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The figure below illustrates two generic turbofan engine designs.
Commercial Turbofan
reference diffuser fan fan nozzle
r d 1c 1n
0 1 1.5 2 13 18 1e
turbine nozzle
burner t n
ṁ a compressor b
fan c 3 4 5 7 8 e

ṁ a

ṁ a + ṁ f


ṁ f 4.5

Military Turbofan
reference diffuser fan burner nozzle
compressor afterburner
r d c b turbine
t a
1c n e
0 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2.5 4.5
Figure 5.1 Engine numbering and component notation

The upper figure shows a modern high bypass ratio engine designed for long distance cruise at
subsonic Mach numbers around 0.83 typical of a commercial aircraft. The fan utilizes a single
stage composed of a large diameter fan (rotor) with wide chord blades followed by a single

bjc 5.1 1/4/10

Turbofan thrust

nozzle stage (stator). The bypass ratio is 5.8 and the fan pressure ratio is 1.9. The lower figure
shows a military turbofan designed for high performance at supersonic Mach numbers in the
range of 1.1 to 1.5. The fan on this engine has three stages with an overall pressure ratio of about
6 and a bypass ratio of only about 0.6. One of the goals of this chapter is to understand why
these engines look so different in terms the differences in flight condition for which they are
designed. In this context we will begin to appreciate that the thermodynamic and gasdynamic
analysis of these engines defines a continuum of cycles as a function of Mach number. We had
a glimpse of this when we determined that the maximum thrust turbojet is characterized by

!c = --------- . (5.1)
max thrust !r

For fixed turbine inlet temperature and altitude, as the Mach number increases the optimum
compression decreases and at some point it becomes desirable to convert the turbojet to a ram-
jet. We will see a similar kind of trend emerge for the turbofan where it replaces the turbojet as
the optimum cycle for lower Mach numbers. Superimposed on all this is a technology trend
where, with better materials and cooling schemes, the allowable turbine inlet temperature
increases. This tends to lead to an optimum cycle with higher compression and higher bypass
ratio at a given Mach number.
The thrust equation for the turbofan is similar to the usual relation except that it includes the
thrust produced by the fan.
T = ṁ a ( U e – U 0 ) + ṁ a ( U 1e – U 0 ) + ṁ f U e + ( P e – P 0 ) A e + ( P 1e – P 0 ) A 1e (5.2)
core fan

The total air mass flow is

ṁ a = ṁ a + ṁ a . (5.3)
core fan

The fuel/air ratio is defined in terms of the total air mass flow.
ṁ f
f = ------- . (5.4)
ṁ a

The bypass fraction is defined as

ṁ a
B = ------------------------------------
- (5.5)
ṁ a + ṁ a
fan core

and the bypass ratio is

ṁ a
# = --------------
-. (5.6)
ṁ a

Note that

1/4/10 5.2 bjc

The ideal turbofan cycle

B #
# = ------------- B = ------------- . (5.7)
1–B 1+#


In the ideal cycle we will make the usual assumption of isentropic flow in the inlet, fan, com-
pressor, turbine and fan and core nozzles as well as the assumption of low Mach number heat
addition in the burner. The fan and core nozzles are assumed to be fully expanded. The assump-
tions are
P 1e = P 0 Pe = P0 (5.8)

$d = 1 $b = 1 $n = 1 $ n1 = 1 (5.9)

% % %
------------ ------------ ------------
%–1 %–1 %–1
$c = !c $ c1 = ! c1 $t = !t . (5.10)

For a fully expanded exhaust the normalized thrust is

T 0 * Ue + * U 1e + 1
------------- = M 0 . ( 1 – B + f ) ( ------- – 1) + B ( --------- – 1) + f / (5.11)
ṁ a a 0 , &U0 ' & U0 ' -

or, in terms of the bypass ratio with f « 1

T 0 1 * Ue + # * U 1e +1
------------- = M 0 . * -------------+ ( ------- – 1) + * -------------+ ( --------- – 1) / . (5.12)
& ' & '
ṁ a a 0 , 1 + # &U0 ' 1 + # & U0 '-


First work out the velocity ratio for the fan stream

U 1e M 1e T 1e
--------- = ---------- --------- . (5.13)
U0 M0 T 0

The exit Mach number is determined from the stagnation pressure.

