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Andrew Gilligan-INTERNET

From : Andrew Gdligan-INTERNET

Sent: 10 July 2003 06 58 PM
To : Richard Sambrook and PA, Mark Damazer, Kevin Marsh, 'rsambrookl @btinternet com' ;
Gavyn Davies, zzGreg zzDyke
Subject David Kelly

This is a note compiled from open sources about the man the MoD claims to be my source .

Dr Kelly has for many years been the British Government's pnnapal scientific adviser on biological and
chemical weapons. Mangold and Goldberg describe him as the "senior adviser on biological defence to
the MoD...a truly hard man ...quiet, persistent, well-informed, scientificatly indomitable and, in terms of
biological warfare knowledge, cannot be overtrumped" (Tom Mangold and Jeff Goldberg, "Plague Wars,"
p307 .) His knowledge of chemical warfare is described as less but stilt very substantial.

He is currently chief British inspector on the Iraq Survey Group .

His official job title is Chief Scientific Officer and Senior Adviser to the Non- Proliferation Department,
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and the Proliferation and Arms Control Secretariat, Ministry of
Defence. His salary is paid by the FCO .

Dr Kelly was one of three officiats who accompanied Jack Straw when Straw gave evidence to the
Foreign Affairs Committee about Iraq's WMD programmes on 25 September 2002, one day after
publication of the Blair dossier. Straw described Kelly to the Committee as "an adviser to the Foreign
Office ." Kelly said hardly anything, however; Straw did all the talking.

Today's FT quoted "Whitehall officials" as saying that "someone of Mr (sic) Ketly's rank would have
access to secret inte(hgence, but would probably onty have seen sanitised versions of reports that
omitted the identity of sources." The MoD told today's Telegraph it was "possible" that Dr Kelly had
seen the original intetLigence .

David Ketly is a microbiologist . Between 1984 and 1992 he was Head of Microbiology at the Chemical and
Biological Defence Estabhshment, Porton Down . He remains a Senior Feltow of the estabhshment (now
renamed the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory .)

Mangold and Goldberg descnbe Kelly as having "world-recognised expertise in every aspect of biotogical
warfare" and as "the West's teading biological warfare inspector" (Mangold, 135, 198) .

Between 1991 and 1998 Kelly was chief field inspector of UNSCOM, during which time he undertook 37
inspection missions in Iraq. He led both the first and the last BW inspections carried out by UNSCOM .

While in Iraq, Ketty was personally responsible for several significant discoveries . In 1995, he found that
Iraq had been expenmenting with smallpox . The same year he discovered that Saddam had developed a
radiation weapon by finding an area contaminated with zirconium .

In 1989, Kelly was the expert chosen by MI6 to debrief Vladimir Pasechmk, the first and most senior WMD
defector ever to come from the Soviet Union to the West . Kelly drew from Pasechmk information of
enormous importance, including the first admission that the USSR had systematically continued with BW,
despite signing the Biological Warfare Convention of 1972 and an admission of the enormous scale of the
programme . (Mangold, 91-3) .

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He also led a series of field inspections m the former Soviet Union between 1991 and 1994 under the
Trilateral Agreement of 1991 . During a visit to the formerly secret Soviet plant known as Vektor, Kelly
teased out of a junior employee the stunning admission that the USSR had weapomsed smallpox, the
world's most deadly biological agent.

Kelly makes occasional appearances in the press, most recently on 13 April 2003 when he told the
Sunday Times that Amr al-Saadi, the Iraq WMD frontman who had jiust handed himself in, "knew where
all the bodies were buried ...advised Saddam what he could get away with. "

On 10 November 2002, in the Chicago Tribune, he was described as a "senior adviser at the British MoD ."

23 October 2002, CBC (Canadian TV), describing Kelly as "a top British virologist and .. .adviser to the
British government," quoted him as saying that Iraq was not the greatest threat when it came to
smallpox .

Kelly has consistently said that leakage from the Russian BW programme is a greater threat than Iraq .
"Russia is the greatest threat, because Russia had a dedicated programme and a great understanding of
how you use smallpox as a volatile weapon," he told CBC .

On 18 October 2001, at the height of the US anthrax scares, Kelly told the Independent that if suspicion
falls on any one country as the source of the US anthrax "the obvious one is Russia, it's a league ahead
of Iraq ."

He also said that Iraq had "too much at stake" to take part in any terrorist action against the West.

He does, however, believe that Iraq had a WMD programme and had ambitions to further it. In April. 2001
Kelly, described as a "senior Whitehall official," told the Sunday Times that Saddam was seeking to
subvert a foot-and-mouth vaccine laboratory for BW use .

In 1997 The Times described Kelly as one of three "super-sleuths who uncovered enough biological
weaponry to wipe out the Earth" who, in the words of the BW guru Matt Meselson, "collectively deserve
a Nobel Prize."

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