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Supplement to Journal of The Association of Physicians of India ■ Published on 1st of Every Month 1st August, 2016 11

Pathophysiology of Atrial Fibrillation -

Current Concepts
Ashish Nabar1, Irshad Pathan2

The pathophysiology of AF has

Abstract been studied extensively and is a
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common supraventricular tachycardia subject of continuing research so
and its incidence increases with age. The pathophysiology of AF has been that better preventive and curative
therapies can be developed. The
studied extensively and is a subject of continuing research. The primary
onset and sustenance of AF involves
pathologic change seen in AF is progressive fibrosis of the atria and hence
focal atrial ectopic activity and
structural remodeling, is the mainstay in many forms of AF. Dilation of the
reentry mechanisms through the
atria can be due to almost any structural abnormality of the heart which
atrial tissue, a result of various
includes valvular heart disease, hypertension or congestive heart failure.
electrical and structural remodeling
Electrical remodeling promotes AF by acting on fundamental arrhythmia
processes. AF is a progressive
mechanism: focal ectopic activity and reentry. Rapidly firing foci initiating disease which in it itself may
paroxysmal AF arise most commonly from the atrial myocardial sleeves induce further structural changes
that extend into pulmonary veins. The evolution of AF from paroxysmal to and worsening of the underlying
persistent to permanent forms through atrial remodeling can be caused disease (ventricular function), thus
by the arrhythmia itself and/or progression of underlying heart disease. creating a vicious circle. 3
The development of functional reentry substrates contribute to persistent
A patient who presents for the
AF. AF-related reentry is currently thought to occur through two main first time with symptomatic AF is
concepts: (1) the leading- circle concept and (2) spiral wave reentry. The considered as first diagnosed AF.
multiple wavelets hypothesis, particularly in advanced structural and Clinically, recurrent AF is classified
electrical remodelling are present, maintains AF survival, causing the based on presentation and duration
most frequent common final pathway in sustained AF. of the episodes (Table 1).
AF may be asymptomatic and
recorded on incidental ECG, Holter
Introduction study or cardiac implantable

A trial fibrillation (AF) is a

supraventricular tachycardia
characterized electrically by a
chaotic atrial activation and a
resultant mechanically ineffective
atrial contraction. Due to a
variable number of the total (>300
bpm) atrial impulses conducting
through the atrioventricular
node, the ventricular (heart) rate
tends to be fast and irregular.
Epidemiologically, it is the most
common arrhythmia encountered
in clinical practice, affecting about
2% to 3% of the population. The
number of new cases each year Fig. 1: ECG showing Atrial Fibrillation with Fast Ventricular Tachycardia
increases with age, such that it
affects about 8% of the peopleover
the age of 80 years. AF was first Cardiac Electrophysiologist, Arrhythmia Associates, Visiting Cardiologist, Seth GS Medical College and KEM

Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra; 2Senior Resident, Department of Cardiology, Seth GS Medical College and
documented by ECG in 1909 by KEM Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Thomas Lewis (Figure 1). 1,2
12 Supplement to Journal of The Association of Physicians of India ■ Published on 1st of Every Month 1st August, 2016

