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more time

Register now for the Ultimate FOR FRE
See P
Time Mastery Teleconference. ages
see page 3
2017 Live Classes and Teleconferences
Retreats / Live Classes Tuition
7 Day Success and Life Balance Retreat*, Pacific Grove, CA $2,180/
Dec. 26, 2016 - January 1, 2018 $2,400
90 Day Freedom & Prosperity Program $2,995/
Sep 12 - Dec 8, 2017 $5,180
Ultimate Time Mastery Tele-Course $895/
Oct. 9 - Nov. 13, 2017 $695
*These retreat prices do not include room and board***

For more information, call 818-279-2438, or go to

“Congratulations!! What a wonderful set.

It showed me how to be happy in seconds–WOW! ” AF, Idaho

“This CD set showed me how to

deal with my ego.” BP., Hawaii
Also available
MP3 downloadas Also available
Look under . MP3 downloadas
‘store’ on Look under .
our website. ‘store’ on ou
website r

Graduates have been asking how to use page 82, on how

to stay positive at all times. This 5-audio set shows you,
step-by-step, how to accomplish it.
Item #1056-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)

October 9 - November 13, 2017
8 teleconferences a week, 2 hours each session:
Held for six consecutive Mondays 5:30 - 7:30pm (Pacific Time)
(6:30pm - 8:30pm Mountain; 7:30pm - 9:30pm Central; 8:30pm - 10:30pm Eastern)
—Now available in European Times too! —
Monday starting at 9:30am (Pacific) which is 5:30pm (UK Time).
All other times are the same as above.

Don’t you wish you had more time?

Today, we have such an abundance of gadgets and technologies, as well as instant access to
information, and clever new ways to streamline our lives.
But instead of giving us back our time, our modern lifestyle gives us more things to manage.
Come to think of it, we’ve never had so much on our to-do list and we’ve never been so rushed
to keep up with it all, as we are now.
It’s time to change all of that!

Here’s why:
The concept of time is only in your mind. (Stop and consider this for a moment). The ONLY thing
you can prove in this moment is that you exist right now. And right now, past and future only
exist as a picture in your mind.
What if you could control your whole picture about time?
It’s time for you to see yourself as you truly are. It’s time for you to realize your inherent POWER.
That’s why I’ve created a brand new Ultimate Time Mastery Course shows, which shows you
exactly how (and why) time is all in your mind.
The Ultimate Time Mastery Course introduces you into a whole new level of mastery, so you
• Create MORE time where there is seemingly none
• Dramatically reduce the time it takes to accomplish your everyday tasks
• Eliminate your stress and overwhelm
• Never again feel pressured by time
• Have the freedom to do ONLY what you want to do, every moment of the day
• Attract more people to come into your life, who will help and support you
• Raise your consciousness and take on greater challenges
• Discover that everything in life is YOUR decision
• Tune in completely to the present moment
• Have your whole life flow, like you’re ‘in the zone’
• Discover your timeless and ageless Self.
Here’s how it works:
When you are fully released on all the issues around time and how you have a lack of time to get
things done – you will naturally “show up” in the present moment (free of thoughts about the
past and future) and you will naturally find yourself absorbed in doing just the right thing at just
the right time.
In fact, conventional time will no longer exist
for you in the ways it does for other people.
I don’t mean you won’t be aware of what time
it is on the clock face.
I mean that time will no longer be your master,
and you it’s slave.
Because when you are fully released on time
– you will be living from present moment
awareness where it’s IMPOSSIBLE to be
doing the wrong thing or taking too long at it.
And all those things you’ve been meaning to
get round to (but been putting off for months)
will just get done – and you won’t even feel
like you did anything to do them.
There’s no trying involved.
Any time you’re trying, on some level you a
resisting what is.
Fully released = no resistance = no trying =
effortless doing = effortless results. Which is
what everyone on the planet wants.
Anyway the fastest and easiest way to release
all the suppressed (hidden) time related
issues you hold in your mind / body is through:
The Ultimate Time Mastery Course

With this course you’ll learn how to come from an attitude of abundance, so you always
have enough time to do everything you want to get done. This way you’ll never have any
stress around not having enough time.
Here’s what you get:
• Donna Fedor doing the teleconference each Monday for 6 consecutive weeks,
helping you knock out your non-loving feelings and limitations.
• An all new powerful workbook custom designed to help you have the loving lifestyle
that you deserve.
• Archived recordings of the teleconferences so you can play them back at your
• A releasing partner to help you focus.
• Access to our support line for releasing assistance.

Why am I doing this?

You see…part of the problem is that most of the time graduates set the wrong goals!
This teleconference will show you how to remove your self-sabotaging: “don’t deserve,”
“can’t do it,” “not motivated,” and the fearful thoughts and we will help you remove them
so you will have results in all areas of your life.
The truth is that we should be charging at least $3,000 for these teleconferences…and
maybe someday we will. But I want to make this program affordable so we can help as
many people as possible attend.
Usually, people pay thousands of dollars for this kind of mentoring especially since I’m
actually going to personally work with each of you on this teleconference for a full month.
So in order to participate, your discounted tuition for attending is just
$895. ou can even have a payment plan—just pay $495 upon registering and
then pay the additional $400 the next month.
We’re so confident that this course will work for you, and as a result, that
will give you enough time to have your personal problems all cleared up
before you make the last payment. If you wish to pay in full, in one payment,
the price is $695 (a $200 savings).
Space is limited! If you are excited about getting clear about doing this program
and determining how you are going to get it done, don’t procrastinate and lose out
on this opportunity—it is a one-time event! The question is, “Are you ready to get
what you really deserve in a matter of weeks—not years?” If yes, sign up NOW!

