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Methods of teaching

A. Lesson conducted project metod of the course construction with technology in the class 3A
(profession – construction technician).

The execution of foundations and foundation walls in the land

1. The aim of the project: formation of students skills in planning and organization of
work, solving problems, work in group, letter communication and assessment.
2. Teacher’s job
a) Division class into the groups of four
b) Placing students in theme issue
c) Elaboration instructions to the project

Example: Diagram instruction to the project

2.1. The draft – Figure foundation walls designed in the land
2.2. The aims:
- fixation of knowledge learned in class
- knowledge needed to supplement the range of the material
- development of the student ability and self-learning
2.3. The tasks that you must follow to achieve the objectives of the project
- gathering the necessary information on building materials used in the implementation
of the project foundation walls
2.4. sources from which you can use:
- websites producers of construction materials
- list of books available in the school library
2.5. The leader of group – chosen by the teacher, divides the tasks for each student in its
2.6. Specify the date of execution time – e.g. 4 lessons
2.7. The timing and manner of presentation
2.8. What do we take into account when we assess:
For example:
- independence
- the student’s involvement in the project
- implementation (aesthetics of drawing)
- the ability of the cooperation of the members of the group
(the work of the entire group is evaluated and work of individual students, at different
stages of the project and the total project)
- the last assessment consists of the partial assessments
The jury composed of leaders of various groups takes part in the assessment.

This type of project belongs to a group of “small projects”. The students perform it at the
teacher’s lessons under his control, they have to link messages gained on different
subjects such as professional: - construction technology
- material science
- design
On other topics will be taken into account the information gained from:
- cost
- information technology
- construction
Construction is a process which is made up of different sections to form total knowledge.

B. Multimedia presentation (the slides show).

C. The lessons are conducted a lecture method – occasionally when we are dealing with
the transfer of data not demanding multimedia presentation

II. Consolidating the practical skills – showing films and slides from the construction

III. Professional tour limited to showing existing facilities, new settlements etc.

IV. Workshop
a) practice at the workshop – students acquire practices on school premises and later
attend practices in the construction companies.
b) training workshop on – the students acquire knowledge and they are trained in specific
sectors of construction for example: BRASS - the tiles and their upbringing, ICOPALL –
asphalt roofing - apply the latest technologies
The students gain certificates – it make them easier to find a job etc.

V. Additional lessons are very helpful in consolidating and enhancing knowledge, we

solve issues that go beyond our curriculum. We solve tasks in various fields of

VI. Preparation for the exam training – solving tasks tests and practical, discuss issues
on specific subjects. The last three months before the exam are devoted to the repetition
of the entire material.

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