%–1 2 %–1
P t1e = P 0 $ r $ c1 = P 1e * 1 + ------------ M 1e+ . (5.14)
& 2 '

Since the nozzle is fully expanded and the fan is assumed to behave isentropically, we can write
%–1 2
! r ! c1 = 1 + ------------ M 1e (5.15)

bjc 5.3 1/4/10

The ideal turbofan cycle

M 1e ! r ! c1 – 1
---------- = ---------------------- . (5.16)
2 !r – 1

The exit temperature is determined from the stagnation temperature.

%–1 2
T te = T 0 ! r ! c1 = T 1e * 1 + ------------ M 1e+ . (5.17)
& 2 '

Noting (5.15) we can conclude that for the ideal fan

T 1e = T 0 . (5.18)

The exit static temperature is equal to the ambient static temperature. The velocity ratio of the
fan stream is
* U 1e+ ! r ! c1 – 1
( ---------) = ---------------------- . (5.19)
& U0 ' !r – 1


The velocity ratio across the core is
2 2
* U e+ * M e+ T e
( -------) = ( --------) ------ . (5.20)
& U 0' & M 0' T 0

The analysis of the stagnation pressure and temperature is exactly the same as for the ideal
% – 1 2+ 1 % –
P te = P 0 $ r $ c $ t = P e * 1 + ------------ M e . (5.21)
& 2 '

Since the nozzle is fully expanded and the compressor and turbine operate ideally the Mach
number ratio is
Me * ! r ! c ! t – 1+
-------- = ( ------------------------) . (5.22)
2 & !r – 1 '

The temperature ratio is also determined in the same way in terms of component temperature
T te = T 0 ! r ! d ! c ! b ! t ! n . (5.23)

1/4/10 5.4 bjc

The ideal turbofan cycle

In the ideal turbofan we assume that the diffuser and nozzle flows are adiabatic and so

%–1 2
T te = T 0 ! r ! c ! b ! t = T e * 1 + ------------ M e+ = T e ! r ! c ! t (5.24)
& 2 '

from which is determined

Te !"
------ = ---------- . (5.25)
T0 !r !c

The velocity ratio across the core is

* U e+ * ! r ! c ! t – 1+ ! "
( -------) = ( ------------------------) ---------- . (5.26)
& U 0' & !r – 1 ' !r !c


The work taken out of the flow by the high and low pressure turbine is used to drive both the
compressor and the fan.
( ṁ a + ṁ f ) ( h t4 – h t5 ) = ṁ a ( h t3 – h t2 ) + ṁ a ( h t13 – h t2 ) (5.27)
core core fan

Divide (5.27) by ṁ a C p T 0 and rearrange. The work matching condition for a turbofan is

!r 0 1 – B B 1
! t = 1 – ----- . ------------------------ ( ! c – 1 ) + ------------------------ ( ! c1 – 1 ) / . (5.28)
!" , 1 – B + f 1–B+ f -

The approximation f « 1 is generally a pretty good one for a turbofan. Using this approxima-
tion the work matching condition becomes
! t = 1 – ----- { ( ! c – 1 ) + # ( ! c1 – 1 ) } (5.29)

where the bypass ratio # appears for the first time. If the bypass ratio goes to zero the matching
condition reduces to the usual turbojet formula.


The fuel/air ratio is determined from the energy balance across the burner.
ṁ f ( h f – h t4 ) = ṁ a ( h t4 – h t3 ) . (5.30)

Divide (5.30) by ṁ a C p T 0 and rearrange. The result is

bjc 5.5 1/4/10

Maximum specific impulse ideal turbofan

1 !" – !r !c
f = * -------------+ ---------------------- . (5.31)
& 1 + #' ! – !
f "


The specific impulse is
I sp g T g T 1
---------- = * ----------+ * -----+ = * -------------+ * ---+ . (5.32)
a0 & ṁ f g a 0' & ' & ṁ a a 0 f ' ' &