You can sign up for this new teleconference by

signing up under “live classes” on our website:
or by calling (818) 279-2438

Is your to-do list a monster that never stops growing…the same uncompleted items
getting pushed to the next day and the next?

With it comes a nagging sense of guilt…guilt that you’re not accomplishing enough,
that you’re wasting time, that you’re a procrastinator, etc.

Maybe to combat the guilt, you put “easy” items on your list that you can quickly
accomplish. But any momentary sense of pride quickly fades, knowing that the big
important things you keep putting off loom on the horizon.

It’s exhausting, isn’t it?

We live in a world where we can have our groceries delivered to us, microwave our
dinner in minutes, travel across the globe in the span of a day…yet Google “not
enough time” and 1,770,000,000 results come up (ironically, I got the search results
in 0.61 seconds).

The concept of “not enough time,” then, is not based on reality.

The only thing that’s real is what you’re doing right here, right now, in this moment.

What you “have done” or “should do” are merely fictions.

Because fiction must be created, it follows that you create your stories about time.

Just as you wrote the “not enough time” story, you have the power to change it.

Ponder this for a moment.

Once you realize this, you don’t need any fancy apps to “manage your time.”

In fact, keeping up with these apps is itself a waste of time.

Plus they keep you tied to the Internet, a minefield of distractions. All it takes is one
notification and you’re plunging down the black hole of YouTube.

Couldn’t all that energy spent trying to outrun time be better spent on meaningful
activities that enrich your life and the lives of your loved ones?

It’s time for you to rewrite your limiting beliefs about time.

When you take The Ultimate Time Mastery Course beginning October 9, you’ll learn
how to free up your time so that you’re only engaged in the things that matter most….
how to be more efficient in everything you do…how to achieve a natural state of flow
so you’re no longer rushing and have space to reflect.

As Release Technique user Deborah puts it, after you release your anxiety about time
and “surrender to Beingness, there is no impatience, there is no time schedule. (I’m a
recovered type-A thanks to releasing!!) The mind is quiet.”

Once you learn to master your time, you’ll experience the peace-of-mind that comes
with knowing that you are always doing the right thing at the right time.

“This is the most powerful set I have.” N.K., Kansas

“This taught me how to get unstuck in seconds.” Y.C., Wisconsin
Also available
MP3 downloadas Also available
Look under . MP3 downloadas
Larry’s General Releasing Check-off
‘store’ List Look under .
on ‘store’ on ou
our website.
website r

This 5 CD set shows you how to stay on course—known as “Dr. Crane’s

General Releasing sheet” on page 74A in the Abundance Course.
Item #1057-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)

Join us on the call to
discover how to Release
Faster & Easier

You Can Have

Amazing Gains
by Showing Up
and Accelerating
Your Releasing!

Join in on the FREE

Graduates have asked for more support so we will conduct a FREE Teleconference
— Clean-up, Question & Answer Sessions —
each Wednesday evening
at 5:30 pm Pacific time (8:30 Eastern; 7:30 Central; 6:30 Mountain).

In an effort to accommodate everyone who wants to join in,

we now can accommodate thousands.
You can sign up for our new teleconference and
receive your own pin number and new conference line number.
To enroll in this new teleconference, go to:

Want to Share the Method

with Your Friends?
Go to
and download a FREE MP3 of a special “Sharing
The Method” held by Larry recently. Your friends and
acquaintances will love it. There are two special MP3
you can have and send to your friends, no charge.
Bring a Friend
for FREE!
Give your friend the ultimate Christmas present—
the gift of transformation and abundance
at the 7-Day Success and Life Balance Retreat.

Commit to having success and life balance today when you make the
decision to attend the 7-Day Success and Life Balance Retreat at
the Asilomar Conference Grounds in Pacific Grove, CA from
December 26, 2017 to January 1, 2018.
The 7-Day Success and Life Balance Retreat tuition is only $1,695*.
Bring a friend who has not attended a live class and they get to go
for free with your paid enrollment of $1,695. The only responsibility
for both participants is the room and board charge during their stay
for either a single room or a double room. Space is at a premium and
the course will be filled on a first-come basis.


Offer expires at midnight November 1, 2017

Call the office at (818) 279-2438

to sign up you and your friend for this event.

*Offer valid for seminar only, room and board not included.

RETREAT Open to Graduates & Non-Graduates!
Friday, December 26 – Sunday, January 1, 2018

Asilomar Conference Grounds

Pacific Grove, CA

How to find your life balance & achieve outrageous success.

Your natural state of living is to be happy.
The 7-Day Success and Life Balance Retreat helps you focus on the fastest
and surest ways to bring peace and perfection to all areas of your life. We’ll
show you how to be a blissful witness. Your life’s journey can go on, and
through release and surrender, it becomes effortless and abundant. Learn how
to take immediate positive action. It’s not what you know – it’s what you do by
instantaneously acting through your wisdom. Design your unique, personalized
life path, based on your own definition of success. Prepare and energize
yourself to move into massive action and reach your goals.

