Project 2 Part 2 Newsletter Morris Smith

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Colasanti & Miss Morris’

Kindergarten Newsletter
October 23, 2017

Mathematical Strategies
Students Will be Learning:
Throughout this unit students will
learn to think abstractly and
quantitatively, model with
mathematics, complete work with
attention to details, participate in
class discussions, and provide peers
Dear Room 1 Families, with constructive feedback.
We would like to inform you that
starting Monday, October 30th, Miss
Morris will be taking over teaching - Find shapes and identify name,
math in your child’s kindergarten 2-D and 3-D, around your home
classroom. We believe math is
everywhere, it can be seen and used - Count anything and everything!
every day. Everyone can excel at math, Steps taken to the car, number
you just have to find the method that of crackers for snack, number of
works best for you. words on a page for their
bedtime story.
- Compare objects for which is
Our next unit will consist of… bigger or smaller, longer or
 Counting to tell the number of shorter, etc.
 Describing and comparing
measurable attributes.
 Analyzing, comparing, creating
and composing shapes.
We will be working on these topics
throughout the year, so be sure
practice with your child at home!

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