Table 1: Classification of atrial disease (such as mitral stenosis, Electrical remodeling promotes
fibrillation mitral regurgitation, and tricuspid AF by acting on fundamental
AF category Defining characteristics regurgitation), hypertension or arrhythmia mechanism: focal
Paroxysmal Continuous AF that stop on congestive heart failure. Also, any ectopic activity and reentry. In
its own and lasts <48 hours inflammatory state that affects the this context two principles gained
Persistent Continuous AF that last heart can cause fibrosis of the atria. attention: factors triggering the
more than 7 days and
requires cardioversion For example, sarcoidosis or an onset and factors perpetuating AF.
Long- Episodic Persistent AF autoimmune disorder that creates Ectopic focal discharges often
standing known for >1 year autoantibodies against myosin initiate AF. Rapidly firing foci
persistent heavy chains can cause atrial initiating paroxysmal AF arise
Permanent AF episode more than 1
inflammation and subsequent atrial most commonly from the atrial
year duration (accepted or
therapy failure) fibrosis. Recently, mutation of the myocardial sleeves that extend
lamin AC gene has been found to be i n t o p u l m o n a r y v e i n s . At r i a l
electronic device episode log
associated with fibrosis of the atria myocardial fibres are oriented
(pacemaker or cardioverter-
that can lead to atrial fibrillation. in disparate directions, and
defibrillator ), when it is referred
to as silent AF. Dilated atria leads to the possess unique anatomical and
activation of the renin aldosterone electrophysiological features for
In addition to the above AF
angiotensin system (RAAS) and their arrhythmogenic nature. The
categories, the American Heart
subsequent increase in deposition r e l a t i ve l y d e p o l a r i z e d r e s t i n g
A s s o c i a t i o n ( A H A) d e s c r i b e s
of matrix metalloproteinases and p o t e n t i a l s i n p u l m o n a r y ve i n
additional AF categories based on
disintegrin in the atrial walls. myocyte promote sodium channel
underlying related disease. 4
RAAS further initiates multiple cell inactivation and to the abrupt
Lone AF: AF occurs in absence signaling cascades that promote changes in fiber orientation and
of clinical or echocardiographic increased intracellular calcium, thus favors reentry. These myocytes
findings of other cardiovascular apoptosis, cytokine release and also demonstrate abnormal
disease causing left atrial (LA) inflammation, oxidative stress, automaticity and triggered activity
enlargement or related pulmonary and production of growth-related that could promote rapid focal
disease. factors that also stimulate fibrosis, firing. Although the pulmonary
Nonvalvular AF: AF in absence as well as possible modulation of ion veins are the most common sites
of rheumatic mitral valve disease, channel and gap-junction dynamics. for ectopic focal triggers, they can
a prosthetic heart valve, or mitral Angiotensin II, angiotensin- also arise elsewhere, including
valve repair. c o n ve r t i n g e n z y m e [ A C E ] , a n d the posterior LA, ligament of
Secondary AF: AF occurs in the aldosterone which are components Marshall, coronary sinus, venae
setting of a primary condition of RAAS are synthesized locally cavae, septum, and appendages. 7
that may be the cause of AF, such in the atrial myocardium and The evolution of AF from
as acute myocardial infarction, are increased during AF. 5 This paroxysmal to persistent to
cardiac surgery, pericarditis, leads to atrial remodeling and permanent forms through atrial
myocarditis, hyperthyroidism, fibrosis, with loss of atrial muscle remodeling can be caused by
pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, mass. These changes are not the arrhythmia itself and/or
or other acute pulmonary disease. sudden, experimental studies progression of underlying heart
have demonstrated that patchy disease. Atrial electrical properties
Pathophysiology of AF atrial fibrosis may precede the are modified by affecting expression
occurrence of AF andis progressive. and function of ion-channels,
Structural remodeling: Reactive interstitial fibrosis pumps, and exchangers, thus a
Structural remodeling, particularly separates muscle bundles, whereas reentry prone substrate is created
fibrosis, is the mainstay in many reparative fibrosis replaces dead which promotes arrhythmia.
forms of AF. The primary pathologic cardiomyocytes, interfering with This concept is known as atrial
change seen in AF is progressive electric continuity and slowing remodeling and was first tested
fibrosis of the atria. This fibrosis conduction. Fibroblasts can couple in animal models showing that
is primarily due to atrial dilation. electrically to cardiomyocytes and long-term rapid atrial pacing or
Dilation of the atria can be due to when increased in number, promote maintenance of AF favors the
almost any structural abnormality reentry and/or ectopic activity. occurrence and maintenance of AF
of the heart that can cause a rise Fibrosis causes paroxysmal AF (‘AF Begets AF’). 8 The development
in the pressure within the heart. progression to permanent forms. 6 of functional reentry substrates,
This includes valvular heart
Triggers for Atrial Fibrillation: which are reversible on AF
Supplement to Journal of The Association of Physicians of India ■ Published on 1st of Every Month 1st August, 2016 13