MASSIVE SAVINGS DEAL register NOW and you pay only $2,180
for this entire Retreat package which includes room and board
and three fabulous meals per day, double occupancy. Single room
package is only $2,400.
Your normal, natural, healthy state of being in life is to experience joy and harmony
in everything you do. In this high, joyful state.
But as you know, life can seem difficult sometimes. Areas of your life can even feel
impossible to you. And when something happens in
your life that is just so impossible you just know there is
no way to resolve it...
There IS a way out.
There IS a way to make your life better.
There IS a way to resolve and get past those impossible
There IS a way to achieve success in your life.
It starts by activating the love inside of you.

How to have a life you LOVE:

When problems or setbacks occur
in life then conditioned response is
to lament them and resist them.
Annoyance... Frustration... Worry...
Agitation... Anger... Stress...
It DOESN’T need to be that way,
You CAN resolve your problems
You CAN experience a quick
reversal of any misfortune.
You CAN put all your worries behind you.
You are, however, going to have to take a different
approach to whatever seeming setbacks when they arise
in your life.
The 7 Day Success and Life Balance Retreat helps you
focus on the fastest and surest ways to bring peace and
perfection to all your life areas.
During this 7 day journey, you’ll achieve peace and
perfection. What everyone is ultimately seeking.

If you love what you do, you will never
effort at anything in your life.
You were never intended to be a victim of circumstances in the world. You are the
creator and controller of them, but have lost awareness of this fact.
When you regain your awareness of it, you again become the master of
circumstances, and consciously control your environment. You’ll find that the work
or actions you currently take in your world need not be an obstruction to Self-
You can maintain a balance in your body, in your relationships, and your career
AND realize your True Self right now. We’ll show you how to act with non-
attachment, and take the attitude that you are not the doer.
We’ll show you how to be a blissful witness. Your life’s journey can go on, and
through release and surrender, it becomes effortless and abundant.

Here’s what you’ll gain from this transformative

✔ Gain clarity on what your life balance, ambitious aspirations & goals are for 2017
✔ Identify the conflicting, limiting beliefs and thought patterns you hold against your
✔ Dissolve those interferences that are holding you back from mastering your life
✔ Understand your True Self and how you can integrate That into your work and home to
make your life authentic and fulfilling
✔ Create a bullet proof awareness of your True Self and direct your life towards long-
term success and life balance

Retreat Details
We’ll start on Tuesday, December 26th at 7:30pm and continue through Monday,
January 1st at noon.
Location: Asilomar, 800 Asilomar Avenue, Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Dates: Begins Tuesday December 26, 2017. Ends Monday, January 1, 2018 at
Registration for the retreat begins at 7pm, with the first meeting at 7:30pm.
(Dinner is at 6pm)
Tuition: Register today and pay only $2,180 for this ENTIRE RETREAT PACKAGE
which includes room and board and three fabulous meals per day, double
occupancy. Single occupancy package is only $2,400.

Call the Office for Details (818) 279-2438, or go to

Please contact us as soon as possible as these retreats are always sold out. We
will fill spaces on a first-come basis.
To see what Asilomar looks like, visit:
A B C D E F G H I Afterglow F2 Aca
Rooms 1301-1312 Cha
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Shelter Woo Rooms 821- 832 Do
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1 Breakers West C5 Eve
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2 garage
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H MAIN D Inn Rooms 901-903
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LOT Cottage ar Oak
P Rooms 1325 -1336
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ta ipps LOT Rooms 101-110
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H Long View Middle A3
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4 Fire
Will e Rooms 111-120
K Inn
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Marlin Manzanita B4 Hu
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Rooms 1001-1012 Me
Breakers South Guest Hall Cypress
East Check-In
Shores Oak Knoll C4 Mo
Whitecaps H H PirH Rooms 1013-1024 Par
Breakers North Social Hall at
West and Check-In Denes' Pirates' Den G5 Par
Park Store i LOT
Rooms 501-510
Swimming North A Sand G6 Sea
Housekeeping LOT H Café
Rooms 605 - 610
L Chapel Sw
Fire Scripps D4
Pit Gro
LOT Woodlands Surf Rooms 301-323
L Vie
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Sanderling Dining Sand Surf & Sand
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Meadow Hall D ri v Rooms 709-716
Spindrift Wo
H un Spindrift North C5
6 –S

Rooms 849-856 Yog


LEGEND Spindrift South C6


Rooms 841- 848

Bo ardw BBQ Area i Information /Guest Check-In Stuck-up Inn F4 Par
& Fire Pit Rooms 401- 414 Par

Disabled Parking Surf H6 Par


Rooms 601- 604

E Key Card Hotspot Par

Tree Tops H3
7 EV Charging Station Rooms 1111-1120
Asilomar Dunes Natural Preserve Par
N S Ice Machine Whitecaps North
Rooms 809 - 820
C5 Par
Meeting Rooms Whitecaps South D5 Par
W H Historic Buildings
Rooms 801- 808
Boardwalk Willow Inn B4
Rooms 1025 -1036
Roadway Par
8 Asilomar
State Beach Pedestrian Pathway
Rooms 701- 708
Woodside G1 Par
Rooms 1212 -1223