Substitute (5.12) and (5.31) into (5.32). The result is

I sp g * ! f – !" + 0 * U e + * U 1e +1
---------- = M 0 ( ----------------------) . ( ------- – 1) + # ( --------- – 1) / . (5.33)
a0 & ! " – ! r ! c' , & U 0 ' & U0 '-

The question is: what value of # maximizes the specific impulse? Differentiate (5.33) with
respect to # and note that # appears in (5.29). The result is

2 * I sp g+ 2 * U e+ * U 1e +
( ----------) = ( -------) + ( --------- – 1) = 0 . (5.34)
2 # & a0 ' 2 # & U 0' & U 0 '

We can write (5.34) as

* 2+
1 2 ( U e ) * U 1e +
--------------------------- ------- + ( --------- – 1) = 0 (5.35)
2 ( U e  U 0 ) 2 # ( U 2) & U 0 '
& 0'


1 * ! " + 2! t * U 1e +
--------------------------- ( --------------) = – ( --------- – 1) . (5.36)
2 ( U e  U 0 ) & ! r – 1' 2 # & U0 '

This becomes

1 * ! r ( ! c1 – 1 )+ * U 1e +
--------------------------- ( ----------------------------) = ( --------- – 1) . (5.37)
2 ( U e  U 0 ) & !r – 1 ' & U0 '

From (5.19),the expression in parentheses on the left side of (5.37) is

1 * * U 1e+ + * U 1e +
--------------------------- ( ( ---------) – 1) = ( --------- – 1) . (5.38)
2(Ue  U0) && U0 ' ' & U0 '

1/4/10 5.6 bjc

Maximum specific impulse ideal turbofan

Factor the left side of (5.38) and cancel common factors. The velocity condition for a maximum
impulse ideal turbofan is

* U 1e + * Ue +
( --------- – 1) = 2 ( ------- – 1) . (5.39)
& U0 ' &U0 '

According to this result for an ideal turbofan one would want to design the turbine such that the
velocity increment across the fan was twice that across the core in order to achieve maximum
specific impulse. Recall that U e  U 0 depends on # through (5.29) (and weakly though (5.31)
which we neglect). The value of # that produces the condition (5.39) corresponding to the max-
imum impulse ideal turbofan is
# max impulse ideal turbofan = ---------------------- ×
( ! c1 – 1 )

0 12 1. (5.40)
3 * !" + !" 1 * ! r – 1+ * * ! r ! c1 – 1+ +3
. ( ---------
- – 1) ( ! c – 1 ) + ---------- ( ! r – 1 ) – --- ( --------------) ( ( ----------------------) + 1) /
2 4 & !r ' & & !r – 1 '
3 & !r !c ' !r !c '3
, -

The figure below shows how the optimum bypass ratio (5.40) varies with flight Mach number
for a given set of engine parameters.
# max impulse ideal turbofan

! c = 2.51
! c1 = 1.2
! " = 8.4




1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Figure 5.2 Ideal turbofan bypass ratio for maximum specific impulse as a function
of Mach number.

bjc 5.7 1/4/10

Turbofan thermal efficiency

It is clear from this figure that as the Mach number increases the optimum bypass ratio
decreases until a point is reached where one would like to get rid of the fan altogether and con-
vert the engine to a turbojet. For the ideal cycle the turbojet limit occurs at an unrealistically
high Mach number of approximately 3.9. Non-ideal component behavior reduces this Mach
number considerably.
The next figure provides another cut on this issue. Here the optimum bypass ratio is plotted
versus the fan temperature (or pressure) ratio. Several curves are shown for increasing Mach

# max impulse ideal turbofan


! r = 1.02
! " = 8.4
! r = 1.2 ! c = 2.51

6 ! r = 1.6
! r = 2.5
! r = 3.5

! c1
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Figure 5.3 Ideal turbofan bypass ratio for maximum specific impulse as a function
of fan temperature ratio. Plot shown for several Mach numbers

It is clear that increasing the fan pressure ratio leads to an optimum at a lower bypass ratio. The
curves all seem to allow for optimum systems at very low fan pressure ratios and high bypass
ratios. This is an artifact of the assumptions underlying the ideal turbofan. As soon as non-ideal
effects are included the low fan pressure ratio solutions reduce to much lower bypass ratios. To
see this we will compute several non-ideal cases.