A B (RP) and/or a slowed conduction

velocity (CV) are the main
mechanisms contributing to the
perpetuation of either one or
multiple reentrant circuits. The
Early Afterdepolarization (EAD) Delayed Afterdepolarization (DAD)
electrical and structural remodeling
Fig. 2: Focal ectopy / triggered process promotes shortening of
activity. (A) EAD based on refractoriness of atrial tissue and
prolonged repolarisation; thereby decreases the wavelength
(B) DAD based on altered (WL) of reentry-circuits. The WL is
Ca2+-handling the product of the refractory period
(RP) and the conduction velocity
termination (reverse remodeling)
(CV) [WL = RP×CV].
contribute to persistent AF. As atrial
disease progresses to irreversible Fig. 3: Leading circle concept. AF-related reentry is currently
structural changes, AF becomes Activity in form of a reentry thought to occur through two main
permanent. 9 circuit establishes itself in concepts: (i) the leading- circle
a smallest possible loop concept and (ii) spiral wave reentry.
Potential mechanics for ectopic that permits the wave These mechanisms may underlie
firing (trigger): The resting to propagate. Inside the
AF perpetuation once continuously
potential of normal atrial cell is leading circle, multiple
impulses propagating firing sources or triggers such as
maintained by high resting K +
centripetally render the the PVs are eliminated. 13
permeability through the inward
core tissue refractory and Leading Circle concept: (Figure 3)
rectifier K + current (IK1). Although
extinguish The mechanism involves a reentrant
normal human atrial cells also
manifest pacemaker current closed during diastole but can open activity which is functional and
(If ), it is overwhelmed by much if they are functionally defective exists without the need of an
larger IK1, and does not manifest or if the sarcoplasmic reticulum is anatomical obstacle. The shorter the
automaticity. Enhanced automaticity Ca2 + overloaded. When one Ca2 + wavelength, the larger the number
is caused by changes in this balance ion is released during diastole, it of simultaneous reentry circuits
resulting from decreased (IK1) and/ is exchanged for three extracellular that the atria can accommodate.
or enhanced (If). 10 Na+ ions by the Na+- Ca2+ exchanger, Conversely, increasing wavelength
causing a net depolarizing inward reduces the number of possible
Early afterdepolarizations (EAD)
positive-ion movement (called circuits. This reentry circuit makes
(Figure 2) involve abnormal
transient inward current [Iti]) that smallest possible loop that allows
secondary cell membrane
underlies DADs. Congestive heart the wave to propagate. Inside the
depolarizations during
failure, one of the most common leading circle, multiple impulses
repolarization phases. EAD are
causes ofAF, produces atrial cell propagating centripetally render
caused mainly by action potential
Ca2 + overload and DADs. 12 the core tissue refractory and
duration (APD) prolongation. This
extinguish. Conversely, centrifugal
allows L-type Ca2+ current (ICaL) to Reentry-Maintenance of
propagation of impulses at the
recover from inactivation, leading AF: Reentry requires a suitable
leading edge of the leading circle
to inward movement of Ca2 + ions vulnerable substrate, as well as a
depolarizes adjacent tissue as fast
causing EAD. EADs caused by trigger, that acts on the substrate.
as possible. 14
atrial APD prolongation underlies Such substrates can be caused
the increased prevalence of AF by altered electrical properties Spiral wave Reentry: (Figure 4)
in congenital long-QT syndrome (functional reentry) or by fixed A spiral wave rotating around
patients. 11 structural changes (anatomical a microreentrant circuit adapts
reentry). Numerous cardiac a shape of a rotor. Reentry is
Delayed afterdepolarizations
conditions may cause structural the result of periodic activity
(DAD) (Figure 2) are caused by
substrates for reentry, basically of a stable, meandering self-
abnormal diastolic release of
mediated by atrial enlargement sustained uninterrupted spiral
Ca2 + from sarcoplasmic reticulum
a n d f i b r o s i s . At r i a l d i m e n s i o n wave reentry. A premature ectopic
stores. Specialized sarcoplasmic
affects the amount of tissue that can activity within the atrium initiates
reticulum Ca2 + channels (called
accommodate reentry circuits and a wavefront, which collides
ryanodine receptors [RyRs]) release
makes long pathways available. with the previous sinus beat
Ca2 + in response to transmembrane
A s h ort en e d r e fr a ct ory p e r i od which is in its refractory and
Ca2 + entry. RyRs are normally
14 Supplement to Journal of The Association of Physicians of India ■ Published on 1st of Every Month 1st August, 2016