To register, call 818-279-2438 or go to 13
Graduates who have recently participated in the
new Teleconferences have been treated to a way
of Releasing that is much FASTER AND EASIER
Recently, we realized that most graduates have
not been using the Six Steps properly or not much
at all. By fine-tuning their use of the Six Steps,
graduates have been gaining amazing results.
Here are just some of the gains that we have been

$66,000 Shows Up Opened to Endless Love

“Everything gets clearer and clearer. External events “I am more present; more self-aware. I have a stron-
cooperate with us. Weather cooperates with us. We ger feeling of Being. I feel very quietly confident and
received $66,000 that we didn’t know we had.” B.L. feel like I can do almost anything. I am much less
self-conscious and feel more sociable, peaceful,
Helps Speech Disorder
happy and quiet. The direct sense of deep self-intima-
“I had major improvements in a speech disorder that I
cy seems to permeate my senses of perception. I can
have had for 27 years. I was able to experience myself
actually see myself in inanimate objects—subjectivity
without my body and mind for a short period and what
seems to be expanding. I am much more aware of
a great feeling that is. I made in intention in CAP to
my primary victim program and my primary causal
release and give and show love to my wife.” M.M.
program. My heart opened to endless love on Friday
Feels Absolutely Free afternoon.” B.R.
“Everything I could possibly wish for has come true. Feels Unconditional Love
We got very comfortable seats on the plane, a free
“I came in feeling stuck, frustrated and angry at
rental car, free dinners, free ski passes, discounted
Beingness for abandoning me in this life right from
shopping, and very loving and positive encounters
birth. I understood during this week that Beingness
with all the people we met during the trip. The retreat
was always there for me and I was able to surren-
was marvelous. I have been more in beingness than
der to it and feel its unconditional love for me. This
ever and still continue to be in CAP all the time. I feel
dissolved the almost constant clutch in my throat.
absolutely free and will be always.” H.K.
From now on, I intend to surrender all my affairs
Loves Herself to Beingness and follow my heart on the path to
“My intention for the week was to learn to love myself. freedom.” R.N.
By the end of the week, a root program surfaced Dumps Past
which had been blocking me from accepting love and
“I experienced that there is no beginning, there is no
approval and stopping the flow of abundance into my
end to what I call me. We are all one and the same.
life. Now life is lighter and there is joy.” D.A.
Also had a deeper, clearer experience of Beingness.
Lets Go of All Limitations I feel lighter and more peaceful. There was such
“I learned to let go of all limitations and found abso- ease with Releasing. It feels like releasing is much
lute bliss—beautiful, peaceful, and loving. I dropped easier to do now, I feel like I dumped a lot of my past
a program I had been running since I was three years feelings and baggage. I got in touch with some of my
old. I feel I have become more intuitive and am in programs, bought the Programs Course and I’m doing
touch with my inner Being. I have met some amazing the course now.” S.J.
people, including all the teachers and Larry.” A.H.

How to Apply the Six Steps Properly
Wanting Approval
I DECIDE to release and be IMPERTURBABLE
Example: Could I let go of WANTING APPROVAL, so I can HAVE APPROVAL?
Yes. (Wait for the answer)
Yes (Wait for the answer)
Having Approval
Yes (Wait for the answer)
Does it feel like I HAVE APPROVAL or still WANT APPROVAL?
Example: Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better?
Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better?
Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better?
REPEAT OFTEN TO FEEL LIGHTER (there’s no end to Step 6)

Wanting Control
I DECIDE to release and be IMPERTURBABLE
Example: Could I let go of WANTING CONTROL, so I can HAVE CONTROL?
Yes. (Wait for the answer)
Yes (Wait for the answer)
Having Control
Could I let go of WANTING CONTROL, so I can HAVE CONTROL?
Yes (Wait for the answer)
Does it feel like I HAVE CONTROL or still WANT CONTROL?
Example: Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better?
Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better?
Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better?
REPEAT OFTEN TO FEEL LIGHTER (there’s no end to Step 6)

Wanting Safety
I DECIDE to release and be IMPERTURBABLE
Example: Could I let go of WANTING SAFETY, so I can HAVE SAFETY?
Yes. (Wait for the answer)
Yes (Wait for the answer)
Having Safety
Could I let go of WANTING SAFETY, so I can HAVE SAFETY?
Yes (Wait for the answer)
Does it feel like I HAVE SAFETY or still WANT SAFETY?
Example: Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better?
Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better?
Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better?
REPEAT OFTEN TO FEEL LIGHTER (there’s no end to Step 6)

Keep the Six Steps with You at All Times

The Six Steps
1 You must want imperturbability more than you want approval, control and security.
2 Decide you can do the Method and be imperturbable.
3 See all your feelings culminate in three wants—the want of approval, control
and security/survival. See that immediately and immediately let go of the want of
approval, want to control and the want of security/survival.
4 Make releasing constant.
5 If you are stuck, let go of wanting to control the stuckness.
6 Each time you release you are happier and lighter.
If you release continually,
you will be continually happier and lighter.