Recall the definition of thermal efficiency from Chapter 2.
5 kinetic energy of air 5 kinetic energy of fuel
Power to the vehicle + ------------------------------------------------------- + ---------------------------------------------------------
second second
4 th = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5.41)
ṁ f h f

1/4/10 5.8 bjc

Turbofan thermal efficiency

For a turbofan with a core and bypass stream the thermal efficiency is
2 2
ṁ a (Ue – U0) ṁ a ( U 1e – U 0 ) 2 2
core fan ṁ f ( U e – U 0 ) ṁ f ( U 0 )
T U 0 + ---------------------------------------------- + ---------------------------------------------- + ------------------------------------ – ----------------------
2 2 2 2
4 th = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5.42)
ṁ f h f

If both exhausts are fully expanded so that P e = P 0 ; P 1e = P 0 the thermal efficiency

( ṁ a ( U e – U 0 ) + ṁ a ( U 1e – U 0 ) + ṁ f U e )U 0
core fan
4 th = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
ṁ f h f
2 2 (5.43)
ṁ a (Ue – U0) ṁ a ( U 1e – U 0 ) 2 2
core fan ṁ f ( U e – U 0 ) ṁ f ( U 0 )
---------------------------------------------- + ---------------------------------------------- + ------------------------------------ – ----------------------
2 2 2 2
ṁ f h f

which reduces to
U 2 U 2 U U 1e 2 U 0 2
ṁ a * ------e- – ------0- + + ṁ ------e- + ṁ * --------- – ------- +
f 2 a
core & 2 2 ' fan & 2 2 '
4 th = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5.44)
ṁ f h f

We can recast (5.44) in terms of enthalpies using the following relations

ṁ f ( h f – h t4 ) = ṁ a ( h t4 – h t3 )

h t5 = h e + ------- (5.45)
U 1e
h t13 = h 1e + ---------
where the fan and core nozzle streams are assumed to be adiabatic. Now
[ ṁ a ( ( h t 5 – h e ) – ( h t 0 – h 0 ) ) + ṁ a ( ( h t 13 – h 1e ) – ( h t 0 – h 0 ) ) + ṁ f ( h t 5 – h e ) ]
core fan
4 th = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5.46)
( ṁ f + ṁ a )h t 4 – ṁ a ht 3
core core

Rearrange (5.46) to read

bjc 5.9 1/4/10

Turbofan thermal efficiency

( ṁ a + ṁ f )h t 5 + ṁ a h t 13 – ( ṁ a + ṁ a )h t 0
core fan core fan
4 th = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- –
( ṁ f + ṁ a )h t 4 – ṁ a ht 3
core core
ṁ a ( h e – h 0 ) + ṁ a ( h 1e – h 0 ) + ṁ f h e
core fan
( ṁ f + ṁ a )h t 4 – ṁ a ht 3
core core

Recall the turbofan work balance (5.27). This relation can be rearranged to read
( ṁ f + ṁ a )h t 4 – ṁ a h t 3 = ( ṁ a + ṁ f )h t 5 + ṁ a h t 13 – ( ṁ a + ṁ a )h t 0 (5.48)
core core core fan core fan

where it has been assumed that the inlet is adiabatic h t2 = h t0 . Now use (5.48) to replace the
numerator or denominator in the first term of (5.47). The thermal efficiency finally reads

Q rejected during the cycle ( ṁ a + ṁ f ) ( h e – h 0 ) + ṁ a ( h 1e – h 0 ) + ṁ f h 0

core fan
4 th = 1 – ---------------------------------------------------- = 1 – -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5.49)
Q input during the cycle ( ṁ f + ṁ a )h t 4 – ṁ a ht 3
core core

The expression in (5.49) for the heat rejected during the cycle,
Q rejected during the cycle = ( ṁ a + ṁ f ) ( h e – h 0 ) + ṁ a ( h 1e – h 0 ) + ṁ f h 0 (5.50)
core fan

brings to mind the discussion of thermal efficiency in Chapter 2. The heat rejected comprises
heat conduction to the surrounding atmosphere from the fan and core mass flows plus physical
removal from the thermally equilibrated nozzle flow of a portion equal to the added fuel mass
flow. From this perspective the added fuel mass carries its fuel enthalpy into the system and the
exhausted fuel mass carries its ambient enthalpy out of the system and there is no net mass
increase or decrease to the system.
The main assumptions underlying (5.49) are that the engine operates adiabatically, the shaft
mechanical efficiency is one and the burner combustion efficiency is one. Engine components
are not assumed to operate ideally - they are not assumed to be isentropic.


