent to be in a manic state and overheard Respondent yell, “SATAN!” while in an encounter with two patients. Respondent's outburst could be heard throughout the clini 5. On or about February 13, 2018, Respondent appeared to lose focus on a cardiac patient during a stress test, instead chatting with the patient’s mother about a vacation he had taken and showing photographs to the patient’s mother. Meanwhile, the medical assistant terminated the stress {est out of concern for the patient's safety because the patient was complaining of increased pain as the test became more physically demanding, 6. In early March of 2018, Respondent handed out prescription pads to the front office staff with instructions to write them if they needed to. Respondent's billing manager immediately collected the prescription pads, instructing staff that it was illegal for anyone other than a provider to write prescriptions, and that the staf’ was not to write prescriptions, 7. Also in early March of 2018, Respondent was scheduled to work in the Forney aff called him cil phone, Respondent appeared (o have slurred speech and stated he had overslept. clinic, but had not arrived by 9:00 A.M. and had patient’s waiting. When clinic on his 8. Staff observed Respondent to be up to two hours late to work and late returning from lunch, causing patients to leave the clinic without being seen. Respondent's speech has appeared slurred after these late arrivals 9. On February 20, 2018, Respondent approached the billing manager and asked her if she thought he was acting strangely. The billing manager told him yes and that he should se someone about it but Respondent dismissed the concern. 10. Approximately a week later on February 28, 2018, Respondent arrived late from lunch at approximately 3:00 P.M., and when questioned why, responded, “It must be because [his fiancée] is f-ing my brains out.” When told that was inappropriate and that he seemed high, Respondent stated, “I’m in a full blown mai Staff again episode and I’m not sleeping. encouraged Respondent to see a mental health professional. Respondent reported he was seeing a psychologi: nd is okay, and that everyone is ju ing to ruin his happiness. 11, Respondent has been observed to exhibit inappropriate conduct with staff, slapping one a subordinate on the buttocks, kissing another on her face without her permission, and asking another if she were as good in bed as his fiancée. Page 2 of 5 12, On March 12, 2018, Respondent conducted an impromptu staff’ meeting at the Rockwall clinic to tell everyone he was single again and that he had been to the Health and Human Service Offices (HHS) and approached an office with “Fraud Department” on the door. Respondent stated that he thought he was called to the HHS because President Trump and Bill Gates wanted information on his Train Up Program. Respondent them held up his arms and said, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil,” continuing to pray aloud, Respondent then concluded, “I’m not drinking. I'm okay. I'm not drinking.” 13. Since January of 2018, staff at Rockwall Pediatrics observed Respondent's physical appearance deteriorate to an unkempt state. For three da , on March 19 through 21, 2018, Respondent worked in the Rockwall clinic wearing the same sweatpants and red shirt, with wild, unkempt hair. 14, Further, on March 19, 2018, Respondent arrived at the Rockwall clinic with a black King Charles Cavalier named “Sadie” that Respondent had borrowed from a friend “to help with his mental health issues.” Respondent was observed sitting on the floor of the common hallway in the clinic with the dog on his lap with parents and pediatric patients walking around him to pass by. Otherwise, the dog roamed freely throughout the clinic, 15, On April 5, 2018, Respondent appeared at work in his pajamas, crying and very emotional. Staff was instrumental in getting him medical help through his primary cate provider. CONCLU: IONS OF LAW, Based on the above Findings of Fact, the Panel concludes the following: 1. Section 164.059 of the Act authorizes the Disciplinary Panel to temporarily suspend or rest the medical license of Respondent if the Disciplinary Panel determines from evidence presented to it that the Respondent's continuation in the practice of medi would constitute a continuing threat to the public welfare. 2. Based on the evidence presented and the Findings of Fact set forth her . the Disciplinary Panel finds that Respondent violated various sections of the Medical Practice Act, specifically: a. Section 164.051(a)(4\(C) and (D), inability to practice medicine with reasonable Page 3 of 5 skill and safety to patients because of excessive use of drugs, narcotics chemicals, or another substance; or as a result of any mental or physical condition. b. Section 164.052(a)(4), using alcohol or drugs i an intemperate manner that could endanger a patient’s life. 3. Based on the evidence presented and the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the Panel determines that Respondent's continuation in the practice of medicine would constitute a continuing threat to the public welfare. ORDER Based on the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the Panel ORDERS that: : Respondent’s Texas Medical License No. J-5444 is hereby TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED. 2. This Order of Temporary Suspension (Without Notice of Hearing) is effective on the date rendered. 3. Notice of this Order of Temporary Suspension (Without Notice of Hearing) shall be given immediately to Respondent. 4. Aheating on the Application for Temporary Suspet sion (With Notice of Hearing) will hereby be scheduled before a Disciplinary Panel of the Board at a date to be determined as soon as practicable, at the offices of the Board, unless such hearing i specifically waived by Respondent. 5. This Order of Temporary Suspension (Without Notice of Hearing) shall remain in effect until such time as a hearing on the Application for Temporary Suspension (With Notice of Hearing) is conducted and a Disciplinary Panel enters an order, or until superseded by a subsequent order of the Board, SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS. Page 4 of S Signed and entered this April 6, 2018. LE Chair, Disciplinary Panel Texas Medical Board Page 5 of S

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