Rid Yourself
of I Can’ts
by Dennis Sullivan

On our Wednesday Night Teleconfer-

ences of late, we have done lots of “I
Behind the scenes? Yes! In your sub-
can’t” releases.
conscious mind! When we suppress feel-
If you don’t know what those are, it is ings, they go to the subconscious mind.
definitely time to reconnect with the Re- Then we never look for them again, and
leasing Network by getting on those totally forget they were ever there.
calls. When it comes to Abundance, there
At the heart of things, negativity often are three Truths:
comes in a disguise called “I Can’t.” We
Truth #1: It is our own suppressed
have a seemingly endless list of excuses
feelings that are the root cause of all our
why we can’t be, do or have a thing. Ego
problems or discomforts. The positivity
just loves that because ego’s job is to
and happiness are still there—just being
keep us in the “I Can’t” mode.
held away from our awareness by the
Here are some examples of some negativity.
common “I Can’t” feelings experienced
by people who struggle particularly with Truth #2: All of us have the inborn,
financial Abundance. natural ability to easily dig those sup-
I CAN’T BECAUSE… pressed feelings back out of the subcon-
scious and let them go. This uncovers
• I’m not deserving of wealth.
the positivity and happiness that were
• They won’t let me. always there.
• I can’t afford it. Truth #3 : The more we welcome and
• It has never happened before. let go of our suppressed feelings, the
• I’m not strong enough. lighter, happier, healthier—and more
abundant—we become! You don’t need
• It’s not fair; other people always get
to “reprogram” yourself for positivity and
the lucky breaks.
happiness. Remember: they were always
• It’s going to be risky. there!
• It will take a long time. The mind works just like a computer;
• I don’t deserve it. you have all heard Larry Crane say this.
And more and more!! And when a virus is stuck in the comput-
If you can relate to any of the above, er, you have to activate its anti-virus soft-
it’s a sure sign that you have subcon- ware, which digs up and identifies the vi-
scious Anti-Abundance programs run- rus. Only then can you hit the Delete key
ning behind the scenes. and have a happy computer again.

Well, your suppressed feelings are like As if by magic, the dam will break and
a virus interfering with your success, an avalanche of Abundance will start
happiness and Abundance, sabotaging pouring into your life from all directions.
every effort you make to change your life You can and do achieve financial free-
and to create Abundance. dom, and the independence that goes
That’s why traditional “success tech- with it.
niques” to achieve Abundance rarely Decide now to systematically release
work as well as they could for most peo- all of your “I Can’t’s” so when
ple—those other processes don’t ad- you throw the door open
dress the suppressed negativity! every morning to go out
What traditional techniques have in into the world, you are
common is they’re all about flooding your saying,
mind with positive words and images, in-
cluding plenty of yay-rah-rah “I Can’s.”
Nothing wrong with that, really…
But, again, those other methodologies
don’t address the negativity! And that “Yes, I can!
would be the “I Can’t’s”… Yes, I can have it!
Remember the Release Technique. I do have it all!”
Practice letting go of all your suppressed
feelings that are hidden away in the sub-
conscious. Do it every day. The positive
things you are holding in mind can then
make their way out into your world with

by Larry Crane
“…and let the other person
have it your way.”
Lester Levenson

For years, graduates have been requesting a set

of CDs on how to give yourself approval. We’ve
compiled a set of 5 CDs we think you will enjoy.
Item #1054-CD $59.95
(plus $8 shipping & handling)

“I knocked out a limitation that I had for years in
moments just listening to this amazing CD.” J.R., MI

Moving From
I Can’t to I Can
Learn how to knock out your Limitations and Excuses
by Larry Crane

Why be frustrated with excuses for not doing

exactly what you wish to do. These CDs will
show you how to eliminate all excuses and “I
can’ts” and make them into “I CAN.” We’ve
compiled a set of 5 CDs that will show you
how to do it.

Item #1060-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)

For additional shipping charges out of U.S. visit www.

