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Health Care Wound care is a procedure to dress the wound to aid the healing process of the
wound. Aim:

1. Reduce or eliminate dead tissue (necrosis) & secretion that occurs in injured incision.
2. Accelerate wound healing process.
3. Reduce the risk of infection.

Assessment needs to be done:

1. Review the history of plaster allergy or medication.

2. Assess the extent, location and condition of the incision wound.
3. Reviewing medical instruction program related to wound care procedure, dressing
frequency & dressing type.


1 Tools Preparation :
 Sterile tools :
1. Sterile instrument instrument containing: 1 piece of chirurgical pingset,
anatomic pearl fruit, stitch lift scissors, cotton flap, lidi kpas, gauze
2. Sterile instrument instrument containing: 1 piece of chirurgical pingset,
anatomical pearl fruit, scissor lifting scissors, cotton flap, lidi kpas,
gauze deppnes,
3. Sterile gloves in place pad and clean gloves
4. Mask (K / P)
5. Correct and place
 Material :
1. Betadin
2. Alcohol
3. Fluid: Normal saline 0.9% / betadine / alcohol / sterile water (according
to local SOP)
4. Topical medicines (eg Nebacetin, gentamicin, or local SOP)
 Non Sterile Tools :
1. Crooked (Nierbekken)
2. Scissors
3. Perlak / base, Plaster
4. Garbage bags or plastic

2 Patient Preparation and Environment :

a. Informed Consent
b. Adjust the patient's position as needed
c. Keep Privacy
3 Working Stage :
1. Wash hands
2. Wear clean gloves
3. Position the equipment in an ergonomic position (the instrument tub is opened,
the liquid poured into the cats)
4. Wear a face mask
5. Install the base and the base
6. Open the old bandage (bandage over) using a rolling roll (roll technique) to
medical waste
7. Remove the gloves and wear sterile gloves :
a. Clean the wound with normal saline fluid. If necessary use pehidratol
fluid (H202) for very dirty wound, then rinse with NaCl solution.
b. If there is tissue necrosis, do necrotomy
c. Clean the circular area of wound from less contaminated areas to the
most contaminated areas (from inside Out)
d. Install a sterile wet dressing on the wound area
e. Place a fine, moist fiber in the area of NaCl
f. If the wound is deep enough, carefully insert the moist gauze into the
wound using a sterile until all the wound surface can contact with a
moist gauze
g. Install the dry sterile gauze over the wet gauze as needed
h. Fixation with plaster or dressing according to wound conditions. When
done, tidy the used equipment, put the crook, and discard the medical
waste bag
i. Remove gloves and dispose of medical waste
j. Set the patient's position as comfortable as possible
k. Wash hands
4 Termination Phase :
Ask the client's feelings after the activity
a. Summing up the results of the procedure
b. Contracts for further action
c. Give reinforcement according to the client's ability to end the activity with
d. Washing hands

5 Evaluation :
1. Assess patient's response after wound care and dressing
2. Wound conditions during treatment (no signs of infection, onset of granulation,
presence of necrosis, etc.)
6 Documentation :
1. Record Wound Characteristics
2. Record the dressing change schedule and topical medication on the patient's

Advisor Clinical Teacher Advisor Clinical Instructure

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