obstacles such as orifices or scar rapid atrial activity. Suppression of

tissue. 15 autonomic signaling may contribute
M u l t i p l e wa ve l e t h y p o t h e s i s / to the efficacy of Pulmonary Vein-
multiple circuit reentry: When a directed ablation procedures for
wa ve f r o n t c o l l i d e s w i t h i s l e t s AF. 17
or strands of refractory tissue, Tachycardiomyopathy: Atrial
it divides and fractionates into contraction contributes ~ 20% of
independent and eventually l e f t ve n t r i c u l a r s t r o k e v o l u m e
unstable daughter wavelets. These at rest. Loss of atrial contraction
daughter wavelets show a very may markedly decrease cardiac
r a p i d a c t i v i t y w i t h a va r i a b l e output, particularly when
and very short cycle length, may diastolic ventricular filling
divide again, fuse, block, collide is impaired by mitral stenosis,
D E F with each other and/or extinguish hypertension, hypertrophic
when encountering refractory cardiomyopathy (HCM), or
tissue (functional block) or sites restrictive cardiomyopathy.
Fig. 4: Spiral wave model. Top: A of slow conduction. As long as The effects of AF on ventricular
schematic illustration of number of wavefronts does not function and the consequences
the activation (with arrows) decline below a critical level, the of LV dysfunction on the atria
and repolarisation (inner multiple wavelets will sustain lead to a vicious circle, with AF
curvature without arrows) the tachyarrhythmia, particularly promoting ventricular dysfunction,
front of a meandering when advanced structural and ventricular dysfunction causing
self-sustained spiral
electrical remodelling processes are atrial remodeling changes that
wave rotating around a
microreentrant circuit present, maintaining its survival. promote AF. Hemodynamic
(dotted circle). Bottom: This causes the most frequent consequences of AF can result
Various trajectories of common final pathway in sustained from a variable combination
the spiral wave. Of note, AF. 16 of suboptimal ventricular rate
these trajectories produce control, loss of coordinated atrial
irregular local activation Neural / Autonomic Nervous
System: Parasympathetic contraction, beat-to-beat variability
pattern and frequency. A:
Circular; B: Hypocycloidal; stimulation causes vagal discharge in ventricular filling. 18
C: Epicycloidal; D: which enhances acetylcholine- The pathophysiological
Hypermeandering; E: d e p e n d e n t K + c u r r e n t ( I K ACh) , mechanism of tachycardiomyopathy
Cycloidal; F: Linear reducing atrial action potential is the combination of left ventricle
recovery period. The propagation duration and refractoriness, systolic dysfunction inducing a
o f t h e e c t o p i c wa ve f r o n t m a y increasing the susceptibility to complex neurohumoral response
collide and block the edge of reentry mechanism. Sympathetic and the cardiomyocyte calcium
not-recovered refractory tissue. stimulation causes β-adrenoceptor ion disturbances caused by rapid
When the refractory tissue regains a c t i va t i o n i n c r e a s e s d i a s t o l i c electrical ventricular activation.
excitability, it is activated by the Ca2 + leak and promotes DAD by Neurohormonal activation due
premature wavefront, generating hyperphosphorylating RyR2s, to low cardiac output, results
a curve continuously following which promotes automaticity in marked elevations of plasma
the recovery front until a complete a n d t r i g g e r e d a c t i v i t y . At r i a l catecholamines, atrial natriuretic
revolution is achieved. The point, s y m p a t h e t i c h y p e r i n n e r va t i o n peptide, rennin and aldosterone
where excited and refractory occurs in persistent AF patients. levels; further worsening the left
tissues collide is called the “phase Au t o n o m i c n e u r a l r e m o d e l i n g ventricular function. Prolonged
singularity”. The radius of the contributes to positive feedback sympathetic activation leads to
wavefront curvature decreases loops that promote AF persistence adrenergic receptor density and
towards the vortex of the rotor and recurrence. Plexi of autonomic function disturbances, ion channel
where conduction velocity is very ganglia that constitute the intrinsic dysfunction, and degenerative
high. These rotors are also thought cardiac autonomic nervous system changes in cardiomyocytes. These
to act as periodic background foci are located in epicardial fat near processes end in a loss of structural
generating wavefronts, which may the pulmonary vein-LA junctions i n t e g r i t y a n d i n l e f t ve n t r i c l e
break up into multiple wavelets and the ligament of Marshall. enlargement. 19
when encountering anatomical Stimulation of the ganglia in Thromboembolism: AF
animals elicits repetitive bursts of
Supplement to Journal of The Association of Physicians of India ■ Published on 1st of Every Month 1st August, 2016 15

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