Gains from the Course
Reduces Medication Momentum Builds Up–Releasing is
“I have more exciting gains to share with you. This FUN!
program works and it can only get better. I am “I am pleased to report after now 4 years or so of ‘try-
having a blast receiving gains and sharing them ing very hard’ to release. I GOT IT! This is so simple!!
with my friends who are mostly in shock at what is I’ve been resisting the Method for all these years. I
happening. am seeing the Wanting Survival program; it’s not ME
Last week my husband had blood work done. wanting to survive—it’s just the program! I have a
He had a massive heart attack and stroke nearly 3 wonderful momentum, and I am ENJOYING releasing.
years ago and was on many medications and in the All of sudden I understand my Reality-Experience in
last week I took him off of 2 of them. We started the a whole new way; all the ‘Secret’ material I’ve been
Release Technique earlier this year and at that time, listening to and studying for all these years—I got it! I
I decided to cut his cholesterol drug in half because am creating everything. All of it!” R.B.
he was having so many side effects. The doctors
did not agree with my decision. I wasn’t ready to cut $100,000 Using Lesterizing
it out completely six months ago. Anyway, looking “I have been changing jobs for a while, even though
over the results of the blood work on Monday I saw it is the same job, and haven’t had a lot of contact
that by reducing the drug in half his cholesterol had with the Internet. This will probably go on for 6 more
dropped! Isn’t that amazing! The only thing different months. I am not working today, so I am sending
was he had been releasing.” A.K. you this gain from 3 weeks ago. I made more than
$100,000 without doing anything different. Lesterizing
Takes a Step Toward Freedom is the best thing ever!” M.C.
“I started releasing in January of this year. While
I have a ways to go...I can say that in the last few Clears Up Prior Debt
months I have changed and I’m heading in the right “I cleared up all of my prior debt which was a huge
direction. Some changes have been major shifts, amount. I launched a new business with huge poten-
while others just slight perceptible movement, but tial. I received an unexpected $35,000. I won $1,000
always in the direction of freedom. I heard on one in a lottery. I have reached higher levels of beingness
of your recordings you said ‘when you take a step and let go of a large amount of pride. I sold a building I
toward freedom, it takes 100 steps toward you.’ had been trying to sell for 16 months.” H.A
I instantly got a picture of that, and I use it over Finds Love is the Answer
and over again. I take a step and freedom takes
“Every time I attend a retreat I go home lighter and
100!!! awesome. I am currently doing the Goals &
freer. People I need to talk with simply show up,
Resistance course for the 2nd time.” D.C. money comes in or bills just go away, all at just the
Feeling Happier and More Peace thought of them. This time I released a huge program
“I had a tremendous week at the retreat. My gains that has been running me all my life. Love really is the
are quite significant for me. My primary goal for this answer.” B.K.
course is to reach ‘FREEDOM.’ In that respect, I am Experiences Beingness
feeling very good about it. I think I am on the right
“My back pain is gone. My children handled problems
track. I find it much easier now to follow what Lester
with ease that ordinarily would have required my
has been saying all along to take responsibility for
intervention. I realized I could just let go of a problem
whatever I have created. I am also seeing everything
and it would solve itself. I had a true experience of
as perfect, nothing to change. Quite significant to
beingness.” A.S.
me is the fact that what used to bother me in the
past does not bother me any more and I am feeling Radically Changes His Outlook on Life
HAPPIER and more at PEACE with myself. “I have a less cluttered mind and clearer thinking. I
By the way, I think the accountability feature of need less sleep every night and it is easier to release. I
this program was a significant contributing factor to received a $6,000 gain (in 20 seconds) on the second
its success.” P.D. day of the retreat. I radically changed my outlook on
life.” D.E.

Special Clean-up Audios II
with Larry Crane
“I loved the first Larry Crane Clean-up set
…this is even better! ” G.W., CA
This new 2nd edition is a powerful 10 audio CD set of clean-up sessions Larry Crane
recorded live. These audios are the best of Larry’s clean-up exercises
recorded live from 2008 to 2012 retreats in California (Asilomar, San
Diego, Lake Tahoe), Texas and Colorado.
For years, at advanced 7- and 9-Day Retreats, the most amazing and
powerful releasing “clean-up” sessions are conducted. Spawned by the
intense energy and releasing momentum, these sessions often go to very
high places of consciousness. Now, these recorded sessions are available
for you to experience the same power of presence and awakening.
Please note: These are very advanced sessions that often address the fear
of dying and separation. It is best if you have taken the Goals & Resistance 10 CD Set
and What Do You Want to Do When You Grow Up advanced courses. Item # 1064-CD $79.95
This is an advanced course for Release Technique graduates only. (plus $8 shipping & handling)

NEW! Now available as MP3 download, visit:

“The money keeps rolling in— easily!” T.M., PA

le as
lable as Also availabnload.
MP3 downder
Look u our
under ‘store’ teon
re’ on websi
Graduates have been asking how to use the “BUTT” system. Now, for the first time,
we have a 5-audio set that shows you how to successfully use this great system.
Item #1055-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)

Sessions with a Master of Personal Transformation
by Lester Levenson, narrated by Larry Crane
Activate your beingness and ignite your unlimited potential
Lester Levenson, a recognized American Master, and Larry Crane, a Master teacher, will guide
you step-by-step to becoming enlightened. In addition, each section contains rare Lester
Levenson audios that expand on the content.
If you already own The Release Technique audio set—you will find this audio set much more
advanced and chock full of over 30 Lester sessions, which will further enhance your ability to
maximize enlightenment and oneness.
With Lester’s Enlightenment Course you’ll be experientially guided (by Lester and Larry
Crane) through the effortless process of disengaging from the limited thinking that keeps you
from knowing what it’s like to feel at Oneness with everything. The Enlightenment Course will
help you: Knock out subconscious negativity that stops you from living a clear and fulfilling life;
Feel free and more alive than you ever felt in life; Be consistently positive, happy, and loving in
all things; Achieve your goals easily and consistently; Let go of negative and self-destructive
addictions; Get in touch with your unlimited side more consistently.
Now available as CD set or
Digital Streaming Audio—Now supports smart phones and mobile devices!
1066-CD — $335 1066-HUB — $225 1066-BND — $435
Lester’s Enlightenment Lester’s Enlightenment Lester’s Enlightenment
CD set Digital Online set Bundle
Includes 30 CDs plus includes workbook PDF Digital online set and
workbook and digital streaming audios Workbook/CD set
(plus $12.95 shipping & handling) (Save money—no shipping!) S hipping included for domestic and
international orders.