For the ideal cycle assuming constant C p equation (5.49) becomes, in terms of temperatures,

* ( 1 + ( 1 + # ) f ) ----- Te
( - – 1 +)
( 1 + ( 1 + # ) f )T e – T 0 1 T0
4t h = 1 – -------------------------------------------------------------- = 1 – * ----------+ ( -----------------------------------------------------------) . (5.51)
ideal turbofan ( 1 + ( 1 + # ) f )T t 4 – T t 3 & ! r ! c' ( !" )
( ( 1 + ( 1 + # ) f ) --------- - – 1)
& !r !c '

Using (5.25) Equation (5.51) becomes

4 th = 1 – * ----------+ (5.52)
ideal turbofan &! ! '
r c

1/4/10 5.10 bjc

The non-ideal turbofan

which is identical to the thermal efficiency of the ideal turbojet. Notice that for the ideal turbo-
fan with h 1e = h 0 the heat rejected by the fan stream is zero. Therefore the thermal efficiency
of the ideal turbofan is independent of the parameters of the fan stream.


The fan, compressor and turbine polytropic relations are
% 4 pc' % 4 pc %
------------- ------------ ---------------------------
%–1 %–1 ( % – 1 ) 4 pe
$ c1 = ! c1 $c = !c $t = !t (5.53)

where 4 pc' is the polytropic efficiency of the fan. The polytropic efficiencies 4 pc , 4 pc' and
4 pe are all less than one. The inlet, burner and nozzles all operate with some stagnation pres-
sure loss.
$d < 1 $ n1 < 1 $n < 1 $b < 1 . (5.54)


The stagnation pressure ratio across the fan is
%–1 2 %–1
P t1e = P 0 $ r $ d $ $ n1 = P 1e * 1 + ------------ M 1e+ . (5.55)
c1 & 2 '

The fan nozzle is still assumed to be fully expanded and so the Mach number ratio for the non-
ideal turbofan is
4 pc' ------------
2 %
M 1e ! r ! c1 ( $ d $ n1 ) –1
---------- = ---------------------------------------------------------- . (5.56)
2 !r – 1

The stagnation temperature is (assuming the inlet and fan nozzle are adiabatic)
4 pc' ------------
%–1 2 %
T t1e = T 0 ! r ! c1 = T 1e * 1 + ------------ M 1e+ = T 1e ! r ! c1 ( $ d $ n1 ) (5.57)
& 2 '

1 – 4 pc'
T 1e ! c1
--------- = ------------------------------- . (5.58)
T0 %–1
( $ d $ n1 )

bjc 5.11 1/4/10

The non-ideal turbofan

Now the velocity ratio across the non-ideal fan is

* 1 – 4 pc' +
2 ( )
U 1e 1 ( ! c1
--------- = -------------- ! r ! c1 – -------------------------------) . (5.59)
2 !r – 1 ( % – 1)
( %
& ( $ d $ n1 ) '


The stagnation pressure across the core is.
%–1 2 % – 1
P te = P 0 $ r $ d $ c $ b $ $ n = P e * 1 + ------------ M e+ . (5.60)
t & 2 '

The core nozzle is fully expanded and so the Mach number ratio is
1 %–1
--------- ------------
2 4 pc 4 pe %
Me !r !c !t ( $d $b $n ) –1
-------- = ------------------------------------------------------------------------ . (5.61)
2 !r – 1

In the non-ideal turbofan we continue to assume that the diffuser and nozzle flows are adiabatic
and so
1 %–1
--------- ------------
4 pc 4 pe %
T te = T 0 ! r ! c ! b ! t = T e ! r ! c ! t ( $ d $ b $ n ) (5.62)

from which is determined

1 +
* 1 – -------- -
1 – 4 pc & 4 pe'
Te !c !t !"
------ = ------------------------------------------------ . (5.63)
T0 %–1
!r !c ( $d $b $n )

