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SErrmors Milner-SEC

Froraz : Gavvn Caves

Sent : 27 June 2003 11 52
To: 'ryde~9parliament u'z', zzFabian fd~onds-PRNATE, Lisa Kelsc;'irene acyams@weir co uk';
'gji509dial .pipex com, 'ranflt.sCTuKcnline co .ur<', 'hoggs@parliament uk',
'dgleesonQmlgleeson .com', zzDermotGleeson, zzDame Pauline Neolte-Jones ; ?uth
Deecn-INTERNET ; 'angela sark!s@btin'ernet corn', Simon lViilner-SEC ; Catnenne East;
Helen Tuniey, 'r m ;onesgbanaor ac .uk'
Subject : The Campbell Row

Dear Governors

I rhougnt that you might like a quick up-date on the row wnich Alastair Campoell has caused in the la st two days about
tne B BC's Iraq coverage . This has not been a pleasant couc'e of days, as you may well ,magire!

Stnppe : o; all ,he surrouna ;ng rnetoria, Camobell has made -two seoarate accusations agairs : the BBC . These are

ne BBC's overall coverage o` ti-i= war was biased agarns : the government, and was tilted m `avou r of those vvho
Tosed the war. During the conflict itself, the B3C over-emp^assed s'.ones wnich suggested that th e vvar v.,as going
]IV . Foliowing the success of the milr.ary campa gn, the BBC the-) acemi to snow chat the Prim a Mrnisier had
,can the nation into the war on false pretences . _

2. The BBC, manly in the guise of Anarew G iligan, nas accused No 70 of sexing uo" the first dossier on Iraqi
w eapons puol sned last year. Th ;s is a 'he by the BBC ard oy Andrew Gilligan By repeating these sanes, the BBC is n
e fect accusing the Prime Mrr:s-,er and cthers o` ymg

These two accusanons arc currently being ,handled by Greg, Richard Sa-norooK and others in the management team
I have Dean in close con:aot with *,-)am to e ;s.ire t7a ; thEy are .handling the ma-,tar appropria:ely, whJe leavng room for
the Governors .o adludica'e on tne matter later if necessary .

!n my mind, the two accusations need to be viewed seoarareiy from the Governors' point of vlew. TI-9 firs : o an
accusation of generai bias We have already in effec`. refuted this claim in our conclusio^.s aoout the war coverage in
recent board meetings, and m the Annual Peoart. 1 therefore feel comfortable in saying that the Governors have
altready refecred this blanket assault on the BBC's impartialay,

Or. '.he second aecusauon, trie Govarnors have noc formed a specific opinion in the first instance, it ,s up to
managemerr to -eoiy to the cnnque as they see fit . I have -told Greg and nionard to taK.e great care to ensure 'nat in
eply tney give, they can completely substantiate everything they say, and must not justify ine BBC's ear9sr actio^s
~~ss :'rey are on fsrm around . They f ..lly accept ms, and are aa"aare that a subseaaent complaint by Campbell, or a
, general enquiry, could result in ,he Govemors forming aludgment on whetner theyhave acted appropnately. I
.ery optimistic that tney will indeed act aporopr,at ;ly, cut I am also aware that I need, on your benalf, to keep some
uistance from ina at tFie present tirne .

I believe chat Greg and ,Richard are IiKely to reply to Cal ?beli :ccay. I will se-id you tneir rep y as soon as it ;s

No 10 is currently iaunch .ng a i~, .l: fro- tal assavlt against the BBC's imoaruality and indspende~ce . I hope yo-, will
agree that the big picture indicates tnat the Governors must reject tn!s a`temor to bully the BBC . However, we must
ieave some room for, eaching an indeperdent judgment on the benavour o' :he news divslor, should rhis become
ne,cessarv at e, later date.

P;ease ring or e-mail me if yo, would f .e to dc so or a^y aspec : of this matter .

Best wishes

G avy+n

,g"~~t 1 q' ~ ~0 8 3

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