To order, go to: or call 818-279-2438

21-Day Financial Freedom Program

This course consists of 25 audio sessions that guide you step by step to
experiencing everything you’re looking for in life. Accompanying the course NEW
sessions are additional bonus audios from Lester, as well as digital eBooks from DIGITAL
Lester, that highlight and enhance what you’re learning through the course. STREAMING
1065-HUB — $197
The Digital Online Home Study Course is an online
streaming product, and is now supported on
smart phones & mobile devices.

ONLINE HOME To order, go to:

Don’t just sit on your assets. The more you invest in yourself—
the more you’ll appreciate in every way.

What Do You Want To Do

When You Grow Up? Course
A Very Advanced Course
(for graduates only)

Are you ready to go all the way to freedom? Are you ready to stop tolerating things in your life? Are
you ready to take charge of your life and do what you truly love? If you are finally ready to really find
the way, then this 16 CD set, digitally remastered, is for you. You get 8 New Studio version CDs
and 8 Bonus Live CDs all digitally remastered. This advanced course works on the fear of dying
and the wanting to be separate, which is a very deep, hidden program. Working on these deep,
suppressed areas allows you to go very, very deep.

✔ Discover how to have the life you truly love ✔ Make the most of your life and have the
✔ Discover how to do only what you love freedom to choose

✔ Enjoy a life free of worry and stress ✔ Get unstuck and move forward with a
wonderful life
✔ Increase self-confidence
✔ Get clear on the direction you should go in life
✔ Attain better relationships at work and home
✔ Move beyond constant, frenetic doing
✔ Be the person you were always meant to be
✔ Lift the ceiling of your success once and for all
✔ Get clear on your goals and then reach them
✔ Resolve your money issues and have financial
✔ Take back your life and your power abundance
✔ Be in charge of your life, fully ✔ Create the life you always wanted

At the core of this course is the magic Lester Levenson

taught to go all the way to freedom.

Now available as CD set or

Digital Streaming Audio—Now supports smart phones and mobile devices!
1018-CD — $335 1018-HUB — $269
What Do You Want to Do What Do You Want to Do
When You Grow Up? CD set When You Grow Up?
Includes 16 CDs plus workbook Digital Online set
(plus $12.95 shipping & handling) includes workbook PDF
and digital streaming audios
(Save money—no shipping!)

To order, go to: or call 818-279-2438

This course has never cost anyone any money! Thousands of
graduates have made millions with this course. Don’t be left out!


An Advanced Course Specially
Designed by Lester


T his special course is facilitated by Larry Crane. The new 17

audio set contains 8 audios newly created in a recording
studio where Larry personally guides you through the Goals &
This Exciting
NEW Advanced Course
Resistance course in the same way he guided you through the Will Help You:
Abundance Course sessions, and you get the 8 newly digitally • Achieve all goals more easily
and consistently.
remastered live Teleconference audio set in which you will
• Identify your resistance and let it
hear amazing gains by the participants as the course unfolds,
go with ease.
along with workbook and assignments, and one special audio
• Have fun by releasing all day and
which consists of two sessions by Lester on goals and resis- having a partner for support.
tance. You will also be assigned a releasing partner to release • Gain freedom faster–making it
with each day. The Goals & Resistance course was created to easier to stay in touch with your
fill a need. Graduates wanted more. The tools they had acquired beingness all the time.
were powerful and yet they asked for something which would • Knock out subconscious blocks
help them incorporate the Release Technique even more into that stop you from achieving
their daily lives. whatever you want in life.
We all have subconscious resistance, which we hide from • Feel free and more alive than
ourselves. The Goals & Resistance course was created by Lester you ever felt in life.
to help you knock out this subconscious resistance thus allowing • Be consistently positive in all
you to start winning more in life, move closer and closer toward things.
freedom and make releasing more consistent and powerful. If • Get in touch with your unlimited
you wish, you can call us directly with any questions you might side more consistently.
have about the next steps, at 818-279-2438 in Los Angeles.

Now available as CD set or

Digital Streaming Audio—Now supports smart phones and mobile devices!
1021-CD — $335 1021-HUB — $269
Goals & Resistance CD set Goals & Resistance
Includes 17 CDs plus workbook Digital Online set
(plus $12.95 shipping & handling) includes workbook PDF
and digital streaming audios
(Save money—no shipping!)

To order, go to: or call 818-279-2438

Did You Know?
That all Live Classes, as well as CDs, books,
and DVDs are Tax Deductible!
An income tax deduction is
allowed for education expenses
undertaken to maintain and
improve professional skills–
including registration fees, travel,
meals, and lodging.

Join us on facebook!
Have your friends join us on facebook!
Join us in experiencing the new way to get informed information,
see the very latest Release Technique news before anyone else does,
share and post your gains on this exciting website, go to—
This will help you be in touch with the Releasing community in
a fast, efficient way and allow millions of people to hear about The
Release Technique and end suffering in the world.

We’ve just launched a new online Releasing community.

Many of the teachers and other releasers who are
using the method as a daily practice are sharing
their first-hand experiences. You’re invited to join in
and share your own.
Also, when you join in, you can download
previews of the never before heard
Lester audios.