The velocity ratio across the core is

* 1 +
* 1 – ---------
1 – 4 pc & 4 pe' +
2 ( ! ")
* U e+ 1 ( !c !t
( -------) = -------------- ( ! " ! t – ----------------------------------------------- -) . (5.64)
& U 0' !r – 1 % –1)
( ------------ )
& !r !c ( $d $b $n ) '

The work balance across the engine remains essentially the same as in the ideal cycle

1/4/10 5.12 bjc

The non-ideal turbofan

! t = 1 – ------------- { ( ! c – 1 ) + # ( ! c1 – 1 ) } (5.65)
4m !

where a shaft mechanical efficiency has been introduced defined as

ṁ a ( h t3 – h t2 ) + ṁ a ( h t13 – h t2 )
core fan
4 m = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5.66)
( ṁ a + ṁ f ) ( h t4 – h t5 )


Equation (5.35) remains the same as for the ideal cycle.

* 2+
1 2 ( U e ) * U e1 +
--------------------------- ------- + ( --------- – 1) = 0 . (5.67)
2(Ue  U0) 2# U ( 2 ) U
& 0' & 0 '

# max impulse turbofan

! " = 8.4

25 ! r = 1.162
ideal cycle
! c = 2.51

15 non - ideal cycle


! c1
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Figure 5.4 Turbofan bypass ratio for maximum specific impulse as a function of
fan temperature ratio comparing the ideal with a non-ideal cycle. param-
eters of the nonideal cycle are $ d = 0.95 , 4 pc1 = 0.86 , $ n1 = 0.96 ,
4 pc = 0.86 , $ b = 0.95 , 4 m = 0.98 , 4 pe = 0.86 , $ n = 0.96 .

bjc 5.13 1/4/10

The non-ideal turbofan

The derivative is

* 1 – 4 pc – -------- 4 pe)
( * 1 – -------- 1 +
* U 2+ ( - ! !t )
2 ( e) – ! (
r c1 ! – 1 ) & 4 pe' c
------- = ------------------------------- ( 1 – ------------------------------------------------------------) . (5.68)
2 # ( U 2) 4m ( !r – 1 ) ( %–1 )
------------ )
& 0' ( %
( !r !c ( $d $b $n ) )
& '
Equations (5.59), (5.64), (5.65) and (5.68) are inserted into (5.67) and the optimal bypass ratio
for a set of selected engine parameters is determined implicitly. A typical numerically deter-
mined result is shown in Figure 5.4 and Figure 5.5.

# max impulse turbofan

ideal cycle ! " = 8.4
! c1 = 1.2
non - ideal cycle
! c = 2.51




1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Figure 5.5 Turbofan bypass ratio for maximum specific impulse as a function of
Mach number comparing the ideal with a non-ideal cycle. Parameters of
the nonideal cycle are $ d = 0.95 , 4 pc1 = 0.86 , $ n1 = 0.96 ,
4 pc = 0.86 , $ b = 0.95 , 4 m = 0.98 , 4 pe = 0.86 , $ n = 0.96 .

These figures illustrate the strong dependence of the optimum bypass ratio on the non-ideal
behavior of the engine. In general as the losses increase, the bypass ratio optimizes at a lower
value. But note that the optimum bypass ratio of the non-ideal engine is still somewhat higher
than the values generally used in real engines. The reason for this is that our analysis does not
include the optimization issues connected to integrating the engine onto an aircraft where there
is a premium on designing to a low frontal area so as to reduce drag while maintaining a certain
clearance between the engine and the runway.

1/4/10 5.14 bjc


Nevertheless our analysis helps us to understand the historical trend toward higher bypass
engines as turbine and fan efficiencies have improved along with increases in the turbine inlet

Problem 1 - Assume % = 1.4 , R = 287 M2/(sec2-°K), C p = 1005 M2/(sec2-°K). The
fuel heating value is 4.28 × 10 J/Kg. Where appropriate assume f « 1 . The ambient tem-
4 2
perature and pressure are T 0 = 216K and P 0 = 2 × 10 N  M . Consider a turbofan
with the following characteristics.
M 0 = 0.85 ; ! " = 8.0 ; $ c = 30 ; $ c1 = 1.6 ; # = 5. (5.69)

The compressor, fan and turbine polytropic efficiencies are

4 pc = 0.9 ; 4 pc1 = 0.9 ; 4 pt = 0.95 . (5.70)

Let the burner efficiency and pressure ratio be 4 b = 0.99 ; $ b = 0.97 . Assume the shaft
efficiency is one. Both the fan and core streams use ideal simple convergent nozzles. Determine
the dimensionless thrust T  ( P 0 A 0 ) , specific fuel consumption and overall efficiency. Suppose
the engine is expected to deliver 8,000 pounds of thrust at cruise conditions. What must be the
area of the fan face, A 2 ?

Problem 2 - Use Matlab or Mathematica to develop a program that reproduces Figure 5.4
and Figure 5.5.
Problem 3 - An ideal turbofan operates with a heat exchanger at its aft end.

ṁ a

ṁ a
core Q


bjc 5.15 1/4/10


The heat exchanger causes a certain amount of thermal energy Q (Joules/sec) to be transferred
from the hot core stream to the cooler fan stream. Let the subscript x refer to the heat exchanger.
Assume that the heat exchanger operates without any loss of stagnation pressure
$ x = $ x' = 1.0 and that both nozzles are fully expanded. Let ! x = T te  T t5 and
! x' = T te'  T t5' . The thrust is given by

T = ṁ a a 0 M 0 { ( U 6  U 0 – 1 ) + # ( U 6'  U 0 – 1 ) } (5.71)

where we have assumed f « 1 .

1) Derive an expression for T  ( ṁ a a 0 ) in terms of ! ", ! r, ! c, ! c', # and ! x, ! x' .


2) Write down an energy balance between the core and fan streams. Suppose an amount of heat
Q is exchanged. Let ! x = 1 – 6 where 6 = Q  ( ṁ a C p T t5 ) , Q > 0 . Show that

* !" !t +
! x' = 1 + ( ---------------) 6 . (5.72)
& #! r ! c''

3) Consider an ideal turbofan with the following characteristics.

T 0 = 216K ; M 0 = 0.85 ; ! " = 7.5 ; $ c = 30 ; $ c' = 1.6 ; # = 5 . (5.73)

Plot T  ( ṁ a a 0 ) versus 6 for 0 < 6 < 6 max where 6 max corresponds to the value of 6
such that the two streams are brought to the same stagnation temperature coming out of the heat
Problem 4 - The figure below shows a turbojet engine supplying shaft power to a lift fan.
Assume that there are no mechanical losses in the shaft but the clutch and gear box that
transfers power to the fan has an efficiency of 80%. That is, only 80% of the shaft power
is used to increase the enthalpy of the air flow through the lift fan. The air mass flow rate

1/4/10 5.16 bjc


through the lift fan is equal to twice the air mass flow rate through the engine
ṁ Lift Fan = 2ṁ a . The polytropic efficiency of the lift fan is 4 p Lift Fan = 0.9 and the air
flow through the lift fan is all subsonic. The flight speed is zero.
ṁ Lift Fan
ṁ P0 T 0
1 2 3 4 5 e

Lift box clutch
A1throat M=1

5 2
The ambient temperature and pressure are T 0 = 300K and P 0 = 1.01x10 N  M . The
turbine inlet temperature is T t4 = 1800K and $ c = 25 . Relevant area ratios are
A 2  A 4 = 15 and A 1throat  A 2 = 0.5 . Assume the compressor, burner and turbine all
operate ideally. The nozzle is a simple convergent design and stagnation pressure losses
due to wall friction in the inlet and nozzle are negligible. Assume f<<1. Let the nozzle area
be set so that P t5  P 0 = 3 .

1) Is there a shock in the inlet of the turbojet?

2) Determine the stagnation temperature and pressure ratio across the lift fan
T t3 LiftFan P t3 LiftFan
! Lift Fan = ------------------------- $ Lift Fan = ------------------------ (74)
T t2 LiftFan P t2 LiftFan

bjc 5.17 1/4/10


1/4/10 5.18 bjc

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