Go to:
Are you sick and tired of being in a
relationship that just doesn’t change?
Are you sick and tired of working
and not having enough time
to do the things you want? RELATIONSHIPS
aving enough
time seems to
be one of the
biggest problems people
have today. Everyone is
running and running and
people don’t seem to have
enough quality time for
themselves to have the fun
Item #1019-CD
they deserve. Learn how to
collapse time.

This special audio course is facilitated by Larry Item #1020-CD

Crane. You will receive the entire course on 8
audios. You will also receive a course workbook and You’ll Learn
assignments, and a special audio which consists of
two sessions by Lester Levenson on time and what • How to let people have it your way!
it is about. You will also be assigned a releasing • How to build effective relationship
partner to release with each day.
You’ll learn • How to live in the present
• How to retire this year • How to double • How to repair old relationships that
• The advanced way to personal productivity no longer work—and how to get
use the “Butt System” • How to increase
personal time
them to work again
• How to effectively
prioritize • How to stop • How to start a conversation so it
• How to eliminate crisis procrastinating and doesn’t end up in an argument
management have things happen
• How to be efficient effortlessly, without • That love is the most powerful force
and productive with stress in the universe and how to use it
a minimum waste of • How to achieve every day
effort personal goals
• How to get things done • How to eliminate time The course comes on eight audios,
effortlessly wasters complete with workbook, two bonus
• How to achieve more • How to “be in Release”
personal balance 24 hours a day audios and a partner to release with.

This is an advanced course.

This is an advanced course for Graduates Only! For Graduates Only! The cost is just $295.
The cost is just $295.
To order, call 818-279-2438 To order, call 818-279-2438

Complete Freedom CD SET & VIDEO
Sessions with a Master on 10-CD
Personal Transformation limited

This Limited Edition 10-CD compilation

consists of talks with Lester Levenson though
his life, spanning from the 1950s to the 1990s.
Included is a beautiful book with rare Lester
photos that have never been released before.
We selected the best of the audios that takes
you through a journey of Lester’s life and the
development of the Technique taught today. You
will be astounded and inspired as you listen to
Transcripts from Lester’s talks and Lester’s talks and answers to many questions,
subjects including: previously unanswered, covering many topics.

• The Basic Goal and Ways to Item #100-CD $150.00 (plus $10 shipping & handling)
• Problems and How They Resolve
• Spiritual Growth VIDEO
• Happiness
limited edition
• Helping Others dvd of rare
• Healing video
• The World footage
• A Perfect Body
• All About Love This rare video footage had been lost for over 22
…and much more! years and has never before been seen or offered
to the general public. In addition, we added
Item #1013 • $100.00
some very rare pictures from Lester’s private
(plus $8.00 shipping & handling)
collection throughout his life. The video was
filmed in 1986 at a retreat center and has been
digitally mastered.
Talks with Lester Item #1010-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)
Silver Edition Volumes 3 & 4 for additional shipping charges out of U.S.
VIDEO visit
To download a sample of
Item #1016-DVD $59.95
(plus $8 shipping & handling)
these sets, go to:
Learn Lester’s Secret to Having Perfect Health and End Suffering NOW!


Learn how to be your own Final Authority on

having a healthy, relaxed body!
Health and Fitness Make the Difference Between Living Well and Living
Quality of life is what we all want. Good health helps us achieve a high quality of life. Fitness
makes us want to live it every day. If you agree with these three premises, keep reading.

You’ll Learn a Way to Eliminate the Underlying Cause

of Your Major Health Problems Easily!!
While we know you are interested in becoming healthier and fitter or maintaining the health
and fitness you have, we also know you have limited time to devote to it. We therefore pledge
to you a fast, simple method to hop aboard the fitness fast train. Get on track with this
amazing course.

If you have tried virtually “everything” to no avail or with

only fleeting success…
Then this course is for you
• You’ll learn a way so vital that it’s bursting out of you with unbelievable energy.
• Eliminate the underlying cause of major health problems.
• Learn skills for weight loss and weight maintenance.
• Have optimum health–no more doctor bills, no more misery.
• If you have struggled with weight issues and body image, self-esteem, and health
concerns that often go hand in hand with the struggle…
• If you have experienced frustration, disappointment, discouragement, guilt or
embarrassment …

1040-HUB — $269
The Digital Online Home Study Course is an online
streaming product, and is now supported on
smart phones & mobile devices.
To order, go to:

Get the New Release Technique APP, visit
The Release Technique
Abundance Course
Brand New Announcement!
Now the Release Technique has an APP
for Apple iphones, ipads and Android

Now you can take the Release Technique

on the Road and have instant access
to the course that now includes bonus
audios a workbook.

The Abundance Course (including all

audios & workbook exercises) is now a
turnkey app solution and available when-
ever you wish from your mobile device(s).

For over 50 years and over 100,000

graduates, the Release Technique has
proven to be a powerful, unique, simple,
and very practical tool that will dramati-
cally improve the quality of your life.

How? This innovative, emotional Release Technique will teach you step-by-step how to
eliminate any and all negativity on the spot—leaving you in a powerfully positive position
to create only the good things in life that you desire.

It includes 31 audio sessions (20 course audios + 11 bonus audios) in all and a 123 page
workbook (original price $279). Harvard, Columbia, UCLA & Penn State University Studies
validate the effectiveness of the Release Technique.

Go to: to get your app.


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